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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1920)
matmima ssws-juvmw. rrurvtr, APittt w imm mi rm XOTICE or KUSCTIO.V. i, hereby given that the ;ot Ice J- oreeon. has rcf-.-rrwi Ordinance -rtif? to th qualified elector of r , y of Koseburg for their ap ' f, or election at the Primary r0 L to be held In "aid city May ;ec ' V and which aaid ordinance - LseA by ommou Council " rnved by the Mayor of aald :' d.7 of April. 1920 Ld is m w" v.. ?ia ordian creating a Boxing rCom- fiS".;. provWona of Chapter Nation of said commission to thei led voter, of said city for uaJn 7 -..(..-tlon. and declar- lor - 7 "... . wu vr K.amV itii - j I uh.reaa, a petition signed by ..i i.maiara andcltizeus '"J! 'clty of Roseburg, Oregon, has 1 .r.i ...,.v. .ha r!itv Recorder I? presented to thai Mayor and J f ,,.11 nravlne for the !uon of a boxing commission for i -itv under the provisions ot inter sa oi mo ;egon for 1919; Vo Therefore, lie is orumneu oj I, people of the City or noseourK. f-v ' . iin.nk..r. rtnaa nrnalti e City oi ivu"' - u follows: action 1. That there be and Is hy created a boxing commission r the city of Roseburg, under the nf Chanter 344 of the ,',,! Laws of Oregon for 1919. jtlon 2. Said commission man islit of three persons, who shall , .npointed by the Mayor and ... .r.n of office shall be for one n, from the date of their appoint ed Section 3. Suld commission and k,rinir limits within tho City of ...i.r nhall be Eoverned by the Lrlsions of Chanter 344 of the neral Laws oi uresoo iur xw. iwilon 4. The creation of Bald Irilnf commission shall not become festive until this ordinance is rall- d by a vote oi me . n'th niv of Roseburg. and for lit nurnose this ordinance Is here- - referred to the qualified voters g said city ior ui)i'iom ui i l.m at the primary election to be lf!d therein on (lie 21. it any or .nay, Sarti-n :,. Tnn form in wnicn ;h n-nnnsltlon shall appear on the ricla! ballots at sam eiecnon biibh as follows, to-wlt: I'ropnsrtl "y tno loiinrn. Shall a boxlnc commission he ap- kiinted for the Cily of Roseburg, provided by urmnance ao. a: Vole "Yes" or .No . 506 YES. 507 NO. Sertinn 6. The judges and clerks (rpoiitcd to conduct snld election Itb the judces and clerks appointed ly the proper authorities of Douglas foimty. Oregon, to conduct said pri mary elecllon, and the voting places h tbe respective voting precincts for fi' respective voting precincts for killing said election in said city are ft places deBiKrRted by the proper minorities of said county for such fbrtiose. I Section 7. That the City Re rder of the City of Roseburg be 'I is hereby directed to give no- e of said election, as required by ic laws of the City of Roseburg. section 8. Whereas, It Is neces- ry In ordpr to promote peace and rmony among the citizens of the r of RoseburR that the question the creation of said boxing com mon be settled by the qualified rs of said city at the earliest p possible, this ordinance Is lued of Immediate necessity for preservation of the peace, health i safety of the City of Roseburg fi ua Inhabitants, and an emerir v Is therefore hereby declared to 't. and this ordinance shall be In ! force and effect Immediately up its passage by the Council and its irroval by the Mayor. , once is Hereby further given that vommon council of the City of elrarg. by Ordinance NVi 72n. fwi by the Council and approved Mayor April 5, 1920, proposed 1 repeal of Sections 14B tr. 15S fh inclusive, of the existing munl- 'naner or said city and that t . ""nun IT1l-ni Will ut: fumed to the qualified electors I k n - r "nnroval or rejection tw Primary Election to be held May 21. 1920. said proposed wing as follows, to-wlt: Pmpwcd by the Council: i ct to reneal Sections 146 to ".u inclusive, ot tne charter The Cllv nf Tnc..K.,. rt Pslch authorize omn., nik Ings, the lsiiiani.o nf lAfl nun i bonds for the construction of a Who Said More Money for your Produce M. L Daniels railroad from RoMbnrf to Coo llay. Or.ton. B. tt .n.ct.d by tb. peopl. of tb. City of Roaebura, Oregon: j Roaeburg, which authorlie, auionK . other thing, the laauanc. of 1500. 00b In bonds of ths City of Hose burs for the construction of a rail road from Roseburg to Cooa Bay, Oregon, and which aaid section of, act to amend an act entitled an act said charter were adopted by the j to Incorporate the city of Roseburg vote of the Qualified voter of said ! approved October IS. 1880- and 'An city, at an election held therein on :ct to amend an act entitled An act the 6th, day of October. 