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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1920)
paok art RQHKnrno y e ws nnnw friday. orTowFjtjB1j.. Irrrrrrrr I I SUNDAY AT THE CHVRCUE8. Presbyterian, Jackson and Lan streaU, ReT. E. W. Warrlnfton, Min ister. Th Sunday services at th church are: 9:46, Sunday school. Mr. F. B. Guthrie, Bupt.; 11 a. m., morning worhsip, sermon, "Paul, the Apostle of Faith," the first la a rlea of three sermons; 6:30. En deavor acrvice, leader Floyd Darton, Clifford He absolutely helps you. Get your mind set tled; know what to do. See what life holds in front of you. Health! Strength! Success! Can Be Yours. Room 3, Grand Hotel, This Week Only. subject "Christian Principles In Poll tics;" 7:30 p. m., sermon, "The Roy al Christ," a study In the portrait of Jesus. Good OiUtlc at both the morning and evening service. Prayer meeting on Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. I The First Unpllrt tlwrcli. Lane and Rose streets, K.ev. J. H. Dickson, pastor. Sunday school at 9:45, O. P Coshow, Supt.i morning worship at 11; B. Y. P. U. will meet at 6:30. This is a live young people's society. Good singing. Will you nieet us at the First Baptist church and share In the blessings? Kvcnlng worship at 7:30, with preaching by the pas tor, and a live song service. Pruyer meeting at the church Wednesday 'evening at 7:30. Subject, "The 8o jclal Side of the Church Life." www ClirlKtlan Church, Pine and Wood ward streets, Rev. C. H. Hilton, Min ister. Rev. C. F. Swander, of Port land, state corresponding secretary, will occupy the pulpit both morning and evening. Mr. Swander haa a special message of great Importance for the congregation. Bible school at 9:46, contlnus to show great In terest and Is doing splendid work. V. P. 8. C. E. at 6:30. Subject, "Christian Principles In Politics." Citizenship day. Vernon Orr, leader. All are welcome. a M. K. Church, South, Rer. J. C. Jones, pastor. Sunday school at 9:46, W. L. Cobb, Supt.; divine wor ship at 11, sermon by the pastor; Junior league at 2:30, Mrs. Lahey, Supt.; Senior League at 6:30, Bea trice Whltsett, loader; subject for study Ib, "Care of Body, Mind and Spirit," a triangle meeting. Divine worship at 7:30, sermon by the pas tor. You are Invited to worship with us. a Ht. fteorgo's KplMoopal Church, Rev. Thos. R. Alleeson. Holy Com munion at 7:30 a. m.; Sundtty school at 9:46 a. m.; morning service and sermon at 11. 3 Ctmrch of Christ, corner Cobb and Roberts streets, south part of Rose burg. Services both morning and evening. Bible study at 10 a. m.; preaching at 11, subject, "How to Become a Christian and How to Lire a Christian." Song service at 7 p. m. All visitors welcome. Campaign to Cease After November 1 WASHINGTON, Oct. 15 The campaign conducted by tho depart ment of Justice against high prices and the high com of living will be ended and the entire fair price or ganizatlon will be dltsbamled on No vember 1. Wheat Leaps Up ward Says News CHICAGO, Oct. 15. Wheat made a big advance In price after news of President Wilson's request to Gov ernor Allen of Kansas became pub lic. December delivery ran up to 134 cents to $2.21 and closed at $2,174 to $2.18. Closing Day of Teachers Institute (Continued from Pag 1) TO WHOM IT MAY CONTKR.V. X have associated Charles I. Ham ilton Ksq., of HoaeburK. In tho pron ont and future legal business requir ing my attention In Douglas County. ELHEUT D. HERMANN. tTeleg displayed. At 2:30 H. C. Sey mour, state club leader, spoke on "Why an Achievement Day" followed by an Interesting talk by A. E. Street county