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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1920)
BuMnBtU) sTsWfmWUmSW PBfl4T. OOK'BftB II, I Ms), PAIS fc. nfficial Republican Statement V nnnhllean Centnl Comniltuw. e ",sMBticAJi WARREN G. HARDING K . I Wife' pgjjx ' V if i-jr tK''r. -a Dl.irH'l. . "'', Slat. Sam A. JU..M' -i! I!'. Ur'n'. ... Law- sini'STm. T,,""" C ' "J" Ik' Servlc. Commlssloner- f.wr-R. t- '"L, u listen i t """,., ,iv, DousUa and y!yrWA,..-r--0''- -iffSam W. Htarmer. till Htarmer. iVaie Of or u i' County Clrrk-lr B. 11 Will T...a.urel JUIHCS K Asor Frank ..v .w ) f,rM. k. Killer. . LCl 1-0. u --- rown. ' THE NEW YORK TIMES BRIAN ASSAILS COX AND H. S. CUMMINGS Ctlls Choice of Democratic Con rtntion Chairman a Tragady' for the Party. COX CANDIDACY A DISCRACE K Nomination Wou'd Be an Intuit ty the Liquor Force, Ntbraikan Asserts. lsU i Tht ,Vw Yw Ttmet, LINCOLN, Nsb.. May 13.-WMiam brn:tiM firvan tUTtd his DOlltlcal bfct- ton ii:t t licer A Cumin Inge, Oitrmwi of the Iwmocrattc National Cwielttf. and Governor Cox of Ohio. U i turr.ent givtn out Texe he saya: "Tht selection r c:i!rmaa CUn. r!ni to tonnd the keynote of the ltrvxrtlc National Convention Is or- thn a comedy. It It a tragedy. !i to 1 meltnchoiy beginning If th Isioert have any Intention of mk af tcimpijn this year If tht Deino ftic Put) li to be wrapped In a it a&rouo. ioc k oa up in a w an Hr Till be glad to see reprinted mbi utterance of Herbert Hoover swrnlng the political situation: lij personal view is that some r.rtti of the present treaty should itttudoned and others mourned, .'.other parts of the treaty are so filmed with the stability of Eu- and so necessary In order to -arp the co-operation of many f'M narons who have Joined it. it practical republican statesman Hill. in ordT4o use all In it that (wd (or the deve lopujjent of Ihe principle to which the party pledged itself, build upon the adjtions or the exiting treaty, :ilso include the great step in or-i-itttlon of the court of interna justice recently advanced In tpe by Senator Root. Home Umics Are A ltai. TVre are great dmneHtlc Issues, ?ed by or uccumulnting out of ;' ar, that have been Insistently l-'nding solution ever siuce the "irtice. It was the business of the Jocritic party to have assembled 1 ; brains in the United States each of these problems, to prt-Tcnted the advancing cost of 'if, to lave found solution for the 1 bullies of our a?ripiiliiil inHnt. to have inaugurated constructive Lr" of of the land. Street safe and burled at aea. Cum mint election la a rlou handicap If th liarty propoata to appeal to the prorrM Bilv aentlmcnt of tf.e country." Mr. llryan call the Cok candidacy dligraci. He eaya: " The fact that the Democrata of rwt Ary mates, Ohio and Kentucky. rav in at rue ted for Governor Cox makes It f roper to consider his position n ths Iquof sjueatlon. It Is becoming vcry day mors snd more apparent tha: he la the man about whoaa standard Ua wi forces will salher. " Governor Edwards la a Jok. A drunkard In the last stagoi of delirium tremens would have stnse enoush to know that Edwards has no chants of nomination, benator Hitchcock did. not have any chancs even before the Ne braska primary, hence he had nothlnf to lose. Governor Cox la their man and he has fairly won the dishonor thai ha seeks. " After disgracing ft's state he axplres to a poHtlou In which he could dlrrraca x nation. For years the men engaged In the liquor buatncju have been tho rotu anarcl.lsts of the co-.inirv. far nrors tlan Serous ,i!ian tne professional anarcn'Nls. Goveiudr Ccx has become their candi dats. " His nomination would msks ths '-emocratlc I'arty iJ. Uedtr or the taw. . i element of Ute country and hit .t.