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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1920)
MOW TWO IIUHEIIl'IKl N KWS ItEYlKW l.,u,J Itallr Raeeal '' H."U. llr.JWrll!LB-'i- aUwiCHliTKJ.S HATI.S I wily, Jer year by Ijaiiy. ! muntm. by man.... Hy Ce.rrlex. Pr month .4 0 . I On ..claled Preae ! esclualvely II. l-r republl.ello,, u( The Aunt !n ...wa dl.uauhee credited It nut olherwlae credited I" thla pap and lio the local new. P"" "".";'.. T. ... .i.hi. t repul.llcel.uO of epe- ...I dienaleliea herein nr. alio i reeervvd. uiid clana matlai Mj hill 17. I: i,!';A';'.y'.Mrc" "" - Ores JtoeeburK, Oregon, Aug. 1. Shipped to China Hy Aasocleied Press). WEST IIAl.r.ll.H. N. C Aug. 1C. Gordon K. MlU.llelon. Instructor lu anuuliuro In Nrth, Carolina Slate CoII. ro of AlsrlculturV and bii K.i.wrlnif, him been named an bkii cultural missionary to China by foreign mission board of the South eni Baptist convention and will leave soon to take up hi. work in Kalfcns college, Ilonan province. To lorn; the basis of tho agricul tural and llv.-slook department of the college a nmiilwr of American breed era have contributed a of head of dulry cattle and Mr. Middle ion will lake these to China wl.b mm. The dairy herd will be cared for by Chinese boya In exchange for their board and tuition. In addition, a demount rai Ion farm almllar to Ihoae operated In conneciion win American agriculiural colleges wi. he esiiiblisli'd with a practical Chinese furmer aa a co-operatlTo guide. WKKCK HtlKAV NMJHT. A awltch engine with a atrlng of freight cara smashed Into the wreck er train In the local Friday night, and I. N. l'arka, foreman of the wrecking crew waa quite serlous ly injured. The wrecker had Jual re turned from Myrtle Craek and had entered I ho yards when the smashup occurred. I'arki waa standing In the vestibule of the cook car and waa . k...wn i.uiwen the cara by the Im pact of the crash. Hi" leg and foot waa crushed and It will probably be some time before he will be able to report for work. o C O. Crlteaer, who lives beyond Melrose, waa In towu Saturday after noon. Cil.ENOAI.R NK8. E F llaves of this city, who had the misfortune to have his hand very badly Injured by a cnt-off saw. was taken to Snlem this week, to have the Injury cxnmlned by the surgeons, who are connected with the Hoard of the accident rommia aton. as the Inlured hand has no healed nnd la vory painful. We real a deep avmpathy fr Mr. Hayes ami his fumliy and hope we may soon hear more favorably of this serious accident. . , . , Mr. an Mrs. Ouy N. Hlrkok of this city left Inst niRht f"r a months vacation with relatives In the nnrlh crn part of our slate. Ilev. M. C. Webb nnd f.inillv are rnmfortably domiciled In tho Manse of Olivet church. Henry 8. Heilfleld and wife o? Bin Dlero. rallfornla. are visiting relatives In this city and vnlley. Mr lleddeld resided In this valley when Orer.on was an unknown quantity He marks the changes that hive made Cow Creek valley a very pop ulnr summer resort and vlewa a prosperous little city, where a pine forest once stood when he lived here and owned the land claim thai is now "The Valley IJueen Kami." ii. nn.i M.a K It. Ilnrvey an'' daughter are visiting relatives at j Mnrshfiel.l. . . C