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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1920)
m home to CHEST COLDS Apply over throat and chest cover with hot flannel doth. WICKS V Vapo Rua Ova 17 Million Jm tW Ytatlg m p u CLASSIFIED COLUMN ALL MEW CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS WILL BE FOUND ON LAST PAGE UNDER HEADING "NEW TODAY." WANTED. YOl!Nl MAN I ea Ires board and room In private family. P. Q. Box U4. WANTKD Tunteys, InrRe or small. Buyer Ilroa. Phone 14-F14. WANTKD KxpertenctMj lady rasliler and bookkeeper wlbep ponittun. Ad tirtw K., ci. Newa-Kevlew. WANTKD Any kind of work or odd jobs by the hour, man of expTlnce. Wm. Wood. 141 Sheridan, Co Roach. MAN WANTED Rhare proposition; St a-rM flnwt garden soil, two miles from Roeburtf; most modern country borne In tba county, bath, toilet, hot and cld water, to.; a rent! oppor tunity for th right man. Apply 1-Awrno-Oordon Company. 135 Cmb street. Phone 219. TJMilKU I.ANDH WANTKD About .Ono.000 ft. K. R. tie, and ,OOO.0iU ft. telephone and telegraph poles, also merchantable timber, lame quantities. On or ner water trans portation for foreign market. Give full description, particulars, price and Com. nrt lettor. C. K. (Snider, 12Mlltii Blrtg. Han Franrlncn. - ri-ii-u-Lfu-U-i-n.-w-Wu u inmi intATUVXTLT FOR RENT. FOR RKNT Unfurnished rooms. 24S Parrot 8L FOR riHNT Kafely depeiiit boxes. - B-".ftf!.af nana. FOR RrtNT Furnished room with primage or Path. 401 & Main SC FOR RKNT Single room, gentleman - iiiuuiia ill ijn. jn'-Karin ton RKNT t urnlshed housekeeping 'T"l eieepisg rooms. Roeeburg Apartments, Mala and Douglas. Phone 69. FOR RKNT Store room 18x45 f75 most desirable location In town. Rent pany. 125 Cass trt. Phone MlHCELLAX EOUS. TAlU)RINO. dresBmaklng of all kinds Phone 1A7-M. B3 a, Main. 22t5X . t5 LOAN 4u-y"ea7 FufsT s a . . "" low nereet rate. 120.000 local money to loan on good real estate. First mortgage. Bee M. r. Rice, of Rtr a d JKRSKT Itt'IX. eligible f(,r registry, D'.'w.,ln B"rvl,,. 12 In advance. T. A. ThT, '.'I N,mh '"bur. luokt V"y- pa" cu"t of rou DAI4H. ZiPJV AL-i,quJr at Patter- fr.h Id f,w atr I'hon t-yl mon. t brgln.. Lockwood Motor HAI.K u wrlM watch. ''f' Walthnm sMi Inqulr. onit M.w '"'ion. Ilulatln hnlfr M. A. Willtauia, " ' llarnr Vallej. .n . . ?'.lch . Jor.,.y; B.ntl. iKa 'fRXuS., draft hor.. 'JernVyithT, """"I '"h r,.l. urin y "hJ' . Call at Grand " Ml.t.-j, . , 1 &4viw, J- vwa- Howdy from New Orleans, PETE I Say, old clock, you've' got the time maybe you'd like to bear this one I As we were rolling into New Orleans yesterday one of the men in the club car was recounting his cigarette experiences; how he finally pulled a trick on his luck and got set right I "Well, I've had my cigarette lesson", continued the traveller, "I went up and down the line on cigarettes until I got hold of Camels and got deep into their quality and mildness and delightful flavor I There never was a blend such as Camels combination of choice Turkish and choice Domes tic tobaccos I I'll say it Camels taught me what a cigarette should be and they'll teach any man who smokes!" Thinks I to myself "Sic 'era, judge, every word you spill is a sentence 1" Now, Pete, that's the kind of Camel thanks giving stuff you get North, East, South, West and through the middle I That's all as true as that little sheep will wag their tails! I did some tall thinking as I browsed through the quaint old French quarter this evening how universal the appeal of Camel ciga rettes really is! Figure the travelling I've done and the people I've met each city different from the other AND Camels have been the ONE cigarette to be found everywhere and the cigarette most smoked at each point! Pete, old backstop, it's wonderful the way smokers are sliding Camels! Dallas, Texas, for me I Yours IX'MUKIt Of all dimensions, at reasonable rates while it lasts. block North of West Bide Store. 