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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1920)
rkc.r. pom HELP! At once, waitress for Lunch Counter. aSO.OO month. UMPQUA HOTEL DINING ROOM FINE ATTRACTION COMING. Among the many headline!- on the vaudeville stage today will be found artists who received their Initial training with the Famous Georgia Mlnitri'U. Iu the thirty-three years tnli eoniDany ha been continuously befnrn the public It has seen the rise and fall of many orRanlzatlons. who tried to duplicate the auccera of till company, but did not have the talent to hold them up. The fact that an artist with the Famous Georgia Minstrels has made rood Is always a guarantee of their timers on any raiidevllle stage ana the booking agents are anxious to secure their services. This season the vaudeville portion of the per formance has many novelties which will be readily snapped up by the bookers when the season endsa. They are at the Antlers theater Friday, August 20. NOTICK TO PATRONS. Effective Aug. It. prices on all classes of blacksmlthlng. Including horseshoeing, will be In accordance with the schedule of pi Ices adopted by the undersigned. Advances In prices have been made owing to In creased cost of material and coal Price schedule may be seen at shops of undersigned. ANDKRRON O'RIU.EY, POHERTY nilOS., ED NOAH. DENNIS MATTHEWS. Returns Krom Portlnnd Herman Marks, who has been en joying the pact week visiting with Ifrlends In Portland, has relumed to this city. While there be visited with Dr. K. L. Miller, who recently underwent an operation at the Onod Samaritan hospital and states that be Is murh Improved In appearance and Is able to be up. 1 u Advertise In the News-Review. Electricity The Vital Knercjr of Your Automobile, Is produced by a little mechanical device called a gen erator. It causes a chemical action to take place In your storage battery. Tills chemical Action in turn pro duces electricity which cranks your car, Igullua your gaa, sounds your horn and Illuminates your IIkIiIb. I.lfu and service from your battery depends upon the mechanical and electrical condition of your genera tor. Regular rare and Inspection I. Important. Why not bave this done at the time your battery Is tested? It may save you money and much In convenience later on See W. It. Ilrown at the Auto Elecirle Station, cor. Oak - Pine Sta. Phone 136. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of P To Our Customers:- Tho only wuy to paint economically 1. to FORGET GALLON PRICE and figure cost by area cover and years of life. SWP covers one-third more area than paints which are cheaper per gallon. It lasts twice as long without re-painting, so re quire, half the material aud labor costs. On that basis, SWP Is the cheapest per-gallon outside paint you could buy. SWP Is the bust prepared house paint. That Is why wo soil It. Now Is tho time to consult us about your house painting. Prepare to do It this fall b-fore the ruins fill the wood with moisture. Oil and water do not mix well and It will be bettor to All cracks, crevices maA expos.! pons of wood with linseed oil and pigment now while wuu-r is ai scnt. CHURCHILL HARDWARE COMPANY Ladies' Hiking Shoes and Mountain Boots Here in Your Size. ROSEBURG . . nm Tast . . . rr." " "" uluo, .lata tt-m Knmn. the t'tuinjua prune grower, wa In this city Saturday Dr. DeLapp Returns Dr. 8. L. Doutpp reiurneu jv....- day frin a trip to points norm. Uaik From Portmud ('has. E. Roberts returned eu-i- day from a trip to Portland. Hero Front Portland F. B. Wulte ot rortianu in n ie acting business matters and visiting with friends in tnis civ. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Humphrey are here from Jefferson visiting uu heir son, D. C. Humphrey, auu ium- lly. Arrives From Portland Hit a Cobb, a former rest iei.i in this rliv. arrived her Runduy nlgut and will visit at the Giles home. VMMtlun In ( iiit-1 Incr Mrs. O. P. Loshow nnu .in. : J. 8tewart left yesterday for Carll nr. where they will enjoy a vaca tion. In Myrtle Creek- Mrs. A. C. Scely, Mrs. J. C. Valen tine and Mrs. L. Hall left Saturday fnr Mvrlle Creek, where they will spend a few days visiting frlendH. Ij'HveN for Newport Mr. and MrB. Thos. C. Cobb left todav for Newport for a week more at the seaside. Thence they go to Portland to remain for the winter. Will Tke Vacation Miss lleulah Jowett. reporter on the News-Review, will leave soon for Gardiner, where she will remain for several weeks enjoying a rest. Hero From Portland If I). Hamner of Portland Is vis iting here at the M. E. Hitter ridence. He will return to Portland tomorrow. Pear Picking Slimed Up The hot days of the paat week lias slowed tin the pear picking a great deal. The nrrhardlsts are planning to start the picking In the cool hours of the ovenlng If tho extreme heat continues for many daya. Ilcttirna Homo- Mrs. Wm. Ingram, who had bee n visiting here with her sister. Mrs. I. I.. Mathews, and other relatives and friends, returned to her home at Grants Pass yesterday. Return Saturday Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Clnrk, who hnvo been visiting here with their dnughter, Mrs. Ilertha Zuniwnlt, left for their home In Grants Pass gnu day. Ti loe Creek Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Ilerrlnglon, if Portland, and Mrs. P. Herrlngton of this city, left Saturday for Doe Creek, where they will spend several weeks ramping. Irfmvrs For Portland n. W. Hales, of the News-Review. left for Portend fiatnrdey, where hi will remain for a short tl.:ie uttei.d fng to business matters. Here From Jefferson Former Governor Inwes Tlinl Former Governor Oswnld WeHt passed through here yesterday route to Onkland. Cnl. He wns ac companied by his daughter, who will enter Mills college for the winter, Itctiim From Washington Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Appl-giile, who have been sojourning In Douglas county for the ps:it 15 monthr. have returned to Raymond. WnMilnn'on, where thev will reside pi rinanently. Fo it Is Cut Iternle Hyland. local Standard Oil manager, suffered nn Iniury to Ms foot several davs ago while en loving a swim In the Vinpqun. He collided with a sharp rock and "took the count." f-'neet Sundny on River Members of the Seventh day Ad ventlst church and R-inliath school spent Siindny on tho North rn'P'HM where they enloved an afternoon In a social way. Following a bounteous BOOTERIE rit Tr T. BOlKBt HQ. AJVOCXD TUE TOWN IMWFRiniO NEWS.RKVIKW lunch, a couple of abort talks wore! lK.n d 1 to and after that a break for tta swimming : hoi. was mad.;, a goodly portion ot the cro .j her an Uour was spoilt In water. Kcrurn from Portland I Mrs. Torn Wharton, v. ho h:i Leei.; anjoyiiiic a VKcatWm at liirii:ma tho punt two wto:i!, roiurneu 10 no8'bui on Train No. &J tint morning. Will Return Toii1k.iI Minn Lulu Walls, v.ho hi. a n r.:inling the past month In S-i.tcU irtiMntf with iHatives and frieuiW. will arrive in this rliy today. M:as Wells Is employed at tho Hut Shop. Ufltira I'rom 'rater Lake- Mr. and Mrs. W. S. rowell end daughters, Miss Ituth and Katd. who have been enjoylns an ouiing nt Cratt-r Lake, returiiurl to Hom- Ijurg Friday. Will Arrlvo 'Jonlht Mrs. Claude Welsh, 'formerly MIbs Leah Pilchlord, and Mm. itoi.orl Wood, who was formerly Misa Klta Mursb, will arrive in hosebuig to niKht for an. extended visit at the home of Mrs. Wuibh' mother, Mrs. V. M. IMtchford. Will Return to Oregon Charles L. llubkeit, a former resi dent dU this city, who has been re elding at Malta Hend, Miadourl, has wrltU'ii to inenda here stating that he will leave this week for "liod'u Country", where he will continue to reside permanently. Ite l-'iuiiino Vt'tteidiiy Tho two lotai ice plant. 