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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1919)
he Capita CHAELES H. FISH EM Editor end Publisher tLauortai rage on ouvnai TVK Ar AV just 12, 19 19 I J NjjS ' J .Wished Every Evening Except Sanday, Salem, Oregon. I Addrew AU Communication. To stoe, burnt lime rook or bard wood 1 ashes, being placed near th roots of mm 136 8. Commercial Bt. OKEOO.N BUBSCKIPTION BATES n.n. fc rrri. wt year 5.00 Per Month. ' DaOly by Mail, per year 3.00 Per Month- ..tSe 35e J'UUi LEASED WIBJ5 TELEURAPU EEPOBT FOBEIQN BEPBE8ENTATTVE8 W- D. Ward, New York, Tribune Building. W. H. Btockwell, Chicago, Paople'i Oat Building rh Daily Capital Journal earner boy. art instructed to put the paper, on the rtk. It the earricr doe. not do this, misset yoa, or neglect, gettirg the paper ro on time, kindly phone the eirculation manager, u thie ie the only way e determine whether or not the carriers are following instruction. Phone il before T:3U o'clock and a paper will be aont yon by pecial messenger if the aaroer aayiupapu ANOINTING WARSHIPS rter ,mt mi,.. A notable precedent has been set in the naming of 'in. V the ship Tulsa at Hog Island. Instead of being christened mor. He seemed to ; .s tree tw .ime of planting ,i l b makinz himself sti-'ky ;n some war, after tree nave been planted here with champaigne, m good old styleor the bad old style, .:,, ,.,..V ,mU L t .rod;b mhw we sllould t.J Boti,, Evi ina to form in the he uinnV a kiml of wi'i soiiiotiiiiiir UKe ' , u i i i. , , , , l . , . . , . ,, ..sorymen should take tmie to look bark H sinner s wt-o, itiiiir mirKiT. utr viihi , i. - . u- 1.1 . ,L ante the duferenre in the .meant of Ht tj fl .1 .. ., .1.... i Hum mwi, i u i ms UU UUT t rui Vl o looks like tin? ici.HiiHv that I " , ,. . . , , Mothcriuine showed me ir the muse ! . .. , . ., . . , , n ttomtitiuuA of aijitv in the tuul which v is a k.nd of, said the). .Z1 ifairv. "that i rail. I a ,-oon. The "" nBr" :n.. ..ii ...... ; . At a very suuill cost we are now able ' ' tA kit irrnnml li,n tiwk f lttm tkji flrit- this n:ii.-ii. if 'wilrnn vou . ...- mm wr niiu ruiin- ititi ?ttin, ti tw jvdtih." THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL la the only newapapor U Balem whoee eirrulation U guaranteed by the Audit Bureau Of Circulation NATIONAL CARD CATALOGUE if you preferor with pure water, according to some!h"" if s"'rk ,, nV:'- wt,aT'l ! dontiv cumm...;, beu nwnt nrnhihirinn Pxamnlps. th vaj1 hnw annnint.!!' r .r an- voonc ,w a, , ed with a bottle of crude Oklahoma nptrnlpnm. It may not have been very poetical. There may even !X MutiVyou mumV" t'irt him'.t '.'iT have been a notable lack of fragrance und beauty m that thick ordorous oil trickling down the freighter's iron side. But it was a famous victory, none the less, richly sugges-j tive in possibilities. '' A metropolitan paper which finds in any new "dry"i,i,m'' l,ut in manifestation a subject for sarcasm proposed that here-lvMi-h' after ships bearing a Vermont name shall be christened Sim ,"rt'n u S,''""H ' c,-; ' moment ,i i t- . i -,i t Iwhen the end of the Kfwoa began to with cans of maple syrup, Mississippi ships with New!s,i.t. i..ik- aw it iir ope., ehc Urleans molasses and North Carolina with pine tar. But, why not? Even such material may be endowed with special fitness in time, when usage has sanctioned them. Surely ships were not always and everywhere christened with champagne. New times, new customs. There must be innovations, or the world would grow stale, and why not use, in such matters, some product having a distinct and demonstrable relation to the state or city that is honored in naming of the vessel? Grape juice unfermented, of course, might be used for California, cider for New York state, buttermilk for Illinois, loganberry