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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1919)
TVT"TrVTYTe"rvYVTvnr iOssl P mi Or tentorial If CHAKLE3 H. FISHES tiitor aaj rablihr a?e. or i ne u !oumm TirrRsruY June 5. EYEX1NO 1919 i WUQl J w -v-Ny--vXAA Published Every Evening Except Sunday, Salem, Oregon. A&lrett All Commonicationi To r '- - - ' - iALEM 138 S. Commercial St. OBEOO.N ei'BSCKIPTlON BATES Ikl'v. bT Cirrier. er rear l-VOO Per Montk. Dwiiy by Mail, per year.. .3.00 Per Month.. rVUa LiAbKD W1BK TKUEGKAPll BfcPUKT GERMANY'S GOLDEN CALF. Germany does not want to surrender Wilhelm Ho- Mamette Chapter, Red Cross ! llianks Fa.tMuI Workers re a com plete history of Willamette chapter of the American Red Cross its officers and coworker, and henzollern and have "him tried for his crimes by an allied! la Resolution. ' tribunal. The majority of Germans still seem to feel a .... . trz7 . fl H.. ik.- L mL i. i "hcrea. in the "Peace issue of the ocime ui lujauj W UliS l-iiCIl IHUnurCU. lliey nave Opeiliy Oregon Hatesinau of Mav 24th. the . U ! J ...:iL U: i l- 1 .m i .i n, 1 urtio - i - sviii uutuucu ft i lam in nis exiie. inpv navp npvpr in,-'" .v r-c"'"" - their hearts, and seldom with their tongues, blamed him fnr th nrienn nr tha rnnr?nr of t ha xnnr rru i i i i i ,' ,i , i , Whereas, i said report the names of I hey have never seen through, his shallow bombast, some of the chanter most faithful and his histrionic strutting and posturing before them and the I T1 w, ers w,'re PurrS(,'.v elimi rest nf thp wnr n. hpv asfincmtn him with rhn Hqv At FOEEIQN EEPBESENTATIVES iPrmnnv'c roil hnnmnc on1 .,tr,n,, 1T,. f tV, W. D Ward New York. Tribuna Building. -.. - ""rt""" 6'l"""-' -u.ia.wjr w wkui w. h. stoekweii, Chicago, Peopled Oa Bttiiding iara still convinced that, except for unforseeable accidents n. c.pit.1 joai e.mer boy. .r. inStrBcted to put tk. p.p.r. . of war he would have led them, as the Chosen People of fwrth. If the carrier does not do thia, miaae. you, or neglect, getting the paper j the Modem W Ol'ld, into neV and greater haDDineSS and U yoa on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, a thu i. the only way. vJorv ... un;n. hMhr at nat th rarriera are following io.tructiona. Phonel elul J ' II before 7:30 o'clock and a paper wiu v aeni you oy ipeciai mewongor u wioj arrier ha. muted yoa. THE DAILY CAT IT AX JOURNAL U the only ewiiaper in Salem whoae circulation ii goaraateed by the Audit Bureau Of Circulation. EE 3SBSBSB8B8BSR fYVVYVYVYVY NO MORE SHIPPING TrvUST. One of the corporate bogees most feared and de nounced in pre-war times was the so-called "shipping trust", the International Marine company, organized by J. P. Morgan. It is quite true that this corporation dirt, for a considerable time, aim at monopolizing the Atlantic trade, and succeed in controlling a considerable part of it. There was strong objection to it not merely because of its monopolistic efforts, but because much of the stock was foreign-owned. The monopoly menace vanished when the United States government went into the ship-building and ship- operating game, and assumed charge of trans-Atlantic shipping. The huge new tonnage purchased, built and contracted for made the "trust's" 1,200,000 tons look rather small. - Now the situation is further cleared up by the sale of nearly all of the company's holdings to a British con cern. The sale eliminates all British interest in American shipping. There will be left only ships of American reg istry, under American ownership, to compete with foreign-registered ships under foreign ownership. Thus we have a -genuinely American merchant fleet which is, or soon will be, sufficient to meet all American transportation demands, and which under the conditions enforced by the government will be retired to observe the principles of fair play and honest competition. Thus