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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1919)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM. OREGON. MONDAY. APRIL 21. 1919. JA.HL PAGE TWO Dress Fabrics for All Occasions wonderful showing of luxurious dress fabrics in the most fashionable weaves and shades for the making of Summer garments whether for wed dings, receptions, evening, street, sport, country or travel use. By GEBTBTOE BOBISON -:A. Economic DdfeUftl USht Thee to TradCSSSSS K6SBSSK8ffiSSffiaSSffiSS$BffiSS3 . 4 ! Qi . CD T ,av - W P A. HI SW -T mW"!Tk M A A. tst S TV WSV M J T xx Serges Tricotine Poiret Twill Tweeds Poplins Empress Cloth French Serge Gabardine Mohair Crepe de Chine Georgette Crepe Marquisette Chiffon Taff etta Faille Foulard Pongee Khaki Kool XX XX New arrival cf Rich Silk Vestnts. vard 1 $3.50 416 State Street Phone 877. XX XX SALEM friend will be extremely in terested to hear that Mr. and Mrs. Lilburn Marion Boggs, 228 Olive street, Santa Rosa, California, ar reeeiving 'felicitations upon; the arrival of a baby girl, April 16. 1919. The little lady has been named Flor ence Marion. Mrs. Lilburn Marion Boggs (Flor ence Houston) formerly one of Salem's most popular social leaden. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. B. llouaton, formerly of Salem, who for twenty five years held a po sition of trust with the Southern Pa cific company of this city. Her wed illni a few Years a 70 was the erown- ial season and! brother. J. Allen Boone the announeement of the birth of her 'the Itobertson-yoie company, -- daughter will ereate a stir in the eir- picture producing eirniinv, u..rvv cles in which she formerly moved. jthe try outs. .-. Eastertide was ushered in yes-1 Salem admirers of Madame 6chu- terday with a perfect orgy or j mann-tieiua may do uuereivu magnificent music. tvery cmur , ionowing perwuiai v. . . 1 . 1 .... ; i..... in the city was at us urai a . , . . church was filled to the doors with eag- In memory of the eon that sue lost er worshippers. St. Paul's morning in the war, Madame Nnuninnn-HeinK services were as solemn and beautiful donated half of her recent Cnicago rv as could be desired; "The Holy City" -eital receipts to the Red Cross and half) at the First Methodist F.piseopal was to the church which everrthim that the public Had veen , 1 nicago. son-White Conservatory of music, ho appeared in recital here few weeks ago under the auspices of the Tuesday Musical club and for the benefit of the Armenian relief fund, left jesterday tor California for the purpose of hold ing 'tryouts" for prospective mem bers of the various Ellison White Chau tauqua aBd lyeeuni companies. Mr. Boone 1 ill v"isit Sacramento, n Francisco and Los Angeles. Tryouts of these would I toncert soloists in Sen Francisco will be held under the direction of Mrs. Edwin Alden ceals, formerly of Portland, but now the Saa- . . . - Francises representative ox iusn.. Amoi-i,-. In Ln Angeles Mr. Boone's manager 01 MMtMMMMttMMHumttlMmn -s JOLSHEVIKI ARMY BUKRENDER3 ' London, April 1. (United Press) A news agency dispatch from Vienna reports the Hi Julie viki army in tlio re gion of lloinvl has surrendered to an Ukrainian army. Great quantities of military materials were said to have been handed over bv the soviot forces. No confirmation of the report has been obtained. H. E. Momyer nssistamt superin tendent of Crater Lake park, reports nine feet of mow nt the lEe. l NA-PEER TIRES Sf Dwlm Writ for Special Propwltlsa PORTLAND RUBBER MILLS, PORTLAND. ORE. $19.00 Bay Via 017 Bond v Vfy " 1 QUICK RELIEF 4 3-4 Per Cent Interest Beating Chain Him Forever Showing New Fab rics of Charming Beauty Cascade Crepe: The newest Silk and surely the love liest. These Crepes have a gbod body and their beautiful sheen and waterfall effect leaves nothing to be desired in a truly fashionable Suit or Skirt. They also make pretty collars. Come in White and Natural, (Pongee) are 40 inches wide, yard. . .