1914, be j to Incorporate the city of Roseburg ' and the same Is hereby repealed. approved February 23 1889- also an The form in which aaid proposed I net aaie4Matn-ir f .i.i ' repeal of said section, of the Charter , shall appear on the official ballot at; bU alunllnn ahall V. a 11 m fnllnnia ' , of the oenerui said election (ball be a follows, to- Proposed by the Council. . Shall Sections 146 to 155, both Inclusive, of the existing municipal charter of tho City of Koaeburg, which provide, among other things. for the Issuance of $500,000 in honria for the construction of a ran., road from Roseburg to Coos Bay, Oregon, be. repealed? Vote "Yes" or "So". 502 YES. j 503 NO." Notice Is hereby further given hat the Common Council of the City or Koseourg, oy ordinance no. 721 oassed bv the Council anrl ennmvoH 1 by the Mayor April 5. 1920 pro- ,ion hp,1 therein on the J2nd of posed the repeal of Sections 156 tolMay- 1916 shal1 be ln(1 he Bm 161, both inclusive, of the existing ' "r" hrebv amended so as to read as municipal charter of said City and follows, to-wlt:- that said proposed Charter repeal i will be submitted to the qualified electors of said City for approval or rejection at the Primary Election to be held therein May 21, 1920, said proposed act being as follows, to wlt: Inposl by the Council: "An act to repeal Sections 155 to 161, both Inclusive, of the Charter of the City of Roseburg Oregon, which authorize, among other things the Issuance of $300,000 In bonds for the construction of a railroad from Roseburg to the western boundary of the Casacde Range Forest Reserve. Via U annnA.t K.. 1 a - ' Ir;. i ul ; Hons herein expressed, to issue and "Sh ". J ,0aebV- .r?n:. v . I 8011 negotiable bonds of the city, the That Sections 155 to 161 both In- prlnclpal of whlch .hall not excepd elusive, of the Charter of the City ofth(( gum of Flve Hundred Thousand Roseburg, which authorize among . DoIlar. for the purpose of acquiring, other things the ssuance of MOO.- constructing and maintaining a sys- 000 In bonds of the City of Rose-tem ot watpr works or eictrie light s n.i inn roiiBiriiruon or a ran- road from Roseburg to the western boundary of the Cascade Range For est Reserve, and which said sections of said charter were adopted by the vote of the qualified voters of the said city at an election held therein on the 3rd day of June, 1915, Sec tion!) 156 and 157 of which were amended by vote of the qualified voters of said city at an election held therein on the 22nd day of May, 1916, be and the same Is hereby re pealed. The form In which said proposed repeal of said sections of the Charter shall appear on the official ballots at said election shall be as follows, to-wlt: i "Proiosed by tho Council. Shall Sections 156 to 161, both Inclusive, of the existing municipal charter of the City of Roseburg, which provide, among other things, for the Issuance of (300,000 In bonds for the construction of a rail road from Roseburg to the western boundary of the Cascade Range For est Reserve, be repealed? Vote "Yes" or "No". 504 YES i;05 NO." Notice is hereby furthar given that by virtue of Ordinance No. 722 passed by the Common Council and approved by the Mayor of tho City ot Roseburg April 5. 1920, the said Common Council proposed th en actment of an amendment to the ex isting municipal charter of said City, and that the same will be submitted to the nuallfled electors of salrt cltvMer' Bend on the North Dmpqua for their approval or rejection at , the Primary Election to be held; therein Mav 21, 1920, which amend- nient is as follows, to-wlt: IYosed CtuutOT Amendment. "An Act to amend sub-dlvistons 44 to 51, both Inclusive, of Section .13 of the existing municipal char-.' tcr of the City of Roseburg, Ore-' gon. so as to authorllze the Cftyj of Roseburg to acquire a water and light system, 'providing for the Issuance of bonds of said city in the sum of Five Hundred tern of water works and electric Thousand ($500,000) Dollars to I light works, or either or both there provide the funds therefor, provid- i of, and for the Issuance of bonds Ing a tax for paying the Interest , on said bonds and a sinking fund to nay said bonds at maturity, and authorizing the council to provide) fnr thn m n na moment nnern t ion I and maintenance of said system. (a). In the payment