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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1920)
juaucAcaa aa.nyviaw rut romAf. ihtohm. h. no. --r1 , ---sg--- assrJ immum Uallr Kaeepi immamr. tCW. Half L. WlmbTlE Heft . Bitw t bUbdCitll'TION itATKU , Daily, par r, lijr malt 14 00 iJatiy, aiz month, by mall t 00 HyTTurrier, pr month fro The' Ao fitted Prni YsV' eacluiiirely j entitled to the uae for republication of , all fiewi dUpalUiw creUlted to ll or : nc ottirtty credited In thla paper and alio the local nwi pufalialied here In. All fiu-hta of ruDubllcation of d fe cial dispatches heroin are alao reserved. fentered at aacfud-ciaae matter liny 17. 11 20, at the poet office at ItoaeourK. (rKon, under the Act of March if, laWM. IttMohurg. Oivkoii, Ort4tMr I I, U Skyline Route Highly Praised Kl'CENE, Oct. 14 Many bounti ful scenic and recreational featured await development along the summit I of the Candida raiiKe (ruin Mount 1 Hood to Crater Lake. asserts Forest Examiner K. M. Clcater who recent ly accompanied the survey parly of tho proposed skyline road. Great open areas with remarkable vising that !nay be traveled on horse back. Innumerable lakes whl-h are now being atocked with fish, majae tic mountain raiiKes, most Intereat lug lava deposits and attractive sum mer home sites were among the fea tures discovered, dealer took over 680 pictures on the trip. "The thing that struck me most forcibly," salir Clcater, "were the lakes and the easy travel along what la usually considered a high, rough country. You cun go on homehuck almost anywhere. There aie hull tlreds of lakes that are not stocked that are capable of sunnortlng fish Frank Lenzle put In 60.0(11) fry thb stimnVr and by tho time the Skyline man is nnmned. tnese lakes should III mate good fishing." Clever Show A t Antlers Tonight TonlKht the Antlnrn I h oat re should not Iib able to handle the ctowiIh that the Advance mile of tickets for the tUUG ItHVuo of lievuen m-i'tnH to Indicate, with out- taxing the theutro cupuclty. Thero h no mieHtlon but whut the tllHceniliiK mem lie r or this community Bem to appreciate tho hettt in the aniUHemcnt line when It comes knocking at their door They will be fortunate ones as there will he many who will be unable to get Inside the doors. It was a clever bit of work or the part of Manager Hill, to secure this all star aggregation of artlHtn headed by that versatile and original coijicdinn Hoy "Hiram" Clair. If th lo'ids of scenery that were hauled to the theatre all dny today Is any In dlcatlou, then the udvance agent oi the production was not drawing on his Imagination when he said thai the 1920 Kevue of Itevues was the most el-ihornfnly singed tniDdcal rev ue on the Ht'ige today. Scorns of pretty girls In the chor us garbed in an array of gowns tbut will turn the feminine portion of the audience green with envy, seven complete changes of scenery that for co'or and originality have never boen 'duplicated bv any other production. Mimical nu m tiers aiing by those who know to a nicety how to get the most out of h'irmony and comedy situa tlons that bring forth on,, laugh ttf ter anolhnr. makes up the 1920 Revue of Itevues. New Apostles of Americanism! Thise are the teachers. And the school leathers of Douglas Cuunty are Just that! Cuming from many parts or the countI7 10 '.''