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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1920)
WOtSBBBO IIWI RBVTBWl PONPfrO AY. SOVEfWEH 10. 12 PAOB THTtPsI .Si iJi" T ! cor. jruicnl, o you pi "- . iL9 J -" Si" tod tread better. G.i I.ut is :f'er... ! :':r cookinj, too. j., ..viJ unpiovo Jr homemade cakes, owtnes, and ctcai.i Sierra. Always fr I'ot a hand touchcait, cither in mruiufacturing or in paciing. Oricr a e.rton today. SWIFT & GO. Haaufarlurrd DrJIy la II" Portland Plant Srfi Preaina IA in . . j" Ichet uid clocks repaired; sut- s rsaranued. Wilbur Spaugh, .e itreet. Wlin Sanitarum !DICALSURGICAL R. L HAM M. D Supt. Sulberlin, Oregun hare a wirty with best of Irrtncei Who ants To Rent or 6 room modern house. ki hie jrou to ullcr. Party learc town in 10 du) II ioolL MAY BUY 1&t iiriiptwlilon la offered. Rrence Cordon S Co. U Cai Buy Cheaper ' )r io .Inure 'ft Than Ours t tCaonst B-.iy Btter. -Price. Art Based Wttllty Both ivhal and WnrVmgn.kln f'J To Tbli la A. )nail Profii. Aik You To Va f Tht B.( Tailorlnc fair Price. Cannot Afford raj Lost ? Slmuld Not P More. iUST Try Onr Way j Our Auto wm CiU l Phooe 277. fj . -an. A Carload of American Steel Wiie jgBNcel J- F. BARKER & CO., ST8 1 J 3ft Sandwiches IT - : : .1. - ml i n a, 1 fV Sweet 4 CITY NF.VVS i Aruadp), di"o toner, prion I89L Plain aewing done. 108 Parrott at Fires dfaiiujr iive, property and food. Be careful with fire. A gift bcyona value your photo graph. Clark'a Studio. ! An early appointment meant time for careful work. Clarki Studia. I Make the appointment today It's none too early. Clark's Stadia. Solve your gift problems with photographs. Clark'a Studio. j Lloyd Cleaning Works guarantees 'your work; 2nd hand cloths bought and sold. 125 Sheridan. Phone 44. ! If you want to see tne mucn adver tised Ke-Snn Sanitary closet, send postal to H. a. Wilson. Box 1295, Roaeburg. I Am now hoomng orcers for day old chicks lor 1921 delivery from high producing Tancred strain White Leghorn and O. A. C. Barred Rocks. Earl Vosburg. 702 Fullerton St.. j Koseburg. I Cut light expense, use au Aladdin ! Lamp, beats electricity. For demon stration drop postal card to U. Q. . Wilson, Roseburg, Box 1295, who ; will show you. ! Jack Roacn of Drain has received the agency for the Queen line ot In cubators and brooders .Now Is tbe ttme to make your Inquiry and place your order for future delivery. ! White Leghorn atv chleks, Taa ered reyal mating, trapnest recerdt 8S-2 egg. Book your orders now if you want Mareh and April chleks. Jubilee tBtubatore at reasonable Kieea. Ke. Bryant. Plena i-tii. Roaeburg. ATTENTION, CIVIL WAR VETLM ASH. All members of Reno Poat and all other Civil War soldiers are request ed to meet at the armory at :S0 o'clock on Armistice Day, for the purpose of Joining in the parades and services to be held at the armory on that day, in celebration of the and of the great world war. By order of John Hamblin, Post Commander. J. C. FtrLLFRTON. AHiutant. UNLOADED 4. 1 " money on fence while lUa let last. t f I al TRACTORS AeenU for Oliver Plow sUMl ImatlanMaU. HER DAUGHTER AND HIS SON. BY IDAH McGLONE C1BSON Jerome Huthawuy Calls. "I wish I could havo your confi dence. Mamie." ' ''It isn't confidence. Its knowled ge.' said Mamie. "But now you must go to bed. Ann. or that precious Ken of yours who deserves all the bad luck that's coming to him for not appreciating you, will discover a wrinkle about your ,pretty ,eye, tomorrow, or a paleness of cheek that will move him to withhold a compliment or two that you'll be wanting him to give you." "Don't you like Ken, Mamie.' 1 asked wistfuMy. "Jimmy Callahans little finirer Is worth more than the whole of Ken's body," she answered. I had a distinct feeling that what Mamie eald was true, and I told my self that 1 was foolish for not try ing to return in greater measure the love that Jim had offered me par ticularly as I was sure that Ken in his Irresponsible way, would never look upon me aa anything but his childhood pal. I quickly undressed and crept Into bed. and It did not seem that I had been a!eep ten minutes when Mamie awakened me. "You must get up dear, for Jerrv Hathaway has Just telephoned that he will be over In about three Quar ters of an huor to take you to lun cheon somewhere. ton 11 to with u won't vnn Mamie' What! Me? Are you crazy? Do you think I would Jeopardize hit reputation by going to lunch with the son of my employer?" "Do you mean to tell me. Mamie, that Jerry Hathaway's father own? the place wherejou and I worked?" "Yea. he owns that restaurant, and several others In town." Why Is It we never saw hlr, In there." "He doesn't come In verv often. 