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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (June 4, 1919)
5250 CIRCULATION (23.030 KEADER3 DAILT) Only Circuktios U Salem. Guar anteed by tha Audit Bursas Circulations. FULL LEASH) WIRE. A 5). I imnr km V-L ? i i .it ... i i oh Oregon: Tonight sad Thais- Jay fair, warmer eirer.t near tbe eeast. gentle sorthwester- ly winds, ;fi DISPATCHES SPECIAL WIIXAVTETTl! VAL- LEY NEWS SERVICi . y FORTY-SECOND YEAR. NO. 119-TWELVE PAGES SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY. JUNE 4, 1919. PRICE TWO CENTS ON TRADio n j h , rT4KTW FIV1 ( 1 1 n life I! US fi ooo 0 IM mm Roosevelt HighwVins, and County Agricultural Agent, Reconstruction Bonds and All Others Are Lost Marion county voters, mounting the band wagon bound for prosperity, went over the top with all of the road measures in the special election of yesterday. With only two or three exceptions, every precinct in the coun ty returned overwhelming majorities for the state and county market roads measures, and practically all gave their approval of the Roosevelt highway bill, thereby re futing the allegation that Marion county was the "grave yard" for appropriation measures not directly benefiting inis portion oi the Willamette Valley And, further proving their unselfish ness, the voters swamped the 15,000,000 reconstruction bond measure, which would have provided for a new peniten tiary to 1)6 built in Salem. The proposal to empower the county court to employ a county agricultural asent apparently never had a ehanen with -the voters, for not a single pre cinct returned a majority in favor of the bill and most of them snowed it under unmercifully. The proposal to create the office of lieutenant-governor met a similar fnte in this part of the state as did all the rest of the measures on the ballot. With only one of the T3 precinct 'in the county missing at 3 o'clock this afternoon, the Elkhorn precinct where only 17 votes are registered, the com plete; count for the county was as fol lows: Tax limitation, yes 3210, no 3118 Reconstruction, hospital, yes 102.1, no 4392 Irrigation bond, ye 2057, no 381 $5000,000 reclamation bonds yes 1,- 9H6. do 4027 Lieutenant governor, yes 2302, no 3749 Kooseveit highway, ves SUM, no 2947 Reconstruction founds, ye 1879, no 41 2 ' Soldiers' and sailors' aid, ves 2933, o 3269 Wtate market road, yes 4."fi7, no 1874 County market roads, yes 4410, no 2006 Agricuhnral agent, yes 1804, no 3963 En((lewood was the first precinct to return a majority in opposition to the road monsurcs. Here the voters cast straight "no" majority from one end of the ballot to tlie other. Their re turns on the principal measures were: State market roads, yes 47, no 82; eoun ty market road yes 40, no 68; Boose velt highway, yes 40, no 66; recoti struction bonds, yes 21, no 79. Up to 2 o'clock this afternoon Englc wood was the ouly one. of the precincts reported in that had gone aguinst the county road bonds; except Central How ell, which gave a majority of two against the state market roads bill, and a lead of three to the oponenta of the county bonding plan. Thirteen prcclnets went against the Boose velt highway, but tho 250 or 300 majority they gave against the bill was smothered two and three times over by the other districts of the county. Salem, in every precinct, gavo