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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1920)
"The Shasta" A New Train to .; California The Shasta" It n all standard aleeptng car train without excess fare. . f Leaves Portland at 4:00 P. M. Arrive. San FrancUco 10:00 P. M. following evening. Improved Sleeping Car Service San Francisco and Los Angeles ... ... R..utt tralna handle through atandard sleeping cara A" Sh"ea.Ue Tacon... and Portland to San Franciaco. Through atandard Bleeping car 'to Los Angela, Leaves Portland at 8:40 A. M. Arrives Loa Angeles 8:15 A. M. aecond morning. Winter Excursion Tickets are on aale to Houtheru California n iifnrnia'. bright and warm sunshine will help you take on a C, least of ffe Spend the wintry daya beside aummery -Sporty golf courses or well kept tennis courts: motor "r'.ndld highway.; theae and many other outdoor pleas ures await you In Sunny Calllornla. HtFR on request "California for the Tourist." a new . booklet graphically describing the different reaorta. loauire of local agent for fares, routes, aleeping car reserva 4 tiona and train aervlce, or write Southern Pacific Lines JOHN M. SCOTT. General Pasaeuger Agent. Portland, Oregon. Jitney Driver Halts Search For Body Win. Pemberton, I lltaer driver, halted local young a premature urea tor his dead body Monday morning by showing up very much illve afler creating considerable ex elienient In the community. Mr. f.mberton. who recently started a Jitney line In tbls city, waa ap proached last night by a Btranger who anted to be taken to Wilbur. They left early In the evening and were seen going througn Win cheater. At an early hour yesterday morning he had not returned to Koaeburg and his parents became worried. They telephoned various placea, but at no place could any trace of him be found. Fearing foul play they notified Hberltf Qulne wlio Immediately started a search wblcb failed to reveal any trace of the young man or the auto. Immediately the officers came to the conclusion that the passenger had killed the driver, had hidden the body and :aken the car. Parties were Instruct- CLASSIFIED COLUMN ALL NICW CLASSIFIED ADVKHTIMBHUNT9 WILL BB POUND ON LAST PAUH UNDER BKABINO "NJBW TODAY." WANTED. TOL'NO MAN Desires board and room in prlvattw family. P. O. Uox Vantkd Tumeva. largo or amall. WaNTKIj Any kind of work or odd Job by th hour, man of eipvrlem-ti. Wm. Wood, Hi rilitrldan. CJo Koach. HuKSK -K3. TASTUHK WANTKU Phona WANTED I-ady with ium experience would llkn puiitlun a chambermaid. Phon 3b-U - WANTKH Wood pasture for horse, will pay good Address 11. f.t care News-Review. WOOD FOR 8AL.B Inquire at Patter on itiBtfa. r OK HAl.b; 1U hi win apples, fi per uox. juayr lower, plioua Ur. m. i . oruuioru, tu-r. IfOR 8AMQ 8 -room house on Mill St., $1500. Write J. II. Kedlfer. Drain. Or! FOK HAL.K Good, sound team t and 7 years, weight about Z&U lbs., J. V, Bonebrake, Camas Valley. FOK BALK Oaod team of Work horses. $5e If taken -it jw.m. lu-iuire at 1-4 street, or tnani via. FOH KaLp Thoroughbred Duroc sow with pigs e weeks old. W. l. Heas, iiour, j re. ruoii 04-v a, ItV A NT EI A n experienced stenogra pher. Address at once P. O. Mux eUs iur appointment. MaN WANTED to.are proposition; 3 acres fltiMt frarden soil, two tulles from Roseburg; most modera country htm In the raunty, bath, toilet, hot and cold water, etc.; a real oppor tunity for the right mas. Apply Lawrence-Cordon Company, 12ft Case tret. PLone 319. T1UHKR LANlJS WANTHD About 1,000.000 ft. R. K. ties, and 1.000,009 ft. telephone and telegraph poles, alio merchantable timber, large quantities, on or near water trans portation for foreign market. Give full deeurlptlon, particulars, price and Com. nret letter. C. B. flu 1 tier, III Mills BidR.. Kan Francisco. FOK RENT. FOR RRNT-rurnlshed rooms. UT Parrott tit. Inquire OR RKNT Unfurnished rooms. 