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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1920)
Ur MNr.MOAV, fctfFTEMMKIt 1. l2o HOOVHQ KEW'H - UKV1KW laauee) Dally Earept an day. H. W. lUtf L. Vltubrly Bert U. Hates SUBSCHIPTION RATES lHy. per year, by mall. 14 00 Dally, six month, by mall 1 00 I'y Carrier, per month 60 The Associated Praia la exclusively entitled to the una fur rep u bill atlon ol all nwi dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited In this paper and alx the local news published here In. All rights of republication of spe cial dispatches herein are also reserved. Luiuicd uj sbcund-claa matter Muy 17, It no, at the post office ut itoaeburg, Oregon, under the Act of March 1, liy Jtoschui tf, rtKuii, Ht'pt. 1, ""oiiTAl.VIXG-KM.HT "OK vav7 State Highway Engineer J. C. Mc Lec:l spent the duy In Koaeburr at tending to bualm as matters. T!ic commiHslon attorney and other of flcials are expected tomorrow to vMt residents In the both horn part of the country and purchase rlghtJ of wny far the Mvule Creek-Can-yonvillo cut-off road. AROVXI) THE TOWN YiMltori at Looking; 1hhh Viola Boapch. of Portland, who has been vlntting- Mr. and Mrs. Peter JonfS at Looking G1i.hh. left thin morning for her borne. Hay In Mty Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jones of I.nokfng'Clnas. Bpent Ihe duy In thl: "city attending to business matters. Mnrrl;rjre I Irc i ((ranted - A marriage lifeline was granted yentenlfiv to George W. Croucher end Kfrio Wilson o this city. Hull for IUvnne Jennie M. Hmllh tntlay filed suit for divorce f oni J am -a T. Hmlth. alleging desertion. The plaintiff !h represented lv utlofnuy M. F. Hlce. VlHr! Hmm liter Mih. A. llrewer. of Portland, who has been visiting with her daugh ter. Mrs. W. W. Moore, left thin morning for her home at Portland. At M'irten Home Mrs. A. L. Alkens. and daughter Ruth of Riddle, apent last night at the Marten home In this city. Mlsn Ruth leVt this morniiiK for N'w York. ijHp Jlunl lnvea C. J. Hurd, Assistant lender of county agents, left this morning for Corvnllls to attend to official riutUw for a few days. Wlfl Return Tills Evening MUi Kllen Crufotree who hns been nt Portland during the month ot AugtiHt enjoying a vnrntion with her ulster. Mr. J. I). Humllton, will re turn to Roaeburg this evening to resume her duties In the News-Review office. A itsi;m it. inti k ii:w. Mi. Carman Tells 1 1 In KxcHeiice. The following brief nccount of an Interview with a Rom-burg man seven years npo. and its seijiwl, will be rad with kern iutereHt by every citizen: A. J. Carman, R. R. conductor, 416 8. Pine St., Noneburg. says: "I hfive urn d Huan's Ktl ii4y Pills and can uu- (loruo them for they art the very best kldnry remedy known to m. Con tinual riding on the train, no doubt, affected my kidneys and caused dull, aching pains In the su.aU of my back. As another member of the family had received great bone tit from Dean's Kidney Pills 1 tried them and they gave me the very best of results. They did all that li claimed for them. I willingly en dorse Doun's Kidney Pills." ( State ment given February 24, 19131. On March 25, 1920, Mr. Carman said: "My fulth In Doan's Kidney I'Hls Is us strong as ever. If 1 have anw trouble with my kidneys I use Doan's and they are sure to relieve the trouble." Price tuc at all dealers. Don't simply ak for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills tht- same that Mr. Carman