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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1919)
SALEM, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 1019. ill)? Dmliv(?n(ai Ifounxal 4 a m A NATION WIDE INSTITUTION h CO 2 U 0 ONLY BY THE STRICTEST APPLICATION OF THE BEST BUSI NESS PRINT IPALS, AND Always Playing Fair WITH OUR CUSTOMERS IN EVERY SENSE OF THE WORD, HAVE ENABLED US TO BECOME A NATIONWIDE INSTITUTION, WITH J97 BUSY STORES IN ABOUT 17 YEARS. Z 0 h Z DAINTY NEW NECKWEAR We have women's nice collars sets and vestees in many neat sty les and colors, good values at 49c, 98c, $1.49 end $1.79 FANCY BATH' TOWELS In the best quality and many good patterns in pink, blue and yellow at 33c, 49c, 69c and 89c Wash Cloths to Match Towels at 8c, 12 l-2c and 13c YOU SHOULD LOOKAT OUR LINE OF Ladies' Purses AS THEY WILL SURE INTEREST YAU AND SAVE YOU MONEY- THEY ARE PRICED FROM 49c TO $1.98 U Incorporated S A NATION WIDE INSTITUTION z H 0 Z 6 z to H H C H 0 Z All Around Town I COMING EVENTS April "Slutt and Jeff" at Opera House. Tonijjui Membership meeting at t'oinmereial Club. ' , April 20. Easter Sunday. April 7 Humane Sunday. May S Celebration at Cham poeg, 7(5th anniversary . May 3 Last day un which to register for special ejection May 2 S Junior week, end, WUlalnette university. May 19-23 L O. O. F. Grand Lode sessions. J una 3 Special state elec tion. . OREGON THEATiiE NOW VIVIAN MABTDT IN "YOXJ NEVER SAW SUCH A OIBL" Dance Friday April 11th at M. B. A. hall. Larger orchestra, better lloor. 4 10 A good time dihce at Independence Thursday night, (.ieutlemen 7oe; la dies 15c. Truck leaves Bush lank bl.lg. ; 7:30 p. m. je round trip. j o I R. 0. Snelling, captain of team No. 9 for the footing victory loan drive,' announces that his team ig already or ganiicd and ready for ork. They1 have been assigned to work on the I'aeifie highway and in the Lake La- ' bih section. With his team fully or-, ganized Mr. Sliding beiievis he can cover his territory with two days of hard work. D. (.'. Hall has been ap-1 pointed chairman of the executive committee at Mill Citv and Walter; Johnson at Woodburn. o A suggestion. Be smre to a? Hoover ! sweeper users of SiJem what actual experience haji ta-ugnt them, Aiciure you buy an electric sweeper; sold uu easy terms. Win. Guhlsdorff the store of housewares. 4 12 o Notice Annual meeting of stock holders of Salem Fruit l'nion will be held at office of Union, Saturday April 12 at 10 o'clock a. m. Very im portant business will be transacted. 4-U Ctes E. Oreeu ha, tken over the i Attorney W. O. Wlodow, who b, one territory of the International Corre-jf the hustler, after centenary sub pondenee school, succeeding Benjamin sections in tho Methodist church re H. Terkias. Tho territory tn lm li mull- I ....1.... i.... t . ii"ns uMiajf linn no lias inns tar secur ed by Mr. (Ireen will extend from Al bany tn Oregon City and from Mill City to Newport, with etnlein as head quarters. Announcement of this change was made, today by 8. 1. Snyder, su- rrintondont of Portland, Mr. (ireon from l'ortliind and was formerly ed 12 KXIO subscriptions, and ho is on tho trail of others. President Doney of Willamette has just received a letter frnm Dr. Akin of rortlnnd, reporting tliut Piof. Kggo orHnvest traveling salesman for the had passed through his second 0rii' r r rump worn, ana its wen Known Jn this territory. NEW TODAY 1 J BERT I. Y TELL YE LIBERTY noil lor cuneer (if tne uowels, ami wus 'making n very good showing consider ing tho very serious nature of the op eration that was necessary, lie stales that it will ibe several weeks before tho patient will be able to nbout ngiiin. Ho believes tnf."e wHl he no re currence of the trouble. In this con nection it might be staled that when the ninl tor of the fen wit, broached, the surgeon declined to accept nny re muneration for the operation pnHr. under the ordinary schedule of chargiw for operations of this ' character, this case would have called for n charge of nliont $.i00. Jt should also be noted tiial as a token of the esteem in which he is held in the university, the fac ulty and student body recently nmdo up a purse of about fL'IO to assist 1'rof Uggo in this crisis. Tomorrow evening the Elks lodge' hus considerable ibiisinesa on tin ml and it will be the first meeting in which Charles R. Archerd will efficially servo durifjj the whole evening as exulted ruler. Almut -II in,-ml km- are to be initiated and after