24 rarroi Bt. Ftm nl&NT KRfety lepiaTt boxaa, '0H HKNT Varnished room with tiivllAm of bath. 401 ft Main fit. foh TiBNT Mtngle room, gentleman ynitrrfq. IliQUlre 2A1 0. JacKSOH- tR RENT FurnMbed bouaeeplng imriiis ana Sleeping roonta. HhUrg Apartmenta, Mala and fuR RKNT tlore rnnm tlx 4 a tVelT mon d-airaMe location In town. Rent APPiF iwrenoe-Cordon Com- VH" , l it i Phone 11 MIM'I I. A MMitu TAlImiNa drMmmaklng of all kinds. Inm-M. 6 .'8 8. fialn. kr7fVTAfTT.-year rorel iir-aA1'1 ,oan. low tntereat rate. 1S I oral rooneT to loan ad mmnA FCu HAL.E) Apples and cider delivers In town. Phuue 2S-F2. I it. SHlnna Bona. pXJH HALR Wilson Or Uold Dollar strawberry plants will deliver In noaoDorg. rea uiiiara. FORfeALVWhole or half lnter-st In aaw mill, ready for work, good tlui- uer. AO.ireee J. A.. Newe-Kevlew. FOK SAL.Q Thoroughbred Iuroc brood sow; also 3 Chester White Doars. i weeaa old. Mrs. ltommanh Shambrook's Lane, West Kusebuig. I . KJ, tWM. 1MJ FOR BALK 6. C. Rhode Island cocker els; 1 bull oair, Hereford and Dur ham. Phone 33-F25. Addreas Plne- oreat Farm Ixonyllleregoii. Fort flALftroduc'Ove hverbearlng strawberry plants. The kind that oeara. it per ioo id Iota of 600 up. Small orflera, $S per 100. B. U. Mat wiewa. Looking Ola 9a Ore. FOR HAIA6 3000 ft. 144-Inch second- Koneburg. Koaeburg hand pipe In good condition, 12 cents per root i. o. b. Koneburg. Plumbing and Heating Co. LOfcTT Taken from high aohool build Ing Friday evening, lady's black neck scan, rinaer please return to News Review offloe. or phone 101-J. FOR HA1.H e year old saddle mare, broke to work, weight 1100, lfr hands nign, trim bunt, clean limbed, or will trad for sheep or milch goats. Box iiZ4, itoseburg. Phone 38-F2. FOK sAIjH Incubators, six KO-egg Old Trustys, two 120-egg McClana han, all In good shape. Price $12.00 wen. i want in nuy larger ones. c. A. Parkett. Canyonvllle. Oregon. 8m M. 'ai estata iMrst mortgage -- ui nice m Kirji JERSEY HlTTT eligible for registry. Fiii . ' u ,n advance. T. A. ""WI""'M'W aaajOiaVWW liul i.wn?r ral1 News-Review Jy- coat of ad- ron RAI.K 8AI.E-.Thr-- u-... ' i-Ti,';r""tlT.d. from for- ' hai.v t7..r ..vrr- T ,r.r, houar'htild muvloa away. I'bon. '' SATpri-TT , r 'ifk "'""uanorwl Nubian H S V,.:. L.ra"... J- B. Ja. V.?n:- Inqulr. .f LI. ..u,h oivr I .. M.t.. - . . . ftnl- 'niluria ra.h r-l. HolllD . A. Williams. POR BAI.H IS Va acrM of orchard land; 11 aor tn apples. N.wtown Pippins and BpHxntiras; 1 aw. In fam, I aerts In tlmbor; t lota In 10 nwi: orlo titOOO. rtutnerlla. or.. F. 8. Wilson, CoOltHRHijJ FOR SAI.B From high praaunng strain oi Dirari, wniti Plrmoutb Rooks and Whit. Irca Aorns. Am booklna ord.ra now for day old rhloks. Rag's for hatching In Mason. A. . Hunt, 22b Jackson St- noMDurf, ur.gtin. FORDS FOR 8A1.K Touring. Is modrl. A -1 shape, thr.. new tlr.n, .hock absorbers, speedometer, good looker, I32&.00. Claney Kurd bug. Just com pleted, overhauled and tn A-l condi tion. Tou will fall for this on.. Call at sal a. Htephens. .i50.oo. FOR BAI.H Ranch of SlO acres, also ranch of tA acres, or both together, as taey Join, and ar. good stack raache.1 also 9:ia acres fjr tlruber. Vargaib tl taken aoon. anqulr. of Rarrngr A Wllaon, Olondala. Ore., or w. rt. Hrrrrag... abkiml. ura. Wai.ia.v rnirsm trmbs at '..s pef Ida and up. Thro, sizes to select from. P.algr4 pbknts In "Tr.bla." tb. greatasl cotnrnerclal canning atrawoarrr rat Introduocd aold at 11. per 1000. Oth.r standard varla tlea at 17 a.r lovo. W. aell all yarl. Uea of trm and plants. Sug.a. Nuraerlea, Huaen.. Oreaon. " rrMh i, -in Jr'.