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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1920)
paok porn r- - . i ;,i I. i W- ' I!' Ul,:.,:-J POROUS f ...... .! P r3 ti l 'n y Loganberry Plants If you want lmittt that will cmw W. L. BENTLEY Wooilhiim, On'umi, II. it. I . Sheet Metal Work (b OK A IX KINDS J. II. SINN5GEI? 11B OAK HTKICICT PHONIC 428 iiur wnnt adit get them. V All sorts of wiles Biicci'HHfully concluded, for iirrnngoments hub M. C KAIAltAK;il 630 N. l'liie St. Our All-Wool Tailored -To -Measure Clothes are a happy cnlnlilliutloll of flrst class (iiiullty and reammablu prices. Now la th tluia to practice truu economy. Ci-iue III td.iy. We can Fhnw you miii.' very aitrac live prices oil I :'uIIh. IMPERIAL CLEANERS IYMCN I. SPENC1R, PROPniflLR ft 3 ). f Our Way r Auto Will Call. I'lione II7T. DR. NERBASl DENTISTl Masonic BIdg. Roseburg, Ore. $ PHONE 488 ? ALL WORK GUARANTEED. I w So he took an inch of Purola and a like amount from four other shaving creams and worked up a lather from each. Ho put the results on separate glass slabs. Here are the comparative volumes of lather at the end of one minute: roir ordinary sKfivirv crettraJ Then ho went farther and found out that Purola gives 150 tinn-3 it3 volumu in lather and that there are 150 shaves in ewry tube. He also found out Purola will work up a lather quicker than an ordinary shaving cream. Ho believes Purola 13 the quickest, most economical and most satislyintt shaving cream made. So do we I So will you I If you don't return any part of the tube to the dealer and get your money ba k. All good druggists sell Purola. Every Pitrrtla Preparation t prepared and 4uarantme4 bv blurnaver-l-tank Lettoiaterimi. Portland, Urmttom Shaving Cream. AKOIIA CI. I'll ItA.V'I-:. Ni'Xt rrgular dunce Monday v-n- Uik, C, Maorabt e hull. Otl's niuhIc. 8:30 Bliarp. IVnmiiB rutting evergreens on our priipurly In fcuVntmwer will i proHiculud. Mm. E. M. Moore, I. Mile I.. Moore. Auto repairing, springs marie, and welding. Kpaugh Hold, Oak phens Rtrecla. They fit Rood, they look (rood, Ihey feel good becuuuu they arc good .Stephens' Shoes. .Sohiiman's Hesliiurani, 451 Sherl idan alreet, open all night. DR. R. P- BRADFORD AND WIFE Licensed Chiropractic Physicians Oltii'O 481 l'eiklim l!hlL'. THE WO0OOOOOCX)hx CREED OF NEWSREVIEW TO ii:r AM. THE NKWS gi K'KI.Y AM I-UIM1 IT 1H"ARIT.VM.Y. TO ATTILMIT AN IIOVKST I.NTKIt-l-Kl.l'A 1 ION CF IJllt)KT..NT HAr I'KMMJS. TO UWM I.XKltVHODY A.l DK l AM) OK K KltYHODY A MVl'AKM im:ai,. TO STAM) roil TIIU KXroltCK MKNT OK TIIK LAWS, AM. LAWS. TO ItAM.T Wit SCHOOLS, t'HITtlTIIW AMI WOltTHY 1NSTT 1 1 I'lONS. TO WOISK ltlt THIS CITY. COl -TY Al SKCTION. KKCHXbXHXOCKHOOClX Subscribe Now To Douglas County Family Paper... Logan Tips, Spring Delivery Those are not sprout plants. Joint Hunts or Bprangle tip plants. They e (Irat-claaa tips. Also have straw oerry plants and all kinds fruit trees. Bettor book your order now. H. t. EL LI 3 Three mUes west of Roseburg. A zone educational mooting was h.,1,1 at Dii Irlurw. u t n v Tnnflixra from all th schools In that com munity were proseni. Mrs. v. j. Ilrowu and A. E. St root were In at tondunce from Rosoburg. SutherlinSanitarum MEDICAL SURGICAL Write R. I. IIALIi, M. D., Bupt. Hiilhoilln. Oretron THE WHALE IS CHAMPION JUMPEF Mammal Easily Holda All Record. When It Come to