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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1920)
Announcing a Special Exhibition and Sale of Highest Grade Furs ONE DAY ONLY, MONDAY, OCTOBER 18th We linve bwn fortunate In belnu able to nuike arrtiiiKeiientH with one of the best known Kur Miimiraciim r In an l-iwlcrn city to shin to us for a Siet'liil One IHl' Kllllbitii n all.1 Kale 75,0IO.OO worth of the Ixwt Style Kuril, fonts, rknifs, C'm mid Mill's. These fur will be of felvd to you al alalia iW 'r cenl le tliun the reioilur price. We are confident that this will te the moat Important fur event held In Koseburg fur many Boasons. There Is really an Imuieniie stock that we have to offer for your selection. Along with the specially consigned stock we will add our own high-grade assortment, thuB giv ing you a choice of an unusually great number of popular style gar ments from which to choose ai prices that you can afford to puy. llyron y. I.eMultre, a well-known fur expert, will be In charge of the exhibition ready to mlk to our customers regarding the style changes and to explain to them the merit of the different skins used In the production of the finished garnitntd. The assortment will Include COATS, COATEES, CAPES, NOVELTV SCAKrd AND BJIY SCARES. COATS mad' of Hudson uoal, trimmed in marten, skunk, beaver, fitch, equir Tttl, raccoon, Australian upoasum and pluin. We will have a large line of AL'STHALIAN seal, French seat, JupaiieHe mink, Kuaiilan wolf and coney coals, plain and trimmed, all of which have been designed to meet the muni exacting customer requirements. COATEES will be shown In squirrel, mole, Jup mink and Hudson seal. . CAPES art fttrnnic In demand and will bi nhown In mink, Jap mink, squirrel, mole, Hudson veal and other raru furs. BODY SCARFS will bo the Rtrongeut In foxes and we will show them In battleship ft ray, dove, gunmetal, l,oretla, Maurice, llherly blue, georgette, taupe, . baum, marten, black, Jap crown, red foxes, lynx, Canadian wolf, rac coon, skunk, K una fan wolf and ether varieties. ellowsStqri I All Furs in This Stock Will Sell ill it i Reduction of ff' L uiviwuiki urvniv ivit inviitv lll'l " " - HER DAUGHTER AND HIS SON. BY IDAH McGLONE GIBSON KIUXCK, 77, TO WKI. NEW YOHK, Oct. 14 Local French circles are discussing tha announce ment of the engagement of Anatole r ranee, noted French author, to Mile. Kmma I.a Prevetie. M. France, who is now 77. is a member of one of ihe leading Jewish families of Paris unci is considered the leading French critic. Ills real name Is Jacques Thl-bault. HAT AITI.K PKF.I.INOS. HEI.LINOHAM, Wash. Oct. 14 If you want to save money and at the sume time be healthy, eat your apple and potato peelings. Tim' are essen llul to the diet, according to Dr. S. 11. Boynion. He also recommended a sour milk and oatmeal diet, calling ntlenilnu to the fact that people In lltilguria. where they go in for sour milk, live to a urcnt age. B Special-Six i Air Mall Service Will Be Launched There is a ueligluful smoothness in the way thsSPECI AL-SlX siar ta and stops. Tha full Hotchkiss drive conctruction makes this possible and it saves wear and tear on the driving mechanism, wheels and tires. Auk as abovt tAe pctotin and mi agm bPEClAL'SIX ouin.r are gaffing. BOH. P. d.(.rt,.M-ht iwrtofi IIMKk vbttlUM. giin m.kimum corultiit fur fi. pa.a.nii.i.. tl lulp.ltr Can ara aaiuippaat with Caanl 1 irm ajMatbM Slud.bkar awatadouL "This is a StuJcbuher Year" SKATTLK, Wash., Oct. 14 Citieu at two point a of the continent. Se attle and Key West, will launch the nation's flrat International mall -service tomorrow, It was announced here recently. In the Seattle service an airplane will leave here for Vic toria, H. C., with mail for a Canadian liner leaving for pointn across the Pacific, and at Key West a plane will hop off with letters for Cuba. One day, at least will be saved, It linn been estimated, by handling the trans-Pacific mails between Seattle and Victoria by airplane.. At present nmlls between the two points are handled through Vancouver, R. C, and generally take a day to make the trip. The airplane will operate on a schedule calling for one hour tin flying between the two points. Kdward Hubbard, Seattle flyer has 'been nwnrded the government con trate for carrying the mails. It will j be his duty to take letter mail up to i t.Oft pounds from Incoming ship? i docking at Vancouver, and fly with , it to Seattle at once, tie will also de liver aboard the vessel at Victoria j at the last possible moment. fiOO pounds of letter moil for the Orient ' pprt Anstrnlin. Hu!lhard' contract ifnti- for ten t'liM n inonih. For his i service, he receives $ joo a trip, or $:.non a month Ils rontrict runs I until J'inp 1. 