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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1920)
"You'll Always Find" says tne uooa juage That you get more genuine satisfaction at less cost when you use this class of tobacco. y?4 $ 8ma11 cncw ,ast f" ' ' , so much longer than a big chew of the ordinary kind. And the full, rich real tobacco taste gives a long lasting chewing satisfaction. Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell yo" that. Put up in two styles V B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco ' RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco HER DAUGHTER AND HIS SON. BY IDAH McCLONE GIBSON Kenneth Talks of tiiace. l" I said bitterly, "It's all noir. And the love that my :btr bad tor the man who waa not hmliitid. but ubo waa my father told tad dead :is her heart , brt was broken by love." i-.nnMh leaned toward me and It: hit har.d over mine. -Never for- dur Ann. mat io:n your nioui nd your futlier thoiiKht they r lecsllv married. Iloth thoiiKht It soman no was your miner c 1 wife, was uoan. After she did die. why didn't falser come bark to mo," I ask- i( he loved my mother " Mr dear clilici. wince the death the first wife no one has over rd from your father." Rot what h id my mother done L Fite should have punished her jwrely! She was the kindest, it devoted soul on earth. Don't .1 to me of the iroodness of God." Hush. Ann! You do not know :it yon are paying. There Ih some n for it all If we can only find 'Ys. ah. yes. If we could only d It." I said wearily. Brtbto time 'he porter had brought coffee, fruit and toast and set uMe between us In the drawing 'a. Kenneth looked curiously a' from across the table. Finally he i with one of his Irrepressible :rk. "Do vou know Ann, that n with your reddened eyes and h your sad (--embllng mouth, you h rood to lnnk at across the 'Mast table?" 'Kenneth, dear, will nothine In 'ere with your love for a flirta- I'm not Irvine to flirt. Ann. I'm flat voice to a fact. And I'm fur -r amine to tell you that you're t onlv woman I'vn ever known fit seemed a least bit fascinating the eirly morning." "Grace," I interrupted before ! 'itht. "I am sure looks as well In H morning. Her hair curls so ttilv, ami her complexion is real know." "!. he answered, "but I have "ikfnsted with Grace often. I And is quite like her mother, never ry napoy of a disposition until af- ne nas had her coffee. I have ' her marv titles .that after we married that I would consider It '"or for her to have her break- t served jn hp- rnnm nrnee cnn. I'm that the hours hefore noon -". " nevo'e,! n rault fin,lnft metim-s wondered why Mrs. neron invited me to breakfast. J V"1 Orace miarrclcd incessantly they both picked on me. more or ' Kenreth ,...,. i ... . ,,- inrorriKloie. in ! ! Drntia ,i it,. . . . . . r-.d L . -uu teasea urace '-'II she had to retaliate." ..., ne continued .-1 """"if"! and sweet In the '."moon ihD .. .. .. .. ia v ;", P 'or it. Me w bicv In the car sent, and his 'Ml HIH . "tUe' "By tne ' M . 1 1 ; Pr nnttce that t ny 'cnrl behind flrace's ear. t nev. rner but what I want to put sim . i .rr f'wnairjs sill my lipa to It. Oh. I guess she's all right even if she does nag a little hit In the morning." I felt my heart contract as tho I hid been struck a blow but said nothing, and soon Kenneth was deep in reveries of golden curls caress ing the white throat of his sweet heart. My thoughts returned to my own pressing problems. I don't know why but suddenly my lonliness seemed to me greater than I could bear, and dropping my head on my arms. burst into sobs which I could not suppress. "Why Ann. Ann, you mustbuck up," said Kenneth rising and has tening to my side of the table "Dont cry, dear. It hurts me to see you like this." "I know, I know. But I cannot help it. I can t be brae. I don t know what I am going to do.' , "Of course you dont' you poor lit tle, lonely girl. But Dad will fix It ill right when we get