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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1920)
rrn rom iii ii I i iii g Tinr ri i 1 mmmi M I M IIT TKALIiMI AUK I brCVIU.U nut SCHOOLS. yft JKsf I.I I vi it i 111 Vevil said furmslxi' -o- '61aai7j. AT Do your eyes noed help to enable you to do your work easier? Now U a good time after your vacation, and before you start to work, to hare them examined and glasses fitted If they need them. We are at your service with the latest methods, and our prices are reasonable. BUBAR BROTHERS NOTICE. Viola Boron having left my bo4 and board, 1 will not bo responsible for, or pay, any Bills contracted by ber after this date, Aug. 24, 1920. HALE llORKN. "The novelty of the hour," Ithlne stones, hat plus and ornaments. Hi 11 Uant hat plus and ornaments are the croze In Tarls, so luoy w'H bo In America. Seo them at "The Vogue," Tuesday, Aug. 31st. notice. Fall millinery opening at Hollows store, Thursday, Frl- day and Saturday, September 2nd, 3rd and 4th. AdvorllRO In the Nows-Revlew. HUM WANTED. Bids will be received by tho under- ; signed for the erection of a gym nasium or playshed. Plans and speci fications may be had from the clork. Board reserves right to rej.ict any or all bids. Ten per cent of amount of bid to accompany the bid. i K. II. RUSSELL, Clerk. Wilbur, Oregon. . DAXCF. Edenbnwer hall, Thursday. Sept. 2. Oood floor, good music and a good time. Insure Now! Insure your huy. grain and other crops now. Do not watt. The danger of loss by ftro is at Its height during the dry sea son. Let us write that policy today. Prune Dryer Insurance Wo nro tn poult Ion to rIvo you protection ud this clans of bu nines. 1 Automobile Insurance Fire, theft, collision, property damage and liability. Hates on request. 1 Oil INSURANCE Hen G.W.Y0UNGANDS0N Real Estate and Insurance. HO Cass UU Phone 1T CONSULT in Private With Chas. Clifford America Rt'tMitost mtxliiim. Your lifo to htm Is like nn own UMk. Ho rHtlii j on from the era lie to tho ntvr. llrro this wvk only. K! htm nt onro. ICtH-optltMi ronin HH, mUKUs lloti'l. (Continued from pane 1) La LIberto, pradiirtto luUfpemlenc Oregon, High School, I9lti; uttond- i-d Oregon Stat Norm), oue and ono-hulf yearn; Teudior, North I3fnd rural school. lKiy-'L'O. nth and Cru pnu.e and principal, .Mrs. Maybolli Church, graduatu Oregon Norm., l!tH; Teacher, Kurnl nchool Ornffon, 190ft-! I: North Rend Hiph Rrhool. 1M1-13; Rust-bur High School. 1 H 1 n-'l 8. Tuition Oiargftt. Thtt now law proidc.i for a tui tion charRti for all Htudr-ntB r's:d IriB outside of th school district. Tin ruins an applicablo lo tho Itoso burg Rchoolfl follow: Tho tuition charpo for all stu- TKACHKItS U donts ftttt'Tnlinp HosobiiTB High Shoo.n. w0-Vrt who live outside of the Btaio of Oregon or In districts whore high schools are maintained Is $Cft.30 per yoar, payable semi annually In advance. Students liv ing in District No. 4 are entitled to tholr schooling without chnrge. Tho tuition charge for all pupils ntoncling Itosoburg Grado School l!20-1921t who live outside (IX Dis- trlc No. 4, Douglas county, Orogon, Jh $45.00 per year, payable semi annually In advance. Pupils living Inside of District No. 4 attend the school without charge. Tho place of residence of any minor Is the same as that of the father If living otherwise that of the mother. If a family owns prop erty outside of District No. 4 and moves Into town with the intention rf staying Just for the school year, tuition must he paid by nil such children. In