B. Kellogg of the C.lnndnle Stale Hank left on Thursday for Portland nnd when he returns, he will brine his bride wlih him. Con gratul.itlons and a welcome to them to a home In our rlly. Judge O. W. Aimilllat of Hudson Wis., who Is touring the I'lirHfic ronl. is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Chris Nehel lit Clear View farm. They , were nelKtibors In Wisconsin. I John and Lawrence Nenner. wh' were f..rmerly In business In this city, and where they now each own a fine residence, were greeting ob' friends and looking after their pro pern- list week. Mrs K Ollnntrlck of Canvnnvllle was visiting relatives In this cllv Sund-ir. r-'ho will speiirt a month at the Clnrenre Albro home ami wltl other relatives on Cow Creek. ; L, llur.l. wife anil son. are enjoying a months vacation at var 1 Ions points In the south emintlas 1 They also will visit nt Crescent City i Ourpopulnr postmaster nnd his fnm Ily hnva earned a vacation and we hope they will enloy II. I ItilKluess along all lines Is ItKreas t.ig hourly nnd grocers and nierch : ante are receiving large shipment? .If different products hv esch frelch" trsln. Prosperity at nil our neir-by mills and good henllh li. general Indlcales the tnerrynient of our peo "'i.- - -s-- . - "TTur iipr rrmmn iTt vry Ih-hI. ami Ktlitor Camphpll hown t ill", no timU'T whtTti 4h "thlr fall", ami we ltmrs hi view. l ffliHi' h !tatt' t.iotn In n-Kardit lo Cumimifcn .ork l itolnK on vory nnlet r, ri vrv mivry and we tov - of a vlciory for our party. Anil nptatn w alvif all To(-ra to adhere to party Itnea randnUti'! o' all parties are jol rn-'M. loyal and rreiU hearted Amorlonna; yet, we nil have a preft-renre In pnriy Ftan dardH. Coneenuently, why not rlravo to our own pnrtv. U wattt to nee ftohert N. Stamirfeld and hP. T .MrNarr In our 1'. S Senate and we ir pure that Staniffiold will rrarh the roiiI. Mr. and Mr. Paul Van So and daughter will lea re un noon, to make -eir home at lXnnd. We rpret their going nd we all shall m'aa tbtrm, eaeclal.'r 11' Me Ann, XX IXMHiE DIUWTOHV. I A l Bloa EneSBapmeat Ji 0. e. w. v. r. Maeta In odd rellowa lonivie very ThurWay evenins. brethren always. .Iconic. JOHN l'KK:-E. C P. rOSTEtl CCTNER. H. P. Ul-I Kit Jf.jIN'rf-jN, H. H. JAMK3 EWAKT. V. I- U, , o. ELKS. Iloeebora; Lertae MX Hold rKuiar toaiiiiuiiu-. lha Kike" 'lunula f '' r'.u. sdii of avary mentti. All mrmben re quralad to ntlfct.1 lesulBl':-. "d all vialling brolhara a'a cordially In ,lud to attend. , nl.RV B R. IRA BtHJL'LMJiyL K sic. lira or pi'itiiAt Alpha Loan No. 41. luaate. .vary Wd..aaday ay.n Irig eor. Jurkaon and ai. viait- or.'.lw.v. J;-,nl.p.LAIS. c c. CIIAS i H'Jl'KI s U. K. t WIMUI'.ltl.Y. K. K 3. h'n 125- mull In Odd Fallows liall in Kourbur aveiy IbI and 3id MlJ avanlnsa. Vlaltlng nalalibois i.l- wua walaonia. H. PICKENS. C. Slll.l.I.'lt. Cli M. II lilAtiM-:! Kowoburs erla n.aeta In Chair hall on Javkimn Hi on nd and 4th Monday avanniKi of each molilh at i o'clock. Vlnlllna brethren in aaod atandlrig alwayn wvlc.ima. LVMmN I. KIM'N' lMt, N. 0 A. J. '!EIIKS. Itec. l-'eo. J II. HAII.KV. Un. Spc LOYAI. OltllKH lF MOO.K Hoaburs lxuaa So. 10J7. rntrta arrond in'1 Wadntiaday averilliKfl of aa.h month at I o'clock In Ilia llo..ia liall. All