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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1919)
PAGE TWO. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1919. By Gertrude Robison Ac? yk. V . , MISS LUCI LE 6AHT0W Misa Barton tu instructor In the .snusia department of Willamette uni versity last year but resigned at the end of the year to reopoa private class en ia voice and pinno. . . Miss Barton studied in Syracuse uni versity undtr Harold Butler, the head f the vocal department, and under Mahr and Joseph Merts of the -piano ' department. She also studied voire un ' dor Nellie Humphry and Howard W. iiytnan who is at 'present connected 'with Syracuse university, and at two . different times with Mine. Cora. It. .tiioee. Mm. Gieee has several . tours of 4-he world as a grand opera star, having ibeen .pupil and friend of I such masters as Moderate, Errant and Henshell of New York city, Mme. Hall . of Boston, LaiOhappelle of The Hague, ! and Mierzmiiski of Paris. I Miss Barton was soloist in one of the largest churches ot Syracuse for. a number of years. She has Ibeen tf most successful director of ' choruses and quartets which have been a source of great pleasure , to the music loving publie. The people of Bulem are well acquainted with Miss Barton' rich dramatis contralto voice and are glad to learn that she will be in the city again this year. TUB first affair en the week's so cial calendar is the dance at the Moose bail thkg evening., sponsor ed by the Knights of Columbus aad Daughters of Isabella. Returned sol diers, sailors and marines will ibe hon- r gaest at the affair, which is given ia honor of Columbus day. Everything is in readiness for one of the most de lightful dances of the season, music and decorations being in keeping with the event. A competent floor commit tee, will see to it that all guests enjoy themselves to the utmost. The follow . lag prominent women are acting as sponsors! -Mrs. Eugene Bckorlin, Mrs. U K. Word, Him. i Jaskoaki, Mrs. Vank Ihutoin, Mrs. R, P. Boise and Mta. Etta (squire Seely. e ' i Mrs. B. A. Nadon (Leondine Ecker lin) arrived in Halem Yiday and will he a guest at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. K Bckerlin, on .North Liberty strent, for a fortnight. Mrs. Nadon s one of the most prominent youug matrons of Hwrinburg and be fore hat marriage was extremely .popu lar ia sociial circle here. She will be the recipient of a number of pretty so cial compliments during her visit in the city. Complimenting Mrs. OR. C. Hunter upon her birthday anniversary, a eo teiiie of friends, moiobers of the Tano club, surprised her Friday evening with a delightful birthday party. The evening was most pleaaurably spent with tannic and social converse and a delicious luncheon whs served. A love ly birthday cake formed an appropri ate and arffistic centerpiece 'for the prettily appointedtable. Members pres ent were Mr. and Mrs. 11, il, Hunter. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ward, Mr. old Mrs. Miller Bevier, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Johnson, Mrs.. A. L. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Claire Inmas, Mr. and Mrs. Cal i'atton. Additional guests were Miss Margaret Power, Miss Irene Binghicm, Miss Clover Miller and Mies Macylo Hunter, , . Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Domogalla mo tored from Astoria to Salem Saturday in their new car, andt visited over Sun day with relatives. They wero accom panied by Mr. and Mrs. Elmer West ley, the latter boing a former Salem girl, Miss Johanna Domogalla. Mrs. Domogalla was Miss Lou Davey. All returned Monday to Astoria, where Mr. Domogalla is night foreman in the Hammond Lumber company's ibig mill. Mr. Westiey is also employed in the same plant. , Mrs. B. P. Walohor entertained the ladies of the South Circle of the First Christian church at her home, 1534 South Commercial street last weck. 'AT ter short business meeting the honrs wero spent in sewing and instrumental musie by Miss Helen Wolcher, daugh ter of the hostess, was onjoyed. The members in attendance were Mrs, Clioa. Davis, Mrs. taifford Elgin, Mrs. Leo Oanficld, Mrs. William .Himiek, Mrs, S. A. I'hilpot, Mrs. F. A. Hmith, Mrs. J. F. Walker, Mrs. W. A. Penny, Miss A. Aline, Mrs. Bertha Viesko, Mrs. Otto Hedrick, Mrs. E. H. Benton, Mrs. Ealph Hensley, Mrs. 6. E. Wolf, Mrs. Mary Baker, Mrs. Ruth Hatch, ' Mrs. A. J. Basey, Mrs. Joha Humphreys. Additional guests were Mrs. Barbour andi Reverend and Mrs. leland W, Por ter. The aext meeting will be Octet er 22 at the home of Mrs. William Bueiek, 174 South Cottage. The annual convention of the Ore gon federation of women.' clubs opens today at Corvallis. It if of particular interest to Salem women as Mias Mat tie Beatty is a candidate for the pres idency of the