other words, unless a family resides in Roseburg perman ently and the parent is registered In District No. 4 as a qualified vo ter, tuition must be paid for all grnrlo children and high school boys and girls If tho latter come from a district where a high sihool is maintained. Cox's $15fi00fi00 - Charge Fades Away AflOCXD THE TOV From f;lendiilo MIhs Ferdiue Harvey arrived In Roseburg this afternoon to spend a short time visiting with her grandmother, Mrs. V. B. Dean. Return llnme Mr. and Mrs. E. E Hall, who came to this city from Com stock this morning, returned to their home on the afternoon train. Returns Homo. Mrs. J. X. Campbell who has been visiting here with her daughter. Mrs. I,. F. Wilson, left for her home at Walker. Oregon, this afternoon. Returns Home Miss F. Van Alstyno left for SutherMn this afternoon after a short -time spent in this city attend ing to business matters. To Washing on Mrs. Helen Gill, who litis been visiting in Rosebnrg with her fdMor, Mn, Earl Uenedict, left this after noon for her home In Mount Ver non. Washington. Visiting In City I J. W . W i n n i f red f or m e r 1 y n re-sl1-nt of Roseburg. now living in Portland. Is spending his vacat ion visiting ffrlends in Rosoburg. In City r'roni t'mHiiii II. F. lb bard. the I'mpqua mer chant, was in HoHfburg today look- no sure to see J. A. Walker It 4 U buy that farm. Fall Millinery Opening. Frfdav and Saturday. Sept. 3-4. Hell Millinery. V. St. Weiilhw Hunviti. Wjit office. Hmohur. Orttmi, 2i hour on-lliiK 6 a. m.: TrfH'littlaHoti In Inches nml HiinUrr1lha MlKtil'tl tfilifl ill III rri i (i.n ... o l' t l i finMTf t tn e IriMt ii it, ht . . . It; I'Ti-'ipitmii'ii n hMn i) Tnful prt'otp. wlin-e timt of emiuh ."3 Nnttnul iir.-.-ip. for tinnUh 'M i.rt.-ii from S.'it. 1 to dut . 2:;.j i Avfraxt t'lo.-u'. fnun S.i-t. 1. f.s Total tt.'IK'it'in v frnni Sfpt. 1. ':t:Ml.;H Avt-i HRn prtu'lpltut Inn for 41 ,t n i ons .S)t to Mhv, In. hw l . . :; l i; WII.I.IAM ULi.U Ot.soiv.T. TO-NIGHT! Macy & Bairds Comedians TENT THEATRE OS JACKSOV sthi:ict NORTH OF lH)riUS 11(TI:I, PllKSK.NTS Lena Rivers VAUDEVILLE BETWEEN ACTS WKKNKSHAV Till lLSKAV "He Fell In Love With His Wife.' ADMISSIONS &?, A. Iu!l 4.V, tax Or tote i ICSo, tax He ifx i Ida, lax '2.VJ POORS OI'EN 7:80, . HIT A IN IUSKH8I5. A C()!npli,t( display nf picliirt'Sfino und oniiiii'iitly projHT full and winter ht'ailwt'iir now on cxlilliltitm. Inv proncliiihly channititr lu fiiipifliu1 nartiu'ns and ruri'iH-sn of ivlt- and fabric. "T!iu Vojru'." Aur. olst. CH1CAUU. AUK. Jl. Tusil- fyluic undvr omii today buiur lUu iKuaie luvcblUuilUK cum- uilitue, 'rd W. Lpliam, trvus- urc-r u( the republnaa satluual cuuiuiittu, Klutod that he hud uevr hoard of nor ordered luadu up tho ol campaign. (uotaa UHulgutd to tho various cilku. as charged by Governor Cox, democratic candidate for prvsldvut, lu his I'ittuburg apecch. Uphani told tha in- voHtlguting coinuiitteo of th funds collected from the di(- ferent malea. Ho said that Ore- gon had contributed 1188 for the national campaign, and 4 that Id the state campaign fund there was $1565. Quotuu for other states were also given In the course of the witness' testimony. JTLYS VERY tOW. SI'KC'IAh .NOTICE. All merchants and members of the Itoseburg and Douglas County Merchants' association will close their places of busi ness Labor Day. Monday, the sixth. The banks will be closed and there will bo no Issue of the Roseburg N ws-keview. Secretary, Merchants Assn. Lteutenent Ayert arrived here in' tha plane "Rotoburg" this