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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1920)
mow rotrn ROunvna jfBwi ngviKw mkosbupav, KWr;Mri..B i imp 9 0 at.L oa 'SOU'.; .XiM! Buzzing on the Limited West-O! PETE ME BOY ! If you ever did have doubt in your peppy old soul as to how Camels stand nationally, take a fly over the country 1 Gee, every time I swing around I see men smoking Camels or buy ing Camels or talking Camels 1 Every news paper and magazine flashes Camel ads ! Every billboard spills a scream about Camels I Pete, you never can beat Camels expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos I Certainly does put it over either kind smoked straight I And say, do you get that mild Camel '"i body I Oh gee, Pete, fire-up another Camel That's the answer I Now listen: I'm going to draw up some Camel ads and shoot 'em in and I'm going to tell the world whats-what about Camels I Bet you I can clean-up on a job like that and it's all in spiration right from Camels themselves I For instance, Pete, I'm slapping this sketch down here to put you wise Sav-vy ? I'll tell 'em old pencil, I see the point I I'll drop you a line from Chicago and tell you 'morel I'll have a baleful of stunts by the time this letter blows into your hands I And you know me, kid I Mat. Alive LISTENJ- Camels Oil! Mrs. Sualo Bowers, of Eugene, Is a guest of Mra. J. J. Cawlfleld this week. special notice. All merchant and members of the Koseburg and Douglas County Merchants' -sricl&'.loii wiH close their places of bust- urn Labor Day. Monday, tbn sixth. The banks will be cloned and there will be no Issue of the Roaeburg Nowa-llevlow. Secretary, Merchants Anon. Fall Millinery Opening. Friday and Saturday, Sept. 3-4. Hell Millinery. DANCE. Edsnbowar hall, Thursday, Sept. 2. Good floor, good aiualc and a good time. AIlOU.Nl TUB TOWN To Marliflcll Mra. L. W. Crocker, of Roaeburg. left thla afternoon for Murshllold, where she expects to make an ex tended visit. Itl urn Home Mra. II. U. Clarke, of Oakland, was a btialnoaa visitor in Koseburg this morning, leaving for her home on the artnrnoon train. Lenves for Olynipln Charles dough, who resides east of the city, left hint night for olym pla. Washington, where he wns called on account of the serious 111 neFR of Mr daughter. To 'Vnilleton Mfss Knthryn Pe Voo and Mips V. liming left thla afternoon for I'on dleton. whero they will visit with Miss Ilealng'a parenta. Mlns Rosing had been visiting In thla city with Mlns Do Voe. To Portland Mr. and Mra. R. W. Hernld and daughter, who arrived In Rnaoahurg recently from Missouri, and hnve been visiting here with friends, luit tliis afternoon for Portland, micro they will stay for some time. Prof. Scucliler Here 1'rot. II. D. Scudder, of the Oregon hind settlement commission, was o business visitor in the city today. The purchase of the fair grounds site by the commission will be negotiated soon and active work on equipping the model farm will be started. Will Leave Tonight K. Slannlford, of the Soldiers Home, will leave tonight foi Port land on train No. He will Join his duiiKhtT here, who wll come on that, train froi.i rtantn Cruz His dinughtor, MrH. Amy Antles, la enrimte to Washington, where she will teach the coming term. To Round Jrnlrtc Mrs. S. R. Alexander of Eden bower, left thia morning for Round Pra'rio to visit Vor several daya. From Yonrnlln Mrs. Win. Kletzer came to Rose burg thia morning from YoneMla to spend a abort time shopping and visiting with frlonds. -WX?: & His T All Figured Out for You mm nr mm mjk mm ay rw r. : m r Baking with (aSELTOS T-l 1 . l. 1 1 1 Mfg riour necu not iKinauru. The results you will realize in your own kitchen, are anticipated in our laboratory kitchens. 