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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1920)
.-1 ' I FttTTVtT, Afftrt. til. IMA. runm mum Want One-Day Service Best Possible Finishing, Personal Attention Clark's iir1inRoSburgNat'' XXlJ Bank Building. On yonr films, leave them at the KODAK DEPARTMENT s i Ford Owners Attention The fellow who owns a Ford car naturally looks to a Ford Garage for the right kind of service and he is never disappointed. It is our busi ness tolook after your wants in every particular, and further, we're going to do it and do it right, fl We are now enlarging our Garage in order to be better prepared to meet your demands in the way of repair work, giving prompt and efficient service, employing the best skilled labor possible and carrying in stock a complete supply of ac cessories to- fill your every need, J We'll doll your old car up so it will run like a new model and we will do it at a moderate price. C. A. Lockwood Motor Company (Succeuort to W. A. Burr & Sons) 2 H0MES1EADS FOR' Representative Sin nott oj Oregon Makes Speed Rec ord Last Week. AIDS EX-SERVICE MEN Wounded and 111 Yeta of the Lata War W1U Not Lom Hn Thsy tit art td to Acquire Before . Their Enlistment. mi a-t rrr2 From ROCKS to RAZOR STRAPS, W?'R3 THERE' Oregon Is the bast jlstoa la the world for oommeroial growing of rones. Bazor straps manufactured here are na tionally advertised and sold. Orogon manu.faotu.rer a of oarbon paper, drag saws, rubber hoels.stcves.broooa, furniture.oouGh drops and other ooinao ditlos make tholr produota so good that the to rid aslu for Oregon-mada. associated Industries of Oregon Electrical Contracting... Bub 'I pay double for jour electric work. We are operating on an Independent basis, and claim to do the belt electrical werk lu Ue Hy. Oar men are specialists In this line. See us If you want best rwulca. No danger when we Install Electric Work. MILLER'S ELECTRIC SHOP 123 N. Main Street Phone 447 ft Milk if w Tv f ' ror iniantt Ne Cooaiag A Nutritious Diet for All Agca Quick Lunch at Home or Office Avoid Imitations and Substitutes HURT 1SKCO.MKS AUItOOAXT. LOS A.VCKLES. Anrll ? I Tim K. Ilulrt. alleged bigamist, will de mand that the state abow cause for detaining him as soon as he recov ers from self-inflicted wounds at the i.oa Angeles county hospital, accord ing to a statement tonight by his counsel, liulrt's condition was said to he improving. ' Deputy Sheriff A. L. Manning, who nas cnarge or the investigation of the alleged marriages of Ilulrt. today roeived from the chief of police at Salem, Oregon, threo photographs of a man declared to have married Catherine Cruse In that city In 1913. .Mr. Manning said Ilulrt was the man who had posed for the photographs. In an Interview which the Rx nminer will print tomorrow, Ilulrt said his real name Is Walter An drew and that he was born In Dallas. TexaB, in 1876. LIME SULPHUR SOLUTION Get your orders in now and be prepared. PROMPT SHIPMENTS. Write for prices stating quantity wanted. Sutherlin Fruit Products Co. srTUKRLI, OKEGO. Rum On In And have your balterv tested at our free testinc? station. Or maybe you need a new battery, If so get our prices before buying elsewhere. Special attention to Truck ure work prompt service at right prices. TIRES, TUBES and ACCESSORIES Roseb urg'Gara g'e WE SELL Edison MADZA LAMPS Was County Light! and Water Co. SWING SAMPLES ARRIVED Don't fall to call and Inspect aur fine Una of spring samples for men's clothing. A beautiful line to make a selection from for a nobby suit. O. W. Sloper, ths cleaner and Prei ser. Of NOW IN THE CITT. Frank A. Terry, representing the Equitable Savings Loan Assn., Is now in the city. For an Interview call or phone the Umpqua hotel, tf CITY NEWS at Arundel, piano tuner. Pnons 189L Jitney Service. Phone 7. Large cars for hire. Phone 309. We wash and polish cars at War ten's garage. Nifty millinery at Bellaws, set over tl flprella Corsellere. Clare, Coram. Phone, 402-R. 211 W. Wash. U. O. K. Garage has some good buys in used cars. See the Chevrolut. Phone 309. Ltme-sulphur spray, sulphur for fertiliser, sulphur for plant dusting, lime in Bbls., arsenate of lead, black leaf forty. Umpqua Valley Fruit Union. Factory expert will be with Mars ters Drug Co. on April 26. 