vUlilns brolhcra are invited to attend. C W. CWAKH. Dictator. R O. 1'AHIIKTi: It. Scrrtary. l ha II. H. K. I. A. I aloa ftrrllag will tia bfl't at tlia Maciunre l.ail awry flrtU and thltd Wedtiaadaa at the month. HoaKIII HU I.OIM;K HO. Uriirt, I nltrd llrolharlievrt of f till Ku.ployra aud llallnay khoa Labar- rra Affiliated V.IIO tlia A. f. of U alavia at Mocae liall tlia nrat Wad. fourth Mat. nlsl.ta and third tiunlaa af aaob month. J. a-. HMITH .Praaloent. W. VKHEIilTll, l(a. Soy. tlKO. MAU IVKIt. Kin. Be I. O. U. F.. rblirtarlan l..Mlar So. A. meats In Udd Kellnwa' '1 ample, cor ner Jarkacn and Caaa Kta.. on Hatui day avrnlna of each weak. Vlatllug brethren nie alwas welcon a. Klllill I" Cl.AHK, T P. VlfT.Ill MK'F.I.I.I. W. P. II. P. OfKlliMAN. HeLretaiy. .. K. M.. Itnaahara Chapter No. SV Holda their regular m.-etina on tile 1st end Ird Tlitiradays In each monlh. Vlaltlna membera In gord atacdlug are reaneatfollr Invllad to attend. I.K'i.NA AIIIIAMAU. W. II. UlEB JlillXH'IN. Sery U O. T. Ma Huwsrbum llttr . 11 luildl rpgiilir rivlcwH on serond and fourth Thurirtny nftrnorn In Marf-flb- hall. BItra of iIhr tilves vlfllUn in our tlty ar mil' illy lnV1irt te ttvnd eur icvlewa. M:i:cabc tall tn Caaa trtt. !.4tI'lHI. I.ot'KE, Com. JKKSIIC fiAl'l'. Cl. IT:MKK"a Tiff ituH- tnirir llfti-kHh hoiufa No. J, I. (. t. v., ftleem in Otid Kti iown' Tcmiile evwry wk on Tueftday ventnv- ViltlHK mrliibrrr. In (uod IkuUIhk mm lnvilcj 4o Mtlt-nd. F.VK I. KM fX. N O. Fitci.l.B sti:'Hi:nsoM, Sc. KTIIKL. liAfLsKV, Kin. Scoy f. O. O. f, HImIi.k Minr i.utlK?' .." IT i, meita In th Oltl Fellow.' Tfiniils vary Fi Idny veiilni(. Visiting bi elb rn aiwaya w'lorne K. A. i'JCTTKY, N. Q. H. V MHAW, V. O. J. E. riCK.JH, llf,'. b. M J-I.'Kl.l-.. Mn. Hco. HIUllM(inl OK WOIIIM HUTl.!lni Ciri'l No. iv. nivftM on lxt and Sid Hominy vvtMilnirx. Vlultlng nelklibui a la. Had to attend. kdith rm'RfMrii.u a. n. TllLllO t. JOHXStlN. rUrk. k. t-, Jt A. I.niirfl l.uilt,r 18. Mprulnr rniniminlrnilntis 2nd inl 4lti Wr6nuAtiym ea li month at 5JimnK Titpla, Kotfbury;, Urn. Vlallon coma, A A. Wlt.lHTIt. W. M. h lIAIlltli, Sv.y. Mr. nnd Mrs. Cieo. A. Iiurchard home from Salem Krlday. alter a trip norm. . Coming! Coming! fust What You've Been Waiting For the Macy and Baird COMEDIANS aTaWBWasWaaMaWsssaaaaMaaaaaaaaanMM In Their Mammoth Waterproof Tent Theatre t JACKSON STItKKT SOUTH OK DOlfil.AS 1IOTK.I. I'UV.SI'.NTINd THK. IlKST I.N DKAMAS AM) l'OMl:ili:S t IIAM.i: OK lMKK.UAM KOI It TIMKS A WKKR OI'KMNti TI.AV Saints and Sinners ADMISSION! r-c " lte--n.. a-Jf, lax 8c 2.V SURE SOME SHOW lXKMtS OI K.X 7 .U, t l ltTAI lll.SK 8: 1.V JJWIO.V'ii I1IL FOtNOATIO.V. A situation uniiiue In the annals of public orgiUliatlon hat arlnsu In onLctton with th Arnaricsn I, io which last rammer borTOToa f-.n ruin from atiDroJimatoiy suu of Ita members for preliminary or ganliatloii work". The ind. btodnew haa been wiped out. according to an announcement by Robi. 11. Tynd ill. national treasurer. The unique feat ure la that the legion haa found It self in the position : practically facing the acceptance of p.lnclpal and Interest upon many of tho note holders, feveial returned legions checks saying that they were glad to toreno Interest at least. In