."J In Ibis county, and having obtained thla year a more m arly Just compensation, there Is evident on the part of all leaencra a i moiive to dress according to the standards of the very highest of professions. To those who are In ltoseburg the next attt iidinV the Institute, Fisher's will be the headquarters for shopping and a cordial welcome is hereby extended. Our Sacrifice Sale Will Appeal to You! In every department of this store are many articles that will appeal to the visiting teachers and others from outside points. We call special attention to .our corsets, with the service of an expert cursetiere: our lingerie, silk. wool, or cotton; our Maxim' shoes, siik hose; Munslng underwear; dress goods, and suits, coals and dresses. On every article Is a nduetiuu of 15 to .5',; below our regu lar price. This Is the sale that Is bringing: lower prices to Itoseburg! Special - CURTAINS - Special For the rest of this week we will offer a 'new lot of curtains, all in pairs, some very attractive in colors" with hemstitching and lace trimmings, in voile and marquisite materials. Our Sacrifice prices are 20 per cent off. $3.00 Curtains reduced to - $2.40 I $1.00 Curtains reduced to - $3.20 $3.8G Curtains reduced to - $3.05 $5.00 Curtains reduced to - $4.40 f'll I'MM ll ' VISIT OI'K STOltK KVKItV HAY KOK SEW HAIMLWNS! "Where All Folks Like to Trade" Coats Dresses A Store With Ideals, Quality, Economy Fashionability See OurWindows for New Fanby Waists and Blouses. CLASSIFIEDjff ALL NEW CLASSIPIKD ADVERTISEMENTS Wll P"PB HKAD.NQ un "uTJ ! WANTED. 'WANTED Typing to do at horn. Ap- ! tly lol N. Juik.on St. High School Debate Question Stated Pimm for tho work in the Oregon HlKh School Doljutintf League have been complt-tucl. The Htat queHtmu, is "HeHolved' That the Fed rial (iov miinent Hhoulcl own and operate the .iHroads." The dlHtiirt queHtlons for debate ihvo boen dt'C'eK'd upon and dtHtrlrl llrt'ctors nnniiMl. This year OreKor. las (men divided Into twelve dlM- j TirtH, Northern Wlll.tmetlu, South I oo Hay, Ixnver Columbia, I'ppo. :t umbia. rmatillii, KaMtern OreRon 'outheuKtern OreKou. South Ceiitnil recon. Went Sido and the City of Portland. March 1 3 tho final dintrict ron- tots will be held, and March 20, the llntrirt dirortorH will report ditrtot -hamp!on to the Hecrelary of the League. Mny 10, 11. 12 and 13. the final tournament betwVn i all dintrict rhuuipioiiH will bo held at the I'nL verlty of Oregon for the atate championship. I.KT THK JH'HLIC BE THK Jl'DGK. A Few Word to Our Iiitmn, the 1'eople of Itowbiirjr, und the Kntlre County. Hospital to Treat Shell Shock Cases I'KRRYVILLK. Mo., Oct 14 A new government hospital for (he treatment of former Holdlern miffer Ing from shell xhock hnn been onen od hero by the I'ntted atntea Public llotlih Service with tho transfer of 1 00 patient a from the temporary hoBOltal nt Tape Mav. N. J. KtmeclHl care and treatment of tho mild canes of mental dtson'ern tn brured In tho term "shell Bhock'" Ik offered. In addlton to the main build in K, home like Purrouniii'iKf are offered in numerous lutllvldual cottnKi'. Tbeio are over 12.000 dlMchargod poIiM'T, vict'niH of (hell Hhock and V ind ''o! d inordoM under t rea' men t at the pronent time. 5.678 of whom are in hoMltalH onorated by the 1'nb" )c penlth Service ami tho rennlnder In other hospitals where contracts provide proper rare and treatment. salmon Mtt:ssi:i. fiuuranteed fresh to deliver O. K within 48 houiH 1 1 mo from hero by prepaid apodal parcel post delivery, 14 cent a pound. Will box and ice lots of 60 pounds or more, at express office here 14 cuts. Our own catch, vjsh averne 8 to 20 pound a each. Tush with all ordeiH. Hay Fn..i Mat'Ket, Mut'Hhllehl, Oregon. Mis. P. McMillen left this morning for Stevenson, Wash.. In roMpon to a telegram annnuncmlng the vry sorleu'i lllneMs f her mtiher. i Mra. J. (1. Hodges left on th" morning train for Kimeno to vl 'U with friends and relatives fur a f- . day. WATCH THE BIG 4 Stomach Kidncya-Hcart-Liiscr Keep the vital organs h'-il:'.