of the reas Be It enacted by the people of the onable costs and expenses of onerat City of Roseburg, Oregon: ting said plant, Including needed re- That sub-divisions 44, 45, 46, 47, pairs thereon, and collecting Its 10c per Pound for We are Selling our Stock at $7.00 per hundred in unbroken sacks. To protect the bona-fide Con sumers, we are limiting our sales to one sack to each customer. No sale made to other than actual Consumers. EVERYBODY'S EXCHANGE Morn 41, 49. it Bd si of . th. ,xtatlnt munlclpa cbTrt at A. City of Roa-burg Or,on er?ac J by th. LegUlauie i Xmblv o th. Vo E ln tiiy of Koseburc and to repeal all acts and parts of act In conflict therewith, to-wli: An act entitled -An act to Incorporate the City of Roseburg', approved Octo ber 3. 1872; and on act entitled 'An the office of the Secretary' of State February 19. 1891: and also an act . t. . . . . ... iw lutorporate tne city or Koaeburg,' and to define the powers thereof, ap proved February 25, 1895; and to repeal all acts amendatory thereof and in conflict therewith", (which act was filed In the office of the Sec retary of State on February S2. 13001 ana as amended by vote of the people of Bald city at an elec- itlon 1,61,1 May 6. 1907. and a : amended by vote of the people of I said city at the general oleotlon held tnereln on the 5th. day of October, 1914, and as amended by vote ot the neople of said elty at an election held therein on the 3rd day of June, 1915, and as amended by vote of the people of said city at an elec To borrow money on the faith and credit of the city: and to that end may provide for the Issu ance and sale ot negotiable bonds of the city for any specific purpose and to designate the manner and time nf payment thereof, and the Interest thereon: provided, that the amount of the principal of Raid bonds so Is sued for any and all purposes shall never, except the bonds heretofore lRsued by the city and now outstand ing, and except as may hereafter be provided by law, exceed In the ag gregate the amount hereinafter In this section authorized. It shall be i lawful and the council Is hereby MT7., UllUTI .m... wnr.. nr ollher or holh thereof- for the purpose of supplying water and electricity, or either thereof, for any and all purposes for which the same may be used, to said city of Rose burg and the Inhabitants thereof and the vicinity thereof. The bonds here by authorized may be In such form and of such denominations as the council may determine. The princi pal of said bonds shall become due thirty years from the date hereof, but any part or all of them may be paid by the city at the expiration of ten years from their date, or at any Interest payment period thereafter prior to maturity. They shall bear interest at a rate not to exceed five per cent per annum, payable semi annually, and shall be sold for not less than their par value. They shall be Issued and sold at such times as the council may direct, but not so as to exceed in the aggregate the sum of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars. They shall be signed by the Mayor and Recorder with their respective names of office, and shall bear the seal of said city. All bonds Issued hereunder shall be deemed concur rent and shall be without priority as to each other. In addition to being a general obligation of the city, they shall be a first and exclusive lien on all of the water and light system ac oulred with the funds obtained by the city from their sale. 45. The power plant for said elec tric light system shall be acquired by original construction and shall be located at what Is known as Whlst- river In Douglas county, Oregon, hut the remainder of said electric light system and all of said water system may be acquired by original con- struction, condemnation or purchase. as the Council may deem fit and proper. 46. The Council of the City of Roseburg, under the limitations In this charter set out, shall at all times hav9 power and authority to provide for the acquisition, ownership, con struction and maintenance of a sys- therefor. 47. The income derived from said water and light plant, or either thereof, shall be disposed of In the fnl 1 owins order and manner: Potatoes Goods for your Money. O. J. Lindsey manue. (b). In th payment of the Inter est accruing on the oHUtandlng bond lsauei to ur auch plant. (c). in niaklug extensions to and improvement upon aaid plant. (d). In the accumulation ot a sinking fund for that payment of th outstanding bond Issued to secure auch plant. i ' ' (e). In the payment of the bonds iaaued to aacur aaid plant. 