all cuses these returned checks have been sent out again and friendly controversies have arisen with both parties refusing to accept tho mo nov The legion la to be congratulated upon Its self-iellaul. self-supporting itttltudn. It la the attitude that would naturally he expected of any organliutlon Jf national defenders, It Is true, but none the less It lu worthy of appreciative comment. The legion's only debt at tho pres ent time, according to Mr. Tyndall, Is current indebtedness Incurred dining the first few months of thla year, before It was possible to place ih American Legion weekly on a ...If-siiHlainlng basis. The official magazine Is now not only self-sup-norting. but is beginning to Bhow a pioflt. Denver Times. . o WHEN IOC LEAVE TOWN I his summer it's a good move to nave the News-Kevlew follow you to your vacation home, i.ei us mall It to you dally lust phone 136 or write our uhscrlptlon department ana we ee that It comes to you regularly. AN IMPORTANT LETTER Bishop, Camp. " About five years airo I BUtlcrcd severely eonaulL-l a local doctor and he said I would have to vinderiro an o'ipera' tion. When I said "No," he mlviaed a course of treatments. I hap pened to think of Dr. l'ieree's Med ical Advisor, nnd in it ! found my case thorouKliiy dencriln-d. I sat npht down and wrote to Dr. Pierce I then tried Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription took one bottle also one bottle of 'Golden Medicnl Discovery,' and used the 'Lotion Tablets' and 1 hnve not lieen troub led since. I have had two fine healthy boys since then, and work hard. At that time I was not able to do my own work. 1 have used the 'Pleasant Pellets' for the liver and bowels for about 20 years, wouldn't be without them." Mrs, S. U. ALHUHIHT, K. F. D. No. 1. Write to Dr. Pierce's Invalids' I Hotel in liiiffalo. N. Y.. if vou want free confidential medical advice, or lend 50 cents for the "Medical Adviser. Tues.-Wed. Aim 1.7. 1R LADIES FREE l.ctpt .V nr tax opcniiiis VAUDEVILLE in rwi r.N acts ertttmmmuom LOVE and K to. the noted, aumor Idah M?Gloi20 Gibson WOMEN OIJ) AND NEW. "I expect, I am still olil-f.shloned : (tioiigh," aind JoV.. "'o think that woman pla'ce is In a noida and that the minute she tries to gat out of it. trouble begins for her us ; well as ber husband. If she nns , one." Did you ever gat .. .), nl.l ! Dart of the cemetery. in.,, nnrl I ook at the beadstuiiei; and then take a walk Into the modern pi ice . where tho dead lie and coninare lh3 headstones you ut- the.e with those, you have Just lead?" 'No." Bald John, looking as hough he thouitht 1 had none ud- n v mad. "What tnat to uo with whut we were talklnir ahout?"j Just this. When I was down In he country thla summer, John, af ter my mother's death, 1 visited the emelery very ofion; and one (lay wandered over Into the old pari. You kiw those New England ravcyards. aa they used to call hem. are some of them a hundred years old. wandering anion, wis mounds one day. I waa Btruck with the number of graves that sur rounded the one that waa marked with the man's name. There would ie: "Mary. Beloved Wife of John Smith. Aged 35" and ".Mehltable. Reloved Wife of John Smith. Aged VI", and "Caroline. Heloved Wife it' John Smith, Accd 