juice for Oregon, clam juice, perhaps, L for Massachusetts; and so on down the list with gasoline! No nation has ever been card-catalogued, unless pos ' sibly the German nation. Senator France of Maryland fiiirnncna tn D.ifhpv n niorp poniurehensive nwans of facts : about the American people, singly and collectively, than forWes t Virginia, mineral water for Colorado and orange waTever collected even in the native home of "thorough- iUl ness." It is to be accomplished through the agency of the federal census due next year. And if Senator France's plan, already endorsed by the senate, is carried out, it will certainly be a memorable census, painful but instruc tive to everybody concerned. It is to be an elaborate survey of the man-power, woman-power and child-power of the nation, available hereafter for the purposes of industry, public health, military organization, etc., to a degree far beyond any thing possible under the old census, methods. Senator France says: , , ''If we are to abolish illiteracy, preventable injuries and diseases, unemployment and child labor, with all of their attendant ills we must know their extent and the agencies at hand for combatting them." The census legislation therefore calls for a card cata . logue recording the main facts about every individual's life history his birth, education health, employment, etc. and making provision for keping that record up-to-date. This will be an important step in the progressive or ganization of the American people. Its usefulness is be yond. It should lead to greater national unity and effi ciency and an elimination of many evils which public au thorities have hitherto been unable to deal with adequate ly because of lack of dependable data. It should prove especially valuable in case of another national emergency Kke the recent war. And big crisis calling for- prompt, concerted action would find the nation's human resources organized and ready for mobilzation. vatehed to see the ontrip'1'ar come out Kut what do vou thm't! It wasn't a taterpillar tlmt tain out at all it wa a butterfly! its i:ij;. wore painted the miiKt beautiful eo'ora dirk red and brown, with purpole nr;. The edges were a kind of silvr. "Oh, how did the buiterfiy aet into that that coeoon -.vitlfiit n j aeeing him 7 ' eried Dull v. , goa State Lime Board at a rost not to exeeed 4..0 per ton, delivered at lem Oregon. Xo better test for oveibal.m-ed eon ditioim of aeiditv in the soil than plant ing a few- sweet cherry trees, Italian' and suai prune trees, peat h plum ami' the peai'h itself the almond mid many other sweet pitted fruit trees. The sour eherry would1 be no good for a test, as this would bring two aeids together and one would not effort the oilier. It will be a hard matter in the near future for a nurseryman who has dis eased stoek to sell it at any nriee. Day- "Vmi saw him ao in.' s;;it! the fniry. light is already breaking with many "You don 't- men fl at the caterpi!-1 planters and grower of nursery stock tnr rhnnged himself af!- l wrapped 1 iniself np like that 7 It A- A ... rw - i I I led. 'Yen, something like I hat happen- The railroad brotherhood leaders in testifying be fore the congressional committe considering the Plumb bill for soviet control of the railroads continue to repeat that "something must be done for the railroad man." Well, hasn't a whole lot been done for the railroad man? He is better paid and works shorter hours than he ever did before, and is able to live better as well as any self-respecting man' ought to live. " Few of the smaller businessmen , who have capital invested, make net returns equal to railroad, man's wage and he has no money invested. The business man also works longer and harder to make, his business a success. What the bolshevik leaders of the railroads are really asking