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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1920)
CALIFORNIA Winter Playground of the Facitic. Where the climate brings sunshine and (lowers the year round. nl.mlid courses; tennla on championship courts; pw iolf over Plil(rimlloual renown; motor over perfect hlgh olo o 4eld" k rl(llng along picturesque bridal-paths; surf ZtLl0. sandy beach,-. Reduced Round Trip Winter Excursion Tickets' Via the SHASTA ROUTE On sale daily to March 31. 1921. Final return limit April 30. 1921. Slnov,rs permitted at all points within limit of tickets. Cilornla bookie, s will help you select the resort of your choice. Sre your copy now. They are free on request. ' Inquire of Local Agents for particulars as to fares, routes sleeping car accommodations and train service. SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES JOHN M. SCOTT . General Paesaaatfas- Agent Official .Republican Statement By Douglas County ltepublican Central Committee. 3 CITY NEWS 0 A Toast: " Wilson -That's All" Exclusive advantages OF THE DE LAVAL MILKER UJJer Pulsator, close to cow's udder insuring uiiiluim, snappy action of teat-cups. PuUalion speed cannot ba adjusted or tampered with always uniform and pleasing to the cows. No pulsator springs, washers or regulating screws pul taloi ha: one moving pait Alternating action at fixed speed the two front and die two rear teats milked allernately and uniformly. Pulso-Pump especially designed rotary machine pro riding the vacuum and the mechanical control of Udder Pulsators. Self-adjusting teat-cups fit both large and small teats. The D: Laval is the fastest method of milking cows successfully. The name De Laval is ample guarantee of satisfaction. Arundel, piano tuner. Food 1S9L. Insure .a-ain.t loss eOUlD TOUt tractors so they won't set fires. Fires deal, or lives, property and food. Be careful with fire. Htmtlnr noattivelv 'prohibited OU he lauds of the Curry Kstate. Am now booklnc orders for day aid chicks for 1921 delivery from mtth producing Tancred strain White Leghorns. Earl VosburKh, 7UJ Ful lerton St., Koseburg. Woodstock, the standard type- rlier. Improved, simpllneu, mou- erniied. A. S. Huey, Roseburg Dts- ributor. Frank A. Terry, represents the equitable Savings Loan Assn.. of Portland, Oregon, Is again at the mpqua Hotel. For Interview, call or phono. Jack Roach or Drain has received the agency for the Queen line df In cubators and brooders .Now Is the time to make your inquiry and place our order for future delivery. (Irani E. Hamilton of "Juas." DEMONSTRATED AND SOLD BY STEARNS & CHET0 ,VETH, Yoncalla, Ore- Movie Closeups girl whose father dies on the trip to Nome, Alaska, where he Is going to recuperate, he hopes, his lost fortunes. June, his daughter, lands in a land wnirn "Knows j - rn Revue of Revues, a musical nf woman. " a hard living, hard m-itl. I, .... .-Ill . l. -I... .I,,, nimm iuii, ib tttrtction at the Antlers to 'M. The seat sale for the ottering " been excellent and a record ''--king crowd is expected. This is "m stape offering of the sea- 3. ft UH Outaanilin fen turn nf J. VVar- ft Kerriran's latest Hrnntnn nro- tion. -x0. a V. v. Hodkiu i rtl-ase, which comes to the I.lh 1 theatre tonieht is the powerful ' usembled to sunnort the hand- 1 hero I'rartirally every part in ; irom tne star role to millcst character lilt is played well known artist of the stage '' reen. 'I resourceful young aristocrat Ulnar Ppnrvn" nrf.. R MMlc one of the strongest and I1" entertaining roles he has ever i Fritz! Brunette, who played "Mite Kerrigan In "The Lord "nttie Irish.'' ,nd other promi urce, f a,e. -,m ,no,ner '"nph to her alr.ariv .nrl.M. L'"!b rtatninr little debuantee Flo kilm n . ' renrjn through some of roush Bla.-es I LIU Uslie. (orm(.r npla!,ro star a one nf ti i h t. n-teresi aramatic &rtra Rrri'"n- excellently K-l" ,h Prt of Ttenee Ether- wealthy l,iow who he- I no'iti nh. . l.i... -- "iortoul "u ""r shaped by the frtencisnip oi Kmm.. . . Curly Kid ' a you r-'uni. r..."