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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1919)
TAGE EIGHT SALEM, OREGON. MONDAY, APRIL 7, 1919. (il)c flaitoflrJjd Journal 1 You Can Always Depend Up THE J. G. PENNEY COMPANY Giving you the best of merchandise at a great saving to you. We can do much better by you in TUT To see our shoes, and note the prices on them will convince any one of the great values we give on this important article of wear LADIES GREY KID LADIES BROWN KID Shoe, all leather, Goodyear welt sole, hoe all leather, Goodyear welt sole, French heel, imitation tip, lace. The heel iace "Nation wing tip. shoe so many have been looking for Thls 1S one of the Spring's favorites M.5fl . $8'50 - Dr. Sommers Health Shoe. One of the Ladies English walking shoe. Gun most serviceable and comfortable metal or kid, low heel, imitation tip. shoes you can get. Low rubber heel, Good ones at Belting Leather sole $3.98 UN WE HAVE AN EXCEPTIONALLY FINE STOCK OF WOMEN'S, GIRLS' White Siloes IN LEATHER AND CANVAS IN -PUMPS, MARY JANE'S AND HIGH SHOES. THE PRICES WILL BE SURE TO SATISFY YOU. J. C PENNEY COMPANY MEN'S BLUE STRIPE OVERALLS HEAVY GOODS JJ 49 MEN'S WORK SHIRTS; GRAY, KHAKI ; .7 IT WILL ALWAYS PAY YOU TO TRADE WITH A RELIABLE FIRM OUR PRICES THE SAME EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR I All At 1 T" round iown COMXNQ EVENTS jBenson, chairman; Dr. E. E. Fisher, vice chairmen; Dr. M. C. Findley, I Hal Patton. Dr. B. L. Steevea, F. E. April - Mutt and Jeff "at Opera House. April SW. Easter Bunday. May 2 Oelebmtion at Cham poeg, 76th aiiniersary. May 3 Celebration at Cham May S Last 4aj on w:ea to register for special election May 2 3 Junior week end, Willamette university. May 18 23 L 0. 0, F. Grand Lod,;e sessions. June 3 ifyecial ttato election. Deckebaeh. P. E. Fullejton, Supt. ,Harwood Hall of Chemawa and Or. "B. E. L. Steinor. These citizens are pleased to (jive moral aupport to an institution that ia recognised aa a val- j uable asset in our civic life. l Attention Shriners AH Nobles are requested to meet at 7:30 p. in. April 8 Masonic Temple, 5!h floor. Business of importance. Hal D. Patton, Fred A. Erixon, F. E. Shafer. o- OREGON THEATkE NOW CITABLE 3 BAT IN THE OIBL DODOES' Phone 77 Oregon Taxi and Transfer Co. for quick service. tt I will sell the 8 room bouse at 1406 Court St. for $3540 'See me at once, $ir00 will handle it. 0. W. Eaflar, 405 400 Hubbard bldg tt The conference of the United Evan gelical church has just come to a clone, X. y. Miuney, presiding elder of the Oregon conference, returning to his home at LaXuisc, Iowa, in company with Hishop Xane and wifo. o Columbia river smelts In any quan tity. Pitts Market. it o Ws bay liberty bonds. 3U Masonic bldg. tf o Dr. J. 0. MattlUa, 403-410 Banc of Commerce 'bldg. Office phone 573, res idence phone 506. 4 20 o- Miss Edna Grttber of Salem, Tvho has been teaching at the Oululalo school met with a misfortune a few evenings ago when her home which she had rented near her school wus burned to the ground during her absence at the school. Iio had furnished the home mid was living with her niece, Alberta Harrington, a school girl. Everything wna destroyed including all clothing. "The best" is all you can do when death comes. Cull Webb & Clough Co Phono 120. U 0. A. Dunn division engineer of the state highway department collided this jiioming with a street ear tit Htato ml church streets resulting in con iilcrmblo injury to the an do which IMr. Dunn was driving and an equal mount of (lam;ig(! to tho sireet ear. It seems that Mr. Dunn was driving orth on Church street end ut about 4ho buino time the street cmt was go ing west. When Mr. Dunn first