ma jorities for the road measures. For lieu-tenant-governor the city as a whole re turned a majority In favor, but Several precincts went against it. Kast buver ton also favored thti bill as did the Sublimity voters. l'reein'et U, Salem, was the only precinct tabulated up to two o'clock this afternoon which had returned a vot in favor of the 5,000,000 recon struction bonds. Moat of the city pre cincts gave majorities to the six jier cent fill limitation measure, but the lead thus gained faded fast beforo the (Continued oa page two) ONNALSOINLINL (Capitat Journal Special Service) Albany, Ore., June 4. The .proposal submitted to the vot ers of linn county in Tue Uy' special election to bond the eounty for the construc tion of market roads has ap parently earned two to one. 4c 4c Winnipeg Faced By Prospect Of a Milk si R w. iif a I W la B UffClflW By James T. Kolbert (United Tress Staff Correspondent.) Winnipeg, Man., June 4. A milk and . bread famine was declared in prospect here today following peremptory notice by the central strike committee that milk and bread workers atd handlers will quit work tonight. .The notice was served on municipal authorities, unaccompanied by aa expla nation. Heretofore, these workers have operated under permission of tho cen tral eommittee. Mayor Gray snid plans were being made to fill the places of the men eall ed o"t bv the order. 'By James I. Kolbert (United Press Staff Correspondent. Winnipeg, Man., June 4. Insistent rumors were current here today that settlement of the general strike would be effected within few days. Talk of amicable settlement persisted in spite of the law alarms of the past 48 hours. Msvor Charles T. Cray. Termier Norris, B. B. Russell, 1, sling figure among "the strikers and the railroad brotherhoods reedistloi K,innl!i, mrfr,'.'l orttlmitie. The mediation committee announced satisfactory progr.-s in the disafrtons vifk tAlirMM tfl tl VCS O f the Metal Trades Workers and the iron master. (This dispute ia, however, held Incidental 'by the general strike eommittee. Rus Vll insisted the eompulsory collective bargaining law i-.nd the return of all I strikers to their jobs without discrind-(nation-were the two chief demands of !!. . .-i bar. Another victory was Claimed by la bor in persuading the police commission to postpone the anti-strike ultimatium issued to the police until Saturday night Gray was also said to be smoothing the way toward settlement bv his- attitude towards the firemea, which permits all thos who walked out to return to their jobs. The same attitude will hold true i t;ie telephone workers '-esse, it was in timated. Postal authorities also stand ready to take back all former employes Jonon dae application, repot ,s stated. With the three governmental agencies (willing to concede that mnen to the strikers a big step towards sefllement I has been made. Vancouver Strike Grows. a'ottrer. a. i ., .nine . i e sec jOnd dy of the general strike finds hut Jtw- nniors added to those who pii'wer jed the call at 11 . m. yesterdav. I At a joint meeting last must the esr- Widow Of LBonaire FossJ Dead la Bed Witi Jbd- Crushed Saa Mateo, Cal, June 4. Mrs. Sarah Coburn. widow of I .Orn fth,irn u..,. trie millionaire, was found dead in oer oca at tier fescra home this morning, her hea crushed. StOODlUff over tha haiiv t&mllnt, battered body and muttering inco herently, was Wallace Coburn. 