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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1920)
ROttKBCRO lirwi RMVTKW FRIDAY. APKFL M. IMP. o i.-StEJi.J'!.;.ll!,i!-iil - UOSKBUIta NEW8.BKVIKW Uiutd Dally Kurept Sunday. Li Wlmlierly B. W. Bte Itert G. Unit" crop In particular gives promise of abundant miccfcds. .lr. i.nwls airivcd here yesn-rdav -ml ri'inniuuJ loday i onlirrini: with total grmvurs and carrying on Die work of organization. BUBSCUIPTION HAiES Pally, per year, by mall. . . . . .$ 0 Hull.', alx inoutliB, by mall.... 2.UU By Carrier, per mouth 50 Call ut office, per inomn 36 Weukly New.Kevitw, per year 2.00 i l .. si xow .it mi: Oil IU HICK. Member o The Awmm luted l'rc The Associated I'rcas i exclusively .itltled to the ubu for republication M all Down dispatches crediicd 10 It or uot otherwise credited In this paper and also the local new pub lished herein. All rights of republi cation of special dispatches herein are also reserved. JUroburtr. Onesoii, April Reedsport Man Makes a Fortune The Port Umpiiua Courier of Keodsuorl says: Frank P. Mallory, a citizen of till city, who owns property near Win chester Hay. is hlKlily elated by the good news which ho recently re ceived Informing him that nis in 'vestment in a certain stock of air nlnna motors had Droveli a treat In vestment for hint. The motor has "broven a success in every respect. and stock which cost him $10 per Hharo is now worth JUUiuu per hare, and probably will be worth much more before the year passes. Mr. Mallory owns 35 shares of stock, which Is known as tno Artuur i.. Smith Motor company, which if the reports nrove true as to their valu ation, makes Mr. Mallory a wealthy man. Fruit Crop Will Depend on Weather "The nrpsent season's fruit crop said C. I. Lewis, editor of the Ore gon tirowor, a monthly paper pub lished In the Intercut of the Oregon rowers' Co-operative association 'largely depends upon the condition of the weather during the next two or three weeks. If during thut time favorable climatic conditions pre vail in Oregon, there will be at leant CO. 000, 000 bushels of fruit har vested for the commercial trade." Mr. Lewis hss given the fruit ques tion a great deal of study and con sideration and seems to have very optimistic Ideas about Oregon's fu ture relating to the production of fruits. While there has been considerable peculation regarding the probable losses to growers In the Willamette alley caused hv the freeze, Mr. Lewis Is under the impression that tho yields In many cases will he al most up to the standard, nnd the Oregon drowers' Co-operative asso ciation is looking forward to an abundant harvest. The association, which was organized less, than r, yenr ago, is developing with remark able rapidity, and it represents to dny approximately 2a, 000 acres of fruit lands in western Oregon. ' It is largely represented In the Unipqun valley where the outlook Is very promising. Kvery dav finds more eresire s'lrned un. The ncreae In Marlon, Polk and Yamhill counties Is enormous and comprises lands owned by most of the larger grow ers. In these counties the prune Tho 1'ln.t IlitptlM (lninti, l.ane and Kon streets, .1. II. Dickson, pas- IUr. DIIJ1M BIII'J'H !. 4..T, W. . . Coshow. superintendent. This wlln bo "Decision Day in tho church and Bible school. The team members and team captains are asked to be on hand at 1 1 a. in. (let together and give together In the Interchurch World Movement. Subject or the morning's discourse. "The Cause of CnrM " At 2 o'clock Sunday after noon tl e greatest task ever under taken hv the Christian church will lie launched whi n ten teams will go out from this church to colloct our share of the $100,000,000. Make vour reunion talk In dollars and cents. II. Y. V. II. will meet at 8:110. Evening worship at 7:30. Subject, "Sparks From the Anvil." Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:1 1)0. ml First M. i:. (Iiureli, Main and Lane streets, F. W. Keatry, pastor. 0:45 a. in.. .Sunday school, J. A. Walker, superintendent. 11 a. m., preaching service. Theme, "Hungry and Homesick, or tho Soul's Transi tion." ti:i:o, Kpworth League. Suh iect, "Will a .Mall Itob iJod?" Leader, Leroy Walker. 7: JO i. m., preach ing service. Theme, "Lessons From Men That Failed." Prayer service Wednesday evening. 