1S.M. I Hulil"1 h' q r--l'iies to use In the service. His Seattle limlinu- itHf will be on Lake rnion. near! 'the heart of the city. At Victoria, he w ill be provided by muntrit al au lltorrieB with a landing float. Speeders Pay Large Fines The city treasury has been greatly enriched during the last two days by a number of contributions re ceived from speeders. The police force has been giving a preal deal ot attention lo the apprehension of the violators of the vehicle ordinances, and as a result numerous speeders have been required to pay various sums for their violations. Fines are assessed at the rate of 50 cents per mile in excess of the speed limit. Those who have lieen arrested and fined during the last two days are Hoy Seigrist, $!; J. H. Walter. $5; F. Shoff. $7.50; Harry Shields. $3.50 A. J. Matthews. $L..T.; A. S. Weinst. $:t.5; .1. F. Rose. $2.50, Dee .Matt hews. $.1.50. AUOrXI) THE TOAVV V I.KNT.Wi Ol I ICllltS WAXTKI Or. R. I. Rathrick. who was rec ently appointed dental exaribier for ih. IT. S. Public Health Servian, has been notified that the bureau Is now !n1"itng on instituting a number of I dental clinics, one of which I ; to be (located at Portland. lr M ithrick i has been requested to re o ntnend rev Til members of his p-ofession ' wbn minht be interest ed i" being cn-Mi'ilssioned as dental of Ti er of the Horvlce. T tirei'n Mrs. A. 0. Walker of Green came to lloseburg yesterday to spend a Mliort time shopping, leaving for her home on the evening train. In From .re.n Mrs. T I! ll iieiia nt (Irnnn lo Itoselmig yesterday ariernonn to -peno a snort lime shopping and vis iling with friends. Ki'titniu lld.ii. I Mrs. George C. Knott and dauch ter Helen ulietlt Vnulonhu In lung shopping and visiling wllh their j irieims. Ilei-e Knim lllllnnl I Margaret St. tinge, of lillard came lo lt'.isebiirg yesterday lo attend ihe leicners institute for the remaiiulei of the week. Itftm-n lloine I Mrs. J i. llenosley who spent .v? I'-niuy in noscnurg snnppmg niifl vis iting with friends returned to her Home In Hidillo last niKht. Her rlau uhier, Mi.s l.oris lleneslpy who enine i tlie city with her will return hoin , today. x U T ih' joy i ""S1NIVO ye- Yor't. f)ct. 11 V'xcilement over llis rtlo i jl !e- lliinl to have c u ed the d nth of Isiiior Hon 'illl. ;'Vin- H sentsvee of j over one yo'r for a'teeiptei! 'irceny. i He ricelve'l news i-f h'.i pr. -ito i and while dr"si it I'.rotvH dend. i Tu fnliforniti ?.!r and Mrs. 0. F. Ewlnger :nu :ir and ilrs. Jli.i Ewlngei rf Wii.- vi hi. K.tnsas. who i uve been vNi,f 'ice at th? residence of Mr C. W. '.loss and n. A Palnoun. lert .n; richt f"r Tnrlock, ( allfornl.i. .vher. Ihfjr will ninke mi rt"nded vi-j t wllh httves before retiirniug to th li. !ne. C. O. THOMAS, Distributor Roseburg; Mr. Farmer W'atcrfy Your Home with the Leader Water System Home Wator Systonw LooJors in Fame us wrll as in lSJitme. Come in and tti-e us. Demonstration Out tit. UHLIC'S ELECTRIC STORE ANNOUNCEMENT llvfarc Buying Elsewhere GET OUR PRICES My .Mother's Itarewell Message. Mr Halsey remonstraied with no longer and we drove uuietly up to the house where my uioiii-.T had bid ine good-bye only a few short months inv last retum to school. . . ,, i A I walked Into the hallway 1 seemed to feel my mother's arms aliout me. The whole atmosphere was permeuted with ner presence. Slowly 1 walked upsiulrs to my own little room und.-tuking off my wraps, I again bathed my face In cold water. The nurse caine In and asked me In a low voice if there wus anything she could do for me. i whirled upon her suddenly, "Yes! Yes you can! Tell ine about my mother'! last hours. Did she suf fer?" "Are you sure that you want me ;o do this. Miss SVhltson?" "Oh, yes. yes. And 1 want you to tell It to me now. It's what I've been waiting for ever since 1 knew Ihut she was dead." "Your mother passed out " "Oh. purdon me, nurse, but please don't say 'passed out.' I know you uiuu to soften the blow for me. but ;t doesn't seem right to me to use i hose words. To pass out" mean" something that one does voluntarily. .My mother would not willingly leave me here alone on this earth. My