had. Koster-MUburn Co.. Mfra.. Puffalo, N. Y. o EssexSetsGearMark KMU'RA NCK IU V ON ItOADH OF iowa si:vi;itic tkkt. Vo far Kver Subjected to II artier Tiiiil Than TIiIn One lu Itllxanly Weather. a standard Rssex touring car cover ed 1061 miles in 24 hours on Jowa roads or at the rate of more than 44 miles an hour, setting a new rac ord. says C. L. Boas, Hudson and Essex Distributor. This record, also ; was cot made on a track? by a spe cially prepared racing machine. The ' Ktfsex used was exactly similar to the 20,000 now In the hands oY owners In all parts of the world and lit had been driven more than 12.0U0 imiles berore the start of this to rifle tost. I In ailditltu. the run was made over rough country roads In Iowa, In the lace of a howling blizzard The car was run day and night, for ten hours of the time, being forced to battle Its wny through a blind ing snowfall, which obstructed the roads and made driving extremely hazardous. And yet, despite these seemingly Impossible handicaps, the car finished Its run without a single adjustment having been made to the motor and with the engine working ns sweetly and powerfully as at the Btart. It's only by looking back 24 years that we can adequately realize what Ruch a performance means. Con trast the Beven mien an hour made in 1895 with the dependability and endurance shown by the Essex the result of a quarter of a century's development necessary to maintain the speed of 44 miles an hour for 24 hours. In fact the Kssex travel ed further than anything built by mm has ever traveled on the high wavs during the same time. To maintain the wonderful average Twenty-four years Is not a very long time. Hut is Is bard to real ize the change this period has wrought in the automobile Industry. It was In 1MG that a well known encyclopedia printed the following j speed attained It was necessary at paragraph: times to drive the car at the rate "The building of automobile Yo-Jof 70 miles an hour to make up hides In the I'nlted States bus not Yor the time lost on curves and as been marked with the same surce4 a result of the storm. 'hat hns crooned Kuropean efforts. It probably was the most severe There are several on the market, test to which any automobile had but the result of public trials have been subjected In a test and repre- heen unsatisfactory. At a trial in , sented a greater strain on the mo- Chlrago, November 28, 1895. the i tor thnn would be caused by years best speed was seven miles an , If ordinary service. It Is Just an hour." other proof of the perfection of the And yet just 24 years later, less Kssex design and Its ability to with me day, on November 20-27, 1919, stmd the hardest usage SEPTEMBER 8th FALL t TERM ftm ) L lli'li l WRITE I FOR CATALOGUE PACIFIC "o" r'umncnATi' catalogue PORTLAND COLLEGE OREGON The Economy of Using Goodyear Small Car Tires So called bargain tires, made up for rensntional sales and offered at ridicu lously Sow prices, do not attract artf'.d buyers. They far more concerned with wh-t they get than with what they pay because they know that in the i nd it is performance and not price that delivers actual tire economy. The popularity of Goodyear Tires, of the 30x3-. 