this important business there will be a Johnny Jones. Pupils and high school students who hope to compete In writing n good lib erty loan storv are advised that the subject on which thev are t,i write is " Victory Wlint Price i"' It Is sug gested that the pupils might write on the sent iiucnlnl side Us W'cll as the bus iness view of the situation. Children in the first and second grades are bar red out. Those in the third and fourth grades are limited tn "no words. Thoso in the fifth and sixth grade to 10(1 words and thoe of the seventh and eighth and even higher grades must confine their writing to 1000 words or less. Kach teacher selects the lvt ea sily, then the principnl of the school selects the best nnd then the county su perintendent is to pick out tn of tho best in tho county . These are forward ed tn the state committee. To the pif 1'il who writes the best essay In' the "tatn will be given a tlcrmnn helmet. The next best ten will each be given silver pin. Kssnys must lie written and handed to the teacher by April 21 if Willamette Valley Transfer Company Thursday ig award day at Willam ette university. Itcsides giving the ' several awards there Will be a pro-I grum for the evening to include an ail-! dress iby A. F. FleKel of Portland, a trustee of the university and the pre-1 seuting of the awards by President1 lari .iircgg Doney. Hie three awards of sweaters for basket bull players will bo to Paul Wnpato, Wala Walla. Lc,s tie Spark, of Hnndon, Or., and Brvan' i.MeMttnek of Walla Walla. The tennis jswititer aiaid will he to Miss llortense iiarom. ( ertilicates will be given to Hie following base ball players who have won their baseball letter: Harold Dimick, Henry Hpiess, John Medler, Lawrence Davies lirynn McKittrick, lain vtnpnto, liolit'rt Htorey, Ciordnn jlliekmnn, Wallas Adams and Oscar Ol son, Wallueo Adams will nlso be award e,l n blanket for his four yews of ser vice in the base bull team. Aa delegates to attend the grand court, to be held in Portland la Au gust, the Foresters have elected Leo Abiio nnd Kmil Donaldson. Suggestions contlnuo to come to the Commercial club for a proper namo to be used in advertising the Willamette valley prunes. The latest are: Priinij Favorites, Supcilutho nnd Volley Dew llrops. The Oregon branch of the Woman's Home nnd Foreign Missionary society will be held at Hiillns May 7-C, at the Kvaiigelical church. This will be the, liilh annual convention. Mrs. (I. N. Thompson of lllis city is president nnd field secretary anil Mrs. 8. c Mum ey of North llth street is tioMirer. BERT LYTELL IN THRILLS SUSPENSE ROMANCE Today YE LIBERTY Notice Annual meeting of stock holders of Salem Fruit Vnion will bo held at office of Union, Saturday ! April VI at 10 o clock a. m. Very un- poriaui ousiness win ue transacted. 411 o- At the First Methodist church next I Sunday evening, a welcome will bo given to returning soldiers. The er iviceg will be patriotic in character, in j recognition of the splendid wont of I the American army w ith special ref erence to the liisihijiiii-hed service of our own men. The chorus choir with i orchestra w ill put on an appropriate program of music, under the direction of Prof. John U. SitiM. The organ prelude by Piof. I.Yborts vill be. n combination of national airs. Five mill lite addresses will be given by Dr. R. X. Avison, President Carl Gregg Do ner, Justice H. L. Itenson, John W. Todd, Lieut. L. 11. Compton, Sergeant Willis Bartlett Jr., M. L. Alton! and Plioue 77 Oregon Taxi and Trajisfnr I others. On behalf of the church, the Co. for quiok service. tf l'a9tor extends n cordial invitation to j 0 I all men who wore the uniform, regard- I will soil the 8 room hous at 1406 ' ll's of 'wl",re or u0lvr th'y Court St. for :)30 8ie uie at once,: . . ! 0 : 15fl0 will hnndlo it. Q. W. Liflar 400-i A utility sale of house dresses, 10S Hubbard bldg tt, aprons, bags, rumnin'.'e, cooked food, n bulbs, plni'ts. etc., will be held bv the 'Woman's l'nion of the First Congre- Bats Hats Hats The biggest and best assortment in town at popular prices. A new shipment just received direct from Philadelphia, Our buying direct saves you all the middleman's profit. LADIES HATS $1.49 to $6.90 CHILDREN'S HATS 75c to $2.98 Our Prices Always the Lowest GALE & CO, Phone 1072 Commercial and Court Streets., Salem Formerly Chicago Store Died L.M.HUM care of Yid So Tffsj Chineso Medicine and Tea Oo. Hus medicine which will cure any known disease. Open riundays from 