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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1920)
. 4s-l ACM WO HtJriFHl'KU v e w . n B V I R U' Issued Dally Except Sunday. 8. W. SATIS LWIS&m BERT C.3HTES1 8UHSCHIPTIO.V RATES Daily, per rr, by mill 14 00 Dally, tlx months, by mall .... 2 00 By Carrier, par month CO' The Aesoeiatcd press ia exclusively j entitled Ir. tli um for republication ' ot all news dispatches credited to It or net otherwise credited In tbia i'Mpr and alro the local news pub l.abed herein. Ail rights nf republi cation of special dia:Uhus bereln are also reserved. Entered aa second-claes matter Mar I'. 1920. at tbe pool office at Roseburg, Oregon, under tb Act of March 3. 1619. 16799 DIED In New York City alone from kid ney '.rouble last year. Don't allow youroelf to become a victim by neglecting pain and aches. Guard ogainat this trouble by taking COLD MEDAL LOVE and MARRIED UF0 &q, the noted author Idafc MSGlone Gibson SOME MOUKH.V IDEAS I "Ruth, the only things that a wo- i man has to do to fascinate a man "Wh-le Ruth and I had been talk-, bif.ore she Is -10 ia to get her make- I(uslrtiri, Orjrnn, July 1, ftftiO. Tb world' ttartdartj tfntdy for kidney, Hvr, bltdd.r nl uric acid trouble. Holland's ration I rmdf 4nc IWJ. All droiCKij't tbre ti. OiurtnlHit Lak (W tk mmmm CU MWJ m W 9 CITY NEWS rHrknon and family, fvrry Foster and I fitfully. A you n it son of Rev. Ilck- Hon fi also a Huffrr from axthrna jbut It findliiK rHIef at Hork Crfk Mra. M A. Mulkny rturnod to hr horn" In Myrtl Crk lant nlt?ht af ter Hp'-ndlnir a few hours In thH city shnjipsfiK and viHltlng friends. Minn Katy May"- of KfddlA, 'Hpent yftiTlay In this crlty ahupplriK and vIhKIii with frlmla. Hhe rmurne'J to her h(tm on the vonliiir train. Mr. and Mra. M. G. Dunn who have been rttaldfnta of ttila city for nral ywara lft thla iiiorulttar for Ku- alle and will uak hla future home " 10 m ,nHr ru,ur uom 111 I hist acM-tion of OrKin. 1 T. Wood, of Hoznman, Mont., Ih J. K. NelhauKh. of Jamwatown. N. ,n ,h" rty w,, the i"i ' lo ll., arrlrml today and la looking; for cat In perniaii-ntly. Hla household a aultablu houae Hi order to make K""1" ttr oa ttlB tt,ld "hould ar h"ia home here. The K' rp- r'Vl uon- r nmtmta the North American IJfe In-1 Dr. Fred W. lifiyiM-a left th If auraruo compuny and will have morniin for the Tiller vicinity. li rharjro of the iouih wphUtii part of revnaln for about ltn daya enjuylnx the state. (the delightful climate or (hat aoc K. R. Trawford returned laat tlon. nlRht from Kork Creek camp, where Mlaa Alice Hopklna left thla morn a number of Hoaehurjr people are nff for Portland where ahe will vlait enjoying an outing and at the anme for a few dttya before going on to Win. C. frhlefjch and Kth.-l Croupe hoih of (ileiidulf, wre niarrlel yt"tcrt ty nt 2 o'rlork In the prna enre tit a few wllnettHea al the I'rea- 1 v'ir1Ti iitaii'e, ltev. WarrliiKtun officiated. Frank Holder or Chrlan la apend-' lift several daja In tbia vicinity and will probably locate In RoHeburiC. He alHtt that he will dlHpone of hia r"tprf(v a Chelnn aa anon aa ikb- tlme Immunity from anthill a and hay fever. Am our the campera la Mra. Crawford who la a victim of aHthma In an aggravated form, and the lady la reported aa improving rapidly. Othera In camp are the fnmfly of Dexter Hlce, M. J. Hhnmnker and fanrily. Warren Itrlggs, of Ohio Itev. Seattle 10 apend a couple of wekn with her Hint era there. Lawrence Krogrl and Letille Kur ti retuitneil ihome yeHterday Ifrom Portland where they have been at tending the Koha carnival. The trip wan made on the former'a motorcycle The Bigger the Bank Account the Bigger the Opportunity. That has always held