60, son of Coburn by former marriage, who was adjudged mentally incompetent and committed to a guardian's care. a Diooatainea club was found near the bed. A neighbor. callW at th t,n,,. An an errand, heard the nian'a babblings uu liivrsiigaiea. Wake up, wake up now," Coburn repeated over and over, according to this neighbor. The aged incompetent paid no attention to thn intmalAH neighbors and officers until he was ior quesiiomng by the officers. Thus far. thV lixva JiaarJ nntkin. intelligent from him. Mrs. Coburn recently won the great er nart of rvlivn ' afcitoia id. , bitter court fight at Redwood City. A nephew, contesting the suir, alleged Coburn was of unsound mind when he married and made hit- will. RE Natioa-Vfide Round -Up Of Bomb Plot Suspects Is Continued. Chicago, June 4. (United Press) A score or more "reds" and alleged annrchistj were in jil here today as a result of raids by (federal agents and polico last nixht All men arreted wars held under a blanket blotter charge of "held for the federnl government, to be inter viewed toy no one. ' ' , Admissions were said by ipolieo to have been made by Dauief Colzin, ac cording to. authorities, an anarchist (Continued on page six.) B m People Follow KdatersLi) Of . Bolskfik (mhA Because Of Fear Of Autocrats Rc- coTering Sway. ISOVIET G0YER1IM IS m POLK VOTES EONDS. (Capital Journal Special Service) Pallas, Ore., June 4. Polk has lined up with the good roads movement that is sweep ing the state and incomplete re turns from the various precincts in the county indicate that thp voters in the eounty went aa strong as 10 to 1 in favor of the county road bonds in yester day's special election. lt afF"! f 19 ? Ill Aiminai m liiif. HILO HI 1 1, iiii i iiiii Of B STATE 'INDICATE TOLffiOiETIl AFTER KIGIIT OF RIOT Sheet Two la Populace Secretly Admits Failure Of feminists To Realize Ideals, But See No Present Remedy. - By rtaiik J. Taylor (United Press staff' correspondent) (Copyright ,1919, by the I'nited Iress) Paris, June 4. Though the bolshevik government is built from the masaes, it has a power to dictate over the indi vidual, unequalled even: by C7.nrini. There is no disorder, no auarehy and no uprising anywhere wtthin the ter ritories controlled by th soviet. Op position is unheard of, in tact, is im possible, owing to the strict political control. Hence the Russians meekly follow the bolahcvilu, though the great majority longs for the dav when bol- shevism no longer is the only means or ipi-eventing reaction to csansm. which tho people really fear will result ir the uolxhcvik armio are defeated. (Continued on page four) nil. r i doiaer-rcsce Dispersing Crowd At AutoPlasL : Toledo, Ohio, June 4. Bioting, which surged through Toledo, last night bring ing two deaths and Injury to 25 persons, showed no immediato signs of breaking out again today, though thousands of strikers were gathered outside the Willys-Overland plant, the center of the trouble. The plant was closed today. A plea for state troops was sent to Governor Cox today by Mayor Schrio ber, who so far has received no answer. Former soldiers, enlisted as cmer gency police, shot and killed two men in a riot in the Polish district last night. Another man was shot in the leg, muking amputation necessary, and a little girl was