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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1920)
Inane 4 !llr rrrpt Hundn. KA'I KS SI'l: nI1v. nar vr. hy mall. Dully, ma month, hy mail. By Carrier. pr month V" ! ' 'Pi.- A .V.., li. T'7, TV it I' I I II I V entitlttl tu the ih fr oj-'pl'ilruion r! atl r-ws (1 Input !. yi.ii;ed to It ot not , therwl4 iTi.HlM !" P-tpf and also lh local new puMMied U-rt In All rlKhm of rfpuh:i-M " n of ckil diipateh herein fe iilfo ic--.. .ffifH matter . oftl- e nt li'iM !uru Khtitivd a cv: IT I'l.MI at (llf II Orison, ii m r the A'-t .f M'"-';'' J. It I. tin;. Or.f Xov'-nil'ir ft, Gardiner Seniors Entertain at Party Til.. Senior i-la-a of lli; .srlinor HI rli School entertained tli lower classes- of llio s'hool and friends, wilh a Hallowe'en parly. I"riil:l'. Oct 29 h. at Ihe Hansen home. Th . hnils- was nil rsifl I vcl ' .v orated with nut mini leaves, jark-'o lantern anil I lullnwf fii symbols. Kiih n timber of tho cla-s noted ul the fii:owliiK parts: Margaret Sasa ImrK wis thi' witch iToii'iinr over the pur eh bowl: Nelson Perkins wan . the Hliml who conducted Ihe J5U''"' throiiKh tho Intricacies or Ihn mys-, terlous lane; Koy C.lhanl, iiikiIIutI ghost rnp out th" fortunes incased; in fcol'ten nuts; Gladys Wo'-thyhik'. I was tho spook who presided over I the table of lilack ram ami Vlon-i ! J'yrllz was iho spirit who was l'i ; charKO of tho mystV Hlirim. The. evenliiK was spent III pHylliK dames telling Khosl s'orios ami sliiKins uf j souk. Later delirious refreshments I were served nrrer wlilcn tne Kueis departed praising llio Seniors aa loy al entertainers. Monthly Report For Schools Compiled Tho ncnlnr monthly report for tho l:tnt four wcfks of s'luml work hag boon coinpiU-fl by Surd. M. S. Hit mm niid nhow a viry na re-onl for putintti'illiy. uttpndtntri? nni I ti achiovomoni. Tne renurl hIhuvs (hat thore nrn insi children. ntlfiidinK th firhoolg liciw niul that 1171 hnve Hlr-fl,!v h'-pti onrotb'd thl your. The rooms that have tho best rueonlR in punclualtty und utlcncl.tnco arc an folbtwa: llctisoii Mnrion Wallace, 1st rrndn. 91.rU, Hanson Ki-innw 1'ot tor. t!Hi frruita, !'.. 4'. Kullei Ion, Kuth Swlmipy, 1st and L'ud Kiadea, .!! 4: Fiillcrlon Mattel Church, 6ih and (ith crudes, !.!: i;os -Verllo Tracy, f.lh gradn, J s. 7 rt. Kosp Stella Wirkham, lat und 2nd grades, 98.65. vOUXL Be Surprised il to Knov; That There Are Just 6 Days Left ! GIVE IT A THINK YOU CAN SAVE on your Suit, Over- yj coat, Hat, Shoes, , pre And say, Mr. Fat Man We can fit you. have a nice assortment of Stout and Long Stout Suits. DUDS FOR MEN Slock Reducing Sale ! Lv3 We BCIiOOI, WHTHItT Ut-IMJKT. To the Clerk of School District No. 4, DoukIhs County. Oregon: - Following Is a siaiemtnt of the eatlmaieil amount of money needed by iht. district during the fiscal year beginning on June 21si. J:'u. "ml ending on Juna 2th, -J921. This budget is made in compliance with Miction 227 of the School Laws of 1919, and Includes the estimated amounts to be received from the county school fund, stale rchool fund, special district tax and all oilier moneys of the district: IllTKiKT. K.stlimite! L:-iiliture. Teachers' salaries $47,797.60 Kurull lire Apparatus and supplies, Hucn as maps, cl.alk, erasers, Bloves, cur tains, etc : Library books j Uepairs of schoolleiiiH. s, ! olitbuildinKs or fences. j Improving ground'; i Transportation of pupils.. j Janltora' waives i Janitors' supplies ! Kuel Light, water and power. . I I'lerk's salary Postage and station, ty. .. i For the payment of bond I ed d-bt and lni.n.