30x3'2-and 31x4-inch tizes, is based on the fact that they de liver exceptional mileage at exceed ingly low cost. If you own a Ford, Chevrolet, Dort, Maxwell or other car taking these sires, lo to your nearest Service Station ia : Goodyear Tires and Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes. .10 3'A tv...i.i r l; All -Wether Tread 30 SH GooJvrar Single. Cure rabric. Anii-Skid Tread . $2150 Coodw Heavy Touritt Tube, coat no more than the price you are aked to pay for tube, of leu merit why rl.k coaily caalnga when such fure protec tlon li available t JOaJiJ.Ue ; A0 In wattrprom hag IOVE andMARBJED Um txy the noted autJior I as a. m av Ma " I loan muione sidsod. K lItL SIIKl'AKI) CALLS. "It li true. Alice?" he aald In rapture, "ia it true or am I dream lug?" And then he turned buck to me, "Kuthorlne, Kutherlne, have you come back to me?" he asked. Althouk-h I did nut apeak, he ji'Htned to understand, and although ho did not come near me, but stood at the foot of the bed, his hands ili'sped thlghily together, yet I saw that he was strangely nnd greatly moved. "Isn't It wonderful, Karl?" (aid Alice. "Not any more wonderful than I expected." he answered In a whis per. "You know I told you that sometime her wandering mind would come back. You did not be lieve me. but I knew it was true. I knew that Fate had great happi ness and Joy In store for her." I looked at him and cast a smile. "Have you seen my baby, Karl?" I asked. For at that moment I heard Miss Parker opening the door and I could see In the long mirror at the side of my bed that she had my baby In her arms. My face must . i have changed from a look of expec lying there it seemed , , a ,ook of ri for thlU I had awakened from i MtMei b,1Vi lhB monlent that ner eyes rested upon Karl Shepard, nearly Jumped out of her nurse's arms in her effort to reach his out stretched arms. "Why, she knows you!" I exclaimed to Karl. "Of course, she .snows me." said Karl, as he took her from Miss Par ker nnd she with a little "goo" of recognition and happiness settled down within his arms, "Of course, she knows me. haven't I played with her every day for months? Of course, she knows me," he repeated, "don't you baby?" He tossed her up In the air to her great Joy. "Put her down beside me." I commanded. "Let us see If she's orKotten her own mother." Tomorrow Kllzahcth and John, My tears and my talk with Alice had proved a wonderful safety valve. A kind of restful culm came over me. 1 do not know whether It was because my long illness had left my nerves so numb that I was not able to feel or whether It was that my tears had washed away the first great poignancy of my grief. But right here 1 woke to the consciousness that I would never again have the feeling of horror and unhapplness which I had on that awful night. Since then 1 have learned also that never again shall I have the great ecstacy and joy, ihe ecstatic bliss that I had when first I knew John. The heart that cannot suffer greatly Is also Immune to the greatest happiness. I think we must make our choice in this world whether we will accept the knowledge of grep.t pain that we may have knowledge of great Joy, or whether we will be content not to know the greatest depths or the greatest heights of emotion. As I was to me that some terrible dream nnd looked out Into the morning sunshine and knew that the night clouds hud passed away. As if to emphasize this Miss Parker came to the door and spoke to Alice who looked at me with some trepldution. What Is it, dear?" I asked "what Is it you wish to say?" nstead of answering me, Alice asked Miss Parker, "Did you tell him?" 'Tell whom, what?" I question ed with a smile. And although I pretended even to myself, that I did not under stjinil. I Telt my heart beating a tiny bit fnster. 