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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1920)
Mas thhk SQUEEZED TO DEATH .k. hndv becins to stiffen cut of order. Keeo 1 1'. un!"rd renwdy for kidnsy. r""ll 3i k 1,oub,Mi ' ' ,M6. T-U retful.rlyand ,,EUiii:s-ri:AtitK!. r.,T F-s-rT-n'-'"hi8 wcek' , v ... i-'ib.-rias shortly. Ua" C I, W.-rley's. ' mile Winon bridge. siux " k town at. tFnnrl maVfl tO tta?6 till BO"" 11 Lu to your h .n.e. i.-'t mail It to you '.!?;) phne 135 or write our tirlP-inn department and well ff tt CIIUH'S to JOU reBumii,. "JciTV NEWS I iiusiiel, '" rttoua 189L. . iho hieiii fit orlce for Cas- & imrk. r' Bargain Store. fVTKINS products. 126 W, Lane. jlsif 137-L- ... .fi,.,-t ereat fires from Me eparlts ar spread. Be careful mh lirw. r.. iiMirov nr' S. property and (aoi Bo ear ful with Are. hum uraiiui loss emtio your melon o ibt-y won't set fires. Tte Ch'nry riemorriiph, the onl ?hor,ozraph ma I" I you abr.nittte jtaniiot hear ttie needle or surface l!3:oti Hi'' r- "li). Ir sale oy ju & Miiif i'or". Tin- tK four, Edison. Vletrt'la. Cheney and Sonora. as and Acid Stomach R?!ievprJ in Two Minutes jjCTt-y takjnjf a heaping f m 1 ' cuspoojif ill of Jul 0 wntor. Absolutely HAti DrugffUU. BATTERIES! .N 1 Buick lottery S8.0 X. i Buick Rattery a2.0 .to. 1 Chevrolet . t rhovrul-t Battery.. :. Hi For O'hor Curs rceg ou Application. 1T0R SHOP GARAGE Aspocy I'uU-k und Cliermlet 441V Jrk- St. Kosttrarg- JUDD & McMILLIN II VK A I'AU Promiscuous sal. a, Variety Adds. Out aulo tires are ihe Grant, to Hat our price I know you can't. fliAn; aUx34, $14.75; Wi, JIT.'.U; lubes 2.4u; t!w si2'j at-ciirdliigly. Otl teu fv.rd truck, uiodel I'll; onu nr.l Ford bug; one 'd iounnn hixlj-; 4 fine Scotch Pl'iH; OUe g-year-old COW. All ii hay ai.d srain fur feed and "t R WANTS want rtflt. hay, grain, vetch. CO. Will n.iv ft nitih UTOMoilll i; (;.l!.w;rc do all kil.ils nf rpunlr work " 0K.!.!1. s. Oct Atuttvlana "Wing. Ec tKlNM KIi WdltK W hv ... c wir,-f trui'Kg ISO ar "(pared to df, all kinds of haul- ol r,t"!'.utle prices. you si.iiie. lours for Business, JUDD & McMILLIN Prepare Receive King and Queen RIO DE PANEIRO, Aug. SO Elaborate preparation ure being made to receive and entertain the King and Queen ot Belgium whi-u they arrive here on the Brazilian Ureuduaught Sun Paulo, which al ready has salted for Europe to bring the royal party to Brazil to repay the visit of President Pessoa to Belgium lat year. Coutuiodiuus quarters, handsomely furnished and decor ated, have been built ou the San l'aulo to accommodate the royal party, which will consist ot ten per sons. They are expected to reach Rio de Janeiro some time in September. Kn route to Brazil culls will be made at St. Vincent and Las Palmas. An or chestra of five specially chosen musi cians is aboard the San Paulo to pro vide music for the royal guests dur ing the voyage. A selected library, dealing mainly with Brazilian his tory, Installed In their quarters, will enable the party to become acquaint ed with the land they are to visit. The visitors' stay In Brazil will be filled with receptions, entertainments and sight-seeing tours. Guatmbara palace, where the parly will be hotined while In KIo, was formerly the home of the Princess Izabel dur ing tno late imperial regime. It was here alio where the late Coloutl Koosevelt Wan tnfaliprf v... v... came to Brazil and made his adven turous trip to the Amazon country. The palace is a spacious building, lo cated in a Quiet, beautiful section of the city. Two row of stately palm lead from the palace to GuaDabara. bay, a mile distant. For month the building has been to the hand of workmen and decorator and now Is ready to receive It royal guests. New illumination scheme are be ing Installed is principal avenues, new boulevards are being construct ed along the sea and city improve ment generally are being hastened so that the city will present the beat possible appearance when the Bel gians arrive. Plana for an elaborate Venetian fete on the bay are being considered. To meet the expenses connected with these improvements and for the entertainment ot the Bel gians, the government ha asked con gress tor an unlimited credit. SOCIAL EXJOVED, The young people of the Christian Endeavor society of the Presbyterian church enjoyed a very delightful so cial and watermelon feed at the church last night. Games were played until a late hour when the re freshment were served. Bartlett peer for canning, atxty cent per box at orchard, two miles