is that the property be turned over to them and that the public pay the bills for railroad operation no matter how inefficient or extravagant it may be. Good treatment seems to have turned the heads of these men and they would overturn the government which has given them just recognition in all respects, while the public has uncomplainingly paid the bills that higher wages and shorter hours entailed. The first direct commercial dispatch from the United States to the Germans was an offer to sell them malt bar ley. "Who says the Yankee tradesman don't know what, when and how to sell?" asks the Boston Transcript. The suggestion of the London Times that two dif ferent parliaments be given Ireland, one for Ulster and the other for the rest of Ireland, certainly carries the principle of self-determination to the limit. RIPPLING RHYMES By Walt Mason THIS GOOD WORLD. This world is good in which we dwell; I like the blamed thing mighty well, and I have lived here long; as down my long life path I go I find eight joys for every woe, nine rights for every wrong. Oh, now and then there comes a day when everything seems grim and gay, and badly out of plumb; but calm reflection brings me bliss for every rotten day like this, six happy. days will come. The optimist is one who knows that joys outnumber human woes, when balances arc struck; and so, with sun hhine in his heart, he labors in the busy mart, and nails the useful buck. He dues not worry o'er the grief that comes to him as a relief when happiness grows stale; no man could stand unchanging bliss; a slice of grief wc soon would miss, if there were none for sale. The pessim ist is one who'll mark a record of each day that's dark, its minutes and its hours; and he'll forget the cheerful days, when all the landscape is ablaze with sunshine and with flowers. He thinks that there are nineteen woes for every joy a mortal knows, in which he's sadly wrong; I know the good outweighs the ill, and knowledge should my counsels i ill, for I have lived here long. This price-raising, wage-raising business is simply a competitive game. Too bad nobody can suggest a way by which it may be called off. When the present congress gets through investigat ing it will probably be shown that the report that we took any part in the war, to say nothing of winning it, was all a false alarm. Since the financial experts tell us that money is so cheap, it's a pity we can't eat it.- A proper reduction in the cost of building material would start a needed era of house-building in Salem. M WES HIE DffiOPSMD (Written for the t'liited Stales School Oiinlen Army, Depart ment of the Interior.) L ADD & BUSH BANKERS Established 1SC8 ' General Banking Business Commencing June lGth Banking Hours will be from 10 a.ra. till 3 p.m. " THE TLOWERS WITH WINOS 1 tolly ran down the garden path ohaing the first but'' fly of the sea nn. It looked sn pi.t'v in the sun ltiue. Its wintfs were I'. yellow. It tt.niKSt looked a if one of the etoeueea Ihsd I. token w;iy f'ot'i lis stem ami , ' -a flying around. !t fUitetrd about 'the hotieyiueVlp mid at last set- I'tU'tl on one of the jtvo 't (ostoms. lnl- ly rame quite near. ?!:e co.iU! see thai i he l.ntttil'i- hnd n I'm;, slender tu'e ttlieif !t no!' vt.uUi hat.' beoti. if he hud n ii"-f. It v:ts soiH'tliin$ like an W-pluiiit 'a im'.., ou'.y uoi utu, a laitfer ha n n h .!'. TS It" fly s:i k thin down into th" loin pari o," the horn'? i -in k ! Mon.m. Ii;- i -"el to be sui k- ilij; -tomi'tliilt lip b:,i (tared to lt- ei.joyi- ; Hi wii'i;s ironed a'-d wt re e iitpj'te't bin linn : j "1 womj. r whu' ho i tl. ing,' ' O'lllf. i Ho is getting his hr .tkfsst,'' ! Siiull v.t!.e near her: "and a ' iiOOii PreaKrst it is. ieo. it. llo sp v, ry mnrh. nt if he sa'.d verT T.y this time Dolly va? quite used to having her question inswered almost before she iimld ait tli'tf. rhe was lint how could ho? I ib nr; see how ould do tlmt." "Mow does the idistio of th rg range into the ehioket, " n.l n.'W il-os the aeorn change ,;nO tie Dody Ah, thes aio oMer folk have asked.' fiiiry. .'