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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1920)
Waiting for the Windfalls 01 p I Waiting for the Windfalls 4& rhk jn&&o mtM I relatives. I FUXKKTOX HKCKITIO.V. Movie Closeups AIIOI'M) THE TOW.V (i t'oml 4 i Harry I'lerce, democratic candi- duto for Hherirr, Wt lat night for K'vdnport and points In that vicinity CIiim at Yunralla I whiTit he will spend a wei'k or more Alias (iladys Strong left this morn- working In the Interest of hla earn ing for Yonrnlla, where shu has a 1 palgn. class In music. Will Enter Hospital J. W. Ieardorff and wife l. ft this morning for Portland, where Mr. Deanlorff will enter a hopltul to un dergo a surgical operatiou. To in rortliuid Mrs. L. 8. Taylor and children left tills morning for Portland to spend Here on HuhIhc Mrs. Cora Mciirlde. Held secretary grnciouHly accepted of the W omen s Heller Corps, spent : of flowers, presented ycuieriiuy in itoseourR vistting with menihers of tile local auxiliary and attending to her official duties. She left this morning for Cotluge Grove. Her home is in Portlund. The Fullertun P.-T. A. reception Friduy was a most enjoyable affair. The address of welcome wna given by the vice-president, Judge Kuller ton, and responded to by Mrs. Church and Supt. Hliniiu. Miss Smith, the county visiting nurse, also outlined her work. Miss llertha Kohlhagen large bouquet In recognition of her having won flrat prize at thejof the big W. V u. ..!..,,., lV.llaca Held lying In bed, a towel around his head and a pretty nurse and two doctors In at tendance This In the sight which would have met your eye bad you visited the Lasky studios recently. And you might h.ive wandered ir Wallace had paid the price at last for the reckless daring that he dis plays In those automolille racing pic tures of his. But you would have quickly learn ed a different story. Mr. Held was just making scenes for his new pic ture -Sick Alied." which will be at ih Aniiera theatre tonight. Not that !tha nicture in one of those depres sing dramas with half the cast dying off In the third reel. On the contrary. "Sick Abed Is one of the Held pictures ever screened. Wallie isn't 111 a minute, not even for film purposes. He Is Just shamming according to the story in order not to Incriminate a friend 'of his in a divorce suit. Ant the nice pretty nurse by his neusnie is none other than Hebe Daniels, the dusky beauty of ".Mule and Female." "Why Change your Wife". 'Sick abed will make real Invalids forget their pains and well folks will ro:ir with laugh ter. The liabe Ituth picture which was a part of the program at the Majestic theatre last night will be at the Ant lers tonight. These pictures are ex ceedingly Interesting as they show 111 "slow" movies, all of llabe Huth's famous twirls and swings, which have become the most interesting materials for psyrhuloglsts of late. A thirty piece orchestra and Claire Adams' own violinist supplied the musical atmosphere for the troupe of stars who appear In "Riders of the Dawn." Benjamin II. Hampton's production of the famous novel by Kane Grey, "the Desert of Wheat." Hut In spite of all this harmony, one of the stars often hud to supply the music for the rest of them. This was the star. Miss Adams herself. Miss Adams Is an accomplished musician, and occasionally she con sented to piny the piano for the mus lenl atmosphere for Violet Schraui and little Marie Messenger, when she herself was not re't'ilml in ihe scene Hrxlkinson release o . a few days visiting with friends and coming Liberty. The Incomparable "Nazlmova,1 tate fair for the best loaf of bread A piano solo and encore by Miss Ruth Wilcox and two vocal solos by Mrs. Win. lllney were much enjoyed. Light refreshments were served dur ing the Bocial hour. A lurge crowd was in attendance. Top Hole" You might say "bully," means the same thing. "immense" or "great" Means: "There was room at the top for a cigarette that can refresh a tired and much tired taste. And Spur's that cirrarette." In the new Spur blend you find : The richness of the full bodied Oriental leaf tem pered by the mildness and fragrance of Hurley and other choice home-grown tobaccos. It's a happy blend that brings" out to the full that good old tobacco taste. Just smoke a Spur and see. 20 5? Satiny Imported ppr. crtmtM. Mh an tMt.Jfiwu't. lowf-b-amin ttft rrlt A kiiiMt rrm "brown-t d Uvsw" pattac. wrtfc wko-mi, keep Sputa trmh mm4 frajraau tftfuis away p junto vt ikt Lejx Opposite her in tlio charming love Htory Is Hoy Stewart as "Kurt Porn" returned war hero, now whit ranch er. Other notables in the cast are J. .1. PowliiiR. Robert MrKlini, Mure Bobbins and Frederick Starr, ' The film version of this fumouH story as "Riders of the pawn" is the star at traction at the Liberty theatre to night. :"; The Joel opportunity to see Wil liam Fa rn urn's HiiprU work In Vic tor Hugo's "Lcs Miserables." will be today, as the Fox production bo widely discussed will be shown at the Majestic theatrt for the last time. The appeal of the picture is tremendous, for ii has a grandeur that touches the spectator In a way far beyond the reach of the average photoplay. Victor Hugo has been adjudged the greatest poet since the time of Shakespeare. His genius was divers and among his works Ih every form of literary creation. "Lea Miserables" is always placed at the head of hW achievements, .t b' classic in ichoM and leading i ti : itor,s hnv ."co mmended the ue ''f 'ho n'onip!ay in conjunction 'vith the mhi root,. Forest Service To Plant Trees One million trees will be plated by he forest service in the woods of district No. 1, near Missoula. Mon tana, according to an annoucement it headquarters here. Weather con ditions, it is Btated, are unusually favorable for the work. On Placer creek. 6 miles south f Wallace, Idaho, 400 acres will be planted in au area which was burn- d over in the disastrous fire of 1910 itnd which Is now free from brush and undergrowth. The trees to be planted are chiefly white pine and spruce from the nurseries at Haugan Montana. 6 . k f'f C? Ea L ,?J ! LODGE DUtECTOltV. I, O. O. F I'kloa ( Meets In Odd FeHw Temj.l very Thunday venlng. Vlsitln brethren alwayi welcome. JOHN IlEKSfc:. C. P. FUSTKK HL'TNKK. H. P. OLIVKH JOHNSON. B. S. JAMKd BWAKT. F. A EACil.KH hosetjur Aerie meets In thir hall on Jkon St. on 2nd au.l 4th Monday evwiiiK of each month Mt S o'clotk. Visltlns bretitren in good itandlrig alwa welcoroe. FKKD P. Cl.AKK. W. P. P. VICTOlt MH'tU.U, W. P. b K. liOOl'MAN. Secretary. tiM4.Hi OK P1TI11A Alpha LoUvte No. 47, met eveiy Wednenday even Inc. cor. Jackson and Cans Ste. Visit or always welcome. HOY O. YOl'Na. C C. CHAS F. HUl'KJNS. M. F. E. K. WIMUKftLY. K. R- S. LOYAL OltDKIt OK MOOE Roseburg Louge No. 1U3 7. mets second an' fourth Wednesday evenliiKs of ea h month at 8 o clot k fn the Moose hall. All visiting brothers are invited to attend. C, W. CLOAK E, Dictator H. O. I'AltiiETKlt. tf-crWary. NKIiVIIUOIt S OK H (HIUI II A FT LI 1 ac Circle N. 4H, meets on 2nd and 4th Monday evening. Visiting neighbors Invited to attend. . EDITH CHTTKCHILU Q. N. TILLIK 1. JOHNSON. Clerk. U. 1. O. KLKN. Itonvburg Lvfluv Su. 3-tf Ho11h reKular conununicatlons at the Klks' 'ivinple on each Thursday of every month. All members re quested to attrhd reyulurly. and all visiting brothers are cordially In vited to attend. A. J. Lii.mritN. E. R. IHA B. ItlUl'LK. Secy wooimi-:. ok run wohlu Camp No. 115, meets In U1d Fellows' hall in Kosehurg every 1st and 3rd Monday evenings. Visiting neighbors al ways welcome. u. H. PICKENS, a C. M. M., Clerk. , (. O. h ItlMlng Star Lotlae St. 17 1, rnet'tD in riy km all. N. Jitrkxun St., every Friday evening. Visiting breth ren always welcome E. A. PETTKY. X. O. I. C. HI MI'IIHEY. Kec. S..C. II. W. SHAW. V. 7. M. FICKLE. Fin. Sec. O. K. N.. HwetiiirM Chuptrr No. H Hulds their reKular meeting on the lit and 3rd Thursdays ih each month, are respectf ully Invited to attend. LEON A A Hit A HAM, W. M. Fit EH JOHNSON. Soey. . 