a Quaatlon of High Loaplng. If too wore asked the question "What auliual can Jump the hli'heiitr jou would In all likelihood, rueai wrong. It Is the halo I Oh, yes, the whule a IWi, and he can Jump out of the wo ter to a height of 25 feet with thi greutvst This Is nhout twice ai high as the tiger, who con manngi ahout 12H feet to 13 feet. A dog hm been known to clear 10 feet, and thi home follow! neit with 7 feet 8M Inches. Mim's record hlirh Jump was mnd In 1014 by a Cnllfornlun. who renchei 8 feet 7 5-10 Inches. In 1013, the tre mendous height of 6 feet 014 Inchei was ntlnlm-d for the stnndlnir high Jump, thnuKh In 1WI2 a man reached 6 feet, with weights, at this Jump. As regards the long Jump, without weights, the record, 24 feet 119 Inches, was made In 1B01, and It haf now stood for nearly tweuty years. The longest Jump hackwarils, with weights. Is 12 feet 11 Inches, and the holder of this record also holds that of the standing long jump, without weights, with 12 feet 14 Inches. Of animals, one might expect the kniignroo to hold the record, but he can only manege 15 feet ten less than rnun though, tnlklng of long Jumps, how about the grasshopper? He can Jump 200 times his own length. GAUDY COSTUME HIS FOIBLE Marshal Murat, Napoleon's Famous Cavalry Leader, Seemingly Had Craie for "Fine Feathers." Mnrslml Murnt was the dnndy ninnng Nnpoleon's generals. One Paris tnllor said tlmt In some yenra he had made ns much as 1(10.000 francs' worth of stilts, overcoats and uniforms for Murnt. He liked to Invent new nnd fmilnstlc uniforms, he strutted ahout In a suit of sky-blue overalls covered all over with gold spangles, nnd he decorated his busby with aigrettes. On the occnslon of his triumphant entry Into Warsaw when he supposed he would be made king of Poland, ho wore an Impossible looking uniform, red leather boots, tunic of cloth of gold, sword belt blazing with dia monds, and a great busby of fur docked out with costly plumes. On this occnslon Napoleon lost his temper nnd testily exclnlnied to his general: "Go nnd put on your proper uniform ; you look like a clown. Itut the em peror was not misled by Murat's love of finery, for It Is recorded thnt he once said of him: "You may smite at my dnndlflcd marshal, but you will no tice thnt when columns are shot down today, Murnt's Enudy plume will he dancing In the hottest of the fight Let a hero have one folly, gentlemen." Spruce and Hemlock. It Is not difficult to distinguish be tween spruce nnd hemlock In the forest, when one lenrns to notice the following points: The spruce tins stiff pointed leaves (or short needles). Its bark scnlcs are never bright red, nnd the cones smaller than those of the plnes-hang dowg on the branches. The hemlock, on the other hand, has soft flat needles, often two-ranked, that Is, growing on two sides of the stem, so thnt the sprig has a flat tened appearance; hemlock bark scales look red, when broken off. and the dainty little cones stnnd erect on llielr branches, falling npnrt soon after ripening, so that no old cones long remain on or under the trees where they grew. Lumber from the two trees mny be distinguished by re membering that thnt of the spruce Is white In color, while hemlock wood retnlns Its fnlnt reddish tint What Chance Did Dad HaveT Tr.d. I lost my commutation ticket todny. It slipped out the car window. Will