-t thereon, Ih; tied under Sections 121. 152 to 156. and ,434 of the School Laws of Oregon, 1919 Insurance .Manual Training find Do mestic Hcleiiee Miscellaneous und Incidentals irgTOiM'iwWiin lia French Dead Are Parent Teachers Association Meets Tho Uoaq school parent teachcra nHHncltitlon met lat-,t nU,ht at the Kose ((hool Ut an IntereH-lnK Hes ulnn. A short Imminent ineettuK waf held In which plan-i for the winter:', work wero ttlKfiisseil. The ftdbrvtii'? program was Riven: Piano polo, ftay Hurt ; Mot i mi pontr, pupils of M rs. C. J. Kverett; V'oral solo, Helen I. Moore;' Talk. Ir. S cly: Stnur by the Departmental vn; Talk, Sunt. M. S. Hanim; HeaiUni? Mm, V. W. A:h crafl; Piano nolo. KMre, .luhl: and a vocal polo hy Mr. Hurt. An enJoynbl( Bociul hour followed the program. , bleffletl country and future prosperity. Being Transferred-"0 A- to II. Ilenson. and in also Krttiiff her I many friends ftf her childhood years PA It IS, Ffance., Nov. 10 France's and we are all very glad to se hur.- l.nno.U'in war are soon to bo.l'er inotner is Bomcwnat lmproveu in hal(h RRafu. t"v. and Mrs. S. R. Miller who have Hpent a year In the eist are at home and t hey si 111 prefer O re st on and Cow Creek Valley to any other place. .Mrs. J. I. Harper who Hpent pv eral in out fin with relatives In Okla homa and Txas returned home last week. She says that she had a very !!eannt visit hut was Just as much j pleased to Ret back home again. Our city meat market has emerg ed from a complete rehabiUntion hy carpenters, palntera and electricians. They have made n most beauntul and modern chanpe in nil lines of t!ie n'ructure ty their work. I X X ti an i ei red to pt-rmaiiei't military cemeteries or re-iuUrreU In private oih-h at i lie option of tMe relatives. It. inay le many nionths before the wnrk Ik well under way, but the ;t'irt is lo be made noon under au rherilv of law panned nl the last hos-ido-i parliament and now made efle-tivo hy decree. A Hepar.ito m-'riuinent )f a desisn not yet ai!o;ited v ill be at the head of t-ach grave, and the care of the mil Mary mouu'Ih will devolve upon the govern men I in perpet 11 J t . H.nillaiio'i and l.ik of transporta tion h;'n delayed the assembling of the bodie hul it ha.'i been decijled hat by care-Mil planning the work my now lie done without danger to health or Industry. 800.00 200.00 3,000.00 !tno.00 3.C5O.O0 5 50.00 2.500.00 " 550.00 1,200.00 300.00 8.250.00 200.50 500.00 250.00 Total estimated amount of money to be expend' d for all purposes during the year $72,307.00 hstftimted Iteceipl. From county school fund during the coming school year $11,123-00 From tdute school fund during the coming school year 2.500.00 Kstimated amount t o be received from all oilur Bourcea during the com ing school year 10,000.00 Total estimated receipts, not Including ihe