nother Is dead, and you must Buy, when your mother died.' " The nurse looked at me In conster nation. "Oh, my dear child, 1 dlu not mean to hurt you." 1 know, I understand. And now please tell me about her." "Well, you know her heart has been weak for years, my child, and she knew thut she had not long to live the last time you went back to school." "Oh, why didn t she tell me? I would liuve stayed at home with her." That, dear child, Is the reason lie didn't tell you. Your niolher's love for you was so deep, so pro found, that she wanted to spare you any pain. The greatest joy Bhe had as reading over to me your letters, inii I w as so glad that you wrote hei m otten. "Hut 1 did not write her often nough. I should have written every Jay, and luter 1 did not write her us olteu as usual." "When she didn't get a letter from you she look out one of the old ones .Hid read It," suid the nurse with u .iinlle. "And even when she grew steadily weaker she would not let .ne tell you, as she wanted you U stay until the end of the term. Mr ilalsey came, however, and tried to persuade her to have you come home and ut last she wrote you that last letter. Kven then, neither the doctor nor myself thought she was so neai ;lie end. for her splendid spirit Kept her alive. Indeed, just before slit died she seemed better than usual. All that morning she talked quit cheerfully, and although she wus not able to be up and dressed, yet sin spoke about feeling better than slit iiad in a long while. Toward noor. Mr. Ilalsey came over and, Miss Ann. 1 want to tell you how devoted he has been; no brother could haw been kinder. "And when the time came for hei luncheon, your mother insisted thai Mr. Ilalsey should stay and partake of It with her. 'We'll have a plu party, just as we used to ill the lull) .igo.' I heard her say to Mr. Ilalsey. and he answered, 'Kobert always inuilc the third to our play parlies, don't you remember, Margaret?' " 'Yes, yes, 1 know. Io you real ize. John, lliat 1 am counting on see ing Kobert very soon?' "Mr. Ilalsey turned to me U; though he thought she was not uuiti herself. "Your mother smiled, and said Oh, no, John. Tin not delirious, but I oin sure that Kobert is dead and if I meet him In that place where tin re is no marrying or giving in marriage, I am sure 'the dear God will let us love each other.' " "liid my mother say that?" 1 asked In awe. "Hid she feel that hei God was still a dear God. after all she had suffered?" "Yes. my child, and she knew, al though she could not nuite under stand thut someway, somewhere, s mistake had been made by mortals in ihe Divine plan, and Hint where sh. was going it would all come right again. "Your mother. Miss Ann. talked te me quite freely, she seemed to feel that I would in turn tell you. Abov. all,' she said, do not let my little cirl become cynical and hard, for lif . is a beautiful thing, even when it i sordid. And will von tell tie that 1 would not have given up thai few months of happiness I had with h.T lather for all the years of pain that have followed it?' KNt.l.lsH 1!K KlNfilMM TU fOTS AT CAUH S. i . ABRAHAM Dry Goods Store. Jut in for fall selling. beBntfi, disrated with all-over patterns in enamel and gold, burnt i. ",' Manx Pleasing shapes and come in three sizes. 1S. j c'lntrJ"" W' d, ,IV' r, d n "- "'-I -turaet. so our price nf i - ,V,0,n,' sn--id"r,.hiVir,a. h.n today, market. and ynn' tf ave ,:: ',nC" '" CT'. alwav, :-ue ou money. The Woodstock Is preferred hv these who know. A S lli, n T burg Distributor. U' A Battery of Speakers At Court House, 7:30 p. j Thursday, October 14th! Interwat rKnlnrfl arnnnil the flv l, . - lu establish rfuinin. MAKKICTINU IN OHEUOX through the passage of h Commission bill. It Is hoped lo accomplish ihrounh .!., M"krt THK KAKME1W Oil OKFXjON what has been accol producers of Cullfornla. BCCOLiplii Those who touch upon the B'e Interest rate bill win present the disastrous results that would follow the r- U radical measure. Ruin for the state Is freelv .,r.n.. iia tkis should be successful at the polls. bis km 1 Be sure to attend the meetinq, r-ii.i Aib' FOB CUl'NTT ri.KBK. To the Voters of Douglas County, Ore- fon: am the candidate on the republican :leket at tile November election for the irfiee of County Clerk. If elected 1 will exercise the most ligid economy, con listen! with aeud service, in the cou luct of ttie office, and will use my best jmleavors to see that all