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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1920)
ireni.irrmTr montat. rorT i, im. run Tffnm CIiH-rsii Cry for Fletcher's The Eind You Have Always Bought, a ad which hat fceea . e - ttilrtv vesrfi. hafl bornfl the ttlo-naifv r.4 in uto in vvv j- - w , - and has been made under his per $ JTrf-f-1' sonal supervision since its infancy. (Ji-4. &tCtS6. Allow no one to deceive yon in this, ill Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but Ejtp-iinjcnw that trifle with and endanger the health of lufirti iid Children Experience ap.alnst Experiment. What is CASTORIA Ca'toria is a harmless substitute for Castor 0)1, Paregoric, props end Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains ' neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has iitn in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colis end Diarrhoea; allaying Feverisuness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Cbildr.-n's Panacea Ibe Mother's Fricad. GENUS CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of J Iu Use For Over 30 Years Ths Kind You Have Always Bought t h r e r ntaiih com i am v. m v w vdmm t. ity 9S list of Claims Paid Q By County Court D. J. Stewart. Kvj H L. EPi'St-iu, SSrvey........ P. D. Vr!f "'l. S-i:voy S. J. Jones. Viewing S. P. Peterson. Delivery iJal. Boxes 0o. K. Quint'. Kxp R. L Whi!h'. his. I'ri'niiuin L C. Smith Ilros., Type- . writers Rice & Rice Insurance Premiums .' A. I'mphlet. Si-rvlces Geo. Neuner. Jr., Kxp Motor Shop CiiiruKe, Supl Robert Kiihl. Juna.1'.. Char Wil'ier. Juior...: Hoj iiwiows, juror in. B. V. Mu.ldux. W it ness El. Patterson, Witness Dr. E. B. Stwii't, Witness.. Pik Coaly, Onaifl, b-xam- Insane S. K. Sykes. Stipl G. A. Mrllctirv. Sunef X. L Webb, Viewing Tom Po?, Kent lor Klectlon Booth F. M. Hopkins. Services Doughs Cour-'y Light and 13 HO I 40 00 60 .oo i ,no .00 50; .50 .50 .50 ; i 00 D'l .00 ,00 oo .20 Water Co., Services 34.85 Pot-kins Building. Rent 7.(0 Rosebura; P. & II. Co., Rprs. 1.00 Churchill Hardware Com pany, Stipl '. 11.70 F. V. Freiir, Exp 10.13 T. A. Ruffety. County Expenses 18.17 M. R. Hitter, Coroners Fees 90.82 N. Rice.- Juror 1.00 Chi-s. S. Heinlinc, Juror 1.00 Rev. J. E. Condor. Juror.... 1.00 Ruth Collins, Witness 1.50 Mrs. W. H. Howden, Witness 1.60 Mr. J. h, Chambers, Wit news l-fio Albert Dashford, Witness .... 1.60 Wm. Orr. Witness 1.50 The Riddle Enterprise Prlntln Notices 4.60 Ia R. Fancher, Teachers Examination , 10.60 Myrtlo Creek Mail, Prt. Notices Teachers Exam 1.65 Tit. K. !.. Miller, Health Officer 45.00 I). R. Ilullv.'lnkle, Health Reistrar 2.76 Mrs. E. O. Murray, Health Reititrar 1.75 C. S. nurrows, Health Reistrar 4.50 H. C. Stearns, Health Reistrar - .75 Eddie Slndt, Hay 125.00 Red Cross Pharmacy, 150 Shades! Every tube of Purola Shaving Cream contains the "makin's" for about 150 cool, satisfying shaves. Each particle of cream multiplies itself hundreds of times with water. We waited years before we put out a "Purola" Shaving Cream. We were not satisfied to put the 'Purola" name and guarantee on record until we had a cream that represented a real improvement Now, make this test ! Take a several days growth of bwird those boasting of tough, wiry beards, especially invited. Use hot water and a pinch or so of Purola Shaving Cream. Sixty seconds of lather ing and you'll have the face covered with the cream iest, softest lather a man could want. It'll retain its cre;uniness without replacing until you've been over the face, and lleaves a comfortable, exhilarating impression that lasts long after you shave. Cot a tube at your drujtirists. Try it tomorrow, and if Purola Cream doesn't do what we say, the trial is on us. That's out guarantee. eecus aen mr or ?0R0(A AIDS TO HEALTH AND BEAUJt C ar T. .1 jemv xi 1 1 1 1 7. 