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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1920)
nninnrnfl views Turns tI'khih v. .r.rT at, mao.. rnon two It O S K U V It Q KEWS I1EVIEW luurJ P.llr Krll "r. II, llmr. I- Wlmhyrly llfft O. UH SUBSCIillTION RATES pht. p "r. y mn... ;; tally. l minllm by mull JJ ly I'.rrittr, rir month " 'Hi. As.uclalwl Prou Is .Dlltl.u tu lli uit fur republication of ail n.w. al,pat-ri.. lo It or li . t slbirvln In Ibis PPr mid Mlto tliw local tiwa h.r. In. Atl rlKhla of r.publtuatiuii or apa dul ul.p.ulie. li.r.ln ara also raaarvafl. Kntuictl a. .cond-ula.s uiattar Mar 17, man, at th. po.l olTli'. at lluaabum, im-iron, umVr IhV Aft of Mhrclj i, ISiV. 1'osrlmrfC, Onifon, Aug. 81, 10UO THE IILOW TO UOLSIIEVISM. Prusslanlsm seemed strongest shortly before It collapsed. Is It to he the same with bolshevlsmT Whlln the Kusslans were advancing toward Warsaw and driving the Poles uu foro them, the Kid menace loomed up more threateningly than ever to vesti ru Europe and the rest of the world. It was fean-d that nothing could stop the military might of Kua ra'i n.-w tyrants. All at once Hie tide turned, and the Russian rout si'iins In Hiuiiy ways comparable lo that of the German armies iu the fall of 1918. Can l.enlne and Trotzky rouse th upirlt of those beaten troops and raise m w levies to overwhelm I'oIbikI and seek further conquest sT It de-p.-uJn, more than anything else, on the utlltude of Poland. If the Polish leaders are reasonable, I hey stand an excellent chance of guaranteelni! their natural frontiers for lite fu ture, Insuring their Independence and establishing a permanent truce with Ibe bolshevikl. '1'he only reason the latter were able to come as near as they did lo crushing Poland was that the Poles, by their attempted conquest of large areas generally recognized as Kus slnn, had given the Ited leaders n chance lo appeal to ItitsHlun pu trlotlsm. Those Hed armies could hardly have been raised for a delib erate., unprovoked Invasion of strict ly foreign territory. After their dis astrous defeat, it will be harder than cut to obtain Itllsslan troops foi anvthlng but self-defense. The Poles. I hen. will do well ti heed the advice of the United Htatei and the allies, to present none but reasonable demands and refralt from further provocation. If the) adopt such a policy, they may do fa: more than safeguard their own legitimate Interests. They may prov. to have saved the world from bolshe vlsui. The bolshevlst regime ha been upheld of lute mainly by It inilltnry prestige. With that gom nnd the forces of economic dlslnte grallon working naturally, the sy tem little by little may full to pieces ami then' cuu hardly be a man whose iiaiuo will uppeai upon thai i . cold who will lut bow his In al i.etoro this unexpected but deuorvfed branding. While the numbers of those who attempted to evade the draft would constitute an army In themselves, which might have turned the tide of many a battle, this is a 'i I n it for them to consider, and not for those who have lu mind the honor and safety of Ihelr country. Thn percentage of men who did re spond Is so heavy that the heart of the nation may safely trust lu them, and as one paper puts It, feel confi dent that "something like the same proportion would probably be foun-1 to obtain In relation to any o'her vlial Issues of right and wrong." According lo the federal depart lent of labor, wholesale- pi Ices thru- out the United States dropped 2 V4 i).