true., but la even more po Just now when the burlne; power of the dollar haa bt-come an small. If you can hold on to your dollars until normal condl IIihii return, think what an advantage you will have. Hut holdliiK on requires having a safe and accessible place to keep the dollars, and we think the 1' Valley Hunk will serve thai purpeae la your satisfaction. JOHN M. THRONE, Cashier. the VKVQVR VHLLEV bank ROSEBURO OREGON I11K the nurse had been showing the bst.y to little Ruth, aud we were In terrupted by her coming up to us with her eyes all ushine aa she said, Oh, muvver. muner, the yady aaid maybe Aunt Kathwya would Iwaid her. baby for my kitty." "Well, you might aak her, Ruth," Mid her mother wltb a smile . "Will you, Aunt Hathwyn?" "I don't like kittles , they scratch. Ruthle. I guess I will have to keen the baby." , "Will you def one for me?" insisted the child. "I da'.'t like kit tles any more either." . "You fickle child, Ruth Don't you reallie that your poor kitty would bo almost sick with out you?" "No. she wruld sit down In fwont of the fire and wash her face and hands just as she alwaya does If I was gone. 1 want a baby to cry after me." "Thire you have It, Ruth," I laid. "The ever present egotism of the human race- Every one of us, from t,he cradle to the grave, wants Homeonetn smile when we come and ?reve when we go away." 'There you go again with your 'hllnophy. Kaiherine. It must be a grent comfort to you." I'surilly a H'itlMfu4tlon. "II Is not always a coinfor Ruth, ml It is uully a satisfaction. "flood heavens, do you mean to ell me, girls." sajd John coming nlo the room, "that anyone can be Hntlsfled without being comfortable. "Ortalnly," piped up Ruth before 1 hsd a chance to answer, "I under stnnd perfectly what Ktherlne means. You have a satisfaction In knowing things, but the knowledge Srlnirs you no comfort." John' looked frownlnglv from tilth to me and back again. "Is 'hnt whit vou girls were talking iiiout? I expected to find you dls iiBs'nr the rlvnl merits of lone or ihort clothes ,'or bibles, or whether -atontel bnby food or mother's milk was the best for voting children. I "iies I arn an old fashioned man. Katherlne. I dont understand ' you up on straight and flutter him. You two girls are much under 40, and if you use makeup, you are very ar tistic about it. So vou should -vorry "And after 40, John?" Blie Never Admits It. "No fascinating woman after forty my dear. At least, she never admits It" . "Well, I guess we are all wrong, wld Ruth with a ttlgh. "Here you are Katharine, with all the 'isms and ologles' and I am trying to be that lovely thing, (a perfect mother) Jn hopes that In our declining years some man will rise up and call us not only blessed, but beautiful and fusclnatlng. liut slowly and surely the fortieth year aapiouches and we must be content to drink the hem lock cup or cut the most Interesting factor out of our llvs." "And what Is that??" asked John rather superclr'ouly. "Being made love to." answered Ruth quite unexpectedly to me as well as to John. "Good Lord, Ruth, you are a wo man alter all," was my husband's response. "Did you expect me to be any thing else?" "Well, you see men only think of 1 woman as something to charm us. to please us. to make us happy, to Klve us pleasure, and you modern women seem to want to unsex yo'ir selves taking up the masculine at tributes aa It were. Will you never understand. John I said, "that we women have found out that you men hve all the mas culine attributes as you call them, and yet you enn cnarm us and give us pleasure, pleaxe us and make us hanpy so why can't we combine those attributes, which mean knowledge, courage, end frankness and common sense with charm." 