1 11 ray that for him," said Mamie., lr fact, 1 think he's a pretty decent sort of a chap according to his lightf but now I remember that I haven't seen him uround there as much a?' he was before you came I'll bet hi nlayed nway because he knew you were there." "Do you think he knew about my losing my money?" I asked sudden ly, growing suspicious of something I kney not what. I can t tell answered Mamie He's liable to have known it and then again, he's liable not to. How ever, we II give him the benefit of be doubt, because It seems to me that I know Jerry Hathaway too well to know that he would not have kept that money from yoji had he known that you bad lost It." "Well, dear, if it would smash your reputation to ko to dinner with him, then 1 oughtn't to go." "No, Ann, don't you see that you and I are different. Anyone seeing you with Jerry Hathaway would know that you were raUed under better conditions than he; and last nlKht all of his crowd were made nwnra nf It. Jerrv Hathawav mav be (nroud to be seen with you. but If I should go with him. there would be only one construction put upon It." The bell rang, and Jerry stood In the doorway as I opened it. I turn ed,, but Mamie had disappeared. "My, but you're looking lovely, Ann'" he said. I'm going to make all the fellows envious by taking you to the smartest place In town." "Does that mean. Jerry, that you would not take me there if I did not look nice?' Jerry had the grace to blush as he answered honestly, "I expect It means that, but why quibble. You know as well as I that it Is the good looking girls sho get the motor rides the theatre ana tne nowers. "But, Jerry, my mother said that it was not beauty but brains and goodness that set a girl up apart from the rest." "That's what It does." said Jerry with a laueh. "The brainy girls and the goody-goody girls of today are set too far apart Tor us reiiows to gei them verv often. However, that will never happen to you Ann, the thing that will trouble you will be keeping us away from yon.' Tomorrow enlng a Hank Account IUMEUriitt IS NO KXCKPTIOX. Iloteburv People Come Out As Krankly Here ua Elsewhere. Roaeburg people publicly recom mend Doin'a Kidney Pills. This paper Is publishing Koseburg cases from week to week. It Is the same everywhere. Home testimony in home papers. Doan's are praised In flfiv thousand signed statements published in 5000 communities Rosehurg people are no exception Here's a Roseburg statement, a w rrrnll. 102 N. Parrott St., ear,: "I was in a bad fix for kid ney complaints. I had lumuago ano nmos acneu. t wn down and my kid- often. I UBed Doan s rirtnev Plrts from t napman s. iaa Red Cross Pharmacy and they were Just the remedy for my case, iney rid m" df the aches and pains and regulated ray kidneys." Price 0c, at all dealers. Don t simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan S Money rim "'"'i that Mr. larron nu. r i'm-i-...., burn Co.. Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. roc had BK-m.-n iu kry. If you nave not already done so, .cm better hurry up and place your Of iff tor new !: v.....-. -- sTnouneements wllh Bates, the printer, at the News-Review office. A swell line ef engraved personal cards to make a selection from, but wa most have yoor order early In . w A ,'L,larmtl LONG LOST ROMAN CARVING Story of the Rediscovery of a Lost Treasure, New In BrltUrt Museum. A remarkably beautiful specimen of Roman sepulchral carving has Just been added to the British museum through the generosity of Ernest Dix on. The story of the rediscovery of this treasure la romantic. Mr. Dixon acquired It from a contractor In Lon don, In whose yard It had been lying for some fifty years. He placed bin purchase so aa to form tho central feature of a rock garden In Putney, but afterward struck by Its unusual beauty, brought It to the notice of the Rrltlsh museum authorities, who Iden tified It as a genuine and long lust antique, says the Boston Tninscrlpt. The sculpture is a marble relief, over five feet long by nearly two feet wide. It shows three draped busts set In a deeply recessed panel. It was a mon ument to Lucius Ampudlus rhllnuin siis. and the busts depict himself, his wife and his daughter. The relief Is not a part of a sarcophagus, hut Is a slab built originally Into the wall of a tomb. Its data Is probably between B. C 2S and A. D. 25. The