-r cent in July, as compared wlih lune, but retail prices, as observed 32 cities, rose 1 per cent. This Ik i Hit nut ion In which the consumer ran find mighty little satisfaction. It s also a situation that calls for ex planations on the part of retail di ai rs. When wholesale prices drop i lie tibllc naturally expects to get the .enefit of them, lust as It experts to nv higher retail prices when the wholesale rates rise. Some allow nice, naturally, should be made for me to make wholesale reductions ffective. Dealers may explain tha' lie goods sold In July were houeht tieforo that, at higher rates. Poubt- ss many of them were. That might Instlfv a short continuance of the old retail price. But how explain any ilse of the retail rates when th" prices paid by the retailer are fall-'ng? The girls' covering their ear wouldn't be so bad If they didn't leave openings for gossip to trickle through. A3.'! THAT MUSK MKXT IKIOIl. If you hear terrible screeching and blurlngs and suueakiugs am waitings as If of bouIs In lorinen coming from the house next door oi across the street, says a superluten dent of schools of a distant city don't report them to the police. Tr to observe what hour of the day the; usually Issue lortli, and do your mar ki'tlng then or go sit on a distant friend's porch. 11 Is probably the neighbor boy or girl, learning lo play an Instrument for the school baud ot orchestra, and the whole future ol American music depends on the slu dent's gelling a good start. One of the reasons that America! muslo did not advance much foi many years Is that A rlcnll child ren did not barn to play orchestra or bund Instruments. Those wh "took music lessons" took them iniMt perfunctorily nnd superficially on the piano. It is even now virtual ly Impossible to recruit a good oi ehentra front native American piny ers. String players have slowly been Increasing, but players of Ibe wood wind Instruments (flute, oboe, clurl net, etc.) are still tilmost non-existent. If the school or the boys' or girls' club starts an orchestra, encourage It. The screechv period does not last I .ne. if ih.. chiid works hard. The violins will soon sweeten up, tie horns Ftiioolh and soften Ihelr tones Stsnd It as best you can for n lltil' while, nnd when the orchestra really rounds Into shape for the school en tertnlnnienl, or the Scouts bilng out their osn band for the big pnrnd you w ill have a right to be bursting! proud of It. During the throe months Just pasM a, in one city alone, the damag suns bronchi for injuries ilicurre In automobile accidents have beei me titan :tnll. Kvcry llfth suit filed grew out of such an accident, and the damages sought ranged fiont flDOu to I .MI.Oiiii. Such llgures as these are potent arguments for it control of the autiunotille situation If one city rolls up such a illlarterly t tit it I . what must the nattoual total lie. the iiuuuul total? Most of t he siilis referred to have been brought for the Injury or death of pedestrians struck by speeding intichlnt'sa. Other. are the result of collisions. Taken all together, they present a fine oh Jective loson in careless driving am iiiritriliiil irv negligence. Whether the louses be considered from i monetary point of view or from th more important one of the maiming ami death of human beiiiKH, it is evl dent thai they mote Ihan offset any pos-dliic gains accruing from sp and carelessness. Kvery community has the problem. Kvery community should work al It. with ordinance. education and punishment, until no such shameful record can be found In the unnals of any municipality. MEW METHODS OF PRESERVING FRUIT Fresh Berries are Possible in Midwinter According to Latest Experiments. HAS NATURAL COLOR IroHrrutlon Ily Frwliitf is Olifciiper Thun running ays (iuvernniont Offk-luls liivoilfK'Liii'tf the New Strht'ino. With fall weather closw at hand activities, in the political arena will non dtMiitinil tho uttwillon of a great lalnrlty of por-plc From prRent ndicatlons there will be no drlav among the various candidates in pul ing themselves before the voters and he l!t 20 political campaign glve evidence of being a regular hummer rum mart to finish. At 20 he doesn't need much Bleep; it 40 he