-tlon. If .such a th!ng were? po!bie. :ald turn the White House over t tnose who defy the Government and hold law In contempt " There la no HkeDhftod of his nomi nation and no chance of hts election If nominated, but why should any Demo crat be willing to sup;ort a man whoa nomination would .nsult tho coisclenoa of ths nation ? For the triumph of pro-' htblticn Is a triumph uf th naUon conscience. " the development of our industrial employment relationship, the protec tion of child life, the solution of our dtflclnt housing, reorganization of the business administration of the federal government, and a host of other domestic questions. Nearly two years have parsed since the ar mlBtice. None of these things have been accomplished we have only promises. The failure In these do mestic necessities has already Im posed a terrible cost In our daily liv ing and will yet Impose vast unem ployment on great numbers of our countrymen. Knilh in Republican Party. "The responsibilities of govern ment should now. therefore, be transferred. I should like to have seen the republican party take a more advanced position on many things, but the party has the skill, ; constructive ability and spirit to meet the issues in front of it. If it fails to provide peace on terms that ' preserve the great principle to which j it has pledged Itself; if It fails to i attain it by methods that will secure : the good will of the entire world; if j it fails to provide these great meas ures of internal progress and recon j struction that we so urgently re auire. it deserves no more considera tion four years hence than the pres- nt party deserves today. do not believe It wilt fail. Senator Harding ba shown a fine aspiration and abtl uy to secure co-operation of the en tire government and the nation in ' these solution. I, therefore, whole- neartediy tupport the republican' candidates. Your faithfully j "HERBERT HOOVER." Aged Resident Died Last Night Jonathan Carmen, aged Hi year,! U monihn, died last niaht at the! home ot A. 1. Carmen, after an 111 i.esa or only lew day. The deceas ed came to Oregon from Illinois In I the early days and aettled near Sll-! verton. He has been at the home of i hl son In the city during the last I jew years of his Ute. and was well ! known In Itoseburg. Ha became quite' ill a few days ago and death camel MUddenlv. Hin rinmrhtor M.-.. -v.nK Ewing, of San Pablo, California, ar rived before death ocenred. In ad dition to Mrs. Kwing and the son who resides in this city, he leaves another son. Frank Carmen, who re sides at Kugene. The body will be taken to Sllverton tonight and the funeral will be held there on Satur day. o . FOR COtXTV II.EHK. To the Voters of Douglas County. Ore- fon: sin the candidate on the republican tlckot at the Nowmbvr uirrtlon fur th olTlce of Countv clerk. If elected I will exerflge tli mom rlld ecu.ioniy. con tinent with B.-od service. In the con duct of the nfTW-e. and will u.e my bent endeavors to see that all pernona hav IhK business with the otTfc. receive Ju.t and courteous treatment. Your vote Is respectfully solicited. (Pd. Adv.. 1IIA O. HIllDLK. IHIAIX AXI) l.KOXA 1TKMS Mi? Van Scoyk spent the week end wi'.r lome folkB a Cottage Owe. Henry Fisher and family expe;: to n'cve to Portland scon, so 3 aie told Mrny families have moved swh from Leona during the tempora-y cosing of the Leona mills. The hour for Sunday school at Leona has been changed from .1 p.m. t 0 p. in. Everyone is inviteu Miss Myra Wagner has Just re lulled to her home in Drain frc.i a vctil with her sl-it-;r, Mrs. John Friend, of KoseLjig. Mr. Gilbert who has been vlilling at the home of his daughter. Mrs l'a!;o and family o Drain, re.u.'is tn h.a home this week. Messrs. Oscar, Jack and William Mntoon are at the coast this week fishing. They expect to return the last of the week. Owing to the rains the work of apple picking has ieen delayed some and the cannery will not begin work iulte as soon as was expected, so Mr. Norton Btates. He is now at worn picking apples at his orchard in Sutherlin, and expects to have sev eral thousand boxes which he will ship down to the cannery at Drain. Mr. Whipple has some fine 20 pound Hubbard squashes in his win dows this week. Squashes this year were not as good as the average, In this part of the county. The rainy season is causing the cabbage