9? yi Life's Coed Days begin with CESKTC Wheat Hearts and cream for brsakfatt Put VLLihBS A coto Flour in gear pantry, too. mml am The customer's satisfaction Is In miad when the grocer recommends !lT7(ITt It is sold in 10, 24 ami 49, puuud Easily Made Tea Biscuits 2 citpt Uf.r.-JiU: Flnuf, 2 srvl taupawu baking M traupnan Mlt. J level ubssputMsht)ftsV Ik cup milk er vaur. Sift the dry rvrrxl'Cnu tx ftthef ttvc; wvtk wx Jwrt niti tth two kmvn; mM milk or ter, traJuailr miitixg srvj tutting ihrxj,.H ith knif. till the rK le i tti, .fKKlkt.' I.ll 1 oi.i c-mo fWrnrevi board, ru.1 lihtly toune inch thtck rxl cue with buKutt c-tter lUkc in hut own 10 to If mmule. .jtr AiA'fiv un VlltM Clnu Itsdsbaugb. of th Nw- Hevlew foica left thla morning for Caldwell, Idaho, to spend the nsxt two weeks viatllug witn reuures. Return to Grants I'iwh Mr. and Mra. C. i- Clevenger, who have been visiting In Roaeburg ut the Lee Wlmburly home, left to day for their home lu lrunis rasa. To Mvrtle Creek Mlaa Kdlth Nover ten mis morn ing for Riddle, where she win wora the prune criD for me next several weeks. .Many buy License Ovor 150 hunting licenses have been sold since the ilrst of the week by the county clerk. This does not include the licenses Issued at various other stations about the county. Gypsies Visit City Koseburg was visitea ini morn ing bv an auto caravan of gypBloa, there being five carloads lu the party. Only a short atop waa maue in this city. lirliigH in Ilenies John Alexander, or Glide, was in the city today looking after business matters and visiting with his many frienda. He brought 250 pounds of evergreen blackberries for the local cannery. Glenn Wlmhwly Here- Glenn Wlmberly Has arnvea in this city and will remain here for the next few weeks vlaitlng with relatlvea and attending to bualneas matters. Mr. Wlmberly came to thia city from Newport, where his family is enjoying a vacation. To Frwino Mike George, who haa been In Roseburg for the past fow weeka. left thia morning for Fresno, where he formerly resided and where he will remain permanently. Left for Pendleton Mr. and Mra. Horace Berg loft this morning by automobile lor I'enilloton. where they will visit dining the round-up at that city. Enroute they will visit the principal cities in Ihe northwestorn part of the state. Starts for Now York- Miss Ruth Aikcns, who haa been spending the summer at Riddle vi itlng with her parents, Mr. and Mra. A. L. Aiken, loft tlita morning (for New York, where she holds a re sponsible position in an art depart ment in that city. . To Riddle - Mra. C. F. St.-.ffer and aon. of California, who have been vlaitlng here with Mrs. Staffera brother. At torney I. B. Rlddlo. left thia morn ing for Riddle, where they will visit relatives. From there they will re turn to their homo In Southern Cali fornia. Distillling Heating Plant The furnace and heating appara tus for the I. O. O. F. hall which Is being remodeled, arrived thla morning and was delivered to the contractor at tho building. The stnllatlon Is being done by the Rose- hiirg Plumbing and Heating Com nany. .Went on Wav Hero C. J. Hnrd this morning received wire from H. K. HaMett. the new ly appointed countv agent, who is on Ms wav to Roseburg stating that ho will arrive here Friday. The message