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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1920)
rnp two ilr.i:iiriIO KB WR. REVIEW lssu.d Dl!y Except Sunday. B W. BATES I. W! MBtRLY BIRI C.tBAItS SUBSCRIPTION RATES Pally, per by mall D.lly. tlx month. It mail .... Hy Carrier, per inoDth .... .-. .' Tb. Attoclated Pre.. Is exclusively entliled to the use for remMlcatlon of all newt dltpatchee credited to It or not olherwle credited In tnU paper and alto the local new. pub l.ahed herein. AH rights of republl ratlnn of special dispatches herein are alto reserved. Entered at second-clas. matlei My 17. 1920. el the poet office at H.otfburii. Oregon, under ,he Acl ' March 3. 1819. How-burg, Oregon. July SI. tVJO. Lit F.TKIM NS FINISH MitiE. COl. When the war called to many of the nullon't yiil-.Hi away from lh rnll.-ges anil iiniverBlllea to Hie tiai tli Hi lil. It teemed to some person, r (treat pity. II was UioukIiI thai their departure for war eervlr. would me.'n llielr permanent wlih rlrnwul from (lie school. If they re turned lo thla country their own clause would have none on without them. They would lie older anil more settled, and ready to take ur their life work, unwilling to devoti more time lo I he process of arqulr Ing a school education. H would be Interesting lo know Just what pro portion of all those boys did fall t return to rolleRe. The retiring pros' dent of Vale iruiverslty recently an nnunced that out of 1G2'J under Krnduates whose colli K" work Interrupted by their country's cull li arms, all hut 32fi hsvn returned an ' will complete their work In the mil vcrxlty Just n If nothing had hap pened. The snme thing Is true, nr dniibt. Ill varying degrees In olhet Institution, of learning. In a small middle western rnlloee this yar'r graduating class Included a numbe1 of young men and women who re eel veil their degrees "as of the clan of 1SIH. or 1917. or III 19." as the rae plight 1m. A brief fnotnote told that their work had been Interrupted by war service. In reality, ihey havi not finished Ihelr College courses "a If nothing had happened." It Is proh ably true lhat moat of those ynunr men and young winuon, loo got t ore out of this last year in dill ge than they would have done wlthoti' the exnerlences Ihev passed thrmiet' p-verncim. It wits because Ihey hai received a broader vision and deen enlng of purpose, and because thi v bad come lo realize how prorlnu witc Ihelr college oTiporlunlttrs. lbs thev were willing to return In spltr of the fsct that their elasitmates hsi1 nreeeded them Into Iho world an had pal'ie.l a head sturt In bilslues' or professional careers. i n yenr-old Louise Oupula re ceived this year an award of fioi franc, under the provisions of Ihi .will of Henri Kortln, who some year? ago left a fund from which this sun was to be paid annually for tome lie of exceptional heroism and service When a German shell killed I-milse'. inol her, early In IMS, the famllt faced separation. There were ftv children younger than Louise. The falber. a poor laborer, doing his till behind I tie- lines for Kraii"c, had nr mouey tn psy anybody to come In to look after them. Ititt Louise, then aged eight, took up the burden. Hhe kept the family together In what wa left of their rntlage, she cooked what little food they could get. washed such clothes as they hail look the younger ones lo school when Ih.