27 and 2i to give lessons In graining and beau tifying your home with Chi Namel Varnish. , Now Is the time ta hsve your piano artistically tuned. C. H. Arundel, phone 1S9-L. Ji years la ternatlonal experience. 1 WASHINGTON, April 18. (Spe cial to the News-Kevlew). In an ef ; tort to aave the homesteads of j crippled soldier boys. Representative inick ainnoil Ol vreaoii uiaue a if1"' lative speed record this week. On April 12th Secretary of the lutertor l'uyiie told Sinnott he would favor legislation which "the gentleman from Oregon" had suggested to the department, allowing ex-service men of the world war who had initiated homestead entries prior to enlist ment and as a result of their service had become physically Incapacitated sso they could not return to their claims to acquire title to the lands by commutation on payment of price nxed by law, without further resi dence or cultivation. Under the law as Its tands at pres ent soldiers are allowed to count the time they served up to two years of tho three years residence required on a homestead; but there Is no way by which any official or department can relieve them from the necessity of living one year on the land. But many of the soldiers became so crip pled or Incapacitated In the war that they cannot go back to their homesteads. Congressman Slnnott Introduced a bill to remedy this situation on April 13th. The committee on public lands of which Slnnott is chairman, met on j April 14. The Ink was hardly dry Oil tnp 0I11S wnicn nau ueen priiueu. A single copy was brought by special messenger to the committee meeting. Sinuott explained the emergency to the committee; that unlss some thing was done quickly wounded nnd 111 veterans of the late war who had sacrificed most for the country might lose the homes they had start ed to acquire before being called to the colors. He asked the committee If they would suspend regular bus! noss and set upon thlB blllT They agreed and In a few moments author ized Slnnott to report the bill favor ably to the house. The speed record was completed when Slnnott filed his favorable report the same afternoon. Following Is the text of the Sln nott bill: "That any settler or entryman un der the homestead laws of the Unit ed States, who, after settlement, ap plication, or entry and prior to No vember 11. 1918. enlisted or was ac tually engaged In the United States army, navy or marine corps during the war with Germany, who has been honorably discharged and because of physical incapacities due to service Is unable to return to the land, may make proof, without further resi dence or cultivation, at such time and place as may be authorised by the secretary of the Interior, and re ceive patent to the land by him so entered or settled upon by making payment for the land at the price fixed by low as In case of commuta tion; provided, that no such patent hell 'ssue prior to the survey of the land." Intend to be behind any of the cities on the Pacific Highway mak ing a place where the money-spending tourists ean loaf for a day or two. The MrKensle river country east of Eugene Is . going to opeu up a tract of 34 acres of government land and transfer It Into a free Auto Comp Park Tourist Sits. This tract lies partly on the McXenile. highway and the WcKenre River and they think with the expenditure of a few hundred dollars they are going to nave a park tilt will at t.act tourlats from all parte of the country. burely these pniole aie not all deceived as to the wisdom of providing camp grounds, for they are being