7::10. A wel come awaits one and all. Come. The Preshyteriiin fhurrli, Jack- on and Lane swts. IS. W. Warring on, minister. 9:45 a. in., Sun lay school. Uuo. A. Hun herd. Supt. f'hristlan education will eliminate ho menace of Holshevism. The ser ' vines of worth' p ar t hold at 11 a. in. and 7:110 p. m. Sermon sulijocts, Ittitwien tho Two (Venus," and "The 'I Ar.t's' if Jems." At the evening st rvice the tllrlii' Chorus will lead the sinking and bing a spe cial nuintioi. 6:110 p. m. ,.MIss Flor ence Wimbnrly will lend the Kn deavor service. The annual every member canvass for the current ex 'tense fund and for benevolences of tho church will be mado Sunday af ternoon and the week following. This is a large opportunity to In vest in the work of the Muster. The finance committee will appreciate vour encouragement and co-operation. Methodist Church, South, James R. Condor, pastor. Sunday school, 9:45, W. L. Cobb, superintendent. Preaching. 1 I a in. Subject. "What Are You Heading?" Junior League, 2:110 p. m., O. J. Rand, superintend ent. Senior league, 6:110 p. m 'Preaching. 7:30 p m. The little church around tho corner is a friend ly church. Conio and be ut homo With us. Church of Christ, South Iloseburg. llible study, 10 a. m. Lord's day. Preaching, 11 a. m. Communion of the "ilody nnd Hlood of tho Lord." 12 noon. IJUdo lesson, 7:45 p. m. Praver and Praise service each Wed nesday at 7:45 p. m. A cordial in vitation Is extended to all and a spe cial Invitation to till members of the "One Ilody" who may be In the city. Fillers, J. II. Toinllr.son, V. S. Patterson. BRAND FLOUR r zMssr for every purpose 'i - : 1 4 5 z BLENDS MAH . FRIEND Eliminates All Waste V- 1 -- ...srrV' ''V v Advertise In News-llevlew. Home economy is always a matter of big moment; particularly today witfc the high cost of living the most talked of topic. An eastern tity conducted a school of Household Art and Science to point a way by which harassed housekeepers might make their incomes balance the high cost of living. Demonstrations and lectures tended to point out the enormous waste resulting from the purchase of cheap and inferior sub stitutes for standard articles. In JUiW BLEND FLOUR we offer the housewife a breadstuff which eliminates all waste. Actual baking tests, scientifically conducted, demon strate that it. ma4:es more atid larger loaves of better bread to the given amount than other flours. It costs you a few cents more per sack because it costs us a few cents more to produce this high grade, blended flour, but it COSTS LESS PER LOAF. Manufactured in "America's Finest Flouring Mills" by Fisher Flouring Mills Company Seattle Tacoma Portland Bellingham Mt. Vernon "Nothing wrong with our balance" Chesterfield TIIErifiht balance of costly Turkish and Domestic tobaccos, propor tioned by experts that's why Chesterfields "satisfy." Every puff brings you the full, rich flavor of genuine Turkish tobacco and the lively relish of choice Domes tic leaf. And the blond the manufacturer's private formula can- ' ttot be copied. Kvery package enclosed in glassine, moisture proof paper that seals in the flavor. tl.l'li A. VOKK, uell-kiiimii "J Imsiiicss iimn of lnrtlntitl, Mv who says ho feels twenty years J u limit1 hihI hits iMiiiHNt MKN-enjJ lUx'lares he e;ui now eat imw tmn'e. titivils :i t1nv. ing pains nfter eating that I would almost die. My nerves were all un. strung and the least thing would worry me and I never could get a Rood niKht s sound sleep. In fact Just lost interest In everything and was greatly discouraged over my condition. "Tho ordinary treatment failed to do mo any good, and as I had read so many statements from people 1 know here in Portland who had been benefitted by Tanlac, I decided to give It a trial. And now I know for myself what it will do, for I have simply taken a new lease on life. I am now able to look after my work j as usual, and never felt better In my i llfo. I am able to eat three hearty I meals a day and everything agrees j with me perfectly. I eat anything 1 want and never feel a touch of indi !i:estion. 