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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1920)
nsn two KOIIBCBO MEWi REVIEW laamsl DaOr bK Inlar . W. Baea U. Wlaakarlr Bert O. Bstaa 8UBSilKTION rUWKll Dally, par rr, by mall ..14 00 bally, aix months, by mall . t oo By Carrier, par month....' aO Ti,. iiajuimI hui la ntltled to tha uaa for republication of all newa dispatches credited to It or nok.oUerwlaa credited In thla paper na alao tbe local newa puouanea bbib la All rluhta at reoubllcktlon of BPS' clal dispatcher bareln aire alao reserved. Entered aa eaoond-ciaee matter May 17, lvzo, at cne poat onice at wwmii Oregon, under the Act of March ltoeetmrff, Ore., lec'luleT 7, 11WO THE WAR AGAINST KNtiLAM). The "Invasion of England" la I strategic error. Irish arson In Liver mini mav ha a fair mcIiuiikb 'or llritlsh aruiu in Irish villains, but II accomplishes nothing valuable. I only makes the English thoroughly nnirrv. iiud an angry Ilrltou la a stub- hnrn rllHtnnifr to deal Willi. He lit niore alow to wrath than an Irish ' man, but his wralh may last longi-r and be more devastating, because II la more aelf-posaesaed. Ireland can not fight Kngland openly. Ireland cannot match violence with violence Ireland or that major part of Ire land which seeks liberation is a match for England only in one Held, the conscience of mankind. That is where the Sinn Fein should bailie Words are the best weapons. The pen is mightier than the sword. Irian tongues, giving utterance to Irish wrongs, are sharper than daggers, more devastating than Incendiary flames. The best thing that Irish patriots could do for Hie Irish cause would be to spread before all the world, more clearly and systemati cally than it has been done, the full truth about British rule in Ireland, from the beginning until now. The British, too, should have a hearing, presenting the facts aa they see them Americana, being fair-minded, would ludee. So would the rest of the world. No nation can resist unanimous world-opinion. It only reniulns In make the verdict decisive. The solu tion would follow as a mailer of course, and Ireland would have what Ireland wants always provided thai Ireland Itself Is able to agree on what It wants, or at least umlcably agrea to disagree. A New York Judge tlned I wo wom en for contempt of court for not removing their hats In the court room. The Impudence of him when bo might have known their hair wasn't done up for public exhi bition! John D. ' Kuckefeller had the finest Thanksgiving. What sensible man wouldn't be mighty thankful to ge' rid of 163,000,001) in one lump? John D. lias more trouble giving away hi: millions than he hntl making tliem. Since certain representatives of or ganiied labor, in New York Clly and elsewhere have been proved crooked certain representatives of organized capllal blessed with short memorlet are pointing crooked fingers at them. The American public will get U an Interest in lliose Mesopolamian oil fields if II is shown precisely how their owuership will alfect the price of gasoline. That boy Chens wizard ought to go back home and help plan the nexi Polish military campaign ngulnat Hi. bolshevikl. LOCAL NEWS. TIM, Kit KCIfoOl, M1NKI1. The schuol at Tiller Ik not In ses sion this week. Mrs. Kittle Arkert, who has been teaching the Hctiool, resigned recently and left the school at (he end of last week. No In structor has as yet been obtained to fill the vacancy and Hie children are enjoying a holiday. Kxerutlvn Meeting Tonight The executive comiuitlee of th chamber of commerce met last nlglu at the office of the secretary for I lie purpose of discussing matters relat ing to that organization. Take Kxlemleil Trip Mrs. C. W. Parker of Hie Hose burg tlarage, left Sunday morning for an extended trip east and 1c Cnnada. She will visit ai Severn pointa In t auada, anil will spent! several weeks with relalives at Mln neapolls. Knroule homu by the southern route Mrs. I'arker eipeet to spend some time tit California She will bo ahtwiit about two months. Hero from mlc Mrs. Johu Tatle, of Hole, was l Koseburg visitor yesterday, return Ing to her hiuiiti on the evening train. To lltd.lle Miss l. Militer. rnme to Ilosehurr. yesterday from Kiddie, shopping anil visiting Willi friends for a short time. Practice sane economy by having Universal Tire Killer Installed In your auto or motorcycle tires. It will give you more satisfaction out of your auto rides than you ever had befur Federal cord anil fabric I ires at the Koseburg Oarage. ANTI-URIC (Juurantt'ed lo give siitiHfuctnry rusulti In alt canes of RHEUMATISM Or money spent for It will be refunded. Many who suffered have been benentted by this herbal remedy. Oct an outfit and give II a trial, the leaulls will please you. For sale by Nathan. FuIIcrton Going to School Alva Kcnfro, left this morning for Portland, where he will enter the Benson Polytechnic school. ' leuve lor Portland M. and .Mrs. C. W. Gilbert left this morning by auto for Portland, where they will slop for a short time. Mr. (Jllhert will go on to l)u lulh. Minnesota, where lie will at tend a convention of the Murshall VYells representative. Duiing his abseuce, Mrs. Gilbert will visit wilh mentis and relatives In Portland and Seattle. To YonraJltb Miss Ol.itlys Strong, left this morning for Yoncalla, where she has a class In piano music. She was ac companied as faV as Hire Hill by her nelre Betty Strong, who is returning home after visiting with her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Strong YisitH at Kturcno Mrs. tiny Black, left on the morn lug train for Kugene, where she has friends and relalives wilh whom she will spend a few days visiting V Wiled llrntlford Home Mrs. K. M. liraltford, or Olympla. Wash., who has been visiting at Ihe home of lir. K.