'Goodness, John, there Is the lov- I'eit compliment you ever received In your life, an I from your own wife too." Truth or Klitttcrv? "Do you really think she 'is tell ing the truth, or Is she 4rylng to flatter you into giving her some- When Run-Down CITY NEWS a nodern women with your piiiloso- thin? nv and metanhvsirs, your politics .",he Is probably Irving to flatter ind vour sex hvalene. and your eel- me Into letting her stav in this for ntlflc cure of children. Unken town for two or three months t ut in tne ntgn cot ol living longer." nn me nulla hoard and you have "On the contrary. Jchn. I am try pretty nearly named our suhlecta of Inn to tTlatter yoi into taking me K-m-r.i conversation, answerer! with you. Trying to make vou "!L , laugn. happy that you will think thnt you i j..u r.r, mm mmm my seT cannot get along without me iny mo-e. lion t we Interest yon? ; "iB that true, girl? Do you wan - niii-irni nn. 11.-111 wuinen: o go bark with me sen jonn wnn morn d'smny. 1 "f am going with you whenever it is necnuse vou interest us so you want to go.' in mil, my 111-nr jnnn. mat we are .Inhn Inrtinrf with "Pll earning all these things that we teleeranh Kllishoth M,ir,.i.nH t, inns win nn-n-si yon ami muKe us sa' d as he went out the door nore faBClniiting to v,m " Toiimrnm It .ns of nie. Anacortes, Wash. "I had tor- gamc trouble for a long time. I suffered from backache and those heavy bearing pains, and my blood was in bad condition. I had no ap petite and was generally run-down. 1 uafcd Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription in connection with the 'Golden Medical Discovery' and Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, and was completely cured. I always recom mend Dr. Pierce's medicines to all my friends." MB8. A. KEKSE, General Delivery. Send Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., 10c for trial package of Favorite Prescription Tablets Good looks in woman do not depend upon age, but upon health. You never see a good-looking woman who is weak, run-dowu. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion is tbe best' women's tonic there is. It is SO years old, and its age testifies to its goodness. TOUtlST M SOUK. Prnnk Crockett, of Seattle, the tourist whose machine was crowded off the grade by a loaded truck near W llbur recently, the auto being turned over resulting In damage of about $100, haa retained the services of an attorney and will probably In stitute suit against the driver of the truck. He says there was plenty of room for the truck to peas and that the accident was caused by the care lessness of the truck driver. Mr. Crockett and his wife will leave soon for Windsor, California. AKItlVKD LAST SKiHT. p: DEPENDON GOODS LINEN DUSTERS FOR OUR SUMMER AUTO TRIPS ) Kll In These Klip-ens are a real value t'-.uv tu and $6.50 tile rfl r A j will many times nav lor .nZ.Dtl 10 .-, un.-,..-!, in Having your Clotltes from the dust aud dirt of sum R K( nier travel. PU.JU CO.MK IN AMt HKK TRKM. I. ABRAHAM "DRY COODJ STORE" 131 . JarkMi It. I'hofie till WARNERS RUSTPROOF CORSETS WIND SHIELD GLASS for any make car. matte to order DIAMOND AGATE CCMP'Y 121 PINE ST. ROSf B'JRC. ORE. R0SEBURG MYRTLE POINT MARSHFIELD AUTO STAGE j KoM'tmra, 'UWy si I no a M. Lett. Mrll rotul, dsily i 9 jo A. SI Connections at Myrtle Point to and from Marshfleld. Co qullle, Randnn and Powers. Pare .4. Including war tax. Reservations at main office, 40S Cass 81. , near depot. Phone 30.1, or I'mpqtia and Grand ho tels, Rapp's store. TAYLOR & CLINTON Much Money Is Given to Missions V. Ith an average weekly member- snip or approximately C. the S-v nth Hay Adventist Sabbath school of Ibis city, again went over the top miring the second quartur of 1920 ending with June 30, and contribut ed 1 184.49 to the mission fund There were thirteen Sahba:h in th.. three months from April 1 to June 30, but owing 10 the camp meeting at Sutllerlln only eleven seisinns I were held In the cllunrh bnre the edifice was closed here rH;a thu ' ptiineriiii nuvtiiiRs were in progress. This fact decreased the offerings of 1 miHiiurg KHtinatn school by probably more than J30, as the weekly offer ings averaged above II.'