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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1920)
BosKurna iraws.Rrrrnrw wmxwnAY. jtty et. !v mil rtemoerat. Orover Cleveland. and that great patriotle Bepubljcan, William McKlntey. He said o didn't kuow Mr. Cox personally, but that he knew his record and bit backers, and in his opinion, even should Mr. Cox be elected, the American people would never stand for a backward step In the way of repealing the 18th Amendment. HEARTYAPPLAUSE For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Lecturer at Chautauqua Says History Is Only Solution Present Day Problem. EDUCATION IS NEEDED '.A GASTOBIS AJIOCXD THE TOWN Visit with Ilelatlvea Win. Russell and wife of West Rosehurg leKt this morning for Cot tage Grove to visit with relatives. I eaves for Oeswell Anna Woodward who has been visiting in Roseburg for a short time returned to Creswell this morn ing. Show at Oakland The Western Round up company. In Roseburg. last week end, will show at Oakland on Saturday and Sunday July 24 and 25. A& AVoielaWorrcparatiairorA Always Bears the li nit i hcMOlMOls aw i- Paivnu To (Jive More. Time m to Homo IJfe and !riH-r Train. log of Their tliildlvn luttrad of tiuciul AttnutUHi. Signature, i incrvnyiiu""" - - . S Xli. ..!. votNabcotic -I i I !. unci I p tcsiaiinjT; H Tit." Exact Copy of Wrapper. - l!ll.lti:.l TO l,.V OI'K MUX PHILADELPHIA. .Inly I 9. A 1 rrint rcdui li in the wo'kin forie of the Pennsylvania rlilroa will be made ibis w-ek. it was :u annnml h.-re today ai the company' ofiLe. In ill" ciis'nrn n-?l..n nloiie. whirl takes in the territory fast of Altoc t:a. between 1 1.000 and .2.000 wot lers will li" lunil off, it waj -tatcd It was Mated the rriluCtlo.i WB! renilen-d nt'' ss; ry ly the fart tha expenses have been cxreoding In come for some time past. A majority of those to go are it he shoos or rl. riol department This action was decided upon at a r.inn f tha iroiw.r-ll i: f f nf the 1 lailroml. The general strike threat 1 pnpi Itv leaders fjf railway labor lnim of the anticipated & UMlfc for Pot Infantt. Invalids and Orowlne ChlHrra the OngnuU h ocU-Urink For AH Agca facsimile Sinai"- Sat i mm NATHAN FULLERTON THE RiXALL STOSE. PERKINS BUILDING, Roieb WE SFXL Edison MAZDA LAMPS Douglas County Light and Water Co. of iir hi In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA TMK HHMN1. Mil V. OITT. ago awards of the railway labor oard has nothing to do with the lilroad's notion, said high officials f the Pennsylvania today. CHICAGO. July 19. The reduc "on in working force of the Penn "lvania railroad, announced today t Philadelphia, applies only to the astern region. It was stated In the lmnanv's northwestern offices here. :aih of the four Pennsylvlnla sys cm regions act independently. KITIIQIAKK SHAKES I.OS AX. tiELES. I.OS ANGKI.ES, July 19 A sharp earthquake shock was felt here at 6:48 o'clock. No damage was reported from any quarter of the city. There was nu tmnfc imong the people. INFANTS & INVALIDS ASK FOR Horlick's The Original Avoid Imitations and Substitute. Rich MI'fc, Matted Orln Extract In Powder No (luDg NourUhicg-DigeUbl WhiteTeeth, Healthy Gums, a Clean Mouth THAT is what you should seek in a dentifrice. And it is easily found, if you will care for your teeth retularly with Klenzo Dental Crcme. And the delightful after-tnstc of Klenzo that Cool, Clean, Klenzo Feeling fa satis fying evidence of the good it does. Step in and get a tube today. me nrst round of applause brougllt forth by Judge Alden last night wag in the first minute of his discourse when he said, "Thanli God for that man Fish." The big crowd in the tent evidently liked Fish and knew right away that if tne judge approved so heartily of the Fish lecture that the Judge him self was the right sort of man. Judge Alden claimed from the first that he was a "crank". He proved however not to be the kind of a man usually associated with term. The generally accepted de finition of the term, whether dic tionarlal or not, is that a crank is an Individual obsessed with a fool ideal, usually political. At least that Is the kind of a crank that usu ally makes the Chautauqua circuit. The judge then proceeded to prove that he was very sound. Had he said nothing else but that "knowledge of history Is necessary to Intelligent discharge of the duties of good citizenship" he would have left a lemon that the thousand hear ers under the big tent could have taken well to heart. He reiterated a statement over and over again to the rffert that there is nothing new undor the sun. that every political and economic Idea that Is held ur before us by the political reformers from time to time has been tried over and over by the countless cen turies that have gone before us and sn all we have to do to asrrtaln whether or not they are workable Is to gaze bark on the paces of history pud