-re was a school, and kepi a home which In split of Its poveny au I lacks, still wus better than many an institution ami better than nn seiiarnllon. When the commission awarded t lit Roil francs, she wept for Joy because now the Utile ones could have an rCK for Ihelr linuk fast. Just one of millions of "Lull, Mothers," the world around, who In war and peace are doing this sort of thing every duv. peculiar only in that she received the rewuld she lie Served. Where are the rewunls. tie helping hands for all these mhers' Why nol slop for a hit In compliiln Ing atMiut III- i o:: of things we do not need, the sacrifices of things we aie better off without, and Ih'iik of these children? T!h' IhilvniK Mill' i.ti.tmihiiy (f K -tfM,(irt 1 I'fiHith'.hltiK n ai-ux cIiuiiiIht uf cumim-it'ii Tht-y Iimy' ttli.mly miM I huflift.-iii fumU to ln cm::' ttlTiliiili-il with i hi mati chain (hi- i-f oiiiini'i rt. Hint tin- iil;iiipc lh f ttn tiilai rti (or mMiVf mnl roiiKituc t iv- wui k fur ii !! u i M in thir . c Hon 'f ihv cmmiy In ti simill nihil run i'-iMiiiisii thtfM' 'tn1d iluif n'.iim lltili- t,'u. fur !'.' . Ill 111 llR In lilt' WHY Of -illtMl-ill intf koimI mni ml nud ooiimm hmv v riiiitulu r cf o.miint'H"' Tliin oht Imitk i-honlil m'l nn . in i-l for lis ini-r cntfn ty iroltix miM tin top with Hi-- liirt'l Hlhl ti)rt I'Olll in.'H'lul niKiint jiii ion In i hi- wont he i n part of t In Btnti A Hi tl ti'p nnd kIukit tiU I'i.i . . l 44 Ion k t hli lino liy our wvr- Miini. ii nil tin -.iiofm nii'ii wilt go a li'iiif n In rivhiir I'lit-oni KMini to i'u' iill dm 1 i P'rli Hi nu n who nri' How Ml Ihf liiiiit of tin ir! ehrun ttt'i tt it it floitiK thi-lr Itv.-I h.-m to V. p 1h city and county oo tlif upward tn-nd. I'VHliy to in,. toy r. n it lo loy alty to rou n try and tAit'iiii. typifl I hv Icich .tt ntHliilnrd of Aiiktii hii ld ali In tin hi' vtri ntious i lines th ftitff.rity of tli l'T-ohi.l ctjiiiii Ion r m lo lw iiii.nlti.; lhi hlKh utatwUtd of cn tiiHti.m and mriiv f t; tiht d hv our fir fatto m. In dn.sti) miph. h the d that uiuk.'H for hit mail h all h, hiiptin.-i and Nnr tm mwrit an. I It !irHvat ! .u ! lo ll. ml ty, woe nt id dihi-nut in. ut that follow In iia Hk.v IctiK yon an a iil of hh lntltu I. .i, d. f. i,d it. honor ll. ch.r(h it, j rk for tt. atand l.y It at) I mand by I (bor whoae bustneaa Mhtj auj means have made It poactbla. t't en vance'iieut your advancement and lis achievement your achievement. The Industrial and commercial de innmmt nt s nation It the bulwark of our liberty and Independence and I It behoove us to cherish ana aeitni it. Robt. I. Kerr. rteednporl Courhr: Every buslnee man In iteedsporl and othais wh'l wish to help Hie ell) and coiiiinuulty lo better conditions, should Jmu tie.' chamber of commerce. There Is a whole lot of work to be done during ..... r,.r in. me -,. .f the city and neighboring coin- muniiiea. and a few thould nol t. left to tlo tnis wors. I.oic me. ... ri.nn mi more than they tow. I 5 ! ! Portland (Jr. gonlan: When a wife goes away with another man -he i. V ..k J...O. i. .-I tartlllg COIIlUll.ll.oi. won ... - stance dally show this. The pirate ' a too low down In the scale to pro tect her In trouble. Whut fools such women be! While the eenj figures given towhurg may not please everybody, h.-ie Is enough of us left to make a iretlv good showing If we all g-l In he front line trenches and work for i bigger and better Itmeburg. Don't mist the Chautauqua hummer. -It 'a a 0 CITY NKVVS i Arundel, pife tuuer- pnoun 1.L Klre detlioy lives, piuperiy aut oud. lit tactful with nie. Wt wash and polish car at Mer aa s garage. Insure against loss equip yeai rector to lUy woa't s. fuel. W pay the highest price for Ces ar bark. Uerger'a Bargain Slur. WATKINB productt. 