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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1920)
tAam wnrm Boys Du BBELB 3 LTciothcs I Guaranteed for 6 Montlis Sorvico TMIERE are 20 reasons why Du!.li11ilt C!othc3 I n .n tt.1l. KnfiL.I rvinfmccnieut at every point o! wear or srrain iiouuic m..i i up fabrics arc a few of the 20 special Dulihelliilt features that assure more wear and no nienJniR for six months. Every Dubbclbilt suit is RiiaiaimvJ for stx month wear, without rip, hole, tear; or suit will be repaired free. Good style, too. Smart, clean-cut lines, that all real boys prefer. t JS14.7S 16.75 ?18.75 220.75 and upwards to &G.7S. HARTH'S TOGGERY Complete Boy Outfitlntf Department. Drew them up here, We'll them look right, LOVEandMAIEDHFE Idah MSGlone Gibson RVTH M1SNK8 HOIIBV. OLDS ire VICX'S VAPORU Held or chest- best treated 'externally" with l-W Exported Homo V. D. Carlson, local manager of the Western Union offices, who ban been vlnitlng his parents In Wash ington for tho pant three weeks, will probably arrive hack here Saturday. Kotiini to Sullierlin Mrs. i:ilzu Kidgoway, who hat been visiting In this elty Willi her daughter, .Mrs. W. A. Mertlvu, lefl thia afternoon for Sutheilln. when -lie r.-''. Our Family Laundry Service WHAT IT IS A belp that will simplify your particular washday problems auoh la our (amlly laundry service. Our driver calla for your fa:n lly handle at a definite tlmo each week, and we'll do your wash in( in our cuatouiary conslderute and sanltarr uiauner. ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY k. . - Alice returned from Ruth'a with a vrv Bad face. "What la the matter dear." I In quired, "didn't you have a happy time with Ruth?" j "No. my dear. Ruth la very un happy. Like many women ahe haa learned to uppreciate her husband when she has him no more. She snid to nie. "I did not know how lonely I would be without Bobby coining in with bis laughter and carefree manner. I thought that my children would make up for any loudness I might have, tint, Alice. I have found out differently. I '.-.:h I had kept him." "What do you mean, Ruth?" I said; "would you have kept Bobby when you knew he was In love with another women?" "Yes. I think I would now. That kind of love weara away nlwaya. You know that (loethe and Heine, the great lovers of history, Insisted that romantic love never lasted over two years and did not last that long if the lovers marry. As I think of Hobby and myself today, I believe that while he was romantically In love with Helen, that he had a great nVrtinn and regard for nie, and I 'lelieve In tlmo that hla love for Helen would have worn off nnd he we::d have come bark to me." Hobby's Heiirt Still True. I lnughcd. for this lilted in so well with Just what I had been thinking. "Ruth thinks." il said, 'that Hobby's heart Is atlll true to Pol." "And T believe Helen thinks so. foo." said Alice gravely. "Oh, my dear, my dear, I wish I could teach all you women that are wearing vnur lives out as devotees of the little god of love that l'ife la ao much bigger, that this thing you call love Is only nn Incident of life nnd as such perhaps holds a kind of Interest, but not tho great, import ant, absorbing interest that life has If you only look at it In tho right y. Joy, sorrow, laughter, .tears. wealth, poverty, pleasure and pain, love and hate hold their places In thiH monientuous thing we call life, but not one of them Is big enough absorb Into its keeping life it self." Again I looked nt Alice In sur prise. She was always saying some thing that showed nie a deeper and nioro splendid sldo of her. And I 'ei'Tinlned that ns soon as I wna iblo. I would try and take a leaf nit or her book. Silently I handed over .luhn's note that he had sent with th" flowers and with Its his tol'5uh. know i wa. in?