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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1920)
pfifiB porn vv Nullum Kiill.Ttnn Tim NOTlCK KOI l IIIDH TO IMI'liOVIO StUTH Sll l'lil NH tTlii-.l T. j Si'iiU'd proposuls will bo roeoivcil by the underpin ihmI nt hin fifl'iee In the cily hall In I lit- city of Ilmo'lnne, Oii-khii, tin lt 5 o'clock p. in. Novem ber 15, 11120, for the liiinrnveiiiotil of South Stephens street, extenih-cl, In I lie manner provided by the plans nnd Hpeciticatlons of the City l-'tiKl-neer now on file in the office of tho City Heeorcler. A bond of 100 per rent of the eon tract, wttlKt'netory to the city, v-'lll tie required from the eontrtutor. Tho AK.MISTICK l).Y 9 n. i 1 ') u. 11 a. to 10 a. i. to 1 1 a. i. to 12 n. in. Noise Irarrnee. in. Patriotic, Fraiert al, nnd Comic Tarade. m. 1'roKram in the Armory: Community Sins Sponsoi oil i,y KoKeburg Mu.-tic Club, invocation I lev. WanliiKtim. Solo Mrs. Win. Klelzc r. Introduction Commander V.'Imberly. Speech Stale Supreme Justice Iirown. Community Sin. 12:0 to 2 p. m. lianriuet for 1.' irion anil ex service men in the basement of the I're.'diyu rinn Munch. 2 p. 111. to 3 p. in. Kxhibillon drill by ( x-ftorviee men. 3 p. in. to 5 p. in. Hand Concert, Tun ol War, Shoo Itace, Cas -Mask Knee, Army Stunts nnd Hoy Scout Kxhibitlon. 7:30 to H:',iO p. m. Cumin unity Sins In Armory. 8:30 to 12 Dance. CLASSIFIED COLUMN ALL MOW I I.AMMriKI AOVIH nsKMMMS Will, HI Till Ml ON I. AST IAiK I'NIIKH lll'AIl'i "MiW TUlV." vanti-:i. WANTED Turn !. lAM-'n or small, llt.ycr liru. 1'Ih.ih- 11 tm VANTi:i) Kxpi-i L in vi tiny w ult i mm - itt I ",Pnl"lt ,Mt,'L l,tll,ni; ' VANTKIt Wonmn f"i rt'in i ul h m: - work. Mm. V .U. .''Uitui 1 Vl.-i-i Ave. V A NTK 1 1 ii'Hi uHfl niM'l" i"--. linlt ert TJiHUKliinJ, K'liin- .'. Uti u lnu K. i iTC. WANT T itKNT Siinil in. us,., fur nlt'liftl ir imt hi iiinln il. linnii'W iiL JurvlH' MM'ni'il h:ml .ttii'c. W NT " T THAI' 1 : M " V i 1 ';i m. 1 1 . Vail- 22 at-r.-H. all lmj.Mv.-.l. 1 tie re j 1 :t li'riM n !"!-; Its ; li m.t-, n, J tlK rhl-k.-i li'Mt--i, .-.;..i-,: ... iM. ii Icilor iH'ii".', .rt....r li.ii.'. c.'.miv Imtixe. Tin ci mi It-it It t -in II t tl. ,,-. .-4 iHt n.Tm t I. ti.i i "i Want acrt'M;o n iir IIoki I'm sr. I'M. . Sluilil. Alsn hav :i lut.'i In l.:iht 1'lt til ex. 'I i it )): f '( .ity t . -j, : Itmperty, prlie IHco, li. V. lUam, ion hi:t. iu"V'rn"7.-;Kii-i ' pnffiuti' r.ttuj-' F"()!l iiiCS I Saf'-t v il. luisll tit - x u. ItnKobiiiri Nu 1 1" if' I U.mK. T'Olt KIJNT- I' in m-l.' il ii w ail privtlt-iro of.l-.tth. I'M S, Main t I-'iHl IlKNT- lliiniii for yi.itiu; in it. fur Ii tl nt. lialh. iL I So. J .t k.i.oi I'tioin- -11 -I. V;tHt" l!KNT I' o i ii i ! i I "in i n i" v ! h ll lialh. ti nil. in. in pi lift Tt .1. -"2 . I 'tuithis I J'"oii ItKN'l-T'iVi niMii .I" t'ti'is,.KM'i i k apnrttiM'WtB ami Sptpiinj ihuhn , ll.m.'luirK A p.n tin.'i! l, Miiln u mi linilaM, I'hi.iif tin, ,m;sci:i, s. ; r. of all kmM-:. S .!.,iii TO KXl'IIWUK - Fill.- lot in iv- Idi-m Htrlit Oaklatiil. f.r I . ! o.l tiui'k or ttnitliiic I'.-tr. Ailtliouft lli.i I a if, 1 tjlini tl. ( h i'iion frTUAV tti!:si: -Talo-n ip." " k'.m ': litir-o, whlio -,t rii In fa. t . I. ft I'f.'t. w til If. i'viiir in M if H'.l to ;i II fi; I'itoii.. ia-t ;,. .1. W, .ron. a.! ftoNKY Tt lxAN-2w"-y'.ir " rurnl j tTfttt f f in loans. Jtw Inti rciit ral. ! Mi.iiaO lo. a) tinMit'.v lo li'.i n on v I ' r-nl fxtalo. I"li ?t nun mane. See Al. j V Ji e'V 'i' i:i" I TllKll'T in IiIT."uT.;, n't i n'i; . in- an- j l.iK to buv tell n'' ! wlfii fti IHT.I II. M1V K""t! HII n name a.i a i: u,, , a -, t h,, k of it. ii jtai ni in liiiil i.t us in i itt. ! thou wh e n !l i KlxMit It. i:i i K li. A-il LOST AMI KUM. I,lS"T T'V'Ma'e rnlit poo. 4 to lit wjiril for rot urn. l'liona I'hatt. Ttar. Li ST Uu!.V lilatkhfTtoi!.! 