back. Don't cry until we gel home." I did not tell Kenneth I could not t"ll him that It would he Im-ir-ssUile for me to live In his fathert 'louse and hear him talk of the oth ?r girls he loved. Tomfirrow Arriving Home XOTICH OF HISSOI.l'TlOX OF PARTXF.HSHll. Notice Is hereby given that by mu tual agreement the partnership here tofore existing between Thomas W. Hatfield and Hoy W. Siegrist in con ducting the Sanitary Dairy has this lay been dissolved. Mr. Siegrist will hereafter con'.,iue the business for himself. He will collect all bills due 'he Sanitary Dairy and pay all debts if said Sunitary Dairy. Dated October 1st, 1920. THOS. W. HATFIELD, ROY SIEGRIST. 1IAM KMUItOIDKItKD! What a fine gift for Christmas. Carr's store Is showing a new lim it stamped pillows, scarfs or center pieces In cream or dark linen crash lso towels, laundry bags, children': Iresses, fraternal pillows, etc. All reasonably priced because you find hem at Carr's. XOTICE OF SALE or GOVERN MENT TIMBER General Land Office, Washington, D. C, August 28. 1920. Notice Is hereby given that ubject to tne conditions and 'limi tations of the Acts of June 9, 1916 39 Stat., 218, and June 4, 1920 ' Public 241), and the instructions ol he Secretary of the Interior dated September 15, 1917, and June 22, 1920, the timber on the following ands will be sold Oct. 18. 1920, at 10:00 o'clock a. m. at public auction it the United States land office at Eloseburg, Oregon, to the highest ildder at not less than the appraised value as shown by this notice, sals o be subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Interior. The pur chase price, with an additional sum )f one-fifth of one per cent thereof, being commissions allowed, must be leposlted at time of sale, money to le returned if sale is no' approved, itherwise patent will issue for the timber which must be removed with in ten years. Bids will be received 'rom citizens of the United States, issociations of such citizens' and cor porations organized under the laws if the United States or any state. erritory or district thereof only. Upon application of a qualified pur chaser, the timber on any legal sub llvislon will be offered separately be fore being Included in any offer of larger unit. T. 21 S., R. 1 W., Sec. 13. SE14 SE14, fTr 1125 M., cedar 25 U., none of which shall be sold for ess than 11.60 per M. T. 18 S.. R. W., Sec. 3. SEA NEK. fir 450 M., WU NE4, fir 475 M., none ol which shall be sold for less than ?2.00 per M. (Signed) CLAY TALL MAN, Commissioner General Land " trice. tynow ,0:Tct,tl:lIut,pfectl NOTM K OF CiKXKRAI. KI.BCTIOV Nntlre In tierrhv (Tl?n ttiat a Ornrl "Mly KN-rtlon Rill le hM In th CUy "f Tloiburg. Orea'n. on TuMday, the In tlnv of Novniler, 1920, betwn the hours of 8 o'clock a. m. nnd I i'cio'l( p. m. of nld flay, nt whi-h ald fie-lion ttie following: officers shall tot "le-'teil : On Mayor. on Reorder, on Treap urer and two Count llmen from each of the four ward of the City of Htae ri, Orfjon. to p'tvt two yfirB. or Jntil thlr ssurceaaora art lete! and luallflMl. That the plarn In arh ward for holdtna- Mt1 City KlvM-tinn In the City il linger. tra Or-jr.n. ani ine junm?f and clerks to condii' t the wime ahIl by such polling places and Judttes ard clerks thereof as have been, or may 'i-rafter be. denlKnated and name, oy ho Pfi'iiit rViiirt nf Honalss Countv. -rea-on. for tha General Htata and '.ounty election. Bv order of the Common Council date 4 October 4. ):n. R. I WHIPPLE Rerordar ot lh City of Boburs. Ort OB. Official Republican Statement By Douglas County Republican Central Conuulttee. $30,000,000 COX Ii?j IV;-v, 4t-:-"v(r 1 Tt vv GOVERNOR JAMES M. COX. Prom photograph taken at Seattle, Wash., during tho Democratic Candidate's recent visit to the Pacific Coast. .