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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1920)
hOMBCBB HIWI RBTIttW ffKHIUV. nKTKMBKH 7, WM Harding Urges aj Speed Up Program Hardline sutd that he liarf aked others la the senate a( the conler eiices to expedite all appropriation l 1 1 1 at In order to get that Ifiglslatlon out of the way and the decks clear ed for action at the special session of Congress that will be called ad soon as possible after March 4. DO yoV KNOW THIS IS S')V Friends! If you wait You'll be too lute To buy at Fiction Library, So buy today, Without delay, ChrlHtinas cards and bodies we carry. vosm iu.ii linos. Wish to announce that they have the agency for the following incu bators and brooders: Queen, Jubilee, St. Helens, Master, and Huckeye ln cubaiors; Hie Krenky, Newton, and American Colony brooders. 227 N. Jackson, lioseburg. Phone 95. I.VCKl'M TICKETS Muy be Becured at Chapman's Drug Store, beginning today. Reservations may be niudo for the balunce of the season or for the next attraction only. Albert Lindanes', celebrated American tenor, will sing at the high schoul Thursday evening. Dec. 9. This number alone Is worth the price of a season ticket. At 11 o'clock Innt evpnlng Herman A Walter and Miss Marie Clouser, both of this city, were united In marriage, the teremuny took place nt the home of Mr. Vm. Myers, on .Mill street. Rev C. H Hilton per formed the cereinun)f and only Im mediate relatives were present ine ring ceremony was used. Mr. Myers and his wife have not been long in Kosehurg, but expect if possible to make their future homo here. A baby dauMer was born thin morning to Mr. and Mrs. o. L. lleb ard, of West Itoseburg. . o HltAKKMAN MAKKS STATEMENT. An urtlcle In the lioseburg News Review of Nov. 27 th dealing with the finding of the decapitattd body of Knule J. Jensen, a passenger on 8. 1". train No. 13 on the morning of Nov. 26th, near Olendale, contained the following paragraph: "As the train prepared to start again It Is stated that he walked for ward and was seen to fold his arms and then deliberately kneel and lay his head over the rail. Urakeman Frank Wlltse, who saw the affair, Immediately gave the stop signal and the body was picked up." This statement Is absolutely un true. I did not see the affair. On going back to protect rear of train I had gone about two hundred feet when I camo upon the body. Seeing the man was dead. I proceeded the required distance to rear of train, und on being called in made a report of finding the body to my conductor. Other papers which copied the above article will please copy this state ment. ' FRANK WILTSE. $ icititititicif it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it THE NEW CHRISTMAS SPIRIT OF GIVING IS: Give something useful and beautiful, rather than tawdry and ornamental. Abraham's Store has a wonderful line of beautiful and practical gifts for the whole family. . Moreover, do your shopping early this year. You will receive better service and a better selection to choose from. I. ABRAHAM Fine Dry Goods Novelties Ladies and Men's Furnishings it it it it it it it it it it it it LIBERTY THEATER iu)si:nnu;'s i.eadinu photoplay hovsk. "WHERE EVERYBODY GOES" THE STARS OF THE WOULD I.V OFK ATTRACTIONS TODAY AND TOMORROW Winchell Smith's Surging Drama of Wall Street and Social Intrigue. "The SAPHEAD" CO-STARRING William H. Crane, Dean of the American stage, and Buster Keaton Written and produced under the personal