was sent from Denver. Mr. lliml will bo here on Friday to turn over the office nnd assist the now agent In arranging his work. Ilnek from Vacation- Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Riddle, who have been camping at Winchester Uav for the past three weeks, re turned to their homo In Roseburg Monday. Sam Smith and family and J. K. Falbn and family, also returned to Roseburg at that time. All were camped at the Bay. Going to Kansas Sheriff Ceorge Quine will leave In a short time for Army City. Kan- sas. where W. J. Pickett, wanted here on a charge of wife and child desertion, Is being held. The extra dition pnpera are now being pre pared and tho sheriff will leave as soon as they arrive. Pa--cs Through- Mr. nnd Mrs. Gus W Igel and hlby, of Portland, passed through Roseburg this morning enroute to Round Prairie, where they will visit at the Sam Moore residence. Mra. Wlrei is a nelce of Mra. J. P. Ptolr. of this city and will visit here before returning to Portland. Ch mg in Ownership A. (1. Helser yesterday purchased the intorests of his partner, Mr. Po- terson. In the Peer Crook I. umber Co. The business will horeafter be onducted by the former. Tho mill has extensive railroad tie contracts, and the prospecta "for the institu tion promising, but the problem of con-potent help Is hindering the mill working to full capacity. lm-rini:e Licenses Lssu co ntinuity licenacs are not all the llcciis.-s that have been issued by tha county clerk during the past few davs. Marriage llcenBea have been Increasing in number and two were Issued this morning, one to Henry L. Ross n and Lena H. P-lnder, of Elk ton, and another to Charles H. Our- y and Dlla C. Atterbury of thla city. tin Camotng Trip I.. ". Sharnt, cashier of the Amer ican National Rank at Pendleton, and wife, and hla Bister, Miss Gret chen Soharif and Mr. Fred Moos, of Athena, arrived today and will arompmy Rev. K. W. Warrington on a camping trip Into the North I'mP'iua and Rock Creek country. The visitors are making tho trip to Rosifinrg by auto coming by wav of C-ster I-nVe. They will start for h or-h I'mr-qua tomorrow. Lo- rn Harvey will serve as speaker snd guide. Serves Itliihdny TMnner An enJONaole ytartr and blrthdsv dinner waa given by Mrs. S. F. CawlfieM at her ranch home In Ca mas Vs'lev, when the lady enter- slned Mrs. J. J. Cawlfleld. of Rose- burr: V-s. Rot Rreee and aon. of lr.. v.-q Mim Treber and fou .. of Portland: Mr. K3Tvf oT Pn-tlnd. and Mrs Lens Flem ing, of Cow Creek. The oeesalon waa the birthday anniversary of Mr. Stonewall Cawlfleld and the hostess had prepared a bountiful dinner, which was duly appreciated by all uto.ant. Ths visitor! Piotorad silt in the tuornlug, u4 snant the sa tire day st the Crescent U Janch. From Myrtle Pulnt MUs Gladys tarter wuj arrive id Rouburs tonight from Myrtle Point and visit for a short time with Miss Clara Patrick. Will Rut urn Toniuht Mra. L. F. Reitzensteln, Who nss been spending the past two weeks in Portland with relatlvea, will re turn to Roaeburg loulght. Married Today- Henry L. liossen ana ieaa a- Binder, 'both of F.lkton, were mar ried st the M. E. parsonage this afternoon at one o'clock. Rev. F. W. Keagy officiated at the service. Bporlal Agent Hone I-ewla N. Bralnerd, special agent and adjuster for the Aetna Insur ance company of Hartford, is in koseburg today conferring with the local agents Rice and Ulce. Mr. Bralnerd Is enroute home to rori- U.ll..lnB n huBlllMll trtn tO Klamath Falls an) other points In Southern