12 W. Laae 'hone 137-1.. Ilatice at SuthiTllii Friday night, vlustc by Otl'a orchestra and Mr. Kennedy. Stop and reflect great flrt Inn title sparka are spread, be oarefn' n h fire. Mrs. Hoy lluli-hings and child bfft his morning for Newberg. where hey will visit for a lew days before -olng on to I'oillainl to meet James lutrhlngs, the local hiker, who U eturiilug fiom a long trip to Iht ast. In outer to obtain sufficient room o take cire of the amount of work hey have been called upon to do. 'oi'kcltease and Harbor, who have iceil conducting a shop at the cor ter ilr Oak and Hose streets, have il.iven hi j.u i.aa street in me nuiio ng formerly occupied by the Rose- wllllllllllf!!llll"lv Ilr Equip With Sri- I'. i.l lf l un I !.,.. Ad-WMihcr lrd ' "1 S.olf C urr I Anit-Skid lrrd 1 '-vJNS- vs. LOVE and MARRIED UFE Ixl the noted, loan muione wjdsou MY PI.iX ! WOIIKIXO What I had revived to do matt .... . ....v.. k... i . in .' . .....'i., Di..n sjeep aimosi llllliie.iinie. uuu , ,he nulBe awakeed me by put- .,.. h,, , , ., ... tha rnlng. I looked over at John' bed .' i.. ..... ...,t.,,l it,Bf he hud been very careful not to wake me when he got up. This wat a con- .id.ratlon he had never before shown , ,. Until thlt morning It had ... ... ., i.,hn r.i.r. in.r. ... don't mind that t.y any potainniiy i would care lo tleeo after he war "U. r....l,.n ml. L'an aurlv " aald Miss Parker. "He slopped at the nap. Miss I'arker ha. been able to nursery door to tell me that you locata John and called me to the were still sleeping and that perhaps phone. Before he could speak, I gild: I had better not w;.ken you. ."Good morning, John. It was awfully More consideration, I thought hap- weet of you to let me sleep. I am all p ly ready to come wherever you want He told me to tell you. however, me, and do everything that I can to at soon at you liid your sleep, that get Into the new home a toon aa is he was going to have all the goods possible. You know, John. I have from his mother's house sent over never e'en the Inside of the house." to the new home, and that If you "Hiiven't you. Katherine," Inter felt able, would you Join him there rupted John In a surprised voice, .mmedlately after breakfast. He "1 wanted to wait until I could sild that he knew you were anxious go over It with you, John dear." to get In the new home, aa he, and ; I could almost hear John's sigh that If you would come over and ex- of relief over the phone and I knew olnln to him and (he people he had then that my way of attack was hired to heln vim. he was sure It would laillitate matters. He did not, .. ... .... .. . . , l i .. wan. vou o no tn... no..e,er uu.. you ten awe as your neaitn was worm more inin anyiniiig wise. Better Call Mother's 111 fifteen minutes. I will send the "Call him up at the house no you inutor over arter you, and you stop had belter call his mother's house here for me." first, and she perhaps will he able j "I will be ready and waiting." to tell you where to find him H you 'Just as I wanted It to be, I said to should not find him there. However, myself. I wish you would make an effort to j "John and I will he seen by all of talk to him personally or else let ninour friends on our way to our new si enk to hlui, because I shall he gl id I home and any speculation as to to come as soo'n as I can bathe theiJohaa being away when 1 returned biiby, and get her prepared for the will be silenced. pi,y. I Charl.s arrived very soon and I Miss Parker placed Mary in my was waiting for him at the door of arms and left the room. the hotel. When we drew up In front I sometimes wonder if I am a par- iff John't mother's house. 