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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1920)
MHKW Har. tt77 B08EBCRQ NEW 8 REVIFW . . .it ihr things. changean.e . r -'""" The wona loaay - rgTliiw'i. W lmbTlT Pert ' u. for that purpose The .iijuu- H1IH'IHTION HATES DtllT. tmt yr. by mull... j ST! 1 .11 months by mU ird of value in "" -, iold. ailver. nickel and coppor and 4 00 100 ' mn- ill By - . . . , -. A..oclWl Pr 1 iclully . ,f t "I t venience ot " ., Entered wund-e. i'"' oVeiolC' under th. Art of Mrcb ... Ituwlmrg. Hwniln-r O. " PAltKNTS TO lil.AMK. !. iuuv of car- J.ZT, -e 'to the of cSlldr.n. the Portland Or.goni.a of Sunday tu ne -";.-',, , court confirnted . "... iup c In that wh.n at a conf-T. nc- Pcharitl. and corr.r " other day he warned t Pl aaninst expecting puuuc - . "Sena,, lib. court, to much dlrectty ... " - - - - ,,K -.,lH judge s;s::7h h. -Vrt. of u.iu,ncy are sown. . . . .....on ilml the Iar Tins u' ' .i , ar" V... .. '. ...urate that crl.iiii.ui, uu - - ,. ,.,, Ih(.v they have not done all that thy .... ... tvil.llltv not nXequ.ntly'the r.ult of aln of omlsKlon. we ouk.u ..." - - - -re.nln.ler that no court can furnish a auhstilule for a good ho ne. ye It Is the observation of public welfare agenia that a good many persons think that this can be done. It la the central Idea of the Juv. nile court." aaya Judge It la the home thai make, chl dren Kood. and If Ihe children are delin quent delinquency can always be traced to a home that Is not do ng Its duly." The Judge perhaps mini mizes loo greatly the potential In fluence of a tactful monitor, but he n.nin.v riirhi in aaylng: I want you to know that I have no faith in Ihe Idea that the lecture of a Judge can make children good. Lectures never muke anybody good. Ooodness In the child Is a thing of ... Thu front on- slow, s.eany porlnnlty of Ihe court and the social worker Is that of opening the eyes of parents to all the great power and e .. .... i,.,vn fi.r the con- responHli....ij' -j ---- - trol of the moral destinies of their children." , . . In a perfect society there would be no need ror currew iiiwn, .... ents would regard themselves aB re sponsible for Ihe whereabouts r.r their own children, and for a stand ard of family life that would make home the best place of nil. Society unfortunately Is not perfect, but the point made by Judge l.nhr seems to bo that In our efforts to Improve it we wusie energy In trying to reform where wo ought ir possible to pre vent Juvenile court Is In one sense a misnomer. Other officials than Ihe Indianapolis Judge know that often II Is the parenls and not the children who ought to be summoned before the bar. and there Is sound opinion behind the movement to expand Us function.. In tl.l direction. Court of domestic relations Is n name that more fittingly expresses the real scope of the work cut out for It to do. Allol.lSIIINd MOSKY. hanglnc m vu.ue -:- .tamlaru u. - llke night to be nxeu a m -- - the pound or yard or gal on. Dur g the war. the bullion value of gold Actuated violently, and heaped morinou. y.upjr...n ;...r.d flnc,;.' obligation, o, ill sorts. Now. it n.ay be that I--n,n" P"1"; poses to establish some s.anda.d of value that win hv aearly bo. such as ecum........ 1 ' . j An American thinker "... u .nil. of value, a nas "!"- - .- ,.. , """ :" " :: , :. f.,r given .luanllty of various foodstuffs and U.BI" . ........ Th-i. If one ot .liier".."- - ,. ihese certitlcat.-B represented a day wag.-s, those wages ihrlnk in pur.nas...K have been doing; and when d. I.ts ere repaid, the lenoer ........ .ack always as much . lower as he lent. nii"i."- "" ' d a basic measure of energy as ihe unit of value. In the form of one kilowatt-hour or one ..... with every commodity and rv'c' " tlimited in terms of that unit. That, too. might be an ln.prove.m nt on the gold standard, if it could once he . ............ Th. would Irf- c-rtill- . nth.-r ...kens ls- or iiu.n ... - med In various denominations of the lias U nlne s thing like that In mind? We shall see. Hut whatever he does, he will not auonsn mo...,. He can do no more than change tl... name and form ot money. - rannot do that, permanently, iill the world agrees. It would he interesting to have full Information nbout the milshevlsl plan to abolish the use of money. However crazy I.enlne's particular scheme may appear. Its purpose may command respect, lor many - cler more level-headed than he has wanted to get rid of the world's pres ent money system. If Lenlne simply regards money as "the root of all evil" III morals and economics, he Is silly. It Is not money, but the love r II, that Is morally wrong; and economically. It is Impossible to get along without money of some sort. Some medium of exchange there must be. In a civil ized society sum. thing which is a general measure of value, and ex- I'ltdHTH !' PANAMA CANAL. Much Is heard In the papers of 111. ..uit.-iiikii cunal. In uroil.a " ..." - , (he last llscal year il Is stated that lolls collected exceeueu eP.-..o. $2.387, 6J9. That Is all very we I. n... r....r..s.-nt nrofil in UUl l e ..... - - any sense of the wold. In ever In.slneHS eBlunnmi""-"! ... . . .... ... ......n ......null money rtiueru...... o - -- --- --- io pay interest oil the Investment. and the next is io p.n ........- amortization fund or else write oil . ......... ,..,,.ini for depreciation act. year. Atler inese o. - . n II Is I tine to HULK Ol :iwe .... - . .r,... ..I.... ..r pmirse. the cost proms, u.-......n. .if operation. In reporting on the canal no account whatever Is taken ,r u.......rtl.UllOI.. 11 UK' 11 MM."., n. ... - - ..,,.. ro cons dered, ine su-iu...... charges would be many times tin recelpls from tolls. .... . . ...... nr.. hi.iu however 1 lie run... ..... as u money making Instiluilon. but .... .... . .......... ....Milts .if defense rillll.-r art a w. - ... r.iu i.r the United Siales. and as an aid to American commerce und that of the world. 11 ....ur,.i in resnects. In fact It Is not Inconceivable that In the future the canal muy enable the ... .......... . ri.ti.... ..f our fleet at n threatened point on one coast or the other and save the nation from dis aster. Viewed in that light the Pan ama cannl venture is a big economic siiciosb. II Is a mistime io lean un people to believe that a few million dollars on one sine or ine oui.-i ... the ledger in Ihe matter of tolls and operation costs amnnnts to anything They should be led to lo.ik at Ihe project In the light in which II was conceived, and In 11b relation to our lomlc welfare and lllillonal san- ty. One of the most r nrkable re sults of the recent price slump Is the demand nm.le by New Yol k and Hus ton merchants that they he allowed b.. .i.,.iiir..i,...M from the Income and excess prollts taxes payable In December, because of the shrinkage nf values In their slock. They waul congress to legalize such procedure. The taxes In question are due on the prollts earned last year. The ques Albert Lindquest The (.ol.leil-volced He rose like a meteor in America., concert work. Discovered by Honci, who told him, "Young man. you have gold in your throat." Hear this won derful tenor who enraptures all who come within the sound of his magic voice. Thursday Night High School Auditorium When you hear Albert I.indquest Thursday night, shut your eyes. Imagine yourself in your own home with the same glorious voice pouring upon your ear. That is exactly what the New Kdison gives you. Ellison selects only those artists whose voices pass the Edison met hod of voice-analysis. The new Kdison Ke-Creates these wonder voices with such fidelity that the ear cannot dis tinguish between He-Created, voice and living