the seas, already freed from military menace, arc being made, in one economic sense, freer than they have been for many years. Austria is to be let off with an indemnity of only a billion dollars. Which would be a cinch for her; if she had the billion. UKti'.l, and Whereas, among thtise who were de- , nied recognition was Henry V. Mer- j ern, chairman of Willamette chapter1 who has served in that capacity almost ; from the bejjiunin?, and whese ser- j vice, were iuvaluaMe on account of the splendid assistance rendered, ,nd I Whereas, among others whose valu able service were ignored was he ' most estimable wife of Henry W. Mey- j ers, his sister-in-law. Mrs. Milton I.. Meyers, and Walter IK'iiton the for mer having faithfully discharged the ' duties as head of the surgical dre- i ine department until her health failed t when this work vh. taken nn hv- Arm ' 'Milton 1 Movers Who was uutwerv-; mgly devoted to the duties devolving It seems not all unlikely that most of the Germans would rejoice to see their former kaiser on his throne again. What can be done with a nation which persists in worshipping the golden calf of royalty even while pro fessing faith and observing the forms of democracy? The first step, obviously, for the Allies is to make a thorough! upon her and the latter having done exnosure of Hnhenzollern nrptpnso snrl rrimp nnH then Bt'lpn-l!d work wi,h ,h n'hty piedg- i-i ii tt i ii . .i i .. . ea, ana lane me nonenzouern iamny ana remove it, root ana branch, by exile or imprisonment, from all connection with the German people. Deprived of their imperial idols, they may in time attain a self-respecting political faith that will enable them to understand modern civil ization and make them safe to live with. Whereas, it i the firm conviction of all those who have been actively identified with the work of Willamette ehapter that an injustice has been done thoe who rendered such splendid ser vice in liehalf of those who were ready to make tho supreme sacrifice. Therefore be. it resolved, that the of ficers of Willamette chapter deplore the fact that in giving a history of this chapter of the l!ed Cross " the names of Henry W. Meyers Mrs. Hen The report of the election result given by the Daily n.:i.l T l l i. il capital dUUHiai, yesiemay, was, we tmnK, me mOSC COm- ry W. Meyers, Mrs. Milton L. Mevers plete ever printed on the afternoon following an election Wa't" 1)ent0" WT 'Jimi"Vfd l 1. . r . n t , . , fi, . , , 1 from what was suwiosed to be a his- in Marion county, umy one precinct witn r registered rtorv f wniamctto chapter, whose voters was missing. , This good work was done with the help of the election board members in many instances and we want to express our appreciation of. their assist ance. The public wants the election news quickly and it is always a source of satisfaction to the newspapers when they are able to meet expectations in this respect. As usual the people of Oregon showed pretty good collective judgment in their voting Tuesday. The more meritorious measures won and those of doubtful exped iency were decisively defeated. i That Tennessee soldier who killed 22 Germans and captured 125 in one fight is going into the ministry. The Devil seems in for the fight of his life now. THE PROMOTER'S WIFE BY JANE PHELPS BARBARA MEETS A REPORTER FOR THE FIRST TIME. Pancho Villa seems determined to refute the belief j that he is dead. RIPPLING RHYMES By Walt Mason BE SUUE. Be sure the voters want to hear you before you rise to make a spiel; alas, the weary people near you don't al ways tell how bored they feel. The world is full of deso-l him, Forbes, is returned forthwith." There followed some more irrelevent tuff then: 'rhc had quite an CIIAI'TEK (.'V lit. extended clientele anjoii( people of 'What Is it Neil?" I asked as soon small means who cave him their all as we were alone. "Are you ill, deitr!' because of his jrlowilfir promises. It "No! nothing so simple as being ill. remains to see what thei- attitude will Nnrhnm ! .mi 'I tell you, .you'll have be when they know he has swindled j to reail it lor yourself. That skunk them." . ( Scoll is trying to niin me." . , i too,i motionless' with the taer If. .. - ... I I....,, T 1.. .1 . 