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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1920)
P(Wnini wrim-snAY. JfTT at. tnav PAOH fWR Keynote Address Is Heard Today (Continued from I'age 1) (' Tonight Only Starts 7:30 IF ROT, MEET CHESTER cyi Awn mki e ii M AMD ART PfiMW TWS IS KOT A rTIJ CttSSTE CCNKUN WM&SLF ' TO K52TT YOU FACU TO FACfc . gwbction ant to batsman. Admission Including Tax: Children 28c, Adults 55c Will VWl TarentN To Kuurnn fur Visit Mm O IlurKoyne and children! I. K. LyniU and wife went to Ku Jeft Ihia inornliiK for Portland to Kno this morniiiK and will vMl with triaii with Mrs. Iluncoyne's parent, f i tends and relatives for a week or Vr nnt Mm. I. I.. HoiiHton. 1 Dvv -SHfW: I f X Quality Goes ClcarTliroztfi I ! h i 1 I GASOLINE ECONOMY f I NOW PRUDENT. f I S Th tHn horUfc. ihuuch lrmioninr, onl crv lt thww the pmJcrwf r uinf in jlj D like Ihr DOKT tor H ivrtim trmn JO to 2. milct pr fllon. O f p llii tlte cortutHiva! un all tnj urc nj aim -(ilbutlk InrnJ 'i.xn tH it u nrrg h lia .unti-t X pJ nt pvrfunnanc. X Each PORT is as good as the best one ever tmnie. Gi.x.xior SERVICE GARAGE Rbr.or. f x' D O KT HO f()K 0DOOOO000CmXkXhO i OT TIVTATTT nArvrnitm SHOES ON SALE! Smashing nil nionlhly sale-; ivcovJs .i this store of oxivllont shoo va!.;a. Done by sina.sliinr all prices on shoes. Quality is unusually luj.,h. rrices are unusually low. You save up to four dollars the pair. The steps of prudent people will lead direct to the looTt:imc tomorrow. ROSEBURG B00TERIE 1KVIN BR INN sh3!s thai satisfy ahc fit touk lu Fekkins Klikl Cass St, Kosi iu kc. ! yMl MM "jsyrr.i.r THE FAMOUS COMEDIAN HIMsEUF CCAU-ncG -Hf3 ffM ' "n d:ivn C A RT O'nTp A'NJV ' ' Performances 7A7Z OfcC:4GS7i MOVMS PICYOliVS ViSITIKG KCfirG U AIHH'I TIIK TOWS The '. C. T. I will Nold a shn i;'r--.nni iiiimeliiit"ly follow) iif? the ' "Imiitiiuqiia. 'I he iiit'ftljitc will bo ;h'-lil oti tlif mini 1hiis' luwu. I M in. I,. 1 i 1 1 in it ii I'-ft this niorninc I fur Htll;it ii where .sin- will visit wilh her d;iiii;litrr, Mrs. licsniti Hover. Thf Lttlii-H of St. Jo.-tt (tii's Chuiell will hold a Kih' of hoiii" cinki-d food.' Satunliiy, Jnlv 24th, at J. V. Cu.sey'j re;'l ntiite offietf. Verni Curl;r, who formerly r-Hidt-d in tin:; r;:y, itirivtd J;t- lust !itrlil from ArOihtnd and nt today ittT". II" 1 nrotitc te tin- l-.Ilt.H con vention In Salem, and will stop again In HoaeburK on his way back. Itt quoiihK i'r. SlHMMiiiikf r'H rfpirt h' Torc tint rotim-il Monday evening, it wum H'ai''d h- chiimtd tl.:it I'r. liinwi r lack I'd prop'-r nn-d ical c -r-titicatiori. Thin watt pn t rror. an IH" S!it-tiiaker referred to Mr. Kuitcr. Mr. Hiitwt-r Is one of the old. ;t pree tlctiiK ph vs11.iiih of thi Hiatc and Is of the lt-adiug doctcn's in 'he profi'.Hnion. NKW TOIiAI WANTI'D - Tt buv small house on paved slreet. Address Hux 0 56, City. KOU UKNT KurnlHhfd room with hath, close in. imiuire ut the Hut Shop. Oatice jit Silt her I i n Friday nlrht Music by Ott's tnhe:itra and Mr. Kennedy, lAH K Saddle horse or jia k hoi s JlTi. I cut pries mi my sales. C. Merrill. f.M Mill St. KOlI SAI.K Three horses, set of double harness and w;tgon. Call eenings at 2;if Sheridan St. K(lt SAI.K - ;ood r.-ro.tni house. 4 n s, nil in g;i i'd n, l it"lilMtver. J. J. Moil, Ut. 2, Knseburg. V N'T I :i Uui'cv or I'L'bt spi inir ;u:on pi. terieil, i i n : I be In Coii enti'lii ion, and eh- ;ip. l'liune i;. LOOK A birire niiiulier of hoii-es for sale, cut piriceM. My overhead epeu-e light :.nd I gie b.ii'aius. C. Meinll. ;.el ,!ill St. . l.(ST !l ;- .!, .iri.iUH on ro.el i'.miii: in.. h f i; . , .) t v morning of J.ily tl. l"e.i;..- n:ail "areel p,..f (V (). 