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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1920)
official Democratic Statement vl" . . f..univ Democratic Central Committee. "IU ' By VoOi County Bill Alloivedl jgin , I- L ii n.iw ..-.I I i Tt .Jo ,-,.-.,l. ' HoWU.hVlu0 of nation. fS'diio" "i3li" 0f tw0 il II ... .i ' TW Tesi nailer, more active. j.wrr or"'" ,, baVeif we ratl-.uMiiorll- " ". ,i.r. nu- .'T6n,.T "n.ain. France cil. lotf t Stales, ani The nve great 1l'r be represented perma- 'm.ller nations .IT. ,H,r nation The iilenliiy of Ihe four Unit to time. . will be dialled from present inesc ii" anu oii" Greece, Spain less aciive. and leas JAMES M. COX V.- fx-,--' 72.00 23.00! 8.00. L. L. Singleton, labor. Dlst. No. 44 , James Vaughn, labor. Dlst. -o. 4S F. L. Jones, labor, Dlst. No. 4 H. A. Carlson, labor m.t No. 4 B 00 A. R. Van Dusen, lubor, Dlst No. 49 2 50 H. H. Strong, labor, Dlst. No. GO 2 25 Kollie Johnson, labor, Dial. No. t6 44 00 "uruy l.. jounsou. labor, Dist. 31.50 25.0 4.00 4.00 Toe tars" .. . ., e a8. "iTJoBPrWnf no. more than "wb'nWntatives of each nation S 'oX-hiP in -he league. .111 also be a Permanent T?tt f t'he council and assembly. a" iih.1 are the relative functions m, council and the assembly: i In theory, men lu , h. pnuncil will ' .k mJi work It will meet f re-I JOtn"!" w uacmhlv Will It .tolil nnl hnva hanim until fnh ..iir. line n- " - ..... ' .. .i lotif.T intervals l. l- l,. Ilia , . .mi.h.ii erkm threatening war slack food supply, and the central W " B . 4i.ri,.,.li l.t foil- n...A,,l hnVA ' , proiinit meeting of the as- for their harvest before attacking. bly of ihe council. they would doubtless have delayed ,,:i, r tha council as a action until July or August. 1915 a Li of directors and or the assem- period of one year from the begin- n 01 , 1.1.. .,)... nliiv nt Ihft erinia. ai a meeting oi """ I .no. 56 Fred Solomon, labor, Dlst i No. 1 Leland Powell, labor Dlst." No. 1 l'hllip Duruara, labor. Dist. No. 1 H. D. Conine, labor, Dlst. N0- 2 124.50 Larl Barker, labor, Dlst. No. 2 3g.oo U. S. Darker, labor, Dist. N'O. 2 ; K0.00 T. A. Klndley, labor, Dist. No. 2 7.50 M. Woodruff, labor, Dlst. No. 2 76.50 E. H. Chapman, labor, Dist. No. 2 14.00 13. O. King labor, Dist. No. 2 45:00 O. K. Smith labor, Dlst. No. 2 16.00 C. E. Cagle. labor, Dlst. No. 2 21.00 As March is the season of w- Y- c- McCollum labor. DIbI. No. S C. Daugherty labor, Dist. No. 3 :.. J. N. Nelson labor, Dist. No. 3 K. S. Lane, labor, Dist. ' No. 3 D. Pmith. labor, Dlst. No. 3 C. C. Hill labor, Dlst. No. 3 Will Dulley, labor. Dlst. No. 4 J. J. SlyvcBter labor, Dist No. 4 82.00 74.00 i irill have a helpful comparison. Q. What is the use of the delay o What. thin. Is the use of the before commencing hostilities? latmhly! A-. In the light of nineteenth cen- 4. The iuoj: important uses oi me tuiy niHtory, it is of tne greatest ser rjhly dl he ,u 've 'he smaller vice to peace. At the beginning of ' ,.1,,- 0i i in. !,.;ut' not represeni- any dispute w'hlch seems likely to re- j ib louncil an opporiunlty to suit in war the nallons secretlv or innu thi-ir view.; anu to exen an upeiuy iiioiniize uieir greai military innries wroe lanor, .lust. l)niH ,uA ...!!. .1 i.. , I . jjflUncC. 