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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1920)
, QTT.1V A PR It M. WL . I 1 . .1 JV?i0 Arrivals in Men's Dress Shirts Every man is particular about his Dress Shirt. We have them to please every fancy. Better ma terials with more style than you can ge t e vhere because our biyer has a much larger held to choose from than the ordinary dealer who is compelled to buy from the road salesman. Our unit Purchase for 297 stores enable us to sell them for less. We invite you to look over these new arrivals and be convinced of their real Beauty, Style and Quality. Fine Dress Shirts, band collars, soft cuff.. ..... $1.79 Fine Dress Shirts, detachable collar soft cuff .. J1.9S Fine Dress Shirts, Band collar, stiff cuff This nation-wide institution is doing much to keep down the H. C. L. "jp-'i'lij- ''f Local Bills Have A Fine Session It hubby neaked In a llttlo later than uaual lut night. It was Just be cause the local Bills of the B. V. O. K bad an extraordinary session. And U those 20 baby Elks who were dyed a purple hue during the course of the festivities last evening "dldn t get home -til morning" thy'll have to explain their action. The ""nl ance waa larger than uaual, and the whole meeting waa a "slam-bang affair, with an unusual amount of pep topic Injected. The Vurple Jaiiapators were there In full force, and the new lunch committee, com poaed of several former buck pri vates with kitchen experience, put tb finishing touches on the even ing's pleasure, inose wnu ltlated tort fenlng were L. J. Chrlatmas, Albert Hague, Jeff Wil liama, Hayinond Nichols, Sherman Lyater, U W. Mettger. M. A. Bates, E 8. Deardorff. L. L. Covert, C. W. Boyle, C. J. Hill, B. W. Oorell, E. K. Omen, E. A. Blngleton, W. 8. Phil lips, F. A. Batcy, Harry Cook, M. A. Burgoyne, C. W. Peterson, Ouy Colby Hun Spy Gets A Light Sentence (By Associated Press). PARIS, April 23. A sentence of (hree years Imprisonment waa Im posed today upon former Premier Calllaux, who was convicted yester day of having commerce ami corre spondence wltn me enemy. iti " he was under arrest will be deduct ed, leaving him about one month to serve. CARD OK THANKS. We desire to express our sincere thanks to the people of Rosiburg who gave assistance during the last Illness and death of our mother, and for the comforllng niiiiiniruiion ui- fered. , MR. AN1 J.!!13. WM. A. l.uru. ... I i.(.v.mHlfW Miss Nollle I'ltkons ami MIbb Fay Ooddus, students at tne im-m sohool left this morning for Canyon vllle, where they will visit with rela tives over the week end. 1 Mertens Prepares For Big Opening H. Marten, popular automobile dealer of southern Olregon. has Just icqulre a new ftuiicnng m of the city and hasllxed up one of the most attractive show rooms In the state outside of Portland, and verj few in that city can In WW4?!: pare with this exceptional bulUing , heme. Mr. Merten carries In df dition to bis already popular line of cars, the roost complete line of ac cessories and parts In town. He bab a large balcony all the way around ilie largo show room and on this hi lias bis parts and accessories br- ' j .- . . nlnaalnz display. rangeo in ....j v The front part of the balcony I given over to a coxy rest room for -i i.h . it and Mr. Mer- ail WIIU BIBU W ". ten assures us that all are welcome .t what i ma iiihv wuu in h.