- nn s,,,PPiing and . scalawag partners, rk. are seen In at rnn - . 1 ,..... . an,hlr w role,. vtinarn v. Moii u.. 'it. . local capitalist and J'k' TreK."rrul f'rformance as . her romance begins. f-ntwirf. ""V czar of the Hr friend "the Kid" lends her botel wnicn ""'"leal -n, , eern1" j Hope also helps to finance. June nnrani OI llic r- THE FACTS ABOUT WOMAN SUFFRAGE STATES THAT HAVE RATIFIED Cnllfornla, Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Ii! n ho, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky Maine, Massachusetts, MiclilKan, Mlnnesula, Montana, Nebraska, Arkansas, Arlz-ona, Missouri, Xexaa, REPUBLICAN Nevada, TOTAL. New Hampshire, New Jersey. New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, I'ennsylvnnta, Rhode isliind, South Dtikota, WashlliRton. West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming, a DEMOCRATIC 1 Utah, Oklahoma, Tennessee, TOTAL ..T STATES THAT HAVE NOT RATIFIED DEMOC RATIO Florlila. Norili. Carolina, REPUBLICAN Connecticut, Vermont, TOTAL TOTAL STATES THAT HAVE REJECTED REPUBLICAN DEMOCRATIO Delaware, Alnl.imia, Missisiipl. fieorglu. Kutitli Carolina, Marylnnd, l.oulshina, TOTAL TOTAL 1 ELEVEN Special Sessions of State Legislature to ratify the Amendment were called by Demo cratic Governors, to SIXTEEN Special Se.s.on. called by Republican Governors for the same purpose. This Sign Tells Its Own Story iWJ5 ANDWINE . m - b. t a i It 6 ForPrsi3ent lt-trfri xvhun l,ilrlnv fnr hnite fur mother. father or the children, you like a full line to choose from. Cnrr'a store carry a big line. Women's hose, cot ton inc. llBle 35c and 6llc. finest mer- ceriied 85c. art silk boot Siic. line ihread silk $1.69. Children's hone. Ileht weleht 35e tn 35c. mediums 35c to 50c, triple thread heaviest wt. 65c to 75c. Don't pay more at "sale" nrlce Our hose eivea satisfaction. our prices save you money. In fact Carr'a always save you money. H(SII:i(Y VOK l.KSS. A Quality Counts The finest white flour and purest short ening have gone into the making of Snow Flakes, and special processes of baking insure crisp fiakinesa--you'll love Uwe fresh from the oven, slightly salty, crackers.' Don't ask for cracker say SNOW FLAKES SOME MORR P. C B PKOt JCTS Animals Avutrd Cakr Chreor Saivdwwh Chocolate RcUm Cocttanut Bar Crram (rfmi Fruit Uiacuita Orahan Cracktra Lcnora MaxalunaUow Saadwick NOTICE TO FAUMKRH. We want fresh fruit of all kinds. Will pay top market prices. But the fruit must be clnan and nrt-cia in all renu'Cts or we do not want any of we use only the beat graaea. FOUTCH'S CONFECTIONERY. Pacific Coast Biscuit Co. Mrs. R. C. llrown and Mrs. C. M Mr. and Mrs. Y. E. Murdork lledgepeth left this morning for and children left this morning for Sutherlin to spend a few duys visit-, Monmouth where they will make lug. 1 their future home. YOU HAD DKTTEIt HVltltT. If you have not already done so. you better hurry up and place your order for New Year and Christmas announcements wilh Hutes, the printer, at the News-Review office. A swell line of engraved personal cards to make a selection from, but we must have your order early in order to make deliveries. rllOFKSKlON'AIj CARDS MRS. P. D. OWKN Cut Flowers. Phona 240. 403 W. Cass. Let Us Show You and Quote You Prices on : UNIVERSAL Lighting Plants J. F. BARKER & CO, IMI'LEMKNTS ItOSKIU'ltO, OltltflOX AUTOMOUlLKls TRACK) K8 OR. M. H. Phyatclan. n.Yi.KR chlropraettc I2i W. Lane St. tl llKIIT a. HI'KV optoniatrlst. "The Kyu My HpeciHlty." 