771. en i'Mi'iilMiwer o) Ito Piinl. r l.-.v. nt N. u' -1 ; . jKOH SALIi. Foil S VI.R All klruli! of dry . woo.! I 'hnne 2 1. I Ft mTs a7. kiTm V'i a il V ; Impllto at'tn!' ir Vpirti'S nm. 3aU SaVi t"TTi li i pw.i "wltli "you'll"; a ivfu. joii.i k .i i m n FOR S.T.i: Vviy 7ln cull Hi'inu t j fvii iAuu ui ciiHi ua. i"a. a. hi aim. ' Vh'j Ym Denlifnce? YOU use a dentifrice to keep your teeth wl.itc to phc health to the gums, end clcnr.l.r.crn end comfort to the moith. Dentists t.ty tins is t!l any dentifrice can 'mutely do. And this is what Klcnzo Dental Crr.e accomplishes rrf"-ct''A The denti frice .ur.otfs for i:a lingering Cool, Clean, Klcnzo Flin. Get a tubs today. 1i-V!iII KU-re rto-o1iiirtr. Ore. thiio stnted In the proposul for com phliiif; ihe work will he considered by th1.; council in awarding the coll tlaet. The council reserves the rlsM to reject it ii y and nil bids. - lly older of tti; Common Council. It. L. WHIIM'LK, City Itecorder. ATTFNTIOX I'AH.MKItS. I will piy tlie hlk'hest price for vour iiroduco. (Jive ine a trial. Yours for Iiu-.Iih'.-'. It. STCHIIS. I'lHMillAM. WllliU'.I fit! I 1 Jilt; I'll. -1 " i. h."a el m iiml. di y i SAI.I. Lilt.; l,.iv,"llK,,- "tti.'l In it. a iiiiuly un,i u baiBiilit. Ju-hl Ac M. tillln. It' for ml.-. T f'T- in.-,. i:l i- In "i7n I'm-- St. i'lii'riii J r.i:n,l. t'i.a. I'M 'K' I ;i A ri'!.i :S :,0 t t nt ,-, "i.r :" lnT iiiin your li. s,- I,. i;,iKn : -. . . t It. i: tia- k. i'i n s.i i-: ',m:-:ap--sj.ii a'7piT"Xti'i ill't.lf nlMi;,... iltiiit J. V. la oot. Uf;-.-'lll I HVKOI1. I I'll -S. V,.,;,! llmUMHIld "liiK-.n" iM-ny in.y. h-mly hi M. ,!,),. W-lter r.tiii, Kt. i. u.iHiu.itf, t.i. 'r.itt s.M,l----I't? r..r,l r.-n.1ster;1!M!' i-.m! din. k. 4 rii- i:-ii.Ttt l bin liiililK... U KINti t'Ali -ii.r lu la t li.iiiu- tt ainl In nutui niwi'haiil-ililu-n. llvi, luw- tnir SALlv i 1:. P'tH, t.t:i.,, lioui.y. t"M!i. iHH i-lH:-p. (nt !i,.r W in town f.T f. w .l.v- for Mr. Tollman , t V. lent cr st-u o. - li S. 1. 1 - oir-,m" ttl kTw- I" i t v . hi ..-r l"iu if takt-ii t'ws! Mis. M. r.uis,,!!. M.-lroH, "if, SiMHh or ( 1. WVTKINS I'!:tHl''TS f..r waU at 1 ',' tl - l-rnif Tr th.-nt oii.-o. .u 11 t'i' 'i; " ;wiy otlior Uiiiil. Mmiiv r- - a-l.-.l IT i .....In i,.. I MJiM-farloM. A!.I. iiw tliol.'t' lliiii! I.un" "l:r "v tt":..i at $. ,vi i'wr at ti e U. I'vmh' 1I-I"J. w cull at rancli . li r!l,T, )t. I. llovtitHirtf. DIP. I I a I'Hisa'n. h.-nvy ilrjft i, !,.ii!n'js Mini Miitbl wnyin; alto t i'f '"' )! tl'l U .'t'-l ill!.t I'D .'ltl ii'" t U'. !.: tid St. K .I l.'K .v.Vl.i: " N . . - i"ni Ml l;oii v .'tiU'Mt. I :i nt 1 f 'il viw cliy t,.' ai'lt'it intul. tn i f"t If takn soon frail, at (w i: a. v . : Al'Tt n. i IMS MtwU, Mint Iil "''""'""i tii. uiil curt at ! I '' v '.?o i o. N,. Jaoktoa iiro-5 t ,.n p. i I,,.;, k t.i.n intf. 1 :''t:t1 I'l first, 'in, f.iiidlllon. "ill at dm (i(iin. J. t. nv.l I'lH! SM.r i!'t:M' Miniar.-Tiuli.r Ttaot.T. with i.i.w, ,-. ul"k vii-tn Mm hlti- Si.ii ; vii l')lf . ii,-V Mrii. m ' l n i la rilf n , 'l it fit ti I -. i i ,, ( i h . r. Hi f 4 ."ir own :l t' loNln n: 1 -i.--- ,.f h'-xe sm.i: - uiitV. ,, ., ,mi,,.h lly ian.-y it.-y Kiul t;,..v. n .-utaHa ( 1 1 -: i m pt t t ii,t jun.. n ti t tft'intinatooi. ;ii:t .-tt ttm- Mtiii.iit h St t'.l i V "oi J, Orfoii. l i It S '. 