-hu w m - thee qunrters. u V. M iu. -rr nn ran OVPf fTOin Win . u..a nf ran and ue- ride without eInK influenced by a perlence in the' automobile bu.ln r fitted him for this new venture. Hurting out as a ssles- worked this "up" until b.. growing huslnens aulte outgrew the ouarters he slaried In. tne new t.u..u... . i --. ..h'onfianiOht. ' n,.":. " will continue bin sound business P"1', b Vwl'.hVm v.ho have had nay dealing with hfm markable trait. He has built up a niarKBDie ir. organization .ugnly and has a growing business In ("rant- P xne'," yV7 ?S " :......nt, himself in Klamath Tails. This Is aside from his enor "'Tr. Merten ha, onlv recently ac oulred the psenev lor ine ' in his disaonolnt ing cars out. .... d(,lavert 'arral .f"lhl." "-ondul line and he was to ur" mr ine ""-.-" lallv fer we tie car was num - . a. ern hills, having the name of being pecoll field "body and E"I?.5e it has such a sturdy bull fkIs that It is the only car yet " . . i. iiht mouirh and vet so strong and well built as to wlllista-d the naroesi u. vmi rnnnOl on gin to get an Idea of tb. rtr.ngtb and endurance oi Tins . arnially see It after many years of tea and tear and advises anyone contemplating the purchase , ol ' a car to await Its arrival and nersonaliv examTne' IU standard features. It Eoe without saying that til car i will be announced ,!. u enio ronm will "P ro" I lf 1ti r-.. .- YOIR BKST 8ALKSMAS When you Insert either a dis- lay or classified advertise- ment Id the solumns of the Newa-Review you are at once in communication "h over 17,000 people. Before the entire run was on iu - terduy one of the patrons oi j our cU;SBiiiea tiu... - - , running Into the office and f . v- i i. n.-m In Kill w his advertisement. - u-...- the naDer was w on the stree'ts he had sold the article aJvertmea. ' verted Into a modern luainine snop with Koy Catching in cmue .......- eSi ..l-t-r- : JK SSS "or 'naS.blaXTrt-.e . m "bl to" 111 and to 'do of HI. own chaI?e.r h. ; u!1 Tr garages good pleasure. I challenge your T",,;;.n to get all the new Christian spirit when you amrm tna "Father" Grammer i Accepts Challenge T. M. McQlasson. Dear Sir and Brother: Your challenge In the Roseburg News-Kevlew w&s Just brought to my attention about five minutes ago. 1 avail myself of the earliest possible . A fbrIv Vnu uv "Anv man iiiuiuvi.. .k-. - - - B.nri.t m. tin lust as much as U I un " " " I do. If SO, wny OO luejr uui uu ... t that anv man who knows the things that I do can do. the things that 1 do. uui me uiau who knows tho things that I know. cannot be a man oi ine wonu, uuv iu k.n inin thM Vliiedom of one wiiu ' " -- ' God. Jesus says, "He that doeth my , will shall know of my doctrine," and j I say ho who knows his doctrine can do his works. I do not claim, nor have I ever claimed, to do the heal- ideas that are to be obtained. WII.Hl It srilHt ltlHr S UK). T. E. Grae, of Wilbur, was a visitor In Roseburg touay a"" brought the amount subscribed by that district to tne Rear r.i fund, which lotulea ii. ......... t,,r uiihnr was 125, uui I am a fraud. I do not say that you are a fraud, hut 1 do say inai you are grossly Ignorant of God's holy law. the luw by which Jesus of Nuzareth perrormcu mirucies. auu u which I have performed them in many cases of Instantaneous healing, or you would not make this state- . W la lint "HIvlllA he&l- nieill. - Ing." I will ask you in your assumed JUST ARRIVED Large Assortment of Ladies' Silk Waists in Beautiful Shades and de signs, Philadelphia Makes. Our Price $4.50 - $7.50 See them . ALSO Men's Boy's Suits Reasonably Priced Mena Dress Shoes - - $12.50 Values $9.50 $15 Values $11.50 C. J. Breier Co. not being content with that sum supenor Un.eburg ' us', wiat Wirschcontrlted 21 97 to , It is? I gladly .P' c"m the fund and the Honor Guard