118 W. Caas Ht. KoseburK. Oregon. Buy Better Bucks and the Best Breeding Ewes for Less Money. BUY SHEEP WHEK THEY ARE LOW. THAT 13 R.CHT NOW If you are Interested In any number of either Kratle or reuintereJ sheep of the follow. titf hreedn: Hampshire. Shropshire. Unroln. Horn nvy, Cotswold. lUiuhouk'tte, or any TOSS. Write us qul-k what you want, oiti:;oN m estk'k com. co. Box 61. North Portland. Oregon. Sheet MetalWork; OP ALL KINDS J. H. SINNIGER 110 OAK HTKKKT l'HONE4iW In saloon owned by Stanley K. Clom.kl, 118 North La Salle fear, la to be seen the elgn pictured above. Street, Chicago, hung conspicuously over the fighting country where Innocence and honesty is ail exotic flower an or . ... . l. nf her en- o.. twn her destiny is ln " honestly believed M:W nAMI.M KlXti CKOW.NKD BATTERIES! Chevolet Cars 25.00 and 38.00 Bulck Cars. . ,30.00 and $46.00 For Other Cars Pikes ou Application. MOTOR SHOP GARAGE Agency Hoick and Chevrolet 441 N. Jackaon Bt Roeebarg. FOR ECONC MY MORE POWER and absolute . RELIABILITY W hq av'Ztth' for avarr M IDEVANEY & BURNETT I Roseburg, Oregon. DOlfiLAS COl.NTV TAXIDKItMY AND TAX.M.Xi COM J 'AMY. Tanners of furs, taxidermist of heads and all kinds of animals. Manufacturers of furs, shoulder throws, muffs, fur coats and caps. J. W. LANOKNUKHO, I'rop. All work guaranteed. Orders taken at 8. K. Slvkes' hardware store, or address P. 6. Box 887. Iloseburg. ... n-hll-h h u"""',7. " ...i. , restore, but ?.e..r.... r.riiness nrevents hia do- VKW VOHK, Oct. 14 "Patrick) When aliairH -:uiara h " ' hieh June ana nope ; , -,h i at an eninmun "e riendshlp of "The . , lnvolved. "The Curly lc.,n pahii:. Society. The new flower ng crook and 'out '' ' to ,he rK ue. and. it a Kiil,lt K,.ia.-u siilmon bloom of dec , and the enmity of"V" . , 0 n life destroys the ora,iv, p,.nny variety, is a seedling r. Later she meets :' ,wni.-h prevents the consume-; wnl,.n MK five year to produce. -"twn, .,.'. "!- nrung is j ik, money to open I'11 political tra "A. , pe,-- Hope also helps to finance !' nyi, aL!.?"Pr Tbe picture Is ,,ri innrnt of the r Kwn; Z,':'Jn 0,.w"'nm,acter of her partners but eventually Denton kill" .i.... n iho romance. blm. but the kid's chlnce c.wk get-, ?evence for his dead n. at-r And ' The lilrl From tne uu. accepted a- a member of the com munity as the wife of Hope. AIWIMTR IT(I'I MTI K. Md ""MIIn "One rwJr:r. '"-Outside.- rrtnfaaicl and She HPIS mm OliUf his four chuma (all of whom have . .. . a .:.U a.Aat nn t ho rfUin I ZZ Z a,"" Mean'whiW iSpe'-! MIAMI. Ok,a;; Oct. ,- rtK-WKD AI-TKIt : VKAIt-4 Sthe ia tirt iiislaa Scott and a t,.i,.-"," '"isine. a rolled atralcht. Meanwntie iaaaji """"-""; .-.....,, t ,C"J.H- Beach, which H.nalna. I. seriously threatened l.y Emma Jane Mctounm we.e . " i. 0adv9n?:, M We- iS fathering iU tV: June's tor-1 married. "I 'or -advantare of a yonngL, ha. foolishly gambled away the I Jane." said Scott. ,v given that the tin- -n duly appoint"! bv uf th atate of flrpgon nty. a'lintniatratnr of r Snrah Ann iixili"urn. (lw ,,ft,.,l ' All prmina ha lng latm" .ilnt al.l male ara hereby re'liilre.l " ,,reel the ...m. I . OnTli' ',. hv law required, at Ili.a- l. ira. within aia months from ''"!r.,irrihla Url nay of SePlemher. JOHN r..ll.H)l KN, AVm'lnlatratnr of th. estate of Harah Ana Ooodbouia. aaceaaao. Heinline-Moore CONSERVATORY MUSICAL KlHOtRWRTEM. VOICE AND VIOUH I'hyalcal F.duralion, inrludina new feature of Indian Clubs ami Wand Drills. BETTER SERVICE Our new equipment In the bottling department makes It possible for us to give you prompt and efficient service. Rod as of all flavors also Lnio In bottles and kegs. ROSHdI'RG DAIRY AND S004 WORKS PIIOB IM FOR ANTHRACNOSE USE Sherwin Willams "Fungo Bordo" as directed and you will be phased with results obtained. "8 & W Kungl-Ilordo. the perfect dry llordeaux mixture concen trate, Is a dry powder. Prevents danger of fleering, or of drying out. Compounded so that you can uae either the 3-3-60 or 4-4-60 formula. , ,. Call or send for a folder showing how to use. You will find ruugl Bordo not only a great convenience but a most effective form In which to use Bordenux mixture. A supply Just received. Churchill Hardware Company P. 8. Don't forget to call for Pruning Compound folder also. WE SELL Edison MAZDA LAMPS Douglas County Li$it". and Water Co.