3S." and perhnpi even "Martha, Beloved W ife of John Smith. Aired 4:1." In eery one of l.,.ua nln.i nt Dn.linil Vn.l fmlT.d ann.e K.o.l. with four Kravea marko l' wlth the name Uf a woman who had .lin.l liatrtra aha u-na fiftv And lie ..Irt l.m uoo nlw.iva mi man who IIbaJ . tha h-ilA O nil tlAnPtv benrtv ngp of four-erore yars and ten. ar- tenthiiPB I have sat Inside one of those burial plotH and wondered if the woman below these heads ons were not a little glfld, at last, to be at rest. Kach one. 1 pictured as wearing herself out for the husband who on her headstone, at least, had ' ailed her his 'Heloved Wife. And i wondered Idly how many times he had called "her that in life. Th?se different Rruvea told a story of wo- j men to whom love was 'woman 8 whole existence' and to whom the j definition of love was the minister- it.fc to the comfort and selfishness alt some man until, thoroughly worn I out. they were laid away In this quiet resting place. John, I believe many of our grandmothers would have hied themselves to the divorce court, had they thoucht thoy could have earned their bread and butter out in the great world." John fairly snorted. "I believe, really and truly, John, that women are happier today than they were in our grandmother tlmo. You see. we reason thing-1 out nnd we talte things that we know belong to us. We do not-in tend that our hendiitoiws shall be marked 'Ueloved Wife, Aged twenty eight, thirty or forty, as the case might be. Instead, the woman of Take an Aerial Joy Ride in Cloudland WITH PILOT AVERS Plane will fly from the following points on days given: H'.iMl Anic. l'I-M-15 Itoxrliiirtf Auk. HI to 11 OHMiind Auk. -2J4 Ssveml new airplanes of the D-II-6 type, equipped with 90-horsepower Curtlss motors, for ;ile at only luo. Phint-s sold on terms. Leu r ti to fly and get your nu- hme now. We offer course at School in Avlntton. putting you In the pro fvt tonal class, for $309. Mechanics' School In Avlatlun. complete couwe. Including flying. 13 31. Flying; Instructions given at Itoaebuig from 9 to 11 a. m. dally wfftle plane Is here. Dudrey Aircraft and Supply Company tK9 Rat Ktfly-third North. Portland, Oftkosj. Aildress letters of Inquiry to 11 ami Dmlivy. rrestdent; or C. M. Alrlch, Mgr.. as per schedule of flying as per towns named above. USED One Ford Touring One Ford Truck Both Good RuysSee Them J. F. BARKER & CO., j imi'I.i:mi:ntj '' AITOSIOIJII.ES WE Edison MAZDA LAMPS Douglas County light! and Water Co. KMIIkUili '" Mauillawal aaas .tHUltJLJCaL iiirJJ i xv. : aaaaajeaj a today who manages to bring up her children and take care of her home iimil alio is forty or forty-five, finds thut then she has Just begun to live. Her children are married, or at least they do not aemana as muca of her attention and she finds time to uo me nungs mai sue una .j. waniea to uo. i un wum u same conclusion as Alice, jonn, mat woman's entrance Into the affairs of the country Is going to do much for woman. I can't understand," aald John, impatiently, "why you and 1 come to the point of always discussing abstract things. I don't believe any normal man wants to discuss an ab straction with any woman. When 1 waut to have a good discussion, 1 want a man as my opponent. Beside, I'm not particularly crazy to discuss anything with a woman (if forty, or ovor. I'er&onully. 