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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1920)
WEDNESDAY, gBPTKHBER 1, IBM mm nmsa llOV SETS HTNTIXa RECOIID. liemcBQ nw Biranr ',onWEI8 bsvlug I ibelr I'"'. wye a - "".'.Lr.vs excha: i' HEAT. ... .oil 1 W " mid get muni handled HI1U n-- - " ilafactory ANGE, Inc. -;.ASS NOTICE til. V o. w oat " -.n Rosebu Mc.iuarr. If trned nol m wlth- . Jon" irg and caugnt i.t huv a home J .... f Itnseburg. see In the wai ter dav from Whir Ful m row noosm flS"" Vosbur.h. 702 i in-"" "",ind ,he head, JWNUW of blue. -j ftiiimiay. rnw AKP SSteop mkkttno ok bo. 0W nL Vtll AI.IZATION. Notice I. Hereby Jt. " u.Vj September 13, 1920. tno Kf Evaluation will attend al Klrthouse In Douglas county .5 nuMlcly examine the assesBmen' 1 ud correct all errors In valua- "inscription or qualities ol kris. lots or other property assess ? the rear 1920. " FRANK L. CALKINS. Cousty Assessor o y. rore to see J. A. Walker BIT KTihit farm. CITY NEWS G Arundel, owo nni'r. prions 1B9I WATKINS producls. 12 W. Lane flone 1J7-L. nA rnflnf t ffrPIlt ftrO. fTin Suit rparks are spread. Be earefit ttlb lire. riw itrniinT lives, nronerty ani hot. Be careful with Are. Inure arnlnst loss equip you- Inctors so they won't set fires. The Cbrni-y rhonocraph. the enl) phonoranli n;.nle that you absolute It cannot hear the needle or surfnet Boise on the record, for sale by Ott'f B-jilc Store. The hi? four, Edison Vklrols. Cheney and Sonura. BATTERIES! Ks 1 Bulck nattery atW.OO Us. i Hulck I'atlery $22.00 Ko. 1 Chevrolet nattory.ijafl.00 So. J Thcvrol. t Battery.. $:!0.00 For Other Cars P. ices ou Application. MOTOR SHOP GARAGE Asency llnlik mid CliCTrolet tl V jBi kx.n Ht. Kosehurg. JDDD & McMILLIN M.WK A FAD Promiscuous Bales, Variety Adds. 4ar ui0 tires are the Grant, to k our price 1 know you can't. "3. 112.40; 14.75; 'W4, $17. 50; tubes ,2.4; H sUes accordlnily. Ons ton Ford truck, model ': on real Ford ug; en 'Pjiea; on 5-year-old sow. All -. uf ana grain for fssd aid WB WANTS s wsut your hay, grain, Tatch, (aMt. Ste. Will ... u inMOBII.H GAKAGK "Sdo all ki,l r w. ...... '""onioblles. Oxy Acetylei. fRA.NSKEH WOltK h?Te trucks and sr. 'wred to do all kinds f kaul- ' " eaaonabls prices. ih!? Juet co",s a"d gif us a Si lm'n be " Phased. 'twlJl ""S you smile. 'ars tor Business, mam CASTORIA For I. it ""i miiarea MisoForOveraoYears ""TSbesrs Jack Wells, aged 15, of Camas Valley, was a visitor In Roseburg today. In spit of his age Jsok holds two very enviable buntlna r cords. Last year ha shot a cougar which measured S Vi feet. He was out looking for horses when be- saw the cougar orouched on the end of a log waiting to spring - on him. With a? cool deliberation the boy, who was carrying his father's rCfle, killed tne aiiunai wan one shot through -the heart. In the fall of the year be set another record by shooting two neer with one shot, lie was accompanied to Roseburg by his father. Ilert Wells, a well known packer and guide. The county court met today In the usuul monthly session and took up the audit of the routine bills. It Is expected that this term will be light as there are few matters to be deposed of. This is the term tot making changes In road districts but only a few minor alterations In boundaj-les are expected. XOTIt'E TO 1'lIll.IC. The partnership heretofore exist ing between A. G. IlelBer and Wtn. Peterson, known as the Deer Creek Lumber Co., Is by mutual consent this day dissolved. A. U. HelBer will continue the business as sole owner, to whom all accounts of the former firm are payable. Roseburg, Oregon, 8ept. 1, 1920. A. Q. HEIREK, WM. FETEHSON. TOMATO SALE. Beginning Aug. 31. T. B. Evans and Son, of Dillard, will hold a sale of tomatoes at their t gardens. No. 1 grade will sell at 50c per box; No. 2 at 30c per box. Sale will continue un til Sept. 8. and we will be In the field at all times to take care of the trade. T. B. EVANS SON, Phone 22-F42. Dillard I M11S. Ll'CV lKH'CETTK, of