- JIMMY'S COAT. T"I ' Ttike a slant at Jimmy's coat, Tlper strtpetl. us you will note; Murphpyesque In lines aud hue. Taggart like In motif toa v i 'How can he proclaim he's dry With this carb to shock the eye I Tnilors wouldn't dure to put Such a thing on "l,usyfootH Jimmy's ml men t harks us back To the festive rnclng track. ) Cun't you hear the "bookies" shout Aod the whispers of the tout? --TO! Needn't tell us where he's at ' Wet or dry his coat tells that. Bryan took one slant at It, Then his heart curled up and quit. CAltLTON FITCH ETT. 'PARTY FACES DISASTER" GORE Senator Thomas Gore, Democrat, of Oklahoma, who was deflated for re aomlnatlon through the Intluenre of the While House because of his oppo sition to the League of Nations, plain ly Indicates that he proposes to con tinue his fight upon the league. Tle blind senator says: "The paramount Issue Is to avert llsaster; nobody favors the league that understands It. "The women of Maine have rend It. It Is no wonder about the women. It 's no marvel about the motlierB. They re not willing to mortgage the pound of flesh nearest their hearts. "They are not willing to sign (his bloody bond which Is a first lien upon the life of every boy beneath the starx and stripes. "He was blind Indeed who had not already seen the black shadow of the Maine elections vlsloned upon the horl ion." OLD AND NEW COX SLOGANS. BACK PORCH CAMPAIGN TO BE BEGUN SOON BY WILSON Washington. Gradually being pushed to the rear by the progress of the canvass It is now announced thai President Wilson Is to wase a "P.uck Porch" campaign. The local evening papers announce this fart and guv hat the plan Is being dtcussed bv ihe Administration leaders. It mni even come within a week, some ot these leaders b lleve. Edmund H Moore, who managed Governor C'tii'i ore-convention campaign. Is giver credit for this rear attack on the Harding method ot using the trout porch Washington. The following Inter esting Interview with Governor James M. Cox nf Ohio wus pulillfchcd In the hotel column of the Washington Post four years ago vis, on July 2D, 1U16: "Ohio I not the only state where the people are shouting the praises of the President for having preserved peace In the United States. Our honor has remained unsullied. The slogan He Kept L's Out of War will be the most effective argument the Democrats can use In the campaign. Americanism has been pre-empted by the President, am) every other prohletn of national import has been met squarely aud sat isfactorily." This tends to show the caliber of Governor Cox. With him It Is any thing to win, any sort of . catch phrase, logun or anything to deceive er fool the people. HARDING TO THE FARMERS. Senator Harding's speech to the fanners of the ccuntry, delivered at he Minnesota State Fair, Is cotuinend ihle not only for the subject matter nd the constructive statesmanvhlp which It remains, but for the calm and -llguifled tone which prevails through nit the entire address. Nothing could nore thoroughly Impress Intelligent ;eople with the difference In the sena tor aud his opponent and their q'uallfl utlons for the presidency than Senator Harding's comprehensive discussion of he agricultural problems of the na tion and the solution which must be gpplied to them and the political ha angue delivered at the same place by llnveriior L'&x. Sioux City (la ) Jour- CANDIDATE COX, THE UNDIGNIFIED By E. S- VAN 2ILE From the time of (ioorge Washing;- j ton to the present moment It has been characteristic of the American people j to demand dignity as .in nhs. :ute j essential quality In the n:ukc-up ol a j President, The Instances nave oeeu so rare In which an occupant of the White House has forgotten the obliga tion he la under to the nation to main tain his poise under all cln uinsinnces that It requires close historical Inves tigation to come upon them. Our Presidents have been, no mutter what may have been their short. malnirs as executives, worthy In their outward bearing of the eminence to which they had attained. It Is a serious handicap to Jnnies M. Cot that he has displayed. In hts Presidential campaign, a lack of dig olty that has been. In some of Its cia'nifestatlons. actually shocking. It ts not demanded, of course, that a Presidential candldnte si 'II go n'wt his campaign activities i-l- a l. f etiquette In one hand and n hot nf sedative pills In the other. Ti e Amer ican public, with Its usual .