-,y by regularly taking t'.ie world's stand ard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles GOLD MEDAL Tto National Remedy of for c.nturlas and .nJurMil by Quhd Wubl niiua. At all druKftists, thre siies. Lnk Im tlx m Gobi M.d.1 on tt Wm kW cpt lll.l Don't Wait Until fire and t!nft occur b fore giving yoiir valuables Safe Deposit Protection. A Ilex In our Klre and Burglar Proof Vault Comi only $J 00 and up per ytar. TheKosebiirNdlional Bank RoselNirrt.Oie. I" After a little over ono month of unexampled prosperity, we want to thank you, our pal runs, for your Bplendid and continuous support. On the fourth day of September we threw open our door and bade you welcome. We gave you an excellent progruin, and endeavor to meet your tvery wish whh courteous treatment und i tie best of service obtainable. We Ftarted whh a program thut surpassed in point of excellence and variety anything ever offered any where for 1 tie price, and promised that the standard would be main tained. This pledge we have kept to tho letter. Some week's bills have excelled others, but at all times the pcrfot inuncos have been in a class by themcelves and compared most favorably with those for which two or three times our prices of admis sion were asked. And that you have seen our snows, been amused ly our prog rams, and appreciated our efforts, has been plendiilly attested by your continued patronage. And the nssured patrou igo has permitted us to arrange con- 'raels for bookings which are unex celled and wo have contracted for th greatest masterpieces of tho motion picture world, with such stara a? azlmova. Fairbanks. Mary Plckford. I. W. (irfffith's productions, Asso . a . I , i-lniie;l Artists' ,'io ! 1. ' j r m:y t features, (.renter Features Production. W. W llodkt mi':', at". anions. (Jaumont and l'nt," -p1-i(u. hnve estnb- Mslu-d prices which will preva-1 at al! "p'-'s for arty and all attractions, ir .(..j, ctive of tho prices charged in l.e larger cities. Our I'rires. Are far below prices psked for !!' fvatiires elsewhere. Matinees: rhHdr n 10c. a lults 2T.c i:.eniugs: Children 1 5c, adult.- - "iC. Obedient Iv vnnrs. IJIIKHTV THK AT ill' CO. DonneHan A Williams. -o NOTU'K TO PUlLIt'. Tho partnership hereiof re exist ii.K between J. V. Starrett ard J. S. leburn. known as the Al: :r Ben I ai I Company, Is by consent ' i day dissolved. J. V. St. rrett will continue the hii,,""ss as s le owner, to whom all accMftM duo te Ak Snr It n Lund Company are pi ynble. Paselmrg. .Oregon. ,pt. 2". 120. .!. V. ST VHIiKTT. J. S Battleship Oregon To Have Home Port 1 OUTLAN; Or. Oct. 14. .'(.i land. Oreg will be omo the homo port of the old battl sliip Ore veteran of the Span.-'h-Ameri-u war. If ri'COMHnendat'oi'fl made ' ihe chit-f of ibo Imrea-- nf navi nation of the na y d p.-r; m !it are carried out, according to n.v -ial dis patches from Washington. IV O., te tland newspapers. The recommendation wn- tia.lo by l:e chief following recent confer nces of navy department bureau heads wiih Oeorge White, a-ijutant-irener il of Ortgon. Admir. 1 Coiinu. cb! i of the opt rations d v i n of th.- n; vy department, was -;;io ed in he ' -patches as saying l.e favored t:e plan. Th Oregon at present Is out of eoi w:v4xion and is stutfnn d ar the j . "'""(I ny jam m nrrmer- . ti.n. WiMh it brought to IV: tland she will he u.