1267 Unipqua Arenue. Phone 335-H. Wear Stephens' shoes. They gut you where you want to go. FDR SAI.K Raldwln apples, $1 per box. Mayflower Riinch, phone Dr. It. P. Rnidford, 40-F4. FOR 8AI..K 8-room houwe on'Mill Ht.. partly f urniit.ied, part term.i or trade, 1 1 500. Write J. H. Kodlfor. Drain. Or. FiR HALK i(od, sound team 6 and 7 years. Welnht about 250 lbs.. J. F. lionebrake, Camas Valley. FoirSAMOCorvaUls- while ' leghorn oockerul. Mrs. C. W. Groves, itoso- hurg. Phone S-F33. FOR SAl.K (leod ttam of work b or fees, $S If taken at jn-. heiuii' at I -' Cass street, or jhme 219. FOR SAKK Thoroughbred Imroc sow with pigs weeks old. W. D. Hess, Wilbur. Ore. Phone 32-Fa. F(iH SaI-E Apples nnd cider delivered In town. Phone 28-F2. 1. B. Rkluner ft Boli.i. FOR 8 AIM Wilson or Cold Dollar ptrawnerry plant will deliver In Roebarg. Fred DUlard. FOR SAL. U Wholeor half'lnterest In saw mill, ready for work, good tlm ber. Address J. A., News-Re view. FOR KA1.K 0 your old saddle mure, broke to work, vvelKht loo, 15 hands high, trim built, clean limbed, or will trade for nhep or nil It'll goats. Box 1 1-4, Roseburg. Phone Stf-Flf. FOR KAI.BThorouahhred Uufic brood sow: also 2 'heter White hoars 7 weeks old. Mrs. I tomnmsh, Hhambrsok's latie. West ltoseburg. P. O. Bui 1143. FOR WAUJAs. C. Rhode Island corker els; 1 bull calf. Hereford and Dur ham. Phone 33-F25. Address Pine creat Farm, DIxonTllle. Oreg ctn. FOR tiAIH Productive Kverbearlng strawberry plants. The kind that bears. 15 per 1000 In lots of 600 up. Amalt orders, i per 10. H. al. Uat- trtews. looking (lans. ore. FOR dALtf 801(0 ft. 14-Inci. e.cond hand pipe In good condition, li rents Per foot f. o. b. Roeeburg. Roseburg 'tumslng and Heating Co. FOR ftAIH lArge heater In first class sondillon, lately used In I. . O. F. lodge ball. For partbmlars call or write room 7, Review Uldg., N. Jack son flt. Urr Taken from high school build ing Friday evening, lady's black nerk s-nrf. Finder ploase rturn to News Review office, or phone 101-J. FOR SAlaK Incubators, six 160-egg Obi TriiMtys, two l-'O-egg MrClnim han. all In good shape. Prh h f 1 2.011 each. I want to buy larger ones. C. A. Purket t fanyonvllle. iregon. FDR HA !. UP aoreji bf orohard Innd: 11 scree In apples, Newtown Pippins and Hpllsenliergs; 1 acre In pears, I asre In timber; 2 lots In town, price $6000. See F. 8. Wilson. Hutherlln. Ore. &KKHKKlJl FOR OA LB From high producing strain or biro, white Plymouth Rooks and White Leg horns. Am booking orders now for day old chleks. Bggs for hatching In season. A. B. Hunt, 32 Jack sou Ht., nrsiDurx, uregon. FORDS Foil KALK Touring. 1 H model. A-l shape, three new tires, shock absorbers, speed ometer. good looker, aL'5.00. Classy Ford bug. Just com pleted, overhauled and in A-l condi tion. You will fall for this one. Call at 628 8. Stephens. f.O UO. FOn'tALhV Ranch 01 $40 aure. also rsneti or aeres, or both together, as taey Join, and are good stock ranches; also I2t aoreg fir timber. Bargain If taken soon, inquire of fisrlnger At Wilson, Ol en dale. Ore., or O. n. Nsrleger. AuIml Ore ktALlAN lRUNM TRKfiS at 2l pef ivs ana up. 1 Dree sizes to select from. Pedigreed plants In "Trehia." the greatest commercial canning strawberry yet Introduced sold at sis per luvo. stsasard varie ties at 97 per 9vo. We tall all va rie- ties of trees and plaats. Nurse rise, Eugene, Oregon, Friday ill , TMB OtD SI Changes Made at Court House ArrangomentB have been made at the courthouse whereby Miss Harriot Hnldemann, who has formerly handled the stenographic