supervis ion of Winchell Smith, supported by a noteworthy cast of Cinema Favorites. Connelly in "Suphead," actor of 1000 roles. New York Stock Exchange seen In "Saphoad." Ileulnh Hooker "from llrlilnl gowns to pajamas," lu "Ssphead." Ilean of American stage as an unctuous financier. William H. Crane, Irving Cummlng as crook In "Suphead." llnater Keaton, juvenile, in "Saphoad." Edward Jobson, Edward Alexander, Jack Livingston. Jeffery Wil liams, Odette Tyler, Carol llalloway, Katherlne Albvrt, Helen Holto, Alfred Ilolllngsworth and Henry Clnuss. IN CONJUNCTION WITH Fox Sunshine Comedies Farmyard Follies A Thousand Laughs to the Minute. No Advance in Prices PRICES OF ADMISSION: Matinee Daily 2:15 p. m.; Evenings 7:15 and 9 p. m. Children Matinee 10c, Evenings 15c Adults 25 cents. SALE OR TRADE 5 rm. house, lot 75x180 feet; line garden land; bearing fruit trees; bard surface road; near cily sclieol: nice suburban property. Price $1200, some terms. Trade for more valuable residence closer In. Will take good vacant lot well located as part exchange. What have you? City property to J40U0 to exchange for ranch. Several desirable homes for sale on terms. G. W.YOUNG AND SON IUmiI Estate und Insurance. 1111 Cass St. Phone 417. POKTLANI MAKKETS. 0 CITY NEWS 0 j PORTLAND, Dec. 7. Quotations for prime beef steers today were $8.60 and $8.75. Hogs are holding steady, but other markets are weak. NEW TOlAY. F'Ht SA1.K Z iiicuhntern. 1 K. J. l!ul7nlaeUl. LMxuiivuie. I'nune .H-FJ. Miss Iiessie Clnuuh. of Canyonville came to lioseburg today and spetit short time shopping and vibiting with friends. Mrs. W. i. Hill left for her home In Wilbur this afternoon after visit ing here with her daughter .Mrs. O. C. Brown. Mrs. Hobert Anlauf, who has been visiting here with her daughter. M.s. J. W. Scott, left this afternoon for her home at Anlauf. Mrs. C. T. Brown is at present at tending the Northwest Training school at Seattle, where she is tak ing a course in deaconess work. Mrs. 10. Williams, who has been milking an extended visit In Oak land, Calif., with her daughter, Mrs. A. J. Walker, arrived home this af ternoon. Mrs. Carrie Chrlstenson, of Mon tana, who has been spending a short time In this city, left this morning for Los Angt'les where she expects to send the winter. Mrs. Jim Perry and dauhter Miss Jean of Klamath Falls are visiting in this city for short time. They are enroute to Astoria where they will spend JCmas at the J. A. Buch anan home and visiting with Mrs. P. J. Bond. Committees of high school stu dents are canvassing the city again today with lyceum season tickets. There still remains a number to be sold by the high school students be fore their part of the guarantee is raised. Hazelwood Co, Convicted Today Br Associate ,, iviDTi ivii 7. 1 he Haxei- wood Company, dealers in dairy pro ducts, having esiaonsuui!u city, Spokane and other northwest places, were toaay eunvicwu federal court of manufacturing adultrated burrer wiinoui couwii with government regulations. HA K Ell ASKKH TO KXPLAIX. II r Awariatrd Frcaa. WASHINGTON, Dec. 7. The house committee on military affairs todav asked Secretary Baker to ap pear Friday and explain for the bene fit of the publtc why the war depart ment requitted more than 180,000 men. o MASONS ATTENTION. Ciuturl f run 111 11 II i pa I Ion of Laurel Lodge No. 13 will be held In the Mar sonic Temple Wednesday evening. DfC. 8th. Work In the M. M. aeree. Lunch will be served. By order of W. M. W. F. HARRIS, Secy. Full