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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1919)
Ihe CANDY frr""w Cathartic . . , i V U J' "i,...! -sBa, jye v : - DESTITUTE CHAMPAGNE NEXT Chicago, March 27. Xo shrilling c!iaipai;ne will be waited in christen ing battleships after July 1. A rcirukr i 'inmuAtfQ bottle will be broken across the bow of tbo ship but it will 'be Ml il with crude oil. Tb'S announcement was made liere t.iay by rfiiiaU of the National Pe troleum congress. The new U. 8. 8. Tui named for the Oklahoma oil center will be th:itncd by Mies Lulu Croa- 'N The War and Your Gasoline A- ft Highly volatile gasoline lor fighting aeroplanes was one of the war needs. ' The output of this special gasoline by all the refineries east of the Rocky Mountains was not enough, so Califor nia was called upon to fiirnish a large part of the supply. At the request of the United States Government the Pa cific Coast Petroleum War Service Committee, apportioned California's quota among such of the large refiners as were able to make this special gaso line. v... The Standard Oil Company, being the largest of these, had the greatest quota to filL We were glad to do our part. We supplied more than our quo ta of aviation gasoline. Aeroplane engines, operating high in the air under 'conditions of extreme cold and rarefied atmosphere, require a different gasoline from engines operat ing on the ground. In fact, the needs are so special that the gasoline manu factured for aeroplane use (often used at altitudes of from 20,000 to 25,000 feet) would be utterly indifferent for use in automobile or other internal combustion engines operated on land or sea. ,4 A vuoh gasoline has to be highly volatile. It must vaporize rapidly even in the extreme cold of very high alti "3 HieVTioIe Famiiy says: TINE" 4 tip. bie, & Ulster r' - Tulsa oil operator, whin it is i-'Put, to launch. She will use oil from one rl her father' well. The United States is arranging for a 99 year lease of two islands off the coast of Colombia for n military base. The payment is aid to he O,u"u0,0U0. Statistics furnished by the war de partment show that the government has on hands 487,1 00.540 pounds of wool remaining to be dispose! of. Va The first of a series of three statements . ' ? J For obvious reasons the following facts of interest to the public could not be published during the war. They affected a vital war necessity regarding which the Government required secrecy. But now that the7 war is won, we are at liberty to make, the following statement of facts: , .. STANDARD OIL COMPANY ' (California) 'Ji n From Over There" General Pershing's Official ReDort Died front woiuitU ticd in airplane accident I Pied of accident and other caues. 34 Pied of d i .- 13 Mistvinj ia action 4 Total ', Today's casualty list contains ths following names of Oregon men: Phillip B Cable, Portland killed la action Asa E Snath, Portland wounded slightly DIED rS0M WOTJNDS Privates Bryan Amnion, Indianapolis Ind Perry J Griffin. Sulphur pgs Tex Carroll O Herrick, Norway Me Noah L Whiseuhuut, Lindsay Okla DIED OF ACCIDENT AND OTHEB CAUSES Corp William D tlei-er, Philadelphia Corp Fred K, Torre Haute Is Privates John Anderson, Eseanabs Muh JoM'ph E Bassette, Baltic oCnn Henry H ltlaich, Pittsburg Howard B Boyd, Medina O Harvey l Brady, Mt Morris N Y Daniel Bronski, Italmacia Plain N V William W Campbell, Clifty Tens Charles E Cartriirht, Monnineton W tudes.' On its rapid vaporization alone . must often depend the lives of the men in the aeroplane. This gasoline would not be good for .general use. It would lack power on the ground, its loss in storage by evaporation would be great, and it would be expensive. Making aviation gasoline for