and secre tarial work for the county road in as ter, will combine that work with the stenographic work for the county Judge and county court correspon dence. She will make her office in the county court room and will va cate the office nhe formerly oocu pled upstairs. Florence Lead better, deputy county clerk, who gias been combining her work In the clerk's office with county court work, will move her office from the county court room to the clerk s office and will handle work of that department only. That will give morn room In the upper part of the building and will possibly eliminate the necesHity of employing another stenographer. ItOSI JK lt; ON A1K MAI. On a map In a new book entitled "Municipal Landing Fields and Air ports, rwjpived by the local Cham her of Commerce, there is a tiny red dot denoting the presence of Hose burg. This city, however, is not list ed for Its activity In procuring an aviation field but because of the lo cation of the U. S. meteorological sta tinn here. The Hoseburg binding field is listed as emergency only in the directory which will be the guide of all fliers. VAM'ATIO.V OVKIl Illl. I ION. SALEM. Dec. 4. With the prop erty valuation in the stato now over one billion dollars, it is possible for the road bonds of the state and coun M.-h o total $'J6.fif4,236, according to figures made public today. Hum About Keached Limit. WASHINGTON, Dec. 4. The American government has about reached the limit of concessions it is willing to make to the allied and as sociated powers In regard to the dis position of the former German cables, said one of the American commis sioners to the International com munications conference being held here. larding Get Iteceitioii. N KWPO li T N K WS. Dee. 4 President-elect Harding received a rousing reception here today. In an address he voiced his hope for an In ternational peace agreement and for steps for disarmament, but asserted that there must be no sacrifice of nationality. PHOrKSSIONAb CARDS l. P 4 R K Kit, llln. Kohlhauen Tiidg hhk. V. V. OWHft Cut Flowers. Phont OR. M. H. PI.Yi.rn rhiroDractlc tl.llKHT . lll'KT Optometrist. "Tht Kve My Hpevlalty." Ill W. Cass St. Hosfipurg. Orpjgpiy RI TH WILCOX Plsno, Theory. Musi eul Kindergarten. 1004 West First St. Phone 139-L. ASK FOR and GET Horlick's The Original Malted Milk for Infants and Invalid ' Avoid Imitation sod Substitute GALLMY GODrTAD POWER Aotora Retpected Thoaa Whs Sal 1 t.... . . 7 Nenrljr everjr Anivrlran tins nt soma tlm ia Ills career, gpnvrnlly the r ller part of It, been a "piNery oct." That la to Miy, tin lm seutnl hlniKelf hlth In the tuiiiiuat cillery of a Uih Hler, to follow will, tenseness the ail ventures of the heroine mid turn How he obtained his title of "enllery god" Is a matter Unit goe hmk a Ket many years, to the old Kullsh Drury 1 .11 ne Ihenler In Lnndon. Ttie theater was deeornled In n sumenhat K'dtly innnner. HI, eniilds and cherutis aralteriil nhont In run less confusion. To carry mi the nmilf of nlry summer days peopled with HehtKoine creatures of fniry garden, the decoritors palmed the celllnc a hrlclit blue, nnd then plnecd pulTy white clouds here anil there to repre sent the sky, with the siuirkluu face of wee unKels and fairies pierlni; 0111. The kiiI lory was I111III to col money, unci not to five any partli'iilar comfort to thoe who initd their Mnny or so to sit there, so that the head of the Kallery sitters were In reality among the clouds. The netors had a Krcnt respect for this pallery, never theless, for Its displeasure was mani fested by booing In no uncertain tones, nnd the .