10 a. m. until 8 p. iii. 15;i South High 81. Salem, Oregon Phone 2H2 Salem Office 171 S. High Street Phone 1400 Portland Office m Ash Street Phone Broadway 454 Ours is the only line of auto freight trucks operating between here and Portland. We also make DALLAS, MONMOUTH, INDEPENDENCE, SILVERTON I II We buy produce of all kinds and with our transpor- tation facilities we are able to pay the highest cash f prices. Order your freight routed our way. Sell your eggs, dressed meats, poultry, etc., to us. H WE ARE NOW BEADY TO TAKE CARE OF YOUR ELECTRICAL WANTS AT 379 STATE 8REET WELCH LXLCRIO CO. PHONE 953. NOTICE If yon hsre sit Junk or sec ond huid goodu of any kind see us first THONE 398 271 Cnicmekets, St CAPITAL JUNK CO. Sunday April 27 has been solected as Human Day and clergymen throuuhout the country will prcucli sermons on the subject. There are more than tint) anti cruelty societies in the I'nited Slates nnd they annually earo for .(JU,0nU children. Columbia river smelts in any quan tity. Pitta Market. tf Ldy Maccabees Important business concerning stale convention. Wednes day April !Hh. I)is:rict Deputy Ilea trice Little will be present nnd a largo nttendnnce is desired. 49 Those who hve not rotd for two years but would like to express nil opinion on the seven important ques tions to come lieforo Oregon voters .lune .1, should take the tronldc to reg ister. The final day for registering for this special election is iSnt iir lny May 3. The last legislature passed a law requiring registration 30 days be fore a special election. It is n fact that a great, number of people who are entitled to have something to say as to affairs and how the state's money is spent, have not voted for two years. Dr. Mott offices morcd to Bink of I ominerce building, rooms 1" S. t Wa ljiiy liberty bonds. 314 Masonic hldg. . tf Dr. J. O. Matthis, 409-410 Bans of Cmnmerce iddg. Office phono 573, res idence phono 5!6. 4 DO J. F. Hutchason, in charge of the Mutual Life Insurance company in this i-iiy, is the first man in Oregon to resell the Juit.tMMI maik in annual in suran.e writing. He was recently ap prised of this fact through a telegram from State Director Alma O. Knts of Vurtlaad, who commended him for his enterprise. This distinction carries with it an enviable prize in the shape of a free trip across the continent to Portland Maine, with the privilege of several weeks visit with all expenses paid, and a return homy by any route chosen. Mr. Hutchason will probably in n ko the trip lute in June. "The best" is an you can do when death comes. Call Webb k Clough Co. l'hone ISO. tf W-XH K. de,rc 3 grange, Airs. gational ehiuvh on Friday and Satur day at 125 North C'oiiiiiicieial street. Special meeting of Multno mah chapter No. 1 li. A. Al. nmg. Work in the Al . isUing compan ions wck'oiiic . A good time dance at Independence Thuisday night. (Ieutlemen 75c; la dies 15c. Truck leaves Mil -h bank .bblg. 7:30 p. m. "5c round trip. o The funeral services of Mrs. Minnie Vanileihoof will lie held from the Tcr- wiiliRer home lhurs.ln.v- allernonn at null ten 2 o 'click, and wfll he conducted bv the'Mnv , LONdOOH At her home on South Commercial and Jefferson streets, April H, lfllit, Mrs. Klizabeil, C. Longcor at the ago of 59 years. Hesides her husband J. J. Lonjjcnr, she is survived By a son, Jasper W. Longcor of Portland. She was a number of the Silver ijell Circle Salem Aio. 43, Neighbors of Woodcraft. The be'dy is at the Terwil liger home. As yet no funeral arrange ments have been announced. PERSONAL C. K. TODAY AND TOMORROW HUNT'S w special musical entertainers' DU5HN FARNUH slate Hpeie. master of tl is in the city. l' . J. (loodcnotiL'h of no Owen streit, left lust evening over the Southern I'ueitic for an extemleil visit with her daughter, Airs. .1. II. l)ivs. dale at Kingsliurg, Calif. .Mark Hathaway of Portland, form erly first lieutenant in the HiL'd in t'uulry in France, is visiting in the city Dr. and Mrs. O. A. Olso n uent In irltan.l on the early morning Ore; liev. H. C. Stover. Huriul will oo in the City View cemetery. "The Funeral Beautiful" Clough (o. Webb & tf r hieetnc loe tieigerson of Dallas was in the yesterday attending to business He was first sergeant of eom- JoJil infantry citv 2ND HAND GOODS Highest Cash Price Paid IV Clothing Musical Instruments, Tools, etc. CAPITAL EXCHANGE 337 Court St. Phone 493 Dr. C. B. O'Neill, optometrist-optician, hns resumed Ms practice over Ladd t ll.ish bank bldg. Office hours 9 to 3 p. m. Sundays by appointment. Phone C25. 