'it's Karl Phepard. Kutherlne. Do you wish to see him?" ' hy, of course, I will." 'Are you sure you feel able? Miss Parker, do you think It will hurt her? I wish the doctor were ere." Alice was all a-qulver In her anxiety. I think It will do her good." said lss Parker. "Mr. Shepard Is al ways so optimistic and happy you know he always cheered us up every time he came." "Did you tell him. Miss Parker." aid Alice, "that Katherlne knew us. "So. I didn't have time " "Perhnps you had better do so before he comes In." Karl was evidently waiting at the door, for she opened it he stepped thru. He came with lagging step, but he had schooled his face to smile. He looked nt Alice first nnd then turn ed to me and a burst of rndlance nd exultation came into Karl Shepard's eyes for he realized that had come Into my own again. CLASSIFIED COLIIMm ALL HEW CLAItflFlED ADVERTIIKMBaiTa WILL BH KG I vn r' . PAGM UNDER HEADING NfcW TOUAY." WANTED. WANTED Bov fur all around kltchn . work. Apply at Cafeteria at no, WANTE1 Work with 21. a truck. Ptiun WANTED tunteyk, 1krg ol , boyer Bioa. Phune li-i-'M. WANTED A 4 -room furnlihvd apart ment. Inquire AI I km Sylvia iirwwo, County Au.wnf off tut. W ANTIC D Heslatervd or prac tit. 41. Adilretfat Mm. Chan. Wutaoit, DixunvUlw, or., or p hoi:wl -FH. WANTED Young- woman to work In til t kitchen at SuJdlera Hum. Phona Silt;. WANTED 12 or 16 prune pluKera, tree shaker, alio aome i..n In drier. J. O. Uucon, Umpqu.. Oregon. WANTED Woman or gr tor confec tionery work. Apply FouUh Conteu-tlonery. WANTED TO RENT 6 or room mod ern house near icratle school by iv sporiatibie party. WImIi the place per mit ni-iit ly. Adilruee Mra. W. A. Prlaulx, R. 2, Uux la!5-A. WANTED Experienced pear and apple pataeia mi in uveriauu wrcnarue. 1 raimportatlon to and from townJ tree, or acvommoda lions at tne or chards, littfiiiiiluif Tuesday, feept 7 Cliui. A. Brand. WANTED Twenty-three out of town ciioui leaetiurs aesire room anu board the coining year. The com munity ruuwt provide sultuble accom modations for teachers If the schools ate to be maintained. CltUena hav lrij rooms for rent or board to offer, are asked to communicute with tiupt. M. aV Huiniu at once, mentioning the kind of rooms, conveniences and prices. pi.. 4 V,kw'p kftti Li a i li I, COc: I in s i. miles west of Kusebn ; i'.ir. ' n r quick aul,. t a ' U'" f UH BALK Huria A. Calhuun. wijhur l tUil,. win X ".. "iii ........ ,ot lur I Kavl. high MluT','JL,mXHul" y-u want ;uri, Vl l,..k".llhi.,W, lot. IS 1 6 Hup. "i,7Jr- new batlary, ,lt BO"?,r sun,, shape. Call phona" C "r 110 model. ru"T3.ra ,""'" In a-ooU cun.tltlun; pi i V" Bll 117 Ponr -. . condition, nr., n , ""Ut. owner. 44 4 - V. OR HAL.K3Th; both la nrat cluai "s-llL foliiiluoa. 1 11 Dort. 1,0). 4 lajf rord, fj;. rl-- Uuraa,. Ro..h,. StJ PRHlf IR iir.VL- L-w.. --yr FOK It L.S T. Ft5lt RENT Karnish.d room for young man. 247 bo. Jackaon. Phona 41-lt. FUR KENT Safely Tlepoatt boxaa. ItonebniK Nntlun:il Bank. Cut flowers for sale Dahlias and asters, at Kuuyan's dahlia garden, 1385 Umpqua Ave. Phone 278-L. FOR BURNING ECZEMA Apply Zemo, the Clean, An tiseptic Liquid Easy to Use Does Not Slain Greasy salves and ointments should not be applied if good dear skin is wanted. From any druggist for 35c, or $1 .00 for I-irije size. Ret a bottle of Zemo. When applied as directed it effectively removes eczema, quickly stops itching, ami heals skin troubles, also sores, burns, wounds and chating. It pene trates, cleanses and soolhes. Zemo is a clean, dependable and inexpensive antircplic liquid. Try it, as we believe nothing you have ever used is as effec tive and satisfying. The E. W. IW Co.. Cleveland, a MUittLLA.VLOLS. NOTICE Saddle and pack homes fol niinlera. 