-omblnntlon of painted sky. and the desire for the approval of the gallery provided the phrase "gnl lery gods. PAINTED OVER COURT FINERY Ruse by Which Nuns Had Queen De picted as a Member of Their Religious Order. Through a chance discovery In the garret of a ducal p:ilnce In Mndrid. a three-huiidred-yearohl ronuince of a wonderful Wlnstiez Ims heen re venled. Hidden for three centuries as a picture of a nun. this portrait of Queen Isabelin of Spain, the tlrst wife of King Philip IV, has recently been restored In London. In the disguised picture prnctlcnlly nothing but the fnce nnd hands of the original was left uncovered, and the secret was first guessed nt owing to the paint peeling away from the nun hood, when there was revealed the fringe of a lnce collar. Princess Isabella of Rmirhon wn married to Philip In 11.r, nnd In 102-1 was staying In the convent of the nuns belonging to the order of the Desml zos. As a mark of the kindness she there received she presented the nuns with this Velasquez portrait of her self. Later Isabella wished to enter the convent, but the pope would not con sent. The Inmntes of the convent called In n painter, nnd secretly In structed lil in to paint out the uuecn court dress and the lnce handkerchief In her left hand, and to present her In the complete garb of n professed nun. Excellence Need Fear No Rival, Multitudes of employees constantly live In terror of some one who, they fear, Is after their place. They nre suspicious of olliee polities, suspicion that somebody working close behind thein Is trying to crowd them out What Is the result? This fear nnd sus picion Interferes with their ndvnn ce ment to the place above them. In stead of looking bnek nnd thinking of the men after their plncc they should Instead, look nliout to the rutin nhovi them, and be prepnred for nn ndvnnci when there Is a vacnncy. Perfect yourself In your line of work nnd you need never have any fear of others' rivalry. There Is always room nt the top for the tnnn or woman who has stamped the trademark nf individual Ity, superiority nnd distinctiveness upon his or her work. Such a one need hnve no fear of the usurpation of his rights by others. His osiMon Is assured. Orison Swett Mnrden In the New Success. In Algerian Bazaars. Collided steps mark the ways of the Moors In the Knsbnh, the native quar ter of Algeria, nnd once .the traveler leaves the streets when) street cars clang and Kuropeans walk, he must climb. Pepperpods nnd onions ham: In rosaries beside bazaars. Mosques nre hidden here nnd there In nests of bouses, nnd cafes nre open to the street with the guttural gossip of the Arab drinkers nnd the click of dom inoes drifting outward. Sandals of leather, I need nnd filled with golden threads, nre made by black-eyed Arnb girls with long, soft eyelashes. Some of these girls are only twelve years old. hut married; nnd they alt on carpets, twittering through their veils nt passersliy, mean while embroidering deftly the things they hnve to sell for gold. Century Magazine. First Girl Ever Photographed. While France claims to hnve Invent ed photography thnfgh the genius of fn guerre, the pnlnter, America Is proud of the fact that It wns one of her sons who photographed the first fsce. After years of patient lnbor Vn- guerre succeeded In taking sunlight pictures of scenery on a sensitive) plate. Tills wss In, and a year Inter Prof. John W. Draper of New York took a photograph of his sister Dor othy, the first (person to have her like ness reproduced on a prepared back ground with the help of the sun's rays. It took nn hour to take the photo- rrnph, and the picture may still be Movie Closeups I HiiHhandH who Muium llielr wiven for remainiug old-fushioned uud dis interested iti the hilarity of lite are taught a lesson by "Hairpins," the latest Thomas H. lnce Paramount Aricruft picture starring Kind Ben