1 .1 : unap. iii iim'i t . ui". ttlniiy xitimtt'tt. b';t prut, r st-iMb n in si ii'. HilMlIci walk trt Mril. I'M k .'tin! Jiiyh whi'tii; W mt'cs ffo Co: el.orir. on hisrlnvay; 1( an-on I . prmiPn; 7 aiTf full bfrhm iti'i'!"-'. family nrt'hanl; 25 Miir planfot! to t i'ip; SO arrtiit lo b plant ft); in v I'.iOa platiterftl btmi alow , oii;l:i!l'Un:; $lH't worth t'rmnI t.'.iof (-! v. Kor otijrk ial will inorl rtt-e evt'rythlnir for per rr. Kor p.irtl. ulai writ O. C. RcB BoJ it aiyru vrcvv, ura. tumtcnmn Sale of Railroad Linked With History IiEXVKii, Colo., .Nor. 10 Thel pale of the Denver and Kio Grande railroad to the hiKhent bidder by an order of the Fulled States Cir cuit Court of Appeals, marks the do: a of a tumultous chapter of th-' history of the road founded by Gen eral William J. i'aliner in 1X71. .Millions of dollars a year lii waxes yoris paid annua!! in the prosp"i ous period of the road'8 hlstoty, and other millions 'were used In numer ous rlnanciiil In 'crests to ra!i the control of Ihe road. From the tlnu the Jay Could Interests caused the retirement of General rainier from the road in 118S, It was the object of financial cmipulltns of rival lil toreits until the receivership caus ed by default i.f tho road 111 pay ment of Western Paclric Jlaiiroad bonds in 1118, bond payments hav ing been guaranteed by the Denver and Hlo Grande. The bond Issue was for $50,000,000 and when the Kquitnble Trust cotn nnnv of New Vork brought xuit and ) recovered judgment in 1918, this h:id been reduced to a little more than iltfi, Ouo.ilOO tho amount of tho Judgment. On January 20 of that year, Kdward I., llrown, president of the road and Alexander . Italdwln. vice president of the Western Pa cific were named as receivers by Judpo Walter I.. Sanborn, of the t lilted State, Circuit Court of Ap peals. A month later llrown was named sole receiver of the rotd, to comply with the regulations of the Cnited Stales Kailruud Administra tion. Hearings were held before a United States master 111 chancery and on September 25, 1 920, an order was signed by Judge Sanborn, over a protest of the stockholder's com mittee, who asked postponement for a month. The road was advert'sed for sale, for 30 days, and November 20 set as tlx1 date of the sale. The ro:id was built originally ns a part of Painter's dream of a line running from l)enver to El Paso. Development of the mining enter prises In the western part of the state resulted in a chance in the di rection of the road'B development, and the extension of a branch line, westward, Into the mining communi ties, became a part of the content be tween the road and the Tnion Pacific for control of the Kocky Mountain territory, tho latter road already having the advantime in the northern Ko:-ky Mountain region. Among the prominent railroad' men connected with the road In the various capacities were George (loll Id Benjamin K. Push and II. LT. Mudge. 'OLD lti;i,l.HI,K AI-lt.WY Mlt- .si;iui:s' Sti'.l hns pri nt? trG03 on Myrohnlon plniii loi'trt. .1 may st HI take your urit'T in 100 lots for Italian prum's on ubov uumrd roots (InnRst lived irunf( root in (-xiMiunco. V. K. Jor dan, Spn-i;il Ageiil, 8W) St'Vt'nth St., .t 0 rants Tass. Oregon. Movie Closeups The Antlers theatre will bo Riven over Wednesday (thin .evening to Mie road fchow 'Just Around the Cor ner." with Kdna Wallace Hinp('i" ihe leaditiK role. Itox ol't'fee sales for 'his popular eomedy are very brink H-conliiiK to Ihe nianairment, ami a i-oeord breaking crowd Is expected. At the Majestic theatre on Wed ne'tiay and Thursday. M:tnaK(r Mill h-'s arranged for a his double