wounded in the knee. The men killed were bystanders and did not work at tho Overland pliint, po lice said. The night riot occurred when a soldier-policeman appeared armed on the street. He was chased to a district fire station, where he telephoned for aid. Four tuck loads of soldier-police arrived and fired Into the crowd. Cap tain Leonard Rpach, their commander, said that the soldiers fired only nfter they were assailed with bricks. Two of the injured are expected to die. Riot calls from workers' nciglibor- 'ConMnucfl on page three! County Bonding and Market Roads Also Win; Bill to Aid Soldiers and Sailors in Doubt Portland, Ore., June 4, Incomplete returns from 24 of the 36 Oregon'counties, including Multnomah, at 2 o'clock this afternoon show that the Roosevelt highway, county bonding and market roads measures were adopt- The irrigation gusrsntee bill and the soldiers educational aid measure were probably accepted. The fate of tin other issues Is doubtful with the ex1 ccption of tho lieutenant governorship amendment, which was decisively de feated. Multnomah eounty voted heavy ma jorities for all of the reconstruction measures but some of them did not fare very well in uipmate counties. The vote as compiled by the United Press at 2 o'clock this afternoon fol lows: 24 out of 38 counties give: ' County tioiwling, yes 30,1 li; no 18, 'Mi... Kccoustruction hospilal yea 24,:i0i; no 22,043. Irrigation guarantee yes, 25,805; no 20,005. . . , . . 1'ive millioa amendaient, yes 24,038; no 21,078. " ' Lieutenant governor, yes 19.899: ma ' 27,4!U. . Uoosovelt highway, yes 33,844; aa lj,40tt. " i '-Keronstrartinn bond issue, yes tX 6 IK; no 3,3o7. ' Soldier educational aid, yo 'a,.'S04; no, 18,8115. Market roads, yes 30,234; ae 15,057. Wilson Not To Leave Fcr America Before Jise 13 Washlnnton, June 4. (United Press.) President Wilson has little hope of lenving for homo Marion County Unofficial Returns 72 out of 73 Precincts Quinaby ir, 2o 5 29 noscdnle ... , Citv 17 City 14 . ." Mcharoa -ity 15 Pringle .'. City 18 .ZZ'. Knglewood fmuth Silveiton City 10 ..Z titavton West Silverton . North Howell . City 6 .. Liberty 1 3 Ea-st Hilverton 77 North Silverton . GOj City 13 City 7 Aumsville . .. Chcmawa .. East Stuyton . 3J! 37 4.-.I City 11 . City 15 fVntral Howell City 4 Scotts Mills Kast Salem (Sublimity .... Kalem No. 2 .. Ksst Mt. Angel West Mt. Angel Knst Hubbard West Hubbard Fairfield . Kalem 10 . Suloul 1 I hampoeg Butteville 6haw halein No. 8 301 302 303j 3041 305j 306 307 308; 3Q9 310j 311 312) 313, 314 315; 310 317 3181 31j 3'J1 20 6 291 5 28 3 29 ll 20 21 171 ll 22 ll D'! 24 10 24 13 25 31 17 51 181 45 19 421 20 41 3 3l 21'43 2Hj S5 M 9 4(l 20) 251 35 33 43 69 55j ,52) 45) 68 52 CO) 8fl 32 C0 Sll 6:l 40) 01 2:i 91 22 6I 59 39 201 44 40) 34) 3.t) 40 3l 45 C 20 31 41 50) 27 59 29 63) 24 20) 50 50 8 58) ! 54) 11) 59) 15) 52). 23) 41) 11 S0 IS) 51 41 311 40 30) It! 52 49! S-ij 63 29 55 2. 62 2H 48! 621 28! 81 56) 43 43 fi2 29 58 31 27) 50 24 12.4319) 3 17j 38 l.j 39) .32) 26 15 35 82) 25 r.l 111 45 14 17 38 43) 40 83; 59; 40) 54) S4 57i 52 81 33 C0 C8 72 4l 87 ti 87) 29 47 58 CO 17) 88 S3 71) 20; 80; si C8 40) 0U) 21 7 4u) 60 47 J) . 40 68 lfi'i 80 I I I-'- ! I ! I :.. I I I .. 30) 20 30 28) I 21 37) 32) 44 23 42, 28 58) 18) 72) 3 45 29 52) 22 08) 6 0I 8 37) 29 83 18 56 23 49 21) 5t 33) 42) 33! 