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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1920)
THTMPAT. TXT I, IMP num rmu WE SELL Edison MAZDA LAMPS Douglas County Light and Water Co. Dan Egley. of Blackfoot. Ida., has Mrs A. C. March. Myrlle Creek rented apartment tn Roseburg with was a bualnesa visitor In this city ihe Intention of remaining perma- yesterday, returning home on the nently. . 1 evening trsln. Wanted at Cannery Royal Anne, Bing and Lambert Cher ries, also Loganberries. A. RUPERT COMPANY 1 1NCORPORATED Phone 310 Roseburg, Ore. A Monogram Cigar Store Is Sold The Monogram Cigar Star for merly owned by N. B. Richardson of this city wa sold yesterday by the Q. w. young company to 1. Hen ry Scheusrh and W. L. Terry, of Se attle. Both of the new purchaser are engaged In similar business in Seattle, but decided to make Rose burg their future home. The cigar store Is located on Jackson street, and has enjoyed a good trade in the past. Mr. Richardson has not de cided as to his future business lite but will probably remain In this vic inity. . PITS ON THE BRAKES THEN JACKS I P CAR Autolsta pull many good stunts but the best one to be seen around here for some time happened on the Roberts Mountain grade yesterday morning. A tourist was descending the grade. A tire went flat. He Jam med op the brakes and got out to repair the Injury. His first action was to Jack up the rear wheels, con sequently removing his car from the control of the brakes.. The auto shot ahead, climbed the bank, and then turned over on Its back while the autolst stood by and directed some strong language at himself. The accident was witnessed by County Judge Stewart, Sheriff Qulne and District Attorney Neuner, who were on their way to Aialea. They stopped and cave such assistance as was possible at the time. A .ser vice car was near and the auto was soon lighted and brought to this city on its own power. The driver was the sole occupant. ATTENTION Just Received A large assortment of the most popular and latest hits of the following makes of. records. Victor Columbia Edison Brunswick Aeolian and Okeh. The Neuola Plays Them All. A Phonograph can do no more than reproduce that which has been recorded on the record. But some do it better. If yourNeuola does not give entire satisfaction we will gladly exchange a Victor, Co lumbia,' Edison, Brunswick, Sonora, Aeolian, Che ney or Pa the, giving you credit for full purchase price. Come in today and hear how perfectly the Neuola reproduces all different makes of records. THE TONE SHOP Perkins Brothers 229 N. Jackson St. 4TH OF JULY FIREWORKS PISTOLS, CAPS, FLAG5, NOVElIES? ' Complete line, dow on ale at o CARR'S Variety Store New Location. : 231 N. Jackson St. I ANNOUNCEMENT! "A New Lease of Life Through Internal Baths." Mr. E. Sha'ln ctf Santa Cruz. Cel., writes to the Tyrrell Hygenlc Institute: "My wire and I will be 86 years young next birthday and consider that the J. B. L. Cascade has given us a new lease on life, for we now enjoy the best of health. We were going down bill fast but the Cascade has given us such health as we have not had In years. The J. B. L. Cascade cleanses the lower Intestine Its entire length and keeps It always free of poisonous waste. Thousands testify that constipation Indigestion, stomach - troubles, bil iousness and headaches and all the many serious: troubles they cause are relieved and prevented by this Nature Treatment. Mr. Nathan Fullerton-, Cass street. Roseburg. Ore., will be glad to show you the " J. B. L. Cascade" explain Its simple operation and will give you free on request an Interesting liUle book by Dr. Charles A. Tyrrell of New York, a noted specialist on Internal athing- for 25 years In that city. Clip this out as a remind er to asjc for the booklet at your first opportunity. BACK HURT ALL THE TIME Mrs. Hill Says Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound Removed The Cause. Knoxville, Tfnn. "My bsrk hurt me au t time, 1 was all run down, could not tat and my bead bothered me, all caused by ferns le trouble. I m three years with tan troubles and doctors did me no good. Your nied leine helped my sis ter bo she advised me to take it. I took Lrdia E. Finkham'a Vegetable Com pound and the Liver Pills and used Lydia E. Pinkham's Sanative Wash and now I am well, can eat Heartily and work. 1 give you my thanks for your great medicines. You may publish my letter and I will tell everyone what your medicines did for me." Mrs. ream, hill, 418 .