-d as m trant:ig ship I r- i K-.-p your I. vi .iry anu k. p your , sIiim .; Uit, r by unlnc j n.-rKman's" shoe oil. Churchill ! Hardware Co. Unique Auto Is Seen In Roseburg A most unique auto passed through t Ills city yesterday inrouie to Loa Angeles. The car has a sp -clal body which for beauty and finish and com fort la comparable with a Pullmau palace car. Thin vehicle, which was designed and built by a man 7t y ars of age, P. Peterson, of Aline, Oklahoma, m live and one-half fiet wide an i twelve feet in length, enclosed with glass sides and beautifully painted. Inside the car are puckid away all the conveniences of a modern dwell ing. There Is a cute little kitchenette, a cabinet which serves as fireless cooker nnd refrigerator, u bed made up In the rear, with room for two more; there in a 1 ft-gnlioii water tank from which water under pres sure Is piped to ihe washstand and sink. For comfort there is a willow rocker und rugs on the floor. The Interior is wired for electric lights, fed from the storage batteries. Cloth lug is neatly packed away under (he bed s. In addition to the 10 gallon gas tank Is a 2;'i-gallon pressure tank at the nar of the car. For cooking pur poses there Is a folding gas and wood jtove. Tent, camp equipment and all supplies are carried In drawers under ;h body of the car. In the parly, which started from Aline, Oklahoma, and Is on tt;t wny to Los Angeb s to spend (lie winter, are Mr. and Mrs. Selden liosbraugh. A. W. Schoeb and his mother Mrs. Christian Mitchell. Mr. ltnsorniiffh fs a nephew of Mrs. S. W. Shaw, of 1711 7tith street, Portland, where fhey stopped to visit on the way muth. This was their first meeting in 35 years. The party appeared to be enjoying iheir Jaunt in the highest degree, even to the mother, who is 76 years of age. They reported no accidents or adventures, and were compelh d ro buy hut two new tires on the trip, which was begun In July. LAST BLOW AT CAPITALISM Linine' Beautiful Scheme Puts End to A'l Possibility of Laying Away Any Money. Among the many strange fruits of the war Is the first national lej;tt?lutlon on reenrd that frankly champions (he Prodigal Sn and makes frugality not only undesirable, but also Impruetlca bli . Tliis law, net online to re enl news from Copenhagen, has been pro militated by yes. of course by the Inspired statesmen of the Soviets. They are Issuing a new currency tiat's gusiruntetd to he specific cure for nil the Ills of capitalism. A differ ent series of imL s eoiues out each month and every series has a different odor. Hesides, a glorious innovation tn is brought to puss through the proviso that every note becomes ! Mill, void, invalid, absolutely worthless ul the expiration of the month for uhleh It v,n emitted. Itesult: The social millennium! Al July wayes. salaij, pnmiN, or liK-onic teeived in pale grvn Jtily curnncy must be paid out by July 31. It ain't lie e tun::, d after that date fur ihe , .lowiim pink of August's issue; and. itirtliermori. it will seldom he accept rd at Its full face value, even In July by any concern n(t thoroughly soviel- ized. 1 Juts all of Couir::de Letiine'? oith-ial, eoumiertlal, Industriul, or ami cultural undertakings ure assured of ample savings, the creation of capital roomies (henceforth Impossible. New lorn Lvcnitig l'ust. Clifford Predicts Roseburg's Future The Liberty Ihfutcr was orowdoil last ninht ly an auilit-ncf curious lo htar t'llfTord's predicllons