41) 18) 51 27) o C3) 28 B7 25 101 51 50 37 76) 59; 54 49; 64 48 76 801 S9 44 82 71 62) 106 29 113 2t) 2H 83 37) 13 52 10) 5,1) 8) S3 IS 49; 21) 40) 3 61) IS 45 4f 20 42 33 12! 42 22! 17) 27) 201 281 20; 26 20) T,0 33; 19) 18 30 M, 8' 31' 13' 1 L' 40 9 44) 11 42 0! 43 10 42! 30 29 11 4I 20 3l 41! IT 32j 22i 14 39 3.'! 38 65 40) 55; 52), fj r.rt) 451 85) 37 421 041 ! 94 20 10f. 16) 40 65 . 75 23 102) 39i 881 34, 92! SHI 881 55 741 291 941 481 81! 77! 52! 821 451 38 90 61 64) 87 78) 75)' 71) 78 62; 86) 8 63 70 70) 89) 70 ia2 38 135 39 Ctt 8 12 221 18 21 17 id! 23 11 2Bj 341 10 18 22) 2: 151 28 131' 311 101 191.18 23 25 33 29 24; 27; 27) 30) 28) 37i 22 28 28 44, 16 25) 15 40 19! 24 29 44 ll 62) 18) 58) 21 53! 281 4H 2i 47l 11 63 31 3N 44 341 43) 3D 18( 57 40 17) 55 27 45; 15 56 27) 471 42) 32) 10 61 1 26 45 38 32! 42 33 91 60 88! 19) 110 22-105) 24) 98 49 801 44) 38) 25 101 i 53) . 8I 94 40 80 C4 221 98 42J "I 59) 24-) 2i; 50) 42 34! 46! 28 21! 6I 42 34 51 25 41 34 23! 45 3 68) 81) 78) 80 80 70 101 541 133 27 81 74 92! 63 139) 19 131 18; 79! 61 41 30 721 40! 58 4 54! 50 55 73 34 50 56 54, 50 Hl 22 7o 311 421 55 63 6 69 5 72 4 73 12 631 12 65 7 8 26) fill 37 39 37 40 8i 03 31 18 61 25( 46 '25) 46 31 39 42 34 25 47 38 56 49) 3I 46 29 23 44 before June 13, according to pri vate information received hera to. lay. lie plans to visit -Bras-it! before his return. It therefore appears likely that he will not "bo, back in Washington before the end of this mouth at the best. Congressional Flashes 10l 4 23 110! 40 83) 32 24 9! 14 57) 19! 52) 19 21) 119 12) 181 16) 158 8 116 46 52 104 80 68 76 9 38) 08; 75) C8 28 1091 19i 5H 311 41! 15 59!" 75! 75 140 20 152 Ml 30! 8 30 37 451 33 D4 2,i 211 165 92 85! 23) 150 10 162 32! 142 138) 421 125 52 13) 154 79 8H! 811 125! 451 881 861 941 701 1321 36! 1221 331 G..I 01 64 0! 17 133 24 118 2H 122 64! 78! 65! 95! 20l 1281 41! 1031 13.'.! 19! 130! 271 38) 101 50 27 11 68 10 80) 17 61 32i 45! 22! 581 151 64! 261 531 671 ' 18! 73 10 17 54 ,l 16! 32 5 43 8 40 6) 42 ftj 40! 18 32 9 40 19, 83 29 19! 27 26 111 37 48) 36 27 SO 29) 46 27 61 3 42! 39; 39 24 51 1 43 35 61 23 B3 26 27) 45 . - 21 25) 18l 29, 21 23 20 28 17) 3"! 30! 17 14 34 28i 29 31 18 291 20 19) 29 .. P7I 31 51 71 66! 54 6MI All 74i 48 05 22 66 87 7(7, 49 107 2l 1071 21 B 57 .... 75 81 J 39 110 50 99 48, 108 48; 104 74t 80 41 115 8l 79, H9 70 85 72 4I 107 . 4 13! lti 23) 23 25 18) Sfl J4 30 4 t) 8 21 19 IT) 15 501 l Ml l 21 19 .... 29 27) 19 3l 19) 33) 19 33 16, 37 32 21 24) 31; 27 29) 36 16 32) 21 11! 31 341 341 18! 49 24 41 38) 39 29 39) 32 85 17 47 31 35 50 16 48 30 17, 40 .. 1 1 1 1 1 ....! i 1 i I I j 1 1 1 44 1031 291 l'MI 35 62) 67 Washington, June 4 (United Ptaa) American women to- ik day won their 41 year fcaltla 41 for eougreiaiicHial apitrovaJ of nation wide womaa suffrage, 41 ' when tha senate passed the 4t "Siwan B. Anthony aiaonit- 41 ment" to tha federal cn"l- 41 tuOon. 41 The vote was 56 to 25 w two 4t votes more than required two thirds. 4ik Wsshington, June 4. (Units4 Prenn) The senate foreign relations comron tee today favorably sported (Senator Borah's resolution urgii' tho pesn oonferencrto give a hearing to the irlsa delegutes. The conimitte amended thti roMilutioa by eliminating a refcrento to the "iilslt republic," on tho ground that it might constitute a recognition of the republi can government. Repeal of daylight saving whs knocked out of the bid nn a poiut of order before it was passed. halem 0. S 85 46 49 741 551 64 581 65 f,i 6H 10"! 