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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (July 5, 1919)
They Help Feed 1,720 Men Event Dau. And, As Side Line, Mend Clothes ofSixhj THE DAILY CATITAT.. TOTTRK'AT, SiT.PlT OPrpAxr o.:.rrv..- TT-.iir PAiJ '3 . 5 f , .. .. ..... --.., e'J .V i.vt-P 15 v.:Y t - v , W?; Jn " vojdngjmus rariors: lioe$lolLrigafioa;J!OUEIiai V i ( ulumliiis. On in., Julv .V If you want tfl up t t on.evprj-thin dun t at; "Lft'a tfp luta tln and h(Xt Wr." J'ul it tlii r: Ujt hare a wt in the for a rtKiling bn rri;'('" That 'a tki ttrw uanir for m Iimiik adopti'd by Mtliuiiata at temlinj; thfir ccntmary rxpnsi." tioiiTifrp ' ait ' " ii aclrrlrd out nf tlmufatiil of auggmt iuim m:i,li' to the fonti'iinrv rxpnit;( n rmn mil ire for a lt-a r'mlir nump fr the iii'H' nuft drink r lorn. Aiming the iig)entiiiii were: l)rv dar, rafoon, ii;iatiut, Midulmn, ruiiittl'on, nicetivt ntimip KUtsun, einiKiinnri', nun Hilda and jnethoterin. Mitt Genevieve Clendrnin and MU$ Marion Tiffany Show How New York's CWU Art Working to Provide Comfort For Sonlitr and Sailor Vititort. Thoy ire wallrcis In th ban. IcBt re'auriinf In New Yoik. They ii liiaki la-di like prufi alonal bmiseinaiiN, and if- "a Mitch In time mv nlnfl." they hare naved aeveral hundred thous and f I hem. All of which lit a ralhor Rund record for twrt New Yurk uliln who uever were wai tresses before, inakliift a bed V. M. C. A.'a blt Eagle Hut In "V"" eenter of letlville In Lon don. An member of tha New York tuff, MIhm (icri"veve Clendmiln and MIhk M;ii1oii Tlffuny are doing their part taking rare of tb llj.Onn uoya ho are nerved In a month at thin one "Y" hut. There I eeidom an hour of knew little alxmt the day when a crowd of aol ii nd whose aewiui (Iter and tailor are not eating wa dune for them. or writing letter, caching check Tbla miracle, nf Induntry ha and buying money orde. , getting been wrought by tha need of the free or rut rate theatre ticknt or Bryant I'urk, New York alnter having their clothe wended. Sleep- ot the Kuglo Hut which U the lug accouimodulioua controlled by the "Y" take care of 4.500 men a month, another 1,000 tee New York from "Y" bue. and a aluiilur num bir lu autoniobllue lent by owner. Twenty fire thousand letter and card are written In Eagle Hut er ery e k, and a three-cent etmp 1 old every hal,f)mlnute. In one month the "Y" caahod check and exchanged American money for for lf n to a total of VAJV). of which 10,417 wag turned back at the counter where post office monoy or deii are wild. Seven thoutand cut rate theatre ticket were pur chased, and 2.705 boy got free tic ket which had been contributed through the "Y" by their friends. And the dinner frlcaieed chic ken, hamburger etcak, biscuit, pof pie. pork chop, rout veal, cod lUh rake, fried oyster and roast beef, all for a quarter a portion ex cept the fish cake, which are cheap er. Everything else I a nickel oup, Ice cream, pie. cider, cake with marBhinallow nillng and the like. If there I any surplus at the end of a month after satisfying sol dier nnd sailor appetites at theie prices. It roe Into a few extra fop the following month. Just because Miss Clendenla ani Miss Tiffany happen to live In the Fifth Avenue section of New York has been no bar to apron and plates ot bacon and egg for a ta bleful of hungry soldier and sail or at seven-thirty in the morning. Nor has It prevented their being nn the job at eleven o'clock at night. In fact, to far as Eagle Hut Is concerned, they are Just two of the 200 or so workers In one of the city's "Y" center where boys from