5 1 The Elks lodge of Salem is making preparation for the biggest home coin ing ever held in the city. Two years ngo at the official homecoming, cele brated nt the armory, more than 500 Klk from Jalem and those from a dis tance were here to talk ovet old times jThi, year it is estimated that the at tendance for the day should number 700 or more. Although the exact day has not as yet been named, the home coining will be held in about two weeks The entertainment committee nnnnune es that the best talent in the northwest will be secured for the evening. The event will be held in the armory. Artificial teeth, "have expert plaU man, with ever 35 vers experience, at my office. Dr. D. Bvhler, den tist, 302 U. 8. Nat. Bank hldg. tf Silver Bell Circle No. 43 Neighbors of Woodcraft numbers nre requested to meet nt their hall Apiil 10, at one o eiocK, to uiteiHi me jiiiierui ol .Neigh bor Minnie Vuudertionf . Klia J. Dar ling, II. N. Mary S. Aleores, lrik. For sale, 4 room bungalow, $800. Toilet, electricity, g:is, close in. Call mornings or alter t p. in. -175 Smith High. In the Willaiuetts university track meet last evening four events were pulled off the discus, high jump, broad jump an 1 the quarter mile dash N. T. Harnes nnd family aro visit ing today in Portland. Chas. L'liruh who has been station ed at the aviation field at l'lainfield, Miss., is in thr. city. He wna in tho service 13 months. Mrs. Sonill's annual sale of home canned goo.lsf, eats; nnd need!ework will open Thurs. 2 p. m. and continue in. I finit. !y, nt her home, 1110 North lOiii. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Terwilllgcr, grad- letc morticians and funeral directors, 770 chcnicketn St. phone 724. Mrs. Alice A. Nlles left today for S'dverton where she will spend several days. Business continues good at tho of- tv. :.. .1.- . . - .' . u.oi-i, in in ' .which indicate,, that mil licir names 1:1 these events were: Dis cus Nil hots. Tak or nnd Busier; high jump Task or, Nichols, Lyman; liroad jiiinp v-uoriiiig i-nnicK, norey; ijuirr-; one I . patent. The latcut was ter mile dash IHniick. Aledler, '5 - from the United States land office to gel. Tho quarter mile was the most jC. P. Craft mid is dated rVb. 9. IMIll closely contested nmong the events (kfjln working on the title to the laiid fil the meet. Dimick 's time was 57 sec- cd on by Afr. Craft, it n. f,.,M,,i tl.oi estate is changing hands at a livelier rate than ;for the past feur or five years. Thir teen deeds were filed yesterday nnd in "Til CHAS. CHAPLIN in "THE COUNT" THEATRE O onds. This evening there will be the shot-put and half mile run. W. J. Cuddy of Portland, editor of tho Weekly Oregonian, nn a recent visitor with his daughter, Mis. M. T. Madsen. "OH, !F I COULD BREAK THIS COLD!" Almost as soon as said with Dr. KlnJ's New Discovery Get a bottle today 1 he had never had hi ivitont rnr,1J The I'nited States Innd office at Wash ington sent o photograph of tho trig, inn! patent and this was accepted for recoiding. Hobnxt Dnrbln, who recently rcceiv ed his discharge from the navy, left VR faultless eoudnct is the result of our devotion to the billi es! principle. Jus tice rules our busi- 1 .1 courtesy minks our professional inaiincr. this morning for hi, alter visiting- for relatives in town. hr.ine at Waldpoit sovaal days with JOURNAL" WANT ADS PAY ERIXON & JONES, General Contractors 201 Masonic Building.Phone 1216 R "Bulding In All Its Branches The rapIJity with which this fifty-year-o! family remedy relieves coughs, colds end mild bronchial attacks is what baa kept its popularity on th increase veer bv year. This sundard reliever of colds and j coughing rpUis never loses friends. It i docs quick! and pleasantly what it is ' rcommc-l.d ta do. One trial puts it j ia yo.r mj.'.icins cabinet as absolutely 1 indiupcnv.b'e. 60c snd $1.20. Bc:tc1s Usually dogged? I Rcr-ite them w'.th safe, sure, com. j lortafcie Dr. Kind's Kew Life Pills. Correct that biliousness, headache, sour stomach, tongue coat, by elimia ating the bowcl-cloeginess. 25c. ' J. a Psrry's YEARS AGO Few bills were paid by check nu i T0DAY C hecks are considered neccsary to facilitate business l his bank invites your checking account, large or small, business or personal, guaranteeing a banking sen-ice which will become indispensible to you. "CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK n- A1DerW President Jos. II. Albert I