-1 aked. . Large Audience " i r!,i him " she answered. coinu j uoi i "Say It With Flowers' We will give you satisfaction not only in price but every other way. FOR MOTHER'S DA Y, SUNDAY, May 9th. The wonderfnl demand for flowers for Easter, shows that the public will call for more flowers than ever before for Mother's Day. Place your order with us now and be sure of YOUR supply. il .(..n't wntit hltn to now," I said rather onerously. ' 1 want to inuke up my mind about things." 'Make Vp .Your Mind" "That's right. Katherlne, sam Alice, "do make up your mind and then stick to it one way or the other, ' "I could do this very easily If I never saw him again, Hut you know, Alice, as well as 1 do. the Influenct he exerts over me when he is with me." "Right here is the chance for you to make your choice. Do you count those moments df ecstatic happi ness. Kathrine, worth the depths or despair he causes ynu? If o. Btay with him, if not, set yourself free. "It is a sure thing. Alice, that you have never loved a man, or you would never give me this advice so eoollv. Why you tell me to make my choice wirh about as much emo tion as though you were advising me on tne rival merits oi of new hats. In fact. I am not sure but that you would have more emotion over a millinery question." "Well today, my dear, I really can't become Intensely Interested In the love affairs of lav friends, mar- n, iinmjirrled. YnU see I am verv excileu over the fact that we I momen are now a factor in the af fairs of the nation politically, I moan." "Good heavens, Alice, are you o suffragette?" "No, I am not an 'ette', I am an 1st.' "What's the difference " AvoiilK All lte..ollsiliiiilies. "A sufrragette wants all tho priv ileges of a man, and Is not willing to shoulder any of the responsibili ties. SUM Insists that a man shall give her n seat in the street car, and Korgets to thank lvini for It. She is always talking about the battle of sexes, and w.-.irs a chip on her shoulder every minute. On the other hand, my dear, a suffragist Is a woman who wants the ballot, so that she can help redress the wrongs of other women, so that she can make the lives of little children happy, so that she can help her husband to protect their home from the encrouehements of greedy cap! tut and the malignant shafts of demagogues. "Why, Alice, a sulVrnglt is truly womanly." I said, rather drily. "I hope so, my dear. I'm one. Tomorrow Tho Coming Wi.num HOUSEKEEPING rooms, all com fort. Phone 198-L. or call Z9 Winchester after 4 o'clock. FOR BALE Medium slied ufT It at Foutches. ' 8e HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Also sin gle rooms at reasonable prices. Roseburg Apartments, oor Main and Douglas. GOATS FOIt SALE-1 00 iurr quire at News-Rorlew ' ""'VO, SAL.E-Baled IvlTTZZ M1SCIXLA.N EOUa, DRESSMAKING Stylishly done; tailoring. 749 So. Main. Phone 42-Y. FOR SALE 114 Ford In toeTT: uuion, aiao s-iuch wagon In . shape." Phone 32-FlJ. ,0 Attends Revival One of the largest audience of the entire week was present last eight to hear the sermon at the Christian ihurch. The interest in the meeting has never lagged during t!.e entire four weeka. Tonight the evangelist will preach on "Stepping siontj to Olory." In this sermon he la.s a plan for life, and will answer '.ntliielliy. Bceptieism and show the real life. Mrs. Cross la going to sing what is called the greatest song of the war. "Christ In Flanders." She sang this song in Spokane. Ta conia and Vancouver. II. C, and was the best received song of her meet ing. American Legion iboya were greatly enthused with It. The plan for the remainder of the meeting will bo a sermon on Saturday night, Sunday morning a sermon to rhureb members, nnd it is especially de sired by the evangelist that every new member try to be present at this service. In the afternoon of Snndav a mothers' meeting. Moth- era will sit together, every one will have a bouquet, and everybody is Invited to come with mothers having tho central seats. At night will be She closing service. "Cod B Three Kirpts." will be the theme Sunday evening. Hfty-two nave tnus tar come forward In the meeting. GENERAL TRANSFER Hauling and country trips a specialty. Troxell & Co. l'hone 251. COW FOR SALE One JeTT" limner. Lone Oak ranch i, , way. Fred Schmidt. 