afternoon from Sutherlln, car- rying Mark Tisdale, the 8uthor- lln banker. Ayers dropped his ship very low over the city and sVooped down Jackson street, barely clearing tho telephone poles. The roaring of hia mo- tor Just over the business aoc- tlon brought hundreds of people to the Btreets. The plane will carry the News-Itevlew to Myr- tie Creek, Riddle and Canyon- villo this afternoon and con- tinue to Grants Pass. iik. ii school i;i:.isiit vno. All perMons fleniriiiK to enter Hoso hurK llii'.h School this fall will be reiuii-ei1 to register ul the principal's nfrice th week before schools opens. Seniors wl'l reRlster Monday. Sept. 0, Juniors Tuesday, 7th, Sophomores Wednesday Slh, hours 1 to 0 p. lu. and 7 to it p. m. Freshmen will res istor all dm Thursday and Frid.iv forenoon. Classes het:in September ! 1. All students should register b-j fore the alove date, whetlier they In- 1 tend to bo in s.-hool the first two : weeks or not. Those who fad to do' this may not bo ahle to enter the classes of their choice. Students inn it ! c,ive number of their home dlslrict nt j rcpisiruuon. v. n. .uei.n, u i , l'rincipal. ing after business matters. He re ports his vicinity prosperous. Accepts Position Miss Virginia Hlpsrs. who has been employed as stenographer by Attor ney U. L. Eddy, has resigned her position and accepted one with the Rose confectionery. Miss Riggs be gan her new duties Monday. To Newport Mr. and Mrs. C. R. harton Miss Florence hnrton and Miss lleulnh Jarvls left this afternoon for New port, where they will spend the next two weeks enfoylne a vacation. Smith Itiver Men Here C. F. Pyrltj and W. N. Lyster well cnown Smith River ranchers, wore visitors In Roseburg' today and spent several hours attending to business matters. In from ltlildle Mr. and Mrs. Men Ilullwlnkle and Mrs. Susy liales motored to Rose burg this morning from Riddle to sfiend a few hours shopping and visiting with friends. Locates in Myrtle Creek Dr. A. J. Fawcett, who left his practice K Riddle to enter tho U. S. army durwig the war. h is located a' Myrtle Creek. Dr. Fawcett is well known in tho Uinpnua valley and needs- no introduction. Will Work nt Hollows Miss Carmen Robinson, who has hern employed nt the Hook Store for some time, has rei-'lgticd her position at that place and accepted one ns saleslady at the Hollows drygoods store. She bec,an her duties on Mon day. Hero from evlerr Mr. and .Mrs. Alvin Walker, of Nowhere are visiting in Roseburg at the II. M. liovd home. Within sever-1 a, - I A I. ... ... - . . .ii u.i niey win coniiuue on to the Cow Creek ennyon whero they i will euloy a short outing. Fneouto to .New oVrk Sliss Ruth Aikens and mother, Mrs. A. j. Aikens arrived in Roso hmg this nftornoon from Riddle and will visit with friends for a! few days. Miss Aikens is enroute lo New York w here she has been I residing for the past three years. She has been spending the summer nt Riddle with relatives. Will t; Hunting A. C. Rexroad, C. A. Itexroad and '"" "ons. Cha.