Oregon. AXOTHEU VICTIM REPORTS. Mr. Herbert McDonald of Grants Pass-Roseburg. and alao member of the Macy-Baird comedians. Is the latest victim of the "River Pirates". His pretty, little white car found a comfortable spot In the middle of the river, and might have remained there, but for a "kind hearted gent leman", who appeared at the "right time and pulled him out for three dollars. McDonald says, that's the Union Scale. o SILK MARKET HAS PROPPED. Pure thread silk hose with the seamed back. In the famous Butter fly brand that sold for 12.50 three months ago, can now be bought for $1.69 at Carr's store, 3 pairs In a box at $5.00. Just the thing for school or dress wear. Try a pair today from Carr's Store. VEW TODAY. - WANTKD Ctrl to help with house work. Phone at one to 17-F2. FUlIt HALK Two wood heaters. Phone 75-U 6-ROOM modern house on Klla St.. 1200. part cash. J. V. Caaey. Lands. FOB KALK Ramhoulllet rams, a T. Hmlth. Illxnnvllle. 1-K15. FOU BALK Purebred Holiilne raina. Juf. (1. Harnea. TVnmHe, Ore FOH HKNT l-arge front room, witn porrh. furnished for light housekeep ing, close in; 331 South Main. YVAN'TKD Young man about17 to 19 years old to carry trays at the Ump uiia Hotol dining room. FOK SALE Kitchen cabinet, almost new, and inAlioKany musk- cabinet. I'hone ?r,i-j. 311 Kast 'ak M WA.N'TEIJ Young man or boy to do a little Janitor work each evening for lonrH: Apply at Cafeteria at once. Foil WALK Registered I. O. W.-boar, nine months old. O. riommash, West Kogeburg, near school bouse. LOST Complete Ford tool kit. In can vas bag. Finder loave at Nows-Itevlew. 10 ACHK tract 1 year old pears in 0V11 Valb-y. Must Belt at once. fltiCO. J. V. I'anoy. an'is. FOK SALK 5-roern house. 11000; $5f-"7 down, time on balance Mrs. llusick, Harrison Ave., West Koseburg. SACKS "FOR KALK400 good second hand sticks at 8 cents each. J. M. Ware. Olalla, Oregon. WANTKD Want to rent piano; will take the bent of care, no small child ren. C. J. Bradley, phone 313. Sani tarium. ATTENTION Thoso picking prunes fur Wm. Weuver be thero ready to start Monday, Sept. 6. Wm. W'taver, Myrtle Creek. Fult SALE Ali kinds of houses, smlT payments down, bal. same aa rent. Farina, ' farming tools, stock, bay, grain, near In, well locate,!, a bar Kaln. 17 acres noar In. with bldgs., o-eek. spring, price IfiSOO. Overhead expense light and I cut prices; ull know It. C. Morrill, lui Mill St. Heinline-Moore CONSERVATORY Re-opens Sept. 13, 1920 MKS. H KIM. INK AM) MRS, MOOKK AUK .NOW AT STVIHO; t'Al.I- FA I ELY AND MARK l.KS SO AIN!NTMKTS. DAILY Vl.miKR RKPORT. U. S. Wdftther RurAfin ntrta RuHoburrf. Orutfon, 24 hours endiug $ a- in.: I'rtM-liaMii tlrrn In Intihsui ! Uniilrlih HlKhfst temperature y?iv riy, . . M'Wi rii lenipen-ture last nltcht. . . 62 Tutnl preclp. sjlnce first of mouth o Norriuil i' roc In. for thin mtinih i Al Total prev'lp. from btjpu 1, to time o vvniire urecio. from Ktnt 1. T7. n- Total detlcU-nty from Kept. 1, '20. .92 Aver.iKe prev tpltutlon for 43 wot vuttons tsept. to May. inc.) 31.47 WIULJAM UKL.U Obsrvr. How About It? Are you Interested In purchas ing a home? If you are, then you should see the properties we have (or sale. 9 room house with laundry and bath room; rooms celled and papered; partly furnished with beaver board; good garage and store room; 3 lots: fruit trees, berries, garden; close in on pavod atreet. Price $3700. H cash; balance easy terma. 