4 w re yes terday unable tu lui uisli tliuir patrons with Ice in any size or form, iwing to the tthortae of uuuuo I'DiiJuiid iu HUliering from a like 1 amino and the "ti 0211 water' j.ineh in demand lluae swelieiiug days. SfK'iid.ntr, X'atation Her Carroll Fancher, who Ih employed hy the iru-Ulu company, of Tort- land, Ih here t n a tun days vacaiiou, and will njoy the time ut the home of Mn parcntH, Mr. and Mia. L. 11. Fancher, of West Host burg. Hoy Shiger Return 'I he Whitney boy sinners, who a pared at the Ros burg Chautanciua lartL month, arrived heru today from the south Iu their two largo auto buses. The boys have ben appear- ng In several California citlts and huvt inate a big hit. They are 1 route to ihi'ir homes in Seattle. Car Not Recovered The Fold car belonrjnf to V. Jackson, of the Dragt r fruit company if Ihla city, which was ntuh-n S"veial days ago, has not yt-l been recover d Information has her 11 reeived to tin if( ct that the ear was located in Tin 'Irs. It Is very prohiible that tin ihlev; s aro va It 0:1 tii ir wuy inio Idaho by this time. Car Sale R,hi-imI Gh 1111 Ta lor, local automribli agint, today reported the follov.-ing ear sales for the past week: Zella llrudbiiiti, Hupuioliib'; K. K. Red II. hi. (ih-mlal-. Hupmob'le: I'. K (nryell, liiddle, llupuinbih; F. A. Si neks. Kiddle. Rndge; V. MeCor miek. Myrtle Creek, ;hi vrob t; R. J. Itiin-h. Kos- hurg. Chevrolet; F. A. Iiodii, Looking Glass, Chevrolet; V S. Howard. Iioseburg, Ford FMt 1m Riirneil Francis lMllard. an employe at the . 1. machine shops iu this city, had hl.i foot f j 11 it i liadly burned yesterday afternoon whllo on duty. Steam s- eaplng from the holh-r of the eni?in struck his foot and had it not ben fer (lie heavy shoes ho wjh wearing at the time the burns would have no doubt been a great deal more B.-rious The burns will probably keep him from his work for about a we -k ItufMIng Work RiwreH.sinir Work .Is progressing faorably on remodelling the I. O. O. F. build ing and atbling another story there to. '1 he struetuio for tho new set ond floor U already in place and the operation of raising tho third floor and roof (framework will begin to morrow. These aro to be raised bodily and both at onco by means of a la 1 go number of jackscrews, iho total lift being between 'e and six feet. That murh more will then be inbl. d to 1lie walK Tho ground floor has been lowered two feet and the so- ond floor more than six feet. D ("vooToulO fWiH ON Irtt fllOfc f'lt ilt frit ;-rH1nrM wi'iiif I- - T MJwfc A Invading the Rural Districts I . . . IV! I.IU llllll - r , --J-niArujiiiiiD . Va.tGF Vt)U 1rl r , . Hl If KtA. 'r' mo.viiay. august in. ioao. AROUND THE TOWN I'.urus Homo , Mn. Lewis, who has bun ahop- rjire in this ctty, ruturncd to Her home In Leoua. leaves for YonralU Mrs. II. Drnow. who has oeen Nltlne her sister. Mrs. W. O. Burt luft for Yoncalla this aftenioon. (r-vi for Suthrrlin Eula Halle anJ Merle kunnrnn. vho have been vlsitini; tho Kruse liomi-. loturned to thotr Home in Sutherlln today. Kon'N A'n SrrnfXMl The roads in the Lourciwoon sec tion of this city were s'-rnped dt Hurry I'ileburu s crew or men xnis afternoon. Itont On Whorls A Ford car "dolled" tin to ro- emble a boat arrived here today. Tho dueer arohicle' attracted an un usual amount of nttfiitlon during ho stay of the toiirlsts hero. l.oivlnir For Oklnhoma Mrs. Ida L. Harri. of sivrtie Creek, w'll leave tonight for Okla- I'oma. where she will remain for a hort time attending to business mut ters. Mrs. Harris recently sold 13H nores of her prune orchard In South Mvrlle Creek to f'lnv Vlam Ifor a eoitsldoratlon of J14.000. Returns From Fortlnml Mrs. A. J. McCullO'h. who hns been visiting her sister In Portland, re itrned hf-me yesterday morning. Ttetiirn Home Mr. and Mrs. Millard Meredith retu-ned to this city al'ter spending ire week-end visiting mends at Dll 'nrti. I'rtiim!) to IfnrrKlmrc Mr. and Mrs. I.. A. Thomas ,of HtirrlsbiirT, who hive been visiting It. h. Thomis of this city, returned o their home thlH afternoon. Foi-CMt