1'. A A. M.( Laurel LodKe . 13. Hepular cotninunlcatloiiit 2nd and 4th Wednesdays eat h nionth ut Musonic Ti'inple, Uoseburg, Ore. Visitors wel come. W. V. HARRIS. Secy A. A. vildi:k.v. m. ko-kik n; I.OIKib: o. ino:t, I nlted Hriherliwod uf Malntrnn-e of Wmj Kmployra and It nil May Miip Labor era Afrilinted with the A. F. of L. Mets at Moose hall the llrst Wid. f.nirth Sat. nights and third Sundays of each month. J. V. SMITH .President. W. J. MEKE1HTH, Itet;, Secy. CEO. MAC I VEIL Fin. Secy. U O. T. M. Harburic illvv .u. 11 holds regular reviews on second and fourth Thursday afternoons In Maccabce hall. Sisters of other hives visiting In our city are cordially Invited to attend our reviews. Maccabee ball on Cass street. LOt'ISE LOCKE. Com. JESS1K U A PP. Col HKIIKKA IIH H.ebui g Rebekah Lodge No. 41. 1. O O. K.. Meets In Odd Fel lnws' Temple every week on Tuesday evening. Visiting members In aoitd standing are Invited to attend. r.VA LENOX. N. G. HEI.LE STEPHENSON, Sec. ETHEL BAILEY. Fin. Secy. The H. II. K. I. A. I'nlon Meeting will be hold a I tliM Mac abee hall evt-ry tlrttt and third Wednesdays of tlie month. I. O. O. P.. IMiflrtnrlan l.odice Ku. K, meets a SykH hall, N. Jackson St . on Satin d.iy w veiling of cue week. Visiting brethren are always Wel come. LYMON L. SPENCElt. N. Q. A. 1. (1KDDKS, Itec. S'ec. J. B. BAILEY. Fin Sec. YOUR RENT IS RAISED ! Not when you have a home of your own. BUILD OR BUY If you want a house that was macU to suit someone else then huy. But if you like a real home, one better than llw rest hull,!. A builder of 25 years experi ence will placlly give estimates ami information. Call M new building. Cass a Chadwiek Sts., or at residence, 1133 Har vard Ave. Ill II.DKIt M. V. lll:iUill. i.i-i.r . .... j On. of the beauties mith Ketue of IlcTuea," Antlen Thunday night. Dr. R. P. I Bradford and Wife. Graduates and post-graduates of the ONest Charter ed College of Chiropractic n the world J have re-opened offices In the l'erklns Ulrig. i We use no drugs nor elec- tnclty. nothing but straight T Chiropractic, and have been ! wsnl for the p., ,en years In handling almost everv disease known to the human family. Office hour. t0 ,2; f and 2 to 5 p. m 1 Hesidencv in p. t om rttttt Kill That Cold'Wi CASCARA (QUININE Coldi, CoDghi AMD L Gri Neglected Colds are Dangerous ' Taka do ebancM. Kc.p this standard r.mody handy for th. a. Br.aka op a cold In 24 hour.-ReH,v Qrippo in 3 Jaya-Exc.ll.nt for HwdKh, Quinine In this form does not affect th. head Cur.- i . Laxative-No Opiate in Hill's. an Is bt Took ALL DRUGGISTS SLL IT Mr. Farmer Waterfy Your Home with the Leader Water System Home Water Systems Leaders in Fame as well as in Name. Come in and see us. Demonstration Outfit! UHLIG'S ELECTRIC STORE FOR ECONOMY MORE POWER and absolute RELIABILITY Wm haqo a ZvltK for ry Malor DEVANEY CQ. BURNETT Uoseburg, Oregon. Let Us Show You and Quote You Prices on UNIVERSAL Lighting Plants J. F. BARKER & CO., MPLEMENTS ROSEItrriG. OREGON AUTOMOBILES TRACTORS r b. Jim The DE LAVAL MILKER solves the rnilldng problem One man can milk tnree times as many cows in an hour wA a De Laval Maker otUut as by hand. It is the fasteit NW tnown, and it is always uniform in action and speei It is on the job weekdays Sundays and holiday?. "T like its uniform, pleasing action and give down their rnui rreef. The ownership of a De Laval Milker is a permanent insun that the cows will be milked in the same mann every P DEMONSTRATED AND SOLD BY 4 STEARNS & CHENOWETH YONCALLA, OREGON