1 Hent my Heularly temperamental woman. Us- chauffeur in after him because I also itally I think I hav.ia rather prosaic had determined that .Madame (lordoi, and calm mind, and yet there are! somethings that stir me to the very center .If my being, one of them Is the feel of the satiny rose leaf skin of my baby against my own. It brings, out nil the protect ivoness, all the, tenderness, nil the emotions of which I am capable, und it brings me a s.,- , l ice and peace and quiet Joy that Is unsurpassable. I used to feel that Ruth was to blame for giving up her entire life in her children, nod while I could never do this to the extent of giving up as Itulh Had done, all other thots .of love, all a'-enmidishnieuts r life's work. yet. I can understand Huth's ittlllude which I never could before, even though I renlliml that love of mwsnvjjwnflh most primitive Your Small Car Goodyear Tires Tires in the 30x3-, 30 x3li- and 31 x4-iacli sues are ntaruifacUirL-d itli char atttTistic Goodyear care to build hi-jh relative value into every carcass and tread. Last year more cars takini; these si:es were factory-equipped with Good Tires than with any other kind. In order to make these tires idely available to users of such cars, we are operating the world's largest tire factory devoted to these sizes. If you own a Ford, Chevrolet, Dor:, Maxwell or other car requiring one of these sizes, go now to the nearest Goodyear Service Station Healer for Goodvcar Tires and Goodyear Heavy Tourist Tubes. v o ' " 5 M.' ""v l.-"rt Tulv, o,t no mere than llu- n lu are 4.klJ u, p(y for of L-., nu-ril-l,v ri.k Cla $212 .a.-iij;. when iuh urc rrotrc-li"iii-iiliW! Wx)',,,;, Irt leafarproo hag tovMsretrrU) werrTn.RiTTFW wnvrTv, jn.T ti. cmtnor emotions In the world. .Mary hat already become very fond of her bath, and K"rl kick and tplathes about as tne tutnthin? water touches her velvety - - - - " .i,k oil hor body. She remonstrale, with all ber tiny might when 1 take her out of nor tub. and It take, all the soothing that I can give her In the way of kiet and coaxing tones before the It reconciled to be ng wrapped in a towel and Pwd?,r,1"'Jnb.e,,'S. "'7 'he most beautiful and iweelut thing on earth. . ... L i - I lu.atu,l " Hy ho time she wat dressed and had had her brcastast ana was put In her bassinette for her right. "1 am superintending the moving ... Ik. U .lliurinu " t.u yulil """""'"' u . u. . '- m c ... Ku . ." ....mb would he the first to come and see .nie. As It was. she had not even seen her grandchild, although we had been in the city for four days. Fresh ne n Itaisy. John came out all suspecting and got Into the motor. "My. but you are looking as fresh as a d.ilsy this morning. I think motherhood becomes you. Katherine. On the way to our house lie asked our chauffeur lo lake us through the pa k as he sulil thiit It would be about half an hour before t'"v -vould be able to start with the furiillute. . It was a perfectly glorious morn Ing and I have never known anyone upon whom the weniher hut nnrh effect as upon John. True he Is not verv cnmfiirtrihle before he h;is had I .. hi coffee In the morning, but that ! noihlne In comparison to hi mood on heavy damp day. But when tun hlne 1 over all I don't belle It 1 possible for anyone or anything to exclude tunihlne from John Gordon heart. Tomorrow Clever EUmbuth. Is Funnier Off Screen Than On This evening at the Antlert the nli-ture fans of Roseburg will have a chance to tee one of the most cele brated of picture comediam In tb ,.t ph..t.. rnnl n lain OI f. . u.. ,. u,. II1W C U, DUilsuiire au fcj....