established municipally throughout the country. All Auio Owners Must Have License On and after July 1 every person owning or driving an automobile will be required to have a license Those engaged an chauffers must, lake out the regular chauffeur s li cense and all others who drive for themselves or who are driving a cui for someone else must obtain a 11 tense which will cost the sum of 2. cents. This law was passed by the recent legislature and is contained in the session laws put out following the recent special session. It is provided that no person under the see of It! years shall drive a car and that all above that age who desire to oner ate an automobile must first havi an operator's license. This applici to owners of cars and those who are driving borrowed or rented ma chines. Operators are required to nave nan rive days' experience In driving under a competent Instruct or before a license is granted. Applications can be made to th' secretary of state upon blanks fur o ihed by that olTlce and tho license will hear n complete description of the operator. This license must b carried at all times and must he produced when requested by an offi cer of the law. The license remains In force con tinuously unless It la countermanded for some spe'lal reason and In tho event it Is withdrnwn tho person In automatically prohibited from driv ing or operating a cnr. The law la Intended primarily to assist In the prevention of autonio bile thefts as the descrintlon con tained In each license will permit officers to apprehend thieves much more readily than by the, present method. m n r nrxn SHOE POLISH BEST FOR HOME SHINES SAVE THE LEATHER THE BIG VALUE PACKAGES PASTFS A Kin Tim line; roeBIl.T o, BUxj. r - ---- ana wnut snoea ES THE F. . D ALLEY CORPORATIONS LTD.. BUFFALO. N. Y. For Bad Breath Coated Tongue, HiliomneM, Sour Stomach, Sick Headache, Bloating, Gas, Constipation, or other mult of lujigc. lion, no remedy it more highly rt-co.Tj mended than FOLEY CATHARTIC TABLETS They cause no griping or nausea. Cleanse the bowels, sweeten the stom ach and be dc tit the liver. Never dis appoint. M. Elltatfi Sisuton. 137 So. Miln St.. o. Nona-mil, looo: "I can honestly uy Foley Uthanic itiblvta us woudvffwL." Sold Everywhere. HAS XKW POSITION. .'.ill l....r,.v- f.,- .1 .......... . . . . v... W , .... H .11 f ."..I.-. fruit Inspector t KottuburK. nuw r.oiUH iiu position or tnttpoctor for Washington tounty. accordiiiK to a U'ttor rtMWviMl bv K. C. Armstrong lust niKlit. Mr. IViuvy opi'iuie I.;.; aert'K of btMriiiK orchard in mid it Inn if) ii in dim r (iiitK'ft. no hiuhm iiiiii his task in WushinKtnii county doen lllfl tilt tt'iirk hl.rst (III. I I.1IKO.HI..MII1 ! Itu h,.o ii.i.a I,. ..,t. ...... Liu I., ...... .... chard, which ia HitimU'd ticur I'll ley, Oregon. , o 92.-i.00 KKWAKD FOR WOMEN'S 1U ILIUM! AT V. OF O. Will members and friends of the Mental Culture Club please bring their donations for the home cooking sale without waiting to be solicited? The sale will be held Saturday. April 24. In the Casey and Harding win dow. For Information that will lead to the arrcat and conviction of boys or persons tthootlng lamba, Saturday or Sunday, April 1') and 11, on (he old Rose & lli'iiry ranch, now known an the Stewitrl much. Hive Information to Shi-rlff Goo. K. Qulnc. F. A. CREGO. notice of srr.riAi, mi:i;ti; OF STOt-kllOWiMI.S. LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE After yoa eat always take P ATONIC C3 fbRYOUR ACID STOMA Instantly relieves Haartbarn, Bloat ' ad Gaur Fealinf . Stops food souring, I repeatinir, and all stt.mach miseries. I Aid. aimUcNi ua wHu. i ,wvt and .trons. Incrm vitality mna re. EATOS1C i. th. bmt mlT T of Ibo. ! M-j. wondOTf illT bfmMl- Only f.t . rt or ft. .Oar U u It. rmtttmr rurMe : to ,lu oc w. will Mfond WT. IM.H I fcsatoitej. Yoa will I. Mainan KuW-rion, 205 Cass 8t, Rosebarc. Ortoo. KKRR'S Ql Al rTT FOlLTrlT Are prepared