needs It but ho has lo hustle -to hard to make a living he doesn't et It. How do you et-xpi ct always to be mderslood when nobody under stands himself? You hnve a r.frlit to be proud ot 'our ancestors only if they had sound nlnds. WASHINGTON, Aug. 30. Fresh berries and cherries in midwinter are possible, the experts of the De partment of Agriculture announce after extensive experiments. Suc-eeH;-rul methods oi storing fruits and denies In frozen condition have ijeen demonstrated and the govern ment experts nay, theae should be more fully utilized in relieving the, market ol surplus receipts ot highly perishable Aruits while in sound, ediMo condition. They declare that preservation by freezing is cheaper than canning, especially, when tin containers are costly, as ai pr seiu, and an important industry of steady development is looked for in this Hue. hulfl at nrnnnr liim nflt II rA. the experts say, has a more natural flavor than when canned or aneu .si, I iu iil Iv a a o:it lf:irfnrv UK Trentl fruit. Is superior to the canned and dried fruit in making ice creams or sherbets, and Tor cooking in me .inn rr nil. a nri'SprvfR. lollies, and other desserts and confections. Strawberries, red and black rasp berries, black lierriei. loganberries, iilue berries, gooseberries, currants and sour cherries have been found trt iu..n Bufrtu.f nllv nfter be i lie frozen. Berries can be frozen in the crates lu which marKeteii in iem peruture from 10 degrees Fahren heit to znro ami ueiow anu wuu liawn from cold storage wheu uro iiturl Tliu fmiiltt l)trmiiA WUteT- loggetl when laken out and collapse .itid therulore must oe useu iniuiw liately. Government experts say, iouevi r, that they retain their na tural lllavor and In every way are mnnaruhle to the best fresh pro ducts. If you bHh-ve everything you hear -oii'll soon hear more than anybody :ould believe. Ort'ut success consists largely in lolug the things that can't be done. Some men marry for a figure and Hhi-rs for figures. Creat weather for harvesting tin bumper crop of fruit In (his county MM Al, YOl ; OH'I.K MAUItll,l S ATI IIDAY MIhs Marlon Lewis and YVallei Hughes, well knonu young people ot ti Ih city, were united in marriage Saturday eveiung al 8 o'clock at t lu lu t iki parrtonage, with Kev. J. 11. lU knoii conduct ing t he i-ere;noiiy lew elose relatives and fin nils ol the contracting eouple w.-re pietient. The groom is em ploy d by Un Southfi n I'ncll ic company, and t li" bride has been at tending high u-hool In this city. They left fol lowing the ceremony for Ola I la, where they will enjoy u short outing, i ml will i lien go to Mat shrield to mke their home. Kuril, tt pears for canning, 1 cent ;er lb. Oregon ti rowers Co-operative i.shoeiatfou, Washington St. and S. P. tracks. lilack hatters plush, shapes large and small, trimmings of yarn, tns iels. ostrich and fea;her bands. Bell Millinery. This Kail a-.u winter Millinery Opening, fucbday, Aug. 3 1st. "The Vogue." iilisia; ;s ami m:v i;.Ul A.XMH Nt l MKMS. IllKht now Is the time to plate your trdei wit h Hates. ( he pnnier, for .'our Christmas and New Year an louncements. We are showing one if i he most complete and luaui ilul hie ( f ranis lu various designs. iiiu'. o.uel;. embossed, and (ho print lig. w ll. leave II to Ital'H. he al .vays cms over the top w h. ti tt rtoues o gi itirx; out HOinetl.ini; r al nifty, 'all at the exclusive job print ittc de partment of the New s-liex lew office. New full coats In wood brown, 'leather, tenseltone, ttiup grey, "ektn tduo. Fridav nnd Saturday, 'b 11 Millinery. OH, DEAR! MY BACK. Merciful Heavens, how my Lack hurts in the morning 1 " It's al) UI1I9 Ul Ollw ovor-nbund- ance of that'' poison called! uric acid. 1 The kidneys are not alile WW11"1' to jret rid of it. Such con ditions you can readily overcome, and prolong life by taking "Anuric" (anti-uric-acid) can be obtained at almost any drug store, in tablet form. When your kidneys get sluggish and clog, you suffer from back ache, sick-headache, dizzy spells, or twinges anil pains of lumbago, rheumatism or gout; or sleep is disturbed two or three times a night, got Dr. Tierce's Anuric, it will put new life into your kidneys and your entire system. Send Dr. Tierce's Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., ten cents for trial package. San Franvisco, Calif. "I have used 1'r. Tierce's remedies in my family for fifteen years nnd have found on every ocrasinn that tiiey fave satisfactory results. Keeen! :v was troubled with my kidneys anil my hack constantly pained me. 1 took three packages of Dr. Tierce's Anuric Tablets which removed all pain and cleared up conditions. I advise everyone to give Dr. Tierce's remedies a fair trial." Mia. K Evk. 4ii Brannon Street. LOVE and M tin tbf? noteu mnnor -Idah MSGlone Gibson AkKIEU Utt MKMOI'.IKS. "Don't worry, deir." I staid to Alice sifter a moment. "I remem ber it all now. I know that John is dead and I'm sur that my mind will not ko wandering on acum. , The shock has passed, oaly the sor-' row remains." ! And then, there came to me, for the first time since Jehn's death, blessed tears. I think perhaps, those tears were my greatest con- solers. for some great conatrletion that was holding my heart In us; tight clusp seemed to brenk. "That's rlKht." said Alice, "weep, I If you want to, !-ur. The docior! said months aKo It we could make I you conie to yourself enough to! weep, It would be the greatest me-, dlrlne that could bo gitren you." "Poor John, poor John: I laid. Just above uiy breath. "Yes, dear, It was 'poor John, said Alice. "He had so much to live for In you und his baby, and he seemed not to appreciate It." I held up a tiemUiiig hand, tor strength seemed to come to nie rapidly. "Do you gnow, Alice," I said, "that John had fully resolved that this was to be the last time he was going out with Elizabeth? He had absolutely determined to break off with her." "Did he tell you that?" asked Alice eagerly. "On, 1 think 1 could hear It better If 1 knew that he had determined to let her go out of his life if I felt that at last he nutter stood the trouble he was making for all olf us. Did you let him realize that he had anoilier chance?" "That's the saddest part ot It all, Alice," I answered. "You never can tell either yourself or any one else whether Fate Is going to let you have another chrinre. And so it be hooves us to walk as straight as we can." "And so he told you, did he?" she continued, "that he r,nd Kliza tie'.h were going to separate? Wa- she going to leave town?" "I do not know, denr. He said nothing to me about tt in so many words, but that afternoon when I got over to the house, I found that Elizabeth was there: and I could see from her tear stained fare that whatever the ln'erview. It had made her very unhappy." "I pretended not to notice any thing and she oon left. After she had gone. John seemed lo turn to ward tue with great relief. He had seldom been sweeter to me in uP his life, and, Alice, as always, he exerted that same liasclnation over me which I could never resist. In that last hour we had tOM-ther, we were nearer than we had been In many months. He listened to nf while I told him exactly how 1 was going to furnish that living room and as the lun came through the stained glass, window and painted that gold Chinese tea paper with brilliant color, he remarked upon its beauty and confossod that he knew ho was going to like this room much better with my decota tiou than he wauWl have done with the paper that Elizabeth Sloreland had ordered put upon the wall. He drew me up toward him, Alice, r.nd locked tit me as he did before our marriage. Then be said to me things that I cannot repeat they are