show. Two fea'ures will he shown, "Doug las Fairbanks in His Majesty Ihe Aiiieri-an," and Jat k lMekford in "In WronK.' , M a r.i one Da w pi n ys t he lea dint? ft 'in in ine role in "His Majesty, the pier! an." nnd Frank Citmpt an. Sam So' hern, brot her of F. 11. So Inin, Lillian Lanj-don, Albert Mf (.Juarrie and oilier notables are In the cast. In addition to the company of th" f al.iri d actor, that in them selves Ktiaranteo splendid support tn 'he ar.ile "Uotiq;," "H's Majesly, th'1 merieati, is said to have cost n loitune in point of actual production. M r. Fairbanks has a marK which it will be hart! lo npproa-h In sottinirs for his new picture. The money h;is been spent lavishly in pro iULU ur uii F 20 YEARS Lytlt'a E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound Has Been This Woman's Safeguard All That Time. Omaha, Neb. "I lmvi wt T.v-lia K. Pinkliam'a N fctahlc Compmind ior over "11. l'"!l twenty Y-'iir for fe male troubh and it hits helpod me very tiuicli. I h.ivo also ii.ttd Lvtlia . 1'ink liar:'s Sanative aln witii ptiotl rc Bult'. 1 always hayp n hot tl of X't'ifotiildc Ctmioui:d in the inniite as it i a jv'1'1! remedy in time of need. You c n puMiidi mv t e 1 1- ntontal as vcry statement I have maJc is perfect fv true.'' lrs. ,T. O. Kt MQfivT, iMJi y. sjoih Strwt, Omaha, Nebraska. omen wlu suffer from t!ie.e dip tretinT lib p-Tnliar to their x elienld e ciuninccd by the inanr p-nuine an-1 IniC'fnl tcttinamialB we are ctn!tnntW Mthbjhinj? in the ticvpftiHra of the Vi.biy of Lvilia K. l'ink'inm's Vojrc I iMe Cemimund to rmtore their rt.-alth. To know vrhetW Kytha K. Vinkham'a 'r',i'lhl? Compound will hetp veil, trv t! I'er adviee write to I.ydta . pink !im M-tdicinc Co. t cttni.kntial i . Lynn. M:t4. Your letter will lw oMietl, rend and antwfred by a wuamn. and held in strict confidence. wrw,vnBvmwwRwfAy. movmibkh . ngi How To Get Rid Of Your Cold The quick way Is to use Dr. Kinft's Now Discovery DON'T fool with a cilJ. Go to your .... . cf Dr. King's New Discovery and urt i.tKU'K it. ny n"' J"- : Iiome you'll bc?in to fed better, anil have a restful sleep without throat-torturing couching. T)r. King's New I )!scovery , for over 61iy years a nt.nul.ird remedy, has tho medicinal qualities that relieve con-Ri-stion, case the cou;li and loosen the phlegm. Convincing, healing taste, too. I'rue 60 cents, tl.2U a bottle. For colds sndccvihs Dr-King'S Ne'v Discovery" Constipated? Here's Relief Cleanse ti:e tstcn and brine back your old time energy with Ur. Kins's rills. They promote free bile Mow, stir up the lazv liver and get tit the root of the trouble. 1'rice, 25 cents. D Prompt! Won't Grip ItlCinffs Pills viiling the atmosphere necessary for Ihe successful portrayal of the story hut the resulis have completely jus If ltd the tremendous outlay. "The Soul of Youth" Ihe new spec ial production via lieilurt, is a most ilelk'litful -lory of boyhood life, so dll'forciit from any that -have been produced, and proving that real drama exists in the lives of Ihe men of tomorrow as well as in the lives of today's grown ups. The principal role in the picture Is Dlived by Lewis Sargent, wno, nr- ter his enviable success in the t(!le role In tho picture "Huckleberry Kinn," is a real drawing card all by himself. But there are other notables in'the cast. T,lla needs no Intro duction to film patrons; William Col lier, Jr., Ihe son of the noled New York stage star, went to l.os An Seles especially to play a juvenile role. Other notables are Clyde nil more, Krnest Balterworth, Claude Peyton, Sylvia Ashton and