.! d when Bidi r. lit! brother,, who are sold'; I'nited States sehool etniie homt from sehif n'out "th." fower w lie bi oak, l;t-'Pio-tiion 1 Tint ' answer,1., Ihe Hilly, Dolly s i"s in the treat jii'i.en i-my, Dolly t ld th) m i h win's." HUNTING A HUSBAND BY MAY DOUGLAS LOOKS LIKE JOE MARTIN 1 have nianv inquiries from different states relatives as to how I use lime to prevent gumaiosis in sweet eherry and Italian prune trees. Also how to use it as a remedy for this disesse af ter the tree lias beeome infected, and 1 notice a subscriber from 'Oregon m o .r , fM ' iVTT ' equalize the overbalanced erudition of 1919. This subscriber savs. have ' some eherry and aprirot trees that haye ,;l,,1,.v 111 ,,w "v do" tn'8 wa a ifinn aubstaiiee eominir out of tho will prevent the effect. 1'sual.v it will bark. In a short time the trees wilt 31 sure there must be (airy near, though ' tirij till- Ct'll.ll lltll tt' OIH'. "Look up ubore jmu bend," said the sniitii voit'o. ' Dully looked up iuo'. tl t u , s'.ti. 4 on ine roge i lenr, wnn i or iniv leei 'i hanging over, was on" ot the prettied j 'r'rr fairies she had seen. Thi: one wore ai . THE WI1TNINO WILES. C1IAPTKR XU The others sat grouped on the porch as we came up. The center of the group was Coustancc Dwight. What a lovely picture she was! ller dress of primrose yellow clothed her like a flower. Her drooping black hat threw alluring shadows over the lovely con tour of her face. Such an exquisite fate! 1 saw that Tom was captured by that fuce. I should have my hands full to keep Tom 'a interest. Hut .strangely enough, .lack Wilson came t my rescue. "I want to take you fellows over my farm," he said. Then cn.uily he said to mo ''Wouldn't you cure to come, too, Miss l,anef" "Thank you" I snid. ''I want to brush up my stray looks. The motor ing" .-' Jack Wilson interrupted with a laulig. ''Have vow heard the story about the Kurd that" Their voices were lost in the dia tame. ran upstairs to dab a touch of powder to my nose. I can't explain why, but .lack Wilson fills me with re piigiianre. It is ban! for ine to under stand how- Harriot can care for him. Yet I have no actual reason for dis liking him. 1 must try to got over it. The men soon returned. I could see that Dr. Bixhy was not carried away by Constance. She held no mystery for him. He had seen her mnke a fool of herself the day of the picnic. He nils eager only for one thim; my flattery. Hut he was not to get it! 1 devoted myself to Tom! I took a snlicitons interest in him and his af fairs. "Your mother asked ine to tell you Sara that she may have to go West, to close the house. Your Aunt Emily is ill. But sh;- will let you know." We ehrried on nil our conversation in low tones. Once when lie seemed a little buret, I asked him about the little Jeanne girl. ''Yes she vas as lovely as ever!" In the meantime th doctor cast meaning glances at ine. But I paid lit tle attention. My interst wa eontcrd in Tom. The most casual eye could see that! So Ihe doctor console.) himself with the lovely Constance fhvight. lively she is to look at. And she can talk do about herself. With n lit of delight I snw the doctor cover yaw n witn ma nanu. My plan is working well. (Tomorrow The Artis'ie Kletnentl and die." Here 1 wish to say that I have been demonstrating along this line for several years nsing lime and hard wood ashes to prevent gummosis in sweet pitted fruit trees. Also have been using both lime and ashes for a remedy where the older trie hit beenau' infected, all of which has ".een so sat isfactory that the theory has