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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1919)
PAGE TWO THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1919. i ! i 1 1 ii i ii ""ritfTfr" Qwtfflews , By Gertrude. Robison" I INFORMAL dinnfT parties have been the order of -the social activities Airing the past few days. Heading til list i the birthday dinner at the Ho4l Marion Monday night, honoring the anniversary of C. P. Kishop. The handsomely appointed ta.hle was ar tistically centered with white and pur ple aster, and a fw congratulatory toasts were responded to graciously by the honored guest. After the sumptu ous diner music and dancing occupied the evening hours. Ouosts at the charm ing affair were Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Bishop, Mrs. Cora h. Starr of Browns wille, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Brown, Mr. nd Mrs. K. H. oolcy, Mr. and Mrs. O. C Locke, Mr end Mrs. John Sho land, 1W Zuehlke, T. K. Hatch," Eh in lntU Wyndham Buren, W. H. I'aulus, Miss Vivian Hutson, Miss Marybclle Heinhardt and Miss Lovinu J'aunam. -- ,, A basket of rose colored zinnias cen tered the dinner table over which Mrs.. C. D." Gabrielson presided Sunday, when she entertained in honor of the birthday anniversary of her son, Carl Gafbriolson. Candlos, prettily subdued with rose colored shades, enhanced the pretty color scheme. Circling tho table were Carl Gabrielson, Mrs. E. Hufer, Mrs. S. W. Thompson, Miss Mabel Withyoombo, Miss Aline Thompson, Iaurenee Hufer, James Young, Chaun cey Bishop, Charles Kay Bishop and Mrs. O. I. iGobrielson. . . The lovely residence of I. D, Soco-lofsky- was the scene of still another birthday dinner tiunday when Mm. tiocolofsky entertained in honor of the anniversary of her son Edwin. An ar tistic bowl ofp ink roses was chosen as a suitable centerpiece for the pret tily appointed table. Kdwin Booolofsky occupied the place of honor and other guests were KoMin Fisher, Raymond Karey, Francis Cramer, Ray Todhunter, Ivan Connor, Harold Walter and Her bert Socolofsky. t ; " Mrs. Royal Nadon and Mrs. R. Web ster of Harrisburg, have returned home after a delightful visit at the home of Mrs. Nadon 's parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. Eckerlin. ' . .... . ... ', . Mr. and Mrs. August Huckestein Jr., of Vancouver, are guests ait the home of the former 's parents, Postmaster and Mrs. August Huckestein. :' ' - Honoring their house guests, Mrs. M. E. Stanford and Mrs. H. Kulper, both of Ran Francisco, Mr. and Mrs. Harold I. Pitch ord entertained a coterie of friends at an informal dinner Satur day evening. Covers were laid for Mrs. M. E. Stanford, Mrs. H. Kulper, Mr. and Mrs. Boy IBurton, Miss Edith Wright and Miss Tlo Boshnell of Port land, Mr. and Mrs. Paul V. Johnson and Richard Hansen. Tho first meeting of the Young La dies Sodality of St. Joseph's church will be held Sunday after carlv serv ices. As this is the opening meeting of tne winter a large attendance is ex pected, many important subjects that nave come up duruag the summer be ing scheduled for discussion. The Luella Kimball club will give a reception on iriday, from 3 to 5 o 'clock, for the ministers-wives and the visiting ladies of the Oregon Methodist conference. Mrs. Matthew Simpson Hughes, wife of Bishop Hughes of Portland, will (be the guest of honor. The reception will 'be held in the Kim ball school of Theoloey. . Preparations aro under wav for a big informal dance, Monday, October IS, in honor of Columbus 'Ray, for which the Knights of Columbus and Daughters of Isabella will be joint sponsors. Committees have already been appointed and no effort is being spar ed to make it a success. Detailed an nouncements of the affair will be pub lished Inter. . .' Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mnddson and daughter, Lctha, are visiting in Se attle as the,, guests of Mr. Maddson 's parent They plan to be gone about a week. . . ' A bond of $1650 was filed with the coantp court Wednesday by B. U Cum mins, son-in-law of W. W. Johns, wSa died at the age of til years im naieoi September 27, to act as administrates of the Johns' estate.. The; estate fiaat sists of about $750 of personal ami real property. Sapronia A. Farnham, daughter f Mary 8. Farnham, who died in Mama August 23, was also appointed adminis tratrix of that estate by County Jodf Bushcv. She filed a bond ef $158 ntt the county clerk Wednesday. Mary A. Farnham. was a Temaent of jasnss county for the past 30 years. V The first two non-resident licenses for hunting in Oregon to be issued ia this countv for this season, wore zivea to C. W. and Mollie Stacey of Akron, Mich.. Wednesday morning. The non resident license costs $10, which is $8.50 more than the resident license. . AUTO OWNERS ATTENTION ; Protect your Car from Rain and Mud with ' VALINE A pure wax cream that protects the finish of your car in any kind of weather, nothing that harms the highest finish. ; Every Can Guaranteed or Money Refunded v. Ask the Man for Free Demonstration Saleni Velie Co. 162 N. Commercial St. 3alem, Oregon. Wears IiKE Stcel , l'strMStl Rainy Season Shoes For Working Men Brand New Rulbcr Footwear for the whole f am3y Last Year's Footwear at Last Years Prices That includes every class of heavy footwear ; ever sold here,' up to the very best grades obtain able. Men who know our shoes naed no 'further J persuasion last year's price is sufficientbut we would impel you to action because when your size is gone, its ended, we can do nothing for you. Regular Tops $3 .75 to $725 " -High Tops J8.85 to $10.45 Heavy kip, hand pegged soles, 10-inch top " Nose better, $11.65 CITV -123456" 123456 6....6-.. .Waldo Miller, former resident of Sa lem, but who has been engaged at Portland with the Standard Oil Co., returned here Tuesday with his fami ly, and intends to make this his per manent home. Mr. MillcT was in Port land several months, and Wednesday expressed joy at the fact that he was able to return to Salem. He will make his home in East Salem. Bev. Harold J. Hickerson, a former associate of the Barnes storo, was in Salem Wednesday visiting friends. Rev. Hickerson resides at Bay City, and is in Salem attending the 67th an nual conference of the Methodist Kpiscopal church. He has been away from Salem for two years. , it Phillip Ringle. son of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Ringle, North Salem, returned to his home here Tuesday night after an absence of about two years, during which time he served overseas with Uncle Sam's forces. Young Riddle left Salem with Company M, was later transferred to the First division, and was ougaged in many of the import ant battles on the front. He fought in the eneagements at Soissons, St. Mi hiol, and in the Argonno forest; latr being transferred with the army of oc cupation to CoMenz. He probably will resumfe his studies at the high school, hero he left when the war called. Herbert ' W. Savage, well known young man of Sa-em, who enlisted for war service and left this city with Company M, returned Tuesday evening. JIo wus discharged several days ago at Camp Lewis. Savage was transfer red to the First division ammunition train in France, and figured iu some of the most sanguinary struggles of the war. Ho probably will resume his pro fession as civil engineer. . , Mr. and Mrs. Howard Porter of Umatilla county were visitors at the state eapitol Wednesday. Ralph 'Watson of the Oregon Journ ul .staff is stale enpitflf visitor from Portland today, " ' Willard iX. Marks an attorney of Al bany, was a liusincss visitor in the in heritance tax department of the state treasurer's office this morning. Miss Eunice Fleenor, formerly with the Balem Abstract company, has ac cepted a position as stenographer in the forestry department, at the state house! 2' The chemical ruck of the fire de partment responded to a call at 11:25 Wednesday morning at" 893 North Commercial street, where a small chim ney fire excited eonsideraMo anxiety in the neighborhood ft a time. The Mum was quickly extinguished, and no Jaiiittiie was done. The fire was at the apartment house ou the old Dame property. . . Within a week, the nriine aeawin will li:tve closed in 'the hills back of Scotts Mills,' S. H. Van Trump, county fruit inspector, said today. Tho orchards ia the hills and also southwest of Turner had tho bejt crops in the county, due largely to tho fact that many of the orchards are young. J a all the hill sec tions he said the crop was from a week to ten days later thau other sections.