4 w mm) GUARANTEE Alt Purola Prtparatuml an guaranUtd to git thorough satisfaction or tht pru ypal wtU bm chtxrfuUy nfundU. PnpandoriGnanattedhrtlM LUNAUU-FKAXK LAIOBATOMH Supplies L. Kulilhaen, Supplies . 8. Howard, Repairs Mrs. Walter Lantford, Services Mrs. U. A. Wilson, 8rr.... D. W. Jams, tripsin ytarcy Empiul, semoM Roseburg Eltotrte Company Supplies T.7J vr. Lucet'a Smith, Servlcea Mrs. A. C KJdd and Son, Supplies Dr. B. R. Shoemaker, Services J. N. Heftdeh, (.it 41.66 T.10 11.00 60.00 1.00 61.00 1.60 105 7.60 34.20 21 95 (.50 4.60 11.30 114.70 Supplies ...... Chicago Steel and Tap Company, Supplies Bushong- ft Co., Supl. . Western Union Telegraph Company. Service .. Roseburg Book Store, Supplies P. C. Schulte, Secret Serv.. Ren, McMullen. Timber Cruising .S629.51 Wm. McClay. Survev 6 on Jack Dailey, Surrey .... 4.00 Kllhara Stationery and Prtg. company, supplies Edwin Weaver. Commis sioner O. C. Brown. Traveling Mrs. O. C. Brown, Work Supt. Office, etc E. H. Lenox. Expressaae 17.75 Ka. Moser, labor. District Pickens Bros., Supplies Rice Bros, and Adams, supplies ... Duds For Men, Supl Ira Hull, Services . Nathan Fullerton, Sup;dl'... Rosebnri: Model Bakery, supplies Loiigsdon Bros, Supl Roseburg Cafeteria, Prison Board Agnes M. Plckford. Bxd..... J. B. King. Jitney Hire W. H. Fisher. Lumber 23.75 Jewett Mill Co., Lumber.... 87.68 Class and Prudhomme Co., euppnes 115.75 .Manners Drug Company 89.50 (3.20 101.00 71.27 20.00 23.60 3.00 6.25 4.60 4.00 38.00 41.70 15.00 Vie. Blakely, labor. District No. 2 e.oo H. A. Blakeley, labor, Dis trict No. 2 - 36 00 John Erlckson, labor, Dls- trlot No. 1 S3. 00 J. R. Bayat, labor. District No. 2 .... - 14.00 N. W. McMIUen. labor. District No. 2 4.00 John Fuller, labor. District No. S 16.00 Walter Walker, labor, Dis trict No. 6 :.- 14.00 J. A. Sawyers, labor, Dis trict No. 6 6.00 H. Kellogg, labor. District No. 12.00 W. Carter, labor. Dlstrlce No. :. 5.00 W. Peters, labor, District No. 1.00 R. Spooner, labor. District No. 9 1.00 Oscar Coltron, labor; Dis trict No. 17 . 8.00 J. L. Scott, labor. District , No. 19 11 25 I. W. Lasswell, labor, Dis trict No. 19 10.00 (To Be Continued.) ii.ia.BM ill III NOTICE TO STOCKHOI.DKIW OK THE ItOSKIH'RM PARK AM) FAIR AtiSOCIATlO.V. Supplies 12.16 .Vews-Revlew Company, Printing & Supplies......... 450.05 Douglas Abstract Company, Prints SO F. W. Dlllard. Secret Serv 11.60 Trnest Koepke, Survey 8.00 Jim Compton, Survey 4 00 Geo. I. Lamm, Cutting Trees! 60.00 Roy Dalley, Survey 4.00 No. 1 66.00 R. M. Eberle, Health Re gistrar 3.00 William V. Hurst, Health Registrar 2.60 Mrs. Fannie Little, Health Registrar - : 6.25 Dr. Charles Billlngton, Health Registrar 1.2? A. J. Lllnurn and Son Supplies 23.34 Sutherlin Cash Store, Supplies 20.00 Ed. Sands, labor District , No. 1 12.00 H. R. Short, labor. District No. 1 34.60 O. O. King, labor. District No. 2 112.00 U. S. Barker, labor. District IN'o. 2 100.00 Frank Rtrader, labor. Dis trict No. 2 16.00 Zen as Barker, labor, District No. 2 52.00 T. M. Hindley, labor Dis trict No. 2 63.00 To th Stockholders of the Roseburg Park A Fair Association: You are hereby notified that pur suant to the call of the president of the association, a special meeting of the stockholders of the Roseburg Park and Fair Association will be held in the office of the First State t Savings Bank in Roseburg. Ore gon, on Tuesday, the 24th day of August, 1920, at 4:00 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of considering the sale or disposal of the real property belonging to the association and fur the transaction of any and all busi ness pertaining thereto or necessary in connection therewith. R. L. WHIPPLE. Secretary. Friday, Aug. 20 5tl-7.Vl.0O. IMiu Tux. SKATS SOW OX SALE. Advertise In the News-Review. DRUGGIST GIVES PUBLIC FACTS ABOUT TANLAC I p Wall TpIU of IK Fffpf t niv business. 