persons hav ing business with the office receive lust and euurteous treatment. Your vote Is respectfully solicited. Pd. Adv.). I It A U. ltlDljLE. DltDSSMAKlNG NOTICE. I desire to inform patrons and others desiring flrst-class work thut I have moved from 610 So. Jackson o 528 So. Main St. No phone in stalled as yet. Mrs. Guthridge. MOTICB OK SALE OK GOVERN MENT TIMBER General Land Office, Washington, D. C, August 28, 1920. Notice Is hereby given that mbject to toe conditions and 11ml- atlons of the Acts of June 9, 1916 '39 Stat., 218, and June 4, 1920 Public 241), and the Instructions of he Secretary of the Interior dated September 15, 1917, and June 22, 1920, the timber on the following ands will be sold Oct. 18, 1920, at 10:00 o'clock a. m. at public auction it the United States land office at toseburg, Oregon, to the highest idder at not less than the appraised alue as shown by this notice, sale 0 be subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Interior. The pur hase price, with an additional sum f one-fifth of one per cent thereof, wing commissions allowed, must he leposlted at time of sale, money to e returned if sale is no' approved, itberwlse patent will Issue for the imber which must be removed with u ten years. Bids will be received 'rom cilizens of the United States. t8sociatlons of such citizens and cor--loratlons organized under t!".e laws f the United States or any state, erritory or district thereof only. 'Jpon application of a qualified pur chaser, the timber on any legal sub livlslon will be offered separately be ore being Included In any offer of 1 larger unit. T. 21 S.. R. 1 W., Sec. 13, SEVi SE. flr 1125 M..' cedar 25 M., none of which shall be sold for ess than $1.50 per M. T. 18 S.. R. 5 W.. Sec. 3, NE4 NE14. flr 450 M., S'Wy NE. flr 476 M., none of vhleh shall be sold for less than 2.00 per M. (Signed) CLAY TALL MAN, Commissioner General Land "ffle. Logan Tips, SprinDeliverj 'e first-class tip,. AIZ lTe;Teturflnn1w,H k1"" h trees. Better book your order m, Three miles west of HoKta, We Bi'lieve That Tulloi iiig Men's Clollirt Is A (iiune of ('oiiuilrnce And Not A Confidence (lump NOTIC B OP GKXEHAL GLKCTIOIV. Notl' 4 1 berobv Klvrn tliat a flneral 'ity Klt'itiun will te h-bl in th City f H(.!'burtf. Oregon, on Tuesday, the nd Hay of November. 190, between 'he hours of ft o'clork a. m. and 8 iVlork p. m. of fin Id day. at whl.-h paid let-lion the follow, ns officers shall be 'lerled: ne Mayor, one Recorder, one Trea irer and two founclimen from earn of 'he four wards of the City of Kose urtt, Oregon, to serve two years, or mtil their ssurcessora are elected and liialifletl. That the places tn earli wnrd for mldlnir said City Klectlon tn the City f Itosehnrtc. Oregon, and the JihIkps nd clerks to ronriin-t the name sIihII ' sttirh polllnr places and jurixes and lerks thereof as have been, or mnv 'lerejifter he. desijenated and named by ne coiinty Court of loulas County. rcifon. for the General State and bounty election. Hv order of the Common Council, latttl (Vtober 4, 1!20. R. U WHIPPLE. Ref-order of the City of Roseburg, Ore-iron. Try Our Way Our Auto Um CaD. Phone 277. YOUR RENT IS RAISED! Not when you have bom ol your own. BUILD OR BUY If vou want a house thai " made to suit someone elu then buy, But if you like a rel """' . one better than the a- llllild. A builder of 25 yean MP" ence will gladly give eftimit and Information. Call it building. Cass Chsd1 Sts., or at residence, 113! Har vard Ave. m il.hKIt M. AV. BEBuH. Look! 21 Houses Look! house up to aono. ne 5-room house $ 650 ne 3 -room house 70Q ne 4-room house 760 ne S-room house and S lots.... 800 ne S-room house 9" ne 4-room house with furniture r.o ne 5-room house 1000 ne 4-room plastered house .... 1100 ne 4-room house 120 ne 5-room house 12M ne 7-room 2-siory house 1260 'ne fl-room houses 1400 ne 5-room house 1500 ne 5-room house 15"0 "ne 4-room house 1500, ne 5-room house ltOO j ne 5-room house 1!00 ne 4-room house isoO' ne 5-room house IsoO 1 ne T-room house ldoo 'ne S-room house 100 G.U.HELBIGCO. Keal Kstnte, Insunuire, Notary I Public I i 401 Cass St. Phone No. J62 Dr. R. P. ! Bradford! nA Wife. Graduates and posH atesof .he 01-est Charter ed College of Chiroprirt"; n the world , ; have re-opened offic a , I-erkliis Bldg. ( trirlty. ni'"" - klT tfr Chiropr.ictlc. years in ' disease known iS; family Office and 2 10 ' ' " Residence 01 ".Ula Roaebni-g, OraffOB. 1 ,4 "