-.. fTT Jn l win law. cara N.wa- FOR HAI.B- -Big snap, in acres beauti fully situated: best prune atHCtlon In state: zu minutes walk to Myrtle Oeek and high school; 20 miles to . Roseburg on highway; 15 acres 1-year-old prunes: 7 acrea full bearing applea. family orchard; 4a acres In crop. 12 to be planted; new fiowo plastered bungalow, garage and out buildings; 91200 worth personal prop erty. For quick sal. will aacrlflc. v.rythlng for lit. per acr.. For particular, writ. O. C. Ragan, Boa 111, afyrtla Cre.k, Oregon. rd to drag tha TJmpqua Rlwr near the bridge. Sheriff all over th atata of Oregon were siren a day eeiiptlon of the car and the whole state was becoming aroused, wnen Pemberton calmly piloted his mach ine down Jackson street unconcloua of the stir he had created. Ha had spent the night at Jim Short's place and had railed to notiry anyone oi the fact. o Buys Tract in N. Curry Estate The Bogard Real Estate Company yesterday disponed of a twenty acre tract of the N. Curry estate to C. Common, a new arrival here from Vancouver, B. C. Mr. Common has moved hia family to this city, and will atart at once erecting a new and modern home on hla land. He will engage In diversified farming, and la much pleased with Douglas County and the soli conditions here. The Curry estate is rapidly becom ing a new suburban district of Rose burg. Since the estate was platted and placed on the market through the Bogard Company, over 218 acres have been sold in twenty and forty acre lota. The purchasers of Ihia land have erected homes or are plan ning to begin aoon. A large portion of Ihe acreage Is planted lo prunes, peara and berries. While the de velopment of the Curry estate waa partially an experiment on the part of the owners. It haa proved to be a successful one, and has done much to bring new families to Douglas County, to take up their residence o Zone Meeting Is Well Attended The Zone educational meeting held at Oakland Saturday was a very well attended affair and a great deal of Interest waa taken. On account of the storm many teachers In out' lying districts were prevented from attending. Talks were made on letter Knglish, Club Work and Standartizatlon. A discussion was also held on school problems. The schools in the Oakland vicinity are trying bard to reach the standard requirements and all will probubly do so In the very near future, o NOTICE OF TKACHEIW EXA.Ml NATION. Notice Is hereby given that the County of Douglas, Oregon, will hold the regular examlnationa of applt rants for State Certlflcatea at the high school building In Koaeburg, as follows: Commencing Wednesday, December 15, 1920, at nine o'clock a. ui., and continuing until Saturday, December 18. 1920, at 4 o'clock p. lu. Wednesday Forenoon. U. S. History, Writlns, Music, Drawing, Wetlnestlny Afternoon. Physiology, Reading, Manual Training, Composition, Domestic Science, Methods In Reading, Course of Study for Drawing, Methods in Arithmetic. Thurwlny Forenoon. Arithmetic, History of Education. Psychology, Methods in Geography, Mechanical Drawing, Domestic Art, Course of Study for Domestic Art. ThurmlMy Afternoon. Grammar, Geography. Stenography, American Literature, Physics. Type writing, Methods In Language, Thesis for Primary Certificate. r tidily Forenoon. Theory and Practice, Orthography (Spelling), Physical Geography. Eng lish Literature, ChemlBtry. Friday Afternoon. School Law, Geology, Algebra Civil Government. Saturday Forenoon. Geometry, Botany. Hatnrday Afternoon. General History, Bookkeeping. O. C. BROWN, w County School Supt. fi . We sell Christmas cards, and books. Subscriptions for magazines solicited, fiction Library. ei.M. "I Marvelou Prescription For Stomach Distress Rejoice and sl r """T ol n.rvoua wreck! and dyspeptic I Mo mora will you have to exclaim In that hopeless tone, "Oh! my pool, old stomach." , J For your druggist haa a prescription h.t turn, old atomacha Into new one! and sour stomachs Into aweet ones li Then-'a happy daya ahead for yol and your poor old flabby tlred-oul stomach If you Juat won t b. obatlnat.l Just go to your drucglst today an aay, want a box of Ul-O-Na Tab i . And lust take on. or two tablot with or after mcale for a few day and then If you don't aKr with ul 7u.. ui-n-Na Is a marvelous precrli' I tlon you may have your money baekj We'll V v. It to our .ene. of falrncul whet'.er ibat's a e.iuare ileal or not. reiirtvi omacil breatl a tritj ui-n.M.. Tablets promptly r.llv( krirhlnv. heavlnewe. pain In stomac Heartburn, wur etoinach. foul riT--.