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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1919)
PAGE TWO. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY. JUNE 5. 1919. li J T TV M o H Iff till kf H 1VILW. V MM j f - 4 i OXv-iivWnnri ' TTVA WO A-s li 'iisfl i iwlP . ISlse j f i ! r : ' XI-.Tilt x-s?). SOOOT. By GEETEUDE EOB1SOX Come in and see the wonderfully attract ive TRANSPARENT Oven-ware we are giving away also Watch Free Demonstration of a Eemarkable Range! The greatest convenience ever offered women a range that simplifies cooking, eliminates kitchen drudgery, saves fuel, labor and materials. ma is a wondertul cooker and baker besides. Don't fail to see it Don't faU to see der stratea tne demon- With Every Universal Combl natioa Range toM during th. Free SM etratioa we witt give away a U-piKa of Pjrrex Tn parent Oven-ware. Thieware la WemendoMsly papular. It k transparent, clear aa suaehijie. won'tecratch.chip. erase, band or dent. Improve flavor of food) ur to dean. Sanitary, Beautiful Parabla Set consists of I-eiee Ci rule. I fx Flaw, 1 Bread ran. 1 Utility Pan. a Ramkioa Every wonaa wuis a set Cone and gel year today 1 M .liO t Li W 3 ill 1 i fi .1, L f 1 iJ 4 o Htt trrOt changer frull tool to gtutmd Md vr0 Burns Coal. Wood and Gas With this range you can bum coal or wood when your gas apply gives out burn gaa when you don't need coal and bake on the top or In the oven rparately or together with coal or wttia m or with both fuel combined! Think of Itl And No Parts to Change when channriiur fuel. All you do Is turn key. Unheard of tinx plicityl Mutchleaa convenience! Unrivaled economy I Nothing ' on the market like itl Keeps kitchen cool in luntmer, warn In winter saves an endless amount of trouble thu year around. Durable dependuble trouble-proof. .Hi?2n' 'JA m thitl drmonatrw (Ma ranaw, hwludlne FREE. Wllbbaa.aeoin plata totthPVRliX Iran. a. ahowaabora! -wJ?11" ft?,,w,r,U 'unlhd at by the manufirrorera of Kitrverol Raaaae to SJlSTl iT.ri;,"C Combtnattoa la thia territory. A SSIIdwIul nmit 4u'm A4 becked by a . lJ"'' "l are auaranraad br ua. Sold for caah or oa m Icrau. See thai eaaMi.lrtUa-jwr. caae early and avoid thewlul Trade in your old STOVE rJCAL mtertst Airiny the pretetit week ka beea eentervd altno tl- cluaiveiy upoa the Apollo eonevrt to te given in the Urand opera huu toTKornnv eTtning. This trill be the sec ond conrert of the year and, with the first one t a sample of what is to be expected, reservations for the event are btj made with unparalleled ra pidity. Awarding to the present out look this will be the final nutn.-al af fair of any great ucjwrtanre, and this Ta-t adds to the interest that the pub lic is taking in jt. Buta Johns, daughter of Judge and Mrs. U A Johns, will make her debut as a singer, to the iSaJent itublie on the oecaaioB. She has met with re- martmble aurcess in i'ortUind. where she appeared in a auinber of important musical prwTHins. the i aifted with a bountiful dramatic soprano voice and is eertaia to repeat her former tn- oftijiris, when, lie apjiears tomorrow niirht. The j'rogrsM for the evening follows: 1'roudlv as the Eagle .Sjiohr I'ndine (Marcarolle Ladiuaa The .Mulligan Alusketeors. Atkinson (a) My lltutt at Thy Swwt Voice Baintaem tSamson and lalila (b) O Luce di Quest Anima Siiiiretti di Chamoix Miss Johns On the Sea Buck The Ixist Chord Sullivan i'art 11 In Vocal Combat Eulfe-Knight Adaptatioa by Dudley Bmk rVrakin Kowrhat More and More Scifcrt (a) Morninjf Lehmana (b) Alvlisaudo in the Woods loetl (c) Com Into the Oarden t-alter Miss Johns Song of the Viking Chadwick Ameru-a, by the audience aud elub f) A number of the members of the Good Fellowship five hundred elubgare Mr. and. Mrs. tlerald Volk a surprise I party last evening, the occasion being tneir twenty third wettling anniver sary. After the invaders entered the house, as if by magic, there appeared loaded basket filled te the brim with nil the di'Jica ciaa ot tha wvn.fin. the I ladies then took possession of the H. house and in short spaco of tiina the tiuaios wore set witn a regular wedding puncheon at which those present feast icd. The social feature of the evening wns the. game of five hundred, the jhi)h score was won by Mrs. W. W. j Moore and 8. M. Endicott. Those pres ent wero Mr. and Mrs. a. M. Kntlieott, Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Iflnr Mr. and Mrs. W. VV. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Buchiier, Mrs. Hetty Kreikenbaum, Oonevii've Endicott, Ruth Hochncr, Dorothy Kirehner and P. B. Elliott. Essie Maguire, senior of the Uni versity of Oregon, hns been awarded a $MH scholarship by the-Toting Wo men's ITiristian association to attend the Y. W. C. A. Industrial training ;school in Kcw York eity. This school jpropares secretaries to hold responsi ble positions in local and field work for the Y. W. 0. A. and is post-graduate in nature. Ordinarily students are 'not aeeepted immediately out of eol ,lcge, tiut according to the seeretarial j department, Miss Maguire was recom mended as having unusual ability for, i this work. Hhc will attend the school next fall and winter, tutting a nine months course. Miss Unguire has been president of the eanipus Y. W C. A. and also a member of the student council. Hhc was formerly a Salem girl, and occa sionally visits 8alem now, visiting nt the homo of Miss Jtnth Van Tatten. WW Four Stores FouriStores Ci.i- n t . Oovernor and Mrs. Ben Olcott ars among the patrons and patronemes for the ro.val ball which will be given by the 1 to vol Uosarians in honor of the OodtrTMsi of Victory, in Portland, r'ri kr June 13th. A special invitation hat Wi sent to the (.'berrians to attend the ball, and a number of prominent Kalemites are making plans to be pres ent. DAILY HEALTH TALKS. USIO ACID IN THE SYSTEM (By LKK II. SMITH, M. 1.) Irie acid is now eeaerallv rca,.rit e4 as the cause of more disease than was heretofore believed. Vhe the kid n'.vs are out of order nrie acid accum ulates withia the -body in super abend snee. The disordered kidnevs do not filter the poinsns out of the" blood, as they onght to do, and so the poisons remain la the blood and float around unul they find a place to lodge, in form of urate salts. The thing to re member is that you amy have rheuma tism is any part of the body yea may have pains auvnhere vour Lack mar ache aad yonr head tnav be dine but the trotiile is pt where the pain ap pears. The trouble is in the kidnevs. and what ia the first thing to dof You muse get mat excess uric acid oot of your system, which caa be doue bv taking A nunc Tablets the solciwiid remedy whick lr. Pierce of Buffalo. -i. i., naa put on snle in the drug store at a low price. Annrie Tablets (msde double strength), when taken into the system as medicine, have the peculiar power of dissolving the urie -n urixwteu mere. irop a tilt or sugar or salt into hot water, and it will disappear. Ja precisely the same wav lo tliese Aauno Tablets diKsolve urie acid. Of e;ouyse, after ridding the svs tem of urie acid, it mar return again unless you eat the right'foods and live the right, kind of life, but 1)t. .Pierce will advise you fully- on proper food and correct living if you write and ask him. He mnkes no charge for such ad vice. Take Anuric Tablet todav, bv su means, and get that urie acid out of your system. Ion 't don 't don 't, put r2'?vt-5vy VrTvXr-rvi'"- cfrisi- - r-! Women's Phoenix Silk Hose Just Received Seamless silk hose, black, white, Havana brown) Russian calf and cloud gray....................JJ25 4 the matter off. Vannie tiesuer of Sulein, Mrs. MtCarol, MLis Audrey Jtaggett aud Miss Lily tierbcr. , Among the Portland