renniine tin' futun- of !:o"iburK. Althoue!i hi- roiirimil hhiiFcIf clilofly to the nntiinil rt'sourci'5 of the coimiHinily. ('liffcinl i.r.iticti'd tho flndiiiK of oil in the in! Mj. in! c vicinity, the growth of tin' city from an Industrial stand point, and the establishment of a rich trade ci titer. He put In a fine noost for liosehurfr and the rinpiiun i alley and ui ised a development of tne resources and a more diversified uKriruliiiral production. He also ursed support for the roads to the last as he says that lio.eburir Is In a posinon lo become a (treat trad center for ihe hay cities. At present he slates lhat KosehurK Is sreatly haTidicapp'd by the ultra-conserva tive outlook taken by some of the citiieus and says that 10 or 15 fu nerals would be a hem 111 lo the com munity lie predicts that Knjeburfr's population wMI double within a few years, and urge present residents to Invest in properly, as he says that ii win increase in value. ANOTIIKU KOHI). NKYV YOliK lei 11 i. ..:, Ford, the -mail kiusc of France.' -in. c.nne here a year to promote biidce buildinc In Ko.inmnla. If here mmn. this time with a project to undersell H.nry Ford, of lleiroit who I, no relative, in tie Kord au'o ii'hile parts market. He I, . En(r. ishmnn by birth and became a mil lionaire at Tanlic ts sob, In rtos t;rc 1 iy F. Chspnian snH hv th. i lrutsi.t. .vrywh,r.. T0 WALK ACROSS COUNTRY Famous Swiss Pedestrian Will M.ik txhaustive Study of Men and Conditions tn America. Pr. Miixlme l.iuiet, the Swiss (;lnl,e- trotlhli; walker, reeemlr ri,...l this country. Hr. l.euret, a itniduare In medicine of the fnlvcrsity of lie,-,,... uiis nun Mie liunil.le pull of the pedes trinn through some .'It i,,;i.. i I'.ui'iipe and the two Americas, oi- series Ilie r.u-ti.n rrailseript. 1 Sini'C ue smniHi ins wnikli.B enmpa!i;n in mU he IKIS IMIIII out over loo and well-ma.le pairs of shoes liu, to lie evner. Sii-klni ne wrlds to conquer Pr. l.euret now priipiwes to walk serous the continent from Xew York to Sin r rnniivn. .Mon-uver. It i ". you-K.i" affair with the illiinKuMiH Swiss pedestrian. Spurning a wnlk Ine trip with all expenses paid, he l 'letermineil In earn Hie expenses of bis ttansiMminotifal venture bv such Htnsionai ami temporary jobs as ninv hntilien to turn nn Ir. l.euret will meet anil study in their homes and vllliav, all the t'vpes that make up the treat American family. He will learn by actual con lact. and not by rea,ne a Ke.raphy thfcuunlr.v s t jraphl.-nl features. Odd Beer Labels. In cortnm American circles where bottled lioer wn,l r..,.tl- clmilate ;" " " lf ". law. were more ohlie nit. luimeiliate apiiroval will Kw, ,,, inte achievement of an Austrian brew- This concern hii,'n, to be tbe Krone- brewery. d ,, ,,I11P ine, "crown" In (Jernutn. Al tb pree, ,,, f ,,, hrewery has h.n PH-.I., , ,,,. tlf pre,U,ct Is 10 Swiss centime, apprnxlmately 2 u 17 normal tin.,-.. nt" ln J'nt Hie brewery I, , d l-n-s ami .l.l:s,lt,n, eontJsseiTr? h "..-at.n, each ,n w WANTED Apple pucker. Tvi. t , or j call ut 121 a?o, Sttipham 81. WAN'i'hiU- Tuikyyja, large or small, Buyer Broa. Phone H-j'1. WANT KD To rent & or 6 room f ur- nithi-il houf. Apply Liberty Theater. WA.NTKl) A hih Bcliool iriii to wjrk for her room and buard. Inqulrtj Zli S. Main St. APPLK PICK KEtS WANTED L tfkimier Mini Son. Phun 28-J- 2, cull at ramh. WANTED To buy furniture for &. room iiouat. Leave word at New- llevlew office. WANTED -Sotnu person tn cotit riict for puttltiK up 1 outfit building. Call 4V4 W. I ougla. OATS WANTED About 100 busheln. State price and Kiude. Mut be reas onable. U. U. Wood, Box llifZ, Hone Ltui'if. WANTED Experienced man for Ken erul work on farm. Mum be 30 yeura or oldur. AJdreB E. M., eate Nuwti-Itevlew. WANTED Position ni hoe or cloth ing MuleJiiiiaii. 