f.r . . " 'SS had a surplus oi i ". v..ln at 8 reasury which they donated to ...e "7h;tV In this cltv. cause. ,h, h . -hnr-h which ....... ,. nf alalia, was aiu may procure, and let the People """" " - ' . . . ... inriee. now. my am mi, "" liven over nit wmmw e-nn. mmm H. MERTEN MOTOR CARS & TRUCKS Distributors for Southern Oregon ANNOUNCING OPENING ON Saturday, April 24 OF OUR NEW K...pnlr,v hnam hla nftertiootl. .Mrs. Scott weaver ten mis uner- noon for Eugene, where sno win tinend several days vlsitiug wun friends. B. W. Strong left this efternoon for Oakland to attend to business matters for a few hours. Visit In Kugpne .Mrs. Clara G. "Ewwn, who has been engaged in the Sunday school activi ties at the tnrlntian cnurcn, re turned to her home in Portland to day. The J. C. Pennev Company just received today a shipment of union made blue Btrlpped overalls, heavy weight, price Is i.l9 per pair, (.et yours now. Mrs. Vern Pomcroy, who has Deen visiting her parents at Round Prai- rll. naoaed through Roseburg this flftnrnoon enroute home to Portland. Mrs. L. A. Schiener, of Sutherlin. v.ho has been visiting in this city with Mrs. M. I.. Jennings, led this afternoon for Sutherlin, where she rialilia u r mil tin w W. Riecs. who . allh.r ahnw lin tomorrow night, or shut up. and retract what V.11 hAvfl said In the paper. You are due the people this much. It lu not right that you snouio. siauu n ...n.Kiin Kinu fn the wav of sin ners" and Christians. All the people In Roseburg and vlcinitv and near-by towns. Including the churches, the ministry and the city officials are most cordially Invited to be present 1 extend a personal Invitation to Mr. McGlasson to call on me mis ar tt-nnnn rtr thin eveninr at room A .nnrl nf If thlR Is not COn venlent, call me up by phone that wo mav arraneo tne matter oi on.t otvartlnn the debate. ci ... ,wl falthfnllv In the cause of "Divine Healing" and teaeh ine the world Immunity from dls- anA ..atlt WUMW, BUI.VF" o.i". ......... ITAIllH II A.UMPJa. Hotel Grand. Rosesburg, Oregon., a -tain . Latr I have Just come in touch with Rev. McGlasson by pnone, ana he has agreed to meet me in Joint .llQciixxInn tomorrow night at cnnsKiv is oiunitE. cruiser Salem' and' a destroyer were u.ueled oy AUllliiai nuwi"i . mander of the racmc iteei. 10 Immediately to Mexlcun v.atnrs, .t was announoeg. uotn . iti.n Tlie action was taken at the direction of the navy department. PUACTK'K TONIGHT. i ..1.. nranllco nf the ROSC- burg municipal band will be held at .... hla AVonlttc;. It Is de- IUO V.lJ .in.. ....o sired that all of the musicians be present as the bund nas a grea. uv of work ahead of it If It Is to be in readiness for the Strawberry Cat- nival. Tho attendance at p.ii 'c i ta vaa nni hnun cood and un- liCdlM'a ..w- .- less greater Interest is shown the or ganization Will proimui banded. DILLARD Suit was brought today In the circuit court by O. L. Logh against ... . u..- Bnn wir. for the col lection of bills claimed to bo due. Mr. Leigh alleges that lie is euiuieu to recover $75 for rent, $58. SS for An.n.m,t frnm the rented building and sold, and the further sum Of $171. l, represent iiik " grocery bill assigned to the plaintilf RIVER BOTTOM LAND FRUIT LAND in Large and Small Tracts STOCK RANCHES Call in and see us. We have a list of choice properties to select from. G. W. YOUNG and SON Real Estate and Insanuce 116 Cass St. Phone 417 hn.. Hun fleitlncr In thlfl .kA nao mnnth loft this morning for Grants Pass, where they make their home. Mr. Ritrtts is engaged In the automobile business at that place. Mrs. C. 