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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1920)
ra hmjh I'MIMIMMM Mother's Dream ' Plenty of Clean Clothes for the Whole Family At (Vouch ihe year. h hu dreamed ol the day which .Could bong .n abundance of clean clothe, or evtryoo. 'a the bauly plenty ol rem pen ind nira for the ooyi, and dainty ihmgt for the g, sn ever ready 'supply of .now white linen lor the table nd W mMM. The answer to mother! drain a the CryMal. The ra penencc ol thouand. ol American women prove, what ou may expect liom the Crystal in your own home. r - r- A c-. thm rmtal Worhint - . .1 JZat!xtT; b- be.wil.llir l't he" "J" 73 i eW eoaveateal term fmr't pgaanfr Fut a Crystal in Vow Howie Products Show fAREGULAR , Tb land product show planned for Douglas county tola fall promises Ha be a real humdinger. Tb prem- . lam list committee bad meeting In , the office of County Agriculturist V. J. Hum yesteraay ana ouuinou tentative premium list that la to be submitted to the full committee tor their approval within a few day. I Some specially large premium are being offered In tbe.. livestock department a well a In other de-j partmenu. Mr. Cba. A. Brand is wrltitiK the premium list on faortl- culture and it la tbe Intention to make "his one of tbe biggest ex hibits of horticulture ever seen lu Southern Oregon. Tb show will be staged for three days. It It planned to have a live stock sale each afternoon with car nival educational, features In tbe evening. The committee la very anxlou that large exhibits of sheaf (train lie saved at this time, and re rommentl that those who bare good train take pains In- preparing best samples and that they be placed In the shade to cure. The grain should be secured in the next few weeks. iust-prevlous to the time of harvest ing as they will, shatter less at that time and look much better. Electric Washer & Wringer SPECIAL DEMONSTRATION MT.H8 HOHIIA, factory representative and demonstrator will wash .$ aOO.OO of paper money in a try- -i Th. k..j..i tAat mm.htnn fun Ha nut In mil nn whlr-Ji halt won manv a Crvstal enthusiast. HATVIUIAV, a to 5 P.M. Come in and see the Crystal working. ' You can trust your daintiest and most delicate linen to the Crystal. The swinging attathement on the Crystal makes it easy to put the wringer In three positions. The clothes may be wrung from the machine Into the rinse water, next from tbe rinse to the blueing, while tbe second batch of clothes Is being washed. Then from the blueing Into the basket. Drop In and! see how easily you cau escape the weekly wash day. UHLIG S ELECTRIC COMPANY LOCAL NEWS. Hisses Jenny -Thornton and Fern Oberman spent this morning in the city shopping and visiting with friends. They returned to their home in Oakland on the afternoon train. The cases to be heard In the jus tice court at Azalea yesterday were not heard because of the absence .of the attorney for the defense. One waa an assault and battery case and tbe other waa a damage suit against the county In the sum df (750. Richard Simons, of Yakima, ar rived tn the city last night with an auto truck loade I with the house hold effects of the family moving from Yakima to Olalia. The load weighed two tons and was transport ed from Yaklina In four days. W. A. Porter, doaler in real es tate at Yoncalla, was looking after (business' matters in Roseburg to day for a few hours. He reports his fhonie town prosperous. . The residence on 'Mill street be longing to Mrs. Mary A . Lovens, 'was sold yesterday, through the Hice and Klce real estate agency, to V. A. Campbell, a recent arrival in this jelty from Texas, who will take Im mediate possession and make some 'substantial improvements. KH'AI, NEWS. C. A. Lockwood. of the Ford Gar age, returned last night from Port- land where he has been spending the past two weeks. , City. Engineer Bummers, who has also been employed as assistant county engineer, left this morning for Medford where he has accepted a position. The new job will cover a line of construction work and will be much more lucrative than the position held here. Before leaving be tendered his resignation to May or Hamilton. REAL SHOE SALEU The final clean-up of this Sale On Shoes . Thursday, Friday and Saturday, July 1 , 2, 3- Your neighbors have no doubt told you about this old-fashioned Shoe Sale. Look at these Prices: $1 AA In this Lot you will find Shoes, Low Shoes, Ox- lj 1 AA Wv fords, Pumps etc. Come and help yourself. Av 1.95 A lot of Ladies Shoes. Incl. every While Ctnsas Shoe. 1.95 11.39 Choice of all Tennis Shoes & Rubber soled Mary Janes. 