France and Frisco are n.aH.iii themselves at home. l'crey A. t'upr atate eris.rwer, left yesterday fur a trip through the ith era irt of the state in eunneetiou with irn.tion matters. He expect, to toil at Great Tans where he will in spect the Uold Ilin and the Grant l'aaa Irrigation Distrirt l.rjjtTta. The Gold Hill irrigation distrirt i a.Vin for the certification 0f iwo in bonds with which to enmplete the ron ntrnetion work..Tlii ajiiount ald aub atantially eomplite its irrigation v- a, tem eoveriua ahuut ."mnmi acres of land. lne Orsnts Vam itrigation district is aking for the eertifieation of $.-.),ihii1 4t in bonds for the installation cf a mmp- ing plant for-the irrigation of the first unit. I Mr. fupp.r then go over a aum ber of irrigation dintri. U that have recently been, organized in Klamath ife county and then go to Lakctiew where 4c surveys re juM beng completed for the adjudicstion of a number of streama .tributary to tioole Lake the niot im- Iortarit of which are ITev.s creek and .Cottonwood ereek. x,. . iii r , .. J Mr- ('l'ix,r will go to Summer Lake Mt. Angel, July 5 At least I.W0 where an irrigation ditrie. i. K..,,! visitors were in Mt. Anuel Monday organized for the irriL'ation of lands' aesiitiiij in the program following the 'th the waters of Ana rivr. a tribu- ruurtn Anniiitl f onventiou i.f the 1). it. ? ' Summer lake. rrm Summer K. Stnataveibaud of Oregon, which K,'1,K' he will go over the Silver lake held here yesterday. Most of the vis-1 irrigation district project at Silver itorg were from 1'iirtlaiiil, coming byjl-ke, Oregon, v.hich ha been organ special train of six coaches via thej'-ed for the irrigation of S,(miu acres. Willaiuette ajley Southern. Others! This project expect to apply shortly came in autos trout rurtltuid ShIciii, 1 'or the certification cf 4iKl.0oii in j Sublimity, Stayton, Uervais, Wood -, bonds with which to coimtruet the pro- burn St. raul, .Mclluuivillc, etc. There jeet. was a parade to the church at J0:i." Mr. Cupier exjiects to return by way Pontifical High Mass was lend by Kt.'of LaPine Oregon where he will go Jtev. Abbott i'laeidos, O. S. It. at j over the Morson project under which The parish hull was not capable of 'construction work is now in progress holding any more tUau about one third for the reclamation of the west unit the crowd wishing to participate in of the project consisting of about IH, tlie extensive program held there at Ot.0 acres, there being 27.'Hin acres in Quick Reference To Firms That Giro Serrice Oa Shorl Where Bayer And Seller Meet We , Recommend Our Advertisers. EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL Salem Electrie Co., Masonie Temple, 127 North High- T!jh -Vaia IK REAL ESTATE AUTO DIRECTORY nH SALE Good S room house with j modern convenience on large lot,! abundance of fruit, on paved etreet. j 6 room houso, small barn and fine i lots with abundance of fruit, onlv 2 ! mode rrom paved treet and school. l-'iH). Square Deal Bealty Co. tf AUT08 without drivers to aire, 1 dol lar per hour. 197 8. Oou. 6U Phoa 399. u CONVENTION AT MT. ANGEL. WHY SELL FOR LESS? We will pay you more fa for year household goods. Get oar bid before you etl. People Furniture and Hard ware Store, 271 37. Com. St. Those 734. BEST BUT 8 I 36 acre all the best of river bottom, "3 cultivated, well fenced; 6 room! bungalow, barn, hov house, chicken house, family fruit, growing crop if i Jld soon. This farm is worth 250 r CtTAUri UIUTi TAAHC per acre, but to move it quickly uiXUalMlATSiJ uUUDj will take $b.-i00 on easy terms. 1 5TO CASH REQUIRED Good overeoev 100 acres. 