feleration, and a num ber of prominent club women of the city are planning to attend. . The convention opens witk the fot lowing program: 8 o'clock p. mCall to order .by the president, Mrs. Charles H. Castner; invocation, Rev. J. B. Bell: " America," toy the audience; welcome from city and Commercial club. ft'E. Ingalls president CorvalEa Commer cial club; greetings iram Hostess euro, Mrs. O. V. Skelton, president Corvallis Woman's club; response for the feder ation, Mrs. M. L. T. Hidden, president Wowan 'a Proeressive league, Port land; music by audiense;. president's address, Mrs. Charles U. Uastner; re ception. The following item appeared In a recent edition of the Portland Oregon ian, accompanied toy a picture of Miss Levy: Standing out among the important entertainment features of the recent state fair held in Snlem were the eve ning concerts by Miss Elizabeth Levy, an accomplished violinist or that city. Miss Levy appeared in the auditorium Of the agricultural building on Tuesday and Friday evenings, wnue on Wednes day and Thursday nights she rendered selections in conjunction with the horse show in the coliseum. Her numbers were well selected and delightfully ex ecuted and she was the recipient of much amilause and commendation. In compliment of her work, Miss Levy received a letter from Alfred Tommassino, director of the famous New York Italian band, appearing during the fair, in which 'he comimena ed her Jiiehly. He made special men tion of Miss Levy carrying out her part of the program without a single rehearsal. 'Besides 'being an accomplished musi cian, Miss Levy is very popular In to cal social circles. (November if has been definitely set as the date for the big American iie sion danee at the armory. As) the per sonnel of the Legion includes a large nuniber of the younger set as well as some prominent business and profes sional men, the chances are that the event will be one of exceptional en joyment. All former residents of Iowa are in vited to an (informal evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Bayne, 414 Bellevue street, tomorrow at 8 o'clock Plans will be made for the formation of a Hawkeye society and everyone in terested is urged to attend. An enjoy able social evening will follow the bus iness session. . . s The Hiking Iclutiy composed of group of instructors in the local school, has resumed its activities. Last week about 24 of the members hiked to the state school for the deaf and enjoyed a picnic in Painter's woods. Thursday they will go to Irokazan, the lovely country home of the a. Monro wu- berts south of town. Mr. and Mar. B. C. Hunter had as their guest over the week end, Miss Clover Miller of Silverton. Hus Miller is superintendent of the grade schools in that city. 1 (Professor John Sites announces that the first rehearsal of the People's chorus will be held ia the bapei of Willamette university this evening at 7:30. "Creation" and the "Hallelujah Chorus," are among the masterpieces which will ibe rendered by ths chorus this year. Tho second meeting of the newly or- ganTied Salem Art League will be held at tho puiblie library tomorrow evening at 7:30. An interesting visitor ia Salem yes terday was Miss Inez Stege of Eugene. Mrs. B. W. Thomas who ha been visiting with her cousin, Mrs. B. H. Campbell at the Campbell residence on South 14th street, for the past week, left Saturday for home in Coweta, UK lahoma. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Gibson of Liberty entertained a group of friends at an informal dinner party yesterday, hon oring the 6Stll birthday anniversary of W. H.: Harris. Mr. Harris left this morning for Oakland, California, where he will spend the winter with friends. The Y. W. C K. assembly room, will be the scene of the second meeting of the Professional and Business Women 's elub this) evening. All women in 4he city who axe interested, in this sort of an organisation are asked to ibe pres ent. The club will federate with ths national business women 's club as soon as it is penaasentir established. Tho third (tm in, the elimination series was played at the Illihes golf links yeatemtey. iNext Sunday the ser ies wiU end with Mrs. E. Oillingham and Mia. John Fhrrar playing for the women's) trophy, and W. H. Lerchen and Joha Farrar playing fox the pres ident's cup. PROGRESS ON MARKET (Coatiaaed from page one) time, make the usual Toad beds imprac tical, Judge Bushey said that the county ia placing heavier 'bases for the hard surface. This is done, he explain ed, to prevent the surfacing from eracking when the road 'bed sinks. A campaign against hauling heavy loads over the county highways is be ing outlined with the assistance of the district attorney, the business men were totd. 