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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1920)
i I BOIEBCIiO NkWi - KEVIKW UPMi iillr Ritfffl liadar, B. V. Batea U Wlmfcrrlg Bert O. Half SUB8CKIKTION RATE3 Dally, per year, by ikII H00 Daily, six months, by mall J. 00 By Carrier, per month 60 The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the us fur republication of all nwa dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited In this paper and also the local news published here in. All rltfhta nf rrtthlli-ailnn nf mi. clol dispatches herein are also reserved, f Entered ti aacondciasa matter May 17. 120, at the pus I office at Koseburg. Oregon, under the Act of aaarch 2, 11 K. IfiMH'liuiy. Unym. October 12, lSO E Montaville Flowers Will Be Here on Oct. 22 Says Announcement. WELL KNOWN AUTHOR i WARNING Holders of U. S. LIBERTY 4 percent HONDS of the SECOND ISSUE should convert be fore November 15th and holders of the First Issue 4 Percent Bonds should convert before December 15th, which are the last days of grace for conversion into i'A percent bonds of the respective issues. FitURE 10 (XCtUUCt Will USUI! Ill LOSS Of MARKET MlUC The Roseburj National Bank Rosebur.Ore. m Hum Served In Five I'rtvdtk'i.tlal i'lUiiipjilKiiH tut Sfieuker anil Writer ne nf i'ltuiitry'a Fnrentoht Orutit. Information wan received hre to day by tho Douglas county republi can central commltfe to the effect thut Hon. Mniitavilli Flowers, of Log Angclos, C'nllfornta, will Hpak In thin cily on Friday, October 22. Moniavilli Flowers diaeu risen the lHHtics of tint campaign from the standpoint of a rWlahln publicist who for yt'urs has bin rncognlzed as an authority on national and Interna tional affulrs. Ills books on theno subjects have had wide acceptance as sources of fact and as npoml.-a of sound Ameri canism. This Is the fifth presidential cam paign In which b has served the na tional republican coruinitleo as writ er and speaker. As a speaker he long lias stood In the front rank of A tin rican orators. Thcrf are men wno think profoundly others who write well and others who speak ac ceptably Mr. Flowers possesses In superlative def-reo all (hone qualifica tions, and the national committee ha sent him to represent (he party in Its most Important debates and speeches dunnjf this campaign. His interview, "ImprcHstons of Senator Harding," hnn been printed and widely dialributed flfl the best short characterization of our candi date. The Union League club of Chicago was ho Impressed by his ad dreHs there entitled, "To Preserve Us a Nation," that they have put It In pamphlet form for use amoiiK th" workers In the cuiiipnlgn. "The RieateMt political addresf slime McKinley'n time." was the ver dict of 3&U0 men of the pood roadtt criiiveiitlmi at ljinKliig. Mlehlenn, he fore whom Mr. Flowers talked nl innHt two hours on September 1 Uth. This verdict Ih reported everywhere. No finer, fuller, c barer exposition nf the meaning of this campaign will j be heard than that which Monta vllln Flowers In now giving. Demo-I crats and republicans alike are bene- fitted by it. Local welding establishments have at aeveral times throughout the past year been hindered in their work be cause of their Inability to obtain ihlpinents of acetylene gas. Mr. Cal kins hasjiow Installed a plant where by he can generate sufficient gas to i supply several welding torches and will be In a position to do this work at all times. Her latest and greatest production, Naziiuova, coming Liberty. Committee Fights Vnrrinatinn Rill overcome. and prolong