see how they came on before. That Is where so mnny peo nle go wrong, pirn and women with he best Intentions, the theorv thev Mvoate sounds plans'ble and In theory Is plausible, but It fails to t-ke hm.m nature Into account where the theory has bumped Into hat same human nature manv times before and gone' to the dam nn"on bow-wows as the result. In urging the necessity of edu citlon, the judge let it -he under stood that he didn't necessrllv moin a college education, "gome nf the highest fools I ever knew", he said, "were men with university degrees." He insisted tha.t any man wno could reai m!a;ht become edu cated. If he would anplv himself to a proper amount of reading. He feared however. hst the "power of thought and meditation have become a lost art due to the manv distrac tions of social pleasure with which we are presented today." He urged proner censuring of moving pictures that the nauseating problem play might he eliminated He gave a plain discussion of the problems of the home, the matter of Informing children of the mvst erles of life instead of letting them get filthy Ideas from thlr compan ions on the street. He urged a national curfew law that would re quire children .under 16 to be off the streets at 8:30 unless accom panied by their parents; he urged mothers to teach their daughters to do hotisework so as to be prepared for marriage; he urged a law that would make it impossible anywhere In the United States for a man and woman to marry when either of them were physically or mentally unfit to have children; he made an earneat plea to youiif: men to keep clean, to live the decent life. Yet. In spite of the serious nature of his message, he sprinkled it with a seasoning of wit and humor that kept the audience In an uproar. He touched on polltlce jut tor a moment. He told his audience that he was a Democrate. hut that he had a hunch that Harding was to he the next president. He said that he knew him very well personally and that he was a man "who would take advice from evervoouy. gard his as a combinatlLj of that "DANDERINE" Stops Hair Coming Out: Doubles Its Beauty. A few rruts buys Danderine." After an application of "Danderine" von e..n not find a fallen hair or any dandnif. besides everv bair shows taw life, vigor, brightness, store color and thickness. 5 tr-- --3; x Return to Wilbur Alice and Anna Brannlnger who have been visiting in this city for a short time returned to their home In Wilbur this morning. Is Granted Divorce A divorce was granted at Co-ur 'd Alene, Idaho, on June 17 to Mrs. Ella Stewart Dant from A. W. Dant. She resumes her former name of Ella Stewart. Ix-nves for Xewwrt Mrs. George Sewell left this morn ing for Newport to visit for a short time with Frances Howell and Flor ence Kohlhagen. Attend Convention James Goodman and wife departed this morning for Salem where they will attend the Kilt's convention and visit with Mr. Goodman's parents. Grocery Stork Sold r Long, who has been conduct ing a home grocery store at the cor ner of Stephens and Washington streets has sold his stock of goods to the Kidd grocery. lnnre at Tiller The residents of the Tiller sec tion are plnnnlng for a big dance In the new pavilion at that place on Saturday, July 31. Good music has been secured for the occasion and a good time is assured, according to word received here today. Visited With Sienors Mr. and Mrs. A. Peterson, of Med ford, stopped off yesterday on their way to Salem to visit with Mr. and Mrs. John C. Slgnor. They are on the way to attend the Elk's convention, and will then go on to Portland. They were former acquaintances of the Signors in the east. Some FGlne Sweet Corn Some fine specimens f Bweet sorn grown by D. C. McGhehey. of Glen- gary. (found their way Into! he News- Review office yesterday afternon Mr. McGhehey states that he market ed the first home grown sweet corn peas, potatoes and cabbage sold to local dealers this season. Dance on fu1or Day- Tentative plans for a big Labor Day dance to be given at the Ar mory in this city are now beins: con sidered. The committee In charge are seeking some new and novel features which will be introduced during the evening. The best f music will lie obtained and a rousing good time Is promised all who attend. NOTICK OF SALE OF GOVERN MENT TIMBER. General Land Office, Washington, D. C, July 3, 1920. Notice is hereby given thut subject to the conditions aDd limita tions of the Act of June 9, 1916 (39 Stat.. 2181. and the Instruc tions of the Secretary of the Inter ior of September 15, 1917, the tim ber on the following lands will be iold August 2.1, 1920, at 10 o'clock a. m., at public auction at the Unit ed Slates land office at Roseburg Oregon, to the highest bidder at not less than the appraised value as shown by this notice, sale to be sub ject to the approval of the Secretary' of the Interior. The purchase price with