'Koads considered unable to take heavy loads will ibe numerated by the court, and notices to the effect that hauling of loads weighing over five tons over them will be posted. 'Violations of this, he said, will be dealt with, im courts. Humor was added to the luncheon when one of the men asked Judtre teushey why he always carried a red uandartna handkerchief. "I consider that a point of strate gy," the judge laughed. "I can use the red bandanna for flagging votes on the. street." . IIAYNARB WEL START ON RETURN FLIGHT TUESDAY (Continued from page one) t4tt tett st t 3i W V TRADI MAJtM We carry a very good line of Children's Underwear includ ing Nazareth Waists, Rubens, and Dr. Denton's Sleeping Garments. mm ORCHID UNDERWEAR Means Fit, Comfort A Better Grade of Un-der-Garment for Women to But. While it is almost impossible, under pres ent conditions, to meet all demands, you will find here a very complete line of this high grade Underwear. Also the cheaper grades, under the "North- Star" label, which are thoroughly reliable. These winter weight union suits are all ankle . length but come with elbow sleeves, no sleeves and high, low or Dutch neck with plenty of variations to choose from. , All Winter weight eotton Vnion Suns, regular else 5c to M Extra sisos $L00toUS Wool Bibbed Suits $3.00 to $6.00 SUk and Wool Baits - .$2.96 to $4.46 Extra Sises ..... ..$3.2o to $4.86 SPECIAL Women "s White Wool Mix- Boys' .heavy 8tnndrl ed Kibbed Pants in sixes X Fleece Shirts and Drawers 38 to 88 only, reduced each 40e to 60c, according 1 in V ... T to ,. $1.10 J to sine. MM ready obtained permission from the army air service for the flight. . He will use a DeHaviland, such as he nsed in this flight Extra gas tanks allowing him to carry over 300 gallons of gasoline Cave been installed. Owing to the length of the flight, he wljl be accompanied' "by Lieutenant Bradshaw, who will act relief pilot. They have already . made a test flight and the plane was found capable of carrying the great extra weight of fuel. He hopes to make the cross-country trip in from SO to 22 hours flying time, and because be will not need to stop, figures to eut down the time made in thisfliaht. ' Speaking of his return flight, which he has definitely decided to begin to morrow at 1:13 p. m. Maynard said: ''I see no reason why we shouldn't make even better time going east than we did eomlne west, because we will have the wlofat oar backs and have the advantage of a motor thoroughly broken in. Except for a few minor ad' justmsnts the plane is now in perfect condition. If 1 had the choice between this plans and another one in the same condition as when we left Mineola, I would choose this one, because it ha: already proved Its worth," Maynard and his mechanician, ser geant M. B. dine, were busy this morning giving their motor and plane a thorough 'examination. They are changing the roboer water pipe con nection, aad the oil ia the motor. They are not even gotnf to examine the spark plugs however, showing their confidence in the wonaeriui perioral anee of the plug. 1 - Maynard and OUne both professed to be f cells ' joe fins" as they did when they left aftaola, and are eager to start sack. . New York, Oct 13. (United Press.) Forty-three America army aviators were ready to remims their transconti nental flight today after the enforced rest over boa day. War department errors holding flyers who had eoaspUted tho first leg of the reliability rata at taeb terminals until October 0 rescinded Ut yesterday. The new orders permit any flier who ha completed th first hwf of the round trip flight between tie two e oasts to bea-in his return tourney "not less than 48 hours or mors than 66 hours" after he reached a terminus control station Lieutenant B. W , Maynard, who reached Ban Fnneisef. at 1:13 p. m. (eoast time), Betuiday winning the first leg of the race aud- accomplishing the first traaaeontiaeatal flight may start back this afUraooa. The otkei two who have eomplettd the first leg of the flight Major Car, Bpata ana lieu tenant . C, Kiel probably will not be allowed to leave Mineola before tomor row morning. They ariived at Mineola after sundown Saturday evening and the rules bar anv flier from leaving a control station ater dark. All other fliers wer expected to re sume flvinr today, the weather and condition of their planes permitting. Captain L. H. Smith, who arrived in Rochester late Saturday after breaking a propeller near CleveJr-nd. was due at Mineola this miraink. VI the west bound fliers, expected to reach San Francisco today, three spent Snnday at Salduro, Utah. They were Lieutenant L. a Webster, Captain J. 0. Donaldson and Lieutenant Alex Pearson Jr. Worn, distance ahead of there was Captain H C. Rrayton, who spent Sunday at Love lock, Nov, which i ot a control sta tion; '-' - . ' -" Mainard's official flying time be twecn Mineola ani &.u Francisco, a dis tance of 2701 miles whs announced as 24 hours. 