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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 10, 1920)
SfmLTHEM TO m m a a A a 4. a CALL Mt" oAYo KUSSELL I, He Would Not Take All The Money In the World Declare; r Tanlar rid Him. and Will Tell Anu. ' one About His Case. . and every Joint of ,r tnui - . Pro,tor W Tu anybody wants lo talk i"5-,! the ooi Tanlac ha. b01". r,hinlt of It. all Iw"".." a i lust call me up." 1a 1 1 k C Russell. 3712 North vats T,, ,,. uly cum- s l. me uf all U-.uu.ea i f r.c.I fifteen pounds In M bead's. For three y.-rs I fist about every.hlns the "ib: dfl until I could hard- tilt, have intense pains in the i -..rh and my heart t!.M palpitate dreadfully. I bad l ..... .11 ik. and tiubft neanj " , a became so diizy 1 had to take '. . n.v.imp m keen from fall- Vy kidneys worried me a great ill and there were Buch pains in t back I Wt like " was mln8 In j T . vllh t-honmatlam !SO BUI.nru .... my body. My nerve were In such bad shape I could never get a good night's sleep. I lost weight and fin ally became so run-down and weak I simply had to stop work entirely. All my friends thought I was down and out for good, for although I bad tried every kind of medicine I could hear of, nothing helped me a par ticle.. " "Well, sir, I think Tnnlac is ac tually worth Its weight In gold, and I wouldn't take all the money in the world for the good It has done me In a short while after I began taking It I commenced to get better and now 1 am a well man. I h. a .nun,.u aDbetlte. eat anvlhlna I .un. i never have a particle of trouble af terward. My Kidneys do not bolhu me anv more, mv n.rv.u DM .. ' -..-.. " . v.- ... ii n - fthADP. I tlftVnr hoH al., . t , - - a. (, ui iir.iu- acbes nor become diziy. and ihe i jieuiumium oas lert me entirely, snd I am hack on the Job again." Tanlae Is sola in, k. P. Chapman and by the leading druggists everywhere. figb ma LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE LiUiAX COMKS HACK AGAIN Editor News-Review: .i Ward 6 main weapon in an ument seems to be vituperation ,rk vengeance. He manuges to ijcooatrue and twist the facts as iH ki to nut an entirely dlf- Liu meanlnc to them. If be owned rthini or was paying any taxes this city It mient iook oetter, out I like some others I know.) wants .rnhins he can get some one else pi; lor. One of the most prom--ni business men In Roseburg had II headline article in the Newa mw last spring on Ihe front page :inr what a line thing the avia--. Held would be. for Roselmrg. and this same gentleman does ' par any taxes at all and has been bntiness here a number of years. :iov like Ray Ward and the onr ii acting as mouthpiece for are ones that should be replaced :k snr brains. He apeaks of an incident at the liv ball. The only thing that ha- Irr.ed at the city nail that I was taected with was when I went fin aid paid my street assessment. Itbat ia a nefarious practice. ' ml am guilty again. . -v I an against the aviation lleld for k miens previously stated and am Iwoiiibly certain that a large ma rt! ot the taxpayers are with me. un ample assuranen that many :lm will siKn a petition against ind I have no doubt but that I J lt five hundred names ln e ol two days. I would like to see the will of taxoavers carHfd nut Thov J ample bonds years ago for a er and lieht Plant and never vnt ind now when an aviation field propojea, every Tom, Dick and "T. that thinks he could make a lr Out Of it. sets lin n "hilW i howl" and wants tho "DoAr i to tuy it for him. If they H produce some argument In wollt (except hot air) the dear PI' nilsrht do It. but I think if 1 at own any oronertv hero And ,!H paying anv tnves T tvni.M't f the gall to shout from the upn aim tell the people what E. E. Morgan. ALL STORKS CISK. All stores will close tonior- row, Armistice .Day, arrange- inents