money to he received from the tax which It Is proposed to vole 23,623.00 -o- Old Trunk Con tained Big Sum PinLAI.KI.l'TlT7. Nov. 10 An ; old trunk, Tor which ;-hr paid $1.U0 J to a junk dealer in Scranton, Pa., 1 before ; lie moved to this city recently ad. led $r.i5 In gold to the capital of ; Mr. All red Itilterhn of Collmgdalu, Pa. j Pellevingt the rtunk had outlived i :t t uti I'liliHws. M im. Ilit1ir1in utm-ted mer a strenuous c.;n paytn. un Ut hnrii lu A jinKe attracted her at- ;ri:M).i.K xiavs An we fully apprefiite our victory achieved hy the ccorts of the voters ot' each sex, in their united act ion, most cordially com" at ula'e cur vMiii'i'M fr(in our president elect to ihe exlerit of the linn. We are rest- in r lltH'jtph illation. Total estimated expensd for the year $72,307.00 Total estimated receipts, not Including the tax to be voted 23,023.00 Dalauef, amount to be raised by district tax. . $48,684.00 APPLI-; MUtKKT SV.MPi:i) HOOD ItlVKH. Nov. 9 - A cahle grani was ree-lved today hy the Ap ple firowers Airo: i:ilioM finpi Liver pool announcing the I tin r Imposi tion of price eontnd ot apples in Kngland. mheihiled to take efteei on Ntveinbcr 14, has been indelinitely pttt tinned. Kxporters. however do not expect the announcement to result in any materl l benefit. Shipments (if bar reled apples are already swamping Kngland. Itecause of Ihe si'rioii'! Htrike situation, nlre-idy thousmds i wo f of boxes of pears and apples have rotted and have been dumped ii (s said. day, we noted all day th ii !! (Pgnity and silent exprension on the "fin es of our new o!ets and could see that thev atl under-tto.t 1 j nd till miide pool In Ihetr p.nt of fh' v.rit ieoiy. and wh'le we havel r lei-1 id Kond re en l he p repent cn- uiir-i'nts of our countv offict's are' M "nproved by their oflieial i't cord'. 1 V wrote in the name of (ieortje ' t rown for Just ice of I he Su- n tne Court, for we confident iy ; !; now him. And for uM orney ivneral Just as i nl;den'ly we wrote In the n une (f O. P. Co; how, as we know him l'. . I We vouM lil;e to write a line or h and ever one of von. tenth. ii, the fire was extineuished, and Mrs. Jlilt. rllii extracted tho gold pU:-es from the lining of the trunk. ! ut !nce fotliMls. and to each one, v.. ten-ler our loyal greetings with our I'rikhtc-st hette fur our own NKtt LYW I'DS HKTl'HN .Mrr Hnd Mrs. Archie Taylor who were married In this cltv Ihe early part of J::st week, and who have been pending their honeymoon In the northern pari of tho st;:te, return.' I 'o lloselinrg yi :-.t, rday. They visit' d l-:i!ire:te. l'ortl;iud. Seaside and lloo.l llix. r while ahsenl. They are niaklnt; their home on Mosier street below the tracks. . o Mrs. J. 11. Itedington came to the city yesterday from Leland ami spent a short time shopping and vls itint; with friends notice Is hereby given that the foregoing budget will bo discussed with the Hoard of Directors of hchool District No. 4. Douglas Coun ty, Oregon, at a meeting of said Hoard lo be held at the office of the School Clerk of said district. In the lilfjlt School Uuildiug in Koseburg. Or. gon. on Monday. Ihe 22nd day of .November. m'U, at 7:30 o'clock p m., wn. n arm wiiere any