too sweet and sacred but I knew from what he said that he had determined that when we moved in to the new house, wo would put all the turbulence of the old life be hind us and turn to the beginning again." "Oh. how many times," said Alice, "wo poor mortals think that we will go back to that Heavenly place of "beginning again' but fate always Intervenes. The warp and woof of !J:e can be woven Into only one plere of goods, and although we may change the pattern, we cannot unravel the cloth nnd begin It all over again or even go back to the place where we started It." "The pattern Is changed for me. Alice." i Hiiid brokenly, and then to myself 1 whispered. "I'm so glad John culled me 'Girl' on that last afternoon." "What did you say, Katherlne?" Mice asked as she overheard a word or two. "I do not know as you have ever heard John's pet name for me. In fact I think he never used it except when we were alone and when he was feeling particularly happy to be with me. He never called me Katherine' then. He Just said 'Girl' and as John said the word it wa? sweeter Ihan any endearing or any enressfng name that I have ever heard." "Poor John!" sighed Alice, "hf was so sweet in many ways. You must remember that he did not real ize he did not realize." Alice took my hand nnd stroked it tenderly. For a long time I said nothing, I could not apeak. My eves still held the picture of John clasping me close close to him, so close that at this very moment I felt the warmth of his last caress. as looking down Into my eyes he said. "ATter tonleht. 'Girl', you and I will just go togging along our way together and I won't be leaving you for anv business or any person. TOMoltltOW Karl Nhepanl Calls. "The Vogue" Invites you inspec tion of the season's styles, materials ind colors that cannot full to excite he admiration of the most critical buyer. Also every millinery novelty 'hat is assured popularity awaits you. Tuesday, Aug. 31st. "You Save Money" say3 the Good Judge And get more genuine chew ing satisfaction, when you uiie this class of, tobacco. This is rec;U'oO ihe full, rich, real tobacco t;is(e lasts so li'iv', you don't need a fresh chew nearly r.s often. And a sainil chew gives more real satisfaction than a big chew of tlit; ordinary kind ever did. Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Ciiew will tell you that. V t:p in two styles W-P, CUT is a loni; fine-cut tobacco RIGHT GUT is a short-cut tobacco Cotvpleie arinv ivporls dhow that lfji han oik p-T r nt nf the im'ti mm. any aittmpi to avoid tvUm1 Tbl hifotmatlnn should do much to nffHft iht' pt'usitnlntn ri'jrnrdlnn th ioundnptu of thp national spirit an-1 Institution in which many people art IndulKinir- Thr natiKMi of tho who "wilfully fulled" thir country lu her hour of need will toon b made public hy the war dcpartim'til, 9 'I fV. PVh v." 1 Wonderiul McdicineJ 1 The scientific Mendino- of ivli:ilil of benefit to persons who sutler from NmoisocH SlerplrsrarM Drprrloa lorn ul Appetite Brain lag Digestive Troubles Blow Recovery Iron latlaema and Kindred Ailment Are too run d .wn? Are you irritable' Are you ewworked? Then try this approved remedy and satisfy yourself of Its beneiicisi infixed lent. frWM Sih'U t OrivTo! 20-ps. bottUl on.'y. iVitM aii u6(ttwta. Sf maiiSTsatmtf BBIArtA DHl'U COMPANY . Cltjr.Msv Let Us Show You and Quote You Prices on UNIVERSAL Lighting Plants J. F. BARKER & CO., nosKiiritt;. oitKtiox impi.i:mi:nts ai'tomouile tractors ALL ew CLASSIFIED A.DVKBT1SEMB.HTS WILL BK foi hT o . , -c t-wfiBtt ueiniMn ... . .... l,u " . tuiiay." WANTED. WANTEI Wora with a truck. Phoua WANTED i uraey. large or amall. iyer Mro. tiune m-iii- WAN'IfciU A 4-room furnished apart ment. Inijutrt) Aims by. via Brown, County Agnt on ice. WANTED til or M pruna plonr. tr hustet . uiiu oui oien in arir. i. O. Bacon, L'mpqua. Orwgun. WANTED