$3.00 t Silvcrione Ccate: The newest All Wool Fabric, with a fed ft rich finish, for coats and capes. It's a wonderful quality cloth and comes in the newest shades only, such as Victory red, Poilu blue, sand and mist; 5G inches wide, at yard '. $3.83 More Yards for Your Money Just two pieces of All Wool, White Serge and Diagonal Suitings- No such value anywhere at yard 93c Twenty-six pieces of excellent wearing Suitings in plain colors, stripes, checks and plaids, ranging from dark colors to plain white. These are 52 to 5G inches wide and are reduced to yard $1.43 Similar Bargains are numerous throughout the whole store. ae ---- 4 t t tT-- t fftt Get Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets That Is the Joyful cry of thousands ince Dr. Edwards produced Olive Tablets, the substitute for calomel. Dr. Edwards, a practicing physidan for 17 years end calomel's old-time enemy, discovered the formula for Olive Tablets while treating patients for dironio COB etipation and torpid livers. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets do not contain calomel, but a healing; soothing vegetable laxative. No griping is the keynote" of these little sugar-coated, olive-colored tablits. They cause the bowels and liver to act normally. Tliey never force them to unnatural action. It you have a "dark brown mouth now and then a bad breath a dull, tired feelina sick headache torpid liver and are constipated. you'll find Quick, sure and only pleasant results from one or two lit tle Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets at bedtimu Thousands take one or two every night Just to keep rii:hLTry themtlQo feud 2Jc per box. Ail druggists. KcALPMTES. (Capital Journal Special Service.) ' Tliero will bo a shadow social at the McAlpin school Friday night, April 25, 191!). A program will me presented by the children and the proceeds of the evening will he tied for school sup plies and an American flag. Alfred C. l'eterson died at his home in Ktnvton Sunday from pneumonia, af ter an illness of about a week, llo for u number of years resided on a farm about half way between Ktnyton snd Sublimity, later living near t-Daw. He was about 37 years old and leaves wife, father and three sisters, Mrs. Mary llryrman of Hhsw, Mrs. N. V. Williamson of Hazel (Ircen and Mrs. J. H. l'eterson of this place. The funeral was held Wednesday and Interment was in the Stayton cemeterv. HARBOH STRIKE OFT New York, April 21. Striking har bor worker 'returned to their jobs to- !dav. following a compromise agree ment reached between union officials t land the employers. A compromise pro I jvides a ten hour day and arbitration on 1 no wage question. led to believe it would be. And so with every other place of womhip in the The Greeonan mass at M. ojsepa was as magnificeat as only Gregorian masses tan be. A full, wen traineu choir, a talented orchestra and an ac complished organist (Mis Lona mea- mcr) all added to solemnity mu ty of the services. Members of the Priseilla elub were guests of Mrs. Ida Bubcock last ween. A ve low tolor sencme was carm-ii u in the decorations and in the dainty j luncheon that followed the meeting, j Mrs. A. L. Brown will entertain tne club at its next meeting. Mr. and Mrs. diaries C. Cootcr of Concomally were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. William H. 1'runk. Mrs. William Brown entertained ths Piety Hill auxiliary last week at her IrSine on State street. Spring flowers and greenery formed dainty and appro priate decorations for the occasion. Members of the auxiliary arc Mrs. Ir vin Griffith, Mrs. T. B. Kay, Mrs. E T. Barnes Mrs. Frank W. Power, Mrs. E. C. Cross, Mrs. f. W. Spenc er, Mrs. C. H.. Hubertson, Mrs. N. t Fowlo, Mrs. E. C. I'ntton, Mrs. Asa Koff, Mrs. William Kirk, Mr. John II. S"tt, Airs. Walker, 5'rs. Charles K. HpauMing, Mrs. E. Hart ley and Mrs. Willliiiii Biown. ' Mrs. Jame"Tred, who has been the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. O. Delano, Jor tne past ween, turned to her heme in Portland Uiis Hhn was accompanied by her husband, who spent the week cno. at the Delano residence. Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Deluuo were guests nt a party ,wcn hv a number of their friends. An en joyable evening of music and social converse was passed and delightful re freshments served, 'ihoso present were. Mr. and Mrs. J-wis Mishler, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Fox, Mr. and Mis. Erncat Bowen Mr. and Mrs. Tom uauoway, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. McUvain, airs. James Teed, Mrs. Burton A. Myers and Mis, Cynthia, IX'lano. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Moorcs, who mnvoA from Salem to Portland lately have taken up their abode at the "Tu dor Arms" apartments. Jr. juuures recently accoptcd an important position with the Lumberman's Trust company of Portland. FrWnds of Rote Claire Williams, who has been in active service overseas as a Red Cross nurse, will 'he delighted to h..r ihut her sister. Mrs. Carey Martin, has received word of her eatr arrival ia New York. Miss Williams she attends in At her forthcoming Boston recital the will do the same thing, on ly dividing tho money equally betweun the Red Cross and the eMIvation army. As madame's recitals are always sold out to capacity house8 it can be readi ly seen that the donations to these charities reach generous proportions. Word has been received that Ser geant Miles T. ltrailford, who has been with the A. E. F. for the past seven or eight mouths as a member of the :itHst aerial squadron, ha, arrived in New York and is awaiting his dis charge. ,;,!$, DOOLEY'S ADVICE TO WORKING GIRLS Milwaukee. Wis. "I wish all pirla Who work and auffer from functional disorder wou.u priuit by my adviee and toko L.yriia K. Pink ham's Vege tnblo Compound. Before 1 was mar ried, when I cam home from work at night, 1 would be just worn out with pains which drapged me down. I took I yilia E. rinkham'a Vegetable Com povrd and it made me fee) like a new womtn. 1 can work from morning until nicht and it does not bother me, and I wish all gir's who suffer a I did would try I.ydia E. linkhara's Vegetable (mnound.'' Mr. II., 1133 &u Strwt, Milwaukee, Wis. Working1 girls everywhere should profit bv Mrs. Dooley's experience, and inst.-ad of dragging alcng frn day to dav with lifa a burden, give this famous Mot and herb r mly. I.ydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound a trial. It has overcome juit such conditions for thousands of others, and why not for you? Kor special advice, write l.yiiia . Finkhnm Medicine Co., Lynn, Masa. The result of their 40 years experience is at your service : ijlllillliw'ilililijii 1 li'r "I X !i' w , t NEURALGIC PAIN Give W:y to Soothing Hamlin's Wizard Oil Hamlin's Wizard Oil is a safe and effective treatment (or headache and neuralgia. Kubbed in where the pain is; it acts as a tonic to the tortured nerves and almost invariably brings quick relief. Its healing, antiseptic qualities can always be relied upon to prevent in fection, or other serious results, from prains, bruises, cuts, burns, bites ind stings. Just as good, too, for lore feet, stiff neck, frost bites, cold tores and canker sores. Get it from druggists for 30 cents. If not satisfied return the bottle and jet your money back." Ever constipated or have sick headache? Just try Wizard I.iver Whips, pleasant little pink pills, ii cents. Guaranteed. ' " - i X X X X I I t X X X I Girls Gingham Dresses in All the New Styles Larce assortment of Girl's Gingham Dresses for Spring and Summer wear, Paids-Checks,Stripes and two tone combinations. Well made garments at most reasonable prices. Ages 2 to 6 years. $1.75 to $2.48 Ages 8 to 14 years vUJ to $J.y Pretty Slip-On Sweaters for the Cool of Day Changeable weather means cool evenings and you will need a Slip-On Sweater to be comfortable, you will be becomingly dressed on almost any occasion in one of these clever Slip-On Sweaters. Prices range from $2.98 to $7.50 QUALITY MERCHANDISE X popular prices A, X )!'l1l(,ll!'t'll ",0 interstate commerce commivion, u- jciiibtiiig that concessions bo inaue i) VTllTli llisllxjt rt Kll 'lie water grimes or me vuiuiiiuim rin r (, JinlL llUUijL RLlI J 4', routes its ligniust tlur nliiuilta.-n nan, fjit iltHtJk:!"10 grouiHi nut encn commumiy or , jtion is entitled to tne saving in mur Several thousand dollars are due to be effected in transportation throuth When you are overworked, feel list Icbs or languiil, or when you cau't sleep or eat, better tako Jlollister's ttocky Mountain Tea, livens you up, ptiriiiv tho blood, soothes and regu lates tho stomach, makeg you eat and sleep. A real Sprintf Mediciue. 35c. Te or Tablets. CENTRAL HOWELL (Capital Journal Special Service.) Central Howell, Or., April 21. Mrs. John Tweed and children were calling on Mrs. Fred Durbia Thursday. Miss Rtiysoric'a brother was a Blicool visitor Thursday. Miss Kuinia and Helen Mikkleson call ed ou Miss Aridrey Huggett B&turday. . Mrs. Abe Hteffeu ws a caiN-r at the J. W. Bnggett home Sunday evening. J. W. Buggett mil itc a business trip to Halem Monday. Mrs. Albert Jans went to baiem ,J"ri-dav. Miss Anna and Helen Mikkleson were visiting Mrs. Huler Mikkleson lues day. i Fred Durbin s parents came uown Wash., to attend ia at present stationed at Hotel rrom Vancouver, ... v;.,w t,.i onil C.hinibis streets ' Fred 'a sale. N'cw' York.' he docs not