48. The Council may provide by ordinance a system for the manage ment, operation and maintenance of all auch public utllltlea as may be ac quired by the city under the provi sions of thia charter, not Inconsist ent with the provision of this amendment. 49. Th Council 1 hereby author ized and directed to levy a tax .n ually, in addition to the taxea au thorized by aub-dlvlslona 1 to S, In clusive, and aub-dlvlalon 39 of sec tion 33 of this charter, and In addi tion to all other taxea authorized to be levied and collected by this char ter or any of the amendments there to, sufficient to pay the Interest ac cruing on the bonds authorized by ub-divlslon 44 of tbl section, and after ten year from the date of the issuance of said bonds, such further levy a may bo necessary to provide a sinking fund sufficient In amount to pay said bond at maturity, or to pay aaid bond or any part thereof at any option period hereinbefore pro vided; and the Council may cause said sinking fund to be loaned at In terest upon approved security or In vested In approved interest bearing. securities In the name of the city' pending the maturity of said bondt'. 50. The Indebtedness authorized by this amendment to tho municipal charter ot the City of Roseburg Is in addition to all Indebtedness hereto fore aulhorized and Incurred by said city and la not to be considered as affected by any limits of Indebted ness in said charter or elsewhere. 51. All parts of the charter of the City of Roseburg and all ordinances and parts of ordinances of said city in conflict with the provisions of this charter amendment are herehr amended, modified or repealed as the enso may require In order that this amendment may be In effect The form In which said proposed amendment shall appear on the offi cial ballot at said election shall be as follows, to-wlt: "Iroposed by tho Council. Shall the amendment of sub divisions 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, -49, 50 and 51 of Section 33 of the charter of the City of Roseburg, to authorize the acquisition of a water and light plant for said city, by original con struction of electric power plant at Whistler's Bend and by original con struction, purchase or condemnation of the remainder of said electric light plant and all of said water works, authorizing the Issuance and sale of bonds of the city In a sum not to exceed $500,000.00, bearing Interest at 5 por cent per annum, to be sold at not less than par, provid ing for the lovy of taxes to pay the interest thereon and to provide a sinking fund to pay the .principal thereof, and authorizing the Council to provide for the management, oper ation and maintenance of said sys tem, as proposed by Ordinance No. 722, be adopted? Vote "Yes" or "No." 600 YES. 601 NO." ' Notice Is hereby further given that the Common Council of the City of Roseburg, Oregon, has referred Ordinance No. 723 to the qualified elector of the City of Roseburg for their approval or rejection at the primary election to be hold In said city May 21, 1920, and which said ordinance was passed by the Com mon Council and approved by the Mayor of said city on the 12th day of April, 19 20, and is In words and fig- urea a rouows, to-wit: Ordinance Xo, 723. ' An ordinance appropriating the sum r.t rive Hundred dollars a year for the maintenance of a camp ground for tourists, providing for the management and control thereof, submitting this ordinance to the qualified electors of said city for approval or rejection, and declar ing an emergency. Whereas, It Is deemed necessary for the welfare of the City of Hose- bvt to maintain a camp ground for tourists, and Whereas, it is considered lust that the qualified voters of the city should have a voice In the expenditure of public moneys, now, therefore. Be It ordained by the People ot the City of RoBeburg: The City of Roseburg doe ordain as follow: Section 1. That tberi I hereby appropriated from the funds of the City of Roseburg not otherwise ap propriated tho sum of Five Hundred Dollars a year for the maintenance of a camp ground for tourists. Section 2. The Common Council of the city of Roseburg Is hereby au thorized to secure by lease or any other lawful means except by pur chase, a suitable tract of land for such camp ground, and Is hereby au thorized to expend the money