ta this effect having been trftide by the Merchants associa- tlon. There will be no dellv- erles and all offices In addition to mercantile establishments v win remain closed for the day. The nnut nm. lll M A . i mi. i .main w open, Armistice Day not being trcuguizeu oy me government as a holiday for the closing of tne post office. Portland Attorney Commits Suicide PORTLAND, Nov. 10. Schuyler C. Spencer, a prominent Portland attorney, shot and killed himself and shot and seriously wounded his wlf early today at their home. His part ners said that he had fluttered two strokes of paralysis and fered an other and they attributed his deed to this affliction. Buy that sturdy boy a pair of Hol land shoes at Stephens and keep his feet dry. itoiY mtoi ;iit HOMH The body of private William A. I Johnson of Riddle, who died in the j service while in France arrived in Portland and will be sent to Riddle at once. Private Johnson died while overseas and his body was buried in I France. It was recently disinterred I and is being shipped back to his! borne at the request of his family. WING GROWTH OF DOLLAR 'w Benjamin Franklin's Bequest of ". to Boston Has Increased in a Century. Iow the dollar Invested works for M'vidnal hinielf 1ms been best tnitHi by Hint Hrl nul Amorl. " '"""f of thrift, Itc-njamln Krank "marks Wi.rWs Work. In 1701 1 willed fl.iiiiO to the common J of Massachusetts and to the oosion as a murk of his appre- ,;'' for havlnir ........l.iiu.1 hi '"' 10 Etisland at the "handsome" ' UI t-.'KJtl. And tn mnlro hta hp. really u. ki. . I? I," f'r,"klln provided In his will t this fl.ocjo s,,w be put out at 5 "m Imprest fur 100 years; that at M of that Unit. 31-131 of the fund plated shoiHd again be put out H o!" 'r hundred years' rn , Jh '""J h divided one, .t '"n B"1 "'ree-fourths to It D Un 1. .. - tZ V wnrU'"- A the end of h?1 M )rrar" h Rfown to kM. Wn" '"" divided In ac- w h 018 wln : 329,300.4S l-ov i f"r "l"'Mc work" and f w "art. on Its course N 'n .,n'" for another hun- ' I lm V"'1 a" ln lsul- OD f, "um hlld 'rown N hi," " "" ""e f ' t K .V,"',"1 '!""" to at It doesn't take very long to gain the first cost of Universal Tire Filler. After that you have no expense to speak of. NOTICK. ASTORIA Of Tufa... .... iU.. "a Children ForOver30Years TO WHOM TT MAY CONPEKN: W1IKKKAH. tlie trout and other flh inhitbltlntr the streams of HmiKlap Countv. State of Ore von. wllh the ox- i ceptlon of the L'mpqtm River from its mouin co n n juetlon with me Aorin Umpqua River and the South I'minnie River; nJ the North 1' River from Its Junction with the I'mp nua River to a point on fuiiil River known as the Boundary Rantfer sta tion; and the South Tmpqua River from j Its Junction with the I'mpqua River to a point on said River about nine niflfs 1 ntov Tiller. Oregon, known as th- j Forkft of said River; aluo the Cnllii- poola River from Its Junction with the l' mpo,ua River to a point on said River known as the Nonpareil Dam. are he-Ina- threatened with extinction frnn excestilve anKllntr and other causes; and . WHERKAH. the State Board of Fish and fSnmc ommlrloners Is desirous of prolectlna" the trout and other nn in-hahltina- tlie waters of all the stream of l)ouilas County, State of Oregon, with the exception of the Vrnpmia River from its mouth to Its junction , with the North I'mpqua River and the South t'mpqua River; and the N.irth I'mpqua River from Its Jum'tion with the l.'mpqua River to a point on said River known as the Boundary RKer Station; and the South I'mpqua River from its junction wllh tlte I'mpqua RlvVr to a milnt on said River ahout nine miles above Tiller. OrvKon. known as the Forks of said' River; altm the Cnllapoola River from Its Junction with tlie I'mpqua River to a point on sah I River known as the Nonpareil lam. Kituated In the County of Douglas. State of Oretcon; THKREFORK. bv nuthor"lty of law vested In said State Board of Fish and Game OommtMlonera. notice Is hereby irlvcn that all the streams of Douglas County. Stat of Orffon. with th ex ception of the Fmpqua River frorr Its mouth to Its Junction with the N.