now be conio a jysleut used by muiiy planters and growers of pitted fruits. From travelling over the Pacific Northwest 1 find the old idea held to by our grandfathers, cutting down and destroying old trees on aeeount of gnni mosis, is changing and the liming sys tem taking place. '"Never destroy a tree because it has become infected with as simple a disease as oumnmsis. take from one and one-half to four ton. of lime per acre to equalize overbal anced conditions of acidity in the soil in the Willamette valley. I cm able to show many acres of sweet cherry, Italian prime and other pitted fruit trees that have been sue cessfully treated as aliovo describ?1. Am always thankful to have interest" t parties call and look over my work. W. M. EAl'lANKH, ,;)rva!:is, Oremn;. MONMOUTH HA NEW TEACHERS Monmouth, Aug. 11. Tin' appoint ment of three new faculty members was announced at the Oregon Normal sehool this week. Miss Edna Mingus if Walla Walla is to succeed Miss Kits. Bather go and buy ten to thirty pounds i H. Farrott as hea t of the Knglish di- ... " . . . - i . i;- T-'l A:l t Tt & of lime owing to sir'..! of tree, work it in to the soil near the roots of tree." Cutting out the canker is all right but this only destroys that winch is in partment; Miss Edit Mike of Forest (irove is to succeed Miss Lucile Chae of Balem as head of the domostie sci ence department and Miss Nelly M. sight. Here we should deal with causo Senaka of Hayes, Kan., is to take tlio and effect. Acidity being the cause of I'""' r M'sg Hndabaugh as critic ir gummoslsi, let'lse line enough to the fifth and sirth grades lu. the Mna- mouth training school. Fruit W anted Get in touch with us before selling your PRUNES, Italian. APPLES, fall and winter varieties. BLACKBERRIES, evergreens and Himalayas. PEACHES, yellow free stone vari eties. Salem-Kings Product Co. mmmmmmmaammmmmmmmmmummmammKmm sort of cream colored dre-i with trim mings pf darker color. Her face was lively, but at the wnn sweet, and Dolly noticed a very strong and sweet perfume in all tho air aiouud the hon eysuckle vine. "What does the biitt'rt''y get out of the flowerf" she as'itd. "He gets kuBov, my tioat- the sweet est and best btiney in the world. He na. 'lies "nay dutta int. the blossom and sinks it up and he don love it. 1'ok how lie is wavifg his wings be caute he is having u,h a good time." "But where tin the but tci tin come froiaf" asked the littl. g rl. "I hae loosed nod lookt d, iind 1 con't f.ti.t 'litir nests anvwlicre, or mv bush OpcaFonnn come for them to grow on. ! o thtv Ioimi out of the cloit '4. ,,,,(, -n-i niv ilrwtlr ,- aod vim wi ee," said the frtiry. "1 don's to aayth'n but a color pillar. Ho doc-n'i I. ok nuo h like a butterfly. ".lest you watch him l.'l'e while"' vtid t'ne fa ry. Wily d.dn't cure niue'.t nbut look tui; at aueii.infF ri';v as te cat'-r-piilsr, but Ue hut le:.-T,el tbat very queer thing loil t hf.ppli in the msg ic dewdrop am i so she it d stil! ami A SQUARE DEAL WANTED. To the Editor: As nurserymen, letsj oive the planter and growers of uur- ! scry stock a square deal. Since the! theorv of demonstration work ha been ! ' so satisfactorily performed and now hnsi j beeome system showing a. plainly I ' that eummosis can be prevented in pit ted fruits with the" use of ground linie-i " 1 I YITTlTETIlin i The Joy Of AW Perfect Skin" Know the joy artel ' ; happiness that corrcs ; V to on thru possessing " skin of cunty anu Th oft, di- 2 i i i f i i c . . v a skm 1 beauty. Vtingubhti 'U emkr. ibhtd appearance it J natural beity to Us full- J f In it tvurr 70 vesrs. Bean Pickers Vanted Beautiful camp ground, tents I and wood furnished. Good water. Call 830 Salem-Kings Products Co. L J. CHAPIN, Field Agent t - f-lr: PHOSE 199 ThaQuickencr Press 1S3 N Coml-or Gale A. Ce G. E. Irookinj, PrcarUtof