here by appropriated In paying the rent. If any, on auch camp ground and in maintaining the same, but auch camp ground shall at all times be under the exclusive Jurisdiction andc ontrol of the Common Council. Section 3. Said appropriation shall not be available until and unless this ordinance is approved and ratified by the vote of the qualified electors of the City of Roseburg, and for that purpose this ordinance la hereby re ferred to the qualified electora of said city for approval or rejection at the primary election to be held therein oi the 21st day of May, 1920 Section 4. The form In which the question of the approval or rejection ot this ordinance shall appear upon the official ballots shall be as fol lows, to-wit: mpnard by the Council. "Shall the City of Roseburg appro priate $500.00 a year fnr the main tenance of a camp ground for tour ist, a provided by Ordinance No. 72t? Vote "Y" or "N.M S10 Ta. 'TJ ' 111 No.". Section 5. Th Judge and clerk appointed to conduct aaid election are the Judge and clerk appointed by the proper authorities of Dougiuj County, Oregon, to conduct said pri mary election, and the voting placoa In the respective voting precinct for holding aaid election in aaid olty arc the placea designated by the proper authoritle of said county for uch purpose. Section 6. That the City Recorder of the City of Roseburg be and la hereby directed to give notice of (aid election, a required by the lawa cf the City of Roseburg. Section T. Whereas, It I necoa aary In order to secure tho benefits ot a camp ground for tourists dur ing the coming aeason that aaid ap propriation become available as soon a possible, and Whereas, the Council desires to submit the question of the appropri ation ot the funds provided for In Section 1 of this ordinance to the qualified electors at the primary election to be held May 21. 1920, and there is not time to give the re quired notice unless this ordinance become effeotlve Immediately, an emergency Is therefore hereby de clared to exist, and this ordinance shall be In full force and effect Im mediately upon Its passage by the Council and Its approval by the Mayor. v Notice 1 hereby further given that by virtue of Ordinance No. 724 passed by the Common Council and approved by the Mayor of the City of Roaeburg April 19, 1920, the said Common Council proposed the en actment ot an amendment to the ex isting municipal charter of said city, and that the same will be submitted to the qualified electors of said city for their approval or rejection at the Primary Election to be held therein May 21, 1920, which amend ment Is as follows, to-wlt: Proposed Chnrter Amendment. "An Act to amend section 33 of the existing municipal charter of the City of Roseburg by adding there to sub-divlslon 65, to authorise the City of Roseburg to acquire cer tain lands hereinafter described. known as the Hanan property, for a park and aviation field, provid ing for the Issuance of not to ex ceed $7000.00 In negotiable bonds of the City of Roseburg to provl je funds for the acquisition of said lands and for the maintenance of aaid park and aviation field, and providing for. the levy of taxes to pay the Interest on said bonds abd to pay said bonds at maturity. Be It Enacted by the People of the City of Roseburg, Oregon: That section 33 ot tho existing municipal charter of the City of Roseburg, Oregon, as enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Oregon, by "An Act to Incorporate the City or Roseburg, and to repeal all nets and parts of acta In conflict therewith, to-wlt: An Act entitled 'An Act to Incorporate the City of Roseburg.' approved October 3 1872; and an act entitled 'An Act to amend nn act entttlnd an act to In- corporate the City of Roseburg,' ap proved October 19, 1880: and 'An Act to amend an act entitled an Act to Incorporate the City of Rose burg," approved February 23, 1889; also, an act amendatory of said act. filed In the office of the Secretary of State February 19, 1891; and also an act to Incorporate the Clly of Roseburg, and to define the powers thereof, approved February 25 1895; and to repeal all acts amend atory thereof and In conflict there with," (which act was filed In the office of the Secretary of Stale on February 22, 1905), and as amend ed by vote of the people of said city at an election held Mav 6, 1907, and aa amended by vote of tho people of said city at the genernl election held therein on the 5th day