Woman or Kir! for confec tionery worK. Apply ouito wuiuw tioniy. WE SELL Edison IfAZDraiPS Douglas County Light and Water Co. WANTED Elderly man for wlniar Job tltiinjf chorva, rougn uaryanur worn, ytv. ktmtr uiarried uian. Apply Lhtdblotfin, Dixunvllia. WANTKD lrun plckrs. Oooa plck aood cttmping vroundn. writ fur tiurtlculura. rhoim lit-XS. Wm. P. Wav.r, Myrtle Crawk. Urwgon. VANTtl Man with taaina to taka logging cuulravt, abort haul, all w.n t.ri Job. Flr-lJtn Luiubvr Co Ulendala, Orvgun. WANTEU Experlt-nifd ptar and apple packer at tii Overland Orvharda. Traiiaportatlon to and from town free, or accommodation at the or chard. Beginning Tueaday, Sept 7 Chas. A. Urunil. WANTKU Twnty-thrr out of town school tattiiiH daalra room and board th coining yar. Tha ooiu uiuntty mum provldn nultubla accoiu. modutlona for teachers If tha auboola at to ba maintained. Cltlzana huv Ing rooma for rant or board to el tar, arw aakad lu communicate with tfupt. M. S. llumin at once, mentioning tha kind uf rooms, convwulvouaa and prlcea. FOK HEAT. OK KENT Jr'umiahad room for young man. 247 So. Jackson. Phunm 41-K. KOU KENT Safety dvpoalt Htmehur? N r 1 1 n I ft u k rilACTOR l'U.WiNJ Oat your ordar in at onca If yuu want work dun, 1 1 lbart Wood , Hot Uoaabui g. JAICKTY KIltbT Seotira a aafaty da poalt box for your valuable papers at !.. V ,,a..l..i. u- Niillnnal U'.nlt WKLL 1K11.L1N3 K. E. MelnafUimn, driller, it. 1. it oneburg. Fhone r'UK EXCHANiiE 310 acres land $l3 pur acre In Montana, near Forsyth, Good eull, fenced; house. Trade for one or more houses in Hoseburg, Ore Kon. Hoi 6-4, Salem. Oregon. .iUNkli' TO LOAN ay-yi-ar rural credit farm loans, low interest rate. $20,000 local money to loan on good real estate. First mortgage. Kiev M. F. Rice, of Rite & Rice. LOST A.ND FOUND. LOST Suitcase containing wearing apparel. Finder pleaae leave at Nuw Review. $f reward. LOiSr Collie dog. lice n a No. 111. Finder please return to 721 Court HI. or phone 1 36- Ol'ND Center side curtains for auio. owner may get same at this e it lee by paying for this ae)e. 4 UK Ai,l&. IOK ALE Old growth dr and oa grub wood. 14. So tter tler Phone y. KOK SALR Itartlet pears, seconds, at the Overland Orchards, HOc a box. rUANSI'ORTATION to Frisco for one or two cheap. Gray, 40H E. Uouglas. FOR SaXaB Rose burg nreperty. Apyly Owner. Phone 17S-T. Fult 8 ALE Oats, both gray and white. Phone mornings 17-1- or 1M-F11. FOR WALK One Ford bug. and one ton Ford truck. Judd A McMilltn, Foit gALE lioge for sale. non, U ixonvlll e FoR HALE Toggenbergar milk goat. duj a. btepheu. Foil bALE 5-i oom home, big lota, fruit, garden, cheay at fiwoe. In quire News-Review. UARTLETT PEAKS FOR SAI-B 76c box. itid grade, at the orchard. Fred I'illard, Edeiibower. fTTlt SALE 60 head of sheep and feW head stock cattle. Address M. . H., care Newe-Kview. Poll One lis Ford Z&r, one I'M Oakland six. Liberty Auto a.iles Co. Full SALE Three inch Mitchell wagon, eleffant shape, halt truck, j .0. K. A. JUirrpugl is. tirqn station. FoR SALE Vetch and cheat seed. 3 cents per pound. Myers llros.. Look- ni gOlans. Phone 13-F12. K(Ht SALE Work horse, I'iiiO, youriK cow ti0. Inquire Nuws-lte-v if w. i-l( SALE 3 purebred lJuruc boai s, ready for service. Lynn Heekley, Ros.eburg. Ore. R. 1. Hox 3u. NullKu... Cm. Vu,. Oi'io Eii -' . c: (0 , 7uc b ij hii harit.k. iV ".t W siieht suuu ii.- x.-:..' in k.,.: Fulc ii.... ar old. b, ,,.' '"mITi A. Calhoun.Vlll..-., ... " "-H I .tllck. from Crf'XT dl. now tor l9:i haub you wmil mrly clutk. iw i'" 1 both lu nr.l ' L iC? I ll Uort. ,vi " 1 1K14 Ford, t-;t.' tfvrvk-u Uuraic. r.. - SUPKItlOU HOCK SPUISUS -r?