(ackfboro St.. Knoxvill . Tennessee. Hundreds of' such letters expressing gratitude for the good Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound has accom plished are constantly being received, proving the reliability of this grand old remedy. ' If you are ill do not drag along ami continue to suffer day in and dav out but at once take Lydia E. Pinkliam'i Vegetable Compound, a woman't remedy for woman's ills. SPECIAL .NOTICE. NEW SNAP SHOTS LA KH HOTEL TO 0PE?! Alfred Parkhurst, manager of the Crater Lake Hotel, together with a corps of assistants, passed through the city last fright on the way to the famous resort to open the hotel for the season. The trip Is being made by auto. Among the members of the party were Harriet Mentskey or Portland. Mrs. U E. Pouieroy, Ta coma, Mrs, Thomas Autzen, Seattle, Molina Euke. Portland and Donald Rose of Portland. - . -. f HOr.SE Ill'RNH DOWN.' The -residence .- at Melrose be longing to A. S. Reed, burned com pletely down Tuesday evening, ac cording to word which reached here this morning. Mr. Reed recently pur chased the place which was known the old Stern borg borne and Is directly acros from the Melrose store. The conflagration resulted in a total loss, owing to the fact that the insurance, had not been' trans ferred to the new owner. The fire started In the night from a-de)fective flue? It Is thought, and the Reed family were awakened by the sound of the flames. Only a portion of the household goods were saved. Mr. Reed is undecided as to his future plans. $500.00 .XT AVE you ever seen the method the United States government uses in washing old and dirty paper money? Do you not Jhink it would be an interesting sight, Miss Hobba, the factory representative of the Crystal Washing Machine Company will wash $500.00 in actual money at our store Saturday afternoon from 2:00 o'clock until 5:00. ' UHLIG'S ELECTRIC STORE LICRNSR8 nitKAK RKCOIW June has been a record breaking month for marriage licenses accord ing to figures compiled at the coun ty clerk's office. Thlity-three licen ses were issued during the month breaking records for the past two yeara. In 1919 the clerk issued 16 licenses and In . 19 18 he disposed of SI. TWO AiK.NraUVS IKMOTKT. WASHINGTON, June 2 Formal announcement of the discharge from their temporary war ranks of Gener al Peyton C March, chief of staff, and Lieutenant ' Generals Hunter Liggett ind Robert L- Bullard was made today by the war department. They will return to their permanent rank of Major Generals on the reg ular army lists on July 1st. Gener- sls Liggett ana uunara im i" Franco as division commanders and I later were promoieu w me cvinium.u CASTOR I A B. W. Taylor df this city in In Cor vallls, whore his wife underwent a serious operation yesterduy. Mis. F. 0. Long, or Camas Valloy left last night for Hilt, Catilomlu to make an extended visit with friends. . Mrs. N. Ward of this city left this mornng for Hugo-, where she will make an extended visit with rela tives. w Mar Hanan returned to Rosehura this morning form Portland where he has beeu attending to business matters. Misses Anna and Mildred Long left this morning for Ashland where they will spend the next two weeks visiting with relatives. R. R. Wood wss oday arrested charged with speeding and when brought before City Recorder Whip ple paid a fine of 5. Mr. and Mrs. H..E. Allison who has been visiting In this city atthe D. Y. Allison home left this morning for Grants Pass where they reside. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fullerton lefl this morning for Riddle, where they will spend the remainder of the week visiting wfth relatives and trends, Miss Ruth Burnett left this morn ing for Round Prairie, where she will visit tor a short time at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs T. B. iBurnett. , Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Morgan left this morning for Rogue River where they will visit with relatives for a few days before "going on to Crescent city lor a two weeks outing. The trustees of the Roseburg Mer chants association request all mer chants to close their places of busi ness on Monday, July the 6th. The banks will be closed. Place a card ou your window to this effect. SECRETARY. ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" on Genuine Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" Is Keunlne Aspirin proved safe by mil lions and prescribed by physicians tor over twenty years. Accept oul) r.n unbroken "Bayer paikage" which fontalnr proper directions to r.dtive Headache. Toothache, Earache, .Neu ralgia. Rheumatism, Colds and Pain Handy 'In boxes nf 12 tablets cost few cents. DiufjMsts also sell larger Bayer packages. Aspirin Is trade mark Mayor Manufacture Monnace tlc.acldesler of Sallcylicacld. OPEN ALL SUMMER Piano Department Heinline-Moore Conservatory Violin and Physical Education Department Closed Until September. -a lnU For loiutt tad' CMdrtn FbrOvtr aOYaars Always M. A. BULEY CONTRACTOR . Builds Anything. First class work. Let me figure with you. Box 304, Resi dence 305 Douglas St. Rueebnrg, Oregon. S. J. Jones left this morning for Leona to spend the day uttendlng to business matters. Mrs. V. A .Mayres, of Salem, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A, J. l.lndgreii. of Mclr-ose, returned to her home this niorniug. Joy. Adelott, representing the Christian Journal and the Christian Standard, who has been putting in the past few days in this city, lei (his morning for Oakland and Drain. .VOTICB OK SALE OF GOVERN MENT Lienural Laud Office, Washington, D. C, June 1, 1930. Notice is hereby given (hat iubject to the conditions and liiutta ilouu of Ihe Act of June 9, 1'Jltl Jtat., 218), and the instructions ol ihu Secretary of the Interior of Sep .ember 15, 1917, the timber on the following lands" will be solu July 12, 1U2U, at iu o clock a. ui., at public auction at me united Stales land office at Rosubuig, Oregon, to the highest bidder at not less than the appraised vulue as shown by this notice, sale to be subject to the ap proval of the Secretary of the In terior. The purchase price, with an additional sum of one-fifth of oao per cent thereof, being com missions allowed, must be deposited at time of sale, nion.-y to be returned if sale is not approved, otherwise patent will, issue for the timber which musi oe removed within teu years. Bids will be received from citizens of the United States, associations of such citizens and corporations organlted under the laws of the United Slates ir any state, territory or district (hereof only. Upon application of a luallned purchaser, the timber on any logal subdivision will be offered leparately before being Included in iny offer of a larger unit. T. 22 S., it. 3 W Sec. 7, N12V1 NK'A. yellow .lr 325 M., NWH yellow fir uo M SISU NGU, yellow fir -100 .. NE14 NW , yellow fir 425 M-, MW V4 NWV4. yellow fir 150 M-. red (lr 200 M., NEV4 SEU-. yellow Br 130 M red cedar 10 M..NWU SfcVS . Douglas fir 1100 M . red cedar 20 SEVi SE4, yellow r 500 M., red flr 100 M., red ccdur 20 M., SEV4. Houglas fir 6fl5 M., NE 14 S. Douglas fir 6!I0 M . NW4 SW14. Douelns fir 400 M. 3W V4 SWVi. Douglas fir 640 M., red edar 35 M., none of which to be sold at less than $2.00 per M ; T. 21 S., It. 4 W.. Sec. 7,,NK14 NEV4. fir 650 M., NWV4 NE14, fir 600 M., SE"4 NE14. fir 350 M.t SWi NE4, fir 500 . , KU NWVA. nr 650 M., NEW 3E14. fir 350 M., NW'i SE14, fir 500 SE14 SE V4 , nr 750 M., SWV4 SK- Vt nr 1C00 M., NE 'A S W 14 . nr 600 V!., NW14 SWVi.. fir 500 M., SE 'A SWVi, fir 660 M., SWVi SWVi. nr 150 M., none of which to ho sold at less than (1.75 . por M., See. 25, VEti SWV4. red fir 1200 M., cedar in M., NW14 SWVi, red flr 1150 M., 1WV4 SWVi. red fir 1100 M., SE VI SWVi, red fir 1300 M., cedar 60 M.. he red nr lo be sold at mil less than 11.80 per M. and the cednr at not less than 50 per M., T. 21 S., R. 6 W., Sec. 13, NE Vi SWVi. flr 325 M., MW Vi SEVi. fir 375 M SW V4 SE4. lr 425 M., none of which to be sold rt less than 1.60 p-r M., T. 36 S., 1. 6 W., Sec. 25. NE Vi NE'4 flr !40 M nine SO M.. SW V NKU. fir 200 M., pine lflo M.. SEVi NW Vi . rlr 290 M-, pine 16 M , SW Vi NW V4 , flr 250 M., pine 60 M.. NE Vi SE hi . ftr 150 M., pine 150 M.. S'l Vi SEVi. Or 275 M pine 40 M SWVi SK. (lr 230 M., pine 70 M.. NEV4 SWVi. flr 170 M., pine 130 M., NWVi SWVi. flr 60 M., pine 250 M., SE SWVi, flr 8.0 M., pine" 221) M., SWVi SWVi. flr 226 M., pine 90 M.. the pine to be sold at not less than $4.00 rr M., and the flr at tiot lrws than 125 per M. (Signed) CLAY TALL HAN. Commissioner. "Are Those Snow Flakes?" 