1 . . . ' -living io ruin juii, 11.1 i i uimir eiutencii in my nnnil. A groan from no move Hi lake the paper extended, 1 Neil startled me. rating is 100 per cent for good work, given, by tho Northwestern division of the Hed Ooss. YOUR CHANCE TO OWN A GOOD CAR One good used Velie, 6 cylinders, overhauled, runs like new. A baigain at $U3 1918 Chevrolet, five good tires, run about 3500 miles. A buy at " $750 5 passenger Chalmers in perfect mechanical condi tion, would make good delivery car. A snap - $375 One Flanders bug, rebuilt and in good shape, is worth more but will sell at J275 1915 Ford in A-l condition, going at 35Q See these buys at SALEM VELIE COMPANY 162 North Commercial Phone 1601 DALLAS STORE SOLO (Capital Journul Special tier vice.) Dallas, Or., Juno j. W. R. Kills, the pioneer conferenetio-ry dealer lu this lity Monday disposed of his place of business on north Main street to F. & Kersey and Joel Shuw of this city. Mc. Kersey formerly conducted an e.stal weconrt vice chairman, lishment of the kind a few doo;s nortu OLADVS PITCH t'OKl), of he Kills store hut s.,1,1 it f th. .,. v vvrtv ' fcwe'ftary break of the war with Germany bud en- Jlll-' litoil 111 llm rniitfa it inti.ui, u T. I. Tvtijy v a f t r r(vr.TTre9Urer" w,lit'1' ,le "l'"'cd two years, most of J . A. ELLIOTT, .which time ws o,.t. In l. Hliaw.was until reeeutly interested in the Dallas Meat company. Tho store OITV TXT o t WW A f W k vo WiU be ren'od(,l,d '8rlv lnt "4 BUY IN SALEM ALWAYS made in,to one of the most un-to-date tilnces nf its kind in the valle. He it further resolved, that a copy of these resolutions be spread upon ths minutes, and that a copy be sent to Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Meyers, Mrs. Mil ton h. Meyers an. I Walter Denton. M!Ht(. W. H. UANVY, First vice chairman. AHirST mxtKKSTEl.V, M'l!8. D. MRS. Rl-rtKHIiL OATUX. WM. GAULSXfrr. V I. . 1 imis ton shocked at Neil s nppenrnnce now th:it I sow him in the lighted room, lie looked like death, and 1 not ed that he Miiijuercd as he walked. Yet he had not been drinking. Of that 1 was sure." 'Been line he is a whelp!" "Hut WHY Neil? He surely (jive, some reason.1 "lie Nays I cheated him. Why don t j nf her, vnu take the paper and rend what they helping 'Why don't ynu .say something f" he demanded. "Pretty isn't it?" 'No dear, it is not pretty, and I do not believe you ever intended to swindle anyone. But we must do some thing at once. Homethinfr to stop this any more of it." A thought of liliuiche Oiton flashed through niv mind. ,Siipiiose the papers irot hold the lmrt she had played in .Neil No one would believe uy aiKiut your nustiami. now was i it was a luisiness a rran (foment. My to take time to examine every pro- face burned as I thought of what peo perty I handled. I took my risk, othen pie would say, what they would sure !had to tnke theirs. I lieu when thevily think. "Let us call mi Frederick Jation and broken hearts and ruined homes, because nf!'1'1 a 1"l,r,ll i-rcent en their dear, perhaps i,e can do w.methintr. u !nl nnd lielomnl inn nf -.,! ,..- ,.!,. investment, they squeal 1. 1. T -1-1. IV.. U .... ...... 