the Government took a very considerable part of the low boiling point or highly volatile constituents of the crude oil, and, as a result, the gasoline left avail able for regular use lacked those quali ties which assure easy starting of the automobile engine. The Government's demand for avi ation gasoline reached its maximum in the late fall of 1918, and then for a peri od of about six weeks the deficiency of Red Crown gasoline in low boiling point constituents . or easy - starting qualities was most apparent Now that the war is won and the great demand for aviation gasoline has ceased, we are again able to offer the same grade of Red Crown gasoline as formerly, with the same full and con tinuous chain of boiling points from the low to the high which is necessary fot easy starting, quick and smooth acceleration, high.jpowefi.aftd.fon mileage,. Ally i v Ulysses O CasseU, Jicverhr Kan Hubert L Ca.utb.or, Mexico Ma Cey Coieman. Denmark S C lieorye IVngherty, liaitituort Chas R Dow Jell,' Svilcni Mass Karl 1 Ftodlay, Valley City X D Janes M Kog, Apea Hill Tenn Fred Caiger, Altatuont Kaa Waller tiray, Looia Mont Pietro Guidi. Kio Vista Cl l'eler Happuh, New fOle-ns Don W Hayner, Troy X Y Robert M HuchettHuntville Tena Kaudolph Hughes, K.hnhur.-t X Y James P Kelly, Philadelphia I-awrenre Kress. Columbia Cal Albert W Kriger, Attic NT j" Ira, J Lannea, Houston 1'a Dioioa L lrvn. Sterling Utah FJba B Peffley, Eldorado Kaa Kdnin E Petrie, Buffalo N Y George Totnko, Cleveland Robert 11 York, Thackary 111 D.ED ntOM AIILPLANE ACCIDENT Lt John tone, CVffeeville Miss DIED OF DISEASE Private. Grant A Jartnan. WeJca Okla Chas P Jones, Wsd-tboro N C Harold Linhart, Wilmington 0 Amos Orwiek, Steubeuville O James O Riggs, Crystal City Tei Timothy f Ryan, Minneapolis Edgar B Steele, Demoa O 4 A'' V.'t ' ra S-n.-k p.-ak S C Klw-rl M Taylor. J. no::, a City Cal 4m.. TV v.,. ,-: , . .. Ueo.Ve M tV'aWs, LouUvUW Ky Harry F 'Withers. Aurora I!! Car Wittst-re, S Telia i:i -lASIXE COSTS C7 SUA1TIE3 'K;!id ia artioi , V.e, of wuuads . S j l'ed of disease 3 M.v rg in action j Wounded aeverely . J I Wounded, degree, undetermined Total ... -81 KILLED IX ACTIOK Corp l!ea Unitmsn, Jerome Idaho PrlTate John tt" Barr, IWtroit Mich Howard A Heil, Oairton l"a Kasaell E Johnston. IaJ!as Tei DIED or WOTOTW3 Stft CarlaM B Turner, Fouke Ark PriTites Oscar H Hartley, Anita la Lawrenee D Hjoth, Dallss Tex 1'orter (Browning, Monet Mo Iiaak W Bruh, Mt Vernon N Y liruee O t'hnse, Denver Cdo l"ryer P Htitrhiason, ('hirago John J Sullivan, Ko.biirv Mass died or disease 1rlTte Tharle, L Anderson, Milan Tenn Birdo itt Toeahontas Tenn Henry f Walter. Sleelton l'a DRIVE AVATHEADACHE Rub Musterole on Forehead and Temples A'lreadache remedy without trie dan fters ot -headache medicine." Relieve! k--rk ami that miserable feelinff from colds or congestion. And it act at once I Musterole is a dean, white ointment; made with od of mustard. Better man niief-rd niaatw and does not blister. Used only externally, and in no way can it aflect ttomacn ana fiean, h some u ternal medicines do. Excellent for sore throat, bronchitis, -TAtm tit iff nM-lr. asthma, neuralcia. con. gestion, pieunsy, rneumnumu, luiuuag j all rains ana acnes 01 uie o or jouiia, , : u:iul-.. I sprains, sore mustics, unu-cs, uu--i-i frosted feet, colds of the chest (it often prevents pneumonia). 3UC anaooc jars; nospitai size a- aj rui 1. di cii , . Addie Williams to Cora Gilbert, lot 3 and part of lot 4, Doud's second addi tion, Woodburn. 