rn ught sight of the street car he was going a little too fast to entirely stop, so ho Hteered to the left, striking tho street cur on tho fender, Mr. Dunn was knocked about 20 feel from his "ir. After milking H complete survey of himself and finding no hones brok en, he accepted the oiler of a friend to take, him to tint sluio house ami he Is working lo.lny n usiml. His cur is in the repair shop. So also Is flie slreet ei r. Willamette Valley Transfer Company Salem Office 171 S. High Street H TM-, i inn Portland Office 2:10 Ash Street Phone Broadway 45-1 Ours is the only line of auto freight trucks operating between here and Portland We also make DALLAS, MONMOUTH, INDEPENDENCE, SILVERTON jj We buy produce of all kinds and with our trauspor ff talion facilities we are able to pay the highest cash H prices. Order your freight routed our way. Sell IS your eggs, dressed meats, poultry, etc., to us. I: HH4HHm4444M 4M L.M.HUM care of Oiinese Medicine and Tea Co. Una medicine which will cure any known disease. Open tiiud; from 10 a. m. until 8 p. in. Mouth High St. Salem, Oiegou Phone 282 WE ARE KOW READ? TO TAKE CARE OF YOUR ELECTRICAL WANTS AT 379 STATE BKEET WELCH ELECRIO CO. niONE 051 Wanted Fat hogs and stock hogs, all kinds of cattle. 1423M. 4-8 Dr. 0. B. O'Neill. optometrist-opU- etun, has resumed his prin t ice over LaiUl & Bush bank bldg. Office hours 9 to 5 p. m. Sundays by appointment. Phone 025. 5-1 War mothers and all patriotic women nre asked to contribute jams and jel lies and homo made candies, cukeg and ciokies for the "tloody Shower," all to be given to Oregon soldiers in ho are sick at rump, l'nrt of these will !so be forwarded to the Oregon headquar ters at .New York for tho returning men. I'ommiitees from tho war moth er,, will be at the First (Jongregntion ul chiirvh Wednesdny afternoon to re-' ceivc contributions. Artificial tootn. have expert plate man, with over 35 years eiperienee, at my office. Dr. 1). X. lleechler, den tist, 302 V. K Nat. Bank bldg. tf Tho Salem Symphony orchestra has been placed upon a more sttrble footing ami is given addition prestige by the election of a board of directors, made up of prominent business and profes men ns follows: Judge Henry li. The Cave Man 'a Ball, as portrayed in "Virtuous Wives." shows the length to which the idle rich will go to give their jaded senses a new thrill. Anita Stewart is the star, and Owen Johnson the author, of the story, which was published in Cosmopolitan Magazine, iwuie picture, now showing at Ve Lib erty with music. T. W. C. A. board meeting tomorrow at 11 o'clock. Executive meeting at 10:30. Mary Eliza Fawcctt, A. M., dean of women and chairman of the executive committee, school of economics of the Oregon Agricultural college, will deliv er an addres9 at tho auditorium of the city library Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. She will speak on "Building Young C.irls." The women of the city are especially invited to attend this meeting as the speaker has had a num ber of years experience in handling the work of girls. "It's Just like a man," he tells his wife to enjoy herself he hasn t time for pleasure and then when somo oth er obliging mn'V d-.res smilo with her Oh Inyl Oh! Oh! Sec "Virtuous Wives," now showing ut Ye Liberty with music. Dajice Tues. night Moose hall. Gen tlemen 73c, ladies 10c. Maybe you know some dear little wife whose husband spends everything but hia time on herf Tell hei to soe "Virtuous Wives" showing at Yo lib erty. It will help her. At Waller hall, Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock, the department of pnblie speaking of Willamette university, un der the direction of Vrof. Delia Crow Miller will present Horace b'ahs kopf in dramatic recital. Miss Myrtle Mason and Miss Winnifrcd Ayrc will assist . o - Dance Tues. night Moose hall. Gen tlemen 7."c, lailics 10c. The last n:id most attractive number on tho public library series of lectures will be a lecture-recital by Prof. Sites of the music department of Willam ette university, who will speak on the music, in i'liince, illustrating his lec ture by select ions from eminent French composers. This will bo given on Tues day, April "!) having been unnboid ably postponed. 