15 yearn experlfiiee. A-l reft-renceii f urnliihed. Addres J. A., eure .News-ltfVlew. WANTED ' upple nortfiN, preterubly those who have hnl ekperlenee Tents for cam pen or iraimportaUon . 1'lione 31 -Ka. Overluiid UrchaidM. WANTED (.Jirl of experlctice for gm vi ul houufwork. tiooti wukch, mod el 11 iuiiVfiiieiiL-es. family yf two. Mrs. J. C. Aiken, 2iZ So. Main. Phoiiti WANTED Kruits. Veiff tabli n and pro duce of all kinds In ronsiderubte Quantities. Addi ess com niuuicut ions to Dunham's Cush Store, North liend, Ore., stating Quantity, tUality. kind of packuKe ued, und when ahlpment c;in be made. 'OK KENT. iOlt rtpJNT Satety deposit lCosebuttf National Bank. KOK KENT 2 sjood. larKe furnished looms. Call I'll W. Mosher St. KOU l;ENT Kuriilnlud room, with bath. 4ol South Main St. i-'OH KENT Pleasant leepins roum Call mornings or evenings. SU E. Oak mreet. i-'UH KENT Nhely f iirnlnhed uleeplnir rooms in Htrictly modern house, 7oi W. .MoslnT. Phiuio aiii-J. EOlt KENT About &0 ucrcs. or wnut someune to put in i-iopa on shares. Mrs. P. Sinntitt . I'nd Ave. Sou t h . I'OK KENT Earm at Olulia, or wl'l sell on easy terms. Apply to Mrs. J. P. Den 11, 316 Chad wick St.. Uoseburir Ore. " tOK KENT Furnished housekeeping; apartments and sleepiou; rooms. Kuxehurir Apartments. Main and l'ciitirlns. Phen OUDKltS TAKEN t.r r.-d fir shakes. Koms W. (Gilbert, Klce Creek, Dllluid, Oregon. TO EXCHANGE 40 aores timber land, inlit-s west of Myrtle Cie.-k. for Doa't foret the ro 1 r .UONK TO UMN-S'J-year rural credit f?rm loans, low interest rate. J(J,ou(t local money to loan on Kood real estate. First niortKitge. See M. F. Kite, of Kice & lUce, NOTICE Party who stole my jnwelrv when 1 was IIvIiik on the Frazt.'r Ward place Is known. Keturn Ji-w-elry at once or take eoiisequein es. Carrie Dixon. IHxtmvllle. Ore. ; 1' 1 1 E H AIT c'tI O N in T' ed nesd ay. Oct. 20th. nt Dixonville, Ore., 1 will offer for sale at public auction a number of line Jersey cows. Sale be Kins atl30 p. 111. rhos. Hatlleld. riM'Til IS STKANOEK""THAN FfO Tli N liuy hand mado-to-inesure clothes here for less than you pay for Iniiid-me-dowiiM. Make us prove It; aek the Ed V. Prko dealer. Kay s Sult Shop. Volll ciiANCE fwi lovel lots, ear 5 -;xli) feet, jtaved street, city water, electric IlKhts, sidewalks, wire renccd. registered title. Terms. 10 v.iah, balance $A per month. Inquire IXST ANO KOCN1). LOST Truck driver's badtce No. 2J8U. 1; incn-r return to News-Uevicw. Eol'ND Crank for auto. iooks like f' rd. Apply at this o fflce. I,oST Annual pa as over S. p. Co. lines, made in favor of Mrs. Marnaret Scutt. widow Engineer Scott. Finder ,'ive al News-Keview. - I K A V E 1 1 white Fox Terrier w ith black head and ears and black spot on side; scar on hock Joint on hind letr. Answers to the name of 'Skip per." Iagt seen on Winchester bridge at 5:30 on Saturday evenlntr. o.-t. sth. SuUable reward. J. K I'roit'Ti. Wilbur. Oregon. FOUTUL'--.;; t-TlW. u tile., v t i"! riTKiM inou,..i c-oluru,, n"'i n KuH sii 1 - !OL"?.i t.iu'f '- cun sAi.K-rTr-t vuishiiieiita. c"i. iiine s-Jih , ttvl I'-r. model n. at. V yourself. 1.1 ....I i FOK SAl.K tut TKaVei..--or l"- k ranch Vn . .l . o..aru Ale..toK.borr Folt SALE-C-roum 7 - Addition. eiKwTt Main St. I' Kit .VI .1 ... i. 77 chard run. taw', IZ1" ANtjukA iii'ikrr- ' d"e, n"k j , "j ,m.,n. Viibur. urtiik ' 1 A fruit, furdn, ilie.o ,, ." quire .News-Itevlw R Ai'l-hKS 1.