OH, DEAR! HY BAC21 Marciful Heavens, how my back hurts in the morning I " It's all due to an. over-abund ance of that I poison called; uric acid. ThA ltirlneva. are not able Wm, to get rid of it. Such con ditions you can readily Arm Is Lacerated Caught by Wheel Bvrur.nus. ore. Oct. is. mm. Dollle Newsworthy 8Uialn-d a badl lacerated fort-arm shortly after noon yesterday when the ale. v of her wiilst.caught In Hi- gearing of an ap ple grader at the local I''""1 Oregon Growers' aseix-iutloii. Mrs .Newsworthy. who was employed on (he sorting table of the grader with a number of others, was reaching ver to one of the carrier belts when the left sleeve of h. r aist caught in a gearing, drawing her arm Into the cogs in an insiaut. Her screams a; tracted the attention of her co workers, and as quickly as possible the power was thrown off and Hi1 machine stopped. As soon as the shirt sleeve was cut away and the arm released, the Injured woman was taken to the office of Dr. (lallemore. who found that while ihc forearm had been badly lacerated no bones were broken. The Incomparable coming Liberty. "Naziiuova," At a meeting hold at I lie high school lust night a committee con stating of Loriene Coulee, Vivian Orcutt, Frances Humphrey, Irmu Shields, Clinton Cameron and llur ton II til ton wus appointed to repre sent the student body In the handling of the lyceum course at the high school this season. The student body and music club am co-operating in bringing the lyceum course to Kose liurg this yeur and the profits are to be given to tiiu iiigh school. TfiiL Even Breath Is To "Be Tested" SKATTLK. Wash., Oct. 11 An ulcoholic breath will make Its owner liable to appearance before a federal Judge, provided prohibition agents and agents of the department of Jus tlce desire testimony from the own ers according to announcement to day by Hohert C. Saunders, district attorney. The district attorney has dlrcov- ered that section 30 of title 11 of the ; national prohibition act provides that j III) ieillll Hllilll Hit I'UfUHI'd I I 11(11 Hp penrliiK and testify to having had a w j Wrlght.of nillard. who spent drink of any alcoholic lliiuor In whlcn a f,.w ,, thl Blllnlep l the he Is believed to have iln I.H..-.I . A yun Klamath country, is back home, ray of cheer Is provided in the sec-1 i.,, ,.,, lh ,..,i,,,r )u ,,i life by taking "Anuric" (anti-uric-acid). Thla can be obtained at almost any drug store, in tablet form. When your kidneys get sluggish and clog, you suffer from back ache, sick-headache, dizzy spells, or twinges and pains of lumbago, rheumatism or gout; or sleep ia disturbed two or three times a night, get Dr. Pierce'a Anuric, it will put new life into your kidneys and your entire system. Send Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., ten cents for trial package. San Francisco, Calif. "I have used Dr. Pierce's remedies in my family for fifteen years and have found on every occasion that they rave satisfactory results. Recently was troubled with my kidneys and my back constantly pained me. I took three packages of Dr. Pierce's Anuric Tablets which removed all pain and cleared up conditions. I advise every one to give Dr. Pierce's remedies a fair trial." Mils. E. Eve, 422 Braiinon Street. Brazing Plant Makes Improvement Howard OalkliiH, (if the Kosehurg Welding and Brazing works, ha completed the Installation of an acetyl, lie generating plant which lie will me in cnmetim with his work. such persona shall not he subject to prosecution or penalty for taking the drink. "I am wearied of filing Informa tion against