to burst, especially the early varitey. Work on Ernest Whipple's new saw mill on South Drain is progres sing finely. We hear there is to be another mill started west of Drain, about a mile or so, but we did not learn the name of the owner. Mr. and Mrs. George Wooley were In Drain last week visiting relatives, ahd having dental work done. They have moved back to their home on' Smith River at Gunter, Oregon, as school has just begun. i Mrs. Mnry Cool has had the old, fence removed and a new woven wire fence put on her lots in South Drain. Some of the large maples have been cut down and removed and other Im nrovements made which add much ! I to the appearance of the place. The side walks have been torn up and are to be replaced with new shortly. X X SMASH Go Shoe Prices! SATURDAY, A DAY OF OPPORTUNITY! Save! Save! Save! More and more people are attending this Sensational Shoe Selling Event. There is no end to the Wonderful Bargains. Shoes at a reduction of $1.00 to $6.00 a pair. Come as soon as you can.' iti nnrit immt (6.00 Boots now $4.UA S.OO Boots now $4.00 Boots now . . .a.3 . . 2.U3 rFKl.T SI.II'I'KKS ,2.60 Felt Slippers. . .1.0S 12.00 Felt Slippers. . .$I.S 11.60 Felt Slippers. . .91.19 StIOK I IMUX(;S 75c Shlnola outfit ....line 15c 2-in-l now lOr 10c Shlnola now 7c 16c Jet Oil now lie MK.VS SOX 11.50 Sox now 1.1S 85c Sox now GUc 75c Sox now 40c SMASH Go Shoe Repair Prices. Bring in your work, see the difference. IRVIH 6RUNN W ftlrisl J KIt rit it f I Hi 1 Vj PERKINS BLDC. S- , . I '7. CS3 1 1 " m S -W BBliW SM Shoes that Satisfy and Fit Your Feet. Cass Street, Roseburg, Oregon. CHANCELLOR FEHRENBACH state penitentiary and Louis Hlrtsu usu ui Duivui, apuni ino uay in nose- uurg aiienuuig to DumnetM matters. BAULKS rtossbura Aerts meats In their hall on Jfu-Kson St on 2nd and 4th Monday awnings of each month at t o'clot-k. Visit Ins brthrn tn good standlnc always welvom. KllhlU K CLAKK, W. K P. VICTOR M1CK1.LI. W. P. B. F. UOULiAlAK. Sucrstary. KMIITS OF HTHIA Apiia LodtfS No. 47, meets every Wodttutfday svta ins;, cor. Jackson and Cuss Bta. Visit ors alwavs welcome. HOY O. YtH'NO. C C. CHAS .P. HOPKINS, M F. K. K. WIMBKItLV. K. K. B. I.UYAL OMUKH UF MOOK Hosrbum Looge So. loST. mets secotid am' fourth Wednesday evenings of eaib iiiuuth at S o'clock In the Moos hall. All visit I us; brothers are invited to attend. C. W. CLOAK K. Dictator. H. O. PAKOKTBK. SMretary. KKIUMUOHI OK VVOOUIHAKT -Lilac Circle So. 4. meets on 2nd and 4th Monday evenings. Visiting neighbors Invited to attend. EDITH CHPftCHlLU O. N. TILL1K I. JOUNSON, Clork. Latest photograph of Ffhrenbach, the German chancellor. New Antiseptic Discovered. At TMleviie hrwpltnl. New York, thy are nslnj; n new antiseptic, dln-nvered F. A. Mnnlon, n Krnilunte nurmt, who lilts hern working on It for 2f yiiii?. It Is onl IimI rhtorsjil nu is tin!l:ir to evrnil other nntlseptlca, Hit linn the jrient ndvantngo over thorn of not hHnjr nflVcted by extHwnre to the air. Accounting for It. "I'm worn out. They me put tine tip pup tents the bewt port of the diiy." "I suppose that l why you so One- tired." LOIH.K DIKKCTOHY. I, O. O. F.. t elua KarasspsneHt Sm. 9. Meets In Odd Fellows' Temple every Thursday evening. Visiting brethren always welcome. JOHN ItKKSK. C. P. KOSTKK Ht'TNKK. II. P. OLIVRK JOHNSON. R. S. JAMKS FWART. F. f. I. P. U. HI.KS. Hoevburg Lotlire N. Ufl Holds regular communications at the Klks 'J'eiuple on such Thursday of every month. All members re quested to attend regularly, and all visiting brothers are cordially lu vlted to attend. A. J. LILRURN. B. R. IRA B. KlDOIJi:. HOUItIBI OF THE WOHI.D Camp No. 125, meets In Odd Fellows' hall in Roseburg every 1st and 3rd Monday evenings. Visiting uotghbois al ways welcosae. O. H. PICK ENS, a C. M. M. MILLKR. Clerk. HOKKIU'RU l.onC.K SO. lOVS. lulled IfrulSierUMa el nWMt rsssre mt ij ICiMUluyee ! Itallar akoa ere ArtillnlMl with the A. F. uf U Meets at Mouse hall the nrt Wed fourth Sat. nights and third Sundays of each month. J. F. SMITH .President. W. J. MKKUOITH, ltec, 