an additional sum of one-fifth of one per cent thereof, being commissions allowed, must be deposited at time of sale, money to be returned if sale is not approved. otherwise patent will Issue for the timber which must be removed within ten years. Bids will be re ceived from citizenB of the United States, associations of such citizens and corporations organised under :he laws of the United States or any tate, territory or district thereof inly. Upon application of a quall Med purchnser. the timber on any ietsl subdivision will be offered lepsrately before being Included in any offer of a larger unit. T. 16 8.. R. 1 W, Sec. 31, NEii -iE'A. fir 14 60 M.. cedar 30 M., SA' KEVt. fir IRoO M.. BE M E",. fir 850 M. SW FEW . fir 1740 M., cedar 20 M.. NEVi 8W11. fir 1220 M.. cedar 30 M-. Lot 3, fir 1170 M.. SE'4 SW4. Br 1600 M.. Lot 4. fir 1800 M.. none of the fir ir cedar to he sold for less than 12.00 per M. T. 16 S., R. 1 W. e 9. NE U NE 'i . red fir 628 M.. white fir 60 M BK4 ft "4. rea nr 360 M.; none of the red fir to be sold for less than $1.75 per M., and none of the white fir to be sold for -ss than 60 cents per M. T. 1 8.. It. 1 W., See. 23. NE1, NW 14 . fir 1700 M.. NW14 NW14. fir 1550 M . SW4 NW14. fir 2090 M., cedar 25 M PWM SE'4. fir 164" M cedar 60-M., SEH SE'4. Mr 1425 M.. cerlar 30M,NE'4 PW14. fir 400 M NW14 SW14. flr 880 M., 8E14 SW14, fir S40 M.. cedar 10 M.: none of the fir or cedar to be sold for lers than II 00 per M. (Blgned) CLAY TALL MAN, Commissioner, General Land Office. of course Fluffy, crispy-brown FISHER'S PANCAKES, frying-pan titt, will certainly appeal to the inner fisherman. EVERYBODY HAS A CAMP APPETITE. They all vote for PANCAKES. Nobody wants to wait for supper. They won't have to wait when there's FISHER'S PANCAKE FLOUR in camp. FISHER'S PANCAKE FLOUR la a scientific combination of buck wheat, wheat, corn and rice, with the exact amount of rtarng needed to make perfect PANCAKES and even a bit of corn sugar to make a crisp, oi'i:x i XDEii new .maxa;i:mi:xt. Derrick house home rooltrd meals. Mrs. D. Y. Allison In charge. The best of service and food. OH, BY JINGO Don't Go Fishing Without a Case of LUXO- Makes Your Lunch Taste Ritfht and the , Fish Bite. ROSEBURG D MRY AND SODA WORKS PHONE 186 WILL BL'Y YOUR USED FURNITURE. STOVES.etc. J. B. IIENINGER, SUCCESSOR TO MC GLALLEN & CHAMBERS. We Buy at BERGER'S BARCAIN STORE Hides, Mohair, Tings. Itilhher. Old Metals, Pnivrs and Donee. A Good Line of 8econd Hand Clothing For 8aie. Cass snd Pine Sts. OPEN ALL SUMMER Piano Department HeM'me-Mon re Comervato ry Violin and Physical Education Department Closed Until September.. Auto Owners! We would lie iIm1 to your Batteries Free at any time and p.lvr you expert advice on the rs- of Itnltiwlrs. When piirrliH-ing new lintter lee get our price. We ran save -rm money. MOTOR SHOP GARAGE 441 S. Jackson Hi. Itoneburf. ffplggll """" Jjp They'll Want Pancakes, brown crust. The sweet powdered milk Is mixed right In to save, you adding fresh milk. You Just add water from the nearest spring and the batter's ready for the frying pan. Manufactured In "America's Finest Flouring Mills" by Fisher Flouring Mills Company snow xmmox sense. 1 The railroad men of Roseburg showed their good common senso hy sticking to the llroihorhoods and not being stampeded into Joining n wiltli-at union. Other unions would profit If they would l.ollow their example. Port I'mp'iua Courier. I o i WIIE.V IOC LEAVE TOWX this summer It's a good move to have the News-Review follow you to your vacation home, us mail It to you dally Just phone 135 or vrlte our uliscrlpt'lon department and we'll ee that It comes to voll regularly. USED CARS Buick Roadster, 4-Cyl 1918 Mitchell, 6-CyI Overland Roadster, 4-Cyl 1919 Mitchell, 6-Cyl Ford Touring 1 4 Ton Chevrolet Truck, 4-Cyl All in first-class shape, if you are looking for a good used car, call on us. J. F. BARKER & CO., ROSEBURG, OREGON IMPLEMENTS AUTOMOBILES TRACTORS "LIBERTY" These are the cups that you read of in "Good Ilonsekppning", and from personal experience we can recommend them. They Save Creasing! They Save Time and Labor! No Gem Pans to Wash ! Cake Keep Better -Fresher ! Just the thing for Auto Parties and Lunches. One Gross for 25 Cents, almost 6 for a Penny. Get a Package, they will please you, Churchill Hardware Co. IRON MONGERS 1 n& j&Vv'::l OX MSI1IXG TH1P. A party of expert fishermen ore In camp this week near the fulls on Smith river. Among the party are Dr. A. F. Settlor, of Roseburg; W. P. t'ampbt-ll of Los Angeles; W. P. Heed of this city, Harry McKeownn of Murshfleld; E. L. Parroll ami .li s. Micelli of Roseburg, JudKO Napier If this city, and Geo. Mrllargrue. Ity grapevine special to the Courier tli" an' all euioyiug a fine time and n sr'frrlng from famine i f life chilly weather. Port Umpiua t'our- Aiverttse te Itevtew CAKE CUPS THE WINCHESTtt STORE