others. The direction Is made by William D. Taylor, the man who made 'Huckleberry Finn," The picture is filled with Htistiense nnd action and has a most delightful ending. "Tho Soul of Youth" will bo at he Lil'oiiy theatre again tonight. "The Old Hwlminln' Hole," fam ous In American song and story, is 'he opening scene in "In Wrong." Tacit Pickford's new feature which 's being distributed by Kirst .'a ilonal and which will be showu at the Majestic theatre on Wednesday. Here ne sees Johnny Spiveus, Ihe part played by Jack I'lckford, coming up .'rom the depths. On Ihe shore sils his faithful dog ".'atehlntr his clothes. Johnny, the Irivor of the grocer's wagon has ::nne out past the edge of town to -.erve a distant customer, and takes opport unit y to cool off on the hot iummere. day on which the storv -fans. He goes home, lies to his mother about tho plunge in the creek md is whipped for II. "In Wrong" Introduces Jack Pick I'ord as a poor lad with all sorts of ambition, w ho doi s not seem to h" able lo ret ahe:id. After he has lo't his girl to a cily man been "llred" from his job. and has seen his rival aiado tl'.e hero the boa.', his op portunity Conies. Then he shows how 'o capture hank -robbers, with no more pretentious weapon than a iiitcbfor!;. Smiles as He Conducts Funeral HKltLlN. Nov. 10 Wide-eyed motirntvis listened In amazement to Oberader ltnader. Grand exalted rul t of the Order of Uadas, a literary society which believes that dramas ought to be made more simple, when bo recently preached a funeral ser mon over the bony of his wife. Smilingly the Oberada walked up 'o tlie ceftin and in a bright, snappy little speech explained he had no oc casion to grieve. Heath, he said, was merely a matter of expansion, and he felt quite confident that his wife was in a "wider life." At Ihe conclusion of his sermon tho till, radada made a cheerful exit. :i.KS ATTENTION. All members are recjut sted to meet at tile l:lks' club rooms on Thursday. November 11th, 11)20. at 9 o'clock a. in., Tor the purpose of taking part in li e 'I 'll .iiee liy parade. By o:d. r of the Kxalteil Kuler. IUA B. KIIiI'l.K. Secretary. MASONS ATTKNTIOX. laurel Lodge No. IS, A. F. & A. M.. will hold Us stated communica tion in tlie Masonic Temple Wedn.s lay evening. Nov. 10th. Work in tile Master Masons degree. Lunch will be served. By order or W. M. W. F. HARRIS, Secv. I'liOKCSSIOWI, rAiins . Vi. im !: out F!o-7piurn 5 41). 40.1 . fa,,. Hit. V. H. r-ITIFR "'"Mrorr.'Ctl' )'hvsl, In. W jn k i . ii i : iit TU ik i oiT. .Ti ', 7uTT, f7 Hv My See. I .It y.' 118 W. Cs. St. III Til W ll.rox PUn, Tlimrv' cnl Klm1erg..rtrn. Iyll Wmi St, I'hon 139-U Munli Klut Pillage By Turks Being Investigated CONSTANTINOPLE Nov. 10 Pillage by the Turks of tho Imperial itussiart watering place of Abbas Tnutniin in ihe Caucus mountains, 's being investigated here. A large lunntilv of the paintings and fur nishings are in the tomple of Enver villas of this little cily, where many of the nrito"racy used to pans their ncatlons, has been Ulscoverea in onstantinople. Some of theso fur nishings are in thetemple of Enver Pasha, formerly TuiKtsn war .Min ister, on the Bosphorus, now oc- upied bv the French genera! stall. Tho pillage of Abbas Touman Is one of the untold stories of the ra nneions Turkish pashas and gener als. Abbas Toum-.n is unknown out ido of Russia. Yet It was one of the little paradises with which Iho many contrles lying near the Black Sea are blessed. Nestling 111 the mountains of Georgia. II possessed one of the beautiful and lengthy driveways Tor which Ihe