residents who visited friends in Saleui this week, were Mr. and Mrs. Mason Wittenbtir;r aud two sons, aad Mrs. Kalph Wittea-burg. Shaped instep silk hose, black, white $1.50 Full fashioned silk hose, black, white, Havana brown, Russian calf and mouse $1,89 MAKE YOUR SELECTION EARLY Next week the victory Rose carnival is scheduled to take place in Portland and, as usual, holds of Salem people are planning motor trips to the Ruse "ity to witness the celeibratiou. It will be the greatest festival ever mit on in Portland and an idea of the size of the erowds who will attend, may be es timated by the fact that reservations for hotel rooms have already been stoD- pcd. a Miss Eva Miller was visitor in Portland during the early part of the week. Miss Margaret Putnam of Pendle ton is the guest of her mother for two weeks. . a The Woman's Alliance of tho Tui tnrian church will meet with Mrs. Eoy (Burton, li5 Union Btrect, Friday at 2:30 p. m. Chronic Constipation Perhaps yon have never thought of it, but this disorder is duo to a lack of moisture in the residunl matter e.f the food. It you will drink an abundance of water, eat raw fruits and take lots of outdoor exercise, you may be able eventually to overcome it entirely. In the meantime use the most mild and gentle laxatives. Strong and harsh ca thartics toko too. much water out of tho system anil make a bad matter worse, Jiamherlnin Tablets sre easy and pleasant to take, and most sgrce- aole in effect. Give them a trial. li (. IMfttilwj Ota Liberty Street . r- COURTHOUSE. on other measures tome of which woro entirely overlooked the voters casting votes for only good roads mciibures. . The Koosevclt Highway and the market roads measures r.lso were carried by large margins. The vote was one of tho lightest cast in Polk county in several vrnrs mid was due mostly to the fact . . tKtr r..ti,iullv nuar. aliln!iirl mum nrcto the effect ttiat the iBj.uuo road i--...-..., v.,..7 ... bonding measure for the permanent iu t,,,u"tT 18 ,wltM,r' wo.rk, buildint, of hard surfaced roads in Polk r ia orelinrds. The official countv has carried bv a 10 to 1 vote. rol"lt of ,hl! v"t''8 VoUei will be made Little interest was shown in the election h.V the countv clerk either today or to- mnirmV. Polk Count; Approves Road Measures By Eig MajcriHes (Capital Journal Special Service.) Dallas, Or., June 5. Latest return from the special election held Tuesday CORRECT LUBRICATION Zcrolene gives a better Him of oil between the working parts of your car. It conserves power and saves wear. Scientifically refined from select ed California crude oil. Get a Correct Lubrication Chart for your car. " STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Csliiernia) In tho divorcn mit of Carrie Mendel sohn against Dr. M. P. .Mendelsohn of Portland, the defendant demurs to the new matter set forth in her amended complnint. . .... . . V. . .": " " "Mvramm ana liicgestlons from attor- present eode. Oregon Iws" was lliam P. Lord. elate laoasj nsres t'fl, by rl of ,h0 the state: n, "Inch aUowsd an appropriation of .W00 knows as "Lord's Orego j! , ,1Urp'"6- fortt u,H,n ,hf L P by tho late Wi wn""need al once. Attorney forme, governor of 0 r-. S .a jOlsoe. mnkinj his headquarters al offi !vear Iflin l i i' " Following a visit f Attorney Conrad ' Portland thmigh he will h-,xe an a mass of new lrgmlation ha" .. v,... Bl supreme court yester-j r ' supreme conn nntm-, oeen enacted, and tho uumUr of reJBa.aMt t """"T,". V. "'. ,"" Mrt WH' '" 1''t of his time In mlrd moaures and auieadmcnts Abe Steffen, Albert Jaax. the Jdiawa vt.iiue naa sppuiulea hitieui, In tbe divorce suit of Henry M. Boedigheimer asaint Esther Bocdig heimer, the plaintiff filed an affidavit in which he sets forth that his wife didn't want to live in balera but pre ferred Portland. That instead of work in., in