Mum-hestcr, X. 11., who says tdie JuHt no happy over the way Tanlac ro3tore4l her health, she can't keep from telling people .about It. T I 8 .mm "I am Just so hnppy over the way Tanlac has restored my health that I ;nn t keep from telliiiR people about it," said Mrs. Lucy Doucette, of 76 Stark street, Manchester, New Hamp shire, a few days ago. "I suffered so long with chronic Indigestion that I lidn t know what It was to sit down ind enjoy a single meal. My stom ach was so badly disordered I had to live on the strictest diet, and nothing seemed to agree with me. At times ny breath seemed to be cut off. and ( would suffer terribly for hours at a fitne. "I lost my strength completely and became so weak and run-down I would give out several times during he day and would have to stop and rest. I was extremely nervous and irritable, and Just felt like I would break down completely. "One dny I saw a statement from a friend of mine who said Tanlac had helped her wonderfully, so I was con vinced It was a dependable medicine ind I began taking It Immediately, and I am more than pleased at the splendid results. My r.ppetlte Im nroved rieht from tho start, and the horrible indigestion from which I suffered so long has entirely disap neared. "I have now finished my fourth bo' tle, an4 can eat Just anything I wish In 4 Trips Across America, Essex 4 Times Breaks Record Carrying U. S. Mail Between San Francisco and New York It Sets a Mark for Consistency of Performance and Reliability Never Equaled by Any Traveling Machine. The first test of an automobile carrying U, S. mail across the American con tinent was made with the light weight, moderate priced Essex. And it resulted in establishing the Essex as holder of the trans-continental record both ways.' The performance, while of momentous importance in the world of Fpeed and automobile sportsmanship, is of greater value to the motorist. For it removes all doubt about the reliability of light weight in the most difficult and haidest road service. UtnjAftrvmVWWVVViViVii" Records Prove What Owners Know Ocean to ocean automobile travel has not become so common as not to be of interest to all motorists regardless of the time re quired in making the trip. Hundreds of cars have sought to set new time records between San Francisco and New York. But it has not been an easy ac complishment. The records broken by Essex had stood for four years. It is not speed so much as absolute reli ability that counts in such a test. The car must keep going. No time can be allowed for delays. Roadside adjustments would make such a performance impossible. And it is because the Essex held to the task its drivers set and met every road situ ation with equal efficiency that it today holds a mark never equaled by a traveling machine. Your demands can not equal those made in the transcontinental trip. But you re quire equal reliance of your car, whatever the service imposed. You also have no time to give for repairs and adjustments when you have need for your car. You want to know that no road condition will impose a halt on your motor trip. And Essex has in the consistency of its perform ance obtained a distinction not shared even by the costliest cars. Doesn't It Prove What You Want? Light weight has meant economy of oper ation in fuel and oil. It has not particularly meant reliability, economy of maintenance, performance or comfort. But Essex reveals how these costly car qual.Jea are a part also of its advantages. You have the praise of close to 45,000 owners to guide you to the Essex. You have official records of its 50 hours top speed performance as to its reliability. You have its record of 1061 miles in 24 hours on Iowa country roads. And now you have this most coveted of all performances the transcontinental record made by four different cars. Can you hesi tate in deciding for Essex? First Essex San Francisco to New York 4 days, 14 hours, 4.1 minutes. Lowers Itecord Id hrs., 48 mln. Second Kvsex New York to Sun Francisco 4 days, 19 hours, IT inluutes. Lowers record XI lira., IS mln. Third Essex Hnn FrnnrlNCO to New York 4 days, 31 hours, SO minutes. Delayed by stomia and Sunday road congestion entering- New York. Yet did better by O hours. 