liquor law violators." said the district attorney In in int. ril ing. "1 Will piuce ait bin n i.i.i. before the gmnd Jury, which will soon reconvene, and will have them (junction all such persons." Instructions Issued to the federal prohibition force Snlurdny ine ui th: t when hotels or madhouse, or otiu r places serving liquor are raiUid. the palio.m will not be allowed in de part (juicily, as heretofore, b it will be detuliud, (f netesrary, as witnesses. pretty w inter. v east of the mountains. UAII.V UKATIIKII RKI'OKT, U. J. Wrnthrr Hurrau, lfcol office nhttrjr. Orciron. ?4 hours n1fng 6 u III. 'n'tni'vn In ni r.f.! T itlrrdths HIkIi'hI (eliiii'rnture V.-Htoril y i,h I't-rnt'".' i tst niKl.t . . . 4;. .Hi El. ho ifr 7 1 71 1 Mini pi .1 .11. , : . . i. ,1 mi ni li . t .0 I Nunnul pre.'lp. for thin liionl'i.... 2.61 !''" ' ' prt-elp. from Si-pt, I, 1W:'iI. to ti tlnte U - pr.'. lp. from f-Vpt. 1. MT7 2 07 Tiitiil ,-x i'Uh from Sfpt. 1, l!-Ji... .t . .me pi tv I pit 11 1 Ion for 4?. wet S'-fiMoint (Sttpt. to Miiv. liicl. 47 Kort-eant to g p. in. for liiuh western County Bill Allowed Following Is the list of claims as paid by the County Court of Doug las county. Oregon at their regular session, held Otiolier 4, ISiO. Kd Moser, labor dist. No. I 12.0" Janus Morgeiisen, labor, Disl. No. . 1 4. II n Forest Emmit, labor, IMsl Xo. 1 4 0" James ralmateer. lahor, liist. No. 1 4.00 Victor Illakely, labor, Hist. No. 1 32.00 Guy King, labor Hist. No. 2 114.00 John Krlckson lalior, liist.. No. 2 61.00 S. T. Smith, lnlior, DUt. No. 2 70.00 Chas Krlckson, labor, Dist. No. 2 63.00 H. A. Illakely, labor. Dist. No. 2 96.00 Owen Carmony, lalior, Dist. No .2 53.00 Lorrls Singleton, labor, Dist. No. 2 54.00 C. S. McCollum, lal'or, Dist No. 3 108.00 C. F. Jackson, labor, Dist. No. 3 4.0" C. ChrlsterBon, labor, Dist. No. 3 SK.oe H. C. Miller, lalior, Dist No. 3 36 00 Kd Miller, labor, Dist. No. 3 14.0U W. H. Smiley, labor, Dist. No. 3 16.00 Kmery Dailey, labor, Dist. No. 3 24.00 USE SLOAN'S TO WARDOFF PAIN You carl just tell by its healthy, Btirauhiting odor, that It ia going to do you good "jF I only had some Sloan's Lint I mentl" How often yuu'vc saij that! And then when the rheu matic twinge subsided alter houm of suffering you forgot itt Don't do it aain get a bottle to day and keep it handy for possible use tonight) A sudden attack may come on sciatica, lumbago, sere muscles, backache, stiff joints, neuralgia, the pain9 and nclics resulting from expos ure. You'll soon find warmth and re lief in SI aii's, the liniment that ptnc trates without rubbing. Clean, econom ical. Three sizes 35c, 70c, $ 1 .40 I 4 r i m ck-r- f Painsl Surely, Swiftly, Sacrificingly Veilly, the saoilflce Is at the floodlM.-! Wntrh. lint wall not. fr n,,, -idvi- are l. tlle ih.. .;i . . known as the largest and , varied in IMse g. ,el, l.r.'"': Z, m'o ,?;;,::,;'!m(rrrC,"ml'"P Our Lowering of Prices Lures! The peoiile of Itoseburg are .ml slow to uiulersiai d. When Fisher's annnunr.Hl n racrifiio sale "ii" m.Me n. i. in , iieiow ine iioriiini pi ice. itiry ru in flol'i regular iirices or these good vere and vi Is riflponslble. At no other store are theie article we have in stock reg ilarly. This fore that would embrace ine normal price, tin y cu n, f,,.. far and wide mid they a n . i drive, r l 'v i V I .ere nulck to Hippreclate the lowering of p- ,e Hint is L t ,., ., , , ' . k'"'W h s is a guarantee of l, stand.,,,) M..ali,y. 11,, e;.,: shop, .., a'w v g, u ' , , '""'" '? e puichase now jour ne.d.i an.l !slt our slo.e , verv div. bargains. There- Special Men's