1 III agieeiiiina i-m;in- uiiu iiiitoi fBiuuiioiiiiit:iiiB. ill mull rso. 1 v h'lllbiy may tncreiort; navo tii war; as inif jHMiiuese proven in I-Tea .vicilargue, laoor. I11SI. iorcwfiBhi than those arrived at by 1804 and the Germans In 1914, enrly ' No. 4 , Se council. II is IiKeiy mat me sucrcs una wun me party wnicn K. K. I.ane labor, lust. MDCil will be guiib d In Its action strikes first. Even If one nation In-; Nit. 4 bv prinfiul' s agie. il to by the assem- lends to act purely on the defensive, George Roberts labor, Dlst. sir The assembly, owing to the It dare not risk the advantage which 1 No. 4 i:ticip-llill oi all nations, will li:.-' tne iiinr may Rum uy inai nisi ai- r.nwin M. uriliMie lanor, lost. r-jier publicity. In lis meeting , tuck.' The accidental discharge of a No. 6 (ich will In' open and tuny repor. 'un may. in mis state or national rnaries i.iija moor. inst. i t the press, the actual or remon -rvousness, precipitate hostilities. No. ti of friction between nations Ihe delay of three to nine months Hcn-v Kmdp labor. Dlst. till have full discussion. An Un- woina prevent tills state or artalrs ' .no. i runt specific function of the as- and would also give the national fierce pitmen, lanor iisi .bly will be the admission of mv blood, always henled under such clr- t No. fi nit lo the league. This will cunistances. time lo cool, In many. Hurry Biirchard, labor. Dlst. -rome Important when Germany ir not In most cases, during this truce -No. t ki meinliership. It is the linen- tne (iipimiiais or tne belligerents i. rtiioiews unr, t.i. jo to ailmil Germany whenever she would probably adjust the matter! No. fi ..... porn that she is fulfilling the obli- between themselves. , Edwin M. Grubbe, labor. Dlst. llinnH IMDllKI'll llV llie ni'llCP ll'HatV n U'hal ntha hannfll u.n.,1.1 0. tl ud whenever the hatreds bred by crue from such delay? :r: icuon in i:in are suincieiuiy injfiioraiea. 20.0" 12.00 24.00 12.00 lfl.00 3S.00 14.0" 3S.2R 7C.0H 34.00 30.00 56.00 5600 11.23. Murv Grubbe. labor, Dlst. v., : 4.00 It would facilitate the rednc- , 1,,,-h-ni lnhor nisi. tlon of armaments. The main ex- i v n 8.00 Q. How will the league operate to cuse for great standing armies Is n 'n ' u-.-Vkoriv iahnr nist. ;rertnt wars? that nations, considering the value of., ' v' 7 22.50 A. The covenant compels nrbltra- early attack, must be always ready Heckathorn. labor. Dlst. - or Investigation, with the con- to put their maximum forces into the 1 No 7 saent delay and publicity before Held. I naer this rule, they would , iym Hempton labor. Dist. Mm to arms. have at least from three to nine tc 7 ill If any serious dispute arises months In which to prepare; t hey : josa Scott, labor. Dlst. -! members of the league could not afford therefore to keep v. 7 twh they recognize as suitable (?) P"rt of their permanent military es- Arthur Mack, labor, Dlst. r arbitration the members agree lunnsiiiiient in skeleton rorm. v, 7 0 submit the matier to arbitration. Tomorrow's A 11 C of the lmninii Kellogg labor, Dist. 4.00 8.00 8.00 22.50 I Mil II SMASH Go Shoe Prices! Shoes, Rubber Boots, Felt Slippers, Ladies' High Cuts Oxfords and Low Shoes Thousands of pairs ot new desirable, seasonable footwear in all sizes, offer ed for your choosing, at reductions from $1.00 to $6.00 a pair. This is really your saving opportunity. IRVIN BRUNN SMASH Go Shoe Repair Prices. Bring in your work, see the difference. ROSEBURG BOOTERIE PERKINS BLOC. Shoes that Satisfy and Fit Your Feet. Cass Street, Roseburg, Oregon. C. C. Hill labor, Dist. No. 27 24.00 II. II. Hill labor. Dist. No. 27 19.25 J. Kerber, labor, Dlst. N. 27 II. A. Wilson labor. Dist No. 2 7 C. Miller, labor. Dlst. No. 27 Baxter .Moore labor, Dist. No. 27 C. M. Slubbs labor, Dls. No. 27 J. 11. Large, labor Dist No. 27 truest Gross, labor Dist. No. 27 J1.25 10.00 S.75 20.00 21.251 