taxpayc subject lo the above tax lew when made, may be heard in favor of j against any such proposed taxi f ! Wl.en levied. By nr.l'T of the Hoard of Director of School District No. 4. ; Dated tins 26th day of October, A. N. orci:tt. A. J. GEDDKS. B. H. LENOX. T. A. ItAKFlCTV, A. A. BELLOWS. Hoard of Directors, School District .No. 4. Attest: Ii. X. Creen, School Clerk. EURALGIA cr h-auache rub the forehead cue It und inhale the vupors X7 VAPORUB Oter 17 Million Jars UkJ 1 STORE CLOSED THURSDAY, NOV. 11th, ARMISTICE DAY i . , i 1 i ri 1LJ1LJA I Friday, November 12th, rSELLOWS TOR DAY-S T 1920 Great ri it c is I I HI J. 2 o Bringing prices back ti normal. Read tma. Sea what your dollar will fa at our Store Friday 5 Yards Daisy Bleached Muslin 4 Pair Children's Black Hcse 4 Yds. Best Grade 27c Gingham 1 1-2 Yds. 9-4 Bleached Shocling $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 85c Bath Towels, large size - 2 for $1.00 $1.50 Comfort size, Cotton Batts - $1.00 Zephyrs Yarn - - 4 for $1.00 40c Outing Flannel - 5 yards for $1.00 35c Crash Towels - - five for $1.00 $1.75 Table Damask, yard - - $1.00 ii t I i m ii ii 1 1 ii 1 1 i.i""7i Vlsll . J. IJIbuni "on. W "111 glnd la kan " Ike vr- lUM WIZARD PRODUCTS WIZARD MOPS 1 .rbl..fc JBl U WIZARD ""r r . Nri be hail lit two ntylt-n. The ilii!.t inup if t lu'iiiiftiHy Hi Bl- t-4 Ulltl ittiK"! Uf WilllOIlt jratlt't ItiK it. Tlit- mll:-ll lin is U'f.ttf.l wm'i AVilihI 1'tjliHH. It fltilllS 1111(1 JKilinllt-K t)i lleor ut tne :iiiie titm. Wizard ilopn are the i-tuivfii-l-nt trtniiKlc ti:ie wl:lli Kivt'B I he in Hi'iowt to t-vtry nwuk und fitliu-r. Tli-y have tht jHliiih-lnlik- elhrw hnmlle for eane in uav. Wizard .lip are jrit( fKiui tl.'j:, in t- ""- i WIZARD Floor Polisher 1 xfci--(.tJt..-';!,ifll H'lWirUBEANDFtOOIl POLISH f 0 itN v Iff?:- I l ; i h I ! I f,. Ti w WIZARD DUSTER lee aoi In. ehcml.jil ir-,T,,... ' Tt and held, j ' tl-n: win lit ..." ri a. rri WIZARD WAX JSJ UQUIO AND PASTE wax ; 55 The Wlzanl Floor VolUl er I tdtf NK'W ilitvlfe ftir poli-hlnic floom 1 1 1 tit takt-.4 all the IiuiJ work out of kfi-ttit tlit-in In per(i-t c.mtliiiort all the lim-. Not only I it lew In pil ecoiKCtih ul In use. but it can. it-r a n il simpler to ute atnl h--tually p mi I urr a far het l-r r ultM than any other wuxIiik 4 ik-vlee. PRICE $4.00 Ineluillnu Itcjcultir "So ( on of rnunv hiwui POLISH Tim mot neicn title pollnh made for furniturt1, woodwork and floor. It dries giih kly. wittiout stlchlnesa, and nifs mu-fu'-e a htilllunt and vry per manent palish. Fiiir-innt buttle 30c 'V el e-onnee bol t lc fHlr PnliHiiea ami prvwnrn thi ilnil on fioun. futnim,' woiMlwurk. 1-atUer. huum Kuily upplle, wttn a fc and pohuli with ot her cloth It form a thin ml that pta tfcta the Nurfai-r and i clean, hard, rkli. mbded at. U-r that is a Joy to 11,011 Wizard Wns Pane ia hn cially adapted fur u floors. Wizard Liquid Wn ( rr nmrnetided for pollitiinn fcr nlture. pianoii, woodwork, m. loniohileji, etc. WUard Wax Pie, BVs-. win Kt 1 t. ilie 1 t. en Wizard LJiiuld wax. . N-os. slxr sa tt-ux. mite (unrt enn Ilnlf arullun ran (nllon can . ..91.23 .. .91.7.1 . . .a:i.oo WIZARD Dust Cloth t'hemlrniiy trfiitccl t pi k tip (hiKt without st-utUriiiK it. A Ver y urea t i ii i pi u e:uent over ordinary ilnst elotl;H. fan he w:iJ"ht d Wit ii'Hit de stroying its dust-K-iheriiiK pmpurties. Amply lui e. 1'rlce Institution Mop Tin he.