you please give me money enough to get n ton-ride ticket? There nre only live more working days In the month, wi I'll need only the ten rides. Now, dnd, you can't ask me to take It nut of my allowances. It simply can't be done. Anyhow, one of your old cor porations declared a dividend recent ly, nnd I didn't have to ask yon for any money for two weeks. Thnt saved you $.V. and the ticket Is only $10. Why. dnd, yon are $2.1 ahead at that ! You're making money off your own sonl You can't do thatl It Isn't be ing done this yenr. ... I knew you would feel ns I do about It Thank you, dad." Indlnnnpolls News. Emperor's Splendid Tomb. The body of Nnpoleon III Ilea In a tomb In the church of St Michael at Fnrnborough, Englnnd. This chapel wns built by ex-Kmpross Eugenic as a memorial to her husband. In the crypt also Is placed the tomb of her son, the Prince Imperial, who wns killed while lighting with the English army In Zulu land. The church Is a magnificent building of white stone, nnd stands on the brow of a MIL It Is surmounted by a tower and pinnacled with dorens of small shafts. The empress used to visit the chapel dally. Ton priests were constantly employed by her t say masses for the dead. Olad She Does. TIow yon can stnnd yonr wife"! spending her time at club and suffrage meetings lcnts me. If I were you Td tell her she should be home doing the cooking. Til be hanged If yon would. If yon knew what kind of a cook the U."- Jfcutou Transcript HER DAUGHTER AND HIS SON. BY IDAH McCLONE CIBSON UucnIh of Jerry lliitliuuny. We met Jerry at the restaurant and It was Just at the fashionable lunch hour. The young men and Mamie were in their element, but I confis I felt n little Belf-conscloua. A number of people came to our luhle lo ask about Ken. After one of the fashionable young mutrons hud done this, and acknowledged smilingly an Introduction to Mamie and me. Mamie remarked as she left: "Say it Isn't so hard to break Into society nowadays. Is It? Just get In on some sensational racket and you're there. Who'd imagine I was the check girl nt this restaurant a few days ago, when today I was In troduced to a woman who probably never gave me a glance as checker. Miss Henrietta llorton of the Friv olity theater Is something else again as Mamie Itlley, hat checker. The chorus business Is looking up." "Don't think, Mamie," said Jlm mie. winking ut me, "that Mrs. IJen son came over lo see you. She wanted to hear about Ken. She probably won't recognize you In the third row the next time she goes to the the ater." "I'm in the first row, If yofl please, and anyway, Jimmle, you can't take away my pride In dining with the son of the proprietor of this place." "I don't suppose you remember refusing that privilege many times when you were a check girl, do you?" asked Jerry smiling appre ciatively. "I knew better than to go to lunch with you then, Jerry Hathuway, and I wouldn't be Willi you today If 1 had, and you know it. I've got a lit tle sense and I know that while you are a good fellow and I like you, you are your father's son and have a man's Idea about the gliia ln your employ." t ' "Am I as dangerous as all that? You flutter me. Miss Klley." "You're not at all dangerous to me but to my reputation." "You don't mean to tell me you're going to take a little thing like a reputation on the stage wllh you. It's a great