-les and Dwleht. Rev. W. J. Fenton and E. L. Rice form a party which leaves tomorrow for nn eight days hunt. They go to Uuckhead and Bear Wallowa in the upper Little river country, near Quartz mountain. Ncwlyweds Ketum Mr. and Mrs. Roy Young have re turned to this city after a honeymoon trip. Roy "put one over" on his many friends by quietly getting mar ried about a week ago and sneaking away before the news became known. He is passing out cigars quite liber ally today, however. Farewell Party Given The Women's Relief Corps gave a farewell party to Mrs. Towne at her home on Fullerton street last night. The guest of honor was presented with tokens of the high esteem in which she Is held by the ladles of the Roseburg Relief Corps. Mrs. Towns will hereafter make her home in Eugene. Hero from Smith River C. A. Pyrtii and William Lyster, both of the Smith River district, spent the day in Roseburg attend ing to business matters. Primarily they are on business for the school district and conferred for some time this morning with the connty school superintendent regarding school matters. Visited Rrothora Home W. P. Ellis secretary for the Ore gon Public Service Commission, ac companied by his wife and family, visited at the home of R. L. and Mrs. Ellis, near this city, last night. onroute to California points for the vacation trip. They are going via Crater Lake. The commission sec retary is a brother of the Roseburg man. Inspecting Highway- Mr. and Mrs. 11. R. Rashford of San Francisco stopped in Roseburg for lunch todny on tholr way south after a tour of inspection over the Pnclflc Hiphway in the Interest of tho California Automobile Associa tion. They made the trip .north as for as Pritish Columbia and are now on their return home. Ohio People Guests Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Manz have as house guests Mrs. R. Kathreln and daughter Florence, Mrs. N. Zimmer man and son Walter, all of Cleve land, Ohio. The ladies are sisters of Mrs. Manz, and the party is touring the west coast. Seattle, Portland, Roseburg, Ashland and California points are Included In their Itinerary. TOMATO SALE. Beginning Aug. 31, T. B. Evans and Son, of Dlllard, will hold a sale of tomatoes at their gardens. No. 1 graTle will sell at 50c per box: No. 2 at 30c per box. Salo will continue un til Sept. 8. and we will be In the field nt all times to take care of the trade. T. B. EVANS & SON. Phone 22-F42. Dlllard. Reduce Weight Easily Nov Do you wish to beoonif s-K-iulor, pTaeeful, healthier, h-tivieii hat till e need, hut. .ie your f xl thoroughly, and lr;y fill.iwmtf r.isy Kuroin v.'.i'in ob t nn.ible in r.t drun stoie. 1 urpo-'d to in rtlucmtf (at in any P r ol the body. Krai wh.ttt'vor you to u lbs.) under i00.0l iiioney-rptund guarantee o- no cot to you. KeUuct? pursy aWlo n en. double chin. Uiye limb. ohe hip and o'her overbtout parts of Uc body. (t d.n of herein ?vtem (pv n 'urued ha been reported ti iow a notn eale irdurtion in wt(M. Ni ihvTtmi. no exh.uit' evuise, no starvation dietm;, no tnirV utf BrTm:iiTC(1;u;' ntNit .H'lirvvM1 phvsvt a:i t-.-'i-tci U-turn,- hv'-t. bven a :l .'n- rt lr. : l:nj aa s m i in- ITt' p-l'ih fii'W I'rrt Ki"i r. Hi mjiil rw'i . . K t-a p Ki Jr. f ' emsyivania AUTO TUBE "TON TESTED" j For a limited period wo are giving new and regular customers, vith each Vacuum ("up Tire bought nt our store, one "Ton XoV" TUbe f corrcs'1ondi"ff size- Buy Save money by anticipating vour Spring ar.d Summer tire and tube needs". Adjustment basis per warranty tag attached to each casing: " Vacuum Cup Fabric Tires G.000 Miles acmim Cnp Cord Tires 9,000 Mile?.. ' a. lockwood ;motor CO. Auihoritcd Ford and Ford-ton Itenler. We Consider the interests of our custom ers protect them and pro mote them in meeting their legitimate requirements promptly. Vour Checking Account la Invited. The Roseburg National Bank Roseburg, Ore. m we corumuy invito 0ur Intr NEW TOiAY. tion of the beautiful hats, in the WW TZJLT.!?T-T wimuvi mm copper, t! uiumu uuiii mm P'.'UCliaitltt. T, richuess of materials