8. K. Purvino to Cora Gilbert, parts of lots 7 and 8, block; SI, University ad dition, Salem. K. M. Croisnn to Oliver Beers, lots 13, 18, 10, 23, Homostead Acres; $4000. W. A. l'cnny to Etlith I'airehild, lot 10, block 3, l'lcnsant Home addition, Wa lem. Mary Johnston to John Johnston, lots 3, block 14, West Woodburn. Joliann Kies to J. W. Kbnqr, lota 2, 3, 4, block 8, Mt. Angol. lanuie Wolf to Walter Skolton, 48 acres in J. B. Gorvais claim, township 5-3 W. VYm. Danaingberg to Wm, Trumin, B half of half lot 6, Waldo Hills Fruit Farms. Wm. Unhock t0 W. J, Bice, lot 28, Waldo Bills Fruit Farms. Nettie Williamson to Junici Kelly, lot 3, block 13, Chcmckotn. C. E. Bernard to D. L. Vab do Wale, part of lot 13, Bt. Paul Daisy Mclntyre to Otto Headrich, lot 1, block 4, Fairmount Park, Salem. L. O. Herrold to . r. Slliott, ono third iuterrat in lot 3, block 82, Balem. 8. B. Elliott to C. O. Bice, one-third interest In lot 82, Salem. KinseU Hmith to C. O. Bice, one third interest In block in 82, Balem. ll!.ry J. Burnett to C. , llcstor, CO acres in section 4-81 12. K. K. l.nnfjford to G. F. Slingerluod, 4.1)0 aeres in tract 8 and 4.97 acres in trnet 9, Wiseacres. Hammond Lumber On. to State Land Board. UK quarter section 'M, township DAILY HEALTH TALKS. Better be Careful About Tom Kidneys (By S. B. X.XK, M. D.) Foods taken into the atumach go through various chominil rlianicoa, and some of tlie.M! changes are poisuns that iiiurt bo ifte,i out and disposed of. It is tho duty of the kidneys to do thin. When the kidneys do not fully perform tl1(,ir vital nork, death mny 'w inly h few hours away. Happily, Nature lia, proviiied warning ularms U-'linc people when their kidneys nre not well. Thesi- witrninjj come in the form of ilriignins .niiis in tho emiill of Ihe bark, wenk Moniach, low spir its, ehillH, nauirn, headache, scanty urine nnd frequent di sire to pass it, short breath, numl:nes, rramps coaled touiie. Ii:n lireaih, puffn under the eves, thin blond, dry skin, ringing in the ears, spots before the eye and mnnv other symptoms, AH come from the one cause of kidneys that nre not fillrriin the poisons out of the f.vs tem . To nvpreomo tltetip troubles, lr. I'ierip, of Itnffnlo, N. V., couipounded what lie rails Anuria Tablet. No oth er kidney im ijicinc Is its equal in giv ing relief tin.) reestablishing healthful woik in the kidneys. The treatment is very simple, as you need nothing ex cept aler when Inking Aniirie Tab lets - n glass of water with eni'li tab let. This wnshes anil flushes thn kid ney" while the meilii'iiio itself is dis solving Ihe uric aid oiniis and driv ing them out. Aniirie TablNs are made double strength, ,so (hat they dissolve uric acid Ihe same as hot water dis wihes salt or, Jlost people need Anurie Tablets 'bet; most people have uric seid. liiMter get that poison out of your bodi- fnr safety's sake, and belter begin tcday. To genllv and agreeably coax the bowels 1aek into tiornial activity, lake Dr. Pierce h l'lennt 1'ellets. They arc jusl as good for costiveness as his Annric Tablets aro good for kidney dividers, and that u saying a (rroal dcul. OLD -AGE STARTS Willi tlst ld si Wfina with wwtttned kxia and drs-t erjirut This Iwirat tnia, it is 7 t ht'Atn thst by keeBf th klrm asJ d bt orfios ciosd and ia prrpr work-i-f nlr old sir raa dferrd and hit proiocfd (sr txjoad that t.jc;d tj tb artr-js psreua. Tot w 500 tt-s GOLD MEPAL Rrlt Oil kss ba niieruK tot wasnaa scd d-udulujr !u ta adraae icf Jara. It is a standard eld tima hems r!dy and nt!t bo Intmduetion. (Ad.I) UKDAL Htarlrst Oil is iselosed ia eJoriMS, taa'ilesa eapsutes rontain icf about S drer-s taek. Taka tbea as fv would a yiX with a swallow of wattr. 1 bt U atimulatea lis kidnej acres iu K. O. Juhnaua elaiui, township 1 V. August Hendricks to IVter Etiel, 161.60 ceres adjoiuiug A. Kader claim. 