1 never thought there was a medicine that could do me so much ' irood, nnd I am only too glad to have the facts about my case given to the j public." j Tanlac is sold In Roseburg by W. , F. Chapman, and by all leading drug- kisis in every town. UIU.AItl) ClUMtCH XKWS. I am new .,i.,t; m cat tillee square 'Is f d.iv fur the first time in two . . .i. -ne emphatic statement Ul.lle recently by Joseph A. Yors, veil known business man and highly r, s; e. to,! riii.,.n t,f Portland. Maine. I am now sixty-nine vears of aue, 1 i'"d In all my life 1 have never run ii.ross .1 nu.iictne that I consider in ..ass witli Tanlac. I have Just rm.she.l my fourth Lottie and this. n-c.Iictne has l.cnefi'tc.1 me even bo vend my a-eatest ;.oes. Ilosides .lining six.,.,,,, pomui, tn wcicht. I lis vp been built Ui and strengthened " ' " 1 "'el all tf twenty vears younger. 'Tor the (mm two years I have 1 niisirablv run-down condi tion, nnd was compelled a short time :ico to give up all idea of business as 1 was too w.-.ik to look after any time. I was nervous, worn-out, had no appetite. a,,, suffered most all the time with Indigestion. Some lays I would eat scarcely anvthlng; in set I was sfraid to eat because I snow i would suffer afterward. inu!tiuij I had such seTer cramp- Sunday school at Dillard at 10 a. m. Sermon at 11 a. m. Epworth I.eamie ut 7 p. in. Hevlval sermon at -S p. m. The special meetings every night neit week at 7:30 p. m. Tho meetings are well attended every night and a growing interest is manifest. At Looking Glass, Sunday school at 10 a. m. At Ten Mile, Sunday school at 10 n. m. Sermon at 2:30 p. m. R. S. B. 0 PI..WK (iOKS TO SPOKAXE. The "mystery plane" which passed liver here Wednesday, proved to be a Curtis Oriole, which was delivered m the Oreeon, Washington and Idaho Airplane Co. at Spokane yesterday, the plane was driven from San Fran cisco to Spokane by Pan Davidson and Norman Warsinski and will be used for blrdseye and moving picture photography. The fliers maintained an air of secrecy at their various tops and consequently there was considerable discussion regarding the Wan and Ita pllola. If you hava something to sell or rent try an Adv. in the News-Review. A HAPPY MEDIUM IN FINANCE N ONE'S Income should be divided into three parts pro. portlonately well balanced. One part la the money required for apendlng; another Is that desired for investing; and, yet anothar 1b money necessary for SAViNQ. Begin with a bank account here at the Umpqua Valley Bank. . ' JOHN THRONE, Cashier THE UMPQUA VALLEY BANK ROSEBUHQ OREGON Price and Principle! OUR SLOGAN Price the Lowest Principle the Highest. It is our business to sell good things to eat. We do sell you every good thing to eat that can be found in a well equipped grocery store. Our low prices and high grade goods have made the casual buyer a steady customer. If you are not getting urocery sausiacuon see us. Our line of Ready-to. Wear Dry Goods is increasing daily and we can save you money. Call and see our line. Peoples Suppiy Co. r ir- p: Give Self 2&d Substance GOD wants youl Your '. substance is secondary and will be given willingly when your heart belongs to God. Have you discussed with your family how much you ought to give your Presby terian church when the annual canvass (or pledges is made April 25 to May 2? Money cannot repay Cod's mercies. Ke wants service. But money will show to some extent the value you place on the work of the church in the community. It is to the church you look in time of sorrow and trouble. The church stands for the moral good of this town. You cannot do less than support it with a fair proportion of yoc income. Presbyterian men, surprise your pastor. Volunteer an Minute Man, boys' club leader, or as special caller. Take part in prayer meeting. Offer to teach a Sunday school class; and be a prepared teacher. Do your share gladly in the financial canvass. Get into the church and uwr. Don't forget the canvass in your family prayers. Come to Church Sunday New Era Movement Presbyterian CKurck In th U.S.A. Cooperating with Interchurch WorldMorement Give Consecrated Dollars EXPERT WELDING includes not only the knowl edge ot where to alf heat, but also Just wHo atop. The work can be over done as well aa underdone. possess the expert knowleT and hare facility for doing kinds of welding work "; torily. We are at your ser vice any time. Mathews WelditgWork ACETTlEHE WEEDING & CUTTIttfl SPfWllt ' HOSKm. HO. OKSUO!" It's Time We Repair lour Bl if you want to get the fU nefit of the season. day's delay i day's pl" lost. So bring the goo wheel around and bare MP' It in first claw riding tlon. You know what work we do. Bvery old " does. D. W. JAMES