-; Tho 'bnva ilirm it.nrv nf tin Btnte in4 stitution for the feeble minded, cost ing $27,000, was accepted by the state .if (.mitral vatflrilnv Mn the high pressure steam line for which $10, wu wns appropriated out not an nsea and the addition to the barn, costing :t(K)0. Plans for the Darn and dormi tory were drawn by F, A. Legg. Work began, in all the citv's schools Wednesday morning without a hitch, and eompleto satisfaction with the opening of actual classes wus express ed "by City Superintendent of Schools Todd. Enrollment of pnpils resumed, with a slight increase in all schools. Several other service nieu entered the high school. Vota M. Smullwood has filed a peti- jtton for a divorce from Harfy E. Small iwood, 0,11(1 alleges as follow: He told her she duln t have a lick of sense. Thai she was foolish. That she was too sympathetic. That he iusisted on hat ing his own way all the time. And then ii this lost accusation wns not sufficient fot any woman to get a divorce, she added. Urn fact that he deserted her Augnst U8, 1019. All this happened within one year as they were morrieu October 20 ,118. In addition to ail these alleged faults, she asserted that he failed to establish a home and taat lie moved too often. Other localities in the TT. S. may rain a wuil about divorces keeping pace with marriages, but no so in Marion eonm,. Tho official records of the county clerk of Marion county show that during the mouth of September there was granted 9 marriage licenses and only six di vorce suits filed. British Agents In Germany Try ToHolrade Berlin, Oct. l.(United Press.) Brit ish agents are obstructing American ef forts to establish business in Germany, Congressman Fred A. Britten of Illinois declared whea he arrived" here today jn sight-seeing "tour with Mrs. Britten aad his secretary.' Britten said that British inspectors at the boundary line this tide of Cologne had treated hint insolently. After he had entered his compartment -on" the train;, he xnid, they insisted that he must go outside for thtm to examine his passes. , . "America ought to awale to the busi ness situation in Germany," Britten as sorted. "The British are allowing their own representatives to enter the coun try freely, bu,t are carefully obstructing Americans in an effort to obtain all the facts pertaining to their business and other affairs. German-American business relations ought to be resumed quickly." SALEM WOMAN FIRST POM FLU CASE Portland, -Or., Oct. 1. Mrs. S. A. Tooze of Salem was taken ill at the Multnomah hotel Monday with a disease which Dn P. O. C. Wiley diagnosed as a genuine ease of Spanish influenza-, the first bona fide report of recurrence of the disease since the-epidemic of last winter. City Health - Officer George Parrish ordered her quarantined at Good Samaritan hospital, where'she was tak en before the final diagnosis was made. She has been living at the' hotel for a time. Her sons, Walter and Lamnr Tooze, live at Dallas. Her third on, Leslie, was killed in France. Mrs. Tooze 's ease is mild, Parrish re ported. ' Her temperature Teoch 103 Monday but heddropped to 99 today. "If the 'flu' is goiiig to recur this winter, it. will be in much inllder form than Inst," Pairish declared Tuesday morniug.r "This is. the. only ease that has developed Sw, far and it has the in dications of being much less scvero than the average last-year.". ;i ; A snow-white fleer, ft frer.4: of the ani? inni kingdom seldom seen, has been ob served by a number of hunterB in the Yellowstone Crecjc mountain region. The fall pack of salmon on the Co lumbia river is said to have been a fail ure. One firm that put up 15,000 cases last year succeeded in getting only S000 this year. . Remove blackheads, soften " rough skin, clear the blood, brighten the eyes, sweeten the whole system, frothing helps make a pretty face, win some smile, as Hollister's Rocky Moun tain Tea. Try it tonight. 