90 cultivated, house. 2 . n,i .,,:. .n v..,i. barns, lots of outbuiklings, well fene- j ai instruments, shotgun, rifle, heat- . , tioTw vu bcuuoi ana ffiauon, e :."W p. ui. The Common Average Shows How Ford Cars Lead the project. At Hend, Ore'on, Mr. Cut per will go over the Tumalo project and other projects in Deschutes county. ALL TEADES WILL STPIKE i Kan Francisco, Julv 5. Cliartrine that Xo strong evidence of the wiportaut t.r;l,c"t!d ""einpti to aeci.r erbl fact that the Ford Motor ear has be- tat'n ,( Wepfcoiie come a veritable part of the ha of the Am tttlk,e 'iavo hent frus by people, could be asked for than is giv- he tw lct ' in in the rcgistrution records cf the ,'. ot,B to titrate the bun Fran .ri,,.,. atu. .niA -a -i..- CIM0 labor council today announcpd 1 1 that St hai mmnAil in r ftnialiA try. fight in behalf of the telephone work er. New York, July 5.- The irnnsport with 186 TODAY'S BASEBALL SCORE National Pint C.ime - R. IT. F.. Boston : 2 II 0 HrooMyn 4 10 3 kc;it.nin mol; I'l'effer atil Krilei. .Hicond gallic Boston 3 12 4 Brooklyn 13 18 1 I'lieney, Kent I, Filligim tmd Gowdy; Mit hrll niid Kiiie(er. r.' V..rk 10 7 0 I'liiliidelphin H li5 1 ':(iiev. I'iil'iiii noil MiiCartv-! R iev. - . ' 'I. firJ All. I IS. . ..... ! .klltilll., .tlV. Wooi i'ittHlnira ('.'liter :i tHimMt. 10 o o years he turned over to his wife all his money but that instead of suving it for home, she njirut it recklessly. Also Ihiil she did uut waut to live on a farm, clniming life was too dull nnd uninteresting out iiu the eolintry. He nsks for the divorce himself and also the custody of tho five year old child. How To Get Examined For Auto Mechanic For instance, iu the month of Janu- ...... l. .. ... ....... ii i.ii ..... .. r ft 1 1 ..... I. .. . ui, iii.-iv m-iv iiiT-w aia ill lilt inhkv. , , , - ,1 .,. , , . . . , i .i . . , . m Nothing will be left undone to win registered in the state of Montana, of j , . , , , ,, - il i. ,m l. , in - industrial freedom and a liviLg wago which 4790 wero Ford cars. T u ru?ans , . . ,, ., t. , . . P P i , for these girls," said the statement ui- one Ford cur for every other, of every , . , ., ., ... . , 1. . ,ued bv the council officials, muke end M0 over. This proportion is , , , very eeniy niuiutained in mo otnor i i . TEAN3PORT ARRIVES states, mere are more tnau o,uuu,uu motor cars iu operation in the United U... .. IL.... ... L.lf .1 L!.L ' ru... -n, r ,, vv-..a.. Ul suks 'o Mount Vernon arrived today i ...i., . officers and GG."0 men aboard. The Truly, Henry rord has been t, kreat C8sprt cn , ,og offi(.erg anJ ,453 factor of benefit to humanity as ho has mMf just prpefdc(1 nor. The Ltvhthan brought the most economical solut.ou to ,th M34 ()ficerg ,nd 7329 e w the great problem o transpotrHtion,' t(Hl to d(K,k Amt MJte 5 and by the fruits of hi genius has link- m ctltown and country, community to com- " m munity, aud made the whole country a! OFFICEE WAS DROWNED common meeting pluce for ell the pco- , 1 v Lawton, Okla., July 5. The body of vu.i uj -uvu I Lieutenant Colonel H. H. Batiman, for- On tho loth day of Deeombcr at 1:55 lnpr at.tin(f conmianding officer of the p. m. in tho year 1915, the Ford Idotor f:ni,i ,.iii,.rtr vnrt sill wn. (company cast one inillioutlT Ford covered from Medicine Creek here to , model T motor, the famon power plant ,iav. where the colonel irave liu life to of the famous Ford ear. It marked a gavo private soldior from drowning, great achievement when 1,000,000 mo-i Colonel Huteman yestcrduy afternoon tors had been cast eonsecutivc.y, with- Mw private Joe Bukoby, Muscatine, miles from Salem, onlv s3 per acre, 115 acres, 23 cultivated. 