30 big dances Tues. night Moose hall Gentlemen 75c, ladies 10c. 1 8 h Km 1 If Ladies Coats and Stilus The best and biffgest asscrtmtnt in town at popular prices. Showing of the latest models direct from the manufacturers1 at New York and Philadelphia. Our buying direct saves you nil the middleman's profit. La&sCcais 513lo $35 Ladies' Sdts $11.90 to $35.50 Our Prices Always the Lowest GALE & C O Thone 1072 Commercial and Court Streets., Salem Formerly Chicago Store period of two years be. eon tho decla ration of intention to,lbecomo an Am erican citizen aud the final examina tion before tho circuit judge. third greater thun at this ttmo Inst ve:ir. Mr. Hanson furnishes the fol lowing figures for the three months of January, February and March. This vear tho transfers run 450, 533 and 70S respectively. For the same period Inst year they" were 300, 413 nnd 513 I respectively. While these figures do not all represent trnnsters or propeny, they do show that there is a good deal of activity. It wns noted that a large proportion of the property exchanges were farms and fruit tracts. The Knights of Pythias will hold a ..'ml ineetiui? Tncfdnv evening for Representative Hawley has received a letter from the assistant chief of stuff, war department, stilting that about 500 soldiers of the 63d infantry, now stationed st Enst Potomac i'nrk, near AVoshington, will soon be dis charged. Also that about 100 men, se lected according to tho emergency ot their reasons for discharge, will bo re leased within a short timo nnd that further reductions of the Oronon force, ii'.,, initiation of a special rank team will be made from time to timo as tho j Delegates will be present from the In special duties of the men will permit, j dependence, Dallas and Silverton lodg 'I lie regiment to which the Oregon sol-j(,3i diers aro attached is being used to , o guard government property and in oth-1 The United States empioymoni bu er duties and it is necessary to keep an rcau cinlinnes to have calls for work adequate force nt present. t is hoped 1 ,,,. for tho hop j'Hrds nt $3 n day. that regular troops limy displace tho Those will'ntg to werk in setting out Oregon men nt an early date, permit- j straubcrrics are offered $1 a day while ting them to receive their discharges ! $2.50 a cord seems to bo the prevail and return to civil life. hg figure for wood cutters. There is o ' alv.i a call for women as housekeepers The fialera Abstract company have,in ti10 country. The figure for farm been so over run with business during ! nn,1(is tun from $10 to $")0 a month, the past few weeks that they liuvo , -vith an occasional better offer. t.nA, ...I.liiml a ommlnv nvtrn tjnln. A rv I question as to comparative records! Pictures of the former Emperor Wil- In the good old Moose hall again fof rough t the information that the trans- nm ui, the former crown prince aro Ihi' dance Tues. night. Gentlemen jc, Indies 10c. C. W. Mikkelsoii, age 74, a farmer from Silverton a"d Hermina Haven, age C4, also of Si'verton, were married this morning by Judge liiishey. H told the judge he just got; tired of liv ing alone. Box supper given at Kedzer school house m't Wclnesdny eveiiinsf