35 minutes tlian former record holder. Fourth Essex New York to Sun Francisco 5 days lKMirs, 1.1 mlnutea. This car took a longer mute and also ran Into storms. Yet It broke the former record by II hours, 10 minutes. The average time for each of the four Essex cars over 884T miles Ocean to Ocean route was 4 days, 21 hours, 32 minutes. H.MEMTEN MOTOR CARS AND TRUCKS, Distributor for Southern Oregon without any bad after-effects. I also sleep better and have more strength and energy. It Is a pleasure to tell others what Tanlac bas done In my case." Tanlac Is sold In Roseburg by W. P. Chapman and by tha leading druggists everywhere. IROSEBIRIJ-CUUSVAIIFV STAGE Two Doiiystages RO'w-'r leave wows., w-.-ir. .'. sas ii'sansl -tt -cil tr.D : , ":45 nd 11 ,l,-ARr.r.) i rup. Education Pays FOR THE INDIVIDUAL AW re Tsl 8TATB A P.rson with No Education baa snt Ost ktlf f Rssdsr Distinguish gsrvln t tts mil With Common Scbssl MosaslSB With Blah School MsssMsa. With Csllsg swsosXon. CssaarM I? SXSHI tti kaassa Are You Giving Your Child HU Chance? M9T THOPB PTATR8 AP.B WEALTH WW MAT AT WTf IN SDSATlsn OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE Throogh s "I.lral sn FrsMles! dooflmr" "'J .I"JS m"" and Young Wsnaa tor Vssfsl asnst e4 Boissntlal l i.. , - , mk At vsrbiss Mrarw sKJasiTs rimrnr rtlARMACT rnnsMTItY TsUTTS)Ati AltaW wlrOTijT'TsNw:. " Bissatuts at a ItaaSarS T!i Trstnlns- Includes rnrnwu mZTJmiTt urinKP.N lIn'GDagi. ART anltks Ols ssastats T.shnlMl Osllsg 0s FALL TERM rBSIS 1BPTHIB S MS, II mm. FOR INTORMATiefl WRFTB THE REGISTRAR, Oregon Agriculturtl CoDeje; Cenalli, Oregon CONSULT in Private With Chas. Clifford ;j t--'.-"' , . Anjjjci?rentost nieilluin. nw lire to nun is ns m" "i-u -r, He reads yon from the cradle to the grave. Here this week only. See htm at once. Reception room 8ft, Douglas Hotel. LIDS WANTF.D. Dlds will be received by the under signed for the erection of a gym nasium or plnyshtd. Plans and speci fications may be had from the clerk. Board reserves right to reject any or all bids. Ten per cent of amount of bid to accompany the bid. E. II. RUSSELL, Clerk Wilbur, Oregon. New fall toata In wood brown, heather, tensellone, taups grsy. Pekln blue, Friday and Saturday. Bell Millinery. If you want te sail your property, see J. A. Walker. 1S Cass 8t. Fkeas (1. HUNTER AND GUIDE! Pa ok harass furnished. Write far dates. ItaatT WHLI4, flasnaa YaHer, r. HIGH SCHOOL HKCilSTRATION. All persons desiring to enter Rose burg High School this fall will be required to register at the principal's office the week before Bohools opens. Seniors will register Monday, Sept. 6. Juniors Tuesday, 7th. Sophomores Wednesday 8th, hours 1 to 6 p. m. and 7 to 9 p. m. Freshmen will rg- ister all day I nursoay ana rrni forenoon. Classes begin September i 13. All students should register be fore the above da'e. whether they In- tend to be In srhool tho first two . weeks or not. Those who fail to do i hi. n.nv tint he bIiIo to enter tho! classes of thnlr choice. 8tudents most give number of their home district at registration. C. H. McKNIOHT, Principal. ' Fall millinery opening at Bellows store. Thursday. Frl- day and Saturday, September 2nd, 3rd and 4th. FIRE! Protect your premlftes with hni eattltiicuitiher. Itpnifiuber, "An oiuir of prevention la north m pound of cure.' In this raxe reTnlkn te miwll C4t, only $2.40 and up, e cortllnK to how tluvniutfh job wlnh to make it; $2.00 will ko far to help protect that auto. Mr. Irrer Man, dont forget that It nutjr twtftgUMid whole, eeaaon's work to have one of theee ennven lent. fltnniiard for home tue, $2.00. fttjuidnnl for Atito. 92.5A. Johnn-MAnvllIe, a pump, $10.50. j,'if .,." .-ti CHURCHILL HARDWARE COMPANY i