-tt mop tor use on lurtre floor spaefrw. mieh as aehoola, off leea, aloreH. vU Mop 1B treated with Wizard tolili; piikr tip dn.Jt, cli'iins floor and pol ishes It ut fame time. I'rlee 9-.ou WIZARD Wall Duster No eobwrtm or duat will ling er on wal t tliftt me Rone over with a Wizard Wall Outer. This ronveiiient duster u made of tti hist yarn, chm hally treated to i-ollrrt tod hold all dust. It nn wuKhed w It hmit Injury. Tht fheinli ill treatment ii pfrnu nent. Uttht nil eacil)" htn tl.ed. Ciiiip)ete witn t4i&dl handle. A.J.Lilburn & Son tfiiZmD ROSEBURG. OREGON COMPLETE HOME FURNISHERS CUT CUT THE EAVESDP.O.-pER Nsw Ocvica ! Expected to Eliminate Lk'.ening n" on Wirelesl Suc.'C.-sri;! .V.iimiistnith.iis of a new slriinv, in v i-n 1 1. .ii. niiU-b m;:rks a l!oi tu-.innl the sornc.v of wireless Ifleiihniip mill t..l--rn(.li nii'ssn-cs hnve ttikin plnrc in llrrat Ilrltnlii .mil Sii,'ii..r Miiivnni Is nt preswil con luvtlns ftitihiT lesis ut sea In Ills yacht Klectra with a view lo Its wili er iippl lent Ion. Details of the invention nre perret. Sut It inny be stilted tliu!, Hrcotdhig to the Continental edition of the l.on iton Iiaily ii.iil. an apparatus has tieon deviseil whlcli, hv what experts ! all an "electrical method of ooncen- j trillion." propamine the electric wire less wave In a "heam" In nn- dcslre.l J llrectk.n and In that direction only. ! Hitherto the electrical waves sent out from wireless stations have ' spread out In ml directions and all who "llstiried in" could hear. The new Invention will marl! the end of he wireless "eavesdropper ." When t Is perfected n wireless station will e aide to send out Morse or spoken tiessai:es which will be heard only hy those for whom they are Intended. The new apparatus which is being worked at nn experiment station In 'it-eat llrittiln with a short wave eiu-th. has recently t.r.-n demnnstrat d by a number of exerts who cj ireised the greatest Interest In the liscovcry. It Is known Ihnt flermnn wireless esr.-.rrh has been lately closely dl f cted lo this prol !em of the "eaves Irrpper," f.r the i-ermnns realized hat we were able to pick un with our listening sets muih Tnluable Infor- nation about Z-nnetin nmn, irlnj the war. Earning a Ceor.-.:ron. "Why d d the kit K of lahool glT .ti n medal?" "I Rave him one lat year," ex- allied the shnh of 1'oohosh. Louis ville Courlt r Is Mr::. Wijrcin. r'nvl" "No, don't h, I.,n, . ui.'se 'ic' -laiic'ed seels Visit in Ashlunil Mrs. It. A. Clnlock of this city left this morning for Ashland where she will visit with relatives for a short Iteturn Home .Mrs. W. O. Watson and wn o and spent a short time trannttai business mailers returning home the evening train. Que A THE YEAR BY MAIL Pncf Oca to $6.00 On Nov. ISth mu i'"y klepfo. nene of t-'he's a k-oo4 i-jA Jii Th:t It the Lowest Price Quoted by Any Portland N ewtpaper ITtTuse This Blank-' I The Telearain: ,f I Inclosed fiuJ $1.60 tot ok cription. Name .... I Poatofficc Save $2.00 ,8..,. ........ oid uarilhell lluutist.'