BBtTsr the direction of Prof. C. 9. Brswster. formerly ol the Poultry Department. Oregon Ag ricultural Collee. They will main tain the health and vitality of yaur II kaAn tli trnVth Of tiroflt- able broilers and sarly laying pul lets and produce mors sggs from your laying flock. For growtag chicks ose Karrs vmA c.hirlt OevelnDsr Mash snd Dsvelop'ing Scratch Peed. For laying hens use Krr s scraicu Feed and Eft Produced. For sals by Yc:burga Bros,, nose- burg. Oregon. Headquarters for pouurymea. Camp Grounds Are Improved nnnm O- mil n to be the slogan In the P""'c Coast cities and towns on th High ways. lyewliton, Maho. has already got ten hpr fitmn slio In condition to cnen the first of the month. Mavor C. S. Owners Is taking a seen impr est In this matter and the city has completed the necessary appropria tion hmit a railroad crowilng ana bridge, has macadamlied the road to and through the grounds, has clear ed away the dead wood ana nn. ennstrnrted a concrete-lined well In wh'rh an electric pump will be In stalled. Ther are erecting a building with telephone connections and tho city t improving the nrniing eymem. Thev are contemplating putting In plav ground apparatus and the placing of a large numlier of com fortable benches nnder the treea, so that the campers might tarry a dsy or two longer. Lewi .ton does not WH.1T WHIM OP TAXATION IS Tills? To the Editor of the Rosi-hurj News-Review: One of our ex-county commis sioners, who Is now an s.pirant to the nomination for state representa tive. In the year 1018 had a stork ranch In T. 30 S.. K. 1 V W. M.. of 800 acres, It was assessed In his wife's name at a valuation ot $ 665, and paid 144.27 in taxes, the ranch belnt; equipped with buildings. corrals and some fencing. During the year of 1918 thin ranch was stocked with 118 bead of assessaMe cattle, wherefrnm one carload was sold In the Portland market at top prices, bringing 500 for the carload. For the year 1918 there were; en tered for assessment 30 head of rat tle of a valuation of f00. taxis $9.92. These cattle should have been as sessed In T. 30 R., R. 1 W., W. M.. but the aisvnsment was entered In T. 30 8., R. 6 W.. W. M 4 2 miles from where the cattle wero located. The assessment roll shows us no personal property on this ranch for 1918 yet the tax mils show that taxes were paid on 2 head of cattle In T. 30 8., R. 1 W.. W. M. Will somebody please figure out what system of taxation we have in Douglas county ai.d then name it? With all due regards I renpectful- ly submit it to those whose ability in mathematics, and knowledge of taxation, and authority of vhIiv- tlons, permits them to decipher It. LOL'13 11. UEKGOI.I). BETTER THAN CALOMEL Thousands Have Discovered Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets Are a Harmless Substitute Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are the result of Dr. Edwards' determination pot to treat liver and liowel complaints with calomel For 17 years he used these tablets 'a vcvetable compound mixed with olive oil) in his private practice with great success They do all Die good that calomel does but have no bad after effects. No pains, no RripinR, no injury to the gums or danger from acid dxxls yet they stimulate the liver and bowels. Take Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets when yoa feel "ksfy" and "heavy." Note bow they clear clouded brain and perk op the spinu. if cod Zk a boa. Notice Is hereby given that pur Ruunt to the order of the Hoard of Directors of the I'mpiiun Valley Krult Union, tuuj "t a meeting of said directors duty called and held, a special meeting of the stockhold ers of the i:iiipjua Valley Fruit Union Is called to be hi-ld at the office of sold Umpqua Valley Fruit Union In the new packing house ut the corner of W'eHt Washington street and the S. !'