-A tontrue. Hive them and chuckle with plcauie UI-O-NI ta sold by leading druggists every whirl. W. F. Chapman, IrtlgKit. Masonic Blilg. ! Ht0ME( tmmmca hishomO Ends Catarrh or money luck. Just breathe it in. Outfit includes inhaler, i Extra bottle at all druggists. MICKIE SAYS CM SOUN , WAX!!, NOO ftua'sA ABE 00U4 ViDCLe ABOUT Wvniu'V new. eoweu vJTvOns u MWAjiefct -vUfXrr rJb.VTW PES. US' d 9jEVM OCX STATEUS.VKe SRSttTPl swat op w viow b-ocHM Millions for a New Stomach One of the greatest American milllna alree said to bla pbysician. A million dollars. Doctor, spot cash and no grum bling, for a new stomach," and then the rick man groaned and turned away. All his wealth could not make him bappj or contented, for happiness large ly depends upon digestion. Without health where does happineas come inf After all the stomarij plays a great part in ereryday life. Without a healthy stomach and good digestion our blood la thin, watery and iour, our heart action hi weak, our liver does not do Its duty, and man Is miserable and unhappy. Prevent diaeaiie by putting the house in order and strenKthetiing the system against the germs ( disease. Dr. Pierce, of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Inntitule, at Buffalo, K. Y yean ago understood diseases and their prevention, and he discovered certain roots and herbs which were nature's remedies, and succeeded In putting them op in a form that could be easily pro cured at the drug store (liquid or tablets). This he ailed Dr. Piurce's Golden Medical Divoverr. This Din eorery gives no false stimulation be aaose It contains no alcohol or any nar cotic. It helps digestion and the as similation of such elements in the food an are required for the blood. It gives to the blood the food elements the tis sues require. For over fifty years It enjoyed the confidence af the atwierifin public Try it aovl 1 , To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Grove's Laxative Bromo Quinine tablets Be sure its BroniO loss-. The genuine bears this signature 30c. ANCIENT AND MODERN LIGHT Oaara of Electricity Today Read With a Smile of the "Link Boy" of Old England. A coTiple of centuries ago permanent street IlKlits In Hie lurge cities of the world were almost unknown. In M England "link linys," currying torc!vs, were hired hy gentlemen lo Unlit Hie way for them nlien they went out In the evening In I-mnlon. When' lamp posts were placed In Ihe city streets the link hoys' occupation wns gone. With progress of time Innfcrns light ed by randies or by oil were succeeded by gaa or by electric lights. Kverv city of the civilized world normally haa Its principal streets lighted at night, and the link boy today la as su perfluous as the sedan chair. In a similar way Ihe famous rare. of the world, such as the Mammoth cave of Kentucky and l.nrny cavern In Virginia were formerly lighted by enndlea carried by gulitea who con ducted travelers. I!nt today practical. ly all these subterranean places that are visited by sightseers nre equipped with electric llghta. snd Instead of car rying a bag of randies Ihe guide mere ly turns on or nit a series of electric witches ai $5.00 Stock Is Selling Fast Roseburg and Douglas County people have invested to date something: like $71,000.00 in our profit-making institution. These people have faith in our inventions and realize that we have an exceptionally good invest- ment where they will receive more than a mere rentol on their money. Our company is so far composed entirely of Douglas County men and women therefore every dollar you invest with us is benefitting a home institution and yourself. ( ' , Automatic Electric Brake Company is now actually into production making brakes. We have about one hund red brakes ready for the installation of the armatures, and we will be re ceiving these from the