.. Offerings ten sanoaths of the quarter amounting to $ t .12.54. were devoted 'to foreign missions. On the 13th Sabbath of each quarter a special of , fi ring Is taken for .some specific field, and on Saturday. June 26 this amounted to 1.11 95, which will go to the missions fur the colored peo ple of the South. Offerings made by Seventh Hay Adventist Sabbath schools are never used for local ex pensea of any nature whatsoever but every rent of the mono.. ... 1.1.1.M1.11 neiiis. f.xpeimcs of tin ..inns are provided for In other ways. Offerings of the Koehurg school far the first quarter of 1920 totaled I62.S:i, bringing th. grsnd si lor me nar year to $.147,711 Rev. J. C. 8cncer. former pastor or the Methodist Episcopal Church In this city, arrived In Rosehurg last night from Albany, where he now re sides, and will visit with friends and with his (laughter, sa Florence Spencer, who haa been visiting at the Krank Churchill home for the past few weeks. Rev. Spencer Is enroute to Alison, on the Monterey bay. where the summer conference of the churrh Is to be held, and where Rev. Spencer has been asked to give a series of lectures on rural work In the Kpworth Leigue. Mrs. L. B. Brpwn. left this morn ing for Oakland to visit with friends and relatives for a short time. Arundel, pieto tuner, raoo it)L. We wash and polish cars at Mar ten a garage. ' We pay the bbjhest prloe for Caa cara bark. Merger's Bargain Store. Ws pay tbe highest price for C cara bark. Burger's Bargain Store. W ATKINS products, lie W. Lane. Phone 117-U Ladles' shampooing, dying; child ren hair cutting, etc., by experi enced operator. Phone Mrs. Corblo, 176-J, (or appointments. Hare your piano artistically tuned by C. H. Arundel, 25 years Interna tional experience. Player piano re pairing and adjusting; Phone 1S9-L. The Deer Creek blacksmith shop haa been re-opened, and general blBCksniithlng and horseshoeing will be given apeotal attention. Ed. Noah S4XJIAI, AT DILLARD. The ladles aid of Dillard will hold a parcels post sale and Ice cream i;0' cial at the Dillard church Thursday evening, July 1. Everybody Invited t attend. All Cuuelfted Advertisements In serted new todjvy will be found on last page under "New Today" bead. WAXTKD. WANTED Waitress at Hotel Ump-qua. WANTED Cook. at the Cafeteria. Apply in person WANTED To buy or rent a house. rnoue 415-J. WANTED An experienced waitress at tbe Grand Grill. WANTED Lunch counter girl a. Hotel Umpqjia at once, WAITRESS WANTED Experienced or inexperienced. Call at Cafeteria. WANTED Housekeeper, one thai wants a home. Address W. H. B., News-Review. WANTED Olrl to work In candj and fruit store oil commission. P Q. Box 1282. WANTED Tie makers. Pay 80c ant sue. Address John Brooks, Suth erlln, Oregon. WANTED Young man for office work. Apply room 212, aeconc floor post office building. WANTED Good horse to work sin gle or double, weight about 1200 Phone 34-F11. LIFT OFF CORNS! Apply few drops then lift org. touchy corns off with fingers ' lilKM't til l P1.ANT8 t We Believe in Home Products! , ve sell Jersey Ice Cream -Afyg . Exclusively .. ffi" None Better Vie coni PINTS . QUAKTJ PRICES Alcove Conlectionery, t. A. PET 1 K Y t CENTS B1 CENTS CO CENTS Foi