-rth Fmpqua River and the S -nth I mnua River; and the North I'mpqua River from Its Junction with the I'mpqua River to a point on said River known as the Boundarv Rsnfter Station: and the South I'mpqua River from its Junc tion with the I'mpqua R1v-r -o l point on said River about nine miles above 1 Tiller. Orea-on. kown :i5 me rr Isaid River; a1o the Callapoola River from Its junction with the I mpqna I River to a point on said River "n0""" Ins the Nonpareil Dam. situat-d I in tn- Countv of Dourtas. State of OreRon. are clos-d to nshlnar of any kind and In any manner, for trout and other fth. from nn n'"r the 1st dav of Dem 'ber. 120, until the 1st iay of May. !1921 Any and all persons whomsoever so flshlnr In violation of this order will be prosecuted as by sftnte prfvldM i Date.i at PortIanl. Oregon, this 11th day of October. A. P 19Jo. i STAT" RO PD OF PffW AND Rt E. V. Carter. Chairman of the Hara By I N Flelschner. Commissioner. By John GUI. Commissioner Ry Marian Jack. Commlstner. By Jas. H. Prlscolt Commissioner. Pv E. C. Simmons, Commissioner. I By T. U. Warrtu, Com ml" loner. Crr'a now have twice a much Uifc pUjr room for their Christtiuia goods laI year. Our new location U o fli-d with our tine new algna. Ixolc for our ml Mgus at 231 N. Jackson. Is the ChrUmiaa Store of lUweburg- and of Douglun County. ire Ghri stmas Store Kabalki . t'arr's have by fur Ihe blfc'K-.'Ht and best line of 4'lirlalnuis tfikuda limy lutve ever shuuu, and thul nioaiu the lir- .t line In Itowburg. Whelher iti. .ur the clUldren or (iniclliul ;;iru for uien, wionen or rlilMren, we !iave theui. i'arr's la the Clirlatmus . :!tore. . Our Comolete NdDW ONUS Holiday Limes PLAY .y Christmas Goods have been selling briskly at Carr's for several weeks. We now have our complete line on display for your early selection. 3 f JLS'i iaw',V, ft vmwi aaniiaaaM u a,,a; iijiwji TOVS! TOVS! llo)V uud gill.. IxMiks, games of ull kinds, dolls anil more dolls, wheel goods Irou toys and bankH, cellulid gtHKls, doll IicmkI-s clillilreni bookn, ('hrfetiiuui boxeti, tree tr.mmtn; tii and seal, cnrd and book lets. tty Now! More Goods Large Variety Better Service Easier Selection . Satisfactory Gifts Less Worry A MERRIER CHRISTMAS ! PRACTICAL Klne 'lilt m or tahiNMware. king to ilecea or set, aluminum wore, 1ytvx iNtklmc dUhen, handkerclilefH, faney toweU ami dry kimmIh. garters and arm Iwuids, knit goods) and slipiien. inirNea nnd liAJiillmfCM, plcltirea uud tnlrtiirs, toilet sets, ImnilredM ff oiliers, ull attractively lMked. ' We nt you to oHiipare our prices with Sears lUielnick or any otln-r mail order hoin. Iok around town and see how prices compare. You'll not send away or buy elsewhere but at Corr's when you see our prices. Carr's Is tlie Christinas Store for Ihe ordinary orkcllook. Christmas .Store Can Save You Money 231 N. Jackson Roseburg'. Ore. t'lirr'a arrangement of nUck ami the wonderful selection of glfu from every line of business makes It easy for you to decide on your gift with out running all over town. An hour In Carr's In equal to a day shojifiittg around. Carr's Is the Christmas Store. Douglas County Will Recognize CARR'S is the Christmas Store. . Out of town people should especially avail themselves of our early display. Goods purchased now may be left at the store till Christmas, if desired. .1 ASK FOR Horlisk's jfes'l.-??Jt Imitations . a"be Oii-inai Food- . n l.rhlMrM I l-UrinkrorAUAges .litutea. Rich Mlt. . M. Hri Or.ln I! rrt hi Plr fio Cooking riourubiniJ-1-'J'''1 Strawberries Bring Excellent Returns If the grower of strawberries ih. nrORfnroUS h;iUP'ns uj 1.