32.50 I II f Mil No. 9 V. S. Woodruff, labor, Dlst. No. 11 C. W. Lundeen labor, Dist. No. 11 l!l The members of the league ' Xnlions will make plain the ptfrtto submit to the council for In- league' Mver of boycott on an ollt- -stigation and report any dispute 'v nation. ion is not submitted to nrbltra- o ii The members of the league hi'v.'hn n.t',n ii.oir hr.n. . h- Kd Morgan, labor Dlst .'M? not to report to war over such i.,c, tna ,,inh f I N'O. 12 mt iinnl three moiiihs after the .1,1, here th.v cxnect to lo-aie I D. Neely. labor Dist 'i:on by the arbitrators or after vcv have not ,iecidcd an an exait -f-pori f the council. As the Nation as yet. recti has six moiiihs In which to lt its report and as :b arbitra- ouli probably take as long, '" ould delay war at least nine 'ths. Q Hon- would this nrovlslnn have ;rat.-d h, 1014? The crisis leading to the war fame acute about July 1, 1914. - mtjn on August 1. Under Ponditi.eiv llin ,..,l hv Iha lom 'ORE THROAT GarRle with warm salt water -lh.n epply over Uiroat H V A P O ?C U 3 a youn? man who practiced medicine in a rural district famous ami wa3 cailei in coiiiultation in many toivns and cities because of his suc cess in thi treatment of disense. This was Dr. l'ien o who afterward nioved to D iffiilo, N. Y. He made op his mind to place pome of his medicines h.if.ira ti.,1 tinblie artft ),A VAt nil 8.00 I -,1,.,,. i, cnllid bio "Favorite Pre- .ermttfm " And nlfirpd ifc uitb tlia 28.00 1 drniristM in every stale in the Union, For tiftii vrtim Dr. Pierce's Faorite 2.00 1 Prescription has sold more largely 1 IbviuKhout the United Htutcs tiian 2.a any other medicine of like chaiacter. ! It's tl le . testimony of thousands 0 4.50 women that it has benefited or en- i tnely eradicated such distressing mi ll. H. Nelll labor, Dist. No. 27 18.00 Homer Isbn. labor Dlst. No. 28 8.00 J. K. .Marks labor Dlst. No. 30 38.00 I Fred (ioff, labor, Dlst. 11.00 i No. 30 32.00 C. F. Watson, labor, Dlst. No. 36 20.25 Lafe Kngels, labor Dist. No. 3ti 28.00 Kills Watson, labor, Dist. No. 3 30.00 George Williams, labor Dlst. No. 36 14.00 B. W. II rook s labor Dist. No. 3 14.00 D. ". Livingston labor. Dist. No. 36 4.00 F. H. Decker labor, Dlst. No. 36 2.00 Hert Young, labor Dlst. No. 36 20.00 I.. 0. Kruse labor, Dlst. No. S8 53.00 J. M. Weaver labor. Plst. No. 3S 58.00 J. I,. Morrison, labor, Dist. No. 38 29.00 H. I). Kruse Inbor. Dist. No. 38 58.00 Kd. Kruse labor, Dlst. No. 38 6.00 W. I.. Singleton labor, Dlst No. 4 8 30.00 Chester Main labor, Dlst. No. 48 48.00 O. W. Vaughn, labor, Dlst. No. 49 8.00 H. H. Strang labor, Dist. No. 50 S.37 Wilson Hartshorn labor, Dist. No. 50 5.00 John Albro labor, Dlst. No. 50 24.00 A. W. Johnson, labor. Dist. Vo. 56 12.00 Homer Johnson labor, Dlst. No. 56 16.00 Rollle Johnson labor, Dlst . No. 66 38.00 Harley Johnson labor, Dtst . No. 66 10.00 4.00 4.00 . 00 2.00 8.50 10.00 Vn 17 II -...-..I., nlul v 26 00 1 menu as women are prone to. It if Neil Mcculloch iabor Dist. ' j r.ow sold by druggists iu tablet form No 18 48. 0C ai well as liquid. M ' Perini Vab'orr"Di'st'.' . Astohia, Ottr.ooi.-"I saw Doctor ;21 . 12.00 pierce s advertisement and as I had W Storey labor',' Dist tried so many tilings for woman's . 