1 . . investment, tnev squeiti. nun, i am sirm n nu u-. and GUOieU to .iciUh of them all." He fluna his ed." He tried and fail- pomes. Ie sure your neighbors like canned singing mmu out i a jjesture of aomcuing before you start the graphophonc, or some one may be j uH'Ve'd"' . a-t t.,ke . ,-, moved to flinging a brick, a clinker or a stone. Far bet- i liiitiii'ter awr.v like that." I was alow- ter is the evening quiet that's undisturbed by crated songj ZKLit'u fX than insurrection, strife or riot kicked up by music mad-i'i," i said that every lie sure you never are infringing onlL;'",;: others' rights, wnateer you do; for human happiness isj "Hut i may not u aide to prove hinging on keeping this sane course in view, lie surel " ;;,-,,., ,,rP ,h,hl rM M M VOUl' ntlPntlOlS Ukp VOUp rniokriK horm-P vnu tmn thr. ..... fwent tilings loo?o, or they'll be angry as the dickens, which is another word for deuce. That man is to his sex a credit, this woozy world he much adorns, whose course. though swiftly he may tread it, encroaches on no human ne'ev corns. V,q just to others as you waddle along the path way you pursue, and men will say you are a model, and name their infants after you. not. "Oh, Hull!" Vie covered his face with bis hands as he sand into a chair. "There dead, don't Hurry, it will all come out riht." The iiapcr slid to the floor as 1 In id my arm around his 3 (V: LADD & BUSH BANKERS Established 1SC8 General Banking Business .7 June 16th Banking Hours will be -'r.r 10 a.m. till :; p.m. Kea.l hat thev av. Hub, then you may not Ik so lenient in your judg ment. They're not. They even bring on in for their miserable ranting. Gad, I'd like to (jet even with Scott (or this, t am ruined Hib. ruined 1 till you." He shook with dry sobs. 1 was frightened, 1 did not know what to do. 1 stooped, raised the pas-r, opened it and read: "John Scott, Western millionaire, aci'imen Neil Fortn's. niitnrt promot er." Then b. lot. : "Scott claims that Fi rbes induced htm to supply money for ilinuioif wells hen he. Forbes, did not even own the land, lie also claims that FurlH-j' extravagance, his fine new house and expi,.ive motor cars, etc. are purchased with the money of victims like himself ho have given it to Forbes fur iuv.ntineiit upon his promise of Inrjje dividends, it is evi dently the old shyster game of getting rich upon the credulity of the )! pie. I "Kilt ,.r..U- ... ,1,. ...... il,: " .' '"" Pay Scott every cent you have taken from him. Then hewiil be satisfied." 'I can't pay him. 1 haven't money enough. Then don't you see all the rest, when they see this, will be down on me like a pack of wolves. No 1 csn do nothinj; hut" he stopped 3 the door bell milled kiodlv. "A gentleman to see you," the maid auiioiiiu ed. 'Show him in," T teld her. and he ushered in a Brisk youiiy man who said: "I have come In pet your aide of this affair Mr. Forbes, j am on the FxprVss Tribune." Dallas Club Gives Silver Tea For Woman's Building (Capital Journal Special Service,) 1)j;IIiis, Dr., June .1 The animal meet inj! of the Ihillas Women ' riub was held Tuesday afternoon , in the club rooms i'i the public library building. An interesting program was. rendered latter which a silver tea was served the pr weeds of which were turned ever to p.irds the construction of the Woman's building at the Vnivcrsity uf Oret'on. One of the pleasing features of the aft ei noon's e'ltorttiitmciit was the talk made by Mrs. Mildred Campbell of In iV'tM-nilcm c on sights seen by her dur iiij! the recent world war. Mrs. Csinte I ell as a Kcd Cross narw in the Brit isH service ami served two year in KtiJ Uh hospitals. Major Campbell kef hus bilBil ws attached to the medical serv ice with the Caiilii:ii forees and s;n nt In Forbes hss verstcjMed himself. 1 'he entire tune during the dunition of svs And he vi!l pr'cnte j the war on the front, unless every cent he has paid) The amount of munev derived from the silver tea s a little over 111. SB j - -r. s - ! I - i I "f .J I t -4. -. - -! w t ':.":rA vi3af 4NR,v 7 . ! J- tile" t: i m jjJ !' A If The A Flavor nT LqsIs 1 ! I (ong-iast- ing bars in each package. The biggest value in refreshment you possibly buy. ! t II 4! A BENEFIT to teeth, appetite and diges tion, find the price is 5 cents. 101 -wJ ."-i .