-OH SALE-g-.u huii,.i. ilk ., ,;' " Hunch, i-lsonvill,. ' Kim KAi.K 20.0UC1 "oSTBSir; "I i.0 per thouiiini f " ""ui, orcKon. 1-OK SALb Sou M,,pI(. tKU 7 H.s. paper, at Kllt rtn-h new Diliard bndu.. Good Cr JOK SALE UarKain, bull of very thiest hrlD( Myrtle (eek.OreKun. I 'Olt SALE Five room" bun-rsi (,t" paved slrei-L j?rit. t huh n, iajuiu-(. on ti-raa property at 7u5 E. Sixth it FOK SALE Good modern (ioliT aire. barn. wumUlied, ctikim rruit 2 lots. Easy term. Hn der, half block Snl,ii,.' . I'OK SALE 1 sprayer, 1 orrturd 1 12-inch ijIow, harrow, di. chicken, almont nt-w wkob. tools, 2u0 used apple bom Worley, Winstona. h O K S A LE Y earl inn tumi. rams that will xhear :0 to h j; line white wool. Will Ml s earload. Prices right. F. V, Ht 1'OK SALE Deltoious and apples the uppWt that hitt eipial 4u cents a hot and up i: orchards; bring; your owi buia i. in ni, uruiKway. lOK SALE Dodge purln( cir it inecnatucal condition; bodjr t like new. Two new tirei. tery. It un Jtimy miles. U niews-iceview onii Foil Ul'lfk SALE m acrei on ; ty road; city walcr; 3S miin Kosebuigr; 5-rooin house, Un cliicken rancli. Aildrru Sale," dire News-Kevlew, FOK SALE KuseliurR pitpertf i live DIOCKS Ol Oi CUT. erty now bringing; j(f. rtv. siues owner s auarifrt l Street, paved sidewalk and H'r 1 ii and paid. Also other pfjft Deal with owner at tU wicH FOK SALE 5-room modern ixpi ciote in on pavfu ftrt, witi in features, large tcrrtDi-ii pe iircakfast room. Karaite, uort fur fruit. This Dronrtr n seen to appreciate ita viliw a. onvred at a sairince ior qu;ti $Jfi.riO. Some terms can be ail W. A. Uogard Ileal Kitati i4. rnf St. . 99 H! THAT OLD RliEUsiATM! Cct out your bottlo of Sloan'a Liniment and knock the paia "galley-west" WEREN'T ready for that last quick switch in temperature, were you? Left you sun, sore, lull of rheumatic twinges? You should have had a bottle of Sloan's Liniment handy that would have pfnetratedv.'ilhotttrubbingsiTmQii and soon eased up the muscles, quieted the jumpy, painful, affected part and brought gratifying relief. Helpful in attacks of lumbago, sciat ica, external soreness, stillness, strains, aches, sprains. Get a bottle at your druggist s. . .55c, 70c, $1.40. Sin si liniment 2KS lnetm AttOlXl THE TOWX VMt In Mrs. . c. Wilkinson left this niornln for Itidrtlc where she will spend the remainder of the week isltlnK with friends. ti. to Tennrrsre rh.,1... r?n..;.. tut. mii.. i..r. a - " " ". is morn in it for nolnts In Tennessee where he expects to make an ex tended sojourn with relatives. Visit With Friends- Miss Alma Jackson left thla mora ine for Mvrtln Pracl, vh.F. .Ii. will RTwnil kns V n . . I -. . I i. ! l;l.AI,l, SI'H.iW VUli- NATIONAL. Popular Vote Harding Cox Total vote Electoral Vote Harding Cox Summary of Straw .s;i. .11!.! UnrdinK- Vale vote Female vote . vote . . . . Female vote . . P V ..i:s.: .. ' ,.lH-'!' .. S" ;ilMM KM); BliinE?1 LOS ANGELES, CL. O.1; Andrew .Maicoim xw j his ate as 100. and Auf!"fj 72, obtained a iicm ; j ripnn told Ihe clerk M J sparking" Slim Brner i time. IIMVEAHOLn THEE Ut H-A t ARTHMONT. N. oak tree on the estt of L -H l.nnm trt MT' , ampneii. "i"'-" .... least 190 years oia. s- a Inndmark that Mr. CanP J S2,uvv nir iii irn tors" ttpon it. w .A storm. The tree was Mrs. Ellira Hnf MJfjZ Inn for Oakland to ness mailers. lean furnish yoj on iihort notice " .nu want. WW" a - un T.V.UUU IUC IIVIU, V friends. I Agency. 115 Shen-