. railroad tracks In the City of KoKelung, Douglas County, ' Oregon, on Haiurtbiy. the 15th day of May, 1920, at the hour of three o'clock p. in., and said meeting Is called for the purpose of considering and voting upon the question of dissolving said corpora lion and winding up Its affairs. Dated this 16th day of April. 1920. S. I). COOf.KY. Secretary Umpqua Valley Fruit Union. three members of the Board of Di rectors Dated this 16th day of April. 1920. 8. D. COOLEV. Secretary of the Umpqua Valley Fruit Union. .NOT U K FOIt MILS. The undersigned, clerk of School OI.;tict Nu. 4, in Uoseburg, Oregon, will receive sealed bids up to 6:00 o'clock p.m. Monday, April 26, 1920, at his uS:.' in the city of Koaeburg. (1) . For the repair ot old fur naces now Installed lu the Rosa school building, or (2) . For a battery of three now furnaces to be Installed, on plans and speclHralloiis acceptable to the School riuurd, lu the Hose school Uullillng. This work In either Instance to ba completed on or before Sept. 1st, 1920. The Dosrd reserves the right to reject any or all bills. For further information Inquire of UOSCOU N. Clih.'KN. Clerk. XOTH'K OF STOCK HOI. Dibits MKKTINO. Notice is hereby given that pur suant to the by-laws of the Umpqua Valley Fruit Union nnd the order of tho Hoard of Directors of the Ump qua Valley Fruit Union, du. made at a meeting of said dlrectots duly called and held, the annual meeting of the stockholders of said 1'inpqtia Valley Fruit Union will be held on Saturday, the 15lh day of May, 19L'0, ' at two o'clock p. m. In the. new pack ing hoime situated on the corner nf , West Wanhlngton street and tho S. ' I, railroad tracks In the City of I Koseburg, Oregon. ' At such meeting such matters will be conxidered snd acted upon ns are provided for by the by laws of said corporation, including the election of i NOT1CK OF S1.E OF jtiOVEKN MKNT TI.MUKH. (leneral Land Of fice, Waxhington. D. C. March 26, 1920. Notice is hereby glveu that subject to the conditions and limita tions of the. Act of June 9, 1916 lit Stat.. 218), and the Instructions of the Secretary of the Interior of Sep tember 15, 1917, the timber on the following lands will lie sold May 12, at 10 o'clock a. in., at public, auction at the United Slates land office at Hoseburg, Oregon, to the highest bidder at not lens than the appraised value as shown by (his notice, sale to be subject to the ap proval of the Secretary of the In terior. The purchase price, with an additional sum of one-fifth of one per cent thereof, being commissions allowed, must be deposited at time of sale, money to bo returned If sola Is not approved, otherwise patent will Issue for the timber whlcl must be removed within ten yenrs. Rids will be received rrom cltlxens of the United Sfntes, associations of such cltlsens and corporations organized under the laws of the United States or any state, territory or district thereof only. Upon application of a qualified purchaser, tho timber on any legnl subdivision will be tittered separately before being Included In any offer of a larger milt. T. It 8., It. 1 W.. Sec. 7. Lot 2. flr SB M Lot 3, fir 300 M., not to he sold for lens than f 1 .50 per M. T. 19 S H. 1 W., Sec. 33, SWV, SWV,, fir 1000 M., HW'Vi. fir 1070 M., not to lie .old for Icks than $1.75 per M. T. 37 S.. R. 7 W.. Sec. 11, NK14 NEW. fir 515 M., sugar pine 36 M., uone of the fir timber to be sold for less than 11.25 per M., and none of the sugsr pine timber to he sold for less than 13.00 per M. T. 87 R, H. 7 W., Sec. 13, Lot 6. fir 800 M.. NW4 BKM, fir 500 M . pine 26 M.. SV4 SK4, r "iinn Nf.. l ot 7, fir 1JO0 M., NK1 SW14. fir 170 M.. pine 170 M., HK SWU. Mr 1200 M, none of the fir timber to be sold for leas than $1.25 per M., and none of the pine timber to be sold for leu. than $2.60 per M. fl.AY TALI. MAM, Commissioner fjener.1 Land Office. MILK 222 CREAM Pi I ONE 186 . R0SEi.ORG DJW AND SODA WORKS 1920 MITCHELL STYLE PLUS QUALITY SEE THEM! J. F. BARKER & CO., IMPLEMNTS AUTOMOBILES TRACTORS V,