Overcoats! For a few days, we will haves line assortmeni of pen's over en,.. You should see our wit, these hnrguliis. Our last shipment lasted but one day. Th. re ce again a limit, . I numli you will see us at oncp. you may gel one of 11. . .. line l-.ui, ...i!i. They are all wool h. a coats, of the right color and style. w for rut if belted These Overcoats ffi23.5Q m'ThcuL Shoes, Sweaters, Outinjrs. Dress Goods, Und'rwear Corsets. All La dies' and Child ren's Wearing Ap parel on Sale. III! Ill ll "Where All Folks Like to Trade" H A Store With Ideal, Quality, Economy ' T. - lT1 . . " " 1 Fashionability OAJtVYvA) The Storo That is Making Trices Lower j TERENCE MAC SWINEY ' - "'h 1 vr Terence MacSwiney, lord mayor of Cork, who, starving himself to death In a London prison, raid: "I am confident my death will do mors to smash the British empirs than would my release." Itussell Dailey, labor, Dist No a Warren Johnson, labor, Dist No. 4 Con Townscnd, lauor, Dist. No. 4 John Wrue, lolior. Dist. No. 4 U. Ashworth, labor, Dist. No. 4 I. R. Dailey, labor, Dist. No. 4 Mary Orulibe, lalior, Dist. n Hard Sawyers, labor, Dist No. 6 Yale Orublie, labor, Dist No. 6 'leorge Klliol. labor, Dist. No. 6 'lard Sagaberd, labor, Dist. No. fi I.eo Andrews, labor, Dist. No. 6 J. liurchard. labor. Dist. No. 6 Yale, labor, Dist. No fi 'lard Sawyers, labor, Dist. No. 6 H. It. Tavlor, labor, Dist. Nn. 7 3. P. Fenley, lalior. Dist Nn .7 Kd. dates, labor, Dist . No. 7 Walt Haines, labor, Dist. No. 7 r. n. Rader, lalior, Dist Nn. 9 Mode, labor, Dist. No. 9 (To Be Continued.! 4.00 38.00 540.. 24.00 12.00 31.50 38.00 38.00 38.00 24.00 56.00 8.00 15.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 10.00 8.00 8.00 16.00 8.00 Committee to Handle Lyceum The On Rim coininittrp for the pro eciion public h;i)th was formu lated y. Htcrduy to fiKht the initiative ucaKurt' known as tho anti-compul-ory vaccination measure1. Uepre--ntativt s cf tho Oregon state board of health, city hoard of health. Ore iron Tuberculosis association. Ore-pen Social Hyth ne society, Portland Min sierial a-;so -iution, city, county and itatt niediial socieii's and other or 'anizatinin interested in public health and welfare, met yesterday at i he Ilenon Imtel in Pnriland to dis cuss the measure, Plans were made for a systematic campaign against I lie hill, since the newassoelat'im states that It con siders the bill "not only a direct at aek on smallpox vaccination, but an attack upon all other kinds of vac cination, inoculation and medication iow used as a preventite of or a cure Tor communicable diseases." W. M. Miller, adjustor for the North River Insurance company, is in this riiy adjusting the loss by fire of the automobile belonging to V. H. Davis, of Winchester. Rice & Rice, of this city, carried the insurance. WHITNEY WARREN CLASSIFIED A IX MCW CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS ,. . PAGB INDEh HEADING Xtw Ut i WANTED. W'ANTKD Vox trrlr pup. 560 PUrer St. Phone 402-Y. WAN'TKU Typing to do at hum. Ap ply Mil N, Jac-ksun W ANTKD Apple plckt-rs. Apply lo Mrs, Ott. tJmpqua il otel. VANTi:i Apple packers. Tel. 7, or cii 1 1 h I 12 1 Bo. Stephe m t. W A N T K I Turkeys, largw or small. Hoywr Hros. Fhune 14-K14. WANTKU A hlh schooT girl to work for Iut room and board. Inquiry 'l N Main St. APP1.K PH'KERtf WANTKD L, L! Milliner nd Son. Phunw Zi-t'2, or vail at raiK'h HK1H Bt'HoOU Klrl wants place to Work fur board und room and small w:ikcs Phune ll'i'J. W A NT K I Ala n to work o n ranch,' Kood money for the rttfiit man. Ap ply to Sam Htrlcklvr, ll. 1, Kosebur-, Hot ny. OATrf WANTKD About 100 bushels. Htate price and grade. Must be reas onable, it. It. Wood, Box ll'VJ, Roat.