SupcrviMor Returns Forest supervisor Hamsdell. who ties been on a tour of the lookout stations in the forest has returned to tills city. He Is very nurh satisfied with conditions as he found them and pays that the -angers are prepared to handle the 'Ires In nearly nny locality. Mimild Record Rlwlinrfie! All ex-scrvlce m'n iu PgusIts rnunty. who have not already done so. should have their IT. 9. dls- rhareoq from service recorded nt tho 'ho office of the county clerk. In the event your dipch-irge should gt lost or hurned In a fire, there would still remiln a Tecord nt the clerk's o'fl e. The recording df the papers cosis nothing. !!oost in Frlres A mn'orltv ci' tVo blnck smithing firms am out todny with nn nnounce'npni of a boost in pricei for nil orts of work. incluTl' inlir tire pining nml horseHhoeing. It Is alleged that the high price of coal nnd material gen"rally Is rn sronslble for this ndvancn. Fnder the new schedule It will cost tho far- 10 to get his big team shod all round. Shoes for o Hirht horpn will o t the owner from J3 00 to 50. i nr-fe prices e!t ret the farmers more than nrtv otrer one class. tJporye l-oveloy George Lovrjoy, of Portlaml. i rlv.d hero last night and today viKinn nis ranch nt Winchester. Mr. I.ovojoy slated that preparations are lining made to start work on the sanitarium at Hint place. In answer to poiih objections which have re cently been made by local msfdnnis concerning the establishment of a sanitarium at that place. Mr. Lova tf'v minted that the drainage syst.'in 111 not in any way interfere with !' North Finpnua water supply, but "I'l be dralnrii in the opposite d'ree ''on. The Fatii'.-iriuiu will h inoiaTn in every particular, he declared. F""-"lgn I!iiil; I'niler Ran Toreign banks cannot lawfully ad vertise their business In Oregon newspapers nor by means of cir culars and letters seeking patronage from residents of this state with the Irtention that deposits shall be mailed directly to the bank. This Is the holding or Attorney General Ilrown In an opinion Just prepared for Will Tf. llennett. state superin tendent of banks. In another opin ion prepared for Rennett, the attor- r IU1 fH'v i u' j .7' Lt 1" 11 I'J 1 ,f, m i I HOW MAW fr'&Sv,.&g'M 1 i r i ri ? i:-oi rrryw VA nuy general hold, that any eorpora- lion, organized under tl.e laws of Oregon ha. the group Ufa lnsuranc for the banoflt ot Its smployoes. Motored In from piddle Pater Dtdte Jr. of Middle motor ed to this ctty today to attend to business matter. In tho City Today Douglas Sleep ot Garden Valley was a business visitor here today. Mr. Sleep recently sold his trult ranch In that valley to R. H. 0. Wood ot this city, who will make Ills borne there. Ktp-d In RoseborR Admiral Twinning ot the United Statea Navy, stationed In San Fran cisco, was a visitor In Koaeburg Saturday night. The Admiral Is en route to Crater, where he will sp'ind his vacation. He la making the trip by automobile. lU'tmn to Elkton W. E. Ott and wife have returned from the Elkton district where tbey bave been enjoying an outing df several days. Taking An Outing Mrs. George Neuner Jr. an son are taking an outing In the Riddle district Iluod Crew Goes South The Harry Hlldebrand road crew passed through the city today from the north. Tbey will engage in road construction work south ot here for the next few weeks. The train of wagons, scrapers, etc.. attracted considerable attention while in the city. Itoy Caught for Seenlng .Mgnt orticer ,Webb last night arrested Orval Langenberg for speeding with his motorcycle. He was cited to appear at nine o'clock this morning In the city recorders court, nut Derore the time specified ho crashed his motorcycle Into a laundry wagon on Winchester street and was seriously injured. It is not known whether he will have to answer to the charge of Bpeedlng following hla recovery from hia in juries. Elopora Aro Cyuglit i no r.ugene sherirr received a telegram Saturday