1 FOUND An envelope containing kodak pictures and films. Owner please call at Newe-Revlew office LOST Dark gray shoulder shawl. Finder please leave at Newe-Re-Tlew office. SAFETY FIRST Secui a safetj deposit box for your valuable pa Dors at the Roseburc Nations Bank. " NEWS SNAP SHOTS Mrs.f.D.( Owen, Prop THE FERN 493 West Cass St. ooooooraaoooooooooooooow RceaeHaaoaoai&cia i Who's Your Cleaner? I. Ih.l What would the condltlea of the banking bailnewi If anyone who earnd to eould hold himself out as a kankjr? What protKCtlun weuld you have frauds? aet the condition In the oluanlng baalue ledavT Our trade nam la your proteutluu. Over tia jar anoeewful easiness and s ed aervtee U ear reef. WHO'S YOUR CLEANER? LYMON L SPTNCt Phone 277 TRY OL R WAY Our Auto Will Call Mere l-'rom Suilieriiu F. H. Walte of Sullierlin was In tho city today attending to business matters. I lend ImI;.t Milling A. R. .Marsh and H. W. Crosby of Riddle were In attendance at the meeting of the Elks lodge last niuht. t'ontaiitor Logan Here Cnnlia. tor .1. T. Logan or Mcd ford to the city today to at ten.I to business matters ror a short time. Ublan.l lik-tor Here Rev. .1. W. Hovt or Ashland rp.nio !o Krs.-lnirt today to intend the inmitv Sun.lnv s.-honl convention uhi.ll convened this morning. Will (Im ii .Next Saturday The Revall soda fountain will be open to the public Saturday. .April -I. with the ranious Hazlewoo.l French ice cream. I let urns Home Mrs. I. lly Winter returned to her home at Mjrtle creek last night af t.r sp.-.ulini; the day in tins cit ..hopping and visiting with friends. nle l iiim lif ield .I..-., j. i r. .Muan. wrio lias Deen isilii.g In Var-hfiold Tor the past' eve -al we. ks. returned to her home in this city last evening. ; To (ircen J Mrs. Robert liieeii anil Daughter.' tb. H O,, bfi f,,r their bnnie al Green last ninlit after spending the day in tilts eily shoppini;. I CASTORJA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years of Ctffi&&U4i Always bears the Signature E;S FOR UATf;iI!XO. Thoroughbred white Rocks frum JUil tK strain. Also thoroughbred 3 c. White Leghorns Taut-red strain. Kggs JS.00 per hundred. A few white Rock cockerels for sale, J4.00 cash. A. S. Hunt, 225 Jackson St., uoseourg, Oregon. NOTICE. The Near Kast Relief c.inipaign win De continued until Satuiuav April 24. DAILY WKATIIKK liKPOHT. i . n. vt earner iniieau. local omre, Roseburg. Oregon, 24 hours ending a. m. today. niriiest temperature yesterday ."S Lowest temperature last night .12 Precipitation, last 24 hours .. 0 Precipitation In Inches and Hund redths: 2.67 Normal precip, for this month 2.4S Total precip, from Sept. 1, 'IS, to date 21.37 Average precip, from Sept. 1, 1S77 J0.32 Total deficiency from Sept. 1 l 19 S.9.-. Aerngo precipitation for 42 wet sensons. (September to May Inclusive) 31.48 WILLIAM rtEI.L, Observer. SETTING EGGS, From High Producing White Leg horn hens Tancred Strain, 11.25 per setting of 15: 18 per 100. Earl Vosburgh. 227 N. Jackson or 702 Fullerton. NEW AUTO STAGE LINE. Edgar Shanks has put on a stage lino to Camas Valley and way points. Large cars used, and he Is prepared to give good service. Phone 309 for reservations. PROFESSIONAL CARDS DR. R. P. HItADFORD A WWV. Chiropractors, West Roseburg Phone 40F4. I)K. CLAIK R. ALI.E.V Dentist at 331 Perkins building, Roseburg Oregon. Ohio Hours: 8 to 12 a nv 1- to 5 p. m. Phone tf& MRS. F. D. OWK.N cut Flowers, Potted Hants, Funeral Designs. Wedding Bouquets, Etc. Ill Caa St. For sale al the Fern. Phone 240. Roseburc Oregon. DU. 8. It. He LA IT Osteopathic Physician and burgeon. Phones ofiiee 11D. residence 454-J. 31V 320 Perkins Building, Roseburg Oregjn. lilt. M. II. PLYLtlt Chiropractic Phys.clun, 222 W. Lane St. Elec trical treatments. Hours 9 to 6 Phone 152. Office Hours: 10 to 12, 2 to 4. Phones: Olilce. 