-.- lot. Chetter hat been on tne coast for tlx year and featured In eoi'.i- edle produced by the largest com edy producers In the line of busl- nest. His comical anttct nave amus ed countless thousands wherever Dlcturea are Bhown. Those of you n,or,.inwho are Interested In the making morning . . ,.i .hui m.i-fi (II movies nun uic iicou.w ...... them will nof want to mis this un usual feature. You will not only have a chance to see Conklin In real lite In a real stage production, but will also have an opportunity afforded a verv limited few of seeing the star In action at his studio through tb medium of a specially produced film used as an Introduction for the revue. Conklin is even funnier on the singe than he Is on the screen, and his inimitable mannerism are sure to be as well received as In the past Conklln's work In the convict num ber with Penny is one of the big fea tures of this performance. Penny who Is chief in support of Conklin, was for a long time prior to his entering he services of uncle Sam, one or tne hest known vaudeville stars in tne Unntrv. His voice It not In the least of the many features which gr in make an enjoyable evening. He . slni-'s the songs that never grow old In a manner one never forgets. The girls were especially selected for their ability as singers and dancers as well as for their physical attract Ions. Tho many nifty novelties num bers they put over In a very cute style nnd the costumes they wear were designed especially for them by one of the lending artists of Califor nia. Thev will show you something ne-v lii the line of bathing suits and brand new way of using them. The big lazi orchestra Is the same one ihat has plaved for all of Conklln'F pictures, nnd the numbers they use are the Litest of the late Jazi hits Reside this they carry a concert vi olinist with hem who will play a vl din solo which will prove a troa' iror nil music lovers. After performance Conklin 'ill hold a reception In the lobby o he theatre, and he wanls all of yon to p-,tie a moment nnd shake hand with the famous comedlnn on th way out. ns he wants to meet you o WF.M. I-SKHVKI. The lil'-e that. Comes From Tliunk fill Itosehitiir People. Kidney Remedy has known nierlt Pns(.l Imrc ppoplo rolv unnn H. That Kemedy Ih Doan'a Kidney Pllla. Roseburg testimony proves It re liable. H. F. Poss. (?, W. T.ane strept RnscbMre:, Savs: "Ooan'n Kidney Pills helped me wonderfully. I had kidney complaint Tor some time and t aill'fered a preiit dt'al with lumbago I had Revere backarhe and at times T rould hardlv Htnlshten up when T gttot:ed over. The action of my kidnevs was Irrecular and nnnoved (me. I used two boxes of Doan's Kid' I nev pills as directed, and two boxes stopped the aches and pains and put my kidneys In good condition. Price title at all dealers. Don't alm- nly ask for Kidney remedy Ret Iioan's Kidney IMUs the same that Mr. Doss had. "Foster Mil burn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo. X. Y. I R SESSIONAL CARDS OWEV Cut Flower 403 V. Cass. Phone 240. lR. M. H. riiVLKR Chiropractic Physician, 222 W. Lane St. Wt, ft. P. nRAPFOIU) A WIFE Chiropractors, Phone 40-F4. hit. (1.AIU K. Al.liKX Pentlst at 311 Perkins Building. Roaoburj. Oregon. Office hours 9 to 12 a m . I tn R n. m Phone ti Sutherlin Sanitarium MEDICAL 4fe SURGICAL Write K. I. HAM,. M. I., Sttpt. Sutliprlln, ( No Excuse for o BARE SPACE on your walls. Our Sale of FRAMED PICTURES now poing on. Cupids, Madonnas, scenes, old masters, religious, portraits of all, sizes and colors at CARR'S Come early save money. S.