1). to T. A I.vni bui ner. San lh go. Tal. VOn S.VI.i: Young ! ris'-fed I. O W. boar and J IMtroc 1 ynw, h nes. !.!, (Mr br- d.nir pmpe . s ANo 1 lu.g. Ii Poiai .a-h. Ws: li'i long, eiiil ti dn way on Si- iiiibreok irat t. 'jv.Mijuev to intre 1 " "to e "iii, l.t I'-'.T .11 UP ,. WEBSTER'S liEW i?iTE.NAT!0."AL . . 1 I,U,l .1 .,. . I::' J '' v '.. ,'-, ; -'''" ..-, !j i;...',;!, L;)1;:-;:;.. V. . s j,. .c. , .,'....'j'd'. ' , '; J5' "l 1 ,k ' iM'U r.'t au.ii.--. .. !.:', " j: C. MERRiAM coil Nil ; ':. -!.i. si l. s. a. I::l J -4 1:1 ' I . - !.: . . y .' i V-.; I.i . 47 V.. i : ; i:: V . -- ' ; : r:on inn the law by the fear of the party lions, who will not risk the alienation of any considerable num Ih.t of voters. Fartlcs are suspicious j of earn othi'r and will neglect a plain luiy for fear the opposite parly will tain a temporary udvantage. Whllo we iiru thankful for the progress as made and hopeful of a final out come, we cannot Ignore plain facts nor build bo"?- "Our motives traffic ate beco by year. Tho I more crushing hating liquor utrouK:r year y of science U ,ie demands of business iiiv luo. clins than ever before. Tho experlmoiit of even par tially enforced prohibition has been t-o eminently satisfactory, and the demonstrations of moral and Indus trial improvements ho convincing that millions of halters between the t vi opinions have been convinced beyond a shadow Oi doubt. Empty jails and decreasing prison population incn'.ihH in collections and bank de posits and a halt in the alarming growth of insanity; all those and more are now speaking in trumpet teiH'H of a better day now upon us. "Our mothers, sisters and wives who have been seeking the ballot as a legal weapon with which to beat eff the moral and social wolves from the door of the home, must still find in true. As we were their earliest political friends, so must we stand ity this n-form until the victory Is fm 'llv completed. 'Wh'le we retain the rights as In dividmils to use our influence n'-ainst any and all evil habits and practices, we must not scatter our I'orces or weaken our position as a pur'v on tlie real political Issues. "Wo must place in the field ft tji-ket of real presidential size and make a campaign that will win the respect of all thinking men and wo men. Wo must he radical in doctrine but dignified In manner; and above all, we must Jie optimistic and ag gressive, wilh no apoloKis to any man for our faith, and no fear of any one except the Lord, and one more victory will hi p tided to the credit of tho only political party that was never defeated." Mr. and Mrs. O. IVarson and four hciMren. who reside in KIrarose, left this morning for New York, nnd will take a boat from there to Sweden, when they formerly resided. Thev expect to make an extended vi.dt th- re wilh relatives. DAINTV FABRICS jig restored to another full ipeaiiou'a use by our DRV CLEANING A trial proves. g Who's your cleaner? S j lif Our Way S Our Auto Will Tall. I i l rttoiie 277. fi GREAT WESTERN ROUND-UP i A Real Frontier Show, with Kiders who have Ridden the Ranges of Eastern Oregon and Neighboring Starts. AT OAKLAND Saturday at 7-P. JL and Sunday Afternoon al 2 JULY 24-25 See "Kowdadaw" and "White Cloud" in action with 50 more of the hardest bucking bronchos ever came over the nike. Its War Chance of a LifVtimo t,- n i;,- o.. Special Weekend Sale Just for Friday and Saturday, July 23-24 T TtirlVtAJfn V "Kayser union suits, best qality of sum U II LlCI W ZaL mer underwear, selling pegularly at $1. 15 $1.25 and $1.50 a suit, we are offering Friday and Sat- qa urday only, at the special week-end Sale Price of ifOC KAYSER VESTS-A11 regular seller's at 69c to 89c A Garment, for special week-end sale '. 