24.00 trouble without getting, any help, 1 n n prk'' iaiior' Dist I decided to try Dr. I'ierce's Favorite HVR' t. 17 75 i Prescription, and I did so with good . n . " "1" "iKoe"i'Vat ' renlti. I think it is Just great." J. C. Prlngle labor Dlst. . . V OK " I" t him 1 X ifi I f s 11 1 rr ' '20 Friday, Oct. 15, During the Closing-Out Sale at Wonder Day Here you are and there you are. Here and only Here you will find some very interesting items of Merchandise on Sale at Wonder Prices. Every one is wondering what Bellows is going to do next. Well, you wonder what is going to be on Sale Fri day and while you are wondering, wander down and you will see, 1 5 items wonderfully low priced. We will not tell you what they are in this advertisement, and should your bump of curiosity be aroused, wander down and look over the Woodier in 12 i 5 12.00 (.50 4.00 2.00 95.2! 4.00 16.00 8.00 2.00 ' i V, MS - T in wor 'earner you con . - ro your joo f If you wear a Fish Brand Slicker A-J. TOWER COMPANY t. 1 if ft 'mm Kldon Crow, labor Dlst. No. 5o G rover Tlson labor, Dlst. No. CO 17.00 Clarence Tlson labor, Dlst. No. 00 Walter Mcitee lauor, Dlst. No. 61 : Hay Lawrence labor. Dlst. No. 61 T. 1.. Ilrewer labor Dlst. No. 63 V. C. Stone labor Dist. No. 66 Thomas Ilurnett Jr. labor Dlst. No. 68 18.00 Homer Johnson labor, Dlst. No. 66 16.00 A. V. Johnson, Inbor, Dlst. No. 56 9.00 V. H. Long, labor Dlat. No. 59 H OO J. D. Drown, labor Dlst. No. no O. A. Varker labor, Dlst. No. 6 1 O. T. Henry labor, Dlst. No. CI Rnvmnnil Lewis' labor, Dist. No. ill T. H. Harnett labor. Dlst. No. 60 Kdmmid Hounds, labor Dlst. No. 66 II. H. Travlor labor. Dlst . No. 7 (loo. Hinder labor. Dlst. No. 7 13 00 Hobart Drown, labor, Dlst. No. 7 , Rov Fisher labor. Dlst. No. 7 - D. O. Weatlierly labor, Dist. No. 7 24.75 Hov Heckathorne, labor Dlst. No. 7 12.00 Ravmond Jones labor, Dlst. No 7 1 00 Hill Fisher labor, Dlst. No. 7 2.00 Hi-cIh1 Tii liinil Payroll. O. C. Powell labor, Dlst. No. 9 H 26 H. O. Snoouer labor, Dlst. No 9 20 00 Leo Neven labor, Dlst. No. 9 14.00 Kd tone labor Dlst. Vo. 9 WHttnre 1 arson labor, Dlsl No. i IIitt "Ml labor. Dlst. No. 1 t Iiov "III Inbor, Dlst. V" 1 1 C W. I UTleen In'ior, Dlst. No. II C. I entr. labor Dlst. No 1 1 D. 1". Moore labor, Dlst. Vo. 11 C. Miller labor. Dlst. No. tl 24.00 K U Smith labor. Dlst. Nr.. 11 H. . Wilson, labor, Dlst No 11 Ole Olson labor. Dlst. No. 11 Alva Wilson, labor Dlst. No. 1 1 CASTOR I A For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of 12.00 6 00 9.62 6 00 11.00 !tfl 00 8.00 18.00 10.00 10 00 I Edward Kdniunds labor, Dist. No. 12 Z1S.7B Tom Selgel labor, Dlst. No. 16 64.00 Klmer Mecum labor Dlst. ' No. 16 82.00 Claude Church labor Dist. No. 16 174.00 A. K. Thrush labor, Dlst. No. 16 6.00 W. J. llrown, labor Dlst. No. 16 88.00 V. S. Woodruff labor, Dlst. No. 11 38.00 C. M. Stubbs labor, Dlst. No. 11 24.00 A. Swenson labor, Dlst. No. 11 1600 H. A. Wilson labor. Dial. No. 11 20.00 Olo Olson labor, Dlst. No. 11 14.00 Charley Roerner labor, Dlst. No. 11 4.00 H. R. Wilson labor, Dlst No. 11 12.30 William Dickinson labor, Dlst. No. 22 18.00 George. Moran, labor. Dlst. No. 22 17.00 Teddy Peterson labor, Dlst. , No. 22 22.00 Kd Movers labor. Dlst. No. 22 34 00 Clrtvlon Meyers labor, Dlst. Xo. 22 4.25 Klmer Love lab.i p it. No. 22 8 00 (To Be Continued. 1 For County Clerk VOTE E. H. LENOX for re election which will be a (uarantee for efficient service as a public official as in the past. Your vote will be appreciated. Pnld Adv. K. H. I-KNOX Prompt Dottvory 1 A. S. HUEY, yCAi. Ntsiiujin to til or- wrltfrs promptly. Factory wrtuso oftr Dirs Ui mrom ir dMntwt tot Uue popular M(biM. A Boon to BtnfiMM The Comfort Car , FORD SEDAN, $946.34, ROSEBURG Why fide In Ihe torm when iht niod-rn enclowd car with all conva-ninnrM at bo modnat price avallatplo. Se ua about It at once. LOCKWOOD MOTOR COMPANY ROSEBURG, OREGON