nett, which will be shown at the Antlers theater Monday only. Uex Kossmore had a wife who cared more uhout getting a reduction on the purchase of a dozen smoked hums than site did about the Kuust opera and insofar as permanent wav ing of her hair was concerned, she never thought of it. Hut Uex didn't like her domesticity uud that's why liis stenographer uppeuled to lim so strongly. Hut when Hex's wife discovered the true state of afluiis, sue got busy and il wasn't long before she was considered the most up-to-date woman In New York. In fact, she was so much up-to-date thut Hex was made to reali.e how wonderful she ivully was. That's why he tieggetl her to return to her former ways of living and found real happiness in domesticity. Miss Bennett never had a more filling role than that which she por trays in "Hail pins." Malt Moore is seen In th role of her husband. The picture was directed by Kred Nihlo. under tiie personal supervision of Thomas H. lnce. The supporting company is excellent. The long awaited photodramntic production of (he amazing and sen sational stage play, "The Kiddle: Woman," with Ceraldine Karrar in terpreting the role created by lteriha Kalich. will be ul the Liberty for the last time tonight. "The Kiddle Woman," created a furore on the slage, ami Is destined to do the same on the screen by vir tue of the virility and power of its story, the magnitude of the star, and the supporl ing cast, t ho beauty, splendor and lavlshness of its stage settings, and the, exceih nee of its production. It centers about the riddle of the ages -eternal woman! Woman, who is as great an enigma to herself as she is to man! The story shows how three different women fell under the subtle spell woven by a clever, cruel, heartless trifler. Hut none of them bore i heir dishonor in the same way. Miss Karrar Is said to be magnifi cent in the role created on the stage by Hertha Kalich. Kdwaid Jose directed thin Carl Jacohy play, and chose a cast sup porting Miss Karrar that Includes Montagu Love, Adete Hlood, William P. Carl. ton. Madge Bellamy. Prank Loseo and laouis Stern. In the quiet of a college room three chums were talking over their pipes, of life and Its problems, dis cussing creeds, and debaling the lliousaud and one questions that ab sorb and fascinate youths about to go forth Into the world. Two of the three finally put upon paper the creed upon which they were agreed, a creed which wns to regulate their future conduct. The third man refused to subscribe. "No Cod, no sin, no future life; nothing but the survival of the fit test, and every man for himself." This creed was signed by Nicholas Desborough nnd James Itlttenshaw. I'nder their signatures the third man of the trio wrote his opinion of it: "All tommy rot," and signed his name. Harvey Heck. With the creed as their guiding light l he two chums en tend tiie business world. Materially, they were very successful. Tin- creed seemed to have brought to them all t hat men could ask, of com fort, reputation, worldly goods, achieve ment. Probably it was not applied is extremely as II was written; until Nick cult-red Into an uffair with Jin's wie, Daisy. Then It bit home. "Lvery man for himself no sin the survival of Jhe fittest " these principles were part of the creed which J i in and Nick had agreed up on; nut wnen mai creed hi rues, ai he very viials of his happiness, Jim brushed It aside and killed his friend. How the soul of a man wins, through ngony and tears, to u won- leiful redemption, is the theme or he (ioldwyn picture, "Karlhbouud," which is playing at the Majestic igain tonight. UiLL IIOI, llt. The lad It's of tho Christian church will hidd a 'mzaar of fancy ariich'.s for 'h riHtmaH, In conned ion with a ah of hoiiif-cookc-d didlcach-s, next Wcdnt-Hday. 1 !. S, at the old l(o v huildltiK on Jarknon Hirtot. A nice aHHorl no-iit of ChristmaH Ktds will ho on dhplay. lAH'Mi m:vs notks. Arundel, piano ennar. FHon I89U Flrt-a dcsitoy iitpii, propcrtj and food. 13 o careful with fire. IVnhrton Bros. -ncIoncd car Jit ney service, rhon) o. Ilt-st f(iili))td machlno Bliop for lathe Htf.