-B..t on th. m.rk.t . VW ana mill m.l, bym, ni, ' Kp.olal pric. o ',i M U.lili, ;or. ok mi. I ii.i.' 1 FOK SALE head ot Work-k wolshlim from 1 1 , ... alo sood Iiilith (. S-e Iken ."J": llTlthum . "VV- Koii Wick sAi.uii7i;fj-7- lot; will give 1, '5l'' comnienlal Av... or hm, 3 tor b p. in. '- Kok SALK-ivtlT?. s.);ri-7r nora (toats. mo.tly joui,ic Z,. Al.o .U 1,,-ad work !,!, 1 nompson. It.2, Hj 113 Xorlh e." clflc liiicuway. larVi.,:.,;'r1' line white wool. Will ir,' uat load. Prices right. F. W. H,:i FOR MALE Fli- Wuod, Br and oak at U Per tiir In it. AdtliL-ua it ' WILL TRADE Nice plnctirTir bower for. suiall pro.rty In burg. Add)es IL W., car. jiH. bOli gALE one TreTii m;kii m choice of two, $i0 or 60. Ala ful work mare, weight liuo Ibi , FOR SvVLE An auiuiiiiitic rifle hi power, .3ul talihur, ty tlim tu box of ajiellt. Almost n?w. Pric E. A. Rurroutflia. Orwn tUtinc LCMJK 10H acres gvod farm and (t d(n Innd; 4-room house, la,n,o; spring; 2 uci .-a in iruit; l nine to itosi burn; 4 fcii;. hog. 3tf chlcki'tiK, 4 tyiis hay, Utz (ools, raiiKe and hf.tter. Itaia you act quick. It. W. Stovail, Aiti sniUr Afl.litlon . Oil tALK L'orner rnaiB ilor, e:-, eral merchandise, Mvlrose, urffus, t miles from Rosebuig; include li acres 6-year-old prune! Id tirL4 this year. Good S-room hou. ir age, barn, othwi outbuiidingi; imij fruit; all In first-cluta shap. SlJt by house, well iitiit-id. Will Ho stocK oi mue. at lnvoic. ram Sjr.lkik with t'i&Ull rltiwii hatH terms. It. ttlubDs. ueirona or FOR gALE Good uad sues; steam Tractors, from H t W boilers and etiKinwf, ail iim; Vu !) baiting a I, J u nulla. Drag saw with 2 saws 1 4 rf. P. Uas Engine .....if 1 t U. P. Oas LiiiflDe 1 aim 11 naiA in ills atuil . aalvanlzud pipe, 14 in. fur drjin per ii. a i-ufcata uf lUc nr lb nW. We buy. sell, and sxctifcnif ntiki ry. tie me good inmrfsi UHttti eheap. OHKtfUN MACIilNa'RI a-fctgene, ore. FOll SALI-r Span good work horses, weight ?S0U; also 1 right lap. Phone 1 S -1- FOK SALE One of the- b-at all re-t farms in souilifin I'mutiM rou-nt-. ron-iltinir nf 5TS.-16 acrt: - acres farm land, ao f"lit: :e rr- under trriKation. ciovec me - prunes. 117 praln and corn. Jul pi ture. all under i.oz t- ; mr-fttm ttrmt rluas lillllier: 1 B" of creek bottom; 17 fi-Ui nd K" ttiruu with I v nil WtfT lb J them year round; 4 b.irns. Rranjr hog pene; plenty of out ranse. to the forest reserve; 7-room no water piped Into h..use; H w -School. 17 mllee to H. K. at B good road, no hilt, rrke V half cash, balance on time. J"11. : all or my macinner. k'" I work horses, how, fh.-p, fo - rattle tvt reaffona-bl- rnce. . selling, retlrlnK A i lress Bo Mvrtle r u r - lie It Millinery, new dovetine shapes, gold and sliver lace trim, Frl Jny nnd Saturday. If you want to nil your property, so J. A. Walker, 10ft Cam St. rhoae HUNTER AND GUIDE!, Pack hurra fnrotsbai. Writ lor datns. 11KHT WELLS, Oanuta TUWf, Or. a H. Hunt n. T. Nl(ht Ph.a. M f. si Aailes . . r. m. aiajat ra.a. HUNT ARTLES em.. ii at. a. tiara notice op MEirmn of wiSf OF Eyi'Al.lZAllu.i. Notice Is hereby P"",'" Monaay, Bepu'inutr Board of Equalization will '" .. . nntirlM COM.' ine courinousu i , j .. i.ii-i.. ...,(,,., the MSfSSO1 U11U i:jvi.ii... .jj. rolls and correct all errors tt lion, description or U"'"V lands, lots or other propertf ed for the year FRANK L. CALKIN Cousty a" We Buy at BERGER'S BARGAIN STORK Hide. Mohair, Rag, Rubber, Old Metaln, Papers and Ronea. A Good Lin of Second Hand Clothing For Saia. Cau and Pine St. WARNING in M,im y.r .:., "T rfrl Man .ooicii . - - kor," Ufa. null,, liol"""" JSaisi i1 IXSkn "'4 "SrM : Mlk. MUM'S. "'?,;3Tt iDflU.l,A5 COUJllLlAX.inLRMY r AND TANNING CO. T0.r sf all .r rura. Manutartnr.r, tt UiifT., Ftir Hhfiul. H'T Throw.. F-.r 9nmm tnS Ops. w.1"? "", " and animals at all kinds. w. LAstwnmio, r-.a. RossburB, Orasjtta. Sheet MetalWork IU7 AI.I, KISV J.H.SINMGER a 110 OAK STREKT PROFESSIONAL CARD ik an W rflt fnystnan. . . . .kink aoi It is srnai " - Wia-rT. tP "', what w. are. There HAPPY THOKJUT hottl. cf SITKHIOB, KSBSURfi DAIRY AND SflM PHONE 1