of October, 1914. and as amended by vote of the neople of said city at fcn election held therein on tho 3rd day of June. 1915. and as amended by vote of the people of said city at an election held therein on the 22nd day of May, 1916, shall be and the same Is here by amended by adding to snld eee tlon 33 stih-dlvislon 55, which shall read as follows, to-wlt: 55. The Common Council of th City of Roseburg Is hereby given full power and authority to purchase the following described real property, to-wlt: A trnct of land lying In the 8W14 of Section 25, the NW of Section 36. the NEW of Section 36 and the SE'4 of Section 20, all of which sec tions are In Township 27 S., R. 6 W., W. M.. being bounded on the west and northwest by the right of way fence of the Oregon ft California railroad, described as follows: Start ing at a point 924 feet north and 986 feet east of the section corner common to sections 25. 26, 36 and 36. township 27 S., R. 6 W W. M.. and running south 32 donees 12 minutes went 3129 feet to an Inter section with the rlrht of way fence of the Oregon & California railroad at a point 1720 feet south and 686 feet west of the section comer com mon to the above numbered sections, thence following the aaid right of way fence north and east 3755 feet to a point 1221 feet north and 830 feet east of the aoctlon corner common to the above numbered sec tions, thence south 28 degrees 32 minutes east 330 feet to the place of beginning, containing 50.14 acres. In Douglas County, Oregon, together with a rondwny across the lands of O. M. Hanan from the Pacific High- may to said abov described landB. said lands baing known as the Hanan property, For a park and aviation field, and to Issue and sill negotiable bonds of the City of Roseburg. the prlnclp l of which shall not exceed the sum "f Seven Thousand Dollars, for the "nrnose of nrovtdlne- the funds tor the acquisition of aaid land and for the maintenance of said park and aviation field. The bonds hereby au thoitzed ahall be In such form and of such denominations and payable aa o nrilnal at such time 'he Council may determine, aaid time not to exceed twenty yeara. They shall bear Interest at not to exceed 5 per cent ner annum, payable semi annually. All bonda laaued here under ahall b deeraad concurrent and ahall be without priority as to each other. In addition to being a geuvral obligation of the City of Roseburg, they ahall be a first and exclusive lien on aaid landa from the time said landa are acquired by the city until paid bonds are fully .paid. The Coui.cU la hereby aathorlzed to levy a tax annually, in addition to all other taxea authorized to be levied by the charter of tho City of Roae burg. to pay the Interest on said bonds as the same becomes due. aud to pay said bonds at any time therein authorized. The indebtedneaa au tnorlzed by this chnrter amendment la in addition to all other Indebted ness of aaid city already Incurred or authorized, and 1 not to be consid ered as affected by any limits of In debtedness In said charter or else where. All parta of the charter of the City of Roseburg, and all ordln ancea or parts of ordinances of said city In conflict with the provisions of this charter amendment, are here by amended, modified or repealed as the case may require In order that this amendment may be In effect. The form In which said proposed amendment shall appear on the offi cial ballots at said election shall be as follows, to-wlt: "lropsed hy the Council. Shall Section 33 of the charter of tho City of Roseburg be amended by adding thereto sub-divlslon 66, pro viding for the acquisition of the property known as the Hanan prop erty for a park and aviation field, and for the Issuance of $7,000 In bonda of the city, to provldo the funds for the acquisition of said lands and for the nmintennnce of said park and aviation field, and pro viding for the levy of taxes to pay the Interest on said bonds and to pay said bonds, as provided by Ordinance NO. 7247 Vote "Yes" or "No." BOS YES. 