N. E. Roseburg. Bring your boxes, n. E. Pargeter, Phone S8-F4. CASTOR I A For MlM. aA uuants and Children n Use For Over 30 Years aiwtj, bears IHOStDl RG -CAM S VALLEY STAGE Two DcilyStages - - 7 and 2:.'10 are C M c . id-."e i .:L'7.: .... . U1, C- titAjDMAX, Prop. I B0XIiMG: Cottage Grove, Oregon, Labor Day, Sept. 6, 1920 BIG, SNAPPY, BOUTS 34 ROUNDS 34 O BI D SHAMTMWK, nETItlED COAST FEATHERWEIGHT CHAM PION, MANAGING PItO.MOTEK. Whole World is Demanding Autos Washington, Aug. si. Th whole world teem to be demand ing motor vehicle and Is looking to the United States for It supply. Records of the Department of Com merce for the fiscal year 1920, Just ended, show that automobiles and part of automobiles valued at J-S2, 252,376 were shipped from thi country. This was nearl nine times the total value of such ex ports before the war. The number r commercial cars eN ported during the 11 niuntos end ed June 30 was 24.35$, valued at $41,S77,64S a compared with 12, 921 valued at I33.233.4SS in 1919. Passenger car shipments showed an even greater Increase, the total be ing 115,819 valued at !25,384,02S as compared with 41,291 valued at 45,S52,708 the year before. The United Kingdom led in the MOTHER! "California Synip of Figs" Child's Best Laxative FIRE! Protect your premises with a hand! extinguisher, Hemember, "An ounce of prevention 1 worth a pound! of cure." In Mils caw prevention ts a sinnll cost, only 92.00 and up, ac cording to how thorough you wUh to make It: will go bur to help protect that auto. Mr, Hryer Man, don't forget that It may safeguard a whole seaaon's work to have one of these conven ient. Standard for home use, 99.00. Standard for Auto, t2.90. Johns-Manville, a pump, t-lO.fW. CHURCHILL HARDWARE COMPANY Imports ot both commercial and passenger cars, taking 4,593 of the former aud 17.52H of the latter. Canada wa second la the matter of both type ot ear taking 2,443 commercial and ,93 pssengr vehicles. Cub Imported o.663 pas senger car and 1,626 commercial automobile. Brazil wa next be hind Canada In Import of passenger rar to the total of 6,109. British udla Imported i.lil passenger car and British oulh Africa 5,752. Australia took 5.898, Argentina 3,343 and New Zealand 5,238 pas senger cars. The Scandinavian countrle also were heavy pure'aasers of piaaenger automobiles, .Norway taking 3,035 and Sweilen 4. 055. Spain purchas ed 2.714, Denmark 2,371, China 1,059, rrnguay 2.754, Peru 1,051, Mexico 2749 Philippine Island 2. 4 4 4,, and Chile 619. Franca Im ported only 83 passenger vehicles, but it touk 1,392 commercial car. Japan also purchased 1,093 com- mental trucks and Mexico 1,017. American motor cycles also con-' tinued in heavy demand a total of 36.041 valued at $9,550,022 being; exported during the fiscal year. Tho demand for American mach , Ines brought with It a correspond ' ing demand for equipment. The lvalue ot automobile (Ires exported during the fiscal year 120 was (139.919,777 as compared with $22, j 6.10.2KO the year !i.ore. The total (of automobile engines shipped was 139,421, valued at $8,07t,44it, com Jpared with 2S.445 valued at 14.- 434.244 the year before. 4KOUXD THB TOWX To OWudole iir James Boilar lfl Cut morn ing for Gletidale, where she will spend a few days attending to busi ness matters. Returns Hatae Mr. W. M. Part in, who ha been spending a rtiort time in Roseburg trausacUug business mutters and visiting with friend, left thi morn ing for inilard, where she reside. To Take Vacation Mr, aud SI m. 4. P. Byrd and fam ily left this moralnit for the mono ;altis near Peck atatloa where they will enjoy an outing for a week or ten ditys. Off on Hunting Trip T. I. Perry and fsiiitly and Mr. aud Mrs. Peter Hadabauah and son Ver non left today for the White Rock district, where they will remain for ONE WOMUfi'S ; EXPERIENCE Of Interest to Expectant Mothers Gtkpn, I mi. 1 took Lr4i Pink Ukm't Vgtav6 CoBipetd with g&cri uf?reS tcr iccnc tints witfe t?ma I trouble. Korr.e jer J kui twin bef &4 took, your Vcgtj t&tiie CoaijXiUDd Le in the cccne; at to bor saf four ytr old bof wm barru nd i.fterAjirvir tt.i tiiiuk it Sue for tucb er. I Wil otUert vhat it did 1qt cj , - , a-BasaBi woat ma ley ze several weeks enjoying a hunting mA ,T ,5, Jnr V.?Vaf -Mr.. Cxo. X t'oos, 711 b, th Bt "LENA niVias" AtlAI-N TOXKJHT AT THE TEST. Accept "California" Syrup of Figs1 only look for the name California oa the package, then you are ur your child la having the beet and most harmless physic for the little stomach, iiver and bowels. Children 