1.39 QAr EXTRA SPECIAL NEW TODAY QO. 'Ol Choice cf any Mens, Womens or Childrens Moccasins, Roseburg Only Raatl She Sale) At IRViN BRUNN ROSEBURG BOOTERIE CASS STREET PERKINS BUILDING SHOtS THAT SATISFY AHD FIT TOUR FEET ROSEBURG, OREGON nfiWBSKeS RANCH X 150 acres on the Pacific High way and the Vnipqua River: 8U acres or more of tha beat river bottom land; bearing prune or chard; large acreage in wheat and corn: all crop and equip ment go with place; one of the best located ranches in Oregon. Ask us about It. Fine residence. Beautiful modern home In an ideal resi dence location; one of the fin est homes In town. Will be sold and Immediate possession given. Frlce $5000; $2000 down. If interested in Investments call and talk It over wltb us. We have some good buy In business property. G. W.YOUNG AM) SON ' Real Estate and Insnranoe. 116 Cau St. . FhOM 417 u.i.i i i r"wi3n CHP' " rein on our W LOCAL NEWS. Mrs. H. Baldwin left this afternoon for Portland where she will risit for a short time with friend and relative. Mrs. Frank G-illam df Winchester was a Roseurg visitor this mornlnc leaving for ber borne on the after noon train. - Mrs. A. Fllhouer and .son, who have been visiting here with. the former's mother, Mr. M.: A. Drol-Ing-er. returned this afternoon to Portland where they reside. Messrs. Neely. Rondeau and Mar shall were in the city today from Tiller. They report that elaborate preparations are being made there for the entertainment on July 5th. All stores will be closed on Mon day. July 5. Signs are being dis played to this effect In nearly all business houses today. No deliver ies will be operated and all public offices will close. Mrs. H. A .Hackett and son Teddy who have been visiting' here with relatives left this afternoon for Port land whore they will visit with rela tives a short time before continuing to their home in Hood River. Harry Pearcc, who was Tecently nominated tor sheriff on the demo cratic ticket, has announced that he will enter the race at the November election and is today preparing his acceptance of the nomination and states the acceptance will be filed .tomorrow. - Sheriff Qulne has -received word from Monterey, to -the effect that Ralph Mayfleld. the boy auto thief arrested here yesterday, is wanted at I hat place and that a warrant has been issued for him. - An officer will be here within - few: days. With nearly all filling stations In '.he cltv showing .'no gas" signs the news that a car load from Los An geles will arrive tomorrow was the good Information received today. The car 1b one recently ordered by the dealers and should arrived last Fri day. D. B. Tlubar, optometrist of the firm of Bubar Bros., who has been at Seattle since Saurday attending the western Optometry Congress In session there this week, arrived home today. Ho reports a delightful trip, and discussions relative to tbe optometrist work were practical. F. M. McMillan. O. O. Calmer and X. P. Calmer, of Manson, Idaho, who have been visiting here for the past few days with J. M. Judd. left this fternoon for California, enroute to hir home. They have been In Port land attending the Shrine conven tion and stopped in Roseburg to visit at the Judd residence, Mr. Judd and Mr. McMillan, being cousins. Ther are very favorably Impressed with Oregon, and with Roseburg and es neclally with Roseburg's hot weather They stated that Iowa Is no- hotter than Rosebnrg, hut that the heat there Is sultry with no air stirring, while here there la always a breeze. Well Known Man Married Recently Word was received bere today to the efreet that M. o. Evans, neia manager of the Oregon Grower Co operative Association, was married in Vancouver. Wash., on June 29 to Miss Kllzabetb Strock, ot Chat tanooga, Tennessee. The wedding wn,i . solemnized by Rev. A. H. Thnmtuwn. Daator of the Methodist hnrfh Mr. Rvana has been a fre quent visitor to Roseburg for the past several years navtng oeen in tha wtuirinn utrvlfA nf the (iMfln Agricultural college and afterwards with the XI. 8. department of agrf culture. He is a graduate of Cor nell university and was a student at rArvniliH fnr two vears. He has many frlendB in this city who extend their icongratulattons ana gooa (vishes. Mrs. Kvans is a. graduate Df the East Tennessee Normal school ut Johnson City, and of tha Los An geles branch of the University of California. The newly married cou ple will make their home at