t h's Confectionery, cJMrs. Geo. Foutch laple I nf Confectionery ElV A H I IS HKOS. a From tested St. T.nntlne seed now ready for delivery. C. W Brad ford. Phone 15-F21. Miss Vivian rtuell of Dillard spent yesterday In Hoaehurg attendng to business mutters She left for her home on the evening train. , WHEN Yor LEAVE TOWN Ms siimmer it s a good move to hare the News-Review follow you to your vacaiion home. Let us mail it to yon dally Just phone 1S5 or write our subscription department and we II ee that It comes to you .Tgularly. Frances Howell mnA n.. Kohlhagen left thla n.i- Newport where they will spend their summer vacation. TU K Tt ftOMlKRS OK M IIOOL WARRANTS. Notice is herehr vtn ih.i ku of school varrsnta v.ia i ... l'fstrlet No. lis .m,m J them for p;vvment. as Interest there on ceases with this date. June js, 19; . OSCAR HANSON, Clerk Diet. 1. Doesn't hurt a bit' Ilrnn little Kreezone on an aching corn, instant ly mat corn stops hurtlne than n.u lift it right out. Yes, magic! A tiny bottle of Pr,.i.,n. .. but a few centa at any drug store, but is sufficient to remove every hard corn, ahrt corn, or corn between the toes, and the calluses, without aore ness or Irritation. Freesone Is the sensational discov ery of a Cincinnati genius. It is wouaeriui. . WANTED Teacher for Olengarn aviiuui, met. no. lug. M. al cooper, cierg, Koseburg, Ore. If aEWAii D Foi twrrect iiv.ti ot John B. Baker. Writs CUrri). Baker. R&seburg, Qrgo. MONET TO LOAN 10 -year rural eredit (arm loans, low Interest rate, fxo.000 local Doner to loan oa good real estate. First mort gage. Be M. P. Bio ot P.lce A Hie. it. FOR S-iLE. FOR SALE 1 pool table. J. M. Judt). FOR SALE! 3 oak, (0-gaUoa bar rels. Tbe Rose. FOR SALE 10 large Angora goatl. 130. Lindblom, Dlxouville. FOR SALE Wheat-vetch hay. In tbe field. Phone. 6-FJ1. (20 FOR SALE Medium ailed team good condition. Phone 4-F3. In FOR SALE Good driving and rid ing mare. Apply at Deer Creek Barn. FOR SALE Cheap, work horse. Call 1227 West 2nd St. N. after 6 p. m. J. D. Palm. WOOD FOR SALE Old and second growtn nr; some pine. J. C. Royce, phone 34-F2. FOR SALE Ford and Rao cars. In good condition. Terms on either. Call 409 Caas St. FOR SALE 2-year-old Shrou ram. price $30. Box 162, Brock way, Oregon. FOR SALE Six cylinder touring car at Hoaeourg uarage. Perfect con dition. See P. M. Parker. FOR SALE Cheap, Overland car In good condition. Enquire Berger's Bargain Store. 'OR SALE 1919 Hurley-Davidson motorcycle and side car. Thomas Oodley, Wilbur, Ore. rOKL' TRUCK BODY fir s ilc cheap. also gas tank. Trucks built. Cockelreas A Harbor. Oak A Rote. .cQR SALE Ford truck, chain drive, canvas top, (air condition. Price 350. Lindblom, Dlxon-vllle. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 6- montha old Fox terrier, (emale, $5. Address Terrier, care News-Review. 'OR SALE Piano, Gerhard upright grand; also Hardie spray outfit. Perkins Bros. Commission Sales Room. OR SALE Ford. Electric starter, run 1500 miles, wire wheels, shock absorbers, etc. R. H. Nichols, 124 W. Mosher St. OR SALE 8-inch Oandy threaher belt. 125 ft., good shape. Price $76. Rourfd Prairie Ranch, Rouad Prairie, Oregon. j VU HAVE 1 DDL. of arsenate at lead spray left. .Will sell at a bargain If takeu at once. Pacific Fruit A Produce Co. wAnikii z or 3 rooms for nh housekeeping by young couple; m iimuieii. Auurees w. C, care News-Review. WANTED Youna a-lrl tn Iron mn. dry laundry and assist with ligh housework, by the hour. Phnn. 198-J. or call at 336 North Rose rusniON WANTED Girl wishei sieaay employment In office store, oood typist a eat fair knowl edge ot bookkeeping. Best refer - ences. Address Z. S care News neview. HELP WANTED WANTED HEL1 ca-serrice men and others (ur nlshed emDlorment.frM nf rh,?. Contractors, ranchers and farmen piece your orders with us (or help ers. Onr services are tree both tt employer ana employed. Law rence-coraon Co., 125 Cass St roonfl 219. . FOR RENT. FOR RENT ntoty deposit boxet nuawoarg national Bask. FOR RENT Large (urnlshed room ciose in. rnone 12-Y. FOR RENT Furnished room, ren uenimuie, ror two young men 1 none s 1 - it . row Kh.isi Big garage, close In 'none 3 65-J. PROFESSIONAL CARDS MRS. t it. OWK.S Cut Flowers Phone 140. 