SAM-: 1 :,o K.tnl, Krlf-stnrliT, trie liiehtH. run 3imm) mU-n; Kpftlul tntilt ft-iiassetiK'T ltoilv, on niHn top, viifuum fet-it; Mi". Inquire iitl Oak St WANTKl lly you n k limn, rxperl- cured, place on a farm. . A. Alius, I'mii. I1., HoJH'bur-tf. STKNOGHAHKU VANTKI Lady be tween H& and 3U yearn oii. wiin pome bookkpepliiK experience. Write fcten- I iKruphr, care of Ni-WM-Ht-vlfW, tat- n k experience iiml Haliu y expected, i ViiH SAI-K ri-paxsenirer Si mlehaker, lit-) if taken nt oiic. Jmjuue , Kant JiollKlay St. WANTKl) llf yun bUctiness num. liourd 2 iiifalK lit private raniuy, ulfto private KaraK. AdUrosa J. It., NfW'H-IU'Vll'W. Vt Ht SAI.K One out npntuter. uned 5 month, l-.url usbuiuh, tVZ 1-ullt.T-ton. I-'til'NI Two Hmull K.'ld h.'ilns. owner may net property iy payints auver- 1IS1HK I'liaiKi's. An adv. in the daily News-Review is a mighty fine butiine&s gutter. H; (iUBH IMtH I S US I'KEO Have just received tons of all kinds of fedn, tialry feed, hotc feil. poultry ffl, all at bottom prices. With our Inn experience ifni Htudy of feetbt and keeping In touch with the market, we feel that the bottom on prices of feeds and grain has been reached; that we will have a xti-adier market from now on. I r her uf ore we are now prepared "to Klve you the very best quality nml price on hay, Rraln, and feeds, and potatoes. Alfalfa hay .t'i'i per ton, other hay S& to M per ton. Potatoes $2.00 per 100 lbs. AIbo some at raw. I Yours fur business, 1 jrni) a miiii.i.i.. HAHJtOAD MI'S OFF ao. ltv AaMtcbtted PreM SAN FRANCISCO, Dec .6. The Southern Pacific company has been compelled to lay off approximately 2000 men in its mecnanicai depart ment in the last two months as a re sult of business adjust ments and the progress being made on repair work left over from the war, it was offi cially announced from the company's offices here today. Hens cannot do well on a whole grain ration only. Use of straight rraln ration will soon result in toss of egg production and In digestive disorders. Ground feeds as well as ereen feeds and animal proteins are essential In a successful feeding sy stem. O. A. C, Poultry. Lambs under shelter made slightr ly better gains at the Kastern Ore eon exoerlnient stntion than those f,i In thn mien. From the stand nnlnt of feed reauired oer 100 I'OK HKNT I nfill n ihed rooms, ln- uire 'J2U ini tienier. nmiip K()l HKNT Kuin Is tied room with bath. Kentlelliail preferred. ZZi . I oiiKhiH. Folt SAI.K Cabli.iKf, any amount, f. o. o. iniiilitl or ni'iiu'ii'ii, iui e inns. MAN mid wife wish to rent furnished hoii"keepln; rooms or house. Ueier eiwe If desti red. Addiesa W. W., cure News-RevieW. Ko'lt SAI-K 4 nice purebred Hlack. .Minorca ront ers. ih cat n, . is. Oladwell. Itt, 1. ItoMi-l.iirtf. TO WHOM AT .MAY I'OXCF.KX. I, the undersigned, have a wrist wntch which I have been trying to sell, and owing to some people's opinion of this wad h heing in my possession through theft. 1 will give thrni this satisfaction: This watch is a Waltham 7 jewel watch, case No. 6(1.12176. works No. 22151844. It wart bought of Jeweler Mr. Itennett. at Tillamook, Oregon, a year ago lant summer. Anyone in doubt of this plrnse write to said jeweler. (Signed) MRS. H ATT IE GUINDI.K. o Am now booKIng orders for day old chicks for 1921 delivery from high producing Tancred strain White Leghorn, thoroughbred Rhode Island Red chicks. O. A. C. llarred Rocks. Karl Voshurg, 702 Fullerton St.. Rnsi-Nurg, HAII V UKA11IKH ItKIMIIU. TT. Weather Uiirrau, local offics, Roneburg, Oregon, 24 hours ending 6 a. m : lrt?elpltCtns In tnrtte Snif HttadrrHlh lllt;ht'!4( I ctilpera t tire vent erii:i y . . . 