-1 10...-. this fall much of the prosperity Is ,',' to "he fact that he is a member or the Onon uroner. ""rT"', Assoelatlon" say. C. I. Lewis of the association. The strawberry pool of the asso clKtion was sold this e""n a'!h; r Ve of 17 re"' P"n'1' tM" all previous rc-cords. Many K rower, who are as y-t not rnerafer. were not so fortunate. A number of sales were made at 10 cents a pout. I. and ,,pr in the season many crops were disposed of at th. low price of seven cents a pound." o AdT.rtlM In tt NwRt!. KkKTO.N AXI VICIMTV Grange Master Makes Prediction BOSTON. Nov. 10. The estaMlsh ,.,m nf a nation-wide a.lllng organl- isatlon which sall fix the price of farm products if the farmer noes not receive "the same pay for the same hour's work that others nc ived.-' was predicted today by Sherman J. Lowell, master of the National Grange of Patrons of Husbandry, ill openlna; the naiioul convulsion. "There Is no threat In this, he said. "V.V have bfen driven to It to pre serve our agriculture." He declared that -hanre since the beainnins; of the war and rulinics of tho nailotial srovernment have been taken to a dis advantage of the farmers. Mr. and Mrs n. () Thomas made a visit to Portland last week. They have not yel returned. They were ac companied as far as Albany by K. I). Traylor and lo forvnllls by Mrs. Charles Hinder Mrs. Hinder Is vis iting her son Ceor::e. who Is attend in! Ihe O. A. C. Hhe will return to day. Nov. Mh. The dam e at HIV inn was well at eniled on Friday. Nov r t Ii . A aim 1 time was eii.i.eil l,y all. The lumfe was furnished l.y Mr. and Mrs. (ieo br.iiiT. The nance conimlitee repirt (hat they will alve a dun-e every two weeks and ull are Invited to le pres'nt. .Mrs. Harry Haines returned to Klkton Nov. r,th. Klie is a former res ident of Klkiiin. W. (',. (Iiiilioe, who tnoved to Al bany 1a"t nottih was a business vis Mor in l:!l:ton Inst ve'-k. The silver side run t salmon Is very good In Hie l.'tnpriua around Klkton. KirhiiiK P'trlles report Rood luck with the troll. The stuck nssiMiattnn Mti(ed s fine bunch hos from Kikton on oveml.r fith. ('. R. Franklin now has his store moved over from Main to lirorkwsy street nnd a fine stork of Roods in. He Intends installing an lee cream fountain soon. Mrs. C. R. Krnnklin relumed to Klkton lust Friday from The Dalles. Kveryono seemed to be well pleas ed wllh the results of the city elec tion In Klkton. The oflicers elected there were Kdwln Rhodes, Jusllce of the Peace and Clyde Itydell the conslable. Mrs. Mabel Hubbard returned lo Klkton Monday from Portland where she has been visiting with relatives and friends. The 'Hollo" Kill at Klkton has resinned and returned to her home near Scott dmrsr. Th' community Club meeting was postponed last week, until Fri day Nov. IL'th. The club will iry to meet every two weeks hereafter and leveml Rood programs are bcliiR prepared for the future meetlnas. All of the surrounding vicinity is invit ed to be present as well as the more distant residents. X X M'.W SITIIKItLIV IVU'Kli. "The Puiherlln Bl ir" appenred on he News-Pevlpw cxchaiiRe desk this mornlnir. The new publication is I'diied by R. 8. J. Hamllion, a former eeeldent of Itm-eburR. The first edi tion is a very creditable one and Is liberally paironlred bv Hutherlln ail vnrtiseis. New Items are sprinkled generously throughout the roiuinl.'' of ihe star and the News-Review pre dicts It success. Shoes that 111, wear and give satis faction at Stephens. Just received, a shipment of Hol land shoes at Stephens. "X.l were'snoQyir like aPor trait not ft in ft fo flistinrtivc, tolart ing ami no mra to be appri. citci We know sveorm if men in Ihis city who would be ovrrjiyrJ t (ihriitmas if they received lomeone't 'htograih. HEM US STUDIO Qtle utrCiUint 'uinii ne I