detriment to a musical com edy career, you know," grinned Jerry, thoroughly enjoying the re partee. I felt they were keeping up this Joking to muke me forget everything thut happened since I left home af ter mother's death, and I was sur prised to find how well they were succeeding. It Is a very wise dispen sation of nature that Intense griefs are ulso short lived. I had taken Mamie's advice and closed the book. Ken and Grace seemed far away just then, even when I greeted Mr. Hulsey, who came in Just as we were having cof fee, and graciously seated himself beside me. He seemed much disappointed when I told him what I had decided to do, but when he heard thai Mamie was going away, he insisted that I should take a small furnished iipartment which belonged to him, near his home. "I'm not going to let you out of my reach, Ann," he Bald. "I shall be very lonely without Ken and I want you and your young friends to come lo me very often." "That will be fine, sir," said Jim mle. "Jerry and 1 will be glad lo come, I'm sure, but Mamie is going on the road soon and you can only have her occasionally." "They will be occasions of rare plensure," suld Mr. Haisey with old fishloned courtesy. "Do you think that Grace and Ken will be well enough to leave tomor row?" asked Jim abruptly. "Hardly. It will probably be some weekB bfore Ken recovers sufficient ly to travel, but he is getting belter every minute. When I left, Ann, he wns asking for you." Tomorrow Ken's Father. o Am now booking orders for day old chicks for 1921 delivery from high producing Tancred strain White Leghorn and O. A. C. Barred Rocks. Karl Vosburg, 702 Kullerton St., Roseburg, LODGE DIRECTORY. . O. O. !', l.lnn Enrnmpment K. . Meet in Odd fellows' Tempi, every Thursday evrnlns. Visiting brethren always welrome. JOHN KKKSE. C. P. KUOTKIt HUT.NKR. H. P. OL1VEU JOHNSON, R. S. JAMES EWAKT. F. ft ti.M.I.KS Hoseburs jtene meets In Mount hall on .la-kon Wt. on L'nJ siul 4th Monday evenltiK. or each month at t VliKk. Visiting brethren In good standing alwayn welcome. VK'TOK MK'Kt.I.I, W. P. P. A. J Wl'I.F. W. P. B. F. QOoDMAN. Betretsry. K.Mtilll'S OF rVIIIIAI Alulia LodKe No. 4T. m..t every Wednesday even ing, cor. Jackson and Cass tits, oi. alwav. welcome. HOT O. TOUNO. C C. OIIA3 .F. ROPK tV8. M. F. K. E. WIMBRRLY. K. H. 8. .NfcUUtlUOIt! OF HIHIUCHAVT Lilac t'lrcl. .No. . m.ets on 2nd and 4th Monday evenings, visiting neighbors Invited to attend. KL'ITH ClIl'RCHII.t O N. Ti '.LIB I. JOHNSON. Clerk. U. 1. O. KI.KS. HoMrburc l.oOft. S)a. K.11 Itolns regular communications at th. Klka' Temple on each TUursdny of every month. All member, re quested to attend regularly, and all visiting brothers ar. cordially In vited lo attend. A. J. Ut.BCIOt. K. R. IRA B. BIUIjLE. Seer. UUOIIUK OF TUB WIIRI.D Camp No. Hi. meet. In Cdd Fellows' hall in Koseburc every 1st and 3rd Monday evenings. Visiting neighbors al ways welcome. t). R F1CKKNS, C. C. . . , . M. U. MUXUt, Clerk. ."Jia.U'lW.WJ" Net Contents 15 Fluid Prachwj SLCOHOL-3 PEH OliNT. AVcicUbk'PrcparatioaCirj'J .:-:i!i:..Aih.M hv RcOllll- rnnitJieSloniaitoaMlkrOTUtfJ frffVB6m the j f -..n .Hr- niVitiiYiI Thereby Promo'tinS DKcslion 1 I l)s.t;iilK Lnocnuinc aim mot ncillicrOpiam,forphlnenof . . Vii4iTir 6 i i.