voice. me NEW EDISON "The Phonogtftpk with a Soul" Hear Thursday why Edison found I.indquest 's voice worthy of perpetu ation. Then come to our store and hear how the New Edison gives you everything Ihe living Lindquest gives, except his physical presence. OTT'S MUSIC STORE Itonelnil'K, Oregon. Must be turned into Cash, REGARDLESS OF LOSS ! Our full page ads in Tuesday's and Wednesday's News-Review, explained our reasons for placing our entire stock at your mercy At Prices You Will Never Hesitate to Ccwider. Ten Days of Profitless Prices ! A FEW PRICES FROM A LONG LIST: All regular Ginghams, 25c & 30c All regular Percales 29c All regular Outings 24c All Silk Hose i4 off All Fancy Figured Salines 75c A Wonderful Assortment of CHRISTMAS GIFTS. Everything reduced over 15, some things re duced 50. $f $1 News-Review Has Reaching Power It is a far cry from TSoseburg to ...... .1.... Ihe NeWS-lleview spreads" lis influence to that dl"n' stale as well as 10 pi a . ulier parts or me worm. -" " .... nu nn advertising noes n " - : , medium find exemplification In re- urns from ills.ani piacei., ..... - ......!.... n..iL-r.. tl.:. t neonle s lis nn . . ... .... ,, . . , ,... ... .......a s of miles rcsiuuiK 1". r...... . .... r...l...i...a nil. I flll.l away n-.iu i i here nn attractive power wnlcn leads then, eventually io.reK...i ...... Itoseburg. Another instance of this has jusl been brought to light. Ite- enllv upon requesi a saini.". -"ej the News-lteview was mailed to a man residing In Florida. A letter has just been received irotn nun. .losing money order for subscrip tion and informing Ihe managemeni if the paper that ne will ne m i.s las county to locate 111 the early piing. if... r A,lnt' nf Kiifireno. returned this morning to her home in Eugene after visiting over ine week end with friends In this city. o Hove Allen and wire, who hare hee visiting at the John Husenbark home, left this morning for their hiiine at Salem. Ireaves l-'or California Mr. and Mrs. E. C. RasT. wbo have been vititing in Nonh Ro. hurg at the homo of Mr. and Mn J. F. Coje. left thia morning lor California where ih. y sill sptnil the winter. They reside at St. iama, Minnesota. tlon Is naturally asked, what his year's prices have to do with last year's income. Cruics further re mind the merchants that the taxes should by rights have been paid long igo, that Ihe extension of time until Dec'. 15 was generous and gratuitous ..... ...... ..r .1... government, that nil .lie ... . . ... n large numbers of business concerns mil Individuals nave aireuuy full, and It would be unfair to dis criminate In favor of tne late pay ers. If the latter were given what they usk, there should be a rebate fur all the rest. And where would Ihe confusion end? The obvious fact is that the taxes on last year's In come ought to have been paid out of ii.... inr........ If that had been done. there would be no such trouble now. II could easily have I ll done by many business Institutions that are now complaining. If they had used some of their boom-lime surplus for that purpose instead of giving il ..way to the stockholders In the form .. nf ,...r.k ..ivi. lends. Now the only possible rule Is. no special privi leges. Big Deal Closed Near Sutherlin KFTIIFPI IN. Or.. Dec. 4. A deal was closed here to.lay whereby Ken i. u,.k--iv well known t rcl'.ard ,.r Wash., and Hood Itiver. leased from tile lialfour tliitli .in c.imnanv. of Portland, and tin MortEiiee Comnanv Holland-.' ...erica of Seattle. Wash, approximately IMO acres ot aplne orcuarus in ..mi..-. Valley. The deal includes several thousand dollcrs' worth of equip inent used in the care and crlli ..- t.n ...'.)i!ir,1.t. The leas' is for three years v'ith privilege of In.rin. ...wl II tu .lllllerst.lO.l tlwlt Mr. Vclsav will erect a large rucking house lure eaily the coining yea. in order to handle tne iruu. n i; I rumored that a big company Is be hind nr. .Mc.ay aim .mi. e...