1 think woman's advent into politics la a great mis take. What in the world a lot of old hens find to cackle about in the election of John Smith to the office of dog catcher, I never could tell." "You'll feel dlifeiently about It. John," 1 said somewhat flippantly, "when women decide that they do not like the way that John Smith peili'orms the duties of his office as dog citcher nnd elect Mary Smith to do the work." Even John laughed at this. LOCAIj news. w- K- Chapman was in from Itock- ,u,,u oa.uruuy ai.eruoon. UOUK.UB wane, wno lives Deyon.l Douglas Waite, who lives ei-.un.iin-, was raiisaciiiif uusiness ht're Saturday afirnoon. Fred A. Kribs, the widely known tlmlnrmau. is here from Portland at tending to business matter in his line. SiOS CoRQiiere INDIAN'S SECRET FREE A Tttjrinsss man, aim rut eom- pl-tely b14. wh'i hnd tn-d nam- rouB totiici. lotiost, ihsmpoyi, VSil tc without brnoflt, ce croi U u Indian's recii'e by which he fJ erw s complete crop of luxuriaol hair. KOTALKO contain tu f ' uine 1car oil and other puiunt fnrmlints for tcalp and hatr. Keraarkble hair growth, utop p'.nt "1 falimir bi:r nd Jardnilt oat Dt!n report ca oj icr-unaj nifU. wpmen, children. B.iy box iff K"TM-KO nt an;.' imnjr drn atora. oa GUARANTEE. Or y-u may ol.tain rtcipe fre uh a proof box of KOTAI.UO, by itnilme 10 centi. litver or itajiQvO) i. H. Orltulii, 0E-&4, Sta. P. New York, ti. X, TIIACTOU8 SFXL Bald CARS! j - "iiaiiiiiiii'Y' - i- - i ! - - ALL KEW CUAISIFIKD ADVKRTIf EKTS WlLft BE fr'Ol.ND 0 1." PAOB 1.1D1CR BKAULNO -AKW TODAY. ' 'T WANTED. WAVTTD Chambrm14 Unal Umpqua. W A NTKD Waitru at Citvfftria. Ap ply at onct. WA.NTtaD luriteytk, larsa 01 small. ooyer urt.ii. I'l.una ii-in. WA.NTfalTi Two prune plrkra. J. aiontKuaury. Uayt Crmjk. Ore. WA.NiUU ruue pickers. b.d, Wouvr, Uyrtie Crevk. Oiticon. WA.N'TIbiJ Hind wheel of Thor motor- O'cia, takes ixi tire, Z speca cluun. U. M., csie Nwws-Kwvlwv WANTKU Woman to work In the halls. Apply at U in p qua Hutel 1m- mediately. vVANTJbU Three prune pickers. Cain camp. Oeo. L. Hush ell, Looking UIuks, Oregon, VA.NTI:d 12 or 15 pruno pIcKers, 1 lit)v ftmiKers. alio suuio men in uner. J. O. Hucon, L'mpqua. Oregon. VANTKI Woman or srlrl for cunfc- ttunery work. Apply uutcn Conioc- Itunery. W A MiCLJ iScoUil collitt pup from good stock. C. S. lyer, It. 1, Itost buriir. i'tiune 4Lt-F-.'5. WANTKD TO HiCN'T Kurnlsbed house or apartments. Address C. i C, tare New n-ltevlew. VVA NT KU4J i rl or woman For office work. Apply at vine to Kuseburg Steam Laundry. Al ust understand typewriting. WANTKU By young man handy at most Mi thinn; want odd Jobs in nfternoutis. Address C. B.. box 924, Hotteburg. WANTKli l'runo pickers; also two men far diler or orchard wirk. A. W. 1'iatt. Myrtlo Creek. Oregon. WANTKD-l'ruiH' pickers. Pick BaU win. Myrtle Cre'k. ore. Phone No. WANTKl Prune pickers. Good pick ing. Hood campliiK grounds. rite for particulars. 1'hone 18-X2. W m. F. .'Hvcr, siyriie treen, .Mrnun FOlt KE.NT. ROOMS you UKNT 523 North Main Kolt HKNT Safety tc posit boxes. UoMeburg Natiomu Bank. mlscki,lal:)Is. FUK TKADE G-pussenKor touring car on 5 -room moJern house, ciose .n. Or' M., cure News-Review LAIHUS' u....ru7l ai.ita. rni.lfl. Tilce ilr. .li'i neatly, stylishly Juno, all ja.