59c All grades at the same price. Shoes The Store of New Things Mrs. L. D. Hughes left last night j for Los Angeles, Santa Monica and or her California poihlh, wherv aim will visit for the next tew weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stapleton left this morning for Gardiner, Heeds port and Winchester Hay, where they will spend tho ensuing two weeks on their vacation. Mrs. Opal Bodie, who is taking tho training course at tho Sellwood Hospital in Portland, is visiting here or a few weeks. Mrs. Hodie recently underwent an operation for appen dicitis, and is recovering nicely. Here it is. The property you are looking for. 14 acres, all in cultiva tion; 8 acres of bearing ap ples, In flue condition; 2 acres of young prune trees; prune orchard Is intersected with hearing peach trees; good 4 room house, barn and chicken house, fine well; In a good lo cality. Price $2500 cash. Will Include poultry, team and equipment at reasonable price. CITY PHOl'KIETY Some de be si rable homes that bought on terms. can G.W.YOUNG AND SON f Kent KaCMo and Insurance. J 00 Cuss St. Phone 417 LUNCH AND DINNER 65 Cents at HERRICK HOUSE Hivajtfast to order, liato Kiilar Hoarders. n Here Is Another Continuing our past sale prices for Friday and Saturday week - 25 TO 15 OFF. Morris Henderson and family ar- j rived last night from Portland to j spend a short time visiting with Mr. J Henderson's pareuts, Mr. and Mrs. O. Pfc Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Wilder will leave about the first of tho month, for an extended auto tour through Washington uml Canada. J. O, Lewis, of Wilbur drove over to the city early this morning to look after business matters. He states that Mrs. Lewis underwent an on - oration at the Suthrlin Sanitarium 'men r ,m is ueueveu 10 ue gei- iting along well. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bean 7 the Signature AEROPLANE ! I Commercial Sport or Don't waste 2 or 3 days of your valuable harvest time when your tractor breaks down order your parts delivered via tho awopLuio jtuite at 100 miles per hour any place any time. Tourists save time and money and Keep your cheerful disposition by eliminating those irksome roadside delays when you need parts. Call your Roseburg dealer and have LIEUT. V. U. AYRES rush your parts Above the Clouds to you. If you order eggs delivered pU'ase specify to your grocer that they be scrambled. '4 2 t l Come out to the at tho old rifle range and let us explain the most wonderful ac complishment of the age. 1'assengor flights any place any llytel Umpqua. JAMES K. wmm lit TO and a Notable Cast including Ormi Hawley and Irving Cumrnings in "The Greater Sinner" Sennett Comedy on all- Ladies Shoes, end sale. Roland Agee and wife left this morning for Salem to attend tie Elks convention. They made the trip by auto. While ascendiug Roberts mountain yesterday, H. J. Wilson met a tour ist driving down at a recklesa speed. The cars met at Hairpin turn and as both were hugging tho bank a near collision resulted. The tourist "being on the wroniF side of the road turned out quickly, but his front fender cut i through the lire on Mr. Wilson s machine and caused the Hoseburg maa considerable delay while n .chanfte was made. Mr. I.. O. Maddux, who baa been ononding the past seven months ; with reiatives In New Orleans, pass led through Hoseburg this morning. I She will stop at Myrtle Creek for a I time and will then return to this icity. She has with her her two little Kninddaughters, Mary and 'Neville 1 Maddux, of Wilson. Louisana. Mrs. Maddux reports a very hot trip the greater part of the way to this city. and Pleasure Business Aviation Field. time, Call or see Lt. Ayres at th.) a. DAY HACKETT and Pathe News. tion of Cowboys and Cowgirls who are the genuine stuff. . Be on hand when the show starts at 2 THURSDA Y: Mitchell Lewi in "Ki - ... a.t ftws vv-w. ta J I m Srr.i.-T-Trr..-.. .-.r.r " ' i A - iSMi