Caucasus is noted. Dur ing the hot summer months 4he Im nerial Russian family used to pass a few weeks among the pines of this rich center of museums, villas and churches. Up the beautiful roads from Bat turn to Tiflis came in the spring of 1917, the Turkish army, following in ihe retreat of (lie Uussian army which had gone Bolshevik. The Turk army was amazed at the riches of Abbas Touman. The? commandant of the 31st brigade sealed up all of the richeB that he could find. Then came the signing of the treaty by which Abbas Touman was lefl to Georgia. No sooner bad Ihe Turkish com mander learned of this trcalv than he gathered up, before leaving, all of the valuables and hurried them lo Hattum. He notified Kssad Pasha at Conslantlnople that his booty should tie offered to the Sultan. Mean while, as his army withdrew, It is charged that he systematically rob bed the churches along the way and sent these treasures also to Battum Two other Turkish commanders are alleged to have shared in the loot Finally Iho three men sent their r lalive shares to Constantinople, when Knver Pasha demanded to have a look at Iho three lots. As Min ister of War, he took his choice and sent some of "the furniture and pic- lures to Kouroulschesme, his marble taceu palate on the Uosphorous, where they still remain. NOTICE OF PAI.K OF OOVKKNM KNT TIMIUOIt. ;m ral Land (nrice, Washington, II. C, October fi, I'Jlo. Xotii e is hor.-by iven that stibji et to ihe venditions and limitations nf the ets of .lone 9. lino ;:i ,-?tai.. 2I81, ntul June I. lir.'o (II .Stat.. Tf.'). and the in structions of the Secretary of Hie In- i.-rlor (if September ).". 11117, and Jim' I'.I-'O. the timber on tho followhm itnds will be old Dee, 1.1. l!i:m, at 111 i'i look A. M., lit public a-;etlou at the l'n!t,l stated land office at KoKebarir. Ire.m, to the highe.-t bid let- at not Iosh than the appraised value ns shown by 11. b- notlie. Bale to to' subjovt to tile apiMoval of the Secretary of tlie In terior. Tlie purchase pi-Ice, with an o' sum oC one-tlflh of one per ent tln-rcof, heini? eommiMMions al lowed, must tic dcj.onitcd at time or -:i!e. !tioa,-y to be returned If sale Is not .I'orovt'd, otherwise patent wiil issue for the timber which must he removed .ithin t.m years . lihis witl be received from ellizeas of tlie I'niled States, as soclKtlons of sic h citizens an:! eor loratlous oiKHnized under the laws of :he I'niled Stales or imv state, tei ri toiy or d:trlu thereof oiily. Upon ai. iillcatioa of a iiualilled tmrcbaser. the amber on any b-iral eebdivisfon w ill he ilferrd s.-l-aiately before being Includ ' l in any offer of a lamer unit. T. s.. It. I'. V.. Sec. 1. Lot 1. il,- SJ3 M.. pine " M, I.o! :.', tl r 350 St.. pine 20 M.. SKI. Nl:',; hr r,:,a M, ph,,. ;,u M. KWi, N !:-,. Hr Sftti M.. pine 70 M.; cedar M., led :i, tie 4t -M.. pine Jo M.. Lot 4. ir ";s M . SKi, NU'',, llr 2:.'f, Al., plae .M.. ci-d.ii Jo Al.. Sll 'j ,', ;, tit- ,'ao pine ! At , cl .r jo .v., KKi UKU ir leeO Al., hino MO Al.. N'WU Sli'i. !r :bai At., pine Al , , cilur JO At si:1. Si:',. Ilr Soo Al . ,,ine 101 AJ , sW, SI-;1,, lir Sea Al . pine H"0 Al , Ni: f,r :)MI Al oice 45 M ., cedar li'l Al , NW'I SW ', 'if '" '' Pi'"' XI; eclur SO Al.! si'.', SW'i. Or 3 on A'., pine 70 Al. 'edar 3.', M., swi, SU'i,. lit- linn At., pine '" -1 . cedar :l'l Al.. Sec. 1.",, SK'i Nli'i ir OiJ Al . pltie I Al.. SKC. V;!.4, ii, l.'.J Al.. .in IMi.At.: none of the ilr or .del to he Bold fr ,.is thun ji. p,.r M.. aiol none ,.f tl;.. pn o to h. s-ild for -i:s than iJ..j,i per Al.; S, c. 11 NI0'. u'-'i'.v,'' hSl,M- ''""' -'" cedar 15 M N ', N !.',. I, r Kim Al.. pine 10 Al . 