1 1. Jtlce. iioutfllll. Ore. I'hone 26-K2:. THACTOIl PLoWINU Get your Older in at one. if you wunt work dona. Ull bart Woud . Hox 121. Robui. S.UCl'I'V FIriSt tjecuia a aafaly da poair. box for your vuluubl. papers at lb. Koawburs; Natlonul Bank. on in. market; dry .i.:"""; nun nua uviha it.. bpeclal price on ly tier jotr 2 lenn. cor. Oak and kalnl ttj Aih mi i ii i. . . . - . weiahliia from tiuo to i?,f. ,bl!H alao good milch cow. He. Vhi, "H aiua barn, opu. Fur.i 7. llltthum. VV u4. fOK Ql'ICK 8An5Tdlrr7 houa. ..iTTT. . " r". -K lot; will (lv. t,.r. .I"'!' P'UK SALE KOK EXCIIANLIE acres land $li per acre In Montana, near Forsytn. liood soil, fenced; house. Trade for one or more huupta in Huaeburg, Ure gon. Hot 6?4, Salem. Oregon. iluNiLi' TO JXAN S'l-ywr rural credit farm loans, low Interest rate. $2ituJti local money to loan on good real estate. Pint mortgage. Sop Jd K. Klce. of Rice A Hlce. aLOS'l AM) FOUND. (AJsT 12 photos and 8 negatives, size Brownie .No. 3. Iteturn to News-Itfvlew. LliST Suit ruse containing weming uplarl. Kinder pleutte leava at News- Itt'vifw. $i reward. LOST Collie dog, license No! fll." Flndfr plfave return to 721 Court t)t. or plione las. A1.S ;ix he. -U!' -9 Tliomnaon. It .1. m... h? ... .K- incJilBhwayear W .n,,," rama that .n .TIL V. lin. whit. wool, will i-u IZ oailoua. rru-as rl(bl. V w N n, A.liland. Or.aun r Bni ball mil. ,o hl(hVy. !" l,u our(. Addr.aa Hovlew, i'OK prup.rty la KM,. K. W., car, N, juoio. oi iwo. u or ItO. aim a. Commercial Abstract Co. ( Under New Management E. MtWI.I.vroCK, rrcaldeut J. L. M.Cl.ITOCK, Ylca-Prvsldent L. B. JliCI.LNTOCK, retarf. Abstracts, Insurance, Maps, Notary Public Prompt torric Ipada,bU AVrk KajonAbl Prloes First State and Savings Bank Building Phono 213. KOSEUVUO, ORlXiO.V t''OLNL) Center slc!e curtains fer auto. Owner may get same at this on.oe hy pitying- for this ad. UHTr(ktf.hook at O. K. Garatce contained $JU bill, rerelpt for $U1 made to Clyde Johnson. Kinder re turn to Ih-u Johnson, ESulem, Uretfon. $1 reward. HL KOR SALE Old growth flr and ra ' gj(ot4JStvejtier;Jionjia I'uli HALE Harth't pars, seconds, at' tlie Ovfriand Orchurds. IQc a bo. : ntANl6iTATlON to Frisco for one' - two chfap. Oray. us E. Douglas. tfuu oALki An automatic riiuTT power. .351 caliber, two tliWW annuMi new. rrlm ALt-2Z acres 1 niil from R( burg. 12 In Ihoro cultivation: S-4 sen atruwberrifs, some pt-arB ami tlm btrrles; 10 acres small timber m stump bind; small 5-room box toy biirn. other outbuilding. Am wtiut to buy stock farm. low pric Ur nutek ai tlon. Address or call t. LOOK it), acres good farm and p:- n nniu, i-ruum nouse, barn, gow m in; & ft acres in coii.merclo fruit; 1 mile to Koseburg; i bigr grade heifera, 1 reuiMtt-reil cow. hogs. Su chickens, 4 tons hay. tuz ioois. range ana hentei. HaifaLo ;: you act quick. K. W. wtovail, Uu under AdUitlun. tUR HA LK Rose burg siepsrty. App.y Uwner. Fh o ne IT t -T. FiK SALE oaTs, both gray and while. tVhone mornings lif-L or 15-F16. i'Ull SALE One Kord bug, and oue ion r orj iruva. jujq AlrMllJln. tutt MALU Hogs for sale. K. U Can non, LMxohTlDe. ull kiAl.E Toggenberger mllK goat. . p. Ptepnena. F H 'ALE t-room houue, big fruit, garden, cheap at flsve. quire News-ltevlew. BAKTLETT PEAKS lot, In- KOK BALkV-Tbr box. 2 rid ffradM. at lha arLhui-d Vraul Diliard, Edn bower. f'ult KALE One mis Ford ear, one lsil Oakland six. Liberty Auto featieS CO. FOK HALE Three inch Mitchell wagon, elegant shape, halt truck, Iu. K. A. Hurroughs, Green station. Foil SALE Vvtch and cheat seed. S cents per pound. Myers Bros., Look Ing Glass. Thone 13-F12. .