-l and KprlnK work at the It oh burg (Jarago. HririR your llr8 and tubes to the Uosehurs (luraKe fr repair and vul canizing. Dr. Harry K. Morgan, dentist, tele phone 4H3. OfTicv 315 1'erkliiH buihi Ing. Exlrie storage hatterh 4 for all How hurt? ma ken of cars at the U a rag. Goodyear solid tire for truck, all izeu In sto k at the Itosehurg Car age. Wrltn Jack lioaen, Prain, for cat a - Ioku" and prices for the' Queen In cubators, coal and oil burning brood ers. Avoid disappointment uy piac- Ing" your ord,.r now for future d- TO ilVK CglUSTMA BALL. The Itorichurg FIro Department will glvo ihelr annual Christmas ball on Saturday. December 25. at the armoiy. This is a yearly event with tiie fire department and has betn missed only in the year HH8. when the present members of the depart ment were for the most part In some brunch of the army service. The dance this r will be made a great event and elaborate preparations are being inude. it. H. Hixon. of lixon ille. was greeting his, friends here uud at tending to business- mailers Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. i. II. Nichols were among the out of town residents here Saturday attending to business mat ters. M1CKIE SAYS i trrctvx p ovAfc op moo - . Jhimi 9 lOtt's Music Stored ROSEBURG, OREGON FIREPLACE FURNITURE How about it? Don't you need a set of Andirons or a new screen? We have been unable to get but a small part of those ordered for this season, but we had several sets on hand; and invite you to call and inspect them. Prices have not been advanced with us, but have with jobber and manufacturer. Churchill Hardware Company Roseburg, Oregon. P. S. Ladies remember that the Mystic Mitt is an acceptable small fiift to any houm-wife. Christmas Photos Make Your Gifts Personal Ones PHOTOGRAPHS Will Solve a Lot of Problems Make your appointment as soon as possible CLARK'S & STUDIO mod rrmrn C I TE J.IITI.E BATHIIOBES. Clilldri'n'B bathrobe and slipper 81'ls, tliii'ly ("mined and put up in lnixi'8. Sizes 6 months to f years, colors pink or blue. Carr'a special pricH $4.25 per set. Buby blanketa i'jxi at 95c; 30x40. heavy fancy. 11.45, 36x48 inch at $1.95. Near goods at new pricea at Carr'a ttht're you save. IIOSIKICY IS CHKAl'ER. Woman's tiu-rcerlzed were 98e to $1.25. Tarr'a new pricea baaed on luwi'r inai'kttH, 6 Sc. No sale, no philanthropy, just our policy of low-t-rinK our Kflllng pricea aa market rust decline. Old $2.50 value In pure thread Bilk hoao, Carr's new price $t.l!. Make a Rift of hoae, towela. etc. All at lower regular pricea at Carr's where you nave. his will fix my cold f ALWAYS keep Dr. King'sNew Discovery handy. It breaks up hard, stubborn colds and stops the paroxysms of coughing." No harmful drugs, but just good medicine. At your druggists. Cue and $1.20 a bottle. For colds andcongbJ DrJOng's New Discovery Stubborn Bowels Tamed Leaving the system unclcaned, clogged bowels unmoved, results in health de struction, l et the gently stimulating normal bowel and liver functioning. Same old price, 25c. All druggists. toUille 5 Too late now to get it for Thanksgiving but how about s 2 XMAS Only 24 Days away. T3he Victrola, Edison Sonora, Cheney p A machine for every purse, 4 from $25 to $300. Come in 4. and select it, while our is complete. stock 8 s ai 'W I -J Ilv. r. Il)-iuiiiber the Qu n Is too best money can buy. 1