-n- of Justice, makes due allowance nlwavs when Judging the words and !.! of an aspirant for the Presidency, for the great physical and mental strain that he Is undergoing. But there Is 1 limit beyond which its patience and sym pathy may safely be tried, aud Oot ernor Cox has repeatedly passed that limit. Of course, It may be too much to ex pect that a candidute who owes bis nomination to the fact that be was the only one of many aspirants who was thoroughly a persons grsta to men like Murphy. Nugent, Tagiart and Ilren nan should possess that sensltlvenest to the proprieties that has safeguard cd the ill.tilty of our Presidents as a Hot even after muklng due at Inwance for the fact that a man's man m rf are Influenced by the company he keeps. II Is not too much to scy thai Governor "i, fn his recent public ut terances and In certain cheap appeal he lm made to people lacking In good tate. has placed himself outside the I i,ie from wlpch store an omipant of the Wl.lte Tl-iuse hould he chosen. As President there Is every reason to believe ti nt the undignified Col a mild offend against precious tra dl lm H at Is. n It should be. dear to ti e hearts of the American people. Jack Roach of Drain ha. your order for future .. ... .1.- in. r.i. rarwtt for sale. 6c lb. at c.batora and brooder. Now Is th. 4-C Rancb, Umpqua- Cll or phone time to mk yonr inquiry and plar I io-r22. 0 CITY NEWS 0 . Aruadal, piano tuner, rnoo. llfL. Watch for the Oreat Naxlmova In "Madame Peacock." Insure against loaa equip your tractor, so they won't set (Ire. Fire, destioy uvea, property and food. Be careful with Are. Hunting positively prohibited on 'he lands of the Curry Estate. If you want to .ell your property, see J. A. Walker, 105 Caaa St. Phone 91. Am now booking order for day old chirks for 1931 delivery from high producing Tancred strain White Leghorns. Earl Vosburgh, 702 Ful erton St., ltoseburc Frank A. Terry, representing the Kqultuble Savings A Loan Assn., of Portland, Oregon, I. again at Ih" Umpqua Hotel. For Interview, call or phone. !! FOH I'OI NTV ri.KHK. To the Vvters of Douglas County. Or- fon: am the candidate on Hie republican ticket ftt th No ember election for the office of Countv Clerk. 1C elected I will Xttrciae tli Itiont riald economy, con distent with Hood service. In the con duct of the office, Htiil will us my best ndeavors to see that all persons hav-'tig- business with the office receive lust and courteous treatment. Your vote Is respectfully solicited. iPd. Adv.). 1HA II. KllJULU. NOTICE OK DISSOLI TIOX. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has thia day and date sold all his Interest In and to the Ford Garage, agency and business of C. A. Lockwood Motor Company of Hoseburg. Oregon, to C. A. Lock wood, who will collect all accounts due said firm and assume all obllga tionas. Dated thia 7th day of October, 1920. L. H. KELTY. YOU HAD BKTTfcll HURRY. If you have not already done so, vou better hurry up and place your irdcr for New Year and Chriatnias innouncemeuts with ltates, the .irinter, at the News-Kevlew office. X swell line nf engraved personal mrds to make a aelectlon from, but yvo must have your order early In order to make deliveries. I'MOKHSSIONAI, CARDS nits. r. n. owksi Cut Flowers. Phent nil. 4Di W. Cass. DR. M. H. ri.vt.F.js Ohlropraotlc Physician. ZZi w. uane St. lll'TII Wlt.rox Piano. Theory, Musi cal Kindergarten. 