-Kson Ul 1.1. run .-.ninivr. i.T-n.n.d- strain tiliorthurn bull (Qr service at Knn.lre uarn. 3Ap:FTV FlltST Secure a aafety de- poBlt box tor your vhiuuuio .ai.e.a tne Itoaeou. g .mio.ii ....n. WI01.1. IJU1I.1.INO II. K. Hulna.!llnun, driller. H- 1. KoaeburK. I'ilone 3-1-5. UVKSTOt'K KXCUANIJE--U you have .livestock of any kind for sale or ex ehaiiKe. Hat U with Dr. H. II. Hunt, 2::tf Oak rt itoaenurK. lltlNKY TO LOAN 211-year rural credit farm loans, low interest rate. ll'u.uOll local money to lau on Bond real eatnle First mortBse. See il. K. Hl- e. of Hlce & Ulce. A WOUI,I OF HOY&. Dispatches from London indloatn that the CBlllnR of an International Boy Scout conference was a happy inspiration, and Sir Robert Baden Powell Is receiving congratulations on all sides for the splendid show ing of his organization. London has extended an enthusiastic wel come to the young invaders, and, indeed, it must be a thrilling and ex citing experience to entertain 100, lOil Hoy Scouts from all over tho world. Thirty different countries are rep resented, each with Its own langu age and customs, and yet all united under one character-building ban ner. Manliness, self-respect and consideration for others are the goal of the true Scout, whatever his country. Kinship wits the world must inevitably follow national pa trotlsm growing out of such train ing. The hop of the leaders thnt this and future conferences of the youth of all nations will play a sig nificant part In the peace of the world may not be unfounded. in the meantime the youngsters gathered In and around London are . t. ... I . nnn nnn.hav Vl 11' thfV Wnrit and play at home, affording them selves anu mej sptrciuiuia ...uu diversion thereby. The Jamboree, aa It Is called, seems to deserve Its name. Think of 5.000 boys In an arena at one time the Babel of language and gesture and Joy! Separately, the national groups are presenting their own distinctive life, strange. Instructive and Inter esting, so that the young Scouts will carry home with them a fund of In formation. American parents, as they read of the part this country's delegation Is taking, will feel a new bond of In terest with oiher parents the world over. New York Tribune. o It. B. Hunt D. V. S. Night Phone 10 P. H. Anllea B. 8. D. V. M. Night Phone HUNT ANTLES Vrtrrlnarr ''nrseona. Phone 4O0 Office 22 Oak St. Roseburir. Ore. We Buy at JjJLVivvrJLyxt O BARCAIN STORE Hides, Mohair, Rar, Rubber, Old Metals, Papers and Boites. 'A Good Line of Second Hand Clothing For Bale. Cass and Pine Sta. DOUGLAS COUNTY TAXIDERMY AN 3 TANNINC CO. Tanneri of all da of Furs. Munufucturer of MutTn, Pur Shoul der Throw. Fur Coat and Cap. Also mount handi and animala of all tctnda. I. w. tLATiGCBrBtsna. rr. Roaaburc, Ortgoav -- - r-TnryvteMeLliIJ-ywt LOST AXl FOtXn .v ' I V v. nu pay chark-M. t l Or KOI Nl I-auy. black "UkTToT FOR SALt Split reeu Daby bUIB N. I'arroU til. MUy. It GitAY OAVS AND VKTCU iur t-r Autcust 20. i-ru" rL l Arthur It .Weeks. Hutkltl a VUH BALE OaKiand six TlT new. Uux Hi. Koute 1. Knj:.' rvm BALt .New house. Win h. chep. Inquire Itll & b KOlt 8ALK -Old growth nPaT: grub wood, pettier, ffin,0 KOH SAMS l'runo trees, llulUnT"; . ". "uci '". : I'etli.I : ?. a. aoc; a to s, ,0c. It. u Eli,. , I l.lllta weat of Itoaobur Tttlu ' Vilit lii'i.v. i.