1 frequently had spells j. r. wait lens 01 us cntci of ,llzzllu,B8 ,hnt ttBtd fnr two days on Others and the Wonder ful Results He Obtained In His Own Case. j at a time and lert me wnn a ii-ariui headache. I would lie awake fnr hours unable to sleep, and I was go ing down hill so faat I was afraid I would have a serious breakdown. "I was so convinced of the won- 4.1 i .i , i. iholderful merits of Tanlac by what 1 store looking thin and frail, and I j had seen it do in the case of others hv witched them from week to ! that I took myself, and after tnk- ,ol, .a .!, nnntlnneri in huv Tan-, Iiiit five bottles I must say tnat I i. ...j ..iki. - n,ni,. h-vl never felt better In my life. I now .J. .- .,,., h rn-'have a si.ter.did appetite and can eat bust that you would hardly recognUe I anything without suffering from Indi them for the same persons." said , gestlon at erwards I have r .gained John P. Wall, pharmacist for the St. I all my lost weight and am fill 1 of life Paul Drug Co." who resides at 118 1 and energy. I am no longer bo hered e ld . .e.. St. Paul. Minn. I with dizzin-M. or headaches, and an. "For about eight months I was In I Indeed feeling like a . new man. Ar , .. ii. i .' , tor Hiirh nn ex nriince with Tanlac l 7j .J.- iji-.nn ho Di.i.i "iiciinnol Ho othtTwiHc than heartily could not find anything to Rive me i rerommend It. n .mr hv w E "X a ,d" became so F. Chapman and by leading rugglsts 63.00 -weak that I could hardly attend to everywhere, YELL OWST National Park Nature's Most Wonderful Labratory and Out-of-Door Paradise "Yellowstone National Park is Ideal If or camping out. When people realize this it should quickly become the most Hv of al our nations! parks. Remember that the Yellow stone Is yours."-Franklln K. Lane, former Secretary of the Interior. , fANTLEE $wW I ifolf OOUCT IS ' s i-V? aVifCVJrt kit " nWjlHiW tether. l2ftii.Hn. PlM and cracl It Can't Leak, Because It s Made in One Piece AKANTLEEK ii be"; m bottle all in one pace. Mort hot-wutcr bottln arc matlb In tcctiom, then cemented When cement dries cracki, the bottle leaks. Konfleek Hot-Water la moulded of pure aoft rubber ore enntinuoua piece, fo parts, fitchr, cement. Even (.topper socket is moulded iu. And guaianteed fur a full two yeors' ocrvice or a new Kant- lck free. IXm't wait until your old bn IcVfi. Ccl o Kautteck. Your o! r- nicy Lre&k open tonight, V Nathnn Fullerton The H exiill Storw rUwelHirjf. Ore. Dealers and Jobbers can secure the bar on the following lands will be Easy Vacuum Washing Machine (the sold August 33, 1(30, at 10 o'clock last word In washers) electric-driven a. m., at public auction at the Unit' and gas-heated, from the Portland ed States land office at Roseburg, Oas Coke Co. State whether A. C. Oregon, to the highest bidder at nut or D. C. Motor. ASK FOR, and GET HorNck's The Orlglnc! Malted mlt for Infanta suid Invalids Avoid Imitations and Substitutes 9 CITY NEWS a Arundel, pia-xo tuner. Fnooe 189L. We pay the highest price for Cas cara bark. Berger's Bargain Store. W ATKINS products. 126 W. Lane. Phone 137-L. Stop and reflect great fires from little sparks are spread. Be earefol vlth fires. Fires destroy lives, property and food. Be careful with fire. Insure against loss equip your tractors so they won't set tires. The Cheney Phonograph, the oulj phonograph made that you absolute ly cannot hear the needle or surfuce lolse on the record, tor sale by Olt's Music Store. The big four. Edison. Vlctrnla, Cheney and Snnnra. BIO BKXKKIT DA VCK. Given at the armory in this city Monday. Sept. 6. by committee of trainmen. Cood time for all. Olt's slx-plece archestra will furnish the music. Gents 31.00,- Ladles free. ITS HOTELS ARE MARELS OF SUPERIOR SERVICE Through Sleeping Car Daily Portland to West Yellowstone Operated by the - ' Uniop, Pacific System Leaves Portland 5:00 P. M. Let our representative explain the various tours which en