-P ilradf-iid, left this morning for Portland, where she will slop on her way home She has been spending the past few montha In California. lio to I'.'ugene commandant s. . rayior ana Isaac lijmner of the Soldiers Home, left this morning for Eugene to at tend to business matters. P.uys llrlco Ciir Smith, the well known Wins ton resident, has purchased a Delco Lighting Svstem from Ellia Miller, Hie local asciil. The syiUeni has been installed on Mr. Smith's ranch and 1 a great Improvement. Kill That Cold With CASCARA fiJ QUININE rOMv Colds, Coughs AND L Grippe Neglected Colds are Dangerous Take no chances. Keep this standard remedy handy for the flrat sneeze. Breaks up a cold in 24 hours Relieves Grippe in 3 days Excellent lor Headache Quinine In this form do-! not affect the head Cascata is best Tonic laxative No Opiate in Hill's. ALL DRUGGISTS SLL IT THE UNIVERSAL CAR "The Ford Coupe' Here is one of the most useful of all closed cars. Specifically so when not more than two or three are to be accommodated with reliable car service. The Ford Coupe is a mighty cosy car, in that it is abso lutely water-tight, at tle same tme with its sliding; plate glass windows you can have an open car, to all intents and purposes, in a couple of minutes. So it doesn't make any difference what the weather may be, rain or shine, Rummer or'winter, in the Ford Coupe you have an enclosed car of comfort and service. What more do you want? It has proven particularly a valuable car for traveling salet-nien, physicians, engineers, architects, and others who have much out-of-door work all the year around. We have never been able to fully meet all de , mauds for the Ford Coupe, but wilh the increased producing capacities of the factory we are now able to make reasonably prompt deliveries. Vet we urge you to leave your order with as little delay as possible our allot ment is limited. C. A. LOCKWOOD MOTOR CO., Roseburg, Oregon. The Common Fault With Most Cooks is to Use Too vJ Much Shortening W NE of the most embarrassing things for a housewife is to have her cake turn out "heavy" or her pie crust "soggy." Not only unsatisfactory to the palate' but the cause of many people saying: "Pies give me indiges tion" or "I can't eat pastry." Yet this is a condition easily avoided. Don't use too much shortening. You use ',3 to Va less Mazola than you need of cither butter or lard with better results. If it's pie, Mazola will make the finest, most delicate and easily digested crust you ever tasted. Or if it's cake both lightness and richness will result from using Mazola. And being an oil it is always ready for instant use no tiresome "creaming -in." This is because Mazola is an absolutely pure vege table fat from an edible source. It is 100 fat con tains no moisture as is contained in batter and lard. Once you try Mazola you will prefer it to lard and otlif' i;nings. Selling RepmcntatiMi f . JOIINSON-UEBER COMI'ANY ', Jt Portland MVJ& VftsJ W FRFE Th'"'" lid"WeelT llhinre.l Cir TVoJurt. I LriJ fl I 1 I I I I I lHk MOLini t4 re. ul pr4.ii. ul n.1 frM.-J rarim W-i II p. ! I . -. I lMit,.H W,,w i,HljY-,vn fruJtKt, Keiiuna Un. SH fia I if- t I I AI t piv. r. l. IU. let, N. VockCky. I LJp 1 ONCE YOU TRY MAZOLA YOU WILL PREFER IT TO LARD AND COMPOUNDS Must be turned into Cash REGARDLESS OF LOSS! . Our full page ads in Tuesday's and Wednesday's News P explained our reasons for placing our entire stock at vm, juur mercy At Prices You Will Never Hesitate to Consider Ten Days of Profitless Prices ! A FEW PRICES FROM A LONG LIST: All regular Ginghams, 25c & 30c All regular Percales All regular Outings 24c All Silk Hose All Fancy Figured Satines 7c 0" A Wonderful Assortment y Everything reduced om CHRISTMAS GIFTS. M. ZeVs $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ $ f 11 a) 1! 31 1 I r ii mi i 0 -5- w K TURJ Influenza NATHAN FULLER!.: Tt) AlhanyZ " Kri tl iiuriiam. orraniam Ifr s Theater, Mt ymnk, iititm tur Altiany, wbt ht' Tiir soveral daya. His pi, filled by .Mrs. Gay. I am fnfnp P94t ah tu. v will be In and about Chlti:, eral tints and will hp .i.,t-.. lo business matters tor id; i,. ietiiie winie ihere. Call Cou: Veytir's office between lit P- in. It. L. F. ur.. Qne -Eleven -NOTRE All llmsc. knowinft them ilt bl. d (o Mr. and Mn. E. G. Murray, please come lomr. seitle and save trouble. MltS. RH0DA MIRE1' Camas Valley. H Fifth, AvenuelNewYorh 20ciare"eslt)r VICTIMS1 RESCUE! Kidney, liver, bladder indsti troubles are most dangrae: cause of their insidious cc Heed the first warrin! 4?! that they need attention Im GOLD MEDAL The world's standard tmti b : disorders, will often wnl d eases and strenrhs" fc.rth.r aitacts. ThrseliMS.a' UJi foe tk. f" and ccM SERVICE Selling Representatives, Johnson-Lieber Company, Portland, Or. Our Motto is: First, Last and Always SERVICE Philadelphia First: Service to your battery with free inspection and water. Second: Service to your battery by repairing, when re pairing ONLY is needed. Third: Service to you with a new BATTERY. Guar anteed longer for less money. Roseburg Battery & Electric Station 312 N. Jackson Street Phone 489