from the officers at Klamath Falls, stating that Sher man Douglas, the youth who eloped recently with the 15-year old Tessle Ylngllng of Springfield had been arrested In that city and was being held awaiting the arrival df an offi cer from Lane county. Douglas, who resides on his father's place west of this city, last week, stole his fa ther's automobile and took tho girl over the JIcKenzle highway to tiend. At that point he passed check on tho First National Rank of Eugene signing it "C. O. Dou gias . Following him up on the charge of passing a worthless check tho officers finally located him with tho girl of Klamath Falls. Douglas Is a married man. and his wife has sworn out a warrant charging him with statutory offense. In addition to this he is liable to prdsocutlon Tor an offense against a girl under nue, as well as a charge of stealing uu auiumouue. Cox Denies Reports of Alleged Attitude ir Aasoclafed 1 ma. RALEIGH, Aug. 16. Governor Cox. In a telegram to suffrage head quarters today, emphatically denied reports that he had sent a private emissary to Raleigh to work against ratification of the federal suffrage amendment by the North Carolina legislature. Base Ball Player's Skull Fractured ll- AMMm'tntrd I'rriiJi. NEW YORK. Aug. 16. Kay Chap man, of the Clovilund Americans, was hit In the head by a pitched ball today In a game with New York, and his skull fractured. Surgeons at the hospital, to which Chapman was Im mediately rushed, said an operation at once waa necessary. D r?tj i t rrrri . . . --.iN t RUSSIANS EXTEIt WARSAW. LONDON, Aug. 18 Russian soviet troops have entered War- saw. according to information sent to the London Times by its correspondent at Kovno, Lithuania. Mrs. Claude Welsh and Mrs. Ro bert Wood will arrive from Port land tonight to visit with Mrs. Welsh' mother. Mr. Pltchiord. John Plnkerton of Roberts Creek waa a visitor In the city today. Geo. Racon of Looking Glass was a visitor in the city today. Creed Conn ot Melrose was a visitor In town today. M. C. Weatbeilford of Greens spent the day in town attending to business matters. Mrs. Gene Hannon ot Shady Point spent the day In town doing her shopping. CAN TAKE PRIDE IN HOUSE Domicile Expresses Personality Thtt Can Be Pleasing, or the Reverse, as May Be. Rut the best of n house Is Ihnt It has an outside personality as well ts an Inside one. Nobody, not even him self, could admire n mail's flat from the street : nobody could look up and Ray. "Whiit very delightful people must live behind those tliird tloor win down." Here It Is different Any of you may find himself some day In out quiet street, and stop a moment to I, .ok tit our house; at the blue door with lis Jolly knocker, at the little trees In their blue tubs stniulliis with in a ring of blue posts linked by chains, at the bright-colored ciirtiilns. You limy like It. but wo shall be watching you from one of Iho windows, nnd telling cuch other Ihuf you Uo In any ense. we have the pleasure of looking nt ourselves, nml feellns that we aro contributing soinelhlni: to London, whether for better or for worse. Wo lire part of a street now. and can tiike pride In thn street. Ik-fore, we were only r1""' of " h,K uninunageiible building. From "Xot That It Mutters," by A. A. Millie, Hawthorne. Dumns called himself a drnmntlc poet; Hawthorne claimed to be writ er of fiction. Itoth were nbout equal ly near the truth. Hawthorne Invent ed ro much lictlon as should serve to illustniie his doctrines; and he In vented It for Hint purpose. It had n secondary rank In bis thoughts and In hla affections, though It Is prob able that he w-a not nwnre of the fact. Ho was. Indeed, not n dramatic poet, not a novelist, not a historian; he was a moralist, a philosophic moral ist, calling iion history, fiction, nnd poetry to Illuminate and enforce bis tenets. As an Ingenious moral phi losopher ond essayist, rendering his teachings Impressive by the use of fabrics more or less elahonilo. he inny well take rank with the most elegant and accomplished writers of his class. J. C. He wood. NEW TODAY. FOR FAT. K Late model Chevrolet, pood rubber. A-l mecbunleal conill lion: 11 SI ml. bilker A. l.uiKlln. I. U Huberts, Motor Shop CluriiKe An nex. KMMS Alan home coukt-il nu-filn. With. n one-half block of Kountl lrQUEe. I'hotif 3C5-J. FK SAI.K Kln.