1 love 1U fruity taut. Full directions on each baffle. You must say "Clt tornl." Lena Rivers was greeted by a host : of friends at the lent last night. She ; will hold another reception tonight and will undoubtedly make many : new friends. "Lena Rivers" is ai home Itke little play, the kind we: like for a change. The characters are simple and natural, and Lena Is nothing if not charming. The story is not new, as many have read th' book, but in play form it is really more interesting than the splendid book by the same name. There is enough comedy to suit everyone, and that means a great deal. An even ing spent with Lena is not wasted. Tomorrow night Lena will give way to another charming little play, "He Fell in Love With His Wife." The title itself is a novelty, but such things do happen these days. After you see Lena tonight we will tell you how he fell in love with his wif. A marriage license was Issued to day to Otto E. Sehnapner. of College Place, Washington, and Miss Myrtle . illppey. To California. Mr. Elva Holwft and daughter, who have been visiting in the north ern part of the state aud stopped Ut this city for a abort visit with Rev. R. H. Dollarhlde. left thi morning for I-o Angelea, where they reside. To Myrtle Creek Mr. and Mrss. J. E. Smith and daughter, whs arrived here a short time ago from Santa Cruz, left this morning fur Myrtle Creek, where they will enjoy a short vacation. Mr. ami Mrs. Smith formerly resided In Conrad, Montana, but have decided to remain In Fosoburg permanently. They have purchased a home here. From Portlssil Alfred A. Hampson. Southern Pa cific attorney, arrived In Roseburg this morning from Portland, accom panied by his son, and will visit at the Dexter HJee home for a short time. He will also go to the moun tains for a few day before returnlnit home. If you want to buy a home In th beautiful city of Roseburg, Wal ker, 105 Cass St. Phone 91. Am now booking ordsrs for isj old hlek for 121 dlivn-y from iimh producing Tancrad strain WhKs Lghartt. Bart Vasburgh, 7V2 Fur lerioa at,, Hemburi. TttKkPASX .NOTICE. Ail persons are hereby warned set to fish, hunt, or trap, with or with out dugs, on th Mrs. O. W. Jeztes ranch, lying bstwswn Roseburg and fit. 3es&ea, I lid. The experieaca of VotkedtoBj ta tryisjF onB to most worovn asd sharks dtctiQctiy an epoch la their lives. K4 one woman is a hundred 1 preprej or understand how to properly care iut herH, Every woman at this t,r..ft should rely apoa Lydia E. Pi&kltaag Vegetable Compound, a most valu&hla U and i&vifotaiur id lije iVm ;e eraatsm. la tr.anj home oace chlMlest there are now children (manse of the f a t tt I.ydia E. riokhani' VejjetaM Coir. rmir,.i Wttnwtt ssrstl, healthy and strong and this good old fmshitmed roH and herb remedy cc:i tai&s BO narcotics or harmful dns. Made! to trimmed and tailored hats, ornaments and trimmings ol unusual character. In fact everything pertaining to millinery, Tuesday, Auj. SIst. "The Vogue." OHOWE118 having WHEAT, OATS and other grata to sell should submit samples and get w price from us before selling their grains. Remember w have handled your grain In the past and hav never fulled to get satisfactory w results.' EVKRBODY'S EXCHANGE, 1m Ifc-il Millinery. FfexiWe modfls with graceful linef arouttd tlie hemt. the North U rtipntia rlrer. If caught 1 In shade of pht'asant red, rust, and thay will fe proaacutsd. j copper brown, eomhinatios of hlu, T. fi. WARH, Renter, j Friday and Saturday. OEPENDON GOODS QUALITY GOODS! In buying goods we are always on the look out for fabrics of the finest quality, weave and designs. From the wee'est baby stockings to our most expensive silks, we always choose the best in quality. That is our watchword QUALITY. DRY GOODS-LADIES WEAR I. ABRAHAM The Store That Givea You Service. EL WARNER'S RUST-PROOF CORSETS Aijusttami Basis Silvertown Cords Soqg Miles Fabric Tires 6000 Miles mm Commercial Abstract Co. (Incerp rated) Under New Management J. K. Mc0M.VT4K, PrwetdeaH i. L. Mc4'LTJVTOCK, Tlce-Preeldeat L. M. JIcCLrSTOOK, Seevwtarw. Abstracts, insurance. Maps, Mary Public Prompt Service Depandabla H erk RaaiaWa IrVtea First State and Savings Bank Building Phone 245. ' WMEBCBO, OBEGOX. m m m BBSX IN THE LONO EOT Where's the economy in wrirmng the last mile out of a worn-out tire when you can buy a new troosmcfr Ixrc trom to mu io less man w . SORB BY C. A. Lockwood Motor Co., Corner Oak and RoseStreets J.O. Newland & Son Highway Service Company, Inc., Cass anTRoie Sts. " Jackson and Douglas Sis. 1