factory in the east in a very few days. We are practically ready to take orders for the sale of brakes and shortly after January 1st, 1921, will be in a position to supply the increasing demand for our product. On November 22, we took over the machinery, tools, etc., in the factory building at the corner of Kast 7th and Hancock streets, Portland, Oregon, and our assets in machinery, tools, now amount to ap proximately $-15,000.00. Liberty Bonds Taken at Actual Value The following letter from the Miami Trailer Company shows that they have adopted our brake as part of their standard equipment: Troy, Ohio, November 8, 1020. Mr. R. Z. Farmer, co Automatic Klectric ISrake Company, Portland, Ore. Dear Sir: I trust that the following information relative to the tests made with our trailers equipped with your brakes, will prove of interest to you. These tests were made on an 8'j per cent grade under very adverse weather and road conditions. The Automatic Electric Brake acting on two 36x6 inch wheels controlled a load of from 1 1,000 to 19,000 pounds, performing perfectly at all speeds, and handling the load much better and quicker than is possible with hand or foot brakes. As a result of the sat isfactory showing these brakes have made, we have adopted the automatic electric brake for use on our trailers, as standard equipment. Yours very truly, THE MIAMI TRAILER COMPANY, " V. A. Kali!, Engineer. We Suggest Our Stock for Christmas Lots of money has been made by investing in companies with" much smaller possibilities than we have. We have shown you facts concerning the earning power of some carefully selected investments, also the records of profits made by some industrial concerns, and we leave it to your own good judgment if our proposition is not better than any of these were at the start. We have passed the experimental stage and are asking you to invest in a going concern. Sales are brisk and if you want stock now while you can get it for $5.00 per share you had better make contract in the next thirty days. ... ... ' i v ?;&aM&ii W. M. IIINEY, Room 424 Perkins BIdg., Roseburg, Ore. PHONE 4X0. NFLUEN'M d. Aa a preventive, melt and in hale night and morning WICKS V V A0 RUB Ovu 17 Millttn Jan UtcJ Yearly I'ltOFKHSIONAIy CAKIIB r-AiiKMh'l'ii--?-"'- -K--- """f; MltH. K. li.ll--"' r ZIP. 4J yy-:-. rf.Tl.RH Chiropractic 121 W. IIP. Ht. 1)11. M. H al.llKII'l' ! K OpiniliriNM Kve siy rPm,lu, The 118 W. Caaa St. n;,H..,.r. Orvun 111 111 wilt OX Piano v Theory, Muni- cnl KlnOf-rgancn. 8t. Phon. 139-U iH M. XKWS NOTKH. Arundel, piano tuner, rnona 189l Flrea desimy ores, property and food. Be careful wltn on. Pembarton Urns.' enclosed car Jll- ey service, rhone t. n...i eoulnued machine shop for hit he sleel and aprlnit wora; ai uiu KoHeburg Guraga. Urine vour Urea and tubes to Hie Itoaehurit Oarage for repair and vul- anl7-lng. Dr. Harry K. Morgan, dentlnt. tele phone 483. Ofllee 315 l'erklna build ing. Kxlde slorate batteries for all makes of curs at Ihe Kosenuig Garage. Goodyear solid tires for trucks, all lies In stock at tne Knseburg Gar age. W rite Jack Koacii, Drain, for ratn- locue and prices for tliei ouetn in cubators, coal and oil burning hrood- rs. Aroul disappointment by plac ing your ord.-r now for rtiture ae- llvery. Itemeruber the Quven Is III FIREPLACE FURNITURE How about it? Don't you need a set of Andirons or a new screen? We have been unable to get but a small part of those ordered for this season, but we had several sets on hand; and invite you to call and inspect them. Prices have not been advanced with us, but have with jobber and manufacturer. Churchill Hardware Company Roseburg, Oregon. r. s. Ladles remember that the Mystic Milt Is an acceptable, small gift to any housewife. , ha conduct! a party beat money can buy. Christmas Photos Make Your Gifts Personal Ones PHOTOGRAPHS Will Solve a Lot of Problems Make your appointment as soon os possible CLARK -SiSTUDIO . Uiroiub Ua e