-U N. Jackson. FOR ITCHING TORTURE Use Antiseptic Liquid Zemo There is one remedy that seldom fails to stop itching torture and relieve ikin irritation and that makes the akin toft, clear and healthy. Any druggist can tupply you with Zemo, which generally overcome, skin diseases. Eczema, itch, pimples, rashes, blackheads, in most cases give way to Zemo. Frequently, minor blemishei disappear overnight. Itching usually stops instantly. Zemo is a safe, anti septic liquid, clean, easy to use and dependable. It costs only 35c: an extra large bottle. S1.00. It will not stain, is not greasy or sticky and is positively safe for tender, sensitive skins. The E. W. Rate Co.. Ctowltnd. O. (ONI All Cliuinirted Advertisement. Ul erted new today wl1! be found on at pe under "New Today" bead WANTED .VAITKKS8 teria. WANTED---At Curt A'ANTED New potato..-, at Hotel Umpqua. V ANTED Janitor Home. Fwr"aii4nt. at Phou. li. WANTED Turkey., large or tuiall. buyer liros. 1'hoii. 14-F14. WANTED To reut a tent in good condition; will buy if Phone 2HU-R. A'ANTED To rent ( or 6 room house. Good milch cow for sule. 635 So. Main St. LABORERS WANTED Eight mac for quarry work. Call oa R. kl. Harnett. RoiMburg. .VANTED Competent shoemaker, married man preferred. Steady Job. V. S. Goff, Cottage Grove, Oregon. .VANTED Wludow and general houst'Cleahlng, kitchen wall washed, floors painted and pol ished. C. H. Mar.ton. Phone 392 VANTED Good logger to take cou tract to log. Ready to start mil! now. See Gilkiuon Bros., or In quire at Newa-Review. VANT TO RENT Mediuni-tizoil one-man farm, with accommoda lions for family, near Roseburg. C Guttafson, Rt. 1. Mllwaukle, Ore. VANTED Prune pickers family ol 4 or 5. Prune picking and apples. Adilrei Geo. L. Russell, Looklug Gluts, Oregon. A'ANTED To purchase land partis rough for goat.. Prefer Looking UlasB, Melrosfl way. No faucy prlci considered. S'.ate price and tarnit B. U., car. News-Review. WANTED Girl or middle-aged woman for general housework on ranch, 3 in family; ttat. wage Pnon. 42-1' 12 at Oakland, ot write Mr.. C. S. Baker. BuU.rlio Oregon. WANTED To lease on .hares by re sponsible party who can give ref erence., a good farm consisting of several acre, of bearing prune and good farm land; sher-p place would be considered. Ad dree. 246, care News-Review. WOOD WANTED School DIst. No 71 wants 15 tier of seasoned oak block wood, also 2 tier seasoned pin. or fir stove wood, to be de livered In woodshed on seboo grounds. Call or address D. N UuBenbark, Clerk, Roeeburg, Ore- HELP WANTED WANTED HKLP Ex-service men and other, fur nished employment tree of charge Contractors, rancher, and farmer. place your orders with us for help era. Our services are free loth to employer and employed. Law- rence-Cordou Co., 125 Cass St. Phoue 219. FOR RENT. "OR RENT B&totr deposit boxes Koaeuurff National Baa. FOR RENT Large furnished room. close In. Pbone 12-Y. '"OR RENT Sleeping room, $10 per month. 323 E. Oak St. FOR RENT Furnished room with bath, 401 S. Main street. Sheet MetalWork OF ALT, KrXT J. H. SINNIGER 1 10 OAR STREET PHOVE 428 ROSEBURG MYRTLE POINT MARSHFIELD AUTO STAGE' Lmvv mbnrj(. !.!'.? tt 7 AO A. M. Lmtm Myrtl. FolDI, d.llr at -Jt A. M. Connections at Myrtle Point to nd from Marsh field, Co qullle, Bandon and Powers. Fsre $6.48. including war tax. Reservation at main office. 