-buif. WANTED To borrow on rive years time. Will give first luortgaice on ranch. Address Levi Spalding. Azalea, Oregon. W'ANTKI Experienced man for gen eral work on farm. Must be 30 yeai a or older. Addiess K. M., care News He view. WANTED 2 apple sorters, preferahly those who have had experience. Tents for campers or transportation. ..Phone 31 -Fa. Overland Ore ha r ds. WANTKD Olrl of experience for gen eral housework, liood wages, mod cm (uiivenlences. f ji mil y of two. Mih. J. t'. Aiken, 2i3 Jso. Main. Phone 41-J. WANTKD To rent a email unfur nished house, or two unf ui nlslied or Iiui ily furnished houKekeepIng 4ooms ' a quiet couple. Addluss liox 30 7, city. WANTKD Apple pickers. Wages 4i cents an hour for men. 35 cents per hour for women. Meals at bunk houss If desired. Tents for campers. ( iverland Orchards. Garden Valley. WANTED Frulis, vegetables anrpro dm e of all klnti.4 In considerable quail titles. Address communlcat ions tt Dunham's Cash Store, Nwrth liend. Ore., stating quantity, quality, kind of package uui-d, and when Hhlpment t'an be made. KOK It K.N T. Hilt uriNT SaTety deposit boxes. Itoaebtiig National Bank. l-'idt KENT 2 Rood, fa rife furnlbhcd rooms. Call ill W. Alosher Ht. Full RENT Furnished room, with l.:ith. 4til South Main t. Foil KENT Pleasant sleeping room".' Call mornings or evening. 311 K. Oak street. Foil RENT Furnished bedroom and but h In private family. Z2i West Douglas. FOU ' RENT Two front r""oins for udults only. Eight housekeeping. Hu N. Parrot t St. Ft HI REN T A bout r.Ocrea. or tvuTn t sumeoiie to put In crops on sharv. Mrs. P. Sinnott, 2nd Ave. South. FOR RENT Farm at Olalia. or wRI sell on easy terms. Apply to Mrs. .1. P. Denn, 315 Chadwlck St.. Itusuburg. Ore FOR R ENT Furnished hoiiHekeepiiTg apart men ta and sleeping rooms. Rosehurg Apartments, Main and 1 -oiifjlu. Phone .MISCK1J-AM201S. iRDERS TAKEN Tor red fir una ken. Ross W. Gilbert, Rice Creek, DHliud. Oregon. To EXCHANGE 40 acres 1 1 1 nbTTVi n d . miles wi'st of Myrtle Creek. LOST Truck a , SgrF I-Oil SA1.K-j-iiSfc,,. toil BALKrS.-.jrrJJsW;. tint SAi.K-wiTf-cr; rr-rs-l Foil hai.r riirtiire--r-, . "-'nn-w - . roil JS U.K oitTKMTErrrr llarxar,l A, ., lt,et;u" foil BALK KilJ.-.-.-r-r . Foil SALK fiTr ftouijir" Addttk.ii, caay terini i? u Main St. y 1 "" l.', tit u i i ,.. I : : . Itood wood ra.k, I5N e if. 1 FOK SALK-,looJhS7rSnr baMU'Su. win ... .M -'ll 21K North . - ' " 41 " Jiu i n a ANOOllA UCCKBToTnGTEr doea. rvii Uterad nk 7 . .. . iur sail does, registeroa stock, imiti ,.. . fOU SAi-Kb-room duuh. tiTkl trait. ifardL-ii. iitfBn i,.? l -qufre News-Revit-w. oi..r. ifum or genii wj good workers. Koou cofJi 2 about L'Kuw: lli.ti tu,m V1 John Klieat, Itoseburg. i oil l ive ryum bungalow "1 Half down, balance on tenu J property at ;5 E. 8lxth 8t FOR SALE Good modern hoSTtf age. barn, woodshed, ch'rkei CI Iiuit. 2 lots. Easy terms, fe j ....... iiuin jvjiqifri fa-j I ,, ' i'rajer, i orvUrd..i chickens, almost new w'tzoi kl orley. Vinnlonn. FO K HA 1,E Veariing iumUiJ rams that will Hhear it to In ItTl line white wool. Will it 11 oh 1 carload. Prices right. F. ff . Hr J Ashland, Oregun. 