10 Al.. SI-:', J.-KH. Hr lea Al.. pine (l M . cedar 15 Al., SH'l; -N'K'i, lir 500 .1 . (.lae 11 A!., eedcr 10 Al., N K ' , ;V',. Itr vm Al.. NW', XW',. Hr ' NWii. fir 450 At., pine 25 At -U'1, MV',, llr ami Al , Nb: 14 ',. tir 4eo Al.. pine 50 A!., cedar 15 Al w, SI:!'' 'W M- ,"1 cedar 10 Al.. SKt. SK',, llr .125 ,M.. ,dne 50 Al. M . SW, SK',. lir ::eo Al., i.lne l.r 10 Al.. NK', s i,. tir 3"0 0 Al.. M., bine 15 Al., SK', SWI,, tir 2; Al. :n Al.. cellar to Al.. Sec. 2:1 sv 11 s'-'i. Itr 51',.! Al.. SKI, S V 1 , . lir JJO Al., Sec! -'. Si:'. NK'i. lir 510 Al . M;i. Ir 4.0 Al,. pine 10 Al.. . v ' , SKt, tir I'f K1:'' "' r !T.'. Al.. pii,e 5" -- si-:',, tir 4S0 M.. pine 40 m .one of the 1 : 1- to he sold for les3 than il.J.j per At., none of the pine to he sold or less than 2 50 p,-,- Al,. and none of '.'r M Tl""-I"a"ul -"'vc1'"- V-"" -W',. (Ir 1J5 Al.. pine 50 Al V l'iV 'V S :X- 3 NW' NKN. S'l" At' due jsi, Al.. oak 15 Al.. M(i. Jlvii 'Ir n Al., pine J70 Al.. SK', XU'i: p,'. ' At., lone 2J5 Al.. NKi. MV',. llr 75 M.. pine M Al ; pone of the ,- to p.. "h . ,.inr ,','ss1,l,;,n,'1"1'' Per Al.. none of lie pine 10 lie sd for less than 1:1.00 cor At . and none of the oak lo be sold 1 "I limn 50 cents per Al. T :;5 s - .i nh?";,1' K,l':' SW'" f'ne 10 Al!. ed llr 4. 0 Al.. white tir 20 Al ' in ne id '.he pine to be sob! for lews than J' "5 '."' ""nt' r'"' "r 'o be sold toe white hr to he sold for less th-.n Jl.'''. Per Ah C1.AV TALI.AI, N.V'on, nls.sioner. General l..i Olfi.e Logan Tips, Spring Delivery These are not sprout plants, Joint lants or sprangle tip plants They e firsi-class tips. Also have snaw oerry plants and ail kinds fruit trees, lietter book your order now R. L. 1I.I.I-! Three miles W( st r.t noscburg. All sorts of salci successfully concluded-, for arrangements sea M. C. ltAIABAV(iH 630 N. Pine St 1 ri 'i lift Contents 15 PluidDraoiirtj l- -id tSwUBWKiV ill TTrnllDL-a I'ER OliNT. AU'lielaWcrrcprtjntijm&rAs imilulii.itteroclby!Viula- tinfjlhoblomaclisawi iicaku thereby ltomoUnDi Cheerfulness ana Km."" ncimerOrium,Morphtori liineral. ot kw - 2w-n,i i'ji I.V. li'?.'. 5 i i.if,ilIlemetiyfor ri .vcrishness and resuUinilhcTcrj01u;imw--v- facSiraiie Sitjnatare lreCnrrAwGotfi ! It 13 ANNOUNCEMENT. The Square Deiil Store. Having bought the Ashworth store, and having restocked the same, I am now ready to tako care of the trado. I want to thank my patrons for. bear ing with nie in Ihe Inconvenience whllo remodeling the store the pa?:t week, and I assure you of prompt attention nnd fair living prices in the future. Yours to please. tt.- STUBBS. Advertise In the liews-Revlew. LODGE DIKECTOUY. .... I. I). O. F., Vulea Knenmpuicnt No. 0. .Meets In Odd Fellows' Temple every Thursday evening. Visiting brethren always welcome. ' JOHN rtKKSB. C. P. 1'OSTKH HUTNEH, II. P. Ot.IVi:it JOHNSON. H. S. JAMES EWAItT. F. 0. E.(;I,KS Ttosehurr, flene meets - In tlietr hall on Jacksm St, on 2nd and 4th Monday evenh,i--s of each month at 8 o'clock. Visiting brethren In good standing always welcome. FI:KI lJ. CI. A RK, W. P. P. V1CTOH" MICKI.l.I, W. P. B. F. GOODA1AN. Se ratury. K.N n; 1 ll'S OP lTIUAS Aijiha I.Otitfe No. 47, rrn-ets ovei-y A'edn-day evt ii Intr, vov, Jfickson and Cubs Sta. Visit ors alwavs welcome. iiov o. Yocxa c. c. CHAS .K. HOJ'K'INS. M. F. K. JO. W1MB10ULY, K. il. 8. LOYAL OHUKlt Ol' MOOSK ltosebur(E l.otie No. lu.17, niccts KpcoriU an' fourth V.Vdnosfiriy evenings of eafh mmith at 8 o'clock in the Moose hall. All visiting brothers are invited to attend. C. W. CLOAK K, Dictator. II. O. PAKUKTKn. Socretury. 