81 W. John C. Overton to O. M. Kenworthv, lots 1, i. 3, 7, 8, block 17, K. B. addition. Hubbard. Samuel (icri to Jacob (lerig, i'.SS seres in Thus. Kvre No. 13, township 7 3 W. Geo, A. Thoma-son to Marv L. Chase, lots 3 and 4, block 10, Capital Park ad dition, Saleoi. I). F. Jerman to P. W. Butdinelt, lot 3, block 10, Capital Purk addition, Sa lem. D. F. Jerman to P. W. Bushnel, lot 6. block 10. Capital Park addition Salem. Senator Hitckdi Says Reed and Borah Would Ha?e America Hermit Nation Chicago, Mar. 26. America would be a hermit nation if Senators Borah and Beed and other opponents of the league of nations had their way, ac eoriEnR to Senator Hitchcock of Ne braska today. Hitchcock pok before the Chicago Association of Commerce. "Tho opposition in the senate will collapse," said Hitchcock. "Alrmbers are not going to follow any such rad ical leaders as Horak and Beed. It is generally conceded that opposition in the Bcnto ia Jat-'ely political and those classed as opponenta now are ready to join in support of tho plan. "in fact some of them era waiting only for some slight change evea the crossing of a 't' or the dotting of an 'i' to withdraw opposition. "Such men as Borah and Beed want the United State to draw away to our selves and have nothing to do with the rest of the world. Such a doctrine is out of date. " ' 1 Drive Besjas For Quota ; For Chamber of Commerce In order that Balem may go over the top with its quota of members for the State Chamber of Comerce, 18 members The Capital Journal -, Daily Market Report rain Wheat, soft whits 11.80 Wheat, lower gradss oa sassple Oati -..-. 7073o Hay, cheat ...... 24 Mar. oats - 2S Barley, ton ..... Mill run , 4S50 43(u44c Bnttttm Butterfat ' Mo Creamery hutter li-CoUSc Pork, Vsal sad Mutton Pork, on foot 17 Vaal, fancy - lHtfi-Oc Steer, . . 7(tfl0e Cow 4(uviit Spring lam is 10e Bws. Lambs, yearlings lOfa'Uc Ui and Vsmtry Eggs cash 30c, trade I17c Hens, live 25(tf27e Old roosters . IfW Cockerels 23o Vasstames Radishes, doz. 35c Sweet potatoes - 0((iMlc Potatoes) 1 60 Onions, local - 3.rVKn4 Cabbns 2Mif3c Turnips 2(a)'iG Head lettuce ti.Zrj(aA.15 Beets Parsnips 3Ms Cauliflower, flats -(S.2!o Spinach, bos 1.23 winosap apples, box - 4 Celery, crate ...... H Imlt Oranges 07BJ.75 Liemons, bo I . o8 Bananas ; Be Florida gTaps fruit, ease 7(M Black figs lb 6(o)ll White figs, lb .... 10f'20e Package figs p' h 50 pkg $4(a8.90 Honey, extracted 20 BoUU rrtees Eus, dozen . 40e (Jreuiner.v butler 1 70c Cotintrv butter -. 60e Flourhard wheat 3.13(i3.a5 Portland Market Portland. Or. Mar. i!7. Buttor, city creamery 5!)f0!c Kg selwleil loeril CX. tll2! liens Broilers 40fa't:'.c Ooese 17(ft;20c Cheese, triplets 37('.'iltc DAILY tms STOCK MaBKIT Cattle Receils lo Tone of market strong Best steers $13(14 Good to choieo steers $lt.5flrti 12.50 Melium to good steers 10(all Pair to good steers $9WI0 " (iointnon to fair steers S''i'J Choico cows and heifers 10.59(13 Cond to choice eons and heifers 10.50 Mediuui to good Con-j aad helferi Pair to uiediuui cows aid heifen .'ir;,6 Csnnrrs 3.50(!i 3 YOUR KIDNEYS tiow sad ocahln tt e-s t rw f tho p-' whi -h rau pr" :ro eid at. Nw tf sod itr'tj'l . as yuu eont!Bu the tre"-at W I ra CptDpletWr restored ltitii-.-! Takt' t a es : or two ear a 11 Mrl!- AL Hasrlftn Oil t,apsue .t t-jt yo ta fcfi.'.n and Tifitr an. irerest a return of tbo (tinea. 