surpaasei w LijST 12 d hot on and 6 negatives, alzo T.tadav Ak 4it Jlrownl No. 2. Jttturn lo New-) B WAVTKD Boy for all around kitchen work. Apply at Cafoterln at once. NOTH'K Saddle and pack hornea fur hunters. U M. Itice, tioatflin. Ore. I'honw 26-F21. NX I KS B VANTKI tU-al. Addrena LUxonvllle, Or.. Ht'KlHtered or priic Ura. Chas. Wat a on, or phor.q 1-F14. Cut flowera for sul UahH.. RRters. at Hunyan's dahlia fiione 1385 UmpQua Ave. WANTKI Young woman to work in diet kitchen at Soldiers Homo. J'hone WANTED Prune pickers, Rood camp inK Krounda. I'hone Jl-t'l. C. K. lliltlleld. K. 1, HoH.-bUIK. 1917 KttitD CAR Oood methanlral condition, tireH all k1. nv ii and paint. I'rlcd rltfht. I'hone ownrr. 444-Y. b)R SALk Studebaker touring r, 1U16 niodwl. run len than VuDU miles; In irood condition; prU'e 77ui). Owu r, V. f. Nichols, Kiddle, Ore. FOR SALK OR THADE For nous and lot, If 15 Hup, eluc. liKhtH & stutter, new battery. ix Kood tires, in A-l shape, fall phone juQ or 424l-'loed WA.NTIH) TO UK NT 5 or 6 room mod em house near Krado wehool hy re sponslbltt party. Wish th plaou per manently. Address Mrs. W. A. 1'rlau 1 x, R. 2. Itox 123 -A LOST I'ockethuok at O. K. Gurun contained ll'O bill, receipt for $.lt ntadfi to Clyde Johnson. Kinder re turn to Johnson, Salem, utckoii. reward. .St. FOH SALi; 22 acres 1 mile from Kone burK. 12 In thoro cultivation; 3-4 acre atrawberries, some penrs and black berries; 10 acres small timber and stump Innd; small S-roum box hotisc, barn, other outbuildings. Am aelllnK tn buy stock farm. Ixw price for quick action. Address or call Military St. Heinline-Moore CONSERVATORY Re-opens Sept. 13, 1920 MIW. HKINLINK AND MltS. MM)liE ARE NOW AT STUDIO; CAM. F.AULY AXD MAKE LES-API-OINTMENTS. DI1J YOU NOTICE OUR ANNOUNCEMENT? Regarding that fine dljplaj of FALL and WINTER WOOLENS They are Bt 111 here Awaitlnf your Inspection. And we aJ It 111 here Ready to send your vants. Try Our Way Our Auto M ill CalL Phone 877. Seo our display Friday and Satur day. Smart .Modes for fall and win ter wear. Bell Millinery, Friday and Saturday. AUTO OWNEItS. Adopt the new and better Yir by having Universal Filler u talli'd In vour auto tire, lo place of air. It ririfS lame a, ilr and you never have to think about such tlllncn as punctUfM and blowouts, bexldes you let nyieh ffreater fnileaK, to your rnslnBs- Try It out mid I ruar antee that you will never o ba.'k to air analn. You will al ways have Universal Klllei r vleo, because It is here to flajr. Uon't fomet that Universal Fil ler is Kuaranteed tor 100,000 miles. Come In and lnveli" at the Filler Serylre Station, Comer Oak and II' we. CARL OILMAN, Jlananer INITIAL FALL SHOWING Quite a few of the new fall shoes have arrived. We Invite you to come In and look them over. Designed for sorvico as well as atyle. A Little Care Saves Months of Wear Heels straightened and reinforced the day they show sipns of turn ing or wearing, will save the heels and strengthen your snkles. Solog replaced as soon as they get thin keep the uppers from stretching all out of shape. You'll bo surprised how the lite ' your shoes will be prolonged by OUR REPAIRMAN who under stands shoes and their proper care. Ladies- Our $5.00 Sale of Low Shoes is still on ROSEBURG BOOTERIE iiivis nrtrn Shoes That tl.r and Fit Yonr Feet TUESDAY WEBXESDA? OLIVE THOMAS IN 'Upstairs A DoW TlOl t EI.L.VU TO GARRET A LAUGH ON SKN.NETT COMEDY AND PATHE NE Tlrt RS.. A DRAMA OF TENSE EMOTIONAL POWER, WTTH Su'wJ URISCALE HER GREATEST ROLE. "THK IOl MRS, fcANDS."