8ecy. OKO. MAC IV tilt Fin. Secy. Buy Better Bucks and the Best Breeding Ewes for Less Monet. BUY SHEEP WHEN THEY AM 10W. THAI IS I CUT HOW If you are Interested In any number of either grade or registered sheep or the following breeds: Hampshire, Shropshire. Lincoln. Rom nvy. Cutswvld, Hamboulette, or any cross. Write us quick what you want. OKKUO.N LIVESTOCK COM. CO. Box 61. North Portland. Oregon. I. II. O. P., Rising Ntar Lodae Ho. If 4, meets in Hykee all, N. Jackson Ht., every Friday evening. Visiting breth ren siways welcoaie. E. A. PF.TTEY. N. Q. D. C. HUUPHRKY, Rec. Sec. H. W. HI! AW, V. O. M. KICKLIi. Fin. Soc. O. fl. t Hoeebnra t ha pier Km. 8 Holds their regular mteting on the lt and 'ir4 Thureduya In each month are respectfully invited tn attend. LtiONA AURA HAM. W. M. FRRB JOHNSON, fiwey. A. F. A. l.anrel Lodge No. IS Regular communication! 2nd and 4th Wednesdays each month at Masonic Temple, Koseburg, Ore. Visitors wel come. W F. HARnifl. 8ey A. A. WILHKK. W. M tU O. T. My rinaeburg lt.v"seT"u holds regular reviews on second and fourth Thursday afternoons In MaaoAbee hall. Sisters of other hives visiting In our ulty Are pordially Invited to attend our reviews. Mecca bee lial) on Cass street. LQUISE I-OrKK. Com. REBKKAUli Roseburg Rebckah Iottge No. 41. I. O. O. F., Meets 1ft Odd Fel lows' Temple every week on Tuesday evening. Visiting members In aoort standing are Invited to attend. BVA LKNOX. N. Q. KKl.TiK HT K P 1 1 K N SO N, !. ETHKL BA1LBT. Fin. Secy. The II. H. K. I. A. Caloa Meeltag will be held at the M acta bee hall every first and third Wednesdays ot the month. ' VfO. VV VlIV LCDVVAUlOo CLOSING-OUT SALE. The BELLOWS STORE Offers: $2.50 OUTING GO WNS AT $1. 69 Pu"nK Gowns, made In high neck, long sleeves, cut I . ? Th,'8e wrments have the better grade outings mor.1, noou '11 pay at least 12.50 and maybe 13.00 or ore -'; Saturday $1.69 KOVERALLS, PAIR $1.69 Tho truly wonderful play suit for the little Imy or girl of the family, made up In combination color schemes, of the best fabrics for rompers; In ag.-s from 1 to 7 years: r-gular 12.00 value. Buy Saturday, special, pair $1.69 . O. O. P. Phllrtarlaa Kn. , meets at Nykes hall, N. Jackson 8t., on .Saturday ev.nlns of eac week. Visiting- brethren tr. siways wel come. I.TMON U BPRNCBK, N. O. a. j. ui:L)Li;ri. rue. Roc J. B BAII.KT. Kin . Give Universal Filler a trial. If you are not aatlsfled we will take it out and It does not cost you a cent. For County Clerk VOTE 69 X E. H. LENOX for re election which will be a guarantee for efficient service as a pub)jc official as in the past. Your vote will be appreciated. Paid K. H. 1. K.NO V Chevolet Cars ,25.00 snd 138.00 Bulck Cars. . .130.00 and $45.00 For Other Oars Pikes on Application. MOTOR SHOP GARAGE Agency Bulck and Chevrolet 441 N. Jackson 81 Roue burg. For County Clerk VOTE PTll IRA B. RIDDLE, I AJJLi REPUBLICAN Thoroughly familiar with the de tail work of the office. Paid Adr. Prompt DoUvorr EM ma w for Iters prwuuUv. th icrowiiaj (ttrntuxj tot Ibis iwpu tar BMcaiM. A Boon to Busineeg A. S. HUEY, 10CAI HEPBESIIITATIYE Beaver Board We have just received another shipment of genuine Beaver Board, after being without several months, We have in stock sheets 4 x 8 ft 4 x 10 ft 4 x 9 ft 4 x 12 ft LET US HAVE YOUR SPECIFICATIONS Churchill Hardware Co. Comfort $2. 75 UMBRELLA S AT $1.69 oon-n In.brellas. made with short handle, wrist cord: i v.mria Twist, and has 7 non-rust ribs; an excep- "mbrella value, for, Saturday only Come early each $169 the I $2.25 WOMEN'S HEATHER HOSE $148. That really clever wool stocking that is b- lng worn by Ihe ultra fashionable; they come in brown mlid and green mired. Hose that will give you satisfaction In war, comfort and style. Duy Saturday at pair $1.48 Car PETi q J FORD SEDAN, $946.34, ROSEBURG 4 Way ride ia the storm when this modrn enclos.'d car with all conv-nitn-ee al motleat price le available. 8e ue about it at once. I I LOCKWOOD MOTOR COMPANY ROSEBURG, OREGON FOR 'SATURDAY ALL MILLINERY 'A OFF. f5