403 W. Case. . II. Pl.Vl.EnChlroprTcTlc Physician. 222 W. Lane St. OH It. P. KKAnKORii iviiR Chiropractors. Phone 40-F4. DR. CI.ArR K. ALI EN Dentist at 331 Perkins Building. Roseburg. Oregon. Office hours to 11 a n . I to S p. m. Phone .. Auto Owners! We would he ileaard to teat your Batteries Free at any time and give yon expert adrtre on the rare of Retteries. When piirrhaalng new batter. ee g oaur price. We ran save yon money. t MOTOR SHOP GARAGE l N. Jarkaoa fit. Roeeburg. LOST License plate number 1TI! Finder return to News-Rerlew of fice. Reward. MlSC!El.LA-EOrs. C. H. ARUNDEL, ptano tuning ant ''",,,,u. ' years experience Phone 1S9-L. deposit box (or yonr valuable pa peri at the Roeabarf Nations ,n- t FOUND Man's collar nd tie will stick pin. Owner may get prop erty at this office. PHONE your order (or your wlntet woofj to R Stubbs, Melrose store Phone Ii F25. WELL DRILLING R. E. Helnael man, driller. R. 1. Rooelmr. Phone 3-FI. LOST Elk's tooth charm win mal! diamond setting. Will giv liberal reward. R. E. Haraas Roseburg, Ore. LOST Black pocket book contalnlns paper of no value to anyone excep' owner. Also two photos. Finder S''V r "me to News Review office. FOR SALE Six oak sectional coses with disappearing glass doors st new Auto Electric Station, Oak and Pine 8ts. 'OH SALE One new 7 -ft. Deerlng binder, will sell below cost; also other Implements. Hennlger's store, phone 30-F3. - 'OR SALE New way 12 b. p. two cylinder stationary engine, air cooled, In good condition. Price 3360. Call at Ford Garage. .'OR SALE 1000 cords 4-foot fir wood, 37.50 (. o. b. Sutherlln; 1500. tier oak, 14 (. o. b. Suther lln John Brooks, Sutherlin, Ore. .'OR 8AI.E 6-roon house, lot 50x 200 feet; cow barn, chicken house, good garden, 3 cherry, 1 apple, 3 plum trees. Inquire 1114 Win- t cheater St. FOR 8ALE 1917 Chevrolet .n good running order, all new tires. 450. 1918 three fourth ton Re public truck. $600.. inquire at Service Garage. tt "OR SALE Italian prune trees tor fall delivery at practically whale sale prices, $ to g ft,, 50ei 4 to . 40c; 3 to 4. 3c. R. L. Bills, 3 "Ilea west, Roeeburg, Ore. FOR 8 ALE We hare the foQewing - ior saie: one Ferd tsaring ear and one Overland Modal to onrlng car. Umpqua Aute 9hp. Winchester 8L : , ORTER PIPE I hare . u..iii amount ot Iroa fer dryer pipe, farther supply deubtful; (Medi ately Is not too early te pat In J. H. SInnlger. roar order. FOR SALE stave silo 10 x 24 Just T.iipiipa; uouoie disc plow. Ben Ica: Milwaukee binder. George Telford, opposite Happy Valler 8cho' house, P O. Roseburg. , "OR SALE OR EltnHAiwfip v. year-old medium slxed horse, gen tle, broke to ride or drive, $70. Discount for cash. Address O. H. W., care News-Review. "OR SALE 4-roora house and 1' . gooa cnicxen houses, wood shed well; also 4-room bouse and 1 lot. Rirerslde. W. E. Bowen. K. 2, Roseburg. 1UPERIOR ROCK SPRINGS COA'. ne market: dry slab wood and mill ends by the tier or cord Special price en 10 tier lnta. J- Denn. cor. Oak and Main. 8LE In Rlveralde. Rosebnrv cenier or city, lots "'J. r.""t,Hl rich garden soil, l-room house, city water and well; good outbuildings; 313d i?."J,irn: wl" for No middlsmaa. J. P. Tarboro,