405 Cas St., near depot, Pbone 303, or I'mpqua and Grand ho tels. Rapp's store. TAYLOR & CLINTON cgaaoariamM,it,i. wt.u . . mm TWO FURNISHED rooms for rent unit .tier v y. iu. oi. o, uaiQ. FOR RENT 6 room houit, j (,0 pr wuuia. luiiair. vtv 34x.h Street. FOR RENT Lightly furnish bout. Inquire 246 N. Rose, for, noons. MISCElXAXKOl-g. WELL URI1.L1NC B. E. H.lnsel. man, driller, R. 1, Rowburt Phone 3-'6. LOST Fish basket between Gild. and RoKburg. Reward. E. j, Payton. 4AFETT. FIRST Beeni a safety deposit buz for your valuable p. per. at the Hoseburc N.tlonul Bank. tf. i.OST Elk's tootn cnarm wlih .mall diamond setting. Will give liberal reward'.- R. K. Harnett, kflHAl.lirff. Opa t'AKEN UP Red muley cow, bobbed tall, white fuce. Owuer 1. aotitloj to come after animal and pay churgps. A. W. Graham, Brock way, Ore. isONEY TO LO AN z 0-year rural eredlt farm loaut, low interest rate. 12U,uou'tocal money to ioaa on good real estate. First . mort gage. See at. F. Ulce ol Kits a Ktca. lL SOTICH The Clover Creek Ranch of 2640 acres having been admit ted as a part ot the state gam. preserve, all persons are that tresspassers or burners there on will be prosecuted. J. H. SHORT. 1QK HALE. .''OR SALE 150 lb.. Petite prunes at 14c. Cull at Cafeteria. OR SALE Studebaker oar. Serfici Garage, N. Jaeksou street. 'OK SALE Heavy work team, thcui at the Deer Creek barn. Set OR SALE One good milch cow. Judd McMillln. IL'TOMOBILE TIRES Far sale by Judd ft .MuMlUiu. .'OR SALE A 16x20 tent, at 604 E. Douglas St. Inquire 'OR SALE CHEAP Belgian haru. Inquire New.-Revlew office. OR SALE Fryers at 25 cents each at 701 So. Pine. Pbone S7-J. OR SALE Block old growth fir, 14.50 per tier, delivered. Phone 369-R. 'OR SALE Old growth fir and pax grub wood, $4.50 per tier. Fount 69. OR SALE Oat hay In shock. $20 per ton. C. L. Searing, E. Doug las. Phone 207-L. .'OR SALE 4-year-old mule; twt teated back. Thot. Lawhead, Myr tle Creek, Oregon, FOR SALE Cheap, Overland car la good SMdlUoa. .inquire Berger's Bargain Stere. ilUUT SELL fast Chalmers bag, cheap, good uecbaalQal ceadlriea. Inquire Sune.t Garage. FOR 8ALE 16 24 stave sile last emptied. George Telford, oppoeli. Happy Valley .eaool house. P. tt. Roseburg. rX)R SALE Ford bug, J350; Over land bug, $325; Flanders truck, $226; Uuick truck, $700. Cockel rease & Harbor, 220 Oak street. 5-ROOM house, plastered, bath, 6 lots, barn, chicken house. Just off Juckson St. $1600, if taken at once. J. V. Casey. FOR 6 ALE Two Dodge cars. Gut touring, itsv; Roadster, $; both in good condition. See th.ia at Service Garage. !KH SALE Two buggies, hoi. and barnees, J. I. Case threalit.t machine, wagon, grain drill, etc Mrs. A. Fisher. OR SALE A band of Angora get'l near Ashland. Oregon. Will mH or rent stock ranch. Write W. A Holt, Box 117. Taeoma, Watt. FOR SALE Italia, mruae tri-es, Oregon grow., 6 te I ft.. 4 to ft., te; 3 so 4 ft.. $fe. R. I Ellis, 3 mile, weat, Roseburg, t)r. HERRIES for sale In orchard, picked, or bring boxes and r! them yourself. D. Coon, Dinars, Oregon. FOR SALE 4-room kouee it 4 K lots. 4 good ehlekea heoses, wee shed, well; alee 4-reom hente sad I lot, Riverside. W. B. Bowes. R. 2, Roseburg. SUPERIOR ROCI SPRINGS CO'- Best the starke4; dry ' wood aad mM eads by the nw " enrd. Special prtee ea It tier le H. J. Dena, ear. Oak aad Mai. FOR SALE USED CARS We hi" the following: One Bulck six. I" Chevrolets. model 490; one Spl ster truck; one 1919 Indian torcycle and sidecar very chest Call at the Umpqua Auto Shop to a demonstration. Winchester St. FOR SALE One end one-third acres of free soli. I blocks fre" post office; good house, woodthed and rhlcken house: about J'1 pullets. RO eookerels; large ,r" den, also family orchard set est this spring. Street paved to plsra. Sea owner. 425 South St, bet Mill and Pine street.