171: Res.. 172. DR. LUCETTA SMITH, PUYS1CLA.N Women and Children Diseases Specialty. Office, Masonic Building lilt. C. A. SMITH, M. T. Successfully treats all diseases. Consultation Free. Lady attendant Oft ice 404 N. Jackson. Phone 122-J Hours 9 a. m. to S p. m. UR. II. W. TITl'S, D. M. !., Dentist. Modem tqulmient and Methods. Hours: 9 a. m. to 12 a. m.: 1 p. to 6 p. ra. Evenings and Sundays oy appointment. COTTAGE GROVE, OREOON. EGGS FOR HATCHING Brown Leghorn, good layers: la roi $1.60. O. S. Houser, phone tc 802-L. ti MONEY TO LOAN -20-year r.ira credit farm loans, low Interes rate. 820,000 local money to loai on good real estate. First niorl gage. See M. F. Rice of Rice Rice. tl USED CARS O. K. Garage has t large number of different makes Prices and terms to suit your poc ket book. Call and we will de monstrate them to your satisfac tion. Geo. Shanks ft Son. FOR SALE. S. C. R. I. Red cockerels for Phone 166-J. sale. OLD PAPERS FOR Review office. SALE News- FOR SALE Detroit Phone 182-W. 407 gas range. Ella St. FOR SALB: Two good Fox hounds will run coyotes. Phone 33-F14. FOR SALE 1917 model Ford bus at a burgain. See it at Harrison's Garage. FOR SALE Good 1914 model Ford touring car. W. R. Warner, a the Cafeteria. FOR SALE Complete sets Britanl ca. Dickens and Shukespeare. In quire News-Review. FOR SALE Small pies, 10 days tr 2 weeks old. separately or with sows. Wui. Weaver, Myrtle Creek Phone 18-X2. Rt. 1, 1 mll.ea.tot toWgL itSS rim salb-1 reeond hn,,a . Ga . steel ni ,.,.. . "r vi.u. xuune 9-F-13 higa, OR SALE Egga for h White Leghorua. n . Harvey. Phone 9-F4. atchlng froi Jo JAK WOOD FOR SALEMovTT TRUCK. Quiet, .. i, . . , 0V E B Prices reasonable. Phon. FOR SALE. BARGAIN k dern bungalow. .i, "w B . -f.UB. Dr.M, garage, 187-K. close in, phoue 70R SALE One good Jersey chean: a vmA i . ' ' uorsti lucid 4 U( FOR SALE 10 acres of good land situated about one mile west of Sntherlln, planted to prunes. Price $2000. Splendid buy. St. John Land Co., Sutherlin, Ore. JUST on the market, beautiful 6 room bungalow: sleeping porch, with bath; at the Intersection of Fullerton & Micelli Sts. Price $2000. Casey-Harding. FOR SALE About 6 acres of good prunes, 6 year old trees: also 3 acres of timber and building site. Price $2000 for quick sale. St. John Land Co., Sutherlln, Oregon. FOR SALE A bargain, Chevrolet touring car, new tires. Just over hauled, terms. See W, R. Parmlee, 710 S. Jackson St., any day be fore noon. FOR SALE! 2 lots, corner, B-rooni house, outbuildings, fruit trees, nice garden land, $800, Including furniture. Terms. D. Whltsett, Rapp'a restaurant. (Gill All Classified Advertisement In ertcd new today will be found on last page nnder "New Today" head WANTED Dishwasher restaurant. at Foutch's WANTED Woman to do confec tionery work. Apply at Foutch's. ip5 A TRIAL WILL I rwyk NOTHING that wc could say would so thoroughly convince you of the value of Chamberlain's Tablets as a personal trial. We can tell you cf thousands who have been permanently cured of chronic constipation, indigestion, biliousness, sick headache and disorders of the stomach and liver, but this will have little weight with you as compared to a personal trial. That always convinces. WANTED Young lady. Reception room work. Clark's Studio. WANTED A good second piano. Phone 187-R. hand WANTED Man or ooy willing to do Janitor work for board. Inquire at Cafeteria. WE REPRESENT the Fenner Mfg. Co, of the Peninsula Luuiber Co. of Portland, Ore. Ready Cut Homes. If you contemplate build ing a home, barn or garage, write or call for catalogue. Casey-Harding, Roseburg, Oregon. FOR