0. Ilosmer and daughter. Miss Edith, left Ibis morning for Portland, whore they will spend sev eral tlavs shopping and visiting with Mln Hosmcr will visit with Miss Helen Wilde while n that cty. Mrs. W. W. McDonald, who tins been spending the last wek In Oak land, returned home last night. Her sister. Kate Deardorff, has been vry ill with blood poisoning, but is now recovering. W. A. Hurr and sou, Te.l Burr, left this morning for San Jose, where they will Join Mrs. Hurr and riuiM'htAr M:iP. wIlO haVA beeil St ih..i nlu f..r the nast two weeks Mr. Hurr intends returning io uu city about the first of June. tnr o'clock at Llberlv theater. Everyone city tor, .A-nut-o r.DiMvrn . COIUU. .1 1 u .... ... - - Mr. and Mrs. R. I,. Whipple left this afternoon for Portland, where they will visit with friends and at tend to business matters for several days. -o Mrs. James Ambrose arrived in Roseburg this morning from Yoff calla and will spend the day visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Rudolpn Harness. Advertise lt v-rs Review. FATHER GRAMMER Advertise iu News-Review. NEW TODAl FOR SALE Unbaled alfalfa hay. Mabley Bros., Roseburg. Fhone B-F3. Show Room ON Jackson St., Roseburg, Ore. Y'ou are cordially invited to inspect our complete line of HIGH GRADE Motor Cars & Trucks PARTS DEPARTMENT Accessories - Good Year Tires QUALITY SERVICE HARI.EY-DAVIDSON motorcycle, with side car, mechaulcally per fect. 627 Mill. WANTED Second hand boat In tf.m.l cnmlltion. Address R. Klemm, 427 Mill St. POI ND Pair of mens gloves. The owner may recover property at News-Review office. t26 7X r 1 FOR RENT Remington typewrite! No. 10. Inquire Vosburg Bros., 227 N. Jackson street. WANTED Furnished or partly fur nished house. References it de sired. Address 11, News-Review. DIVINE HEALER Father G rammer may still be found at Hotel Grand tomorrow, ou account of the debate. Is Divine Healing Tro! Father Grammer and Evangelist McGlasson of the Church of Christ will Debate the Question Liberty Theatre, Sat. Night, April 24, 8 o'clock All are Invited, Admission Free. A very special invitation is extended to the pastors of all churches, and ministers oi ail denominate I frilmToB FOR SALE Good farm of 171 acres on Coos Bay highway. No agents. Lock Box 25, Camas Valley, Ore. 33 ACRES close to the fair grounds; 15 acres In cultivation, 2 acres or chard. Price 13500. Casey-Harding. HOUSE ON MAIN ST. Just oft Mosher, 100 ft. frontage, beauti ful retaining wall. Price J3750. Cssey-Hardlng. WANTED Apartment or rooming house of from 12 to IS rooms. Give location and price. No gents. Address E. O.. News-Review. A LARGE Old Line Insurance com pany desires to make a general agency connection In Douglas county. Do not apply unless you wish to enter the business in a permanent way and can furnish the best of references. Previous experience not absolutely neces sary. Such a connection offers a permanent Income. Address O. L., care News-Review. This is a Good One 275 acres 130 acres In crop, nearly 100 of which Is creek bottom of the finest quality. Balance first class pasture and wood land. Enough oak and laurel wood to pay for the entire place. Living springs, good well, fair buildings. For full Informa tion call at our office. $15,000 $6000 Cash. CASEY-HARDINC rilOXK 334 DOROTHY D ALTON TheFlame ?k Yukon - A famous star In a wonderful picture. Svnnctt Comedy, "Treating 'Em Rough." SATURDAY Dotujlas 1'nli banks' lit "A Knickerbocker Buckaroo." ' TODAY ONLY BERT LYTELL "The Right of Way" Sir Gilbert Parker's Master Komance oi Capitol Comedy: "A Much Neededtcs.