-i. and ck at In. 60 per tier ..nif. toni- I 1.11 mile to hla:l...v j..". Ilia. A.ldroaa lios 4. si FOK SAIJi; Motor boat eiiali Trf p. SuO Weal Urat m "Ha I.'. MA I fc' I.'.....? : Via. w u .. i oV III Wlncbeater. " "'' -..v ava&. ii.t alio luitamTl tle.l. Oeorue Telford, ouponie Vulley schuol hou.e. p. u. ltTjiXf 1'Olt SA1.K Five head A-lgraa"7 eey iuw, iresii.-ll 111 October - Drain. I r, ' l,!S. lOli SALK The followlna ud7r all In nr.. ,.1... -.... "" 1 ISIS Oakland slx( uu 1 Chevrolet, S6UU. 1 1U14 Ford tourlnir car. Service (luraKe. Hoeeburg, Ore. WANTEDIIest "late-model mT. toui.i.a car ror tne moner; giv. f Ural letter. Addreaa ilox 11JJ, iu! FOK UAL.10 For home canning, itrjr. ueuua,, ueeia, lomainea, ere. corn, cueumbera. Buy direct Iroa irewer. Phone or call st iii Tempi in St. SUI'BUIOK HOCK 8P"r.INT.Sc6AU lieat on the market; dry slab im! Special price on 10 tier lota. U. J. lectin, cor, uutt aim main. FOU bALK Few heavy a.m tad au.ri.v i i.i.v ..VKUU.ii LlllCKrki; WAKon with bolster eprlnica, U9. e seated hack, 4Ui the two for ll'l; practically new harrow, )l; cult:.' tor, $; the two for $211. One m;ii west and a mile aouth of Loek.ns FOlt ISALK Corner ruuda alore, a.u erul merclian.lise, Melioue, liresun, I frn... i...A..... . ... .....I.- i. acrea 6-year-old prunes Ln bearlp.i thla year. Oood 8-roorr. house, gtr SKe, barn, othel outbuildmsa;' imi.l fruit; all In tirsl-clasa shape. SUir by house, wfll llirlil'-'d. Will .til stock of muee. at Invoice. Pile $llou, with down, balanc turma. H, Stubba. Melrose. On IIELI'KD W1KB ANDGKTS I2,0M I To make the housework easier for his wife, a Cincinnati school teachn I contrived a circular shaped ritt ' with glass slides Into which ihi I plnccs the soiled dishes. A short ; ho3e Is then attached to the lot water faucet at the sink and tin water is turned on full. The mult 1 Is a whlrrling spray which "shooti" off the grease and cleans the dishes 1 like magic. The water drains from the "washer" Into the sink, and till Mob, which every woman hates, b over and wone with in a nilnule or i two, the dishes being left aluuxt 'dry in the bargain. The success ot the contrivance becoming known, the teacher has Just sold the patent I rights for 12.000, which cerUioJr , beats teaching school. I BATTERIES! No. 1 Bulck Battery No. 2 Bulck Battery 3a.W No. 1 Chevrolet Battery. fcW.Oii No. 2 Chevrolet Battery.. 20.00 For Other Cars Prices on Application. MOTOR SHOP GAM Aircncy Ilulck and Oicvrolet 441 N. Jackson 8t. Hoaehnrf. HUNTER JIND GUIDE j Pack horses furnished. Write for dates. UKltT WEIX8, Camas Valley, Or. Sheet MetalWork OP ALL KIM)S J. II. SINNIGER 111) OAK STREET PHOXK 4 PROFESSIONAL CARDS MRS, r. D. OWE.1 Cut Klowert. PrioM 210. 03 V. Curt. - ok. M. H. r;iiropri Physician. t:i W. Lane St- It Is what vre think and not ffr. e uu-v ' 5ssa what we are. There Is HAPPY THOI CHT ln every bottle of SVPERIOll SODA. ROSfBURG DAIRY AND SODA WORKS PHONE 186 OPEN ALL SUMjjg Piano Department Hemline-Moore ConservaM Violin and Physical Education Department Cloud UbMI Sspttimbar.