club leader concerning the plans for next year's work In the clubs. The Fullerton bc-dAo 1 -icooklng club, with Mrs. Louis Kohlhagen as leader, gave a cake baking demon Ht ration, and the sewing club of the Smirk school, with Mrs. Clough as leader demonstrated stitches and other sewing club work. The clos ing feature was a parade of the 100 percent clubs In the county, each group being properly placarded and giving their club yells. There are about 24 of these 100 percent clubs In the county. To attain 100 percent oach member of the club must complete the work laid out and send In th necessary reports This morning an election of del egates to attend the Oregon State Teacher s Association to be held In Portland at Christmas time was hold and the following will attend: J. M. Miller, principal of the Rose school. Oscar Oorrell, Supt. of the Sutherlln schools. Miss Nettle Spen cer of the loncalla schools. Mrs. Maybelle Church. George T. Thomp son and Miss Elisabeth Wool worth were elected as alternates. VOTE 65 X R.W.LOKC T. C. Shankland. adjustor for the Newark and Nlagra Insurance com panies Is in Roaeburg today confer ring with the local agents, Rice and Klce concerning the Van l)e Vord 'i -".. " .r. o a loss near Bro. kway. The Van le;Or COUilty ComiSSlOfler Vord house and oontents were burn-1 ed some time ago. I Democratic Candidate YONCALLA. OREGON LIBERTY THEATER House of Features. Home of the Latest and Greatest Stars in Picturedom. WHKHK EVERYBODY GOES Georgeous and Amazingly Superb! METRO ANNOUNCES in RITA WEIMAN'S Madame Peacock As the woman who relinquished with a shrug those things in life most women hold most dear For What? She was later to learn. In this, her latest and greatest picture, one sees Nazimova at her magnificent best. Adapted by Nazimova. Directed by R. C. Smallwood Photo by Rud. Bergquist Fhotodrama of surpassing poignancy and power, in which the star of a thousand moods displays them all. Matinee Daily 2:15 p. m.J Krenlnga, 7:15 and p. m. Prices: Children, matinee 10c, evenings 15o; Adults, 5o. With Ruth of the Rockies Episode No. 6 And Pathe Review General Strike In Three Cities ROME, Oct. 16 A general strike has boen declared In Trieste, Bolog na and Brescia. Portland Port Under New Head WASHINGTON, Oct. 15. It was officially announced that the Colum bia river and ports sou'ta would be under the Jurisdiction of H. H. Kbey, district director of the San Francisco district. RALLY DAY. An interesting 8. S. Rally Day pro gram will be rendered at the M. E. church Sunday morning, beginning at 11 o'clock. Everyone l cordially in vited to be present. ltKIUCK IN PRICKS Manager Hill of the Antlers the ater haB announced that for the pic ture, "Shlpwtecked Among Canni bals," coming to the Antb-rs on Sat urday and the Majestic of Sunday, all school children and school teachers will have to pay only the small sum of ten cents. This Is a very fine edu cational film taken by the Universal comiiany, and not one of the many wonderful scenes are staged, but were really taken among the cannibals. AltOUXD THE TOWN Fined for 8eedlnK Ceorge Kilpatrick was today fined $3. after pleading guilty to a charge of speeding. Here From Canyonville H. W. Clough and Bessie A. Clough of Canyonville, Bpent the day In Roseburg visiting. Returns Howe Mrs. Bernice Wilson left for her home In Yoncalla this afternoon, af ter a short visit In this city. Speaks at Institute H. C. Seymour, of Corvallls, ar rived In Roseburg last night and spoke at the teachers' Institute today. Attending Institute MIbs Ethel Peterson, who teaches at Ten Mile, Is visiting