1004 West Flral St. Hlione I3V-U M.IIICIIT a. 1II KY Optometrist. "Th Kye My Specialty." Ill W. Cass St. Kosebura, Oregon. Buy Better Bucks and the Best Breeding Ewes for Less Monet. BUY SHEEP WHEN THEY ARE LOW. 1 HA IIS S.CHI MOW Tf you are lntrtfl In any number f either Krude or retfUtei ahfep ot .hm fullowlntf hreda: llMnipkhli. ShropMhtre, TJnculn. Rom rty, Cotawold, Ilaniboulvtte, or any iTOBK. Write us quick what you wnnt. OHKGON UVKSTOC'K COM. CO. Rox 61. North Portland. Oregon. SheeiMetalWork OF A I.I, KINDS J. II. SINNIGER 110 OAK UTItFKT PIIONF. -I2S BATTERIES! Chevrolet Cars S26.00 and (38.00 Bulck Car... 130. 00 aud $46.00 For Other Car P.ites oa Application. MOTOR SHOP GARAGE Agency Bulck and Chevrolet 441 N. Jackson Bt, lloneiourf . DOUOI.AS COU.NTV TAXIDKILMY A.NU TA.NMNU C'OMI'A.N Y. Tnnnera nf furs, taxidermist of heads and all kinds of animals Manufacturers of furs, shoulder throws, muffs, fur coats and cap. J. W. LANGr.Nllr.KU, Prop. All work ffiinranteed. Ordera taken at S. K. Slykes' hardware store, or ildress P. O. Ilo 8S7. Roseburg. Heinline-Moore CONSERVATORY MUSICAL K I NDtftCARTt H. VOICE AND VIOUN Physical Kdtiritiion, Including new feature of Indian (lulu and Wand Irrllls. How We Care For Your Meat Cars When you see a Swift Refrig erator Car going by in a train, it seems a simple thing that it should be carrying fresh meat up and down the country. Like most of the packer activities which contril ute to your welfare, you are so used to having this going on uninterruptedly, day in, day out, throughout the year, that M you are likely to take it as a matter of course. But it is not a matter of course. Every car you see going by means long hours of . minute, scientific, painstaking care in prep aration for what it is doing. Every time a car comes in it is washed out thoroughly with scalding water. If any taint, any foreign matter, were present, this would get rid of it. Even the meat hooks are taken down from the racks and scalded with water and live steam. When the car is thoroughly cleansed we put in 5,000 pounds of ice. But that is only preliminary. It only cools the car to the proper temperature. By the time the car is moved over to receive its load, this first ice is melted. More is then put in to keep the car cool. Then the meat is hung on the sterilized hooks and the load of food is teady for its journey. It arrives as it leaves, clean, fresh, wholesome, appetizing; and your meat supply goes on unaffected by seasons or weather. This is only a part of the service which Swift & Company furnishes, at a profit to itself so small averaging a fraction of a cent per pound on all products over a period of years that if the profit were handed on to the consumer, it would make a difference of less than a nickel a week in tho meat bill of the average American family. Swift & Company, U. S. A. 1KiAN TUN, SI'ltlXG DKIJV'KKY. These ure not sprout pluata, Joint plants or uprunKle tip plant. They are flint cluss tips. Also have straw berry plants und ail kinds fruit trees. Better book your order uow. . 11. L. Kl.I.ld Three nillea west of Rosoburs;. NOTICE TO FAR.MIlKH. We want fresh frull of all kinds. Will pay top market price. Ilut th fruit must be clean aud flrat-class in all respecta or we do uot want any of it; we use only the best grades. FOIITCH'H CONFECTIONERY. FOR ANTHRACNOSE USE Sherwin Willams "Fungo Bordo" a directed and you will be ph-anod with renults obtained. "S. A W. Fungl-nordo, the perfect dry Bordeaux mixture concen trate, U a dry powder. I'reven ta danger of freezing, or of drying out. Compounded ao that you can uhh cither the 3-3-60 or 4-4-60 formula. Call or tend for a foldur allowing how to uae. You will find Fungl Ilordo not only a great convenience but a moa effective form in which to use Bordeaux mixture. A aupply Juat received. Churcill Hardware Company P. 8. Don't forget to call for Pruning Compound folder also. BETTER SERVICE Our new equipment In the bottling department makes It possible for us To give you prompt and efflrlent service. Sodas of all flavora also l.uxo In bottle and kens. tOSfJIRG DAIRY AND SODA WORKS PMO.t K 1 84 WE SELL Edison MAZDA LAMPS Douglas County Light"and Water Co. TV"