8 room house barn, garage, all nece-ss-ary outbuild inss balance of the place in timber and stump pasture, fine family or chard; only $70 per acre, Vi cash bal ance 0 percent. 117 acres, all the best of river bot tom law); 60 in cultivation and in crop, which all gooe; good 8 room house, two old barns, ail well fenced. IVi mile from Beuna Vita, owner waut to return to Eoope; only $73 per acre. For best buy in rnnchca or city prop erty see SOCOLOFSKY, Bayne building. JUNK WANTED . Call 398. Highest prices paid for jock, second hand good and machin ery. Be rare and call 898, get the right price. The square deal hone. CAPITAL JUNK CO. 271 Chemeketa St Salem, Or. Ii. Al. Travis hn brought suit agaiust .1. :. Stupletou. It is ulleged thnt the dcfeiiiliint gave a $90 note in 1914 to the Cottugo Jroe buk aud that there is still duo on the note $71.- i,t. The bank assigned the note to the i for examinations pluiutiff for collection. Every automobile mechanic in Sa lem or in fiu't, from any part of this section of the state will find it neees- mflre ti tm tn Iknrt1utwl to ttt.inil on nr. amination as to his fitnos to folIow breadth of change from the iowa, rillu a horse into the treachc.ous I. tho occupation of auto mechanic. The law passed (by the late legisla ture provided for aboard of automobile T..l. Vl k...... rt..tian.l .....I foil A Hull') WllllHC iiiii.i,iivu m. Inriirinnt itncjirrn Un April 8th, at 1:J0 p. m. Iu the 0ff. The colonel ran to the bov'a as year 1919, the Ford Motor company cast Stance, but the lady's strangled hold nip inree miiiioniu mouei i uioior, ana plled the office down. Anollier offi- runniug from the picnic ground, 'r urrcll; IlnmiJtull and American . K:ime w anli'ii 'lon N" Turk .".3.3.'Z".'" , '!". ttlnl( linnsn, t.-ill nd l'ici wh; St'hncider, Nelson end Haauah. 1 C 10 10 lu tho matter of the estute of Karl Wood, 'tho court has s'Oiil'irnied the sule of two third 'interest itiT- acres in the donation land lnim of 1'eter fox, in T ii K 1 w itur $j;;;i:(.;i:i. The wid ow si ill owns one third iutercsl in the li acres, placing liy the sale, the vslu tiou at $:i.oo. Boys Aid Big Store In Patriotic Display Second aamc - I Incidental to the nntriolie character "isiiiNutoii 4 10 0 0" the Hig ictory i'aradi' yesterday few oYrk 8 9 0 were several features thnt made good rhaw and Gharrity: Russell and ltuel advcrtisiii( for locnl firms. One of the - .most uniiine nnd effective ''stunts" f irst gnnie Iwns pulled off bv the Hnlcm Woolen jkiladi'lpbla 5 7 1 Mills Htore, in which they were assist lx)!"nn 3 12 1 ed by about Lr0 vigorous boys. I'rc Itogi-rs and AlcAvoy; luniont3 aud vious' to the celebration the store gnve B hmiu, , i ...i . 4i.... i (fiber helmets, with a decidedly mili- .......... C 9 1 tary air about tliem. Such wns the de- 3 8 3 maud for the bead genr that the entire .Staling,-; Fiiber nnd lot went out in about 40 minutes. j Along with them went a stipulation I that they should oome buck on the 2 9 2 morning of tho Fourth fret a bunch of 0 9 2 free fire crnckers and whistles nnd get iotliorou and Into the purude in a body. The boys Iwern all on the job when the parade 'started, end thry inude a noisy, notice !bl(! feature as ihin- marched in double I file, the lender carrying the national Colors and others displaying banners bearing the mime of Hishop. They stuck to their job well iu 'pite of the heat nnd the fact thai at times the parade moved so rapidly that they had to sprint to keep up. In tin r I T1h' Wo"'1'11 willH