-Oit SALE Wo: k yr.ung cow o. horse, inqulra 12U0, Sit); Let Us Show You and Quote You Prices on UNIVERSAL Lighting Plants J. F. BARKER & CO., nn'i.r.MiiNT nosKitrrto, oiti:fio. TRACTORS WE SELL Edison T Al aw m a m m m i a hj mimw Douglas County Light and Wakr Co. Foil HALE 3 purebred Luroc boais, ready for service. Lynn Beck ley. lU'sebuig, Ore. R. 1. llox Si. f'OK SALE Span good work horses. w!Kht ikOO; also 1 right lap. Phona 13-Fi. I-OIl SALE A number of choice regis tered Lincoln ram. Address J. F. Hlattner. Days Cn-ek. Oregon. NOTICE Hojts for sale. 1 sow and 6 pigs, and 8 shoats. Address Box T, Black hatters plush, shapes large I and small, trimmings of yarn, fas- ' lelH, ostrich and feather bands. Bell MilHaery. Sutherlin Sanitarium MEDICAL SURGICAL Write R. I. HALL. M. D.. Sunt. Sutherlin. Oregon FOit HALE Coiner ruaua store, u era! merchandise, Melroee, OrefCiB.1 miles from Jloneburg; Include! ti acres G-yoar-oid prunes la bunti tins year. Good s-room haUrt. fti age. barn, other outbuilding iuJ fruit; all In first-class snaps. SUn by house, well Hunt-id. Hill stock uf muse, at Invoice, f.m 4(ow, with I2SO0 down, UUbm terms. It. kltubbs. Melro. Ora FOK ttALH Ueo used black pipi, sisea; Vteam Tractors, from flit ts !. Boilers and engines, all sIsh; Palleys, belting and supplies. Drag saw with 2 saws I 1 4 H P. Qes Engine It 1 H. P. Uaa Engine 1" 2 Sma'l kaiMiillli. uh " alranlied pipe, 14 In. for 4rj:i (i per ft. Oraiea at H per lb., new. Wa bay, sell, and exchange dussi ry. Heme good inserted loath ehaap. OHEUO.V MACH1NKRT J Eugene. Ore. FOIl tfALE One of the best all rotw farms In southern iioutrlai couoir Ore., coneiatinu- of t'.i.Z acrM; 1' acres farm land, as follows: it kt? under Irrigation, clover nieadrs. . prunes, m grain ana corn. ture. all under hojf tlatit tW- J acres first class timber; 1W aiM ot creek bottom: 17 fiVlrti turee with living water in all them year rouud; 4 barns, grawn. machine ahed. smoke hou. hog pens; ptenty of out rnK, to the forest reserve: 7-room nu- water piped Into home: H achool. 17 miles to It. a at Bi good road, no hllie. rrlce all of my' machinery, grain. hT- cattle at reasonable price. (-" selling, retiring. AddreM Myrtle Creek, Oregon. Bell Mlllinsry. new doTtj shapes, gold and sllrsr lacs trial, itt day nad Saturday. We Buy at BERGER'S BARGAIN STORE Rlilfl. llohnlr, RaffSt Ral.rmr, 01J MtnU, PniKm and Itonra. A Oood tlm of Second Hand Clothing Tor Bala. Caoa and Plna Sta. H. a. Kant . r. a Rlat Pa.a. II a . ntot raw HUNT A.1TLES DOUGLAS COUNTY TAXIDERMY Taan.r. mt an alaaaa, af Fura. Manutiicliir.ri f Miilta. Far ghni j.r Throw.. For Coat a ana Cai. ii " """"t aaa and anlmala mt au aiitna. w- uanoKiiBBiia. Pnas Roa.burc, Onaraa. Sheet MetalWork or aix Kisn J.H.SINNIGER 11 OAK STREET rHOJEJ PROFESSIONAL CARDS una. r. n. twr-t lit. Am w. cai. Phralclmn.MiJVnj-: It U what we think and what wa do that -t,t rt.aaJI IS " wTi era are. , - j.ri HAPPT THOIHiHT S7n bottle sfBirtiw R0SCSUR6 DVXY AJiO SOD MflS PHONE m