r, ,. A .,, n L ! t U . .1..,. Miss Leta Jam of Central Howell, m aha all. irrwt ;n h .nnr k. was the guest of honor at a beautifully ia business for himself with a partner conducted miscellaneous shower, last and was not making the amount of week when she was the recipient of money she elaimed in her answer. many handsome aad useful prnsents.The j . outer rooms were prettily decorated In the suit of Anna Fitch against with white roses and snowballs, while John :. iMeh, the defendant demurs reel roses ana white carnations adorn- to the complaint en the ground that it ed the dining room. A doiieious lunch- aoncara from th eomnluint tk.r ) eon was served to the numerous guests court has so jurisdiction, and that the by the mother of the bride elcet. eomplaint does not state faets suffi- Those present were Mesitames Anna 'eient t oonotititto Mna t, .-nn Simmons, Orover Pimmons, 'lnrencel Bimmons, Henry Lichty. Alex Lichtv. Ta (li mt f it.. t Will Lichty, "hris Lichtv Bob .Tans, larrl H Wood, whn A, 9B Kim Alhptis chsr, Lillie Crehrhiel, Ruth leavini aa estate of about 3800. fhe Van ( leve, Orel Jermeit, Hani Spilter. I wutov Mntr V WiwvJ ntitm.. h. J. W. Biiiiirett. Kd MdMnald. K. tl. Icauntv rnr in, t..fir .,im;.u,.. li (. Hinepsr, Tom Jtt.e. tion as eiecutrii. Vha a!! tram tKftt WiaSnr F I R. II. CAMrBELL, Special Agt., Standard Oil Co., Salem. "Mv--M vcr,;,rilsji ,jrcs WfKw) vflt Ajipfiinted evvit In. the work of winking np the lirouaht about in the interim makes ltl'Vllie and Vertiie Milne, tloldie Htef- .to, brthe will, but thst'be later died, . b'tpcrntlvo that the laws be eodified. j,fp"' IMcn We-ffen, Alines Wellntan, leaviiig prorty net sdministercd to CTf mm as M JPs. saa iiliiiaiiS 'PEW d aal3 J bU.d?iv5 of the etomach and constipation ere the most common diseases of children. To correct them you will find nothing bctfrr rtn Chamberlain's Tablets. One tablet at bed time will do the work and will make your chili bright and cheerful the following mornicg. Do not punrl, your children hj giving them castor oil. Chambo Izm s i si .cts ere better and moro p Icn.nt to take. 1 n i i The new volume will be known siaioW as me - uregoit Uiws." Among recent visitors at the stats house was H. O. Kanfs, one of the offi cials ef the Lumberman's association, who was in conference with tho h!gn wsv commission with regard to pub licity campaign for broadening the ntil iy of Doughs fir as bridge maleiiat. It hns been demonstrated that la the ronat ruction of bridec Douglas fir has greater strength snd emltirsnre per dol lar of cost than ordinary bridge steel. governor tikott bss sent a ietter te tlovernor Peter Norbeck of Houth Da kotn on behalf of the people of Oregon thanking him for the reception gives by himself and Adjutant (General Mor ris of MuntHiia to batteries A and B of Oregon oa thet, return from srrvire in Erase. 'The men ca they return hame sre loud in their praise of the exceptional hospitality that they c j"V(d while in your state," writes Gov ernor Olcott. Aelita l.Hart Ida Kudtanauser. ttcta the value nf tlOOrt in dm. r ,i . i , . . . .1 . . . - j.u.jiiiu vjijjw inom nui preaeiii gon, and ea The emirt an pointed Mrs. Vtood atbninistratrix. but sending remembrances were Mrs. ax For the first time ti'ineml oil ef high quality and in considerable quantities hns t'ern d;srnf'r-d i" ErTi!, tr? fhesterfit'J, ia Ki'ijiUlM. finest quality P0MPEIAN OLIVE OIL i "always fresh e Preferred by Particular People Hat the True Olive Flavor - Sci Everywhere ji ' X' t" S -lklyI i' i -i I - '.,! iUI!:l i U$ 5 A very, popular instrument, which will add to the attractiveness of any home. Special concert Satur- day evening, June 7th, 7:30 to 8:15, at our store. Everybody welcome. Come in and hear the Brans- t wick play all makes of records. j C S. Hamilton Furniture Store I 340 Court Street