-imi.' i I... ..r .l.r. l.vt.u fr.lit tenet in Sutherlin Valley will be inaugiir aled ine comniB year. Detroit Praises Famous Tenor ft nr.n, rln. nf Iho nlllsiC WOl'M nin.l.. his how to Detroit in Iho per nf All.r.-t I .ii.i imes! . lie saur. l program that proved him Io be a real artist and tils worn mime.. l..ll.rht..,l 111., nmlience. His voice Is tenor of wonderfully timpani qualify." The foregoing is a typtc ..i r,i..iu.n r.r Mr l.iidtiuesrs art tl is from a musical critic of t lit I ...t 1-Vee l'ress. one of tile coun tries well known newspapers, l ew i.-i sta navM aril level su.-ii wnn- .- ...lfr.n nm WOll SllCh UVISll COI11 ...r...,l.,t i.r.i evervu iiere as has Mr l.iniliinest. Three of N.'W lorKS realist dailies and two or Chica i'.i s largest newspapers nave pro lainted him a wonderful artist. Underwear Time We Have It-All Kinds At Pre-War Prices New Goods Coming in Daily Dresses, Coats, Skirts, Waists and all kinds of Ladies' Ready-to-Wear at the new low price levels BURCtMRLTS SQUARE STDHt TfnnuvU-nnln frr..ltest of I railroad systems, announces that It has 129.960 stockholders. The I'nit- eil Slates Steel t'orporallon, ..f indnstriitl "trusts." has scores of thousands of stockholders. Kvery I year the ownership of the big cor- .....r.r There tt Tf I).... n. ..... ............. - ---still a few large owners, but they I own a smaller nn.. smaller pri.i..r ti.m of the capital stock. It Is com ing to be so that the little stockhold ers can control, if they choose ... use their power, because they are so many of them. Thus, gradually. I the corporations uie i-....ii.ik . mean "ihe people." We are all be- I coming capitalists. T-.... ..a nfrni.) tr. Irv l'(.lvers) Tire Filler in your tires, because it ..;.-.., v.... .r.. Gittisfitction. while air is not giving you 25'.. And it is fully guaranteed. Governor Draws Pay During Absence SAI.KM, Dec. 4 Governor Ol 'ott does not lose his salary as lb.' state's executive by his temporary .ihsence from Oregon, according l. an opinion written for Secretary of 1 State holer by Attorney-t.eueral Van Winkle, who declares thai Un law wap not intended to suspend or transfer the salary of the governor during his temporary absence from the state although the duties of that office during .he interval were to be performed by the pn-sident of Ihe senate. The is silent, how ever, as to any compensation which might be coming to W. T. Vinton, who is holding down the gubernator ial lh during tlovernor Olcott's tem- MICKIE SAYS i r? Pro rQtVO.R C4&,M3 OVKO CvW MEARS MONO IxU. ? s. v vt-'..CVvOtrQ VOrVlT. VXUWVWfc. A. rcw-..-x- ' AUlUeD OVJT Et hrst - . .uvM.nncs i Advertise In the News-Review. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Mways bears the Signature of SHASH-Go Shoe Prices A SALE That is a SALE! than vou find elsewhere. Every price we quote is a Big Saving, much less than everyday prices. Mon'e Silt Srtv t Vinr. formerlv sold for . $1 50 NnW . ' . . S1"00 $2.50 Ladies Felt Slippers,now $1.95 2.00 Ladies Felt Slippers, now 1.65 1.50 Ladies Felt Slippers, now 1.19 Children's Felt Slippers, now on Sale at 89c, 98c. $1.29, $1.39 SMASH Go Shoe Repair Prices. Roseburg Booterie IRVl.V BHUXN SHOeS 1NA1 SATISFY AND FIT Tf OUR FEH. BBiMC US YOUR REPAIR WORK UP m W x rerklns UUIg., lUwhnrg. t ' I . ,r- . II S I tl II "OoGvktoiW fi' ill ItoUe Jt Put k 50 Jrtjr?riHM E33 or! th SECOND LYCEUM NUMBER Thursday Evening, December 9 AT HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Albert Lindquist The Famous American Tenor Single Admission, $1.00; Season Tickets, Adults, $1.75; Students, $1 Stats on salo Tuesday morning at Kea cru x 1 " This Is a Feature Attraction 1 1 T.I I I III I.r I.l rIX-lliJ lemporary asence. RESULTS? our want ads get them. ... . .on