1. 1. (. KI.KS. RtiKfliure I'OfTKe Sit. 320 i Hnhii reKiilar cominuiiicatiuns at ! the Klkii' 'iV'iiipte on each Thursday , nf every month. All menibera re qukHted to at t.-hd regularly, nnd all ' visiting broth em are cordially In- j vltcd to attend. j A. J. LIT.liUHN. E. R. IRA B. H1DDLK. Kt'cy. W()ll)Mt: K TUB WOULD Camp No. 15, meetM In Odd Fellows" hull In jRost'hurtf evoiy ltt and 8rd Mondny eveninKs. Visiting neighbors al ways welcome. O. II. PICKKNS, C. C. M. M. iMILLKit. Clerk. NKI(.MHOU OF UOOOCHAFT I.l'nc (.Ircle No. 4y, meets on 2nd and 4th Monday erenlngs. Visiting neighbors Invited to attend. KIMTH CHURCHILU O. N. T I LI-IK I. JOIIN1SON. Clerk. I. t). , F., RlMlitar Star LotlRe Mo. 174, ni.ets in Ke8 nil. . Jackson Bt., every Friday evening-. Visiting- bretb- i il always welcome. E. A. PF.TTBT. X- 3. 1). C. IIUMPHHCT, Rec. See. H. W. SI I AW. v. a. M. FICKLK, Fin. Sec. O. l:. H., Ituftelmrc Chapter Mo. P ti'U-is ttu-ir regular nifeting on the i una jra tnursuays in eacn montn. are respectfully invited to attend. Lr:ONA ABKAII.AM, W. M. FREE jnM.MBO.Nt.Soy. A. V, A A, Itirrl I.nilire Tfo. 13. ; '"fiutar communications :nd inJ 4tn VeUnadayt each month at Masonls Temple, Hoseburg, Grow Visitors wel come, W. P. HA R FITS. Pcy. A. A. WILUKI W. M. W. II. A. II. T. Jl. Ho.chnnt Rerlen II holile regular revlewe en ae ond end fourth Thursday afternoone In Macc.h.e hall. Siatere ef ether revlewa vlitln In our city are cor dially in.iteil to attend our reviews. .M&ecauee hall on CaKS atreet. IXlt'IB LOCKB, Com. jfi:; r.APp. c.,1. The II. II. K. I. A. la Inn MffiIost will ! b held at the Mnecab-e ba'.l every i ftrnt and third Wednudaya of the month. ! HKHKKAIIS P.oseburg- Itchekah Lo ts' ' No. 41. I. o. O. F.. Meet In Odd Fel- Iowa' Temple every week on Tuesday ! evenlnK. VI?itinK members In a-ond , ptaiidleir are Invited (o attend. 1 EVA LK.NOX. N. ti. I BH.I.K STF.I'IIENSON. Sec. I FTIIKI!KA1L,KY, Fin. Secy. ; 1. CI. O. F rhllrtnrlaa I.odu-r So. i nicete at Rykea hall, N. Jackson St . en Kaiurdny evenlna; or ee we.K. lilting brethren are slwsys wel come. LYMON T SPENCEIV N. O. A. J. OEDDRS, Rec Pec J. a BAJXKT, Flu. aeo. 1 1 n 'J YAX n UKU I Mlllll H -mr m waiisa For Infants Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of Id Use For Over Thirty Years nosFin im Kninn no. tm, rw . ..., , mum,, , (ll t-lmvluyra nnd Itnllnar Nfe rm AffllialtMl with th A. f. Ht L Meet at Moose hall the flrit Vti fourth Sat. nishta and third Sunsiji J. F. SMITH .PrMldtat W. J. M KHEDITH, Rac. fccy CEO. MAC IVua Fii. Sk,. Buy Better Bucks and the 1 Best Breeding Ewes for Less Money. BUY SHEEP WilEN THEY ARE LOW. WAT IS I (IT M If you aro Interfited In inr numhr of either pratle or recite red itiHfit tlie luuuwing urefm: HamnHhtre. Shroushfre, Llncdla. IU- ney, Cotgwold, KambouUtt. r ir Write UK fiulrk what fW wnt OltfcX.OX LI KSTOCK COM. CO. Hox 61. North Portland. Orecoi Heinline-Moore VAT0RY l.adtPfi Mp'IMIy Invito ta our 1oim1j itn.1 Thni1y pt.viliiil trnlnltut flu (mild nnd vlub drill. Kltidcntfirlfn poplli trIJrf nny llmo. h r trfilneil ! vhnriEr of boby cUft NEW OREGON Again under the man agement of Mrs. Foutch House thoroafhlf r vattxl; much m f""" addiNd. Good room. ' or n et . Ill Sheridan Street VVifp. : Graduates and pwt led College of Chiropr ,L .1,1 n the worm .. J have re-opened offices) B . l'erklns Bldg. . ( We use no druP trlcltr. "'Lr. Chiropractic, "J.V 8ucce.-Ul for 'l,;!B5 rJ nunVCS .. M I . ...-r'l I Resldeoce. ... ' WW IF I ; n n t! Bradford