'Vf 509 NO." The voting placea In the respec tive voting prejiiKls liobiliig at-Id election In s.ii-1 clt 'ir" 'li i,Taota which will be designated by tho County Court of Douglas County, Oregon, at lis May term, as the vot ing places tor holding tho primary election herein mentioned. The Judges and clerks appointed to con duct snld election are the Judges and clerks appointed by the proper Mlhorltles ot said Douglas County.. Oregon, lo conduct said primary election, and nro as follows, to-wtt: Bellows Judges: A. A. Bellows, ! Chas. A. Ott; Clerks: Mrs. Tlille Adams. R. 11. Grinstead.. Lizzie L. Marsters. Benson Judges: Mrs. Cora Raf fety. Miss Margaret Page: Clerks: Mary E. Bubar, Cora Church, Lynda L. Perkins. Caro First Board, Judges: C. E. Johnson, J. O. Bellini; Clerks: Mrs. I Allie Fickle. Bessie K. Riddle, Mrs. ! Nora Flint. Second Board, Judges: C. H. lllllon. Ada Paytnn; Clerks: i Effle Schwnrtz, Agnes M. Pitthford, ' Leota M. Wilson. . Deer Creek First Board, Judges: i F. A. Bomls, S. J. Black: Clerks: W. D. Bell. Elizabeth Hunt, Tllllo K. Johnson. Second Board Judges: Joe Blosser, James Ewart: Clerks: A. E. Street. W. II. Buzzell. James Qoodman. i Hamilton Judges: A. L. Lllburn. Lulu Lindsey; Clerks: Minnie Hoa-' mor, Stiale Lewis, Belle Stephenson. ' Herman First Hoard, Judges: E. L. Giles, Mrs. S. A. Phillips; Clerks: Mrs. Lenora S. Page, Ivan Pickens, Frances J. Howell. Second Board Judges: M. F. Rice, C. M. Pago; I Clerks: Alma C. Harnejs, W. F. Har ris, C. W. Wharton. Lane First Board, Judges: May Patrick, Mrs. Carrie Boll; Clerks: Fannie A. Wright, Hilda Relzonsteln, Clara Corum. Second Board Judge: Joe Murphy. ). ('. Humphrey; ClerkB: Viola Willed, Ethel J. Burt, F. A. llelil.d. Itosi'biirg First ?!onrtl, .IuiIkoei: Chas. 8. McElhinny. W. A. S;iniguo; Clerks: Jean B. Pitta, It. N. Green, Mary E. Hochradwl. Kneoiid Board Judges: C. B. Cannon, Neiinio Upruguo; Clerks: Kv-lyn Hoover, Doe Hownrd. Coo. K. Quine, Jr. Umpqua First Board, Judges: W. E. Marsters, Ida Nichols; Clerks: Mary Wilcox, Mrs. C. F. Ili'plrlim, Gertrude Hast. Second Bonrd Judges: B. S. Nichols, J. H. llnlley; Clerks: Alice Otlmore, Leuli Sykes, Stella Spencer. Woodward First. Bonrd, Judges 11. A. Whltttakor. Mildred Cook; Clerks: Emma J. Chambers, Myrtle W; C .Wood $5.00 per Tier J- HN Five Gal. oil, $1.10, will la t boiler than a week, "c" lorf will a tier of wood lant you? Wood la more or las dirty t handle and oceuplea a apace 4 ft. by 8 II by 16 iu.tuoa; 6 Oil. of oil, th.- apace of a Rood amful of wood. I'HOItl.l .M: How long will it take to pay for an oil Move In tho eavlng of fuel alone? See our Clark Jewell, the old reliable that we hy ' en handling fnr vars, and will solve the problem for irjx Ciltf to ua and find out. HOW! "TIM Churchill Hardware Co. A. J.ivnlngn, Edna M. MoKean. Sec ond Hoard Judge: Clara. Mark. Richaoxl Klemru; Clerk: W. a. Powii. Mary E. Hlnkle, Emma Olm- atvad. i ...... The said election will commence and close on said 21at day ot May. 1920, at the time provided by th lawsof the Stute of Oregon.v ! ' " Dated at Sbaeburg. Oregdti, 'thla' 19th day of April, 1920. R. L. WHIPPLR, City Recorder of the City of Ro- burg, Oregon. If you have something to sell or rent try an Ail v. in tbj News-Review. H.1RU TIMES DAXCE.V : ' " Dancing' at .Sykes' Hall Frl- day night, April 2:1. Ticket ' 75 eenta, ladlea free. The very best of music. Don't fall to at- 4t tend thia social affair. 4 Fence Fence Fence Page woven :eel coll spring wire fence, loop ends, no trouble to .pllce. Just received cur load and have In Btock the 8 bar 26 In., 8 In. stay, 10 bar 28 In 8 In. stay for hogs; also 7 bar 36; 9 bar 39 In.; 10 bar 40 In.; , 9 bar 42 In.; 13 bar 47 In.' stock fences, and 20 bar 48 in poultry and rabbit fence. Soft wire fence T bar 26 In. at 33c: 9 bar 39 In. at 42c. Also several kinds of poultry fence, 12 to 72 lnrhoa high. Barb wire, brace wire and staple. White for price. mm STEARNS & CHENOWETH ) Oakland and Yoncalla ODORLESS-CLEAN-LFFICltHT Bold only In IB lb. whiu cotton bifi 1236 And 1 tb, package! 36 No Filler N Bulk-rftrtUtMf IES1 DIET til 1UT-IEST IUH CM fttWtl For Lawnt, Flowan. OnroVtw. Shrub llotuo jVIboU, Field! and Orchard Boole FK1.B Tolls Juit HUVT A tS lb. ban cowr lawn ipaco nf 1200 feet. Lanti a year or mora, A thblAapoonfiil to hill of potato, to mato)! or ordlivtry rom buih means abua dant flower, crisp and aarljr vccatablaa. A UBBPoonful for I to I In. potted plant. Forna lov it. Fuilr CoAiuatood. lUSTRITItTOB J. F. BARKER (Si, CO. Auto Owners! Wo wotild be plmuiod to teat your Batteries Free nt nny tliiw n ml give you export mlvti-o on the cni-a of Ifutteriei. WIkmi iiirWi.u.liin new batter Irit crt nnr iricti. We Can un 3u immfy. MOTOR SHOP GARAGE 4 1 1 N. Jackson ttt. Iloaebnr;. Sheet MetalWork OP ALL KINDS J. II. SINNIGER It!) (MK HTKKKT PHONIC 428 L. Coal Oil 22c per Gallon