know, as yet, I Those visiting school Wednesday were is rxnet dnte when she will be re- Miss Alice Hoth, Miss tlolda Steffen leased from duty but trusts that it and Miss Laurel Jans, will be in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick Lamport, who have been visiting in California for the past two weeks, have returned to rVUcin. Miss Doris Sikes has gone to Eugene for a week s visit with her parents. Knights Temp'ar Faster Memorial service were held yesterday alternooa at the Fir-t ..lethodist Kpiseopal church. lr. William Wallace Young son, grand prelate of the grand ea caiumient of the Knights Templar of America, and a speaker of national reputation, was speaker for the occa sion. Viiiting members from the Al bany a n.1 'or vnllis conimnntlcries were tircsi . The program 'follows: Prelude. Fctivnl March Htebbins l'roccs-uomi!, .Onward Christian Sl- ditr Sullivaa Prtr. T. . Koberts (iwrge II. Hurnett. prelate: assist ed bv Masonic quartet, Mersrs. TudJ,' Aldrich. .Tones and Harton. Foster hymn Christ, The Lord is Kiaea Todnv ., S,rmon by K. K. Sir William Wal lace Youngjon. grand pre'ate of the gran I encampment knights T.mplar if the Ciuted States Anthem 'ing A'tlclu'a Fona (tnd lev Buck) Masonic quartet lienedi.'tion lr. . H. N. Alison Mr. and Mrs. A. '. llohrnstedt en tertained the mcaiterj of the Live Wire ftindav sehiNi claw of the lrf? ie M.-thcdit Kpiseopal church, at a de lightful Faster tweekfast. yesterday About fortv members were present at the merrv affair. The Live Wire rlass. of which Mr. Ttohrnstedt is teacher, is one of the most active orgira tiens in the church. William Robinson Boone of the F.1U- Mr. and Mrs. Chris I.ichty and son Francis went to Halem Thursday to see the war tank. A large crowd of people attended Fred Durbin 's sale Wednesday. J. W. Hag cctt furnished the lunch and ice rreaiu Mr. and Mrs. Larse Lovrc's daughter of l'ortlnnd was visiting them recently. Mrs. C O. Widick and daughter lor othn of 8ulem spent Tuesday night with J. W. Buggett s family. Miss (l-.'lda Hteffen is home from school nursing a sore hand. m a M ft tf WHIUII it ttvi VJiili Great l3cn;no dairy and stock men of the slate for cuttlo slaughtered under orders of tho stuto veterinarian, an iiimiunt for which no provision has been made since ho appropriation made by the last leg islature did not cuver the deficit ap pearing after tho nppropimtions of 1P17 were exhausted. This deficit must be covered by deficiency certificates, which bear 6 per cent interest, until such time as the emergency board can meet and mnkc provision for reimburse ment of dairymen who have had cattle slaughtered on account of tuberculosis. topographical aud geographical condi tions. For some months an expert con sulting engineer with a corps o assist nuts baa been gathering data as to the relative cost of freight IihiiIs over var ious routes in Oregon, and an u result are preparing to file a complaint with Doctor Tells How . To Strengthen Eyesight B y the ilmpleueof f ' Bon-Upto, I nr Ot. F Lcwii.lluive I i c e n e re isht ttreng- i llieneJ tV In werlc'i P . timcrnminy W imtAnccs, 'i nd qviclc V: r c i i i v.' hromht in hi H m n ching. ltL-hin. e-ir.ii. mlt-tnilnfd, wlltifi tvei. Rcd tlic octor'j full tttieniem oon m ciprir in rhia pincr. Bon-Optc il told lod m-on mended everywhere by OraseiK it SB IS Yi COFFEE EM Buy lhc Famou Subject of W CkUdbirth DUcurssd t-7 Off LjtpttnracA. tVr.rN V n rf J,! )thrr Fr!nd. IV. j -tt"r-fi! r?nctrfin-f csern.l nnDlicitfc tnrjr twined r-iifrinsT :id dtrr)i lefo.j t- t.drtai cf batursj twtt woofer fl c. lt:tn. tt I'jnwif liir-:vet T-'tr,l,t( ihf-l fUr.rt ti rpamly Tic:d to natie dm and ft.r crfntnjton. The mrrra, crnK tendrr.j nd without that jw"iif rirnv'ti if trnia, rm! iw nninr, m, Piuc arid m!Tvrtfui ise:t;.!!tun r nntiyj,! rt'ltWd when tl rcF did nrt iro ftiifvcd 'i thin r r. -t t rt find tlrrvr. T-jr rt'ibr u, ttr V wcr aSJuwi-al rc (Hon rfsindfi tth w hri b&f i bnr; t:-a l.or are lv at t'.e crlau, sod pi.j od Uauffr is -hirartr trt. V 4i rua otntn W rtr' KHrJ frr-i ct !rii at;?ri It k- item ix' l tf women f r r!fr l'f vnftiry, tijjtu cUadaid M arYthl f fotj cm t.i!"k cf. V rite t Dr.V'ld ff.c,i!at-r Cnmpnr. rrt- H. I umor But-tsT, AUta, Ccnrr t. for i. Krh,,, B.w,k, e-d btt ( rf i.'vr FrfH tiatJ.T. -ft thia tatty j ruurxJ &att poia and (Lacoarfert. WW. & V JU UVS 1 G INTliS FIVE POUND CAN AND SAVE HONEY It's l&eBeslCofleeJoaGnBuy It GoesRrlfier EVERY CAM GUARANTEED