4."i l.nwi-Hl temperaiiire l;ixt nlvht ... rrecipll.iltiMi, la.-t :M hniir nS Total preclp. since first of month Normal preclp. fur this month.... 6.29 Total piecip. from Sept. 1, 1120, to date 13.SS Averae preclp. frmi H.-pt. 1. IS77 .:is Tot; I excess from Sept. I, 1 li . . . 3.87 AvemKe precipitation Tor 43 wet Benson (Sept. to Muy, inc.) ... .31.48 Forecast to 8 p. m. for southwestern Oregon: T.uiIkM nnd "Wednesdnv fair. Tonight und Sundav fnir. WILLIAM UKLU Observer. SMASH-Go Shoe Prices A SALE That is a SALE! with prices lower than you find elsewhere. ' Every price we quote is a Big Saving, much less than everyday prices. .r Men's Silk Sox that formerly sold for $1.50. Now . . . . . $1.00 $2.50 Ladies Felt Slippers, now $1.95 2.00 Ladies Felt Slippers, now 1.65 1.50 Ladies Felt Slippers, now 1.19 Children's Felt Slippers, now on Sale at 89c, 98c. $1.29, $1.39 SMASH Go Shoe Repair Prices. Roseburg Booterie mVLV BRVNN SHOES 1HAT SATISFY AND FIT YOUR FEET, BRING US YOUR REPAIR WORK AND SEE THE DIFFERENCE. Perkins Bldg., Iloneburg. GIFT MERCHANDISE BELL MILLINERY PRACTICAL CIFTS REASONABLY PRICED CONFIDENCE AND STRENGTH An account with the Roseburg National STivea confidence and adds financial strath U the standing of a firm or individual. Your Checking Accouut is Invited. TheRoseburNationalBaiik Rosebur.Ore. i IMPROVEMENT CLVB MKKTH The Garden Valley Improvement club met In the room at the Oregon Growere packing plant on Thursday, Dec. z, at Z o'clock, .after a vacation of three months on account of the apple harvest There was quite a number present and the room was fixed up warm and cozy by some ot the ladies, who .tterwul . for the dny war. iwi. sotial hour wa ,err p;eM after thn huuu .. . I .... .Uni oi ue fa w I over thn rhh .i . I the pa. king M D V J. D. Young being hoS ikJ I Do your Christmas Shopping at this store and get the benefit of this additional money you spend. Jolly Old Santa Claus extends an invitation to every shopper, commencing Thursday, Friday and Saturday, all holiday goods will be on display. Hand-Made Gifts and Gift Suggestions I'nucy Aprrnii Kiinc) Hmtrioir dtp Fan)' I f licit Trtwtl Fancy It.ilh TmvoU Fancy 1 1.-14-, Fancy liimilkrrclitcfR I 'alley r-iniUuU Ivory Tr) Fwr Cni-trs Ivory rjuidleatlcks l.hiKtTie Clap ltlu Bird Plna ItoAil cklncea (irry Side Comta "hllilrni Purtea Winttor Tie (iifu for the Bahy Kid (ilovee Entire Stock Greatly Reduced V-l,..j For V4V MM J I 1 tne kiqs that Xmas Bicycle fo see , JAMES, 32i N. Jacksoa Strwt riiwuw Scarfs Hill. 111 h Kohps Jill I i- Silk llii-lery III' Silk I iiderwear kfl ' ' silk Vmbrrlbts nil Ailk IVtUroats IUI " i M'l m. TUESDAY WEDNESDAY TDESU mm MAT1IEE- If you love to laugh, don't miss Douglas McLean and Doris May In What's Your Husband Doing? It's one of the funniest Pictures ever made. Ifst about jealous wives and husbands, and it si solid laugh from start to finish, IF YOU CAN'T LAUGH, DON'T COME Century Comedy andPatheNw MUm Evening THVB8DAV FK1DAV HsUm- WnuS. Hart in The Cradle of Com? --TODAY-" This is your Last Chance to tee BASIL KING'S Amazing Drama of the Unseen World "Earthbounfl A remarkable lifting of the veil that stands this world and tne wu OTHER ATTrTcTIOSS: ANNETTE iCELLERMANS in A Christy Special andnEdacat Keep in mind the Romsf "DON'T EVER BELL MILLINERY, g'8 uv z