(f1ill)fnuTivf0f 'fcnstirondUianhota I . .irhnM and !'rcsulUn tlKfrwnjMlnfy- facsimile SiSnature- jot cmA co-wash. I NEWYjwvL Exact Copy of Wrapper. SB mm !!? n n AT BBW1M.W Home grown English walnuts, 30c lb. E. C. Weber, Rosi-burf?. Ut. 2, or leave orders with G. W. Young ft Son, 116 Cass St. LOYAL OUI1KI1 OP MOOSU Rnseburff Utlf?e No. J 037 meet a first nnl thin) Tuesday own i nun ol each month at 8 o'clock In thu Moose hull. All visiting brother ar invited to attend, C. W. CIjOAKE, Dictator. H. O. PAltUKTUK. Secretary. O. K. Itn-Ncburfc Chnptr fin. H Hold their regular meeting on the 1st and 3rl ThurHdaya In aih month, are respectfully Invited to attend. LEONA ABRAHAM. V Jo. KKKB JOHrtSON. Bacy. A. P. ft A. SI., I.aarrl Loilice Vo. IS. Rugulur communications Jnd and 4th Wednesday j each month at Masonic Temple, Roseburif, Ore. Vlaltora wel come, W. F. TTARRTR. 9ecy A. A. WILDER, W. M. U. 11. A. O. T. M. RoNvbnnc llevlew II holds regular reviews on sec ond and fourth Thursday afternoons In Mai-cubtte hall. Sisters af ether revlewn vIsltlniT In our city are cor dially Invited to attend our reviews. Maccabee hall on Cass atreet. LOUISE LOt'KK, Com. JBSHIB RAPP. Col 1ti:ili:KAIl Koseburr Rcbekah lodffe No. 41, I. O. O. F.. Meets Irt 0ld Kel lows' Temple every week on Tuesday evening. Visit tnK members In good standing are Invited lo attend, EVA LKNOX. N. O. RKM.K STKI'HISNSON. Ser. KTIIKli BAIIjKY. 1'ln. Ho c y . The II. It. K. I. A. Lalon .-Her ting will be held at the Maccabee hall every first and third Wednesdays of the month. I. O. O. I'lillrtnrlan LtxlKe No. H, meeti at Sykes hall. N. Jackson St., on Saturday evening of cue week. Visiting brethren are always wel come. LYMON U SPENCER, N. O. A. J. GKDDKS, Rec. Kec, J. B. BAILEY. Fin. Sec. ItOMlCIH J I.ODGR NO. 1013, In I ted Ilrothrrhood of Maintenance of May Kmployen nnil It nil nay .stiiip Labor er. Affiliated with the A. F. of f Meets at Moose hall the first Wed. fourth Sat. nights and third Sundays of each month. J. F. SMITH .President. W. J. MEREDITH, Rec. Secy. GEO. MAC IVER. Flo. Secy. UNIVERSAL 4 UiIVlVkJau p I Farm Lighting Plants 9H T irtlit Plonf 19A A mn Hnnr RattprV. S390 i i 75-Light Plant, 165 f, 7 n R F. O. B. Let us show you the Universal. j J. F. BARKER & CO., IMPLEMENTS t M:t.h011 rtntcl.ind AutOmODlICS f. WE SELL Edison MAZDA LAMPS Douglas County light andWaterCo GASTQ3IA For Infant. a, ... . wMwiuua Always Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years 711111 TUB CtWTHMW tMMIII, Iv TOM CFT. BATTERIES! Cheyrolet Cars f 25.00 and (38.00 Bulck Cars. . .130.00 and f 45.00 For Other Can Pi Ices on Application. MOTOR SHOP GARAGE Agency Itulck and Chrrrolet 441 N. Jackaon Ht BoMtnnj. i j A fitting tribute to her matchlosi beauty. Her gift should surely be I pair of Stephens' Shoes, the perfect gift. Buy Better Buck and the Best Breeding Ewes for Less Money. BUY SHEEP WHEN THEY ARE LOW. 1 Ml IS ! Oil HI If you are Interested In any nurabtr ef either grade or regifttered ibetp N th. following br.t-di: Hampshire, Shropshire. Lincoln. Rom ney, Cutswold, ItanibouleUe, or an? cross. Write us quick what you want OREGON LIVESTOCK COM. CO. Box 61. North Portland. Orefol Heinline-Moore CONSERVATORY New clues atanlng Not. In normal lr ni for leacbert, or any one neilrloi u kuow theory. Harmony, and Innduaenuli of music. Tell und-rrogiwlre Series of nan01 Bon. For lolormation PHOKE 391 . M " " J ! Rnsphiirs? a Roseburg m r4 m mm s A.