6-room house with bath, fur nished. Price $1500, cash. One of the best buys in the city. Large home and 3 lots on paved street. Can be handled for $1200 cash, bal ance terms. f Theae are but a sample of our listings. Come In and take a look. ircioiiisGiNirsoy Real Fatate and Insaraaca. 118 Cass M. nun, 417 TO-NIGHT! Macy & Bairds fomedS TENT THEATRE ON JACKSON STREET NORTH OF DOUGLAS HOTEL WKDVKSDAV THURSDAY He Fell in Love With His Wife VAUDEVILLE BETWEEN ACTS ADMISSION! Sga DOORS OPEN 7:80, CURTAIN RISKS 8:13. Pears for sale at the orchard, 25 cents a bushel; bring your boxes. Phone 260-L. Order your Christmas and New Year announcements early, and don't forget that Bates, the printer. Is showing: a fine line of samples to make your selections from. At the News-Kevlew office. HE FELL IX liOVK WITH HIS WIFE AT TEXT THEATRE. "He Fell in Love With His Wife" at the tent theatre. Well, really, we know of worse things than that, that could happen to a man, even outside of the tent theatre. Hut that happens to be the title of the extremely Interesting play that will be produced to night by the Macy Balrd comedians. This Is the play that has the distinction of possess ing really big dramatic moments and climaxes, without the aid of a villain or vllllaness, and it Is all play, and ss pretty a story as has ever been told. Like all th. u, Balrd brand lit .1.,. 1 'n . element will p,elo,ninat, uti counted oa. The usual vaudeville ni feature, and the play will staged and costumed. It wm , really worth while in .... how "He Fall in Love Witi b-J See our display Friday and Satur day, Smart Modes for fall and win ter wear. Bell Millinery, Friday and Saturday. "DANDERINE" Stops Hair. Coming Out; Doubles Its Beauty. A few cents buys "banderine." After an application of "Danderlne" you can not find a fallen hair or any dandruff, besides every hair shows new life, vigor, brightness, mora color and tbirkneaa. TO BE FOItTTXATE is to Take Advantage of Tho Lessor Tlibiga in Life And Slake Capital of Them A SCIT OK OVERCOAT Tailored by l'a Represents An Asset Which Will Always stand at Par. Try Our Way Our Auto Will CalL Phone ST 7. AUTO OWXKIW. Adopt the new and better wir by bavlng Universal Killer stalled In vour unto tlru place of air. It rldea lame isilr and you never hnve to think about such th!n4 as puncturti and blowouts, besides you fti much areater tiiile.'iae to roor caslnaa. Try It out and I fine antoe that you will nentr p back to air aicaln. oti will ai wavi hnve Universal Tlllei vlee. becauae It Is here l LT. nnn-t fnnrAi thnt riiivftrsal Ft lor la Koaranteed tor 1M.W mllea. Coma In and invoaUjili at the Filler Service Station. Coma Onk and Itose. CARL OILMAN. Mammer INITIAL FALL SHOWING Quite a few of the new fall shoos have arrived. We invite you to come in and look them over. Designed for service as well a style. A Little Care Saves Months of Wear Heels straightened and roinforccd the day they show aipns of tun ing or wearing, will Bare the heels and strengthen your ankl Soles replaced as soon as they get thin keep the uppers fres atrotchtng all out of shape. You'll be surprised how the 1K uu, iiiuva win un proiougoa oy UUU K-.r-AlKJUA.-l u " "" a uuvb u 11 u l 110 1 1 proper care. Ladies- Our $5.00 Sale of Low Shoes is still on ROSEBURG BOOTERIE IRVIX BRU!VX hnmm Tlmt Katlsifj and Fit Your F"rt rBnKii,LSor,ur "pa,r 'V;,",V ,'" BOSKS cs TODAY ONLY OLIVE THOMAS IN 'Upstairs Down' FROM CELLAR, TO GARRET A L-VVGH OX EVERY avn rATBS"; SEXXETT COMEDY - fns- -ar THVR8.: A DRA.MA OF TEXSE EMOTIONAL row EB" BESSIE. BARRISCALB Df HEB GREATEST ROLE, "THE IOVS HiW. SAXDaV."