sculpture Is first mentioned by Rlnnchlnl of Verona, who was copying Roman Inscriptions between ITtKI and 1715. It had been excavated probably about 1700. near the Porta Cnpenn and was taken to the Villa Casall. Seen and noted on more than one oc casion during the eighteenth century, the last copyist to mention It was Oeorge Zoegu. who was established at Rome between 1784 and 1809. After this the relief became lost to the world. It was perhaps shipped home by some traveling Englishman, who placed It In his house or garden In the St. John's wood region, and thence It found Its way to the contrac tor's yard from which It has now been rescued. FAVORED CLASS IN RUSSIA Only Actresses Are Permitted by Government to Wear Shoes and Finery. There la only one favored clnss In Russia today, secordlng to a Paris correspondent. Strangely enough, this class Is composed entirely of women. They are the thenlrlral stars and hemitlea. They alone are permitted the wearing of rich garments and the possession of Jewels. The Russians have alwnys been pnsslonnte lovers of the theater, and, even under the present regime they treat their staze favorites as so many reigning queens. Incidentally, the actresses are the only women In Russia today who are permitted to wenr shoes during warm weather. The peasant women of Rus sia always went barefoot during the summer months. Hence Russians re gard hare feet as the distinguishing mark of the woman of the people. Any woman who affects to wear shoes In Russia nowadays, unless she be a favorite of the footlights, is regnrded as a daughter of the despised "bour geoisie." She Is considered a fair larget for Insult and persecution. Ev en the wives of soviet dignitaries, such as Trotzky and Lenin, have been obliged to bow to populnr sentiment. They may he seen any day In Moscow tripping through the streets barefoot. The Firefly's Light Fame and fortune await the scien tist who discovers the secret of the familiar firefly or lightning bug. No one has been able to tell how the little Insect produces the flashes of light we see twinkling about on dark nights. Careful scientific tests hhve proven, however, that this light Is produced wllh about one foiir-hundredths pyt of the energy which Is expended In the flame of a candle. Considering - the strength or rather feebleness of the ArcHy this light Is believed to be the most eftlclent form of Illumination to day. If this method could be under stood and put to work It Is calculated that the energy exerted by a boy In driving a bicycle would be sulllclent to run a powerful dynamo or light miles of street lamps. The light of the firefly Is practically hentlcss and It Is believed among scientists that the future of the lighting Industry of the world depends upon the discovery of heatless light. Boys' Life. A la Carte. After a trip from (inry to Mlc!il?cn City over the roughest rood I have ever seen, 1 felt the need of a good dinner. I didn't see sny place to eat and so called out to a newsboy who stood near on the curbing. "Hey, (here, do you know where I can get some good food ?" . "Sure," he aald, "follow me." So saying, he hopped on to his bi cycle and we followed. Where! To a hot dog wagon I Fitting Revenge. Wood I understand some one stole your automobile? Park Tou are right "That's pretty low down. Isn't ItT" "Yes. There's Just one thing I wish." "What's thatr "I hope the thief keeps It ' lout as I did and he'll go flat broke." Youngstown Telegram. Lev or Money. "I Intend to marry for love," said tbe girl with the dreamy eyes. "Too are wise, my dear." replied ber dearest friend. "Men with money are often so bard to Dleaae." London Answer. PIES CHEER up! There is no further reason for worrying about table va riety. The new Royal Cook Hook gives new suggestions for every meal 'every day. The book is so full of sur prises there should never be another dull meal in the home. Custard Fie 1 cup pastry flour H u-asioon Uuyul linking PoVilcr H teaaiiooii salt cuo shortening cold water Sift flour, baking powder and salt; add onc-h:ilf shortening and rub in lightly with fin gers; add water slowly until of right consistency to roll ont. Roll out very thin; put on in small pieces re maining shortening; fold up per and lower edges in to center; fold sides in to cen ter; fold sides in to center airain; roll out -thin and put on pie plate. Custard Semrs Ji cup siifrnr n tcaupnon salt i. nips srnMwd milk 1 tcasjroon vunttla extract Brat sggs, add sugar, salt, flavoring and milk very slow ly. Line pic plate with paste made as above, and bake in very hot oven about 111 min utes, I'our custard into the "Bake with Royal and fefTM NUTICK OK SAl.K OT liOVKUNMKNT TIM it. O'-nerat l,iin. omee. Wiixhinutun. I). t, Oetotu'r 13, 1 !.'