able visitors to see all of Yellowstone so comfortably and at minimum cost; also quote rare, prepare your Itinerary and make your reserveUond. j H O'NEILL, Travelling Passenger Agent, with headquar ters at 701 Wells Fargo Building. Portland, will be glad to call personally on anyone wishing to visit Yellowstone, and arrange all details. Drop him a card, or address WM. McMURRAY GKNF.RAL PASSENGER AGKN'T PORTLAND, OREGON DAIRYMEN ATTENTION. leas than the appralBed value as ; shown by this notice, sale to be sub IJect to the approval of the Secretary lot the Interior. The purchase price jwith an additional sum of one-fifth ' nf nn. ner ennt thereof belnc commissions allowed, must be deposited at time of sale, money to be returned If sale ia not approved, otherwise patent will issue for the timber which must be removed within ten years. Uids will be re ceived from citizens of the United States, associations of such citizens and corporations organized under the laws of tho United States or any state, territory or district thereof only. Upon application of a quali fied purchaser, the timber on any legal subdivision will be offered separately before being Included In any offer of a larger unit. T. 16 8., R. 1 W , Sec. 31, NE4 HKM, fir UC0 M., cedar 30 M., NWK REA. tlr 1800 M SE4 SEH. Ar 850 M. SWU SEU. fir 1740 M., cedar 20 M . NE'A 8W, fir 1220 M . cedar 30 M., Lot 3, Dr 1170 M., SF., SW14, fir 1600 M Lot 4. fir 1800 M., none of the fir or cedar to be sold for less than $2.00 per M. T. 16 8 , R. 1 W., Sec. 9. NEK NUM. red Dr 625 M.. white fir 50 M., BEhi NE4. red tlr 300 M., none of the red fir to be sold for less than $1.7u per M., and nune of the white fir to be sold for less than 50 cents per M. T. 16 8., R. 1 W., Sec. 23. NE14 NW14, nr 1700 M.. NWK NWU. fir 1SS0 M. SW'i NWU. nr 2090 M., cedar 25 M , 8WU BEhi, fir 1640 M., cedar 60 M., BKA SE4, fir 1425 M., cedar 30 M., NE14 8W4. Or 400 M., NWH SW 14, fir 880 M., SE4 SWIi, fir E40 M., cedar 10 M.; none (f the Or or cedar to be sold for less than $2.00 per M. (Signed) CLAY TALL MAN, Commissioner, General Land Off lea. The Mutual Creamery Co. have opeue'd a cash buying station en Main St., next door to Vosburgh Bros.' grocery store. We solicit your patronage, promising satisfactory treatment, and top market priee for your cream. MUTUAL CREAMERY CO. Clarence Perkins. Agent. NOTICK OK SALE OF GOVERN MENT TIMBER. General Land Office, Washington, D. C. July 3, 1920. Notice Is hereby given that I subject to the conditions and llmlta- I tlons or te Act of June 9, 1916, (39 Stat., 218), and the instruc tions of the Secretary of the Inter ior of September 15, 1917, the Urn- . ROSEBURG -CAMAS VALLEY STAGE Two Dally Stages Two Daily .Stages leave ROSEUUKO, - - 7 and 2:30 Leave CAMAS, - 7:45 and 11 Hrteelal trip made at any time. I'none 170- L Roseburg or Camss Hotel Camss Va'ley. (I)odok Cars ark used) , LEK C. GOODMAN, Prop. juni"yrriri'ii'ii sssnir"" Education Pays FOR Tlirc INDIVinrAI, AND POH TIIK UTATK A Pemon, with No Rdtirmlon hia but One Chanr In 150,000 to Render IintlnKuishj(. Hcrvr to the Public With Common School Education Ohanrtp With Collcff Education 900 Chance Are You Giving Your Child His Chance? THOKB 8TATKH AHE WEAI.THIKST THAT IIAVB INVESTED MOST IN KDfCATION OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE ThreuKh a "I.tbArsl sn4 PrsrtlrRl r.ftustton" prepared the Young Ifan and Youna fur re!ul Cltlr-h'p anrt htirravaful careem In AtiRIC I I.Tt nK RM.IVKKItlMI HIMU HOME Kl ONOlt S rOMMI.IK K I'lltHSII t rOllt:THV VOCATIOXAI. KIM T.tTinS Tht Training InrlMdes fllYKICAI. K tUTATtOV, Mt'SIf. ' KNOI.ISU. lolKUN LANl.t'AUp;. AHT und th.. f.tlirr KMnttiila of a HtMnJnrt TMhnlral Cullvffv Course PAI.I. TKRS OrKIS SKPTEMI1KH ao, 110. Tt'lTIOM KRKK. KOIt INFORMATION WRITE TO TUE REGISTRAR, Oregoa Agricultural College, Corvallis, Orejon i i