361 61! 711 M0 Kalem No. 1 90I 381 48 801 541 581 611 ll 771 56! 97! 331 681 801 781 halem Hi. IS Aurota Breltenbush Brook i Croisan 1 69) 32 33 59 52 43) 50, . 35 57 171 76 13) 75! 191 6) I 6) 2 6 2) 3 . 32) 33) 19 38! 19! 37 li r. 19! 26! 9! 291 181 25 15 I'onald 1....29 38) 17 451 20 43 22! Vairgrouada 351 44! 27 51 82 43! 23 Kast Gervasa .. 37! 6! 22! 841 271 7-V 28!. Wet Oervals 17! 261 10! 39! 7 go; 7 Tloreb 12! 41 11 4i 11! si 12! East Hubbard 16! 32 Sj 43! ft 40 : Went Hubbard j 106j 6I 61; 7 , 70! 73! 71! 50 114 20 97 28 62 63 47 32) 4t 731 30 39.. 58) 5 4l 77 21 81 22 45 49 71 22! 7i 39) 60 22 71) 31) C2 60 40 59 40 17 73 41 31 6) 5 3 4 5 7 38; 26) 30 32 29! 22 39! 28) 28! 9! 30 17 27! "I 23! 19, 39! 27) ' 41! 411 241 19 44 71 50! 27 47: 43! 37! 1H 53! 40 ' 34 63 291 55 2 241 46 79 43! II 8! I 71 1 81. 0 32 3.5 241 361 26 22 37 18 28j 16! 27 17 17 28 29) 49 171 50 17 151 44 771 37! 661 63 50 2 32! 14! 28! 12! 32 4! 5) 13! 12 8: 65 75 37 66 45 201 83 8 34) 19) 22 241 181 181 25 10 30 10 61 12 5 16 8) 15 2 9 7 42j 32 Jeffirsoa Macieay 23) 64) 13 72! 161 67 15) Msrion . J 28 55) 16) 39 17 59! 18; McKee i 29! 55! 13! 6lj 1! 60i 10f MiU City 1 65 8! 371 21 38) 19) 43 Monitor C6 55 24 82) 24) 80) 32 Biver View 1 7 7 2) 12 6, 8! 81 Hi. Paul 1 120 411 46! 87 62 71 82) K-ollard 39! 56' 23! 65 28! ' 62! 21! fc.dnev 10! 46! 51 49! t 49' H Silver Falls 1 8! 4! 8) 5 6; 7) 6', West fitaytoa 13! 48! 12! 5I 11 33 Hi Turner 79! 122! 25 172' 42! 157! 43! VUtor Point 11 421 5 48 5! 45! S! Wsi-nrs ' 1i f V S4' V 28' 1? 9 40 19 33 29 19 27 26 11 37 70 1.12 38! 135 39 4Di ii 9o 9.1 88; 96 6 38; 113 8! 40! 18 78! ftl 861 fi! 831 7lll 90! 8! ,! 80) 83 34) 127) 42 110! 39) 115 48 209! 101 641 30 125 74 2S! 80 27) 611 13 73i 30) 67 48 441 53 35 181 6i 58) 19! 62! 23! 65 20) 58 28' 53 401 39' 41 44 13 61 : 21! 61! 321 45! Ill 64! 17! 58 57) 271 48 34 18 58 18! 36! 25! 53 12! 40 19 50 11 49! 10 45! 9! 32 7 20! 86! 46) 66i 20 81 28) 68 68! 24) 85! 23 251 23 77 10 7 71 9) 61 3 12! 51 8 10! 5! Ill II 11 73 43! 97 101! 37 S3! 88! 71! 71 1641 21) 173) 16 41 78 70 20! 73! 31! 57 26 631 871 53 73 34! 711 35 33 57 48! 9 4.V 13! 44! 7 49! Ill 44 17 39! 12 42 9! 6! 8! 7i 61 7! 5' 7! Sj 80! 171 50' 261 42! 12) 52 26 1551 S3! 148! 72! 126! 38! 181! 80) 121! 116! 89! 105 98! 48! 145 41! 8! 42! 9! 42! 8! 41! 16! 36! 24! 29 271 28! 8! 42 28! i-, ia' 5j! 7i 30' in; ?(ti o?i i8i 571 y,' 10; 30 45 6! io 31 HI 2! 6! 7 41 40! 26! 26) 381 14! 48 Continued on page four) NOTE The ballot number of the vsrious nienurp Gives at the ton of ears column are as follows: Tat lituitatkn. Yea 3'iO, No 3ul; Be eor.strn'tinn hospital Tea 302. No 303:; Irriiratioa bonds. Ye 304 No 3i5; 95,000,000 Reclamation bonds, Ye 36, No 3"7; Lieutenant Governor, Ye 308. No 309. Roosevelt highwar. Yes 310. No 311; Beonstrui-tioB Bonds, Ye 812. No 313; Roldiers' and Sailors Aid, Yes, 314 No 315; 8tst Msrket Ronds, Yes 316, No 317; County Msrket Roads Yet 318, No 319; Agricoltural Agent, Y 20, No 821. " V iUUl SUt m ' " '. .. Irr-r- : r7 JzL 1 1 3w MM Ik II Ther hain't chance n U' world f th' girl that wears ovtrsiit wUtt ftw. la's. WTio remember. wbe 4 wm4 count th' days till th 4t ' Jl Js j steal o' th' first?