. Not it lii hereby k I veil that ttuUjci't to tht i ondit inns Hiul II ml (aliens of the Act nf June II, 1 H 1 6 CIH Ktitt.. 1!1S), and the Intttnu-tloim of the Secretary' of the Interior of riei-ti'tnht-r 1j, 1 y 1 7. the her on the follow In ir lmitis will he sola Nitv. :'a, iv.'u. at io o" i k A. M.. t mfiilic a ut l in at the I. mini Males land oltilee ut HosehurB, Oretton, Io the hiKhext Milder ut mt lens than the tiipniised villi as nhown liy tins notice, Ride to he Mihjeit to tho ap proval of the Secretary of the interior. tho price, with an nuUMiuiiai tun! of one-tlfth of one per cent there of, helm; i-nmitil.tcioii1 'lowed, muttt he let'ONited at time of sale, money to be rettiinetl If sale Is not approved, other- wie patent will lhue for the timber which must be leinoved within ten cars. IM '4 will he received from clil eilH of the fulled Stuten, a.noc tit t Inns f mull citizens and coruorutlons or- THnlKvd uinler the lawn of the United States or any Mate, territory or dis trict thereof only. I'pon application of i qii;t It (led purchaser, lite uinuer on my letital huIhIIvIh1hi will he offered leparaiefy before beiiiK Included In any offer of a lat'Ker unit. T. '21 K., It. 1 W.. Sec. 31, NK'i NWV, rlr Itlu M.. If. M .. NW'i NWtt fir "TO M. None of the llr or cedar to be sold for k-s than II. SO per M. T. 1 S.. H. 8 W., Sec. 31, I2ii M.. NWV1 BWVi fir &V0 M.. HW 'i SWVi. Mr fhU M. None of the Mr to be sold for less than Sl.fcO per M.; trU'i Wi, fir .'5 M.. SV SK'. fir 00 M. Suns ut tha Mr to he '! fr I ma than il.76 per At. CLAY TAU.MAN, Com- nissioner, uenerai una time. DONALD CASPER PARKER VIOLIN TEACHER. AND SOLOISTS PUPIL OF HENRY I. BETTMAN OF PORTIAND J Announces his return to Koseburg November 10th. Sheet MetalVork OF A IX K1XDS J. H. SINNIGEl?. 110 OAK STRKET rilONB 438 BATTERIES! Chcvolot Cars 25.00 and J38.Q0 Bulck Cars. . .130.00 and $45.00 For Olher Cars Pi Ices on Application. MOTOR SHOP GARAGE ARenry llulck and Chevrolet '41 Pi, Ja.kJon fit. Roseburg. Mi Practicing i Dentist i I 1 It-. aV U Graduate Pennsylvania y f College Dental Surgery f 20 years extensive ex- g Jperience. Efficient, lie-8 J liable, Reasonable, Pain- 4 S less Extraction. Call for 5 free' consultation 4 4 Rooms 8-9, Masonic Bld. 4 Another Royal Suggestion and PASTRIES From the New Royal Cock BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure Mad from Ciun of Tartar, derived from grape, WE SELL Edison MAZDA LAMPS Douglas County LighUand Water Co. -NUSINK- Is a new enamel designed especially to give a lasting enamel finish te your DRAIN BOARD. It Is white, hard and tsugh, will Bland washing, and provides a sanitary pleasing surface. It Is also adapted to many other uses, such as A I TO WlltlXS BATH TVU UATII FLOOIUs, IlTC TOILET klCATs) I t IIMTI KK, ET. $1.00 per can la the price. Satisfactory results many dollars. Churchill Hardware Company Roseburg, Oregon. ANNOUNCEMENT Before Buying Elsewhere GET OUR PRICES . ABRAHAM Dry Goods Slore. Book baked crust and bake tn mod erate oven about 5 minutes. The pie is done when a knife put in ccntt-r of cuutard comes out dry. Cocoanut Tie Is made the same way, adding X cup of shredded cocoanut. aiiU us ing only S eggs. Pumpkin Pio I cur stowed and atrulncd puimikln t cui-fi rich milk or cream cup brown or tfranulttiud sugar t CfTfC U U-ttaipAon irlnirer U tea ii poo n null I I en poo u ciunamoa Mix pumpkin with milk, sugar, well-beaten egg, gin ger, salt, cinnamon, and beat 8 minutes. I'our into pie tin which has been lined with pastry. Mace in hot oven for 13 minutes, then reduce heat and bake 43 minutes in mod erate oven. To bring ont li?. vor of pumpkin it must be very we 11 baked. FREE fly nil mfnnfj (rt tho nrw ltoynl Cook Hock lust out. Contains thene und other VMtrhtrul. helpful recipes. J-'rvo for the asking. Write TOU AY to BOYAl.rUKIrlll rOWDKROO. Ill Full. FUnMt iw YorfcOtJ be Sure 9$ UOPIKH lll ll.T HKillT Not human bodlea but auto bodies the kind that will give you complete service and last ing satisfaction. A body wa will build for you to your or der will liiwe the right lines, (he rlfrht capacity, the right strength. Consult with ua now. tM KI I.HKAS IIAItllOll Ibweburg, Oregon. ltkDt CIIAIKS IttHtlCiER.VTOKS, ETC. 1- '-w.w.-m.--BKW.-.wm.w...--. 1