in this city with Mrs. C .C. Wamsley and attend ing teachers' Institute. Fire Apparatus Here A door opener and planter hook recently ordered by the fire depart ment, were received today and has been added to the qu.iiment. Ret urns to Oakland Mrs. George Copestake of Oak' land, who came to Roseburg this morning to spend a Bhort time shop ping, returned to her home this afternoon. To Yoncalla Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Miller, who have been attending institute in this city, left for their home at Yoncalla this afternoon. Mr. Miller Is prin cipal of the school there, tiets Good Mention The Western Hotel Reporter has notified Ray Clark, of the Umpqua hotel, that ft will print In a future Issue the prune recipes submitted to the manager of the local hotel din ing room rooently. The editor of the magazine, Mr. Edward T. Maples, states that he believes the publica tion of these recipes will Increase the use of prunes by hotels. looking for Son Mrs. Carl Lampson. of Seattle. came to Roseburg today and enlisted the aid of the police department In searching for her son. Her 14-year- old boy left home early In the spring pnd has not been heard from since Mis. I.ampson learned that he had deserted the Greater Alamo Shows at Rosi'hurx, and came to this city in an effort to obtain information about his. She is desirous of taking mm back to his home. T:iken to Hospital Mrs. Helen Ford Turner, physical education teacher at the Heinllne- Moore studio, was taken to the hos- NEW TOIAY. Arrt.F NV t or culls, cheap. Iturks ranch, near Drockway. Phone i-K.tiv VANTKl To trniYea wood hentlnff Move for a coal burner. I'hone 130 aftor p. m V A NT K I Woman or 5T75 to ii.salst with hounowork. Apply "34 ttoulh st.'phpnn St. V A XT KI It.ipomlMo p,Tsnn to .-are for 2 chlUlrt-n once week. Phone J1-1. OlViltTfNlTV--i'rlces on Rood clothes hrr you will take advsntsKe of If you know a t-arttitn when you sec It. Uny'a Suit Shop. l tiV K ItaiiK-'. hrstinir stove and irc lurnuure, mostly nsw. 120 so "1""-'" i Apt WILLIAM A. WHITE p"f ... . y .William A White, ths notsd Eng lish anglneer who Is supervising th work of converting all th Cunard lint steamers Into ell burners, photo graphed en hi arrival In New Yerk from Europe en the Aqultanla, which mad her second voyage as n eil burner. Mr. White made the trip to study the workinge of her new engines. j.iral this afternoon, having been taken suddenly HI. During her ab sence the classes will be under the direction of Mrs. Henry YdBtle, who is a graduate of the Chicago normal school of physical education. 0 CITY NEWS 0 The Presbyterian Ladles' Aid will hold a bazaar of fancy articles and aprons on Dec. 4th, 1920. Harlan Melton, of south Deer creek came to Roseburg today to spend a abort time attending to busi ness (matters. Bess Clough and Huron Clough of Canyonville are spending a few days In Roseburg visiting with their menus. Tom Olllvant came to Roseburg today from Looking Glass to spend a few hours attending to business matters. Mrs. T. H. Dawson of Winchester left for her home on the afternoon train following a short visit In this city. Miss Lottie Van Schorkck left this afternoon for Cotage Grove, af ter being in attendance at the In stitute being held in this city. Mrs. J. D. Musgrove came to Rose burg this morning from Sutherlin to Bpend a few hours attending to nusiness matters. My New ..Coat! Bef ere you BUY, visit our Coat and Suit Department, where we have assembled for your selection a beautiful line of models se lected to give the most satisfaction and wear EVERY ONE IS A BARGAIN (Sit yjy QtioH-wide JnStJt. NOTICE. Owing to the Illness of Helen Ford Turner, the physical edu- cation classes of the Helnline- Moore Studio will be under tho direction of Mrs. Henry Ydstie, who is a graduate of Chicago Normal School of Physical Edu- cation. Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Olllvant of Lookink Olass were among the out oft own visitors in Roseburg today. Mrs. George Dlmmlck left this af ternoon for her home In Wilbur af ter a short visit in this city. MEETING TOMORROW. The meeting for the purpose of or ganizing a women's league of voters In this community will be held in the parish house tomorrow afternoon at 2:30. .Field directors from the Port land headquarters will be present to address the gathering. UAILY WKATHEB REPORT. U. ff. Weather Bureau, local office, Roseburg, Oregon, 24 hours ending 6 a. m.: I'reelvltaMna la Inches is! llnadredtha HlKhesl temperature yesterday ... &g Ijoweat temperature lat night 43 1'reclpltatlun. last 24 hours 17 Average preclp. from Sept. I, 1877 1.71 Total preclp. since first uC month. 1.49 Normal preclp. for this month.... 2.61 Total preclp. from Sept. 1, 1920, to to date 3.76 Average preclp. from Sept. 1. JS77. 2.30 Total excess from Sept. 1, 1920...' 1.46 Average precipitation Tor 41 wet seasons (Sept. to May, Ino.) . . . .S1.4T Forecast to S p. m. for southwestern Oregon: Tonight and Saturday fair. rusts., BUY A ROME! We will sell you a home 00 easy terms. For example; X modern 6-roora collage, plut ered. built-in features, bato, on paved street. Price $2500.01; $500.00 down, with baltnce like rent. 8-Room plastered house Is HM location, on paved street; ba ment, lawn; an attraciln home. Price $4200.00; $700.0t down, balance monthly pay. nients. We will be pleased to sho you G. W.YOUNG AND SON Real Rstate and Insannt, 116 Csuw 8c. Phone til YOU HAD BETTER HIRRY. If you have not already dont m, you better hurry up and place Tout order for New Year and Chriitmu announcements with Bates, tat printer, at the News-Review office. A swell line of engraved penoaal cards to make a selection from, but we must have your order early la order to make deliveries. TODAY J MATINKK IiVEVIXO! TODAY 1 MATIN KG EVEVE Olive Thomas LV "THE FLAPPER" KNOIGH REAL HIMOU TO KEEP YOU CHICKLIXG, ENOUGH HEAL DRAMA TO KEEP YOr INTERESTED. ROLIN COMEDY AND PATHE NEWS MATIN EE EVEXLNQ SATURDAY MATINEE EVEMNO "Shipwrecked Among Cannibals," A Universal Special ALL St MOOL C HILDREN AND TEACHERS WILL BE ADMIT TED FOK 10 CENTS AT EACH MATINEE OF THIS PICTURE. To -Day Only! To-Day Only! W.VNTKl' Two in tn to room and board who will room toct'ther. Imiulre S5 neuter, or phon 3h-j. Win ANTKI- About 30 nra.1 rwva. Shroishirt I.insIn or I'otitwold pre r.rre.i. phone 42-FI1 before 7 a. m. ft 'T 7 p. m. C. U Wrbor, Ht. I U HKNT -Two mitten of hounekeep Inir room, nicely f urnlnhed, with modern tonvenlen.p no children. 7t; W Monher. Phone 3 noi'SKS 1 on Oak Ht. 1 on K. I on K. tVMiKias; t-room modern men. pavtnic paid: I1S00 raoh: J. V $ .00 down. bainc like rent. "aey. In-ln KOH SAKE Heavy draft team, abso- i.tely true, harnena and wood waaon. 2 months work wood ha u line Hay and at raw for winter. mo -,, Honebur. Ore. Addreas Ki'lt SALK -Two yearling ralvea; eul- niaior. nurn aisc. iee, grimier, corn shelter, tulkey. tlrrlnf plow, t Incubators, 1 brooder. 1 tool ml lob row. F j Hofl.iaedt, IHxoavlUe piion 14-rt, Henry B. Walthall IN The Long Arm of Mannister A TENSE. DRAMATIC. WELL-TOLD STORY OF A BITTER X WHOXGED MAN. VWX ABSORBING, WITH GLEAMS OF HAPPINESS AT THE LAST. Larry Semon Comedy and Illiterate Digest