S("rll n'reaily the OlVOr'C Slllt Of Xelli.. Torn- l,nut nlnmlin llliainnai ill its linn in auaiiist Henry Turnidge, the court he city, is planning to eiiluige their "I'l'ointed John TimiM 1.1- floor sntree in the near future to ac r' " gitnrdinn t... 4i eotumodate their growing business, nnd Msonlv Cr "ri,''B.dftfrnasnt B also to make rot mfor a distinctive com,,;..; ', An"W(,ri" ho boys' department. In view of this they '"l the defendant acknowledges 'are investing thoiistmils of dollnis in alio March 1(1, 1()H( and tliati"'0 finest modern fixtures, including ;!f) ."'' '"' with him onlr until April P'nte glass cabinets nnd cases that will out i ''' alleges she ieft him with- n01' nly make for convenience nnd He ,,".V r,,ll!",n' d ajjniiist ,w ill. I00'1 condition of the goods but will er r "f nso intiii(r with oth- (freatlv to the attractiveness of 11 anil iul. .1 . . . .1... ... a-v.. .i - " 1111 court mat lie lie hw riuiv. of the . ,.i. VOr''0 "Winst lier instead ! mug. Detroit Im-ao nnd P'liall,. ''''Mlan.l I.Mlil lllpi'l- & reid. anil o,i 4c Why not? Read Bishop's ad today. a. j. . Court House Notes has mechinc exammers and also provided ir vnn MmtifMy ti1P ia PVCry de- inui iiiis uoru Miionni meet oi-lliontniv ,a;i .;,in, . C l.'.i.i ' . ... .. , i..., .up o was r. I most (irownea aitcmpriu v .1 . i. :.. .... . L .. c: ... K . tii-nmle. At.ii... Klmml, Fll .,,,1 v. n". F-"" """. "' uatemnn. RPnp Ford model T motor thnt was east. The boerd of auto mechanic eaamin- Thro' niiI,ion of onp l,ic,, uf m? ers are sending out blank, to county I lsm rasf' onc aftlr the 0,her' clerks asking that nil mechanic fil'l. change, is certainly about OS strong out blanks and send in to tho board ty evidence of perfection as it would be possilileto-conceive. Already now more Government coal production figures point to the "greatest coal shortage in history" next winter, unless production is stimulated 25 per cent or more throughout the nation. Shipment of cattlo interstate without having them properly tuberculin tested i prohibited by an order just issued by the secretary of agriculture. TJ, Capital Journal Daily Market Report to save July ;. The law provides that tho Iboard shall notify the county clerks from time to time of the time and places it will meet and thnt ny mechanic who wishes to tnko the examination must notify 'the board of his intention by the 2(lth of the month. However, if the auto mechanic is in no great rush to get in first on the exnminntion, no great damage will be done, as the law provides that no fine can be imposed until six months after the luw becomes effective. As there was no emergency clause, the law went into effect May 29. Tlte law ilescrilics a mechanic who works on nutommbiles as follows. "An iiiiloiiiobile mechanic is defined as any person who thitll work for hire or hold himself nut to work for hire upon any automobile or automobile truck.'' There is an annual fee of $."). Each until mechunic is allowed ono helped but this helper nnirt work with the me chanic who has stood the examination and has a lie ens,'. Definite information as to the workings of the biw may be had from U. (I. Buyer, county clerk. rntsT M. E. CHURCH thnn 3,000,000 Ford er.ra in daily serv ice, nnd more thnn 3,000,000 alone let rying this famous model T power plant. A further pressing fact is that there has not ben a dny in the p.'.st tiiree vears when the Ford Motor company has not been moro thr.n 100,000 tars be hind orders for immediate delivery, andj the output at the present time is In ex cess of 3000 cars per day. W. T. EIQDON 8i CO Undertaker 252 North High Street i.'hurch and Ntnte streets. 