-ly locutct! 5-room h-une, biR (tartien plot, fruit, etc., lHot). Inquire Ncwu-Itevlcw. FOIt SALl 1&1T Ford touring tar, chf-ap. Fine (ondltltin. lixjlure at jiuto toitrlBia cuinp utorc. W A NT B I V Ni k h ifpor U t a t "HoTeTX'mp qua. Man who can drive an Overland Hm )K Apart tiifiit hoiisi, $,'.00 down, tial. name us nwit. All kinds of Iioukcm nnd city prp-rty fur Bale. I out jrloed and make the in leu. C. Mer rlll. 504 Mill Si. LCmVk 1 houKe. $110 down, hnl, pame aa rent: another home $200 down, bal. same na rent. Overheat! expense liKht. I cut prlcea and make the falii. C. Merrill. S04 Mill St. WAXTKD By married man. exper ienced. Job on ranch. Wants ateady place. Address I E. Beaver, care of N-WB-Revlew. City. IIOMK FOR 8AI-K !( than H pres ent cost; on account of movlni; away. 6-roorn buncalow and luoxioo lot. Atldresa X. T. 'A., cure New u-Uevlew. Must be oold before Auff. LOST itlack traveling bas containing toilet articles and valuable pa pern, between CottutrM C.rove and hiwhwav to Arhland. $J0 reward. Kd. Amier Hon. F.ti 2 4 1 ll Ae. So.. Seattle. Wash. FOll SALK Small goat rnncli."" 160 acres; horse ituo lbs.; t cows. 5 An Kora Roata. 60 turkevs. chlekens, one-horse wagon, sinulo harness, cultivator and other tools. For par ticulars write O. w. F., lloute 1, Box Ro.iebnrft. Oregon. 5 yT'-r'yj&a TODAY OXLV 11' I'iJJOHIXfl HURTS YO von troyl IKK ' MARY MILES MINTER IN ISIUEL Z.VXGW1I.L'S GREAT STAGE SUCCESS Nurse Marjorie A JOE MARTIN COMEDX AND BO VXD AND GAGGED NO. TCE8..WED.! EDITH ROBERTS IX "ALIAS KISS DODD." ItMldraoe la Changed " Mr. and Mra, Herbwt Quia. k hav been residing on North p 7 street, have moved to th. , noma, on FlUer street. " TROVBLE8 AND 1 Hrfr 5 A I Many ot your electrical troi.M can bo provented by carefully .?.!' lag your equipment. If your ammeter shows a deer and fluctuation In charging curr!! and li allowed to continue it eventually burn out your g'eneri70'r If your lights flicker and ,0; motor misses. It is due to loose ! tacts, grounds or short circuits. If starting motor shows los. . power, turns motor over a few rerZ lutions and stops, the contacts loose,, starting switch 1b burned a,' w. u.u.i., wou out, or the intermj nicchanlBm of vour starter U 41h with oil and duat. mH Last but not least, don't let u amateur experiment with your l7 erlcal equipment. Our apereI1 ' and training of years fs at vn vice. . Consult W. R. Brown, at the Aato Electrical Station. Cor. Oak and Pin. Sts. Phone 136. UNIVERSAL TIRK FILLER Guaranteed 100.000 miles p will not flatten, soften, haro-a or crumble If kept properly in. stalled in the tires. Nor will it change Its conHitttency in 10ft. 000 miles of continual wear. ' A trial will convince yon epough that you will forever be .hrouKh with the uae and uncer tainty of the old style of air tilled tires. Turn your tire troubles over to us at the Filler Service Station, Corner Oak and Rose. CARL OHM AX, Manager 7? FCTS STfilNS absolutely removed by our CRY CLEAN. .C A trial proves let hi have the suit, coat, skirt, today, as a starter. Who's Your Cleaner? Try Our Way Our Auto Will Call, l'hone 277. Your Home! Buy It Now! 6 room plastered house, fur nished, $1700; J700 dows. 5 room furnished house, 3 lots. I'rlce 2000; 200 down. Modern 5-room house, j1m teredt well located, ou paved street, close in. Price $2500; $1000 down. G room house, furnished. Priw $1500; $750 down. 8 room houso, cement base ment, close in, paved street. Trice $3000, W enah. G. W.YOUNG AND SON Real Haute and Insoraace. 116 Cass BC Phone all HW t