59 minutes, 48 seconds JJnata' unofficial time between itaa Franeiseo and Mineo'n was given aa 26 hours. 13 minutes 44 seeonds. Kiel's unofficial time vas ?fc hours, 14 miu utes, 15 seconds. , ' AXRPLAKB BALES CHECKED xv.rU fW hIIIm of Cormiui air- ntnnn. tn Snitam wnre annulled todav by th supreme council of the peaee con ference. . tttttttt In the Window of Fashion And this store might well be so called, the height of the season's showing of true styles in correct women's and irisses wear is now at its fullest in variety of models, completeness of sizes -md selection of shades and materials. It will be a pleasure to visit this store now and permit the - sales people td show you particularly and personally many of the more individually becoming articles of wear ing apparel which you may have an ample opportunity of viewing in the extensive assortments which represent . nearly every item of woman's wardrobe. : r Coats Suits Dresses Blouses Hosiery Gloves Silk Underwear V Muslin Underwear Umbrellas Leather and Velvet Bags Petticoats Kimonas Children's and Infants Wear Bath Robes Quality Merchandise Popular Prices . lttplrtj (En. Where Shopping Is a Pleasure "V" BESIBTBATIOH BIO , University of Oregon, Eugene, Oct. 13 Begistratioa at the University of Ore gon to date has reached- T560 and it is estimated that when all students have enrolled the number will reach approx imately 1600, This number, compared with the 1100 registered ths first of last gear shows a decided increase sf enroll ment. ' . Sacred Heart Academy Under the direction of the Sisters of the Holy Names, Salem, Oregon, Boarding and Day school Csst Approved f'cicds Primary, Grammar and High School Departments Complete Courses in Harp, Piano, Voice Culture, Viohn and Harmony Elocution and Physical Culture Classes llcdcrn Conveniences And Domestic Ccsfcrts Scholastic year begins September 8th Address; Sister Superior M seottMMMt MM -,r- ;" " ' 7 ANNOUNECMENT '- To the People of Polk and Marion Counties. We are opening a prqdiiee market and will be prepared to purchase all kinds of produce. This will give the people one of the greatest opportunities for sell ing and buying, our place will be in operation at once. We are already now -for Poultry, Veal, Pork, Hides, Pelts, Wool, Potatoes, Onions, Beans, Hay, etc. We are connected with an eastern firm and are prepared to pay ths highest prices. Give us a trial and you will be convinced A market price will be published in the Daily Capital Journal so yon may know every day the latest quotations. Our place is located at 253 Ferry street in rear of the American Automobile Garage, Temporary Phone 399. ' BEN. MORRIS, Manager. 1200 HARHTE8. . Washington, Oct. 13. Twelve hund red marines who enlisted "for the period of the emergency," and who were sent to Haiti and Santo Domingo wHl be mustered out by the first of the year, Secretary Daniels said to dav. Thev will be broueht hom" at the rate of 400 a montS, Rugola iMft C3 Tobacco Habit Dangerous says Doster Connor (formerly of Johns Hopkins hospital. Thousands of men suffering from fatal diseases would be in perfect health today were it not for the deadly drug Nicotine. Stop the habit now before it's too late. It's a simple process to rid yourself of the tobacco habit in any form. Just go to aay up to date drug store and get some Nieotol .tablets; take them as directed and lo; ths pernicious habit quickly vanishes. Druggists refund the money if they fall. Be sure to read large and interesting announcement by Doctor Connor soon to appear in this paper. U tells of the danger of nicotine pois oning and how to avoid it. In the mean time try iNicotol tablets; yon will be surprised at the result. D. J. Pry. ASK FOR and GET EsOrlicfr's The Original Halted Milk For Infanta and Invalids) Awi ImIiIiim u4 kab.titatas I sr Make Breakfast A Barxquet says Easy enough when you Jet wise to 3 Post r or rsr 1 Si TAST! ES Apply Zemo the Clean, An tiseptic Liquid Easy to Use Does Not Stain Greasy salves and ointments should . not be applied if good dear skin ia wanted. From any druggist for 35c, or Sl.OOfor large size, get a bottle ofZcmo. When applied aa directed it eCcctively removes eczema, quickly stops itching, and heals skin troubles, also sores, burns, wounds and chafing. It pene trates, cleanses and soothes. Zemo ia a clean, dependable and inexpenrfve, antiseptic liquid. Tryit;aswebelieva nothing you have ever used ia 3 euccU ive and satisfying. Every thing that excels U unique IMPEMALES MOVTHPICCB CIGADETTES excel in those qualities the smoker most desires fra-; grantly blended tobacco, aged ; and selected a mouthpiece that cool the smoke a mais paper wrapper absolutely ; pure in a word the are' distinct. f ' -10orl3c The John Bollman Co. Branch A