SALE Prune trees for fall de livery f. o. b. Canby, Oregon, 4 to 6 ft., 40 c: 3 to 4 ft., 25c. All kinds fruit trees at reasonable prices. R. L. Ellis, 3 miles west Roseburg, Ore. HATCHING EGGS Hollywood 200 egg strain White Leghorns. Gold en Camplnes, from first prize pen San Francisco World Fair; White Face Black Spanish; heavy layers and non-setters. Eggs $1.E0 per setting; $8 per 100. Thone 9-F25. Ed Bryant. FOR SALE Highest grade nursery stock walnuts, prunes. In fact every variety of fruit tree grown in Oregon, as well as latest In orna mentals. For fall deliveries see F. E. Jordan, special ngent, 324 E. 1st Ave. N., Roseburg, Oregon. WANTED Nicely furnished house In good residence district. Ad dress A. C. care News-Review. WANTED Waitress at Foutch's restaurant, corner Casa and Sheri dan. WANTED-Middle aged woman or girl for general housework In fam ily of 3 on ranch. Mrs. C. S. Baker Sutherlln. Phone 42-F12, Oakland. FOK RENT FOR RENT 2 housekeeping rooms. 646 So. Pine St. FOR RENT 1 1-2 acres river bot-!,'-" soi1' cIo, ,0 '"wn. Phone FOR RENT Surety oeposlt boiei" Roseburg National Bank. FOR RENT 2 housekeeping rooms. Inquire 222 So. Pine St. HOUSEHOLD CONVENIENCES Kitchen Cabinet. Built In effects of any sort are made by ns. Its all home industry. See us about anything In this line you want. TheJ. G. FIooKCoe Phone 100 Poultry and Eggs WANTED We pay highest market price In cash. Highest market price paid for your cream, no delays. Bring In Your Products Roseburg Produce Co. 501 N. Jackson St. PHONE 27 cber.n- a rnnA i mnti fur,,, u. . . . ,Be, - nBuui, luillln. "OR SALE A good work irTj Buigie nuiness hack. J. Wharton, burg. Phone 389. bom "4 inn, West Bo .'OR on see Chas. Whipple. ML?P00d slx roo" sou, Winchester St. For Darti,,,t" McElhluuy er R. j :oal. mill storage, Phone 128 B0D7 WOOD-SUb. ends, cement, linie. bi..V transfer. H. j n... 'OR SALE Eggs tr iat,i,i. ... pure bred O. A. C. barred H,k per 15. Address Elm. I-ooklng Class. Ore. $1.25 Swan, FOR SALE 1 1 1-2 acres land ku mile to town; good 5-rootn h'ou barn, chicken house, tair inn, Bon 13, Rt. 1, Roseburg. flnT FOR SALE shows all -Large county nap, R. R. and ntv,nnu lands open to entry, pries iv F. C. Frear. county , Roseburg, Oregon. FOR SALE Sawmill compute, witt donkey engine, capacity of oUl I thousand feet. Plenty of tlmker AddresB S. M., care News-Herta 120 ACRES of timber land for uli by owner, located west of DnJi Price 75c per M. C. 0. Andmoa Box 4 63 Ballard Sta., Seattle, Ws, s'OR SALE Mnpleleaf Confettlo ery. Burgain If taken More April 1st. Owner desirous of ukii trip . only reason for selling. Geod la cation, good business. FOR SALE 606 acres ol Umber 1 sale; few rods from hlgtivay at near siding at Riddle. Nut tn sold at once.- Good team logguii proposition. Address Htny L Grube, Cottage Grove. Or. BROCCOLI SEED FOR SALE-Dr. Bailey has spent 8 years develop ing a strain of broccoli seed adapt ed to tho Umpqua Valley. 12 ptt ounce. Special rates on pound lots. Orders taken for broccoli pluti " for June delivery, $4 per tin sand. Dr. C. H. Bailey t Sol Roseburg, Oregon. HEINLINE-MO0RE CONSERVATORY ( ill: inJ Physical Education Managed by Accredited Teachers Only The. Slate demands blaUr ttlmt teacher and this School ooawliei 100 per cent with the state lav. Kohlha.M Bid. Phone 391 Township Maps Showing 0. & C. Grant Lands subject to entry April 12th. $1.60 P township. Douglas Abstract Co. M. A. BULEY CONTRACTOR Builds Anything. First class work.; Let me fifure with you. Box 304, Resi dence 303 Douglas SI Roacburg, Oregon. Some Land Bargains I have quit, a hw nWfJ, sell In Roseburg p?,.,. country houiea in t". some of them well IBP", up to date, ranging from 16 acres aiu.." r.indw- on Cow Creek, above GW ranging from 40 ares v Come and see the prowW the land suits we will try the price right. x nnw or - Rt 2, Roseburg, vn