'Do Dot wait until old aft or dUeiao hsr svttld down tor s;uod. At tba 8t Sifa that your kidnri aro nit workint properiy, fo to your dr-:tj-t and lift a boa of OI.D MLI Haarteta 01 Cspals. alone' refuo-led il they de not krtp you- Three eiua. but re BirtBbr to ask for tbt or'i'utl import (K11 1IEUA.L brsaX In Ma!i pacb as. ' cf the Sale Commercial club signed an agreeent last niht that they would be responsible for Salem's quota of Hi Hieuiburs at t each. And with the stguing of this gusran tce, work is again on todav and solicit ing among buinness men in order that the S.'titH' mr.v be sulctibed before the (chse of the week. In support of the State Chamber of Commerce, addresses were made at the meeting last sessiou by Theodore Both, rrerterick . Smith. KotH'rt C 1 sulus, F. G. IVckeleh. Charles B. Archerd. G'uieon Stolx and Joseph H. Albert. Those signing the guarantee that Sa 'em would eventually secure the 5:13 members at 5 each were: Frederick W. Schmidt, Joseph 11. Albert, J. B. l.inn, l'aul II. H.iuser. Oeorffn D. Alderin. Lee I.. Gilbert, C. M. Eppley, F. (1. Peckc- bach, Fred 1. Thielsen, Wm. S. Walton, Robert C. Paulus, Chsa. W. Xeimcyer, B. O- Snelling and W. O. Allen. Real -Fruit Desserts Jiffy-Jell is flavored witK fruit juice essences in liquid form, in vials. A wealth of fruit juice is condensed to flavor each dessert So it brings you true - fruit dainties, healthful and delicious, at trifling cost. Simply add boiling yrater. Compare it with the, old-style gelatine desserts. It will be a delightful rev elation, Get the right kind 10 F7avors, of Your Croctr'i 1 Pockagn far S3 Cents Bulls aOotH.30 .' ' Calves !i.SOfIi)ll50 Btockcrs nd frederi $710 , . . , Hogs,. , ' lticeiptk '.o ' Bulk l.S0(a l9 Receipts Pt Prime Iambs lWt 17 Pnir to medium lambs 14(?U Yearlings 1 1 ri .12 ' ' , ' Wethers HiHa 10 Kwes l(l..50(ri 10.50 S&sep - Iteceipts 11 Tone of nirkvt rtHn 1 Prime lniiilis lH.3tKtilS.50 Pair to medrnrs lnmlw tlSfrt VearlitiRtt 1(l,25(aI7 Wethers 1350(ti 13.73 Kwes $13 " . 18.25 it Farmer's Produce Company. 160 B. High 8t. Phons 10 ,y Ch for your producs today: ,'..mnv iOc for top veul . 1 - aoHa toy hos . Ecus, ull weigtits, 23o NOTICE OP SAVE OT GOVERNMENT TIMBER Oeneral Land Office Wiahlng'-on, d. 0. February 14, 1919. Notice is heToby given that lubjent to the conditions and limitations of the set of June 9, 1!18, (39 8tat., 2 IS), ,t and tho instructions of the Secretary of the Interior of fleplctnU'r 15, 1017, Ihe timber en the following lands will be sold April 8, ll, at 10 o'clock a. m., at piUdie auction at the United States '- office at Portlund, Ore gon, to the highest bidder at not lc than the appraUcd value in shown by this notice, salo to be subject to the approval of tho bccrelary of the In terior. Tho purchase price, with an ad ditional sum of one fifth of one per cent thereof, being commissions allow ed, most be deposited at time or sole, money to ihe returned if sale is not approved, otherwise patent will issue for th timber which insist ke removed within ten years. Bids will be received from citizens of the United Slates, as sociations of such citizens and corpora tions organized uador the laws of the United Hte or any state, territory or district thereof only. Upon appli cation of a qualified purchaser, the timber on any legal subdivision wilt M offered separately before heing in cluded in uny offer of a larger unit, T., 9 It. 2 1C. Wee 8, JiKVi TfKVi, fir 1600 M.. homlock 270 M., NWVt SKY; fir MO M., hemlock If M., KW V, WW!, fir 1170 M., hemle 250 M., SK NKM, ffr 2390 M., hemlock 200 M.. NE'4 fiBW, fir 1170 M., hemlock 120 M., NTVi4 SB 14 fir 18.30 il.. hem lock 50 M., SW' '8KV1, fir 7lr0 M SK', KVt. fir 1190 M., hemlock 30 M., XKV'i SX, f.r 630 M. hemlock 130 M., N"BU NWH. fir 630 M. XK'4 HW'4, fir 1P50 M., .VWV4 SWVi, fif aioo M., SWVi RWVi, fir 1250 M, iWV,, fir 16r,0 M., none of tho fir to- be sold for less than l,50 per VI, , and none of the hemlock to tie sold for lens than 75 cents per M. T,. 4 R, R. 8 K. See. 3; RKV4 BH, fir 1200 f.., HW', HKVt, f'r 1 MS M.. See. 33; SF-U XY.V,. fir 730 M, cedar 23 II., 1.50 per M. , , CLAY TAUuMAV, 8W ,NK'4. fir 850 M., nona of ths fir or cedar to be sold for less than Commissioner tlenoraj Ind (iflics. m m 1 il