April 0. Go'od program and good time. La dies bring boxes. Aftor living in the United States fifteen years and six months Harvey Fred l'ardev of rural route 1, Hubbard, hat divided he would like to be n real American and bo given the privilege of voting. He was born at Hanover, Germany, and came to this country Oc tober 15," 1903. He will have two years in which to study tho constitution of the United Slates nnd learn something about civil government as thero is a actions in rent estate a tnien rrom i,,,rr.,,i f,om iiin school rooms of l'rus- court roeords, aro approximately one siu UNRESERVD Illy 111 ) WHEN IN SALEM, OREGON 4 tfcp m 4 BLIOH HOTEL "a Home Away from Home." Strictly Modern $1 per Day 4 100 liooma of iohd Ooffort Only Hotel in Business District CLEARING AuctsoD jlSlIUR-ONi NOTICE! ? JS li You find it difficult to thread a needle, the printed page dances before your eyes, you feel an inclination to avoid reading Decause it makes you nervous. If your eyes are red rimmed or perhaps puffy af ter an evening of reading or sewing Undoubted ly the time has come when you need glasses. Better have your eyes examined. DR. A. KcCULLOCH OPTOMETRIST 201-5 Salem Bank of Commerce Bldg. j If you hare any junk or sec- I ond hand goodu of any kind m . us first 1 niONE 308 I 271 Cmcincket St. .5 SIS Si ah I Home and I Furniture I CAPITAL JIM CO. ;, o 2ND HAND GOODS Uigur Cash Pries 1'iid For Clothing Musical Instruments, Tools, cte. CAPITAL EXCHANGE 337 Court 8t. I'hons l?3 Horses, Cows, Hens lis Fat Hogs, Farm Implhnents Buick Automobile Furniture, Tools, etc. TUESDAY APRIL 8TH 10:30 A. M 6 MILES SOUTH OF SALEM ON TRINGLE ROAD JAS. N. ROBERTSON F.N. Woodry, the Auctioneer Owner. Thone 45F22 Thone 510 or 511 Salem. NOTE: Woodry Conducts Sales Anywhere Eight Room High Class AT 350 NORTH LIBERTY STREET i!EDiPiy,l:30PiSliP Consisting of fine 8 rooinod huue with lot 13x175 foot, with hath and mm toilet, electric liRhts. fins, etc., located only 3 blocks north of State Jj SToet; on paved street with street improvements paid, clear abstract & ami tttla to llnfp! tliiil in n filto lirntirtv on.) i tenrthv nf vmir ot'im- tioii, as it will be sold to the highest bidder. Ten $1000 cash, balance jff arranged. I"rnpcrty will lc sold at 3 p. m. bharp. Also High Qass Fimiiiure Consisting Of 1 quartered oak hall tree; 1 quartered oak buffet; 1 quartered oak round extension table; 6 oak dirers; 1 cabinet drop head sewing machine; 3 piece parlor set upholstered in velor; 1 niahoj;nny settee, upholstered in velor; 1 onk typewriting dek and stool; 1 white en amel dresser; 1 white enamel comode; 1 good heater; 1 lare white en amel refrigerator; 1 gotd organ; 1 0 hole polished top range, extra good; 1 bnutifol mirror ox" feet in gold frame originally cost $4."i0; 2 large hand painted portraits gold fannied; tf other hand pain'ings; 1 large oak dresser; 1 glass clock; 1 walnut chira cabinet extra good; 2 porch chairs; 1 oak kitchen cabinet; 1 3-buriicr gas plate; 1 kitchen linoleum; 1 kitchen tr.blc; 1 waxed oak bed stead, spring and silk floss mattress, latest design; 1 sewing machine; 1 fir dnsor; 1 break' fast table; 1 oak rocker; 1 walnut settee; 3 odd diners; 1 upholstered chair; 1 stand table; pillows, bedding, scarfs, rugs, wash bowls and pitchers, carpets, tools, crocks, kitchen utensils, dbhos. wash tubs, gas plates, looking glasses, cloth racks, and many other things. Furniture will be sold for cash. Kverybody welcomed. Don't forget time and place. All the above is good furniture and suitable for any home. Mrs. Olive S. Enrfelit F.N. Woodry, tie Auctioneer. Owner. 350 X. I,i!erty Street l'hone 310 or 511 NOTE Woodry Buys.fumitnre or will sell on commission , I