1 1 oil .LK Delicious and SiuU apples the apples thut hiit j equiil 40 cents a box and up, U' orchards; bring your own boit j i, iitwm, is roiH way. It clung property. Phone 2HJ-W. Mo.NEV TO LOAN 2'-year rurai credit f?rin lonna, low Interest rate. $:i0,uu0 local money to loan on good teal estate. First mortgage, rioe M. F. Rice, of Rice & Rice. STRAYED 1 white Fox Terrier with lia t head and ears and lla k spot on Hide; sear on hock Joint on hind 1-K. Answers to the name of "Sklp ' per." Iast seen on Winch enter bridge at fi:30 on Saturday evening, o t. th. Suitable reward. J. P. h. Wilbur. Oregon. TAKEN CP Sept. i'4. lyi'tl, one red heifer, end off both ears and notch in tindeiMide of left ear. Taken up, o t. 4. ll ju. one red and white spot led stetT, end off both ears. One red and white spotted heifer, llt In end right car. Two red heifers, end off both earn. All two years old or old er. Owners of this stock can have Bit me by paying all damages and ex-p'-nxes. Buaenbark Bros., Melrose, Oregon. LOST AND FOUND. Fc dN'D Crank for auto. iwjoks like For.!. Apply at Hits office. FOR SALE one Ford touring cir, ttf roru irut K, one huk-k lur u others, all In good cunditiM. will sururlne vuu. i L'mpqua Auto Shop. WlnLbfWft FUR QUICK SALE lo acres ty road; city water: 3fe milff L' J Rosehurg; 5-roum huusa. Un ul chicken ranch. AUOrru naie, care rtews-Heview. Foil oALK itusetiura bivwm five blot ks of cetUer of city. r4 erty now bringing M.M mi A stues owners uuarttri, on tt'i Btreet, paved sidewalk ana f J in and paid. AIho otht-r pnprM Deal with owner at 814 Win.bci FxiR SALE 7i acre fruit rastk. t trees, peach, pear, prune and pH nil stock and impltrnenis, H-od b. A In KB, pure Kprlng water, vn rv i liigliway; ttivou crop tills )tr.pM orchaid lust Mm! : nto Price for quh-k sal, Li.&rt- I Jvilext, itoseourg. FOR SALE 5-room modern benp 1 close In on uaved utret-t, wila i In features, large screened-in psf breakfast room, garage, ator for fruit. This property mm i j seen to appreciate its value M A nrf.,rA at d sni.rin,' tar OUitt i $i-fi50. Some terms can be hl Sj W. A. Rogard Real Kutate Ca. 1 ('as- St. & CITY NEWS j Th Incomparable coiniiij; Liberty. The Incomparable coming Liberty. "Naziiuova, "Najimova,' Cull annles lor sale Cb'IP ll ' A ranch; bring your sacks. L. L. Bcl West Roseburg. For County ClerC VOTE Her latost and greatest production, Naziiuova, coming Liberty. Miss Verney and Miss Mollle Taul, rmiiK iiy of Iowa, who have been nniklng an extended visit with their brother, W. G. Paul, who resides near this city, left this morning for Los Angeles, where they expect to make their home. Quality Whltn, w.rrcn, des:Bner of the -rand Central t.rmin.l ,d mJn, large New York h8tel,. h reMve a cablegram frem Gabriel. d'Annun. ". h. hld , American reprttl.!., of th, Fju Oovemment Mr. w.rren I, . chlm. ,nU,0.,.,! ,U"": "U """ UI Uld " " o When . t.lln. a..,, K?vou are assured of the highest lualtty all-wool material, thi finest of workmanshiD. ami iinooth, unwrinkled, fitting lothes at the lowest Dosslbl' price. This Is oui' guarantee Now that Fall la here don't on think today would ba o,l time to order your Fall xiit and Overcoat? rrrm r. h. lenox I a 1 I election which a cnarantee for efficients as a public official as in the pad Your vote will b appreciated. 1 1 ,le. E. H. S Look! 2ijLook Xa houne One 5-room One 3-room One 4 -room One 3 -room One G-room One 4-room One 5-room One 4-room One 4-room One 5-room One 7-room One 5-room One 5-room One 5-room One 4 -room One 5-room Ore 5-room One 4-room One 5-room One 7-room i up tm $200. .hnUM house house house and IoM houe ti hourt with fuml" houe plantered house house house 2-story hoM houses house house house house house houf house house . if . I!" .. & 1" One s-room hou? a il HKLBIGCO. Vsv. Real Estate. InsaraaA Try Our Way Our Auto WIU CailL Phone 977. paMk i' BoscbarS, Or 1