35c. D. J. Fry. (Adv.) Sacred Heart Academy Lebanon meat markets are furnishing their patrons with bear steaks, three having been killed in that vicinity in tho past few weeks. Blackheads, blotches and pimples are generally caused by improper ac tion of the bowels, Hollister 's Hocky Mountain Tea regulates the bowels, cleans the stomach, clears the com plexion from the inside nature's way "Get that healthy, happy look." D. J. Fry y4 Owing to a shortage of labor, Sheri dan business men are donning overalls) and assisting in the canneries at night I.J To reducs the hen- & A J V mr XiJgi Horn ivviuieg application of . VICR'S VAP0RI 3 Mm Under the direction of the Sisters of the Holy Names, Saleni, Oregon, Boarding and Day school Most Approved Methods Primary, Grammar and High School Departments Complete Courses in Harp, Piano, Voice Culture, Violin and Harmony Elocution and Physical Culture Classes Modern Conveniences And Domestic Comforts Scholastic year begins September 8th . . Address: Sister Superior WOODRY HArMOVED . to 170 Ni Com'I St. Mill: ALWAYS 10c SAME OUAUTY SAME SIZE . SAME PRICE The New Fall Vogue in Sperliinig DRESSES for Women and Misses J .Ml mm ::' BM- 127 Jt SPERLING DRESSES appeal to women of ' good taste who enjoy being beautifully and becomingly gowned for every occasion. There are effective' models in our fall show ing for street and afternoon wear in the ( fashionable new fabrics and colorings. ;We are featuring many more of these qual ity dresses than usual because we believe they are the distinctive, superior kind of dresses that our customers will appreciate. Each model possesses distinction, beauty of line and fabric, and an air of quality i that sets it apart from the usual dresses at such moderate prices. " $19.75, $24.75 to $85 2& Quality Merchandise, Popular Prices Because a exhibition plcne ran dqwn licirse and dnninged a vehicle, all air plane fliRht at the state fair were stop J ed Wcdnsdny. Learn Thrift! You can shine your shoes 50 times with a box of ShdkhA. 50 shines would cost you $5.00 or more. . ' Well shined shoes add to your personal appear ance. SttiKDiA makes shoes wear longer as the wax and cCs protect the surface, keep the leather soft and pliable. It pays to give your shoes good care when they cost so much. home: set Makes Home Shoe Shining easy and convenient. BLACK TAN WHITE OX-BLOOD BROWN The Best Health-In suran ce Is! a Clean Colon THERE ARE TWO WAYS of insuring youelf Tgainst disease. One is to pay big premiums to an insurance com pany which will pay you so much a week when you get sick. And if you get sick, most of this money will have to go to ; r the doctor who tries to make you well again. THE BEST WAY is to keep the disease-resisting forces of the body so well organized and equipped as to guarantee health. Then you can enjoy life right along, and make it pay you premiums instead of paying premiums on a policy. This can be done only hy keeping the colon clean and free from clog Ring. For the most eminent medical authorities tell us that about 9U if the sickness wo have is directly or indirectly due to constipation. Nujoljs Iht best health insurance "policy" in existence, because it keeps the colon clear and clean without deranging or weakening any af the other organs. It is the only foe of constipation which has no tin- -, pleasant or dangerous .come-back". , Nuji.l is not a drug. Every article of it that goes into the body comes out ol tlw body. But on us journey it softens any mass that may be impacted m the colon and lubticat s the way so as To make it easy for nature to move the obstruction ' pmnerlv ret rid of it ' n or any functions of any organ. f little "mouths" in the intestine rood passed along by the stom ig in an orderly, comfortable way. Iocs it equally well for babies, Nujol' never interferes with It is not absnibed by those mi . which suck in nourishment fn' ach. Its sol job u to keep thing! And it does this without any j children, adults and aged folk. Try Nujol. Get a bottle from your druggist today. ' F,r luabU health Zr-"Thirty Feet of Danger" tw,Nuio Laboratories, Standard Oil Co. (New Jersey) 50 Broadway. New York. " l" NW1, Mark. Alldnu- - .!. iw Mr tuser Iran mbstnutet. Nujjol Fbr ConsHipation Sickness Prevention I 1, jV-.1 -i V