9:15 a. m. class meeting. 9:45 a. m. Humbly school, John W. Todd, superintendent. 11 a. m. sermon by Dr. It. Avison on "Wav ing your lffp. " 3 p. in. Mr. Ifosebraugh will spenk at the Old People's home. 7 p. in. Mrs. Mary I'arounngian will lead the Kpwurth League. 8 p. ni. At the evening service the pastor will scak on. "A Oreed for our time." (iood music. Strangers will be Cordial- lv welcome. R. X. Avison, minister. 10,000 ABB STRIEINO NOTICE! Bill Hart, Charlie Chaplin, Fatty Arbuckle and three acts i r n 0 .i Less Than Million Men t Vaudeville tor those Now Remain In Army! eW the best lo be had FRIDAY and SATURDAY, JULY 4th AND 5th BLIGH THEATRE Sign of Good Shows, Where Everybody Goes. Orau Wheat, soft white 3.10 Wheat, lower grade o asmple Oats, new 80e Hay, cheat, new $15ft 11 Ha'v, oats, new il.'ifJSlT Barley ton : W30 Mill run ..... M3 Bntterfat. Butterfat - - 53c Creamery butter : 5536c Pork, Veal and Uotton Pork on foot lh-tgWc ing stoves, ga dove, suit caso m4 1000 other useful articles to. aell W trade. What have yont The CapitaJ Exchange 337 Court St. Phone 403. WE WANT YOUR used furniture, stoves, earpeU and tools, a we pay fair price for everything. Call 947 CAPITAL HARDWARE i FCILNI TL'RE JO. 2S3 N. Com'l St. Hats Blocked HAT BLOCKING I clean aad block la dice' and Men 'a hat. Just re ceived hat renovating machine. It gets the dirt, Try it once. C. B. - Ellsworth. 495 Court St. fiedem, Or. STOVE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 50 year experience, Depot NstionsJ aad American fence. Sizes 28 to 58 in. high Paints, oil and varnish, ete. Loganberry and hop hooka. Salem Fence and Stovf Worka, 250 Court atreet, Those IU. J. A. Rowland Furniture Stcrs Buys, sells and exchange new us 2d band furnituro. AH kinds ot repair work, light grinding, fUiag, and brazing a peeialty. Bight price. 247 North Commercial . Phone 16. SCAVENGER SALEM SOAVENOEB Oarhage Mi refuse of U kind removed on meat ly contracts at reasonable ratM Cesa pools elcancd. Dead animals re moved. Office phone Main 167. 19(a20c 7(?9c o&'Vsc lOtalle ... 45 7c 40c 2224c Washington, July 5, Army demobi lization figures today show a present army strength of about 93d,ii00 men. Discharges to date have to takd 2,755, 707129,080 officers and 2,626,027 men. Sinco the armistice was signed tncit, have sailed from France l,5o2,!i$2 68. 710 officers and 1,513,972 men. There have been landed in the United Stntrs 1,461,38862,089 officers nnd l,3l9,29it men. Army enlistments to dute lotal W 771. ASSAULT CASE DISMISSED diLl.e'l0,,n"na V.J. Creso, . . " "nswers resou I son, the ' I Yes! Mallory hats at Bishop's. Oct yours now! Much interest was manifested in the assault case brouglit by Nick Miller ,ng:iin4t John A. flltt and Lieut, ('has. Coghlan which came up in Justice Iluyes' court last Thursday morning for preliminary hearing. The clinrxes was assniij upon another with a dan gerous weapon. After hearing the evi dence District Attorney Max tiehlhar moved tlmt the case be dismissed and the court did as requested. John ar son represented the defense. Wooil burn Independent. CANNEBY STABTS UP Expenditure of ."lOO.OOO.OOo during Cfe married I i e'n ,hoy!,,", nox' fiv ynrs in developing u nit- v n s,, . . si an'1 tliat hey tionnl waterways system is proposed in! "m n! a ii,. - ' '"mi, ior Id Portland, Or., July 5. C. F. Kendri- gnu, secretary or tne mciai i runes Council, claims that 10,000 niclnl trades ii.A m.A n oriirrs urt: in.i iivii'itiiiit; ji. mi: aumc tnt ... n . , i ,,., The new Woodlmrn cannery started which was called as a proles ngninat M()11(, momi tor , Iaj , ,, the convi.