1 thought so they look so crisp and dainty!'' Snow Flakes with their fresh from the oven flavor their dathof salt always delicious! Order them by name from your grocer. Don't ask for crackers ay SNOW FLAKES SOME MORE P.CB. PRODUCTS Annie- Laurie Short Bread Arrowroot HimtuU Butter Thin Cho olate Eclair Kin Sultana Marthm allow Sandwich Lon Hi inch Salti FUkca Oatmirat Crackers Panama C re a ma Peanut Wairr Pacific Coast Biscuit Co. s We Buy at BERGER'S S .e B ARC A IN STORE 9 . Hides Mohnlr, Hags, X 0 Rtlhher, Old Melnls, 4 Papers and Hones. g C A Good Line nf Second Hand y 5 Clothing For Sale. S t .. Cass and Pine Sts. S; Sheet MetalWork OP ALL KIMW J. H. SINNIGER HO OAK STItKKT I'HONK I2H A Refnsliinj; Drink MAKES HARD VORK EASY. BUY SUPERIOR SODA FOR HOME USE mt': DAIRY AND SODA WORKS PHONE 186 Russian Tells Interesting Story John Pappoff, a native Russian, whose fiither Is now with the Hus mIhii bolshevikl forces came to the local lied Cross headquarters todity and upplied for Hid. He hud found a Job where he could muke good wages, but he hud no place to eat or sleep. Arrangements were ntude for him and he is going to work at once. t.i' Pappoff. who Is about 30 years of age, has a story full of experiences. "I esenpeil from a Russian Jail." he mild. " I wus In the Russian Jap anese wnr and :t0O0 men refused to fight anymore and killed their offi cers. I was a niemher of the battalion and we were nil put 111 Jail for 25 years. I stayed In one year and then 1 escaped. Wh'ln I was in Jail my father mid mother and two brothers moved to America and took up a ranch nenr Phoenix , Arizona. My two brothers were killed In Prance and my father decided logo back to the old country. He sold his place for $50,000 cash, and went back to I Vlnjdlvotnok. We. had been there only a little while when the bolshe vik! found that my father had money and they robbed him. had no place to go. no place to sloop, noth ing to eit. The bolshevik! made my rather go with them and lie one of their soldiers. I went to the Amer ican consul and to the Red Cross and they gave me $25 for my moth er and then I came back lo Ameri ca. " . I Pappoff lived for 15 years In this country and says he Intends to re main here. He speaks Knglish well, hut with a decided accent which makes the telling of his life's story very Interesting He bears scars 'caused by wounds received during the Russian Japanese war. j lie says that the bolshevlkl doc trine has Russia completely .within 'ts power and that no one with mon- jey In any amount la sate in thecoun-try. USED CARS Buick Koadstc'r, 4-fyl' 1918 Mitchell, 6-Cyl Ovtrlanrl Roadster, 4 fyl . 1919 Mitchell, 6-fyl Ford Touring Ton Chevrolet Truck, 4-Cyl All in first-class shape, if you are looking for a good used car, call on us. J. F. BARKER & CO., . ROSEBURG, OREGON IMPLEMENTS AUTOMOBILES TRACTORS Salesman Wanted i 1 Old Reliable Farm Klectrlc Light Plant manufacturers WHttts man for lifiuuliis f'onnly . Will give exclusive territory and furnish list of live pros pects to right man. We have the plant and you can make good mnncy by cnlMng on the ranchers now for Fall delivery. Put a sample plant on your J putnmohile and cover Ihe eotin- v ty thoroughly. Address care ST.tltK IS 111. IKS) Fourth M. Portland, Ore. Z33E ACIIEERFUL HOMECOMING Home mean comfort and good cheer when there is a CALORIC FURNACE in the basement. Your (Uppers, pipe, favorite reading and the CALORIC are t combination that make you forget the howling wind and drifting now. And how the wife and thildren appreciate such a home warm and comfortable in every room. More than 76,000 satisfied liters testify to the splendid success they have had with the HE Original Patented Plpeless furnace This is the furnace which has revolutionized heating.' Instead of using numerous pipes and registers, it heats the entire house through . only one register. It is therefore easily installed in new or old houses, dually in one day, without iiWrnng with four present hett.ns arrangement!. Tha CALORIC heats alt types at homes ur to eighteen rooms, also churches, atom. facUrfies. halls and other buildings, it bums coal, coke. wood, gas Or lignite, and. because of special patented features. aaves from J J to J j your lueU I he CAlAjniU u sold undrr the Monitor Iron-clad Guarantee, which insures the purchaser thorough and economical heat. Call co us, or writs for tl new CALORIC catalog. Churchill Hardware Co. KOSF.Bll BBSS! i-WR yr s-gM,Mrw i jsjaaB "- Pww...wiBtf-ju il KG, OKKGON 11 r i k ii if I TU M. -rr-.. rr,,v Ooawaart -g V 81gnakrafo "W 4