Salem. QUALITY, not quantity, is what counts. So It Is with our business" We buiii our business, on quality. Poor jewelry Is a disappointment and sbows poor taste; good .Jewelry Is refining and elescant. This Is the klud to wear and give to others. , ' ! We aelect OUR goods with care. WE know the quality of the (ewelry we sell Is good; YOU will know It Is good when you 4vear It. ; ' When buying jewelry you can only trust to the REPUTATION of the firm from which you buy. Our WORD is our BOND. BUBAR BROTHERS 3H- -H DANCE AT SUTOERUN. SUTHERLIN, June 30 News-Review: You have a notice In your paper ot the dance at Sutherlin being post poned. Whoever gave you the Infor mation Is sure off, because the Oak- l.nj nw-tiMtm la vtvlncr n fiance in Sutherlin Friday night, and expect to give one very Friday night. C. W. HARTLEY. NOTICK OF REMOVAL. All patrons and the public gener ally are hereby notified that Smith and Friend have moved the-lr Jitney stand Krom Phone 371 t 21. Call 21 hereafter. flMITH and FRJEND. o D. A. Johnson, of Los Angeles. , f a. Ihn UatNinntltntl T.tfA ln- i Roseburg this afternoon enronte to Eugene, where he win aiienu m business matters for a few days. He was greeted at tbe train by Dr. L. MJeLapp. tbe two having been old school friends. . DAILY WKATHKB REPORT. RESIGNATION TAKES EFFECT U. 3. Weather Bureau, local office, Roseburg, Oregon, 24 hours ending Si. m. today. . Precipitation In Inches and Bund- ! Maximum temperature . 90 Minimum temperature Precipitation, last 24 hours ., 0 0 Normal preclp. for this month .32 Total preclp. from &epi. i, lata, tn date i . .- ......... 22.54 Average preclp. from Sept 1, 33.86 Total deficiency from- Sept. 1, ... .. ...............' Average precipitation for 43 wet seasons (September to May, Inclusive) . ; . l-7 K Jackson C. J. BREIER CO. Reasonable Prices Are Our Success. 'A 230 Jackson 4 aJ 4 Men's white canvna shoes and oxfords, leather soles ...t,.SS.45 f Men's work show, full stock, Chippewa make ....1.rt 4 J Men's Brown duck, rubber soles nnd heels. $2.03 j t Men's Button shoes, Goodyear welt S6.O0 K Men's Dress shoes, gun metal blucher 5.45 4 Complete Line Tennis, I Brown Duck Outing and Athletic Shoes. j We are especially well stocked nt this time In Men's high-grade Q dress shoes, best standard makes, ottered at a saving from $2.50 V ' tn stn tui R to $3.50 per pair. Our price.'... ' MENS SUITS A saving from $5.00 to $10.00 on every suit. $2n.00 to $48.50 A lar;: BOYS SUITS 'tment ot well made garments. I MENS HATS Lafe Engels. for many years post master at Peel.-spent today in the city. Mr. En pels resignation takes effect todsy, July 1st. Frank 8teln houer, the new postmaster taking up his duties; , The location dr the nostofflce has Jalso Ibeen changed, and Is now about one mile farther up the river. If KW TODAT FOR RENT Good five room fur nished house. Phone 1-F23:- ' FOR 8AI.C 23 head of stock hoga Address P. R. Weaver, Myrtle Creek, Oregon. FOR SALE Firetclass grain hay. loose In the" field. Laurel Crest Ranrh. Phone 4FM. FOR SALE 1 milch cow. 6 bead of goats; 1 pig. N. P. Wheat. Brock way. Farm .In Happy Valley. FOR SALE White Leghorn eock rels from trapnested hens. 200 to 256 eggs in pullet year. (2 each. $20 dozen. If taken within ten days. Ed. Bryant, phone F2B. FOR SALE One automobile bug at $100; one Ford touring car; . 1 good, delivery car:, one trailer. 2 good mowers. All cheap.' Judd tc XlcMlllln.- - ' FOR SALE 1 920 light "8" 6-pass-enger ear. run $00 miles. E tires, spot light, and at a reduction worth while. See Mr. Burdlck, Hotel Umpqua. I SATISFACTION. I when you use our ser- I DRV CLEANING I That prolongs the wear, I preserves fabrics, shape I r and style.. I Low charge. I Who jonr cleanerV I Try tmr VTj I Oar Auto Will C1L . 1 Ptieoe 177. $8.80 to I3.0O 4 Si:lal values 3.fW 3.4S JI.B5 4 Men's summer underwear, per suit 91.00. to $t.4il 4 Ladles unions, specially priced 75c 4 Ladlis night gowns, fancy muslins, and batiste. .. $1.03 and 92.iia T. Ladies ralnskln pumps and oxfords, f.2.05 to $ j Ctil'dren's fancy glnghr.m dresses ....91.05 to 92.45 2 Children's play suits, blue, blue. striped and khaki. $1.35 to $1.50 jj 9. BESSIE BARRISCALE jl as a Charming Young Sculptress in ' y A Woman Who Understood I De Haven Comedy, "EXCESS BAGGAGE" i Friday Wm. Farnum in "The Lone Star Ranger". 4 m 1 1 today Harry Carey I . only I Red" ! A rollicking romance of a Joyous vagabond. . Thrill! Glow! Laugh! p Christie Comedy and Paramount Magazine. 2 2 s an 1 1 Overland V