-t.on of Tliomns J. Moonev. , hM Btmwi 01llv fur a Bnort tjinp f0 The shipyards, in which tne metal niakc cy ci,n?es in the sealer. trades workers employed, announced there is a force of 2.1 which will be in- siispension of ojierntioiiH for ten day e reused) after the logandwrries have beginning July, so it is impossible to been hondlcd and these are now being definitely determine exactly hew niuny canned At present. Tho capacity is men nrc "striking." 1 1200 cans an hour lndccndeiit. ii 0 J I niiimiiiJi.i" '"".' ,' anaMriss-tMMiits-w ftiTUi-. Salem s a Good Place to Tradebalem s a Good Fiace to Trade Our Want Ads are the Bait that catch the Big Fish Result Try one in . tomorrawVDaoef Veal, fancy - Cow . Spring lambs Ewes . Sheep, yearlings Egg and Poultry Ksir an - - Hens, live - Old rooeter 15 Broilers - 23e v"egetawea Strawberrie 12.15 Radishes, doz . 45c Potatoe ... $2 New potatoes 4c Green onion do 40c Onions sack. ... 5.50 Cabbage - 4Hc Head lettuco 70 Carrotts 45c Bunch beet 45c Cantaloupe $:i.304 I nut Watermelons 3',ic Orange $5.756.50 Lemons, box $78 Banana - 9 Vac Calif oruia grape fruit 0.00 Um.ey, extracted 20e BetaJl rriee Eggs, dozen .... 4550c Creamery butter 65c Country butter ... 5.)(at:0e Flour, hard wheat 3.103.25 Portland Market MONEY TO LOAN On Good Beal Eetate Bosurity TEOS. K. FORD Over Ladd k Bush bank; Salem Ortgoa FEDEBAL FABM LOAN 3 54 fr eent interest. Prompt fervice. S4S years time. Federal farm loan bo 44 for gale. A. C. Bohrnatedt, 401 H tonie Temple, Balem, Oregon. Portland, Or., July 5. 'Butter, city creamery 52(o .l.'lc Eggs, selected local ex 434ic Hens 2.127 Broilers U(a 27e Cheese, triplet 3739c DAILY LITE STOCK MABKET - - Cam Receipts 14 Tone of market slow Good to choice steers 9.50(Tt 10.50 Fair to good steers H.50(i9 Common steers $"i.50(a7 Good to choice cows ard heifer $7.308 Medium to good cows and heifers .j.50f:0 Fair to medium eow and heifen .$7..".0fa8 Cnnners fl.lOfaO Bulls $'4.50(Ti7.50 Calves tdH 13 Hog Receipts 210 Tone of market strong. Prime mixed $20.1020.6iJ j Medium mixed 19.60i9.SJ INSURANCE COO'Cin-JVir fr re formation about Life Insnranee ) 3. F. Hutchusoa, dist; manager for the Mutual Life of N. Y., ef fie t 371 State St., Salem, Or. OffiM phone 99, residence 1396. M WOOD SAW w. 1255 N PHONE 1090B Oar Price are Bight M. ZANDLEB, Preprieter , Summer Street, Salem, Cregoa -. ..- REPAIRING STEWART'S BBPAIB SlIOiP Un mowers grousd by machinery; all kinds of grinding, lock smithing, ant brellae recovered, light repairing of all kinds. 347 Court St. LODGE DIRECTORY KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS MKET AT McCornack hall on every Tuesday at 8. Walter Lenon, C. C, P. i. Kuntz, K. R. k S. ROYAL Neighbor of America, Ore gon Grape camp No. 1360 meet every Thursday evening in MeCornaek hall Elevator rvice. Oracle, Mr. lwr rie E. Bonn, 648 Union St; recv der Mrs. Melissa Persona, 1413 H. 4th" St. Phone 1436M. WATER COMPANY sALEM WATEB rv;;iTANY Offi eorner Commercia! and Trade street Bill payable monthly ia advance. Ph-ee 606. Out of CO students in the pnarmaey department of the University of Wash iegton thii year 30 are women. To replace the old building recently burned, tho school district of Empire, in Coos county, has voted (and of 112,000. Rotth nnd mixed flS.lOQ 18.35 Pigs $17.0018.60 Bulk $20.0(r20.:i.l saecj Receipts 307 Tone of market slow Prime In nibs $12,506 1:1 Fair to medium lamb ffr 12.10 Yearling io?8.50 Wethers 6.50(S8 Ewes $o.50(&8 .':I2t